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127. 5.3.04 PROTECT SYS 56 A sprinkler head rated for 175-225 degrees will be color coded: A. white. B. blue. C. red. D. green.


129. 5.3.04 PROTECT SYS 58 Visible products of combustion are best detected by a __________ smoke detector. A. photoelectric B. ionization C. ultraviolet D. infrared


131. 5.3.05 EGRESS ELEMNT 1 Which of the following are part of a means of egress? A. Corridor, stairs, alley B. Overhead door, non-rated corridor, alley C. Through kitchen, corridor, street D. Through mechanical room, fenced in yard, street


132. 5.3.05 EGRESS ELEMNT 2 A means of egress consists of three distinct components: A. exit access, exit, and exit discharge. B. exit, exit access, and enclosed hallway. C. exit discharge, passage way, and ramp. D. escalator, fire escape, and stairs.


134. 5.3.05 EGRESS ELEMNT 4 When illumination of exits is required, it must be continuous during occupancy and floors must be illuminated at not less than 1 foot candle (10.8 Lumens [1x]) measured at the: A. floor. B. ceiling. C. wall. D. ceiling and floor.


135. 5.3.05 EGRESS ELEMNT 5 When two or more exits from an occupancy are required, they shall be located: A. remote from each other. B. remote as long as travel distance is not too long. C. remote as to provide same travel distance for 80 percent of the occupants. D. an equal distance from all occupants.


137. 5.3.05 EGRESS ELEMNT 7 Directions: (Caution—this is a two-step question worth 4 points.) Select the numbers next to the words from the list provided and place them in the blanks to complete the description for determining the capacity of an exit. Then, select the answer that matches your sequence from alternatives A-D below: When determining the capacity of an exit, it is necessary to compute the exit __________ for each of the three components for a means of egress, the exit access, __________, and the exit discharge. The __________ of the __________ components is the total capacity of the exit. 1. capacity 2. smallest 3. three 4. access 5. the exit 6. four A. 1, 5, 2, 3 B. 1, 2, 3, 6 C. 5, 2, 3, 2 D. 4, 5, 3, 2


138. 5.3.05 EGRESS ELEMNT 8 Directions: (Caution—this is a two-step question worth 2 points.) Select the words from the list provided below to complete the following statement. Place the numbers representing your answers in the blanks. Then, select the answer matching yours from A-D: The __________ is that portion of a means of egress that is between the end of an exit and a/an __________. 1. exit discharge 2. public way 3. start 4. exit door A. 1, 2 B. 3, 4 C. 1, 4 D. 1, 3


142. 5.3.05 EGRESS ELEMNT 12 Directions: (Caution—this is a two-step question worth 5 points.) Select the words from the list provided below to complete the following statements regarding exit illumination requirements. Place the numbers representing your answers in the blanks. Then, select the answer matching yours from A-D: When illumination is required, it must be continuous during occupancy and must be a minimum of __________ foot candle measured at the __________. A reduction to _________ foot candle is permitted in auditoriums, theaters, concert halls, and other places of assembly during __________. Emergency lighting is required to provide a minimum of __________ measured at the floor when normal lighting is __________. 1. floor 2. interrupted 3. one-fifth 4. performances 5. one 6. 1 foot candle 7. day time 8. ceiling A. 5, 1, 3, 4, 6, 2 B. 3, 8, 5, 4, 6, 2 C. 5, 8, 4, 3, 2, 6 D. 3, 1, 5, 4, 6, 2


151. 5.3.06 EVAL HAZARD 2 In order for fire inspectors to be effective, they should know: A. the hazards involving equipment and processes found in their jurisdiction. B. all codes involving all types of equipment or processes. C. only the codes based on past problems with which the jurisdiction has dealt. D. the hazards involved in industrial occupancies.


155. 5.3.06 EVAL HAZARD 6 Filling, discharge, and vapor recovery connections for underground storage tanks that are made and broken for Class I, II, and III-A liquids must be at least __________ feet from the nearest building openings and sources of ignition. A. 5 feet B. 10 feet C. 20 feet D. 25 feet


156. 5.3.06 EVAL HAZARD 7 Loading and unloading stations for Class I liquids should be no closer than __________ feet from storage tanks, property lines, or adjacent buildings? A. 25 B. 10 C. 15 D. 50


160. 5.3.07 EMERGNCY PLAN 2 School fire drills should be conducted: A. at different times of the day. B. only when it is convenient for the teachers. C. at the beginning of classes. D. at the discretion of the local fire department.


