1450-1750 ap world history

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akbar the great

(1542-1605) Emperor of the Mughal Empire in India. He is considered to be their greatest ruler. He is responsible for the expansion of his empire, the stability his administration gave to it, and the increasing of trade and cultural diffusion. grandson of babur completes conquest of india with gunpowder efficient bureaucracy, fair tax codes and legal system religious tolerance- abolished non muslim tax sought advice from catholic priests that came with euro traders married a hindu princess

1450-1750 TRADE

-commerce rich and diverse, portuguese dont have high quality goods for effective competition--> piracy on sea lanes, had cannons, fortified bases in ex. Malacca, created trading post empire- controlled half of spice trade BY FORCE NOT ECONOMIC COMPETITION eventually follow indian ocean trade patterns- carry asian goods to asian ports. trading empire declines in 1600 -spain was the first to challenge portugal asian trade- establish base in Philippines change from small competitive chiefdoms-->full colonial rule in 1565-1650. Spanish-major missionary campaign make society the most major christian outpost in asia- spain has forced relocation, tribute, taxes, unpaid labor, large estates for Spaniards -early 1600s dutch and england join indian commerce both make private trading companies to handle indian ocean trade that had merchants invest and share risks Dutch and British East India companies were chartered by their respective governments- given power to make war and govern people. DUTCH = INDONESIA - sieze small spice-producing islands, force them to only sell dutch products CASE STUDY: banda islands- kill or enslave almost entire population 15K and replace them with dutch planters and slaves ENGLISH = INDIA not as well financed as dutch, couldnt break into spice islands gain control of arabian sea and persian gulf pepper and important cotton textiles europe in asia less significant than in africa/ america Europe in Japan portuguese welcomed in japan in mid 1500s at a time when japan was divided among warring warlords. 300K convert to christianity Tokugawa Shogunate unites in early 1600s- Euro is a threat, persecute Christians, closed off from europe 1650-1850 overland asian trade still in the hands of asians used silver revenue to defeat rivals and unify country mid 1500s silver discovered in Bolivia and Japan Spanish produce 85% of worlds silver-->inflation 1570s chinese gov't need silver-make txx to be paid in silver-value of silver booms-foreigners with silver can purchase many more chinese products than before -->bulk of worlds silver supply ended up in china potosi, bolicia became largest city bc it was worlds largest silver mine value of silver falls in 1600s, spain's dominance decreases 1500, Europe had little fur-bearing animals little ice age increased demand for furs>compete for north America North American fur trade- europeans trade with indians for furs, drive many animals to extinction Indians profited and received goods at real value but diseases kill fur trade sparked more inter-indian warfare native americans became dependent on european goods like gunpowder, iron tools, cooking pots, textiles >traditional crafts lost Russian-Siberian fur trade-no competition, russian hunters compete directly with siberians demand fur from Siberia, no negotiating agreements Between the mid-fifteenth and mid-nineteenth centuries, the Atlantic slave trade took an estimated 11 million people from Africa to the Americas. Africans had practiced slavery and sold slaves for centuries- trans-Saharan trade, east african trade. slaves were assimilated into owners households. children were sometimes free, islamic slave trade prefer women VS atlantic slave trade that liked men some slaves given military and political status, mostly worked in households, farms, shops atlantic slave trade- largely based on plantation agriculture, with slaves denied any rights at all slave status inheritances, strict hierarchy atlantic slave trade started in Mediterranean sugar production was difficult and dangerous- took slaves . first slaves were slavs Europeans didn't raid Africa for slaves; they traded freely with African merchants and elites from capture to sale on the coast, trade was in African hands Africans received trade goods in return, often bought with American silver Portuguese wanted African gold, spices, and textiles, too high point of the slave trade: by the 1750s, more than 60,000 slaves brought to the Americas each year Africans generally did not sell their own peoples about 15 percent of those enslaved died during the Middle Passage slowed Africa's growth, while Europe and China expanded in population sub-Saharan Africa had about 18 percent of the world's population in 1600 but only 6 percent in 1900 slave trade generated economic stagnation and political disruption in Africa those who profited in the trade did not invest in production some kingdoms (Kongo, Oyo) gradually disintegrated Benin was one of the most developed states of the coastal hinterland annual slave raids by the army government depended on slave trade for revenue

ming women

-confucianism: women were men's property -not a lot of rights

tokugawa isolationism

1) Banning of Christianity, 2) Banning of European merchants one port city- nagasaki

ming decline

1368-1644. Weak rulers took throne, corruption increased under their rule. Pirates. Defense efforts drained treasury; rulers raised taxes. High taxes, crop failures led to famine, hardship; rebellions broke out. affected by little ice age spanish and portuguese traded silver that caused an inflation manchus establish new dynasty

