11 Cross-Country Flight Planning

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2. (Refer to Figure 51 on page 413.) What information should be entered in item 15, "Level," for a VFR day flight? A. Initial cruising altitude. B. Highest cruising altitude. C. Lowest cruising altitude.

Answer (A) is correct. DISCUSSION: If more than one cruising altitude is intended for a VFR day flight, enter the planned cruising level for the first (initial) portion of the route to be flown. Answer (B) is incorrect. The initial, not highest, altitude should be filed on your VFR flight plan. Answer (C) is incorrect. The initial, not lowest, altitude should be filed on your VFR flight plan.

39. (Refer to Figure 25 on page 435.) Determine the magnetic heading for a flight from Fort Worth Meacham (area 4) to Denton Muni (area 1). The wind is from 330° at 25 knots, the true airspeed is 110 knots, and the magnetic variation is 7°E. A. 003°. B. 017°. C. 023°.

Answer (A) is correct. DISCÚSSION: 1. This flight is from Fort Worth Meacham (southeast of 4) to Denton Muni (southwest of 1) on Fig. 25. 2. TC %3D = 019°. 3. MC = 019° - 7°E variation 012°. 4. Wind magnetic = %3D 330° - 7°E variation = %3D 323°. 5. Mark up 25 knots with 323° under true index. 6. Put MC 012° under true index. 7. Slide grid so pencil mark is on 110 knots TAS. 8. Note that the pencil mark is 10° left. 9. Subtract 10° from 012° MC for 002° MH. The closest answer choice is 003°. Answer (B) is incorrect. You must subtract (not add) an easterly variation. Answer (C) is incorrect. You must subtract (not add) a left wind correction.

35. (Refer to Figure 22 on page 433.) Determine the magnetic heading for a flight from St. Maries Airport (area 4) to Priest River Airport (area 1). The wind is from 340° at 10 knots and the true airspeed is 90 knots. A. 330°. B. 325°. C. 345°.

Answer (A) is correct. DISCÚSSION: 1. This flight is from St. Maries (just below 4) to Priest River (upper left corner) on Fig. 22. 2. TC is 345°. 3. MC = 345° - 15°E variation (14°30E rounded up) = 330°. 4. Wind magnetic = 340° - 15° (14°30E rounded up) = 325°. 5. Mark 10 knots up when 325° under true index. 6. Put MC 330° under true index. 7. Slide grid so pencil mark is on 90 kt. TAS. 8. Note that the pencil mark is 1° left. 9. Subtract 1° from 330° MC for 329° MH. A magnetic heading of 330° is the best answer of the choices given. Answer (B) is incorrect. This would be the magnetic heading if the wind was from 300° at 14 knots, not 340° at 10 knots. Answer (C) is incorrect. This is the approximate true course, not magnetic heading.

64. (Refer to Figure 27 on page 450.) An aircraft departs an airport in the mountain standard time zone at 1515 MST for a 2-hour 30-minute flight to an airport located in the Pacific standard time zone. What is the estimated time of arrival at the destination airport? A. 1645 PST. B. 1745 PST. C. 1845 PST.

Answer (A) is correct. DISCÚSSION: Departing the Mountain Standard Time (MST) Zone at 1515 MST for a 2-hour 30-minute flight would result in arrival in the Pacific Standard Time (PST) Žone at 1745 MST. Because there is a 1-hour difference between MST and PST, 1 hour must be subtracted from the 1745 MST arrival to determine the 1645 PST estimated time of arrival at the destination airport. Answer (B) is incorrect. The estimated time of arrival at the destination airport is 1745 MST, not PST. Answer (C) is incorrect. This would be the estimated arrival time for a 3-hour 30-minute (not 2-hour 30-minute) flight from the MST zone.

10. During the preflight inspection who is responsible for determining the aircraft as safe for flight? A. The pilot in command. B. The owner or operator. C. The certificated mechanic who performed the annual inspection.

Answer (A) is correct. DISCÚSSION: During the preflight inspection, the pilot in command is responsible for determining whether the airplane is in condition for safe flight. Answer (B) is incorrect. The owner or operator is responsible for maintaining the airplane in an airworthy condition, not for determining whether the airplane is safe for flight during the preflight inspection. Answer (C) is incorrect. The pilot in command, not the mechanic who performed the annual inspection, is responsible for determining whether the airplane is safe for flight.

21. (Refer to Figure 9 on page 419.) (Refer to area A.) How should the flight controls be held while taxiing tricycle-gear equipped airplane into a left quartering headwind? A. Left aileron up, elevator neutral. B. Left aileron down, elevator neutral. C. Left aileron up, elevator down.

Answer (A) is correct. DISCÚSSION: Given a left quartering headwind, the left aileron should be kept up to spoil the excess lift on the left wing that the crosswind is creating. The elevator should be neutral to keep from putting too much or too little weight on the nosewheel. Answer (B) is incorrect. Lowering the left aileron will increase the lift on the left wing. Answer (C) is incorrect. It describes the control setting for a right tailwind in a tailwheel airplane.

17. If you experience an engine failure in a single- engine aircraft after takeoff, you should A. establish the proper glide attitude. B. turn into the wind. C. adjust the pitch to maintain Vy.

Answer (A) is correct. DISCÚSSION: If an actual engine failure occurs immediately after takeoff and before a safe maneuvering altitude is attained, an immediate proper glide attitude should be established, and the pilot should select a field directly ahead or slightly to either side of the takeoff path for landing. Answer (B) is incorrect. Most takeoffs are already made into the wind. In the event of a tailwind departure, turning into the wind would result in the loss of considerable altitude during the turn and should not be attempted. Answer (C) is incorrect. The proper glide speed, not Vy, should be established.

1. (Refer to Figure 51 on page 413.) If more than one cruising altitude is intended, which should be entered in item 15, "Level," of the flight plan? A. Initial cruising altitude. B. Highest cruising altitude. C. Lowest cruising altitude.

Answer (A) is correct. DISCÚSSION: If more than one cruising altitude is intended, enter the planned cruising level for the first (initial) portion of the route to be flown. Answer (B) is incorrect. The initial, not highest, altitude should be filed on your VFR flight plan. Answer (C) is incorrect. The initial, not lowest, altitude should be filed on your VFR flight plan.

8. (Refer to Figure 51 on page 415.) If you are going to conduct a flight partially under VFR and partially under IFR, you should A. file two flight plans, one for each portion of the flight. B. specify which part of the flight plan will be VFR and which part will be IFR in item 18, Other Information. C. enter both "V" and "I" in item 8, Flight Rules.

Answer (A) is correct. DISCÚSSION: If you are going to conduct a flight partially under VFR and partially under IFR, you should file two flight plans, one for each portion of the flight. Answer (B) is incorrect. If you are going to conduct a flight partially under VFR and partially under IFR, you should file two flight plans, one for each portion of the flight, not specify which part of the flight plan will be VFR and which part will be IFR in item 18. Answer (C) is incorrect. If you are going to conduct a flight partially under VFR and partially under IFR, you should file two flight plans, one for each portion of the flight. You will enter "V" in item 8 for the VFR flight plan and "I" in item 8 for the IFR flight plan.

14. The most important rule to remember in the event of a power failure after becoming airborne is to A. immediately establish the proper gliding attitude and airspeed. B. quickly check the fuel supply for possible fuel exhaustion. C. determine the wind direction to plan for the forced landing.

Answer (A) is correct. DISCÚSSION: In the event of a power failure after becoming airborne, the most important rule to remember is to maintain best glide airspeed. This will usually require a pitch attitude slightly higher than level flight. Invariably, with a power failure, one returns to ground, but emphasis should be put on a controlled return rather than a crash return. Many pilots attempt to maintain altitude at the expense of airspeed, resulting in a stall or stall/ spin. Answer (B) is incorrect. Checking the fuel supply should only be done after a glide has been established and a landing site has been selected. Answer (C) is incorrect. Landing into the wind may not be possible, depending upon altitude and field availability.