161. 5.3.07 EMERGNCY PLAN 3 Directions: (Caution—this is a two-step question worth 2 points.) Select the words from the list provided below to complete the following statement. Place the numbers representing your answers in the blanks. Then, select the answer matching yours from A-D. The complexity of the emergency plan will depend on the type of __________ and the level of preparedness to which the __________ are organized. 1. occupants 2. building 3. occupancy 4. fire department A. 3, 1 B. 2, 4 C. 3, 4 D. 2, 1


163. 5.3.07 EMERGNCY PLAN 5 The __________ is responsible for planning and executing fire drills. A. occupancy's management staff B. local fire department C. state fire marshal's office D. owner's insurance company


168. 5.3.08 CODE COMPLY 2 Which of the following is a poor handling or storage practice involving gases? A. Storage of cylinders in nonventilated areas B. Securing cylinders properly or using a cap C. Providing a pressure relief device with appropriate settings and adequate pressure relief capacity D. Storing of compatible gases in the same area


171. 5.3.08 CODE COMPLY 5 When a flammable liquid storage area is located next to a building, the exterior wall must have a fire resistive rating of at least two hours. No openings are allowed in this exterior wall within __________ feet of the storage area. A. 10 B. 25 C. 50 D. 20


173. 5.3.08 CODE COMPLY 7 Directions: (Caution—this is a two-step question worth 3 points.) Select the words from the list provided below to complete the following statement. Place the numbers representing your answers in the blanks. Then, select the answer matching yours from alternatives A-D. In addition to normal venting, __________ venting is required for most above-ground tanks to prevent a boiling __________ expanding __________ explosion. 1. emergency 2. vapor 3. layer 4. liquid 5. gas A. 1, 4, 2 B. 2, 1, 5 C. 5, 4, 2 D. 1, 2, 3


176. 5.3.08 CODE COMPLY 10 Flammable or combustible liquid containers stored in warehouses or buildings must be arranged to provide access aisles of approximately __________ in width. A. 3 feet B. 6 feet C. 9 feet D. 12 feet


178. 5.3.08 CODE COMPLY 12 Fuel oil storage tanks inside of buildings require no special fire protection features if tank capacity is less than __________ gallons. A. 660 B. 1100 C. 700 D. 1000


180. 5.3.08 CODE COMPLY 14 Above ground atmospheric tanks for flammable or combustible liquids are designed for pressures of __________ psi. A. 0 to 0.5 B. 0.5 to 15 C. 15 to 20 D. 10 to 15


181. 5.3.08 CODE COMPLY 15 Flammable gases are stored in a variety of __________ and __________. A. cylinders, tanks B. drums, barrels C. bottles, pipelines D. drums, cylinders


183. 5.3.08 CODE COMPLY 17 Directions: (Caution—this is a two-step question worth 2 points.) Select the words from the list provided below to complete the following statement. Place the numbers representing your answers in the blanks. Then, select the answer matching yours from alternatives A-D. Loading and unloading stations for Class I liquids should be located no closer than __________ feet from storage tanks, property lines, or adjacent buildings. Loading and unloading stations for Class II and Class III liquids should be located no closer than __________ feet from storage tanks, property lines, or adjacent buildings. A. 25, 15 B. 50, 15 C. 50, 25 D. 15, 10


186. 5.3.09 HAZ MAT 1 Proper storage of explosives would include protection from: A. open flame, excessive heat, impact, electrical shock. B. open flame, excessive heat, water, electrical shock. C. open flame, rodent infestation, water, excessive heat. D. excessive heat, friction, insects, electrical shock.


189. 5.3.09 HAZ MAT 4 The best source of information on a specific hazardous material from the manufacturer is the: A. Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS). B. Coast Guard Hazard Response Information System Manual (CHRIS Manual). C. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF). D. American Association of Rail Roads (AARR).


202. 5.3.11 EMERG ACCESS 2 Driveway width curves and surfaces should be designed: A. to accommodate the turning radius of fire apparatus. B. based on the occupant load of the building. C. to accommodate the needs of the street maintenance department. D. based on the number of vehicles the occupant uses during business hours.


207. 5.3.11 EMERG ACCESS 7 The __________ or __________ should specify driveway and entrance requirements that facilitate access for the largest fire apparatus. A. Local codes, ordinances B. Model codes, Fire Inspector C. Fire Marshal, Fire Inspector D. Fire Marshal, NFPA


216. 5.3.12 PERFRMNCE PLN 6 Performance codes and standards are requirements based on: A. specific performance objectives, installation and construction techniques. B. general performance objectives and installation techniques. C. global performance objectives and construction techniques. D. agreed upon objectives.


217. 5.3.12 PERFRMNCE PLN 7 The only way to determine that a building meets what the construction plans require is to: A. visit the location and view the building. B. have the building inspector verify compliance. C. call the contractor and confirm compliance. D. have the city planner verify compliance.


