10th U.S. History CHapter 11 reading quiz

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the case of *Marbury v. Madison* involved the question of who had the right to ..................

declare an ac of congress unconstitutional

One of the greatest problems that John Adams and the Federalist faced in the election of 1800 was a. Adams's efforts to bet america involved in a war with France b. Increased public debt brought on by war preparations c. adams's refusal to take the country to war against France d. Alexander hamilton's support of Adams

. adams's refusal to take the country to war against France

Lewis and Clark demonstrated the viability of... A) travel across the isthmus of Panama. B) an overland trail to the Pacific. C) settlement in the southern portion of the Louisiana territory. D) using Indian guides. E) all of the above.

An overland trail to the pacific

in 1800, Thomas Jefferson was chosen president by the a. people b. electoral college c. Wealthy d. House of Representatives

House of Representatives

The Federalist party died out due in part to its.

Inability or unwillingness to appeal to the common people

Aaron Burr's plot to seize the west depended on the support of ___________, the military governor of Louisianna territory

James wilkinson

Thomas jefferson's failed attempt to impeach and convict supreme court jusice Samuel chase for "high crimes and misdemeanors" meant that... a. no federal judge could ever be removed from office b. jefferson's effectiveness as president had been lost c. an unfortunate preciedent had been established d. Judicial independence and the separation of powers had been preserved

Judicial independence and the separation of powers had been preserved

Thomas Jefferson's "Revolution of 1800" was remarkable in that it.. a. moved the United states away from its democratic ideals b. Marked the peaceful and orderly transfer of power on the basis of election results accepted by all parties c. occurred after he had left the presidency d. caused america to do what the British had been doing for a generation regarding the election of a legislative body

Marked the peaceful and orderly transfer of power on the basis of election results accepted by all parties

Jefferson had authorized American negotiators to purchase only-______- from France

New orleans and the Floridas

Thomas jefferson ceased his opposition to hte expansion of the navy when the....... a. Pasha of Tripoli declare war on the United states b. U.S. Marine Corps was established c. "Mosquito Fleet" was defeated by teh pirates at Tripoli d. the army was disbanded

Pasha of Tripoli declare war on the United states

In the election of 1800, the Federalists accused Thomas Jefferson of all of the following *except* A. supporting high taxes B. having robbed a widow C. being an atheist D. having fathered numerous mulatto children by his own slave women

Supporting high taxes

President Jefferson's foreign policy of economic coercion a. underestimated British dependence on American trade b. adversely affected France's economy more than Britains c. Unintentionally stimulated Manufacturing in the United States d. Destoryed the Federalist party in New England

Unintentionally stimulated Manufacturing in the United States

Napoleon chose to sell Louisiana to the United States because he a. had suffered misfortunes in santo domingo b. hoped that hte territory would one day help America to thwart the ambitions of the British c. did not want to drive america into the arms of the British d. all of the above

all of the above

The British policy of Impressment was a kind of a. naval blockade b. economic boycott c. forced enlistment d. diplomatic preasure

forced enlistment

To deal with British and French violations of America's neutrality, Thomas Jefferson.... a. declared war on britain b. hastily enacted an embargo c.declared war on France d. did nothing

hastily enacted an embargo

Thomas Jefferson was conscience-stricken about the purchase of louisianna territory from France because........

he believed that the purchase was unconstitutional

Jefferson's embargo failed for all fo the following reasons *except* that a. He underestimated the determination of the British b. Britain produced a bumper crop c. Latin America opened its ports for commerce d. he underestimated Britain's dependence on American trade

he underestimated Britain's dependence on American trade

the louisianna purchase a. tripled the size of the national domain b. helped to preserve the tradition of "no entangling alliances" c.Threatened to promote sectionalism at hte expense of union d. is the only instance in American history in which land was purchased from a foreign government

helped to preserve the tradition of "no entangling alliances"

The Chesapeake incident involved the flagrant use of.........


The cheif justice who probably did more than alexander Hamilton to ensure a powerful central government in the American political a d economic system was

john marshall

Besides creating a pan-Indian military alliance against white expansion, Tecumseh and Tenskwatawa (the Prophet) urged American Indians to

resist white ways and revive their own traditional culture

Thomas jefferson recieved the bulk of his support from the

south and west

Upon becoming president, Thomas Jefferson and the Republicans in Congress immediately repealed..... a. the alien and sedition acts b. the charter of hte National Bank c. The excise tax on whiskey d. hte funding and assumption of the national debt

the excise tax on whiskey

as chief justice fo the United States John Marshal helped o ensure that...

the political and economic systems were based on a strong central government

the legal precedent for judicial review was established when...

the supreme court declared the judiciary act of 1789 unconstitutional

Thomas Jefferson distrusted large standing Armies because.....

they could be used to establish a dictatorship

The British impressed American sailors into the British navy because a. They needed more men to fight france b. the Americans took the Chesapeake c. Of the XYZ affair d. Parliament passed a law

they needed more men to fight france

thomas jefferson and his followers opposed John adams;s last minute appointment of new federal judges mainly because

they viewed the appointments. as an attempt by a defeated party to entrench itself into the government

Lewis and Clark's expedition through the Louisiana Purchase territory yielded all of the following except a. A rich harvest of scientific observations b. treaties with several indian nations c.maps d. hair-raising adventure stories

treaties with several indian nations

As president, Thomas Jefferson's stand on several political issues that he had previously championed....

was reversed

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