34. (Refer to Figure 22 on page 433.) What is the magnetic heading for a flight from Priest River Airport (area 1) to Shoshone County Airport (area 3)? The wind is from 030° at 12 knots and the true airspeed is 95 knots. A. 121°. B. 143°. C. 136°.

Answer (A) is correct. DISCÚSSION: On Fig. 22, begin by computing the true course from Priest River Airport (upper left corner) to Shoshone County Airport (just below 3) by laying a flight plotter between the two airports. The grommet should coincide with the meridian (vertical line with cross-hatchings). Note the 143° true course on the edge of the protractor. Next, find the magnetic variation that is given by the dashed line marked 14°30E (rounded to 15°E), slanting in a northeasterly fashion just to the east of Shoshone County Airport. Subtract the 15°É variation from TC to obtain a magnetic course of 128°. Because the wind is given true, reduce the true wind direction of 030° by the magnetic variation of 15°E to a magnetic wind direction of 15°. Now use the wind side of your computer. Turning the inner circle to 15° under the true index, mark 12 knots above the grommet. Set the magnetic course of 128° under the true index. Slide the grid so the pencil mark is on 95 knots TAS. Note that the pencil mark is 7° left of the center line, requiring you to adjust the magnetic course to a 121° magnetic heading (128°-7°). Subtract left, add right. That is, if you are on an easterly flight and the wind is from the north, you will want to correct to the left. Answer (B) is incorrect. This is the true course, not the magnetic heading. Answer (C) is incorrect. This would be the magnetic heading if the wind was from 215° at 19 knots, not 030° at 12 knots.

32. (Refer to Figure 24 on page 429.) Determine the magnetic heading for a flight from Majors Airport (area 1) to Winnsboro Airport (area 2). The wind is from 340° at 12 knots, the true airspeed is 136 knots, and the magnetic variation is 6° 30'E. A. 091°. B. 095°. C. 099°.

Answer (A) is correct. DISCÚSSION: On Fig. 24, begin by computing the true course (TC) from Majors Airport (northeast of area 1) to Winnsboro Airport (east of area 2) by drawing a line between the two airports. Next, determine the TC by placing the grommet on the plotter at the intersection on the course (vertical line with cross-hatchings) and the top of the plotter line and a meridian aligned with the course line. Note the TC of 101° TC on the edge of the protractor. Next, subtract the 6° east magnetic variation from the TC to obtain a magnetic course (MC) of 095°. Because the wind is given true, subtract the 6° magnetic variation to obtain a magnetic wind direction of 334° (340° - 6°). Now use the wind side of your computer to plot the wind direction and velocity. Place the magnetic wind direction of 334° on the inner scale on the true index. Mark 12 kt. up from the grommet with a pencil. Turn the inner scale to the magnetic course of 095°. Slide the grid up until the pencil mark lies over the line for true airspeed (TAS) of 136 kt. Correct for the 4° left wind angle by subtracting from the magnetic course of 095° to obtain a magnetic heading of 091°. This is intuitively correct because, given the magnetic course of 095° and a northwesterly wind, you must turn to the left (crab into the wind) to correct for it. Answer (B) is incorrect. This is the heading you would get if you did not subtract the wind to the right for wind angle would result in angle of 4° to the left. Answer (C) is incorrect. Correcting a magnetic heading of 099°.

56. (Refer to Figure 68 on page 449.) The line from point A to point B of the wind triangle represents A. true heading and airspeed. B. true course and groundspeed. C. groundspeed and true heading.

Answer (A) is correct. DISCÚSSION: The line connecting point A to point B on the wind triangle represents the true heading and airspeed line. Answer (B) is incorrect. The line from point B to point C, not point A, represents the true course and groundspeed line. Answer (C) is incorrect. These are values obtained through using a wind triangle. Groundspeed is obtained by measuring the length of the TC line using the same scale as the chart (point B to point C). True heading is the direction, measured in degrees clockwise from true north, in which the nose of the plane should point to make good the desired course (point A to point B).

58. (Refer to Figure 68 on Page 449.) The line from point C to point A of the wind triangle represents A. wind direction and velocity. B. true course and groundspeed. C. true heading and groundspeed.

Answer (A) is correct. DISCÚSSION: The line from point C to point A on the wind triangle represents the wind direction and velocity line. Answer (B) is incorrect. The line from point C to point B, not point A, represents the true course and groundspeed line. Answer (C) is incorrect. These are values obtained through using the a wind triangle. Groundspeed is obtained by measuring length of the TC line using the same scale as the chart (point C to point B). True heading is the direction, measured in degrees clockwise from true north, in which the nose of the plane should point to make good the desired course (point A to point B).

20. Which wind condition would be most critical when taxiing a nosewheel equipped high-wing airplane? A. Quartering tailwind. B. Direct crosswind. C. Quartering headwind.

Answer (A) is correct. DISCÚSSION: The most critical wind condition when taxiing a nosewheel-equipped high-wing airplane is a quartering tailwind, which can flip a high-wing airplane over on its top. This should be prevented by holding the elevator in the down position, i.e., controls forward, and the aileron down on the side from which the wind is coming. Answer (B) is incorrect. A direct crosswind will probably not flip an airplane over. However, it may weathervane the airplane into the wind. Answer (C) is incorrect. A headwind is aerodynamically the condition an airplane is designed for, i.e., wind from the front.

54. (Refer to Figure 25 on page 447.) Estimate the time en route from Addison (area 2) to Dallas Executive (area 3). The wind is from 300° at 15 knots, the true airspeed is 120 knots, and the magnetic variation is 7° east. A. 8 minutes. B. 11 minutes. C. 14 minutes.

Answer (A) is correct. DISCÚSSION: The requirement is time en route and not magnetic heading, so there is no need to convert TC to MC. 1. To find the en route time from Addison (south of 2) to Dallas Executive (area 3), use Fig. 25. 2. Using the associated scale on the side of the chart, measure the distance to be 18 NM. 3. TC = 186°. 4. Mark up 15 kt. with 300° under true index. 5. Put TC of 186° under true index. 6. Slide the grid so the pencil mark is on TAS of 120 kt. 7. Read the groundspeed of 125 kt. under the grommet. 8. On the calculator side, place 125 kt. on the outer scale over 60 min. 9. Read 8.5 min. on the inner scale below 18 NM on the outer scale. Answer (B) is incorrect. The groundspeed is 125 kt. (not 98 kt.). Answer (C) is incorrect. The groundspeed is 125 kt. (not 77 kt.).

52. (Refer to Figure 24 on page 445.) Estimate the time en route from Majors Airport (area 1) to Winnsboro Airport (area 2). The wind is from 340° at 12 knots and the true airspeed is 136 knots. Magnetic variation is 5° east. A. 17 minutes 30 seconds. B. 14 minutes 30 seconds. C. 19 minutes.

Answer (A) is correct. DISCÚSSION: The requirement is time en route and not magnetic heading, so there is no need to convert TC to MC. Measure the distance between Majors Airport and Winnsboro Airport using the associated scale located on the side of the chart. You should find the distance to be about 41 NM. Use your plotter to find a true course of 100°. Using your flight computer, place 340° under the true index and mark a wind speed of 12 knots. Place 100° under the true index and slide the card so the true airspeed arc of 136 knots is under the wind dot. The flight computer should indicate a groundspeed of approximately 140 knots. Turn the flight computer over and place the pointer on 14 for 140 knots groundspeed. Follow the outer scale to 41 for 41 NM and read a time of approximately 17:30 below the 41 on the outer scale. Answer (B) is incorrect. The distance requiring 14 minutes 30 seconds would be 34 NM, not 41 NM. Answer (C) is incorrect. The distance requiring 19 minutes would be 45 NM, not 41 NM.

43. How far will an aircraft travel in 7.5 minutes with a ground speed of 114 knots? A. 14.25 NM. B. 15.00 NM. C. 14.50 NM.