europe in india

1500s and early 1600s mughal able to keep out europe with technology bombay to brit east india company- most politically powerful corporations in world history dutch east india company in sri lanka aka ceylon europe gained control over trade of indian cotton and spices 1740s brit and french fought over india to colonize 1750s english win. kept mughals as puppets

kongo and portugal

1500sThe two groups quickly engaged in active trade. Kongo had copper, iron, and ivory. Portugal had guns, horses, and many manufactured goods. Portuguese influence increased in Africa after Afonso I sought to copy many Portuguese ways. Eventually, the two groups drove apart because Portugal wanted Africans as slaves. king converted to catholicism not a colony but a state forced into economic and political partnership expanded kongo and centralized, elaborate system of provinces army with modern technology and mercenaries from portugal used army to fight neighbors and enslaved prisoners to feed portugal slave appetite

reunification of japan

1560-1616 , The reunification of Japan is accomplished by three strong daimyo who succeed each other: Oda Nobunaga (1543-1582), Toyotomi Hideyoshi (1536-1598), and finally Tokugawa Ieyasu (1542-1616) who establishes the Tokugawa Shogunate, that governs for more than 250 years, following the Battle of Sekigahara in 1600

kongo 1600s

1600s internal disputes able to reduce portugal dominance 1622 with dutch help they expelled official portuguese presence 1670 defeat portuguese army

louis xiv

1661-1715 centralized bureaucracy national economy distracted aristocracy in versailles built largest navy and army too many wars persecuted french protestants drained economy

glorious revolution

1688 In this bloodless revolution, the English Parliament and William and Mary agreed to overthrow James II for the sake of Protestantism. This led to a constitutional monarchy and the drafting of the English Bill of Rights.

suleiman I the magnificent

A Sultan. Led the Ottoman Turks to their peak. r (1520-1566). Under his rule, the Turks laid siege to Vienna. Shocked Christian Europe. His alliance, 1559, with Francis I - a Christian - showed that religious differences were not the only factors in politics now.

northern renaissance

A later period of the Renaissance that influence the writers and philosophers of northern Europe who adopted the ideal of humanism to their more religious views of life. Birth of the opera

neo confucianism

A philosophy that blended Confucianism with Buddhism and Daoism

peter the great

Absolute ruler of Russia; Tried to westernize Russia by sending scholars to study in the west; Forced nobles to adopt western customs; Moved capital to St. Petersburg after winning war with sweden 1682-1725

Selim I

Aka Selim the grim, 1512-20 rules, expanded empire through syria, Palestine, Egypt. Defeats safavids at battle of caldaron, captures mecca, medina, cairo, increases cities, loved art and poetry, killed his family so no one could over come him but left one kid. Istanbul became an islamic center


An ancient kingdom in Southeast Asia that reached the peak of its power in the 11th century, when it ruled the entire Mekong River valley from the capital at Angkor. It was destroyed by Thai conquests in the 12th and 14th centuries CAMBODIA


An economic policy under which nations sought to increase their wealth and power by obtaining large amounts of gold and silver and by selling more goods than they bought. 1700s, advocated exploitation of colonies

qing decline

Banner forces decline, become less effective Government corruption between Heshen and Emperor white lotus rebellion population grew because of new world crops like corn and potatoes isolated and fell behind western innovations

songhai decline

Began to decline and break into civil war in the late 1500s. The Empire was ultimately destroyed by Moroccans in 1591, who possessed firearms.

mary wollstonecraft

British feminist 1792 "Vindication of the Rights of Women."

mughal decline

By the end of Aurangzeb's reign, he had drained the empire of its resources. Casually gave away the port of Bombay to European traders (later to prove to be a huge mistake). Over 2 million died in a famine while he was away waging war. Most of his subjects felt little or no loyaly to him. As the power of the central state weakened, the power of local lords grew. After his death his sons fought a war of succession for 12 years. By the end of this period, the Mughal emperor was nothing but a wealthy figurehead. He ruled not a united empire but a patchwork of independent states. 1739 delhi sacked and peacock throne was carried away-symbol of mughals