218. 5.4.01 OCCUPNT CLASS 1 Buildings or structures used primarily for securing and sheltering goods, merchandise, products, vehicles, or animals are classified as __________ occupancies. A. storage B. mercantile C. business D. warehouse


222. 5.4.01 OCCUPNT CLASS 5 The classification given to a particular building based on the materials used to resist the effects of a fire situation is the __________ classification. A. construction B. occupancy C. flame spread D. fire hazard


225. 5.4.01 OCCUPNT CLASS 8 A sketch depicting the general arrangement of the property in reference to streets, adjacent properties, and other important features is known as a(n): A. site plan. B. sectional view. C. floor plan. D. aerial view.


227. 5.4.02 COMPUTE LOAD 2 If a building is 80 feet long and 120 feet wide and is used as a dance floor, the occupancy load for the building is __________ persons. A. 1,370 B. 1,730 C. 648 D. 840


244. 5.4.05 CNSTRUCT TYPE 4 According to NFPA 220, Standard on Types of Building Construction, Type II construction is similar to Type I construction except that the degree of fire resistance is: A. lower. B. higher. C. fire rated. D. approved by NFPA.


249. 5.4.05 CNSTRUCT TYPE 9 Which fire resistance rating is not a standard time rating? A. 5 hours B. 20 minutes C. 45 minutes D. 4 hours


250. 5.4.05 CNSTRUCT TYPE 10 The roof covering that provides the best fire retardant properties is: A. Class A. B. Class B. C. Class C. D. Class D.


252. 5.4.05 CNSTRUCT TYPE 12 An office building whose structural members including walls, columns, beams, floors, and roof are of noncombustible or limited combustible materials and whose fire resistance rating of the structural members is of the highest fire resistance rating is __________ construction. A. Type I B. Type II C. Type III D. Type IV E. Type V


139. 5.3.05 EGRESS ELEMNT 9 When determining the height of a building, the jurisdiction's codes look at all of the following factors except: A. lowest point to consider. B. total number of occupants. C. highest point to consider. D. automatic sprinkler protection.


140. 5.3.05 EGRESS ELEMNT 10 In addition to determining how many people may occupy a building, an inspector must determine the number of exits. This is part of the: A. load capacity. B. means of egress. C. means of access. D. means of exit.


148. 5.3.05 EGRESS ELEMNT 18 A(n) __________ provides a means of egress from one building to an area of refuge in another building on approximately the same level. A. exit passageway B. horizontal exit C. smoke proof enclosure D. fire door


149. 5.3.05 EGRESS ELEMNT 19 The reason detailed view drawings are submitted with construction drawings is to: A. allow drawings to be a reduced scale so additional information can be included. B. show features in a larger scale so additional information can be included. C. allow drawings to be viewed in the horizontal plane. D. view a project in relation to adjacent buildings on nearby sites.


152. 5.3.06 EVAL HAZARD 3 There are inherent hazards associated with dip tanks; therefore, dip tank operations: A. have a smoke detector tied into a fire alarm system. B. should never be placed in a basement. C. must not have overflow devices on the tank. D. must never be covered when not in use.


153. 5.3.06 EVAL HAZARD 4 Static charges may be generated by all of the following except: A. belts in motion. B. magnetic fields. C. moving vehicles. D. non-conductive fluids flowing through pipes.


154. 5.3.06 EVAL HAZARD 5 A common hazard associated with central heating appliances, unit heaters, and room heaters is: A. temperature limit controls. B. proximity of installation to combustibles. C. asphyxiation due to inadequate make-up air. D. the explosion potential.


159. 5.3.07 EMERGNCY PLAN 1 A key element of an emergency plan, common to all types of occupancies is: A. an approved inspector's report. B. the need to evacuate the structure in a timely and efficient manner. C. notifying the fire department of any emergency. D. making sure all areas of the building are accessible.


165. 5.3.07 EMERGNCY PLAN 7 The facilities that do not warrant total evacuation every time the fire alarm sounds are: A. daycare centers, schools, and hotels. B. hospitals and nursing homes. C. hospitals, schools, and daycare centers. D. hotels, motels, and nursing homes.