Answer (A) is correct. DISCÚSSION: To determine the distance traveled in 7.5 minutes at 114 knots, first determine the distance traveled per minute (114 60 = 1.9). In 1 minute, the aircraft travels 1.9 NM. Thus, in 7.5 minutes, the plane will have traveled 14.25 NM (1.9 × 7.5 = 14.25). Alternatively, put 114 on the outer scale of your flight computer over the index on the inner scale. Find 7.5 minutes on the inner scale, above which is 14.25 miles. Answer (B) is incorrect. The airplane would require a groundspeed of 120 knots to travel 15.00 NM in 7.5 minutes. Answer (C) is incorrect. The airplane would require a groundspeed of 116 knots to travel 14.50 NM in 7.5 minutes.

30. (Refer to Figure 24 on page 429.) Determine the magnetic course from Airpark East Airport (area 1) to Winnsboro Airport (area 2). Magnetic variation is 6°30'E. A. 075°. B. 082°. C. 091°.

Answer (A) is correct. DISCÚSSION: To find the magnetic course from Airpark East Airport (lower left of chart) to Winnsboro Airport (right of 2 on Fig. 24), you must find true course and correct it for magnetic variation. Determine the true course by placing the straight edge of your plotter along the given route such that the grommet (center hole) is on a meridian (the north/south line with crosslines). True course of 082° is the number of degrees clockwise from true north. It is read on the protractor portion of your plotter at the intersection of the meridian. To convert this to a magnetic course, subtract the 6°30'E (or round up to 7°E) easterly variation and find that the magnetic course is 075°. Remember to subtract easterly variation and add westerly variation. Answer (B) is incorrect. This is the true, not magnetic, course. Answer (C) is incorrect. You must subtract, not add, an easterly variation.

29. (Refer to Figure 21 on page 427.) What course should be selected on the omnibearing selector (OBS) to make a direct flight from Mercer County Regional Airport (area 3) to the Minot VORTAC (area 1) with a TO indication? A. 359°. B. 179°. C. 001°.

Answer (A) is correct. DISCÚSSION: Use Fig. 21 to find the course (omnibearing selector with a "TO" indication) from Mercer County Regional Airport (lower left corner) to the Minot VORTAC (right of 1). Note the compass rose (based on magnetic courses) that indicates the Minot VORTAC. A straight line from Mercer to Minot Airport coincides the compass rose at 179°. Because the route is north TO Minot, not south from Minot, compute the reciprocal direction as 359° (179° + 180°). Answer (B) is incorrect. This is the radial on which a direct flight from Mercer County Regional Airport to the Minot VORTAC would be flown. If 179° is selected on the OBS, it will result in a FROM indication and reverse sensing. Answer (C) is incorrect. This would be the proper OBS setting for a flight originating 5 NM west of Mercer County Regional Airport, rather than directly from it.

66. (Refer to Figure 62 on page 452.) In flying the rectangular course, when would the aircraft be turned less than 90°? A. Corners 1 and 4. B. Corners 1 and 2. C. Corners 2 and 4.

Answer (A) is correct. DISCÚSSION: When doing a rectangular course, think in terms of traffic pattern descriptions of the various legs. In Fig. 62, note that the airplane is going counterclockwise about the rectangular pattern. While on the base leg (between corners 3 and 4), the airplane is crabbed to the inside of the course. Thus, on corner 4, less than a 90° turn is required. Similarly, when the airplane proceeds through corner 1, it should roll out such that it is crabbed into the wind, and, again, a less-than-90° angle is required. Answer (B) is incorrect. On corner 2, you would have to turn more than 90° (you must roll out of your crab angle plus 90° to be heading downwind). Answer (C) is incorrect. Corner 2 is more than 90° (you start with the airplane crabbed to the outside of the rectangular course).

23. (Refer to Figure 9 on page 419.) (Refer to area B.) How should the flight controls be held while taxiing a tailwheel airplane into a right quartering headwind? A. Right aileron up, elevator up. B. Right aileron down, elevator neutral. C. Right aileron up, elevator down.

Answer (A) is correct. DISCÚSSION: When there is a right quartering headwind, the right aileron should be up to spoil the excess lift on the right wing that the crosswind is creating. The elevator should be up to keep weight on the tailwheel to help maintain maneuverability. Answer (B) is incorrect. The elevator should be up (not neutral) and the right aileron up (not down) when taxiing a tailwheel airplane in a right quartering headwind. Answer (C) is incorrect. The elevator should be up (not down) when taxiing in a right quartering headwind.

19. Which aileron positions should a pilot generally use when taxiing in strong quartering headwinds? A. Aileron up on the side from which the wind is blowing. B. Aileron down on the side from which the wind is blowing. C. Ailerons neutral.

Answer (A) is correct. DISCÚSSION: When there is a strong quartering headwind, the aileron should be up on the side from which the wind is blowing to help keep the wind from getting under that wing and blowing the aircraft over. (When taxiing into the wind, turn into the wind.) Answer (B) is incorrect. The aileron should be up (not down) on the side from which the wind is blowing (i.e., upwind). Answer (C) is incorrect. The aileron positions help control the airplane while taxiing in windy conditions.

31. (Refer to Figure 24 on page 429.) On what course should the VOR receiver (OBS) be set in order to navigate direct from Majors Áirport (area 1) to Quitman VOR-DME (area 2)? A. 101°. B. 108°. C. 281°.

Answer (A) is correct. DISCÚSSION: You are to find the radial to navigate direct from Majors Airport (less than 2 in. north and east of 1) to Quitman VOR-DME (southeast of 2 on Fig. 24). A compass rose, based on magnetic course, exists around the Quitman VOR- DME. A straight line from Majors Airport to Quitman VOR-DME coincides with this compass rose at 281°. Because the route is east to (not west from) Quitman, compute the reciprocal direction as 101° magnetic (281° - 180°). Answer (B) is incorrect. This is the true, not magnetic, course from Majors to Quitman VOR-DME. A VOR-DME always uses magnetic direction. Answer (C) is incorrect. This is the course west from, not east to, Quitman VOR-DME.

53. (Refer to Figure 25 on page 447.) What is the estimated time en route for a flight from Denton (area 1) to Addison (area 2)? The wind is from 200° at 20 knots, the true airspeed is 110 knots, and the magnetic variation is 7° east. A. 13 minutes. B. 16 minutes. C. 19 minutes.

Answer (A) is correct. DISČUSSION: The requirement is time en route and not magnetic heading, so there is no need to convert TC to MC. 1. To find the en route time from Denton (southwest of 1) to Addison (south of 2), use Fig. 25. 2. Using the associated scale on the side of the chart, measure the distance to be 22 NM. 3. TC = 128°. 4. Mark up 20 knots with 200° under true index. 5. Put TC of 128° under true index. 6. Slide the grid so the pencil mark is on TAS of 110 knots. 7. Read the groundspeed of 102 knots under the grommet. 8. On the calculator side, place 102 knots on the outer scale over 60 minutes. 9. Read 13 minutes on the inner scale below 22 NM on the outer scale. Answer (B) is incorrect. The groundspeed is 102 knots (not 86 knots). Answer (C) is incorrect. The groundspeed is 102 knots (not 73 knots).

11. Who is primarily responsible for maintaining an aircraft in airworthy condition? A. Pilot-in-command. B. Owner or operator. C. Mechanic.

Answer (B) is correct. DISCUSSION: The owner or operator of an airplane is primarily responsible for maintaining an airplane in an airworthy condition, including compliance with all applicable airworthiness directives (ADs). Answer (A) is incorrect. The pilot in command is responsible for determining that the airplane is in airworthy condition, not for maintaining the airplane. Answer (C) is incorrect. The owner or operator, not a mechanic, is responsible for maintaining an airplane in an airworthy condition.

