1.2b & c: Cell Theory, Prokaryotes & Eukaryotes

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a. Eukaryotic

Chlorophyta are a phylum of single-celled organisms that live in freshwater and marine ecosystems. Structures inside Chlorophyta include nuclei, chloroplasts, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticula, and vacuoles. Which word BEST describes Chlorophyta cells? a. Eukaryotic b. Inorganic c. Prokaryotic d. Synthetic


Common name for prokaryotic cells

C. Prokaryotic cells do not have a true nucleus or membrane-bound organelles; Eukaryotic cells contain both a nucleus and organelles enclosed by membranes

Which of the following is true about cells? A. Eukaryotic cells do not have a true nucleus or membrane-bound organelles; Prokaryotic cells contain both a nucleus and organelles enclosed by membranes B. Both eukaryotic cells and prokaryotic cells always contain both a true nucleus that is well-defined and organelles that are separated from the cytoplasm by membranes C. Prokaryotic cells do not have a true nucleus or membrane-bound organelles; Eukaryotic cells contain both a nucleus and organelles enclosed by membranes D. Neither prokaryotic cells, nor eukaryotic cells ever contain both a true nucleus that is well defined and organelles that are separated from the cytoplasm by membranes

B. They are usually found in unicellular organisms

Which of the following is true of prokaryotic cells? A. They may be found in unicellular or multicellular organisms B. They are only found in unicellular organisms C. They tend to be large and very complex D. They are able to compartmentalize functions and are more efficient

B. Prokaryotic cells came before Eukaryotic cells

Which of the following statements is true? A. Eukaryotic cells are simple, Prokaryotic cells are complex B. Prokaryotic cells came before Eukaryotic cells C. Eukaryotic cells do not have a nucleus, Prokaryotic cells do D. Prokaryotic cells are bigger than Eukaryotic cells

C. Archaea

Which of the following types of cells utilize DNA as their genetic material but do not have their DNA encased within a nuclear envelope? A. Animal B. Plant C. Archaea D. Fungi E. Protists

Prokaryotic cells

Which type of cell appeared first on Earth?

Cells must have certain substances at a certain rate If the cell is too large, the needed materials cannot enter the cell fast enough to meet the cell's needs

Why is cell size limited?

The cell is the smallest unit that can perform all life's processes

Why is the cell called the basic unit of life?

C. Ribosome

Mark observes the structure of a certain cell in a science magazine. The cell has a single circular chromosome not enclosed by a membrane. What other structure could Mark find in this cell? A. Chloroplast B. Mitochondrion C. Ribosome D. Vacuole

D. presence of a nucleus in eukaryotes

One of the most visible differences between prokaryotic & eukaryotic cells is the A. lack of chlorophyll in eukaryotes B. larger size of prokaryotes C. presence of a cell wall in prokaryotes D. presence of a nucleus in eukaryotes

D. archaea

Organisms most likely to be found in extreme environments are A. fungi B. bacteria C. viruses D. archaea


What are the most numerous of a cell's organelles?

Unicellular organisms

What are the most numerous of all life forms?


What domain do organisms belong to that are most likely to be found in extreme environments?

The cell's function

What influences a cell's physical features?


What is DNA & protein in a coiled, rod-shaped form that occurs during eukaryotic cell division?

Unicellular organism

What is a living thing called that is composed of only one cell?


What is a molecule found in cells that carries genetic information to be passed from parents to offspring during reproduction?


What is a unicellular organism that lacks a membrane bound nucleus and other membrane bound organelles?

Nucleic Acid

What is an organic molecule, DNA or RNA, that stores and carries important information for cell function?

1 to 10 micrometers

What is the diameter of prokaryotic cells?


What is the fluid portion of the cytoplasm?


What is the region of a cell between the cell membrane and the nucleus that includes the fluid, the cytoskeleton, and the organelles?

Cell membrane

What is the structure that encloses ALL cells?

Cell membrane

What is the structure that regulates what enters and leaves a cell?

Linear DNA

What shape and type of genetic material is found in a eukaryotic cell?

Most prokaryotes, plants, algae, and fungus

What type of cells are surrounded & supported by a cell wall?