170. 5.3.08 CODE COMPLY 4 Directions: (Caution—this is a two-step question worth 5 points.) Select the numbers with arrows pointing to the parts of the vapor collection nozzle from the list provided and place the numbers in the blanks next to the part names. Note: There may be some incorrectly named parts. Place an X In the blank for the incorrect part. Then, select the answer that matches your sequence from alternatives A-D below: ____ Flexible Vapor Collection Bellows ____ Gasoline Delivery Hose ____ Automobile Tank Fill Neck ____ Vapor Return Hose ____ Flashback Arrestor A. 2, 3, X, 4, 1 B. 2, 4, 1, 3, X C. 3, 1, 2, X, 4 D. 4, X, 5, 2, 1


174. 5.3.08 CODE COMPLY 8 Directions: (Caution—this is a two-step question worth 3 points.) Select the words from the list provided below to complete the following statement. Place the numbers representing your answers in the blanks. Then, select the answer matching yours from alternatives A-D: Fire inspectors must carefully consider the spacing of above-ground tanks. The spacing between two tanks should be at least __________ feet. For tanks containing liquids classified as Class I, Class II or Class III A, the distances between the tanks must be at least __________ the sum of their diameters. For those tanks containing unstable flammable or combustible liquids, the distances must be at least __________ the sum of their diameters. 1. one-fifth 4. five 2. three 5. one-half 3. one-sixth A. 4, 3, 5 B. 2, 3, 5 C. 2, 1, 3 D. 4, 5, 1


175. 5.3.08 CODE COMPLY 9 Which hazard is associated with the handling and use of flammable and combustible liquids? A. Ventilation B. Static electricity C. Closed containers D. Bonding containers


182. 5.3.08 CODE COMPLY 16 One of the major problems associated with transferring a flammable or toxic gas from one container to another is: A. degrading of the container. B. the release of the gas into the atmosphere. C. an improperly marked container may be used. D. All of the above.


192. 5.3.10 FIRE GROWTH 1 You are asked to conduct an inspection at your local church. During the inspection you come across decorations which are used during the services and decide to conduct a field test to check for flammability. You should: A. hold a piece of the material with pliers above a butane torch flame for two minutes. B. apply a small flame from a common kitchen match to the material for twelve seconds. C. apply a small flame from a match to the material for two minutes. D. heat a sample of the material for one minute in a oven, at 350°, then apply a small flame for 30 seconds.


200. 5.3.10 FIRE GROWTH 9 The amount of time a material or assembly of materials will withstand a typical fire as measured on a standard time-temperature curve is called __________ rating. A. flame spread B. fire resistance C. fire curve D. fire hazard


206. 5.3.11 EMERG ACCESS 6 During plans review, an inspector should determine __________ for apparatus access. A. surface runoff B. turning radius C. curb height D. parking space


208. 5.3.11 EMERG ACCESS 8 An extremely important aspect of Building Codes is the __________ to the site for fire apparatus and fire fighters. A. clear width B. accessibility C. common path of travel D. dead-end corridor


211. 5.3.12 PERFRMNCE PLN 1 A primary fire hazard associated with most equipment fires is: A. combustibles are too close. B. improper use. C. hazardous chemicals. D. fuel.


215. 5.3.12 PERFRMNCE PLN 5 Performance Based Codes and Standards can be defined as: A. a fire department approach that considers architecture, effectiveness of design alternatives and clear objectives. B. an engineering approach to fire protection design based on goals, loss objectives, and design objectives. C. an engineering view that incorporates end user needs. D. All of the above.


219. 5.4.01 OCCUPNT CLASS 2 Buildings are classified by __________ according to the type of occupancy or intended end use. A. NFPA 1710 B. Locally Adopted Codes C. NFPA 10, Fire Prevention Code D. ISO Insurance Services Office Code


220. 5.4.01 OCCUPNT CLASS 3 According to NFPA 101, Life Safety Code, there are __________ occupancy classifications. A. 3 B. 9 C. 6 D. 5


224. 5.4.01 OCCUPNT CLASS 7 A floor plan sketch or diagram of a structure consists of: A. a detailed view of the construction features of each floor of a building. B. an outline of each floor of the building showing walls, partitions, and openings. C. a sectional view of a particular portion of a building. D. showing the building and property in depth.


233. 5.4.03 SUPRESS SYSTM 4 When the water source does not have adequate elevation to create proper pressure for gravity flow, it is necessary to use: A. larger size pipes in the mains. B. pumps to raise the system's pressure. C. computer controlled pressure regulators. D. negative coefficient of friction loss.


234. 5.4.03 SUPRESS SYSTM 5 When a fire hydrant receives water from two or more directions, it is said to have __________ feed. A. compound B. circulating C. compensating D. distributed


235. 5.4.03 SUPRESS SYSTM 6 Valve spacing for water systems in high value districts should be no more than __________ feet. A. 300 B. 500 C. 750 D. 1,000


242. 5.4.05 CNSTRUCT TYPE 2 Building construction techniques and materials are tested under two NFPA standards, which are: A. NFPA 255 and 257. B. NFPA 251 and 255. C. NFPA 252 and 257. D. NFPA 257 and 251.