36. (Refer to Figure 22 on page 433.) Determine the magnetic heading for a flight from Sandpoint Airport (area 1) to St. Maries Airport (area 4). The wind is from 215° at 25 knots and the true airspeed is 125 knots. A. 352°. B. 172°. C. 166°.

Answer (B) is correct. DISCÚSSION: 1. This flight is from Sandpoint Airport (above 1), to St. Maries (below 4) on Fig. 22 2. TC = %3D 181°. 3. MC = 181° - - 15°E variation (14°30E rounded up) = %3D 166°. 4. Wind magnetic = 215° - 15° (14°30E rounded up) = 200°. 5. Mark up 25 knots with 200° under true index. 6. Put MC 166° under true index. 7. Slide grid so pencil mark is on 125 knots TAS. 8. Note that the pencil mark is 6° right. 9. Add 6° to 166° MC for 172° MH. Answer (A) is incorrect. This would be the magnetic heading 25 knots. Answer (C) is incorrect. This is the magnetic course, Sandpoint to St. Maries, with the wind from 145°, not 215°, at for a flight from St. Maries Airport to Sandpoint Airport, not from not the magnetic heading.

9. How should a VFR flight plan be closed at the completion of the flight at a controlled airport? A. The tower will automatically close the flight plan when the aircraft turns off the runway. B. The pilot must close the flight plan with the nearest FSS or other FAA facility upon landing. C. The tower will relay the instructions to the nearest FSS when the aircraft contacts the tower for landing.

Answer (B) is correct. DISCÚSSION: A pilot is responsible for ensuring that the VER or DVFR flight plan is canceled (14 CFR 91.153). You should close your flight plan with the nearest FSS or, if one is not available, you may request any ATC facility to relay your cancellation to the FSS. Answer (A) is incorrect. The tower will automatically close an IFR (not VFR) flight plan. Answer (C) is incorrect. The tower will relay to the nearest FSS only if requested.

69. To minimize the side loads placed on the landing gear during touchdown, the pilot should keep the A. direction of motion of the aircraft parallel to the runway. B. longitudinal axis of the aircraft parallel to the direction of its motion. C. downwind wing lowered sufficiently to eliminate the tendency for the aircraft to drift.

Answer (B) is correct. DISCÚSSION: At touchdown when landing, the longitudinal axis of the airplane should be parallel to the direction of its motion, i.e., no side loads to stress the landing gear. Answer (A) is incorrect. It is important that the longitudinal the axis also parallels the runway to avoid side loads on landing gear. Answer (C) is incorrect. The upwind wing, not the downwind wing, needs to be lowered.

63. (Refer to Figure 27 on page 450.) An aircraft departs an airport in the mountain standard time zone at 1615 MST for a 2-hour 15-minute flight to an airport located in the Pacific standard time zone. The estimated time of arrival at the destination airport should be A. 1630 PST. B. 1730 PST. C. 1830 PST.

Answer (B) is correct. DISCÚSSION: Departing the Mountain Standard Time Zone at 1615 MST for a 2-hour 15-minute flight would result in arrival in the Pacific Standard Time Zone at 1830 MST. Because there is a 1-hour difference between Mountain Standard Time and Pacific Standard Time, 1 hour must be subtracted from the 1830 MST arrival to determine the 1730 PST arrival. Answer (A) is incorrect. An arrival time of 1630 PST would be for a 1-hour 15-minute (not a 2-hour 15-minute) flight. Answer (C) is incorrect. The time of 1830 MST (not PST) is the estimated time of arrival at the destination airport.

44. On a cross-country flight, point A is crossed at 1500 hours and the plan is to reach point B at 1530 hours. Use the following information to determine the indicated airspeed required to reach point B on schedule. Distance between A and B: 70 NM Forecast wind: 310° at 15 Pressure altitude: 8,000 ft. Ambient temperature: -10°C True course: 270° The required indicated airspeed would be approximately A. 126 knots. B. 137 knots. C. 152 knots.

Answer (B) is correct. DISCÚSSION: First determine the required groundspeed to reach point B at 1530 by placing 70 NM on the outer scale over 30 minutes on the inner scale to determine a groundspeed of 140 kt. On the wind side of the computer, put the wind direction of 310° under the true index and put a pencil mark 15 kt. up from the grommet. Next, turn the inner scale so the 270° true course is under the true index and put the grommet over the groundspeed. Note that to obtain the 140-kt. groundspeed, you need a 152-kt. true airspeed. Next, on the computer side, put the air temperature of -10°C over 8,000 ft. altitude. Then find the true airspeed of 152 kt. on the outer scale, which lies over approximately 137 kt. indicated airspeed on the inner scale. Answer (A) is incorrect. This would be your indicated This is your required true airspeed, not indicated airspeed. is your groundspeed, not true airspeed. Answer (C) is incorrect. airspeed if you had a true airspeed of 140 kt. Note that 140 kt.

61. (Refer to Figure 27 on page 450.) An aircraft departs an airport in the central standard time zone at 0930 CST for a 2-hour flight to an airport located in the mountain standard time zone. The landing should be at what time? A. 0930 MST. B. 1030 MST. C. 1130 MST.

Answer (B) is correct. DISCÚSSION: Flying from the Central Standard Time Zone co the Mountain Standard Time Zone results in a 1-hour gain due to time zone changes. A 2-hour flight leaving at 0930 CSŤ will arrive in the Mountain Standard Time Zone at 1130 CST, which is 1030 MST. Answer (A) is incorrect. The aircraft departed at 0930 CST (not MST). Answer (C) is incorrect. A landing at 1130 MST would be correct for a 3-hour (not 2-hour) flight departing from the CST zone at 0930 CST to the MST zone.

12. How should an aircraft preflight inspection be accomplished for the first flight of the day? A. Quick walk around with a check of and oil. gas B. Thorough and systematic means recommended by the manufacturer. C. Any sequence as determined by the pilot-in- command.

Answer (B) is correct. DISCÚSSION: For the first flight of the day, the preflight inspection should be accomplished by a thorough and systematic means recommended by the manufacturer. Answer (A) is incorrect. A quick walk around with a check of gas and oil may be adequate if it is not the first flight of the day in that airplane. Answer (C) is incorrect. A preflight inspection should be done in the sequence recommended by the manufacturer in the POH, not in any sequence determined by the pilot in command.

5. (Refer to Figure 51 on page 415.) What information should be entered in item 16, "Destination Aerodrome," for a VFR day flight? A. The ICAO four-letter indicator of the airport of first intended landing. B. The ICAO four-letter indicator of destination airport if no stopover for more than 1 hour is anticipated. C. The ICAO four-letter indicator of the airport where the aircraft is based.

Answer (B) is correct. DISCÚSSION: In item 16 of the flight plan form in Fig. 51, enter the ICAO four-letter indicator of the airport of last intended landing for that flight, as long as no stopover exceeds 1 hr. Answer (A) is incorrect. The first intended landing, i.e., the end of the first leg of the flight, is included in the route of flight (item 15). Answer (C) is incorrect. The ICAO four-letter indicator of the airport where the airplane is based is not entered on the ICAO flight plan form.

3. (Refer to Figure 51 on page 413.) What information should be entered into item 16, "Destination Aerodrome," for a VFR day flight? A. The destination airport identifier code and name of the FBO where the airplane will be parked. B. The destination airport identifier code. C. The destination city and state.

Answer (B) is correct. DISCÚSSION: In item 16, "Destination Aerodrome," of the flight plan form in Fig. 51, enter the ICAO four-letter location identifier. Answer (A) is incorrect. The name of the FBO is not required. Answer (C) is incorrect. The ICAO four-letter indicator should be entered, not the city and state.

68. (Refer to Figure 66 on page 453.) While practicing S- turns, a consistently smaller half-circle is made on one side of the road than on the other, and this turn is not completed before crossing the road or reference line. This would most likely occur in turn A. 1-2-3 because the bank is decreased too rapidly during the latter part of the turn. B. 4-5-6 because the bank is increased too rapidly during the early part of the turn. C. 4-5-6 because the bank is increased too slowly during the latter part of the turn.

