WW1 world history

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Italy started out with triple alliance then became neutral, then joined the allied powers

Describe Italy's alliances before and during the war

soldiers on western front "dug in" during a 3 year stalemate; little food; full of rats and dead bodies

Describe trench warfare

They tried to bomb him once and they missed. His driver took a wrong turn and princip was at a cafe and saw that he was alive and shot him and his wife

How did Ferdinand get murdered

Americans bought bonds to lend money to government for war effort

How did bonds help America in the war

America had loaned incredible amounts of money to allies. If they lost, America may not get paid back

How did economic reasons influence the US into joining the war in the side of the allies

To encourage people to buy bonds Portray Germans as evil monsters who need to be stopped

How was propaganda used in WW1

Later cash in bonds for more money than they originally paid

How were bonds beneficial to average american

Second battle of Ypres

In which battle was poison gas first used


Mixing facts with emotions to change people's opinions; show your enemies in a bad light while strengthening your own position

The Turks blamed some of their wartime losses on the Armenians. They used this to commit genocide on Christian Americans. Turks killed as many as 1 million Armenians. Some Germans saw this and they became the nazis. They used the same methods as the Turks during the holocaust

Summarize the Armenian genocide

Total war

Tactics to commit all their resources to winning; they also drafted soldiers, rationed, and used propaganda

Repayment for damage

What are reparations

President Wilson 1-5 eliminate causes of WW1 6-13 creates new boundaries and countries 14 league of nations

What are the 14 points and who's plan was it

Militarism, alliances, imperialism, nationalism

What are the 4 main causes of war

Belgium Promotes GB To declare war on central powers

What country's neutrality was violated by Germany and what ramifications did this cause

Assassination of archduke franz ferdinand

What event is often pointed to as the event that triggered WW1

Germans try to capture Paris again but fail and retreat into Argonne forest. Allies chase them and after 47 days, allies win. Immediately after, Germany asked for armistice

What happened at the battle of Argonne forest

Americans 1st major battle of WW1. After 3 weeks, Americans beat Germans. This turned tide in allies favor

What happened at the battle of Belleau wood

Having a place as most powerful nation in Europe Kaiser wilhelm II

What is a "place in the sun" and who wanted jt

Where fought and who the Germans were fighting

What is the different b/w the western and eastern front

Faster, more heavily armed and armored then any class of battleship before

What is the dreadnought

Group of nations that could peacefully negotiate solutions for future conflicts without resorting to war

What is the league of nations

German urged Mexico to attack the U.S in order to get back TX, NM, and arizona

What message was contained within the Zimmerman telegram

Achieve peace through ending the war by unleashing all out attack on allies

What was germanys " peace offensive"

Fighting with then was like fighting while shackled to a corpse

What was germanys complaint about their allies, Austria- Hungary

They were in the verge of collapse and wanted out of the war so they made peace with germany

What was going on with Russia in 1917

One great Slavic nation in the balkans

What was serbias desire

Belleau wood; Germany; america

What was the Americans first major battle of WW1; who did they fight; who win

Battle of Jutland

What was the only naval battle of WW1

No; Germany quickly defeating France in the west then sending troops to the east before Russia fully mobilized for war

What was the schlieffen plan? Did it work

Give up land in Europe and all overseas colonies Sign war guilt clause and pay $33 billion in reparations Military drastically reduced to 100,000

What were the terms of the treaty of Versailles that severely punished germany

April 1917

When did America enter WW1

August 4, 1914

When was the start of WW1

Austria Hungary East Prussia Poland Finland

Which countries were created after WW1

Germany; November 11, 1918 at 11 A.M.

Who asked whom for an armistice? When did it occur

The black hand He assassinated Ferdinand

Who was Gaveilo Princip and what group was he a part of

He was heir to the throne of Austria- Hungary

Who was archduke franz Ferdinand

Kaiser Wilhelm II He flees to the netherlands

Who was the ruler of Germany during WW1 and what did he do at the end of the war

Britain, France, Italy, US

Who were the "big four" and who was not allowed to attend

Britain France Russia Italy

Who were the allied powers

Germany Austria-Hungary Ottoman Empire

Who were the central powers

Germany Austria- Hungary Italy

Who were the triple alliance

Britain France Russia

Who were the triple entente

Soldiers were confident and ready for battle which the French and British are exhausted after 3 years of trench warfare

Why did America entering the war give such a boost to the Allies

Thought teen were too harsh and there should be peace without victory

Why did America oppose the treaty of Versailles

A-H blamed Serbias government from Ferdinand's assassin and declared war on Serbia but Russia had promised to support Serbia, so Russia mobilizes its army to protect Serbia

Why did Russia declare war on Austria- Hungary

His assassination by Serbian radicals trigger alliance systems that bring the world into war

Why was archduke important to the study of WW1

The balkans had many wars over the years; the region was so unstable

Why were the balkans known as the "powder keg of Europe "


between what years was ww1 fought

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