243. 5.4.05 CNSTRUCT TYPE 3 A building's structural members including walls, columns, beams, floors, and roofs are of noncombustible or limited combustible materials and are commonly referred to as "fire resistive" would be __________ construction. A. Type IV. B. Type I. C. Type II. D. Type III.


246. 5.4.05 CNSTRUCT TYPE 6 According to NFPA 220, Standard on Types of Building Construction, Type I construction has structural members including walls, floors, columns, beams, and roofs of __________ or __________ materials. A. steel, laminated wood B. noncombustible, limited combustible C. wood, heavy timber D. heavy timber, steel


124. 5.3.04 PROTECT SYS 53 When conducting a __________ test by the use of the inspector's test connection, once the alarm operates, the __________ valve should be closed. A. automatic ball drip, inspector's test B. main drain, OS&Y C. water flow alarm, inspector's test D. water flow alarm, P.I.V.


125. 5.3.04 PROTECT SYS 54 In testing a wet-pipe sprinkler system, opening the inspector's test valve should cause the pressure gauge reading to: A. rise substantially. B. fall substantially. C. vary slightly. D. remain the same.


126. 5.3.04 PROTECT SYS 55 The temperature range of a sprinkler head color-coded red is __________ degrees F. A. 175 to 225 B. 250 to 300 C. 325 to 375 D. 400 to 475


133. 5.3.05 EGRESS ELEMNT 3 When panic hardware is required, occupants should be able to open the door by applying a force of not more than __________ pounds. A. 5 B. 10 C. 15 D. 20


141. 5.3.05 EGRESS ELEMNT 11 Directions: (Caution—this is a two-step question worth 5 points.) Select the words from the list provided below to complete the following statements concerning the identification of exits. Place the numbers representing your answers in the blanks. Then, select the answer matching yours from A-D: Exit signs must be located so that no point in the exit access is more than __________ from the nearest visible sign. The letter on exit signs must be at least __________ high and the stroke of the letter must be __________ wide. The use of __________ exit signs is based on the observation that the area near the __________ is the first to be obscured by smoke. 1. one hundred feet 2. three-fourth inch 3. ceiling 4. six inches 5. low-level 6. two hundred feet A. 1, 4, 2, 6, 5 B. 1, 4, 2, 6, 3 C. 1, 4, 2, 5, 3 D. 1, 4, 2, 3, 5


143. 5.3.05 EGRESS ELEMNT 13 In new mercantile occupancy, which of the following is not allowed as part of a means of egress component? A. Stairs B. Ramps C. Escalators D. Rated corridor


146. 5.3.05 EGRESS ELEMNT 16 The four main views of working drawings are: A. floor plan, mechanical, electrical, and fire protection. B. fire protection, elevation, sectional, and floor plan. C. plan, elevation, sectional, and detailed. D. mechanical, sectional, elevation, and site plan.


157. 5.3.06 EVAL HAZARD 8 The vents used for underground storage tanks should have at least a __________ inch nominal inside diameter. A. 2 B. 1-1/2 C. 1-1/4 D. 1


158. 5.3.06 EVAL HAZARD 9 NFPA standard __________ applies to the installation of an air conditioning and ventilating system. A. NFPA 89 B. NFPA 96 C. NFPA 90A D. NFPA 97


167. 5.3.08 CODE COMPLY 1 Tanks designed to hold large quantities of low pressure gas are built according to standards set forth by the: A. U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT). B. American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM). C. American Petroleum Institute (API). D. American National Standards Institute (ANSI).


169. 5.3.08 CODE COMPLY 3 The L.E.L. of a flammable or combustible liquid is the: A. Lowest Efficiency Level. B. Lower Exposure Label. C. Lower Explosive Limit. D. Lowest Evaporation Limit.


190. 5.3.09 HAZ MAT 5 An identification system that can be implemented in an area where hazardous materials are regularly stored and used is the: A. United Nations numbering system. B. North American Emergency Response Guide. C. NFPA 704 system. D. Material Safety Data Sheets.


191. 5.3.09 HAZ MAT 6 The North American Emergency Response Guide is: A. supplied by the chemical manufacturers and contains detailed, step by step chemical responses for all chemicals. B. contains detailed physical and chemical characteristics. C. intended to be carried in every public safety vehicle in the country. D. categorizes hazardous materials into the 12 hazard classes.