A single, circular chromosome of DNA

What type of genetic material is found in a prokaryotic cell?

Plant, Fungi, many Protists (algae), & most Bacteria (prokaryotes)

What types of cells have cell walls?

Within a nucleus

Where is the genetic material found in a eukaryotic cell?

In the nucleoid region

Where is the genetic material found in a prokaryotic cell?

B. The absence of a nucleus

Which BEST explains why a bacterial cell is classified as a prokaryote? A. The presence of a nucleus B. The absence of a nucleus C. The presence of a cell wall D. The absence of a cell wall

B. Nucleus

Which characteristic is NOT common to both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells? A. Cytoplasm B. Nucleus C. Reproduction D. Cell membrane

A. Eukaryotes

Which group includes only microbes with both a cell membrane and a nucleus? A. Eukaryotes B. Prokaryotes C. Mutagens D. Contagions

B. Prokaryotes

Which group of microorganisms is thought to be the oldest living organisms? A. Eukaryotes B. Prokaryotes C. Viruses

A. Bacterial cell

Which is an example of a prokaryotic cell? A. Bacterial cell B. Plant cell C. Eukaryotic cell D. Animal cell

D. Bacteria & Archaea

Which of the following consist of prokaryotic cells? A. Bacteria & Fungi B. Archaea & Fungi C. Protists & Animals D. Bacteria & Archaea

C. Has cells that lack a nucleus & does not have membrane-bound organelles

Which of the following describes the structure of a prokaryote? A. Has cells that contain a nucleus & membrane-bound organelles B. Is a non-cellular particle usually made up of genetic material & proteins C. Has cells that lack a nucleus & does not have membrane-bound organelles D. Has cells that contain a nucleus but lack membrane-bound organelles

b. All cells contain the same organelles

Which of the following is NOT part of the cell theory? a. All living things are made of one or more cells b. All cells contain the same organelles c. Cells are the basic units of structure and function in organisms d. All cells arise from existing cells

C. They were found on Earth before eukaryotes

Which of the following is characteristic of prokaryotes? A. The organelles in their cytoplasm are surrounded by membranes B. They have a nucleus C. They were found on Earth before eukaryotes D. None of these

a. Contains a nucleus

Which of the following is the MOST accurate description of a eukaryotic cell? a. Contains a nucleus b. Move using cilia c. Produce food by photosynthesis d. Reproduces only by binary fission

D. Eukaryotic

A cell has a nucleus, is complex and large, and has membrane bound organelles. What type of cell is this? A. Prokaryotic B. Bacteria C. There is not enough information D. Eukaryotic

D. lack membrane-bound nuclei

Bacteria are classified as prokaryotic cells because they A. are unable to produce amino acids B. cannot produce their own food C. do not require oxygen to perform respiration D. lack membrane-bound nuclei

D. asexual

Binary fission is a form of ______ reproduction. A. reverse B. gamete C. sexual D. asexual


True or False: Bacteria do not have a nucleus. Since the nucleus contains DNA, it can be concluded that bacteria do not contain DNA


True or False: Bacteria reproduce asexually


True or False: Prokaryotic cells are among the largest of cells

C. rate at which substances needed by the cell can enter the cell through its surface

Cells are limited in size by the A. amount of cell membrane the cell can produce B. amount of material the cell can collect to fill itself C. rate at which substances needed by the cell can enter the cell through its surface D. rate at which the cell can manufacture genetic material

Eukaryotic because they have nuclei & other membrane bound organelles

Are animal cells prokaryotic or eukaryotic? Explain

D. Ribosomes

High levels of protein are detected in a cell culture. Which of the following do the cells in the culture have? A. Chloroplasts B. Mitochondria C. Nuclei D. Ribosomes

B. Cell membranes are fluid & able to stretch and move as needed

How do cell membranes differ from cell walls? A. Cell membranes are composed of cellulose which makes them rigid B. Cell membranes are fluid & able to stretch and move as needed C. Cell walls are constructed of a lipid bilayer with proteins embedded D. Cell walls control the movement of materials into & out of the cell


Of the two main types of cells, which can make up a unicellular organism or can be part of a multicellular organism?


Of the two main types of cells, which is always a unicellular organism?

