018 - Chapter 18 - Praxis 5039 (Chapter Test)

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The process of generating potential topics for writing or generating ideas that you might use in your paper is called what?

Brainstorming; Explanation A good brainstorm helps you to figure out potential topics or ideas for your paper. Always give yourself at least five minutes to write down ideas, and do not worry about organizing them or making them clear; that comes later on.

Why is a thesis statement so important in writing?

It clearly explains the main idea and helps readers to better understand what the piece of writing is all about. Explanation We can look at the thesis as a more developed plot statement which explains the main idea and allows us to bring some context to our piece in order to help the reader better understand what the writing is all about.

Which of the following is true?

Main ideas, thesis statements, and topic sentences help structure a written piece, aiding the reader's understanding. Explanation Writing great thesis statements and topic sentences that align with your main idea will help readers to understand the theme, ideas, and central focus of your essay. People are much happier reading an essay when it is structured to help them understand what it is supposed to be about. They can grab a hold of the context and read with purpose, thereby allowing a much easier and memorable reading experience.

Adding transitions within the text of a paragraph can _____.

create greater coherence and make your writing easier to read; Explanation Paragraphs that utilize transitions are much more coherent, have greater word variety, and are easier to read.

A coherent body paragraph is one that _____.

has clear, logical sentences that flow together well; Explanation To achieve coherence, a paragraph should be clear and logical, with sentences that flow together well.

A unified body paragraph is one that _____.

has sentences that all stick to the main idea expressed in the topic sentence; Explanation For a body paragraph to be unified, all of the sentences in that paragraph should stick to the main idea expressed in the topic sentence.

Words and phrases that help carry a thought from one idea to the next are referred to as _____.

transitions; Explanation Transitions are words and phrases that help carry a thought from one idea to the next.

What is an anecdote?

A very short story. Explanation An anecdote can help make the conclusion more interesting.

The following are the last 3 statements of the introduction to an English 101 literary essay. Why should they be reorganized? The main thesis of this paper concerns the play Romeo and Juliet and will be explained in the following thesis. This will best be explained by the many symbols that are used throughout Shakespeare's play. Shakespeare's works remain significant to this day and age.

Because it lacks a clear thesis in the introduction. Explanation The introductory paragraph should always have a thesis stated within it.

How is the thesis statement used in the conclusion?

It is restated in the conclusion, but in different words. Explanation The thesis statement needs to be restated in the conclusion, but in a different way.

Which of the following effectively utilizes a transition?

Too much candy can rot your teeth. In addition, it can lead to spikes in blood sugar. Explanation The addition of a transition word between the two sentences makes it easier to read, and the ideas flow better. The use of the transition phrase 'in addition' helped the writer connect two ideas to produce an easy flow.

Which of the following is NOT a useful brainstorming technique?

Transcribing; Explanation Because the process of brainstorming requires the generation of ideas, transcribing, which is simply copying someone else's ideas, would not qualify as a brainstorming technique. Free-writing, listing and mapping are all useful brainstorming techniques.

Which one of the following might indicate that there's a potential problem with a thesis?

When it has too many arguments that confuse the reader. Explanation Does the thesis make one argument that the reader can disagree with? Too many arguments can confuse the reader as to the thrust of the essay.

How can the use of a quotation in the conclusion be helpful?

It strengthens the writer's argument. Explanation A quotation may be used in the conclusion to convince the reader of the writer's argument(s).

Should a thesis always be revised?

Yes, except during a timed test or in-class essay where there's little time for revision. Explanation You should always revise your thesis, except if you lack the time to do so.

Amelia is writing an essay on the pros and cons of pet ownership and has just finished the first two steps of brainstorming. Which of the products below demonstrate the best brainstorming method regarding the pros and cons of owning a pet?

A list of 4 pros and 4 cons of pet ownership; Explanation A list of 4 pros and 4 cons of pet ownership demonstrates the best brainstorming of ideas. A list enables the writer to get all of one's ideas on paper to see which side one has more points for. The writer can then evaluate which side he or she would have a better argument for. Writing a paragraph or outline is not an effective practice for generating ideas. Listing only pros does not give a two-sided perspective of the topic.

Which of the following statements is an example of a thesis statement?

A tired driver can be just as dangerous as a drunk driver. Explanation A thesis statement is a one or two sentence condensation of your argument or analysis that will follow in your writing; therefore, 'A tired driver can be just as dangerous as a drunk driver', is an example of a thesis. The other examples are mere details to this over-arching theme of the danger of driving when tired.

Which of the following is the greatest value of using an alphanumeric outline?

Alphanumeric outlines speak in generalities and are less time-consuming for writers. Explanation If one is limited on time, an alphanumeric outline which uses a series of letters and numbers to identify main ideas, is an efficient way to organize one's thoughts. This outline leaves room to add details at a later time.