Answer (B) is correct. DISCÚSSION: Note that the wind in Fig. 66 is coming up from the bottom rather than from the top as in Fig. 62. The consistently smaller half-circle is made when on the upwind side of the road, i.e., 4-5-6. The initial bank is increased too rapidly, resulting in a smaller half-circle. Then an attempt is made to widen the turn out in the latter stages. Thus, the recrossing of the road is done at less than a 90° angle. Answer (A) is incorrect. Decreasing the bank too rapidly in the latter stages of 1, 2, and 3 on the downwind side of the road 4, 5, and 6 would make the half-circle larger, not smaller. Answer (C) is incorrect. Increasing the bank too slowly at the latter stages of increases, not decreases, the size of that half-circle.

7. (Refer to Figure 51 on page 415.) The International Flight Plan, FAA Form 7233-4, may be used A. only for international flights under VFR or IFR. B. for domestic and international flights under VFR or IFR. C. only for flights within 30 NM of the DC SFRA.

Answer (B) is correct. DISCÚSSION: The International Flight Plan may be used for domestic and international flights under VFR or IFR. Answer (A) is incorrect. The International Flight Plan may be used for domestic and international flights, not just international flights. Answer (C) is incorrect. The International Flight Plan may be used for domestic and international flights, not just flights in the vicinity of the DC SFRA.

70. What should be expected when making a downwind landing? The likelihood of A. undershooting the intended landing spot and a faster airspeed at touchdown. B. overshooting the intended landing spot and a faster groundspeed at touchdown. C. undershooting the intended landing spot and a faster groundspeed at touchdown

Answer (B) is correct. DISCÚSSION: The effect of a downwind landing is an increased groundspeed, which can increase the likelihood of overshooting the intended landing spot. Answer (A) is incorrect. When making a downwind landing, an aircraft will likely overshoot the intended landing spot rather than undershoot. In addition, the indicated airspeed will be the same, but the groundspeed will be increased. Answer (C) is incorrect. When making a downwind landing, an aircraft will likely overshoot the intended landing spot, rather than undershoot, due to increased groundspeed.

49. (Refer to Figure 23 on page 443.) While en route on Victor 185, a flight crosses the 248° radial of Allendale VOR at 0953 and then crosses the 216° radial of Allendale VOR at 1000. What is the estimated time of arrival at Savannah VORTAC? A. 1023. B. 1028. C. 1036.

Answer (B) is correct. DISCÚSSION: The first step is to find the three points involved. V185 runs southeast from the top left of Fig. 23. The first intersection (V70 and V185) is about 1 in. from the top of the chart. The second intersection (V157 and V185) is about 1-1/2 in. farther along V185. The Savannah VORTAC is about 6 in. farther down V185. Use the sectional scale located at the top of the chart. From the first intersection (V70 and V185), it is about 10 NM to the intersection of V185 and V157. From there it is 40 NM to Savannah VORTAC. On your flight computer, place the 7 min. the first leg took (1000 - 0953) on the inner scale under 10 NM on the outer scale. Then find 40 NM on the outer scale. Read 28 min. on the inner scale, which is the time en route from the V185 and V157 intersection to the Savannah VORTAC. Arrival time over Savannah VORTAC is therefore 1028. Answer (A) is incorrect. You must add 28 min. to 1000 to obtain the correct ETA of 1028. Answer (C) is incorrect. You must add 28 min. to 1000 to obtain the correct ETA of 1028.

57. (Refer to Figure 68 on page 449.) The line from point C to point B of the wind triangle represents A. airspeed and heading. B. groundspeed and true course. C. true heading and groundspeed.

Answer (B) is correct. DISCÚSSION: The line from point C to point B, the wind on triangle, represents the true course and groundspeed line. Answer (A) is incorrect. The line from point A, not point C, to point B represents the true heading and airspeed line. Answer (C) is incorrect. These are values obtained through using point to make good the desired course (point A to point B). clockwise from true north, in which the nose of the plane should to point B). True heading is the direction, measured in degrees length of the TC line using the same scale as the chart (point C a wind triangle. Groundspeed is obtained by measuring the

48. (Refer to Figure 22 on page 441.) What is the estimated time en route for a flight from St. Maries Airport (area 4) to Priest River Airport (area 1)? The wind is from 300° at 14 knots and the true airspeed is 90 knots. Add 3 minutes for climb-out. A. 38 minutes. B. 43 minutes. C. 48 minutes.

Answer (B) is correct. DISCÚSSION: The requirement is time en route and not magnetic heading, so there is no need to convert TC to MC. 1. Time en route from St. Maries Airport (southeast of 4) to Priest River Airport (upper left corner) on Fig. 22. 2. Using the scale at the top of the chart, measure the distance to be 54 NM. 3. TC = 346°. 4. Mark up 14 knots with 300° under true index. 5. Put TC of 346° under true index. 6. Slide the grid so the pencil mark is on TAS of 90 knots. 7. Read the groundspeed of 80 knots under the grommet. 8. On the calculator side, place 80 knots on the outer scale over 60 minutes. 9. Find 54 NM on the outer scale and read 40 minutes on the inner scale. 10. Add 3 minutes for climb-out to get time en route of 43 minutes. Answer (A) is incorrect. To make the trip in 38 minutes would groundspeed of 72 knots (not 80 knots). Answer (C) is incorrect. To make the trip in 48 minutes would require a require a groundspeed of 92 knots (not 80 knots).

45. (Refer to Figure 21 on page 439.) What is the estimated time en route from Mercer County Regional Airport (area 3) to Minot International (area 1)? The wind is from 330° at 25 knots and the true airspeed is 100 knots. Add 3-1/2 minutes for departure and climb- out. A. 45 minutes. B. 48 1/2 minutes. C. 52 minutes.

Answer (B) is correct. DISCÚSSION: The requirement is time en route and not magnetic heading, so there is no need to convert TC to MC. Using Fig. 21, the time en route from Mercer Co. Reg. Airport (lower left corner) to Minot (right of 1) is determined by measuring the distance (60 NM measured with the associated scale at the bottom of the chart), determining the time based on groundspeed, and adding 3.5 minutes for takeoff and climb. The TC is 012° as measured with a plotter. The wind is from 330° at 25 knots. On the wind side of your flight computer, place the wind direction 330° under the true index and mark 25 knots up. Rotate TC of 012° under the true index. Slide the grid so the pencil mark is on the arc for TAS of 100 knots. Read 80 knots groundspeed under the grommet. Turn to the calculator side and place the groundspeed of 80 knots on the outer scale over 60 minutes. Find 60 NM on outer scale and note 45 minutes on the inner scale. Add 3.5 minutes to 45 minutes for climb for en route time of 48.5 minutes. Answer (A) is incorrect. You must add 3.5 minutes for departure and climbout. Answer (C) is incorrect. The time en route is 48.5 minutes (not 52 minutes).

51. (Refer to Figure 23 on page 443.) What is the estimated time en route for a flight from Claxton- Evans County Airport (area 2) to Hampton Varnville Airport (area 1)? The wind is from 290° at 18 knots and the true airspeed is 85 knots. Add 2 minutes for climb-out. A. 35 minutes. B. 39 minutes. C. 43 minutes.

Answer (B) is correct. DISCÚSSION: Using the sectional scale located at the top of the chart, you will find the distance en route from Claxton-Evans (southwest of 2) to Hampton Varnville (east of 1 on Fig. 23) is approximately 57 NM. Use your plotter to determine that the TC is 045°. The requirement time en route and not magnetic heading, so there is no need to convert TC to MC. Using the wind side of your computer, turn your true index to the wind direction of 290° and mark 18 knots above the grommet with your pencil. Then turn the inner scale so that the true index is above the TC of 045°. Place the pencil mark on the TAS of 85 knots and note the groundspeed of 91 knots. Turn your flight computer over and set the speed of 91 knots above the 60-minutes index on the inner scale. Then find the distance of 57 NM on the outer scale to determine a time en route of 37 minutes. Add 2 minutes for climb-out, and the en route time is 39 minutes. Answer (A) is incorrect. You must add (not subtract) 2 minutes for climb-out to the time en route. Answer (C) is incorrect. The groundspeed is 91 knots (not 81 knots).