Nucleoid region

Prokaryotic cells do not have a nucleus What do they have in its place?

B. prokaryotes

The simplest life forms exhibiting cellular structures are A. sperm B. prokaryotes C. eggs D. eukaryotes

Eukaryotic cells are 10 to 100 times larger than prokaryotic cells

How does the size of a eukaryotic cell compare to that of a prokaryotic cell?

C. smaller than eukaryotic cells

How does the size of a prokaryotic cell compare to that of a eukaryotic cell? Prokaryotic cells are... A. bigger than eukaryotic cells B. similar to size to eukaryotic cells C. smaller than eukaryotic cells D. visible to the naked/unaided eye

It has long extensions that reach out in different directions to receive & transmit nerve impulses

How is a nerve cell's appearance related to its function?

Skin cells are flat like tiles and stacked on top of each other to cover the body surface

How is a skin cell's physical appearance related to its function?

White blood cells can change shape to get through narrow openings to leave the blood so they can isolate, engulf, and destroy bacteria and viruses

How is a white blood cell's physical appearance related to its function?

C. can be either prokaryotic or eukaryotic

If a cell has a plasma membrane, it is A. prokaryotic B. eukaryotic C. can be either prokaryotic or eukaryotic D. none of these have plasma membrane


If a cell has circular DNA, is small and simple, and has no nucleus or other membrane bound organelles, what type of cell is it?

D. Prokaryotic cells will not have membrane-bound organelles, but eukaryotic cells will

If you are looking at cells under a powerful microscope, what is the BEST way to tell the difference between prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells? A. Prokaryotic cells will always have cell walls, but eukaryotic cells will not B. Prokaryotic cells will never have a cell membrane, but eukaryotic cells will C. Prokaryotic cells will have either RNA or DNA, but eukaryotic cells will have both D. Prokaryotic cells will not have membrane-bound organelles, but eukaryotic cells will


In a eukaryotic cell, which organelle contains most of the cell's DNA?

B. organelles

In eukaryotes, thousands of chemical reactions are able to take part in separate compartments called A. bacteria B. organelles C. proteins D. prokaryotes


In eukaryotes, thousands of chemical reactions are able to take part in separate compartments called...

B. larger than prokaryotic cells

In general, eukaryotic cells are A. smaller than prokaryotic cells B. larger than prokaryotic cells C. about the same size as prokaryotic cells D. visible to the unaided eye

B. Eukaryotic cells only

Membrane-bound organelles would be found in which type of cells? A. Animal cells only B. Eukaryotic cells only C. Plant cells only D. Prokaryotic cells only

B. prokaryotes

The first forms of life on Earth were thought to be A. single-celled plants B. prokaryotes C. insects D. large animals such as dinosaurs

B. eukaryotic cells

The presence of a membrane enclosed nucleus is a characteristic of A. prokaryotic cells B. eukaryotic cells C. all cells D. viruses


The smallest unit that can carry on all the processes of life

Cell Theory

The statement "Cells arise only from existing cells" is part of the...


Tiny structures inside of a cell that carry out life processes

C. Plasma membrane

Which characteristic do all prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells have in common? A. Cell wall B. Nucleus C. Plasma membrane D. Organelles

c. Cell membrane

Which characteristic do all prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells have in common? a. Cell wall b. Nucleus c. Cell membrane d. Organelles

C. are usually smaller than prokaryotic cells

Which of the following statements about eukaryotic cells is NOT true? Eukaryotic cells... A. have a membrane bound nucleus, one of the largest structures within the cell B. are more complex than prokaryotic cells C. are usually smaller than prokaryotic cells D. are believed to have evolved more recently than did prokaryotic cells

D. Plants & Animals

Which of the following would be examples of Eukaryotic cells? A. Plants & Bacteria B. Animals & Bacteria C. Prokaryotes & Animals D. Plants & Animals

D. Eukaryotic cells are usually larger & more complex than prokaryotic cells

Which of these characteristics BEST describe a difference between eukaryotic & prokaryotic cells? A. Eukaryotic DNA has deoxyribose, prokaryotic DNA has ribose B. Eukaryotic cells reproduce asexually, prokaryotic cells reproduce sexually C. Eukaryotic DNA is free floating in the cell, prokaryotic DNA is in a nucleus D. Eukaryotic cells are usually larger & more complex than prokaryotic cells

