1-2 Test

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How deep does an 80ft pole get set in the ground under normal circumstances?

10% + 2 = 10ft

Ozone damage occurs when the rubber is elongated


The accepted voltage for the human body's average resistance hand to hand is?

1000 ohms

Since most surface decay occurs below the ground the minimum depth to dig when testing poles are?

18 inches

Normal air contains 20.8% oxygen. The maximum safe amount of oxygen in a confined space is?


The electrical learning alliance NJATC is compromised of?

24 members. 12 IBEW/12 NECA

When digging a hole for a pole the hole should be large enough in diameter to have ____ of space all around the pole.

3 feet

The highest maximum use voltage for rubber insulating equipment for phase to phase exposure is?

36 KV

Weed impairs driving skills for at least_______ after smoking a single cigarette.

4-6 hours

If a confined space contains a vertical depth of ____ or more a mechanical device must be present.

5 feet

The class number of a douglas fir pole is determined by the circumference at the top of the pole and ___ from the butt of the pole.

6 ft

A person's skin is like an insulator that has a breakdown voltage at which it uses to act as a resistor. The breakdown voltage varies but is in the area of?

600 volts

The ________________________ organized in 1920 represented by the IBEW and NECA is credited with providing stability for the construction branch for the IBEW.

Council of Industrial Relations (CIR)

The greatest blood-born risk is an infection of?

Hepatitis B

Employers, the_______ provides extensive management development courses and programs.


In 1941 the_________was established?


When performing first aid, PPE must be worn_____________________________


When using on an energized conductor a line hose provides electrical workers?

a margin of safety for error without injury while working on energized conductors

In safety meetings, you must?

actively and willingly participate

The blast associated with an electrical arc comes from the pressure developed by the near-instantaneous heating of ________ surrounding the arc.


Your role in the process of customer service includes the elements: performance, behavior, and?


In 1952 the IBEW and NECA appointed a full-time director of?

apprentice and training

Chronic use of weed can cause damage and changes to a person's_______ similar to those that occur during aging.


Which is one of the most addictive drugs?


Which item listed would be considered a sexually hostile work environment?

commenting on a coworkers physical attributes

If all workers involved in a project are to be informed, safe, and productive___________ are a must.

communication and understanding

The most destructive organism to wood structures are?

decay and fungi

The most common type of guy used on wood poles is the?

down guy

The person who has the responsibilities of implementing the procedures of the confines space program is the?

entry supervisor

Where there might be exposure to corrosive materials suitable facilities for quick drenching of________________ shall be provided within the work area or immediate emergency use.

eyes and body

Poles are installed so they end up being face to face and back to back in a line. Corner poles and dead-end poles are installed?

facing the anchor

The examples of good organizational support includes good supervision and_________

good communication

When preparing to dig a hole you must first find the_______________ to ensure you are digging in the right area.

location stakes

When you want to position the load further away from the crane you should signal the operator to?

lower the boom and raise the load

When a generator is used to restore power to your house a transfer switch is installed between the electrical service feeding the house and the?

main disconnect

NECA is organized into nine geographical districts that have jurisdiction over inside electrical work and _____ district with jurisdiction over outside line communication.


There should always be ONE PERSON giving the operator signals or directions. Always be sure that the signal person and the ________ are using the same signals


Which of the following will result in damage to rubber gloves?

ozone cutting

The voltage rating of a pair of rubber gloves is expressed at the?

phase to phase voltage

The size of a generator is determined by the?

power output

What safety procedures contribute to safety efficiency, harmony, and productivity more than any other?

pre job safety brief/ tailboard

On distribution lines and often in rural substations a common circuit breaker is a?


If you're a victim of sexual harassment or witness it at the workplace you should?

report the harassment to the proper company official.

If an electrical worker's arm and/or shoulders will be within the minimum approach distance or conductors that are not protected or covered the lineman must wear?

rubber sleeves

It is important that air hose connections be ____________ at each connection


When using a generator back feed can occur when the generator is connected to?

the line side of an electrical service

When setting a pole on the angle the best way to face the pole is with the birthmark or bond...

toward the anchor

All decisions at the CIR must be a...

unanimous vote

When lifting a load make sure the load does not pass above?


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