194. 5.3.10 FIRE GROWTH 3 A fire inspector can use a/an __________ test to determine whether flammable decorations have been effectively treated with a fire retardant. A. ignition B. heat C. flame D. combustibility


198. 5.3.10 FIRE GROWTH 7 A test designed to determine the surface burning characteristics of interior finishes is called a __________ test. A. Carpet-pill B. fire spread C. Steiner tunnel D. flame spread


201. 5.3.11 EMERG ACCESS 1 Local codes or ordinances should specify driveway and entrance requirements for a facility based on: A. previous agreements with other owners. B. the number of apparatus that could respond to an emergency. C. the largest fire apparatus that will be expected to respond to the occupancy. D. the total number of apparatus used by the jurisdiction.


204. 5.3.11 EMERG ACCESS 4 During a field inspection, the fire inspector should do all of the following except: A. ensure that overhead obstruction will not interfere with fire apparatus placement. B. ensure that the road surface of a facility will handle the weight of an apparatus. C. determine the cost to the contractor of changes being required by the fire department. D. ensure that the entrance to the facility is the correct width.


209. 5.3.11 EMERG ACCESS 9 A concern for firefighting personnel at any given location is the ability to place _________ in a position where it can operate effectively during __________. A. Incident Command, fireground training B. rehabilitation unit, fireground activities C. fire apparatus, emergency operations D. fireground activities, news media


210. 5.3.11 EMERG ACCESS 10 In order to ensure that __________ or __________ have appropriate access to the building, fire lanes may need to be established. A. emergency fire, police vehicles B. fire apparatus, ambulances C. aerial apparatus, other fire equipment D. All of the above.


212. 5.3.12 PERFRMNCE PLN 2 Enclosed stairwells are designed with __________ and __________ requirements in high rise buildings. A. pressurization, occupancy B. fire rating, ADA (American with Disabilities Act) C. fire rating, pressurization D. egress, ADA (American with Disabilities Act)


214. 5.3.12 PERFRMNCE PLN 4 In performance-based design, the acceptance test criteria, methods of evaluating data, and approval procedures are developed by the: A. architect and contractor. B. building owner. C. authority having jurisdiction. D. All of the above.


223. 5.4.01 OCCUPNT CLASS 6 The obvious advantage of establishing a plans review process is that it: A. allows the inspector to spend more time in the office. B. creates an additional opportunity for training and fire inspection. C. enables the reviewer to point out discrepancies before beginning construction. D. increases the need for fire suppression activities.


226. 5.4.02 COMPUTE LOAD 1 When exits serve more than one floor, an important element in determining the exit capacity is the: A. maximum square feet per floor. B. overall height allowable. C. maximum occupant load per floor. D. All of the above.


228. 5.4.02 COMPUTE LOAD 3 Occupant load for an assembly occupancy without fixed seating (15 ft.2 per person) that is 100 feet X 200 feet is __________ persons. A. 1,000 B. 1,233 C. 1,333 D. 1,323


232. 5.4.03 SUPRESS SYSTM 3 Fire protection engineers have established __________ psi as the minimum required residual pressure for a water supply system. A. 10 B. 15 C. 20 D. 25


238. 5.4.03 SUPRESS SYSTM 9 __________-inch pipe is becoming a minimum size used for a water distribution system. A. Four B. Six C. Eight D. Twelve


245. 5.4.05 CNSTRUCT TYPE 5 In regard to fire walls, the type of construction, the size of the area protected, and the severity of the fire hazard will govern the degree of fire resistance required, which generally ranges from __________ hours. A. 1 to 4 B. 3/4 to 2 C. 2 to 4 D. 3/4 to 4


247. 5.4.05 CNSTRUCT TYPE 7 The flammability of roof materials are classified as: A. Class I, Class II, and Class III. B. Type I, Type II, and Type III. C. Class A, Class B, and Class C. D. Type A, Type B, and Type C.


248. 5.4.05 CNSTRUCT TYPE 8 Construction classifications are based upon materials used in construction and upon hourly fire-resistance ratings of the: A. National Fire Code. B. interior finish. C. structural components. D. interior design.


253. 5.4.05 CNSTRUCT TYPE 13 According to NFPA 256, Methods of Fire Tests of Roof Coverings, the roof covering that provides the least fire retardant properties is: A. Class A. B. Class B. C. Class C. D. Class D.


255. 5.4.05 CNSTRUCT TYPE 15 Which of the following tests is not used to classify the flammability of roof coverings? A. Intermittent flame exposure test B. Burning brand test C. Steiner tunnel test D. Flame spread test


128. 5.3.04 PROTECT SYS 57 Sprinkler heads rated for the Ultra High Temperature Classification are color coded: A. yellow. B. white. C. blue. D. orange.


