14 CFR 121
What info must be contained or attached to the dispatch release for a domestic air carrier
1. Aircraft ID 2. Trip number 3. Departure airport, intermediate stops, destinations airports, alternate airports 4. Statement of the type of operation 5. Minimum fuel supply 6. Current weather 7. ETOPS diversion time if flight is ETOPS
RWY length required for turbojet powered airplane with wet or slippery RWY?
115% of the runway length required for a dry runway
PIC Line Check
12 Calendar mos
PIC Proficiency
12 cal mos, 6 cal mos
Pax oxygen supply requirement, in turbine, cabin pressure excess of 15,000ft
121.329 Enough oxygen available for each passenger for the entire flight at those altitudes
Pilot supplemental oxygen req for emergency descent of turbine power AP with pressurized cabins
121.333 Above 10,000ft - minimum 2 hr supply of supplemental oxygen for each flight deck crewmember on flight duty Above FL 250 if one pilot leaves, the other must use an oxygen mask until the other pilot has returned to the duty station - not need if each flight crew member has a quick donning mask, the crew member must be able to put it on within 5 seconds
121 recency of experience
121.439 3 TO and landings within 90 days 1 take off with a simulated failure of the most critical PowerPlant 1 landing from an ILS to lowest ILS mins authorized 1 landing to a full stop
Domestic air carrier has a delay in the ground at an intermediate airport, how long before a redispatch release is required?
121.539 you must have a release to start a flight unless the airport is in the original release and the aircraft is not there for more than 1 hour
When is a take off alternate airport required for departure?
121.617 if the weather conditions are below landing minimums in the certificate holders opspecs, no dispatch can be mate unless release specifics an alternate airport located within the following distances: -2 engines - not more than1 hour from departure airport at normal cruising speed in still air with one engine inop -aircraft having 3 or more engines - not more than 2 hours from the departure airport at normal cruise speed in still air with one engine inop
Alternate for destination airport is required when?
121.619 No dispatch under IFR or over the top unless at least one alternate airport for each destination airport in the dispatch release When weather conditions forecast for the destination and first alternate are marginal at least one additional alternate must be designated No alternate required if fire at least 1 hour before and after ETA the appropriate weather reports or forecasts or any combination indicate - ceiling of at least 2000ft and vis 3 miles
Minimum weather conditions that must exist for an airport to be listed as an alternate in the dispatch release for domestic ac?
121.624 for ETOPs Alternate - no person may list unless weather reports, forecasts, or any combination indicate at or above minimums specified in the cert holders opspecs for that airport when the flight arrives
Reserve for fuel requirement for domestic air carrier?
121.639 airport which it is dispatched to fly and land at the most distant alternate, and 45 min at normal cruise
Crew member must actually operate emergency equipment after initial training
24 mos
What is the min number of flight attendants required on 30/70/120 seats?
9-51 seats and payload capacity more that 7500lbs - 1 19-51 seats but payload capacity less than 7500 - 1 50-101 - 2 100 = 3 + 1 for every additional 50 seats
Testing a flight recorder system
A total of 1 hour if he oldest recorded data
Critical phase of flight
All ground, take off, landing and operations under 10,000ft, except cruise. No distracting behavior
When must cockpit voice recorder be on and operative?
Continuously from the start of the before start engine checklist to the completion of the final checklist upon flight termination.
Who may be admitted to the flight deck?
Crew member FAA Air Carrier Inspector DOD commercial air carrier evaluator NTSB rep who is performing official duties Any person who has permission of the PIC, an appropriate management of official part 119, FAA, is an employee of the US for necessary or advantageous for safe operation Any person who has the permission of the PIC, appropriate management offices of 119 certificate holder, and the FAA
If airport isn't listed in Opsecs and doesn't have take off mins, what will the minimum weather be for TO
Equal or better to the weather minimums in part 97. 800-2 900-1.5 1000-1
Every 24 calendar months proficiency or line oriented sim course 121.409, and within 12 months either a proficiency check or sim training under 121.409
Where does the FAF segment begin on a nonprecision approach? Precision.
Final approach fix (Maltesecross) , glide slope intercept (lightning bolt), or when atc directs a lower than published glideslope intercept altitude.
Continue beyond DA/DH MDA after receiving a report indicating weather is less than minimum published landing conditions published?
If they have already begun the final approach segment of an instrument approach.
Personal communications device or laptop
May not be used at any time while at a flight crew member duty station unless the purpose is directly related to the operation of the aircraft or for emergency or employment related communications
Pic has less than 100 hrs in in type, how does that effect landing mins?
Minimums must be increased by 100ft and 1/2 a SM.
Dispatch office and atc communicarion requirements
Must have two Way radio or other approved means under normal condiotons for the entire route of flight
Airborne weather radar equipment requirements for air carries
No flight may be dispatched or begun under IFR or night VFR whence trendy weather reports indicate thunderstorms or other potentially hazardous weather conditions that can be detected with airborne radar, may be expected along the route to be flown unless the radar equipment is in satisfactory operating condition. If fails enroute, operate aircraft in accorded with approved instructions
A crew member interpone system is required
On aircraft with a seating capacity of more than 19 passengers
Emergency lights must be armed
Or turned on when taxiing, take off, or landing
Actions shall the pilot in command take if you must shut down one of two engines on an air carrier?
PIC must land and the nearest suitable airport which a safe landing can be made
What docs are required to be carried on board a domestic air carrier flight?
Pic must carry 1. Completed load manifest (or information from it except information concerning cargo pax distribution) 2. A copy of the dispatch release and flight plan
Initial training
Required for crew members and dispatchers who have not qualified and served in the same capacity on another airplane of the same group
Required for crew members and dispatchers who have qualified and served on a particular type airplane when the administrator finds differences training is necessary on a different variation of that plabe
Required for crew members who have qualified and served as SIC or Flight engineer on a certain type before they serve as PIC or SIC on that airplane
Required for crew members who have qualified and served in the same capacity on another airplane of the same group