Which of the following is NOT typically part of an essay?

An abstract [NOT TYPICALLY PART OF AN ESSAY] Explanation The abstract is not an integral part of the essay, though it can help provide overall clarity as a technical summary.

Where are topic sentences generally found in writing? Why?

At the beginning of an opening paragraph to summarize the main point of the written piece for the reader. Explanation A topic sentence is generally at the beginning of the opening paragraph and gives a one-sentence summary of the main point.

How are transitional sentences important in achieving coherence in body paragraphs?

They show how the ideas relate to one another. Explanation Transitional sentences in the body paragraph allow the reader to see how the ideas relate to one another.

When you consider the age, education level, or experience level of the people that might read your paper, you are trying to define your __________.

audience; Explanation The audience can be of the same age, education level, or experience level, or they can be of all different ages, education levels, or experience levels. Audiences can also be different in terms of gender, ethnicity, culture, income level, or many other things. It is important that you decide on your audience so that you can choose the right vocabulary, ideas, and level of explanation that your audience needs.

A call to action in the conclusion is most appropriate in a _____ essay.

persuasive; Explanation A call to action, in the conclusion of a persuasive essay, works great.

Why is the attention getter such an important element of the introductory paragraph?

Because if the essay writer cannot engage the reader, their message will most likely be lost. Explanation One of the main goals of the attention getter is to engage the reader from the very start.

Why is the 'bridge' used?

To transition from the attention getter to the thesis. Explanation Your job is to take readers from side A, or the attention getter, to side B, the thesis statement. The sentence or two between these are identified as, no coincidence, the bridge.

Read the following short paragraphs and identify what may be missing: 'Flowers are very well-liked in most parts of the world. There are many types of flowers.' 'Roses are one of the most recognized types of flowers. Roses come in a variety of colors. Roses are often bred to make even more unique colors.' 'Daisies are well-liked flowers. Daisies grow in various types of soil, so daisies are found in a lot of different regions.'

Transition statements; Explanation There should be transition statements following your introductory paragraph, between your main points, and before your concluding paragraph.

Once you've completed brainstorming for an essay, you'll be ready to _____.

outline your major points; Explanation After brainstorming for an essay, you'll be ready to outline your major points. You may use the ideas you've generated to organize your thoughts and prepare for a well-thought out essay.

What part of the writing process includes looking at your essay that you have written in order to check and improve upon the organization, ideas, grammar, and mechanics?

Revising/Editing; Explanation Revising and editing help you to improve your draft of the paper in two ways: Revising helps you to improve your ideas, organization, and flow while editing helps you to improve your grammar and mechanics.

Which answer choice below BEST demonstrates a descriptive title?

The History of Redwood Trees in Northern California; Explanation An assigned essay that will be read only by a professor should use a descriptive title, while one being published in a magazine may best benefit from a compelling title.

The term analysis is used to define a process following the research phase across many subject matter disciplines. How is analysis applied in terms of writing an essay?

Analysis is the writer's interpretation on the importance of a particular detail found through research. Explanation After including a specific and relevant detail and citing it, an analysis of this detail should be noted. This is the writer's interpretation, or analysis, about why this detail is important.

Jane is writing a standard 5-paragraph-essay that consists of 750 words. She starts off by writing her thesis statement in the introduction, stating that: 'The most dangerous element in modern-day history is discrimination.' She then lists 7-9 main points which strongly show her main opinion. Within those 7-9 points, she displays and refutes the evidence by authors who don't agree with her. Why did Jane receive relatively LOW marks on her essay?

Because she had too many main points, making the essay slightly confusing. Explanation A good rule of thumb for main points is to have between two and five total. Anything less than that is going to leave your audience without enough information to come to an informed conclusion.

How can writers prepare readers for new ideas?

By utilizing transitional words and phrases to ease readers through the essay. Explanation By utilizing transitional words and phrases, your essay will provide a clear path for readers to follow and the confidence to know they'll reach the desired destination with ease.

The part of the writing process in which you actually write the paper for the first time is known as what?

Drafting; Explanation When you draft the paper, or write it for the first time, be sure to have your outline in front of you to help you keep track of where you are as you draft your essay.

Why is using a full sentence outline beneficial for most standard essays?

While the sentence outline may be more time-consuming up front, it makes writing the first draft much easier. Explanation It is beneficial to use a full sentence outline when writing a traditional standard essay because the use of full sentences makes writing the first draft much easier. It is more time-consuming because it requires more work and specificity instead of generality, but may save time at the end.

The most critical element of an essay is its _____.

content; Explanation Content is the most critical element of an essay. Content that is well-organized with strong information and ideas, give an essay validity and credibility. A concluding sentence, introductory paragraph, and footnotes are important, but not critical to the overall effectiveness of an essay.