D. Ribosome

Which organelle is found in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes? A. Lysosome B. Mitochondria C. Nucleus D. Ribosome

d. The cell contains a nucleus

Which sentence does not describe a prokaryotic cell? a. The cell contains DNA b. The cell contains cytoplasm c. The cell contains ribosomes d. The cell contains a nucleus

B. Prokaryotic cells have circular DNA and no nucleus

Which statement describes differences prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells? A. Prokaryotic cells are larger and are mobile B. Prokaryotic cells have circular DNA and no nucleus C. Eukaryotic cells have a cytoskeleton and only reproduce asexually D. Eukaryotic cells have membrane-bound organelles and smaller ribosomes

C. Prokaryotic cells have circular DNA not contained in a nucleus

Which statement describes the difference between the DNA of a prokaryotic cell and a eukaryotic cell? A. Eukaryotic cells have circular DNA contained in a nucleus B. Eukaryotic cells have DNA contained in chromosomes, not inside a nucleus C. Prokaryotic cells have circular DNA not contained in a nucleus D. Prokaryotic cells have DNA contained in chromosome inside a nucleus

A. lack membrane-bound nuclei

Which statement explains why bacteria are classified as prokaryotes? Bacteria... A. lack membrane-bound nuclei B. cannot produce their own food C. are deficient in ribosomal RNA D. do not require oxygen in order to survive

d. Bacteria lack membrane-bound nuclei

Which statement explains why bacteria are classified as prokaryotes? a. Bacteria are deficient in ribosomal RNA b. Bacteria cannot produce their own food c. Bacteria do not require oxygen in order to survive d. Bacteria lack membrane-bound nuclei

a. Bacteria lack membrane-bound nuclei

Which statement explains why bacteria are classified as prokaryotes? a. Bacteria lack membrane bound nuclei b. Bacteria cannot produce their own food c. Bacteria are deficient in ribosomal RNA d. Bacteria do not require oxygen in order to survive

D. They have DNA, but they do not have a nucleus

Which statement most accurately describes bacterial cells? A. They do not have a nucleus or DNA B. They have a nucleus, but they do not have DNA C. They have a nucleus that contains DNA D. They have DNA, but they do not have a nucleus

C. Plasma membrane

Which structure controls what enters or leaves the cell? A. Cell wall B. Mitochondrion C. Plasma membrane D. Vacuole

D. Ribosomes

Which structure is found in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes? A. Chloroplasts B. Mitochondria C. Nucleus D. Ribosomes

D. ribosome

Which structure is found in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells? A. endoplasmic reticulum B. Golgi apparatus C. nucleus D. ribosome

C. Plasma membrane

Which structure would be found in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes? A. Chloroplast B. Nucleus C. Plasma membrane D. Vacuole

C. Cell membrane

Which structure would you expect to observe when examining a bacterial cell with a microscope? A. Nucleus B. Spindle fiber C. Cell membrane D. Mitochondria

C. Cell wall, Cytoplasm & DNA

Which structures could be common to both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells? A. Cell membrane, Chloroplasts & DNA B. Cell membrane, Chromosomes & Vacuole C. Cell wall, Cytoplasm & DNA D. Cell wall, Endoplasmic reticulum & Nuclear membrane

E. Eukaryotic cells

Which type of cell has membrane bound organelles? A. Prokaryotic cells B. Plant cells C. Animal cells D. Bacterial cells E. Eukaryotic cells

D. Eukaryotic cell

Which type of cell is an animal cell? A. Prokaryotic cell B. Plant cell C. Bacterial cell D. Eukaryotic cell

Because they contain many membrane-bound organelles

Why are eukaryotic cells so much larger than prokaryotic cells?

Their size is limited by the rate at which substances needed by the cell can enter the cell through its surface

Why can cells only grow to a certain size?