Chinese Qing emperor (r. 1661-1722) who promoted Confucian ideas and policies and expanded the Qing empire (Captured Taiwan, Mongolia, and parts of Central Asia- Tibet)

abbasid caliphate

Descendants of the Prophet Muhammad's uncle, al-Abbas, the Abbasids overthrew the Umayyad Caliphate and ruled an Islamic empire from their capital in Baghdad-HOUSE OF WISDOM 750 to 1258. fell to the mongols

europeans in southeast asia

During the 1500s and 1600s the Europeans were able to take control of the international trade of Asia, thereby diverting the profits from this trade to Europe. As a result, the Europeans became stronger while Asian empires and kingdoms became weaker. By the 1800s the Europeans were in a position to establish their authority over much of Asia, particularly the Indian subcontinent and southeast Asia. --Liberal colonial governments. The two liberal colonial governments were Great Britain and the United States. These two governments maintained a good record with respect to the rule of law, civil liberties, political participation, open education, and economic opportunity. Both were willing to allow their colonies to become independent and had begun to prepare them for future independence before the Second World War began. Repressive colonial governments. The Spanish, Dutch, and French had a very different attitude toward their colonies. They generally placed the European in a superior legal position, and limited civil liberties. Political activities were discouraged. Access to modern education was restricted in numbers and to certain social groups. Censorship was common. Southeast Asians were not encouraged to engage in modern economic activities. And there were major problems of corruption in the Spanish and French colonial governments. SE NATIONS COULDNT REMAIN FREE BC THEY WERE SMALLER AND LESS ADVANCED



james cook

English navigator who claimed the east coast of Australia for Britain and discovered several Pacific islands (1728-1779) australia was mainly aborigines + english soldiers, gov't officials, criminals 1830 europe claimed entire continent gold rush-->more settlements mainly sheep farmers

john locke

English philosopher who advocated the idea of a "social contract" in which government powers are derived from the public and in which the government serves the people; also said people have natural rights to life, liberty and property.

kabuki theatre

Feudal Japanese theatre that performed comedic or melodramatic presentations of everyday life or historic events.


Founded the Mughal Empire in 1526 when he defeated the Lodi army and the Hindu warrior princes, he encouraged military buildup and arts, contributions: creation of a centralized government with ministries that controlled the provinces and introduction of a policy of religious toleration (unity with the Hindu princes), he introduced a new calendar, helped the poor, made an anti-alcohol campaign, and tried to improve the lives of women

Shah Ismāīl

Founder of Safavid Empire in 1501, ruled until 1524; made Twelver Shiism the official religion of the empire and imposed it upon his Sunni subjects; his followers became known as qizilbash.


French philosopher. He believed that FREEDOM OF SPEECH was the best weapon against bad government. He also spoke out against the corruption of the French government, and the intolerance of the Catholic Church.

johannes kepler

German astronomer who proved that the planets move in elliptical orbits (1571-1630)

thomas more

He was a English humanist that contributed to the world today by revealing the complexities of man. He wrote Utopia, a book that represented a revolutionary view of society.


Indian sect, beginning as a synthesis of Hindu and Muslim faiths; pushed to opposition to Muslim and Mughul rule. founded 1400s stressed power of prayer and meditation mainly peaceful-violent after aurangzeb killed their leader


Italian astronomer and mathematician who was the first to use a telescope to study the stars, tried by the inquisition and forced to reject his own scientific conclusions

sunni ali

Leader of Songhai that drove out the Berbers and built the largest empire in West Africa by his death in 1492 control over key city timbuktu


One of the west African Trading Kingdoms. They were rich in gold and established a vast trading network across the Sahara desert. conquered mali, BIGGER THAN MALI

white lotus rebellion

Peasant rebellion against the Qing dynasty's taxes led by the Buddhist cult known as the White Lotus Society


Preliminary shift away from an agricultural economy

qing economy

Qing dynasty was so wealthy that under Qianlong's rule tax collection was cancelled on four occasions Global trade brought China great wealth. full scale trade with europe by 1690s, government regulated trade, one port city was canton trade silk, porcelain, tea limit foreign people by allowed few imports- trade protection 1724 banned Christianity China was a very agricultural society Economy based on silver Chinese farmers were able to use all the soil when they got American crops Overpopulation caused problems because food could not keep up "Trade" was really Chinese selling their exports for silver manufacture and commerce become crucial

ashikaga shogunate

Replaced the Kamakura regime in Japan; ruled from 1336 to 1573; destroyed rival Yoshino center of imperial authority, feudalism

abbas I the great

Safavid ruler from 1587-1629; extended Safavid domain to greatest extent; created slave regiments based on captured Russians, who monopolized firearms within Safavid armies; incorporated Western military technology.

adam smith

Scottish political economist and philosopher. His Wealth of Nations (1776) laid the foundations of classical free-market economic theory, government should not interfere with economics. Advocates Laissez Faire and founder of "invisible hand"

russian serfdom

Serfdom was still the basic social institution. Bound to the lord on a hereditary basis, the peasant serf was little more than a slave. Individual serfs and serf families were regularly sold, with and without land, in the early nineteenth century. Serfs were obliged to furnish labor services or money payments as the lord saw fit. Moreover, the lord could choose freely among serfs for army recruits, who had to serve for twenty-five years, and he could punish a serf with deportation to Siberia. Serfdom had become the great moral and political issue for the government by the 1840's, but is still might have lasted many more years if it wasn't for the Crimean War (1853-1856).