38. When converting from true course to magnetic heading, a pilot should A. subtract easterly variation and right wind correction angle. B. add westerly variation and subtract left wind correction angle. C. subtract westerly variation and add right wind correction angle.

Answer (B) is correct. DISCÚSSION: When converting true course to magnetic should remember two rules. With magnetic heading, you variation, east variation is subtracted and west variation is added. With wind corrections, left correction is subtracted and right correction is added. Answer (A) is incorrect. Right wind correction is added, not subtracted. Answer (C) is incorrect. Westerly variation is added, not subtracted.

67. (Refer to Figure 62 on page 452.) In flying the rectangular course, when should the aircraft bank vary from a steep bank to a medium bank? A. Corner 1. B. Corner 3. C. Corner 2 and 3.

Answer (B) is correct. DISCÚSSION: When flying a rectangular course, imagine that the course is a traffic pattern at an airport. On the downwind leg, the wind is a tailwind and results in an increased groundspeed. Accordingly, the turn on the next leg requires a fast roll-in with a steep bank. When the tailwind component diminishes, the bank angle is reduced. Answer (A) is incorrect. Corner 1 requires a turn that varies from shallow to medium. Answer (C) is incorrect. Corner 2 requires a turn that varies from medium to steep.

22. (Refer to Figure 9 on page 419.) (Refer to area C.) How should the flight controls be held while taxiing a tricycle-gear equipped airplane with a left quartering tailwind? A. Left aileron up, elevator neutral. B. Left aileron down, elevator down. C. Left aileron up, elevator down.

Answer (B) is correct. DISCÚSSION: With a left quartering tailwind, the left aileron should be down so the wind does not get under the left wing and flip the airplane over. Also, the elevator should be down, i.e., controls forward, so the wind does not get under the tail and blow the airplane tail over front. Answer (A) is incorrect. It describes the control setting for a left headwind. Answer (C) is incorrect. It describes the control setting for a right tailwind.

26. (Refer to Figure 23 on page 421.) On what course should the VOR receiver (OBS) be set to navigate direct from Hampton Varnville Áirport (area 1) to Savannah VORTAC (area 3)? A. 015°. B. 195°. C. 201°.

Answer (B) is correct. DISCÚSSION: You are to find the OBS course setting from Hampton Varnville Airport (right of 1) to Savannah VORTĂC (below 3). Because compass roses are based on magnetic courses, you can find that a straight line from Hampton Varnville Airport to Savannah VORTAC coincides the Savannah VORTAC compass rose at 015°. Because the route is south to (not north from) Savannah, compute the reciprocal direction as 195° magnetic (015° + 180°). To use the VOR properly when flying to a VOR station, the course you select with the OBS should be the reciprocal of the radial you will be tracking. If this is not done, reverse sensing occurs. Answer (A) is incorrect. This would be the course north from, not south to, Savannah. Answer (C) is incorrect. Compass roses are based on magnetic course, so you do not need to correct for magnetic variation.

25. The angular difference between true north and magnetic north is A. magnetic deviation. B. magnetic variation. C. compass acceleration error.

Answer (B) is correct. DISČÚSSION: The angular difference between true and magnetic north is referred to as magnetic variation. Answer (A) is incorrect. Deviation is the deflection of the compass needle in the airplane because of magnetic influences within the airplane. Answer (C) is incorrect. Compass acceleration error results from accelerating the aircraft.

41. (Refer to Figure 58 on page 436 , and Figure 23 on page 437.) Determine the compass heading for a flight from Claxton-Evans County Airport (area 2) to Hampton Varnville Airport (area 1). The wind is from 280° at 8 knots, and the true airspeed is 85 knots. Magnetic variation is 7°W. A. 033°. B. 044°. C. 038°.

Answer (B) is the best answer. DISCUSSION: 1. This flight is from Claxton-Evans (left of 2) to Hampton Varnville (right of 1) on Fig. 23. 2. TC = 045°. 3. MC = 045° TC + 7°W variation = 052°. 4. Wind magnetic = 280° + 7°W variation = 287°. 5. Mark up 8 knots with 287° under true index. 6. Place MC 052° under true index. 7. Move wind mark to 85 knots TAS arc. 8. Note that the pencil mark is 4° left. 9. Subtract 4° from 052° MC for 048° MH. 10. Subtract 4° compass variation (obtained from Fig. 58) from 048° to find the compass heading of 044°. Answer (A) is incorrect. This would be the approximate compass heading if the wind were out of 295° at 22 knots, not 280° at 8 knots. Answer (C) is incorrect. This would be the approximate compass heading if the wind were out of 295° at 12 knots.

28. (Refer to Figure 26 on page 425.) Determine the magnetic course from Cooperstown Airport (area 2) to Jamestown Airport (area 4). A. 030°. B. 218°. C. 210°.

Answer (C) is correct. DISCUSSION: Find the magnetic course from Cooperstown Airport (northeast of 2) to Jamestown Airport (south of 4). Because Jamestown has a VOR on the field, a compass rose exists around the Jamestown Airport symbol on the chart. Compass roses are based on magnetic courses. Thus, a straight line from Jamestown Airport to Cooperstown Airport coincides with the compass rose at 030°. Because the route is south to Jamestown, not north from Jamestown, compute the reciprocal direction as 210° (030° + 180°). The course, then, is approximately 210°. Answer (A) is incorrect. The course from Cooperstown to Jamestown is southwest (not northwest). Answer (B) is incorrect. This is the true course, not the magnetic course.

62. (Refer to Figure 27 on page 450.) An aircraft departs an airport in the central standard time zone at 0845 CST for a 2-hour flight to an airport located in the mountain standard time zone. The landing should be at what coordinated universal time? A. 1345Z. B. 1445Z. C. 1645Z.

Answer (C) is correct. DISCUSSION: First convert the departure time to coordinated universal time (Z) by using the time conversion table in Fig. 27. To convert from CST to Z, you must add 6 hours. Thus, 0845 CST is 1445Z (0845 + 6 hours). A 2-hour flight would make the estimated landing time at 1645Z (1445 + 2 hours). Answer (A) is incorrect. This is the departure time at 0845 CDT, not CST. Answer (B) is incorrect. This is the departure (not landing) time.

59. (Refer to Figure 27 on Page 450.) An aircraft departs an airport in the eastern daylight time zone at 0945 EDT for a 2-hour flight to an airport located in the central daylight time zone. The landing should be at what coordinated universal time? A. 1345Z. B. 1445Z. C. 1545Z.

Answer (C) is correct. DISCUSSION: First convert the departure time to coordinated universal time (Z) by using the time conversion table in Fig. 27. To convert from eastern daylight time (EDT), add 4 hours to get 1345Z (0945 + 4 hours). A 2-hour flight would have you arriving at your destination airport at 1545Z. Answer (A) is incorrect. This is the departure time. Answer (B) is incorrect. You would arrive at an airport at 1445Z if the flight were 1 (not 2) hour.

60. (Refer to Figure 27 on Page 450.) An aircraft departs an airport in the Pacific standard time zone at 1030 PST for a 4-hour flight to an airport located in the central standard time zone. The landing should be at what coordinated universal time? A. 2030Z. B. 2130Z. C. 2230Z.

Answer (C) is correct. DISCUSSION: First, convert the departure time to coordinated universal time (Z) by using the time conversion table in Fig. 27. To convert from PST to Z, you must add 8 hours; thus, 1030 PST is 1830Z (1030 + 8 hours). A 4-hour flight would make the proposed landing time at 2230Z (1830 + 4 hours). Answer (A) is incorrect. This is for a flight of 2 (not 4) hours. Answer (B) is incorrect. This is the proposed landing time if the departure time were 1030 PDT, not PST.