B. prokaryotic

A ______ cell is a type of cell that lacks membrane-bound organelles. A. eukaryotic B. prokaryotic C. daughter D. nucleus

A. It is smaller in size

A bacterial cell is an example of a typical prokaryotic cell. In comparison to a typical eukaryotic cell, which statement about a bacterial cell is correct? A. It is smaller in size B. It possesses a larger nucleus C. It lacks a plasma membrane D. It possesses membrane-bound organelles

B. nucleoid region

A bacterial cell's DNA is found in its A. capsule B. nucleoid region C. nucleus D. ribosomes E. Bacteria do not have DNA

c. Prokaryotic

A cell has a cell wall and free-floating DNA. What type of cell is it MOST LIKELY to be? a. Animal b. Eukaryotic c. Prokaryotic d. Viral

A. Prokaryotic

A cell has a cell wall and free-floating DNA. What type of cell is it MOST likely to be? A. Prokaryotic B. Eukaryotic C. Viral D. Animal

C. Prokaryotic

A cell has circular DNA, is small & simple, and has no nucleus or membrane bound organelles. What type of cell is this? A. Animal B. Plant C. Prokaryotic D. Eukaryotic

c. Nucleus

A human cheek cell can be distinguished from a bacterial cell by the presence of which structure? a. Cell membrane b. Cytoplasm c. Nucleus d. Ribosomes

A. eukaryotes

A mushroom has cells that contain a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles. Mushrooms are classified as A. eukaryotes B. viruses C. plants D. prokaryotes

B. chloroplast

A prokaryotic cell does NOT contain a A. cell wall B. chloroplast C. cytoplasm D. plasma membrane

C. a chloroplast

A prokaryotic cell does not contain A. a cell membrane B. a cell wall C. a chloroplast D. cytoplasm

D. Bacterial cell

A scientist is studying a cell that has a rigid cell wall with many hair-like projections on the outer surface. The genetic material is not enclosed by a membrane. Which cell is the scientist observing? A. Cheek cell B. Leaf cell C. Blood cell D. Bacterial cell

D. Prokaryotic

A scientist observes a cell that has no cell wall, no nucleus, and no visible organelles. What kind of cell is the scientist observing? A. Protist B. Gamete C. Plant cell D. Prokaryotic

C. Since it possesses a cell wall & DNA contained in a nuclear membrane, the cell must be eukaryotic

A student examining an unknown cell under a microscope notes it has a cell wall, cytoplasm, and genetic information contained within a nuclear membrane. Which inference would be correct? A. Since the cell possesses a cell wall & genetic information, it has to be an animal cell B. Since the cell contains genetic information, it has to be a bacteria cell & prokaryotic C. Since it possesses a cell wall & DNA contained in a nuclear membrane, the cell must be eukaryotic D. Since the DNA is contained in a membrane & not in the cytoplasm, the cell must be a plant cell

B. Archaea

A water sample from a hot thermal vent contained a single-celled organism that had a cell wall but lacked a nucleus. What is its most likely classification? A. Eukarya B. Archaea C. Animalia D. Protista E. Fungi

C. regulate the cell's interactions with the environment

All cells are surrounded by membranes. The main role of the cell membrane is to A. arrange the cell's organelles in the cytoplasm B. prevent water from leaking out of the cell C. regulate the cell's interactions with the environment D. release any type of molecule out of the cell

Eukaryotic because they have nuclei and other membrane bound organelles

Are plant cells prokaryotic or eukaryotic? Explain

A. be smaller

Bacterial cells are prokaryotic; in comparison to a typical eukaryotic cell, they would A. be smaller B. have a smaller nucleus C. lack a plasma membrane D. have fewer internal membranous compartments E. have a greater variety of organelles

D. prokaryotes

Bacterial cells differ from animal cells in that they lack a nucleus & membrane-bound organelles. For this reason, bacterial cells are classified as A. eukaryotes B. viruses C. protists D. prokaryotes

C. Eukaryotic DNA is linear, whereas most prokaryotic DNA is circular

Both eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells possess DNA and engage in genetic processes. Which of the following is true of their cellular genetics? A. Eukaryotic and prokaryotic DNA use different genetic codes (nucleotides) B. Eukaryotic cells generally require fewer genes to operate than prokaryotic cells C. Eukaryotic DNA is linear, whereas most prokaryotic DNA is circular D. Prokaryotic DNA cannot be translated into proteins because of the lack of a nucleus