A well-developed body paragraph is one that _____.

has sufficient supporting details and examples; Explanation The key to developing body paragraphs is to use supporting details and examples as main points are discussed.

When thinking of a way to ensure the body paragraphs of your essay flow together, _____.

look for the relationships and commonalities between each to help link them together; Explanation As a writer, you need to work to find those relationships and commonalities between each paragraph to carry readers from one to the next.

What is the significance of using emotion in the conclusion?

It may help the reader to understand the writer's point of view. Explanation Using emotion can be very influential and powerful, especially when concluding on important social issues.

Which of the following identifies the proper order for the introductory paragraph?

Attention Getter - Bridge - Thesis; Explanation You should start with an attention getter, then use a bridging sentence which will make a logical transition towards your thesis.

The following quote from a teenage girl, about her experience with cyberbullying, was reported by professors Sameer Hinduja and Justin W. Patchin. 'It makes me hurt both physically and mentally. It scares me and takes away all my confidence. It makes me feel sick and worthless' (Hinduja and Patchin 2010) Why is the quote an effective attention getter?

The pain expressed in her quote allows readers to empathize with her, even if they haven't experienced something similar. Explanation The attention getter is the first thing your readers encounter, and your job as a writer is to capture their attention and make them want to keep reading.

Robert is writing an essay and in the last sentence of his introductory paragraph, he presented this as his thesis: 'My paper is about dating and social media.' Why is this thesis NOT appropriate?

The thesis lacks direction without identifying the specific elements of the essay. Explanation A thesis identifies the argument a writer will present through his/her research and previews the direction of the essay.

When brainstorming ideas for your paper, _____.

write down whatever comes to mind; Explanation When brainstorming ideas for a paper, write down whatever comes to mind. Don't limit what you write down and allow for the free flow of thoughts, not constricted by full sentences and paragraphs.

Select the best revision of the following thesis: 'Apples are definitely better than other fruit.'

The apple is easy to grow, maintain, and cultivate, full of variety, and delicious to boot -- so there is little doubt that they are nature's finest fruit. Explanation This is answer is concrete, specific, and makes an argument about the superiority of the apple, which will guide this essay. While some answer options do provide an argument, they lack specifics.

Select the best revision of the following thesis: 'Setting the legal drinking age at 21 seems unfair because you can serve in the military at 18.'

The solution to the gap between the age at which you can die for your country and the age at which you can drink is perhaps not to change the drinking age but to raise the fighting age. Explanation The original thesis lacks specific or a clear argument, while other answer options are merely statements of fact or opinion and do not make an argument for the reader to latch on to or guide the essay. While the answer selected changes the argument that the writer makes, it is the only selection that sets the writer up to develop an effective essay.

Rebecca is writing a final essay for her English 101 class. The teacher failed to provide students with an effective question to which she could respond with a thesis. What should she do?

Write the prompt herself. Explanation If you're not given an essay prompt - or are given a more ambiguous one - a thesis statement still serves the exact same purpose we've already laid out. The only difference is that you're coming up with both the question (the prompt) and the answer (the thesis) on your own.

Which of the following is the best approach to take when writing body paragraphs to create an essay?

First explain the main point, then follow with a chronological and clear explanation. Explanation A basic principle while writing body paragraphs is to use chronological order, and not to back up and start adding details at one point in a paragraph when they should have been included earlier.

When you have generated ideas and details for your paper, you must organize them so that you know which order you will write about them in your paper. What is this process known as?

Outlining; Explanation The outline is incredibly important because you put your ideas and details into the exact order that you will write about them in your essay. This means that you don't get confused or disorganized while writing the paper itself, and it helps you to keep track of how far you have developed your essay while you write it.

Which of the following statements best defines the main idea of an essay?

It is the key concept being expressed or examined. Explanation The main idea is the key concept being expressed or examined. Putting this in our movie frame of reference, the main idea would be the broad context on what the movie is about.

You have been given an assignment to write a paper about the causes and effects of global warming. You need to develop an outline that will assist you in drafting a comprehensive analysis of the topic. So far, you have collected research on a general definition of global warming, loss of woodlands, industrial emission and personal energy consumption. You have already written a title and a thesis statement. Based on your topic, which of the following would be the most appropriate choice for your first topic sentence or Roman numeral number one?

Global warming is a slow increase in the overall temperature of the earth from human activity. Explanation Roman numeral number one should state the main idea of the paragraph, or topic sentence. Therefore, the most appropriate choice for this topic would be: Global warming is a slow increase in the overall temperature of the earth from human activity.

What is the greatest benefit of using an outline to draft an essay?

Outlines allow the writer to compile information and set a direction for the essay before jumping to a first draft. Explanation Similar to drafting a blue print before building a house, an outline helps the writer gather information before starting to write a first draft. The outline is like a blue print for the essay. It sets the direction.

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