130. 5.3.04 PROTECT SYS 59 A/(n) __________ detector is one which responds to quick changes in temperature. A. disk-thermostat B. bimetallic C. ionization D. rate-of-rise


136. 5.3.05 EGRESS ELEMNT 6 The rating required for a fire door in an exit stairway is determined by: A. where the exit empties. B. whether it is a ramp or stairway. C. the fire rating of the enclosure. D. All of the above.


144. 5.3.05 EGRESS ELEMNT 14 The components of a means of egress include: A. exit light. B. the exit. C. exit discharge. D. Both B and C are correct.


145. 5.3.05 EGRESS ELEMNT 15 Exit stairways must be at least __________ inches wide, unless the total occupant load of all the floors served by the stairways is less than 50. In this case, stairways may be __________ inches wide. A. 44, 24 B. 48, 36 C. 36, 24 D. 44, 36


147. 5.3.05 EGRESS ELEMNT 17 The portion of a means of egress between the termination of an exit and a public way is an: A. exit passage. B. exit corridor. C. exit access. D. exit discharge.


150. 5.3.06 EVAL HAZARD 1 Cooking equipment must have a clearance of at least __________ inches to any combustible material. A. 6 B. 10 C. 12 D. 18


162. 5.3.07 EMERGNCY PLAN 4 Directions: (Caution - this is a two-step question worth 5 points.) The following steps for evacuating a single room in a nursing home are disarranged. First, number the steps 1 to 6 in the blanks beside each showing the order in which they should be performed. Note : There is one more step in the procedure than required. Place an X in the blank next to the non-procedural step. Then, select the matched answer from alternatives A-D below: ____ Ensure that the room door is closed. ____ Call the Fire Department. ____ Try to extinguish or control the fire. ____ Report to incident commander. ____ Activate the fire alarm. ____ Remove those in immediate danger. A. 2, 5, 4, X, 3, 1 B. 4, X, 5, 1, 3, 2 C. 4, 2, X, 5, 3, 1 D. 2, 4, 5, X, 3, 1


164. 5.3.07 EMERGNCY PLAN 6 Hotels and motels must provide different evacuation procedures because of: A. the number of floors. B. the shape of the building. C. the multiple uses of the building. D. temporary occupancy.


166. 5.3.07 EMERGNCY PLAN 8 Directions: (Caution—this is a two step question worth 3 points.) First, select the words from the list provided below. Then, select the answer from A-D which matches yours. Hotel and motel management must post evacuation procedures in the following locations: 1. At all exits 4. At the main desk 2. In rest rooms 5. In all kitchens 3. In each guest room 6. At all fire alarm pull stations A. 3, 4, 6 B. 1, 2, 5 C. 2, 4, 6 D. 1, 3, 6


172. 5.3.08 CODE COMPLY 6 Portable tanks with capacity greater than __________ gallons should be treated according to the same standards as fixed tanks? A. 60 B. 120 C. 240 D. 660


177. 5.3.08 CODE COMPLY 11 The maximum allowable size for approved safety cans for flammable or combustible liquids is __________ gallon(s). A. 2.5 B. 2 C. 1 D. 5


179. 5.3.08 CODE COMPLY 13 On above-ground inside storage tanks for flammable or combustible liquid storage tanks, automatic closing, heat-actuated valves are required on: A. all piping connections. B. piping connections above the liquid level. C. none of the piping connections. D. all piping connections below the liquid level.


184. 5.3.08 CODE COMPLY 18 There are currently two types of vapor recovery systems for gasoline service stations. They are: A. gravity assist and balance system. B. vacuum assist and syphon system. C. gravity assist and vacuum assist. D. vacuum assist and balance system.


185. 5.3.08 CODE COMPLY 19 The temperature at which the vapor pressure of a liquid is equal to the external pressure applied to it is the: A. fire point. B. melting point. C. flash point. D. boiling point.


188. 5.3.09 HAZ MAT 3 The storage magazine required for black powder and smokeless powder is a Type __________ Magazine. A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 E. 5


193. 5.3.10 FIRE GROWTH 2 Directions: (Caution—this is a two step question worth 4 points.) First, select the words from the list provided below to complete the following statement. Place the numbers representing your answers in the blanks. Then, select the answer from A-D which matches yours. To perform a flame test, apply a small flame from a __________ to the material for __________. The material should not __________ for more than __________ following the removal of the test flame. 1. support combustion 4. 2 seconds 2. butane lighter 5. 12 seconds 3 match 6. 1 1/2 minutes A. 2, 5, 1, 3 B. 2, 4, 5, 6 C. 1, 6, 2, 5 D. 3, 5, 1, 4


195. 5.3.10 FIRE GROWTH 4 In which of the following ways does interior finish contribute to fire impact? A. It affects the rate of fire buildup to a flashover condition. B. It may contribute to fire extension through flame spread over its surface. C. It may add to the intensity of a fire by contributing additional fuel. D. All of the above.