B. volume increases faster than the surface area

Cells are small because as cell size increases, the A. volume & surface area decrease B. volume increases faster than the surface area C. surface area & volume increase at the same rate D. surface area increases faster than the volume

B. 10 to 50 micrometers

The diameter of most plant cells is about A. 0.1 to 0.2 micrometers B. 10 to 50 micrometers C. 1 to 2 millimeters D. 10 to 50 millimeters

A. a nucleus

Danni observed a digital photo of a single cell. She knew it was a prokaryotic cell because it did NOT have A. a nucleus B. a cell wall C. cytoplasm D. ribosomes

D. is not enclosed in a nuclear membrane

E. coli and a mammalian cell both contain DNA. However, E. coli is a prokaryotic cell, and a mammalian cell is eukaryotic. What is one reason for classifying E. coli as a prokaryote? The DNA of E. coli... A. contains fewer base pairs B. does not undergo transcription C. replicates twice prior to cell division D. is not enclosed in a nuclear membrane

D. cell membranes

Eukaryotes & prokaryotes are similar in that they both have A. mitochondria B. protein coats C. nuclei D. cell membranes

A. cell membranes

Eukaryotes and prokaryotes are similar in that they both have A. cell membranes B. mitochondria C. nuclei D. protein coats

D. eukaryotic cells have membrane-bound organelles

One difference between eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells is that only A. prokaryotic cells are surrounded by a cell membrane B. prokaryotic cells have a nucleus C. eukaryotic cells have genetic information D. eukaryotic cells have membrane-bound organelles

C. cells come from other cells

One early piece of evidence supporting the cell theory was the observation that A. only plants are composed of cells B. only animals are composed of cells C. cells come from other cells D. animal cells come from plant cells

D. prokaryotes

Organisms that use binary fission for cell division are A. yeasts B. fungi C. eukaryotes D. prokaryotes

Prokaryotic cells do not have a nucleus or other membrane bound organelles; Eukaryotes do

Pertaining to the nucleus and other membrane bound organelles, describe the difference between prokaryotes and eukaryotes

E. Bacteria & Archaea

Prokaryotes are classified as belonging to 2 different domains. What are the domains? A. Bacteria & Eukarya B. Archaea & Monera C. Eukarya & Monera D. Bacteria & Protista E. Bacteria & Archaea

B. Ribosomes

Prokaryotic & eukaryotic cells generally have which of the following features in common? A. Membrane bound nucleus B. Ribosomes C. Linear chromosomes made of DNA & protein D. Chloroplasts

D. respond rapidly to changing environmental conditions

Prokaryotic cells are generally smaller in size than eukaryotic cells. Because of this the prokaryotic cells have more surface-to-volume ratio than the eukaryotic cells. How is this feature advantageous to the prokaryotic cells? It helps them to... A. reproduce asexually B. maintain a definite body structure C. produce energy in the absence of oxygen D. respond rapidly to changing environmental conditions

B. Nucleoid region

Prokaryotic cells do not have a nucleus. What do they have in its place? A. Nucleolus B. Nucleoid region C. Deoxyribonucleic acid D. Chromatin E. Nuclear envelope

B. nucleoid which has no nuclear envelope

Prokaryotic cells have DNA, but it is contained within a A. nucleus with a nuclear envelope B. nucleoid which has no nuclear envelope C. mesosome D. ribosome

A. a nucleus

Prokaryotic cells lack A. a nucleus B. ribosomes C. a plasma membrane D. all of the above

B. binary fission

Prokaryotic cells reproduce by a process called A. mitosis B. meiosis C. binary fission D. binary fusion

B. Eukaryotes & Prokaryotes

Ribosomes are present in A. Eukaryotes only B. Eukaryotes & Prokaryotes C. Prokaryotes only D. Eukaryotes, Prokaryotes, & Atoms

D. lack a nucleus

Staphyloccus bacterial cells are classified as prokaryotes because they A. lack a cell membrane B. move using flagella C. move using cilia D. lack a nucleus


The cell theory states that all living things are composed of ______.