6. (Refer to Figure 51 on page 415.) What information should be entered in item 19, "Endurance," for a VFR day flight? A. The estimated time en route plus 30 minutes. B. The estimated time en route plus 45 minutes. C. The amount of usable fuel on board expressed in time.

Answer (C) is correct. DISCUSSION: Item 19, "Endurance," of the flight plan requires the amount of usable fuel in the airplane at the time of departure. It should be expressed in hours and minutes of flying time. Answer (A) is incorrect. This answer states the VFR fuel requirement for day flight. Answer (B) is incorrect. This answer states the VFR fuel requirement for night flight.

50. (Refer to Figure 23 on page 443.) What is the estimated time en route for a flight from Allendale County Airport (area 1) to Claxton-Evans County Airport (area 2)? The wind is from 100° at 18 knots and the true airspeed is 115 knots. Add 2 minutes for climb-out. A. 33 minutes. B. 27 minutes. C. 30 minutes.

Answer (C) is correct. DISCUSSION: The requirement is time en route and not magnetic heading, so there is no need to convert TC to MC. 1. To find the en route time from Allendale County (north of 1) to Claxton-Evans (southeast of 2), use Fig. 23. 2. Using the sectional scale located at the top of the chart, measure the distance to be 55 NM. 3. TC = 212°. 4. Mark up 18 knots with 100° under true index. 5. Put TC of 212° under true index. 6. Slide the grid so the pencil mark is on TAS of 115 knots. 7. Read the groundspeed of 120 knots under the grommet. 8. On the calculator side, place 120 knots on the outer scale over 60 minutes. 9. Read 28 minutes on the inner scale below 55 NM on the outer scale. 10. Add 2 minutes for climb-out and the en route time is 30 minutes. Answer (A) is incorrect. The groundspeed is 120 knots, not 105 knots. Answer (B) is incorrect. The groundspeed is 120 knots, not 130 knots.

46. (Refer to Figure 22 on page 441.) Determine the estimated time en route for a flight from Priest River Airport (area 1) to Shoshone County Airport (area 3). The wind is from 030 at 12 knots and the true airspeed is 95 knots. Add 2 minutes for climb-out. A. 29 minutes. B. 27 minutes. C. 31 minutes.

Answer (C) is correct. DISCUSSION: The requirement is time en route and not magnetic heading, so there is no need to convert TC to MC. 1. To find the en route time from Priest River Airport (west of area 1) to Shoshone County Airport (area 3) use Fig. 22. 2. Using the scale at the top of the chart, measure the distance to be 48 NM. 3. TC = 143°. 4. Mark up 12 knots with 030° under true index. 5. Put TC of 143° under true index. 6. Slide the grid so the pencil mark is on TAS of 95 knots. 7. Read the groundspeed of 99 knots under the grommet. 8. On the calculator side, place 99 knots on the outer scale over 60 minutes. 9. Read 29 minutes on the inner scale below 48 NM on the outer scale. 10. Add 2 minutes for climb-out and the en route time is 31 minutes. Answer (A) is incorrect. Twenty-nine minutes would be the approximate time en route if you forgot to add 2 minutes for climb-out. Answer (B) is incorrect. You must add, not subtract, the 2 minutes for climb-out.

27. (Refer to Figure 20 on page 423.) Determine the magnetic course from First Flight Airport (area 5) to Hampton Roads Airport (area 2). A. 141°. B. 321°. C. 331°.

Answer (C) is correct. DISCUSSION: You are to find the magnetic course from First Flight Airport (lower right corner) to Hampton Roads Airport (above 2 on Fig. 20). True course is the degrees clockwise from true north. Determine the true course by placing the straight edge of your plotter along the given route with the grommet at the intersection of your route and a meridian (the north/south line with crosslines). Here, TC is 320°. To convert this to a magnetic course, add the 11° westerly variation (indicated by the dashed magenta line that parallels the coastline north/south), and find the magnetic course of 331°. Remember to subtract easterly variation and add westerly variation. Answer (A) is incorrect. This is the approximate true, not magnetic, course for a flight from Hampton Roads Airport to First Flight Airport, not for a flight from First Flight to Hampton Roads. Answer (B) is incorrect. This is the approximate true, not magnetic, course.

40. (Refer to Figure 23 on page 437.) Determine the magnetic heading for a flight from Allendale County Airport (area 1) to Claxton-Evans County Airport (area 2). The wind is from 090° at 16 knots and the true airspeed is 90 knots. Magnetic variation is 7°W. A. 230°. B. 213°. C. 210°.

Answer (C) is correct. DISCÚSSION: 1. This flight is from Allendale County (above 1) to Claxton- Evans County Airport (left of 2) on Fig. 23. Variation is shown on Fig. 23 as 7°W. 2. TC = %3D 212°. 3. MC = 212° TC + 7°W variation = 219°. 4. Wind magnetic = %3D 090° + 7°W variation = %3D 097°. 5. Mark up 16 knots with 097° under true index. 6. Place MC 219° under true index. 7. Move wind mark to 90 knots TAS arc. 8. Note that the pencil mark is 9° left. 9. Subtract 9° from 219° MC for 210° MH. Answer (A) is incorrect. This would be the approximate magnetic heading if the wind was out of 330° at 23 knots, not 090° at 16 knots. Answer (B) is incorrect. This is the true heading, not the magnetic heading.

15. When executing an emergency approach to land in a single-engine airplane, it is important to maintain a constant glide speed because variations in glide speed will A. increase the chances of shock cooling the engine. B. assure the proper descent angle is maintained until entering the flare. C. nullify all attempts at accuracy in judgment of gliding distance and landing spot.

Answer (C) is correct. DISCÚSSION: A constant gliding speed should be maintained because variations of gliding speed nullify all attempts at accuracy in judgment of gliding distance and the landing spot. Answer (A) is incorrect. Shock cooling the engine can occur when you significantly increase the speed beyond the best glide speed. Answer (B) is incorrect. A constant glide speed may not guarantee a certain descent angle. The angle of descent will be based on many environmental factors. While this statement is potentially valid, it is not the best answer option available for this question.

13. Upon encountering severe turbulence, which flight condition should the pilot attempt to maintain? A. Constant altitude and airspeed. B. Constant angle of attack. C. Level flight attitude.

Answer (C) is correct. DISCÚSSION: Attempting to hold altitude and airspeed in severe turbulence can lead to overstressing the airplane. Rather, you should set power to what normally will maintain VA and simply attempt to maintain a level flight attitude. Answer (A) is incorrect. Maintaining a constant altitude will require additional control movements, adding stress to the airplane. Answer (B) is incorrect. In severe turbulence, the angle of attack will fluctuate due to the wind shears and wind shifts that cause the turbulence.

4. (Refer to Figure 51 on page 413.) What information should be entered in item 19, "Endurance," for a VFR day flight? A. The actual time en route expressed in hours and minutes. B. The estimated time en route expressed in hours and minutes. C. The total amount of usable fuel onboard expressed in hours and minutes.

Answer (C) is correct. DISCÚSSION: Item 19, "Endurance," of the flight plan requires the amount of usable fuel in the airplane at the time of departure. It should be expressed in hours and minutes of flying time. Answer (A) is incorrect. Item 19 requires the amount of fuel on board expressed in time. Answer (B) is incorrect. Item 19 requires the amount of fuel on board expressed in time.

65. Select the four flight fundamentals involved in maneuvering an aircraft. A. Aircraft power, pitch, bank, and trim. B. Starting, taxiing, takeoff, and landing. C. Straight-and-level flight, turns, climbs, and descents.