196. 5.3.10 FIRE GROWTH 5 The Steiner Tunnel test measures: A. flame spread rating. B. smoke developed. C. fuel contributed. D. All of the above


197. 5.3.10 FIRE GROWTH 6 A chemical designed to resist ignition or the spread of fire when it is applied to material or another substance is defined as a: A. fire proofer. B. flame arrester. C. fire rating. D. fire retardant.


199. 5.3.10 FIRE GROWTH 8 A numerical rating assigned to a material based on the speed and extent to which flame travels over its surface is called a __________ rating. A. burning ember B. fire resistance C. flashover D. flame spread


203. 5.3.11 EMERG ACCESS 3 The first design element of a fire department access road surface should be: A. clear of all debris at all times. B. clear of snow or hazardous conditions. C. wide enough to handle two apparatus side by side. D. strong enough to handle the weight of a fire apparatus.


205. 5.3.11 EMERG ACCESS 5 During a routine inspection, it is determined that the road surface to a facility is inadequate to handle the weight of an apparatus. The inspector should: A. note the problem on the inspection form. B. notify suppression personnel that would respond to the location. C. Close the facility down until it is corrected. D. Both A and B are correct.


213. 5.3.12 PERFRMNCE PLN 3 Smoke control systems in new construction are designed to be used in conjunction with: A. fire and smoke dampers. B. fire doors and partitions. C. shafts. D. All of the above.


221. 5.4.01 OCCUPNT CLASS 4 Buildings used to display and sell goods are classified as __________ occupancies. A. business B. commercial C. retail D. mercantile


229. 5.4.02 COMPUTE LOAD 4 A dance floor located in a drinking establishment measures 18 feet by 24 feet. Calculate the occupant load using the floor area method. A. 9 B. 15 C. 29 D. 62 E. 69


230. 5.4.03 SUPRESS SYSTM 1 __________ sprinkler heads are designed to extinguish fires. __________ sprinkler heads are designed to confine fires. A. Pendant/ESFR B. Upright/ESFR C. Standard/ESFR D. ESFR/Standard


231. 5.4.03 SUPRESS SYSTM 2 The smallest of the mains in a water distribution system that serve the individual fire hydrants and blocks of consumers are called: A. indicating feeders. B. secondary feeders. C. primary feeders. D. distributors.


236. 5.4.03 SUPRESS SYSTM 7 Which of the following would not normally be part of a grid system? A. Primary feeders B. Secondary feeders C. Distributors D. Dead-end water mains


237. 5.4.03 SUPRESS SYSTM 8 When computing available fire flow in a specific area, the minimum required residual pressure is __________ psi. A. 5 B. 10 C. 15 D. 20


239. 5.4.03 SUPRESS SYSTM 10 Directions: (Caution—this is a two-step question worth 4 points.) The following are the steps for conducting the main drain test of automatic sprinkler systems. Number the steps 1 - 4 in the blanks beside each showing the order in which they should be performed. ____ Slowly open main drain valve. ____ Record residual pressure. ____ Record static pressure. ____ Slowly close main drain valve. A. 3, 2, 4, 1 B. 4, 1, 3, 2 C. 2, 1, 3, 4 D. 2, 3, 1, 4


240. 5.4.04 VERIFY EGRESS 1 A Class A ramp must be at least __________ inches wide. A. 22 B. 36 C. 30 D. 44


241. 5.4.05 CNSTRUCT TYPE 1 When an opening in a three-hour fire-rated wall needs a fire-rated door, the requirement should be for: A. 2 two-hour doors on one side. B. three-hour doors, one on each side. C. 2 two-hour doors, one on each side. D. 1 three-hour door.


251. 5.4.05 CNSTRUCT TYPE 11 The fire resistance of a structural component is a function of various properties of the materials used, including: A. combustibility. B. thermal conductivity. C. chemical composition. D. All of the above are correct.


254. 5.4.05 CNSTRUCT TYPE 14 Heavy timber construction is allowed for interior structural members in __________ construction. A. Type I B. Type II C. Type III D. Type IV E. Type V


256. 5.4.05 CNSTRUCT TYPE 16 Construction classifications are based on: A. regional locations. B. authority having jurisdiction. C. the materials that are contained in the building. D. the materials used in construction of the building.


187. 5.3.09 HAZ MAT 2 TRUE / FALSE Very small containers and those cylinders holding non-flammable cryogenics below 40 psi are exempt from the Department of Transportation requirements.


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