A. single, circular DNA molecule

The chromosomes of most prokaryotes consist of proteins and a A. single, circular DNA molecule B. single, linear DNA molecule C. pair of linear DNA molecules joined in the center D. pair of homologous, circular DNA molecules

Plasma/Cell membrane Cytoplasm/Cytosol Ribosomes Genetic material

What 4 features are common to ALL types of cells?

Bacteria & Archaea

What are the 2 domains of prokaryotes?

Prokaryotes & Eukaryotes

What are the 2 main categories of cells?

Eukaryotic cells have a membrane-bound nucleus; Prokaryotic cells do not Eukaryotic cells have many other membrane-bound organelles; Prokaryotic cells do not Eukaryotic cells are 10 to 100 times larger than Prokaryotic cells

What are the main differences between prokaryotic & eukaryotic cells?

1. All living things are composed of one or more cells 2. Cells are the basic units of structure and function in an organism 3. Cells come only from the reproduction of existing cells

What are the three parts of The Cell Theory?

B. Prokaryotic & Eukaryotic

What are the two main categories of cells? A. Prokaryotic & Animal B. Prokaryotic & Eukaryotic C. Animal & Plant D. Eukaryotic & Plant


What are the two main types of nucleic acids?

Algae (protists), Fungi, Plants, Animals

What are the types of eukaryotic organisms?

Protists (algae), Fungi, Plants, & Animals

What are the types of eukaryotic organisms?

Deoxyribonucleic acid

What does DNA stand for?

Ribonucleic acid

What does RNA stand for?

Plasma membrane

What is another name for the cell membrane?


What is one of several formed bodies with a specialized function that is suspended in the cytoplasm of a cell?

Nucleoid region

What is the DNA containing area in the cytoplasm of a prokaryotic cell that is not bound by a nucleus?

10 to 100 micrometers

What is the diameter of most plant and animal cells?

It is a singular, circular chromosome that is attached to the inner surface of the cell membrane at one point

What is the genetic material of a prokaryotic cell like?


What is the large organelle usually found near the center of eukaryotic cells?


What is the membrane bound structure that is the basic unit of life?


What is the organelle that carries out protein synthesis?

Plasma membrane

What is the phospholipid bilayer that forms the outer boundary of a cell and surrounds most organelles?


What is the type of cell that contains a nucleus and a variety of membrane bound organelles?


What molecule stores information that directs the activities of a cell?

D. Ribosome

What structure is found in animal, plant & bacterial cells? A. Cell wall B. Mitochondria C. Nucleus D. Ribosome

B. Cytoplasm

What structure is found in animal, plant and bacterial cells? A. Cell wall B. Cytoplasm C. Mitochondria D. Nucleus

a. Cell membrane

What structure regulates the passage of materials in and out of a cell? a. Cell membrane b. Nucleus c. Cytoplasm d. Cell wall

A. Cell membranes

What structures do all animal, plant & bacterial cells have in common? A. Cell membranes B. Central vacuoles C. Mitochondria D. Nuclei

D. Ribosomes

What structures do all animal, plant & bacterial cells have in common? A. Cell walls B. Chloroplasts C. Nuclei D. Ribosomes

B. Cytoplasm

What structures do all animal, plant & bacterial cells have in common? A. Chloroplasts B. Cytoplasm C. Mitochondria D. Nuclei

A. Cell membranes

What structures do both animal & bacterial cells have in common? A. Cell membranes B. Cell walls C. Lysosomes D. Nuclei

A. Cytoplasm

What structures do both animal & bacterial cells have in common? A. Cytoplasm B. Mitochondria C. Nuclei D. Organized DNA


What type of biomolecule is a phospholipid?


What type of cell has free-floating DNA?

D. Prokaryotic cell

What type of cell is a bacterial cell? A. Plant cell B. Eukaryotic cell C. Animal cell D. Prokaryotic cell

d. Plasma membrane

Which cellular structure is present in all prokaryotic cells? a. Chloroplast b. Endoplasmic reticulum c. Lysosome d. Plasma membrane

b. Plasma membrane

Which cellular structure is present in all prokaryotic cells? a. Endoplasmic reticulum b. Plasma membrane c. Chloroplasts d. Lysosome

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