Answer (C) is correct. DISCÚSSION: Maneuvering an airplane is generally divided into four flight fundamentals: straight-and-level flight, turns, climbs, and descents. All controlled flight consists of one or a combination of more than one of these basic maneuvers. Answer (A) is incorrect. It lists variable factors necessary for the performance of the flight fundamentals. Answer (B) is incorrect. It lists a combination of basic maneuvers, not flight fundamentals.

33. (Refer to Figure 21 on page 431.) Determine the magnetic heading for a flight from Mercer County Regional Airport (area 3) to Minot International (area 1). The wind is from 330° at 25 knots, the true airspeed is 100 knots, and the magnetic variation is 10°E. A. 002°. B. 012°. C. 352°.

Answer (C) is correct. DISCÚSSION: On Fig. 21, begin by computing the true course (TC) from Mercer Co. Reg. (lower left corner) to Minot Int'l. (upper left center) by drawing a line between the two airports. Next, determine the TC by placing the grommet on the plotter at the intersection of the course line and a meridian (vertical line with cross-hatchings) and the top of the plotter aligned with the course line. Note the 012° TC on the edge of the protractor. Next, subtract the 10° east magnetic variation from the TC to obtain a magnetic course (MC) of 002°. Because the wind is given true, subtract the 10° east magnetic variation to obtain a magnetic wind direction of 320° (330° - 10°). Now use the wind side of your computer to plot the wind direction and velocity. Place the magnetic wind direction of 320° on the inner scale on the true index. Mark 25 knots up from the grommet with a pencil. Turn the inner scale to the magnetic course of 002°. Slide the grid up until the pencil mark lies over the line for true airspeed (TAS) of 100 knots. Correct for the 10° left wind angle by subtracting from the magnetic course of 002° to obtain a magnetic heading of 352°. This is intuitively correct because, given the magnetic course of 002° and a northwesterly wind, you must turn to the left (crab into the wind) to correct for it. Answer (A) is incorrect. This is the magnetic course, not heading; i.e.., you must still correct for wind drift. Answer (B) is incorrect. This is the true course, not magnetic heading.

55. (Refer to Figure 20 on page 448.) En route to First Flight Airport (area 5), your flight passes over Hampton Roads Airport (area 2) at 1456 and then over Chesapeake Regional at 1501. At what time should your flight arrive at First Flight? A. 1516. B. 1521. C. 1526.

Answer (C) is correct. DISCÚSSION: The distance between Hampton Roads Airport (north of 2) and Chesapeake Regional (northeast of 2) is 10 NM. It took 5 min. (1501- 1456) to go 10 NM. On your flight computer, place the 5 min. the first leg took on the inner scale under 10 NM on the outer scale. Then find 50 NM (60 NM total distance - 10 NM of the first leg) on the outer scale and read 25 min. on the inner scale for the time from Chesapeake Regional to First Flight Airport. The distance from Chesapeake Regional to First Flight Airport (right of 5) is 50 NM. Add 25 min. to the time you passed Chesapeake Regional (1501) to get 1526. Answer (A) is incorrect. At 2 NM per min., it will take 25 min., not 15 min., to reach first flight. Answer (B) is incorrect. The 25 min. must be added to 1501, not 1456.

47. (Refer to Figure 22 on page 441.) What is the estimated time en route from Sandpoint Airport (area 1) to St. Maries Airport (area 4)? The wind is from 215° at 25 knots, and the true airspeed is 125 knots. A. 38 minutes. B. 30 minutes. C. 34 minutes.

Answer (C) is correct. DISCÚSSION: The requirement is time en route and not magnetic heading, so there is no need to convert TC to MC. 1. You are to find the en route time from Sandpoint Airport (north of 1) to St. Maries Airport (southeast of 4) on Fig. 22. 2. Using the scale at the top of the chart, measure the distance to be 59 NM. 3. TC = 181°. 4. Mark up 25 knots with 215° under true index. 5. Put TC of 181° under true index. 6. Slide the grid so the pencil mark is on TAS of 125 knots. 7. Read the groundspeed of 104 knots under the grommet. over 60 minutes. 8. On the calculator side, place 104 knots on the outer scale 9. Find 59 NM on the outer scale and read 34 minutes on the inner scale. Answer (A) is incorrect. To make the trip in 38 minutes would not 104 knots. Answer (B) groundspeed of 118 knots, not 104 knots. is incorrect. To make the trip in 30 require a groundspeed of 93 knots, minutes would require a

42. How far will an aircraft travel in 2-1/2 minutes with a groundspeed of 98 knots? A. 2.45 NM. B. 3.35 NM. C. 4.08 NM.

Answer (C) is correct. DISCÚSSION: To determine the distance traveled in 2-1/2 minutes at 98 knots, note that 98 knots is 1.6 NM/minute (98 + 60 = 1.633). Thus, in 2-1/2 minutes, you will have traveled a total of 4.08 NM (1.633 × 2.5 = 4.08). Alternatively, put 98 on the outer scale of your flight computer over the index on the inner scale. Find 2.5 minutes on the inner scale, above which is 4.1 NM. Answer (A) is incorrect. For 2.45 NM to be true, you would need a groundspeed of approximately 59 knots. Answer (B) is would need a groundspeed incorrect. For 3.35 NM to be true, you of approximately 80 knots.

37. If a true heading of 135° results in a ground track of 130° and a true airspeed of 135 knots results in a groundspeed of 140 knots, the wind would be from A. 019° and 12 knots. B. 200° and 13 knots. C. 246° and 13 knots.

Answer (C) is correct. DISCÚSSION: To estimate your wind given true heading and a ground track, place the groundspeed under the grommet (140 knots) with the ground track of 130° under the true index. Then find the true airspeed on the true airspeed arc of 135 knots, and put a pencil mark for a 5° right deviation (135° - 130° = 5°). Place the pencil mark on the centerline under the true index and note a wind from 246° under the true index. The pencil mark is now on 153 knots, which is about 13 knots up from the grommet (153 - 140). Answer (A) is incorrect. These would be your approximate wind and velocity for a 5° left wind correction, not right. Answer (B) is incorrect. These would be your approximate wind and velocity when at a true airspeed of 140 knots, not 135 knots, and a groundspeed of 135 knots, not 140 knots.

24. (Refer to Figure 9 on page 419.) (Refer to area C.) How should the flight controls be held while taxiing a tailwheel airplane with a left quartering tailwind? A. Left aileron up, elevator neutral. B. Left aileron down, elevator neutral. C. Left aileron down, elevator down.

Answer (C) is correct. DISCÚSSION: When there is a left quartering tailwind, the left aileron should be held down so the wind does not get under the left wing and flip the airplane over. Also, the elevator should be down, i.e., controls forward, so the wind does not get under the tail and blow the airplane tail over front. Answer (A) is incorrect. The left aileron should be down (not up) and the elevator down (not neutral). Answer (B) is incorrect. The elevator should be down when taxiing with a tailwind.

18. When taxiing with strong quartering tailwinds, which aileron positions should be used? A. Aileron down on the downwind side. B. Ailerons neutral. C. Aileron down on the side from which the wind is blowing.

Answer (C) is correct. DISCÚSSION: When there is a strong quartering tailwind, the aileron should be down on the side from which the wind is blowing (when taxiing away from the wind, turn away from the wind) to help keep the wind from getting under that wing and flipping the airplane over. Answer (A) is incorrect. The aileron should be down on the upwind (not downwind) side. Answer (B) is incorrect. The aileron positions help control the airplane while taxiing in windy conditions.

16. VFR approaches to land at night should be accomplished A. at a higher airspeed. B. with a steeper descent. C. the same as during daytime.

Answer (C) is correct. DISČÚSSION: Every effort should be made to execute approaches and landings at night in the same manner as they are made in the day. Inexperienced pilots often have a tendency to make approaches and landings at night with excessive airspeed. Answer (A) is incorrect. Approaching at a higher airspeed could result in floating into unseen obstacles at the far end of the runway. Answer (B) is incorrect. A steeper descent is not necessary. You should use the visual glide slope indicators night whenever they are available.

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