Everyone, except qualified employees, must stay at least [blank #] from apparatus energized up to 50,000 volts.
The approach distance to a 12,000-volt line phase-to-phase is [blank]
2' 2"
Guy wires cannot become energized because they are tied to rods in the earth.
A capacitor stores electrical energy.
Conductors are the part of an electrical system that carries electrical current.
A Qualified Electrical Worker must be [blank]
able to determine the nominal voltage of exposed live parts
When a voltage condition occurs that is higher than the designed voltage for the system, a(n) [blank] becomes a path to ground.
The normal operating voltage of electrical equipment must be determined by workers [blank]
before work begins
Objects that are (insulated) from ground are [blank]
conductive and can be expected to be energized
A qualified individual understands that all conductors must be [blank]
considered energized until proven to be otherwise
A qualified worker must be trained and have the ability to recognize [blank]
energized parts
The neutral conductors are normally connected to the [blank]
The parts of an electrical system used to isolate conductive (energized) material from other parts are called [blank]
The electrical factor distance and human factor distance are also called the [blank]
minimum approach distance
The term nominal voltage means the [blank]
normal operating voltage
The operating voltage of an insulator can be determined by the [blank], its length, or its height.
number of layers (skirts)
Insulators installed in guy wires are intended to protect [blank]
people and equipment on the ground
The connection point between an underground cable and an overhead conductor is normally made through a [blank]
The device used to automatically raise or lower the primary voltage of a line to ensure its optimal voltage range is a [blank]
Most electrical conductors are made of copper, aluminum, or [blank] in older systems.
The piece of equipment used to step the voltage up or down in an electrical system is called a [blank]
Ways to determine the actual operating voltage of a power line include asking an authorized company representative, observing nameplate information, and [blank]
using test instruments
Electrical circuits may be in a(n) [blank] configuration.
wye or delta