Zinn: Chapter 13

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Carter's national security advisor

"Peanut Farmer"

nickname for Jimmy Carter

Aid to Families with Dependent Children

organization that provided food stamps and health care through medicaid

Andrew Young

young civil rights activist appointed by Carter to United Nations

Sam Brown

young former antiwar activist appointed by Carter as heading the domestic youth service corps

Alan Richman

Author of Boston Globe, said American's reactions to the hostages in Tehran who were not even injured was "disproportional" to the ignorance of other, more intense human rights violations around the world

Invasion of Panama (Dec 1989)

Bush administration invaded to take down dictator and drug trafficker of Panama

Gulf War

Bush's plan for a 'short, successful war" and to gain control of Middle East Oil, but public was told it was to liberate Kuwait from Iraq's control

Harold Brown

Carter's secretary of defense

Casper Weinberger

Name of Secretary f Defense under Reagan who lied about the star wars tests and said the last one worked

Rehnquist Court

New court system that weakened Roe v Wade, renewed death penalty, and took away education as a fundamental right

Occupational Safety and Health Act 1970

Passed by Nixon, gave the universal right to a safe workplace

"Star Wars"

Reagan spent billions to build a shield in space to stop enemy nuclear missiles in midair- all tests failed


U.S. corporations that earned 40% of net profit outside of the US

Muammar Qaddafi

U.S. tried to bomb leader of Libya when a bomb was dropped in Berlin, killing an American workingman. But bomb dropped in city of Tripoli and did not touch him

Ray Benavidez

Vietnam war hero who was given the congressional medal of honor by Reagan, later told by Social Security officials he needed to work with shrapnel pieces in his body- not an excuse

South Africa

What country did Carter want to improve its treatment of blacks because he wanted stable government for their resources and he thought a civil war would threaten this?

Iran Contra Affair

When Reagan wanted to overthrow the Sandanista gov in Nicaragua, the US sold weapons to Iran in exchange for the release of American hostages, and profits made were sent to contras in Nic. to buy arms

Secretary of State James Baker

Who did Bush tell "no negotiations" when he went to meet the the ambassador Faria Aziz at Geneva


Who did Carter offer support to that caused American hostages to be held in Tehran, Iran?


Who started policy of cutbacks in aid to nations who sided against the US in votes in the United Nations?

"The destruction was mutual"

Why did Carter not give aid to the reconstruction of Vietnam?

Patricia Harris

black women appointed by Carter as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development

"Nuke Iran"

bumper sticker that appeared when hostages were being held in Tehran

Milliken v. Bradley

court decision that ruled the busing of children shouldn't be between wealthy suburbs and inner cities

San Antonio School District v. Rodriguez

court decision that stated there should not be equal funds between poor and rich schools

John Kerry and Ted Kennedy

democrats who supported US's invasion into Panama and regaining of the country

Gen Manuel Noriega

dictator of Panama

"smart bombs"

laser bombs that gained war support from Americans

William Rehnquist

man appointed chief justice of the supreme court under Reagan

Archbishop Oscar Romero

man in El Salvador who asked Carter to stop military aid in El Salvador- Carter ignored and US National Guard opened fire on protestors at Metropolitan Cathedral killing 24, Romero was assassinated a month later

Clarence Thomas

man who replaced Thurgood Marshall in the supreme court, despite file of sexual harassment placed against him

Harry Rostizke

once the CIA direction of espionage operations against the Soviet Union, said U.S's large spending on military aid in protection from Soviet Union was unnecessary

Dismissed masses of striking air traffic controllers

one of Reagan's first acts

Clean Air Act 1990

passed by Bush- weakened when Environmental Protection Agency allowed manufacturers to use more sources that released more polutants

Coal Mine Health and Safety Act 1969

passed in response to Western Virginia explosion and protests that followed

June Jordan

poet who compared the American's victory in Gulf War to "a hit of crack... doesn't last long"

"No blood for Oil!"

protests against the war when congress voted to support it

Senator Sam Nunn

senator of Georgia that showed democratic party criticism of Iran-Contra Affair

Robert D'Aubuissian

suspected man in charge of the assassination of Archbishop Oscar Romero


the CIA-formed counter revolutionaries in Nicaragua

Desert Storm

the U.S. official launch of war when Saddam Hussein refused to leave Kuwait when ordered to

Nicolas Carranza and Elliot Abrahams

two men of CIA and secretary of human rights who stated D'Aubuissian had no involvement in the assassination of Archbishop Romero

Pope John Paul II

who attributed the wealthy class for causing the ecological crisis in the US during Carter/Reagan/Bush

Kevin Phillips

who said the democratic party was "history's second most enthusiastic capitalist party"

Anita Hill

woman who accused Clarence Thomas of sexual harassment

Bernard Guertzmans

writer for NY Times who said the U.S. intervened in Caribbean island of Grenada not to help the medical students in time of coup, but by desire in Washington

Raymond Bonner

writer removed by the NY Times for writing about the massacre at El Mozote

संबंधित स्टडी सेट्स

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residential commercial financing

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Research with Prisoners - SBE (ID 506)

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