Style in art and architecture developed in Europe from about 1550 to 1700,Associated with Catholicism. Bold, dynamic, colorful

ming culture

The shear mass of culture was hard to fathom, because there was so much more culture during the Ming and Qing dynasties than there was in previous dynasties. This led to the rise in bookstores, which sold Confucian classics, commentaries on them, and collections of Tang and Song poetry. Also sold colored prints, novels, erotica, and model answers for civil service examination. Due to the Mongol invasions, and what was stated to the Song, Chinese culture turned inwards and was almost impenetrable to outside influences. This also caused a reduced amount of ideas because of the lack of outside influence.

battle of panipat

This battle marked the beginning of the Mogul Empire. It was one of the earliest battles involving gunpowder firearms and field artillery, Babur vs. Lodi

ming trade

Trading post at Macao by Canton for Dutch, English, Portuguese and other Europeans to trade with the Ming but only under supervision of imperial officials during trading season

mughal women

Under Akbar: Sati is discouraged, certain days of the hour when women can go out, Nur Jahan had a lot of power because she took control over her Husbands rule female aristocrats were rewarded titles, earned salaries, own land, run businesses, some receive education ---all could inherit land STILL RESTRICTED UNDER SHARIA- ISLAMIC LAW COINCIDED WITH HINDU SOCIETY-INSTRUCTED TO SERVE HUSBANDS, SATI STILL LEGAL- WIDOWS BURNED BY HUSBANDS GRAVE

medieval women

Under the feudal system, a noble woman could inherit an estate from her husband. Upon the lord's request, she could also send his knights to war. When her husband was off fighting, the lady of the medieval castle of might act as military commander and warrior. At times, noblewoman played a key role in defending the castles. They hurled rocks and fired arrows at attackers. In reality, however, the lives of most noblewomen were limited. Whether young or old, females in noble families generally were confined to activities in the home or the convent. Also, noblewoman held held little property because lords passed down their fiefs to sons and not daughters. For the vast majority of women of the lower classes, life had remained unchanged for centuries. Peasant women performed endless labor around the home and often in the fields, bore children, and took care of their families. Young peasant girls learned practical household skills from their mother at an early age, unlike daughters in rich households who were educated by tutors. Females in peasant families were poor and powerless. Yet, the economic contribution they made was essential to the survival of the peasant household. The Church significantly influenced the status of medieval women. women more sinful than men

ottoman women

Were permitted to own/inherit property in society, collect dowries, not forced into marriage and able to divorce, permitted to hold official positions, and restricted more religiously than other religious affiliations.

women in russia

Women's duties revolved around motherhood and domestic service,Upper-class women were secluded, confined to parts of the house called the terem, In 1718, Peter ordered that aristocratic women leave the terem and participate in cultural and social events in public. He also abolished the custom of arranged marriage, As in the West, many upper-class women began to read works of Enlightenment philosophy. Catharine the Great continued his reforms and established a school for girls with humble backgrounds

taj mahal

a tomb built by Shah Jahan for his wife **FUSION OF PERSIAN AND INDIAN STYLES

Ming china came to power

after China had been ruled by the Mongols then a group called the red turbans attacked the Mongols in the Mid-1300s and a peasant rebellion began and they over threw the Mongols or the Yuan Dynasty. The leader of that rebellion became the leader of the Ming dynasty was Zhu Yaunzhang a former Buddha novice.


an economic system based on private ownership and on the investment of money in business ventures in order to make a profit, product of enlightenment

jean-jacques rousseau

argued that through a SOCIAL CONTRACT, an entire society agrees to be governed by the general will of the people as a whole. The government is there to serve the overall will of the people, and if it fails to do this, it can be replaced. He believed that women should not be given equal eduction to men


began 1400 bantu descended people that existed since 1000 bce economy before europe was based on pottery, cloth, metal, ivory , kingdom based on agriculture; formed on lower Kongo River; ruled by hereditary monarchy


capital of safavid empire, center of trade, silk, ceramic tile, persian rugs

1500s and 1600s demographic and economic crisis

cooling period known as the little ice age caused famines, wars of religion caused many deaths, spread disease, caused starvation


elite soldiers slaves with privliges had muskets with advanced training recruited at childhood from conquered Christian communities converted to islam

1700s europe

environmental conditions improved, new foods from america like the potato and corn came through the columbian exchange, agricultural revolution populations grow new growing middle class increased urbanization

ashanti kingdom

established in 1680 on the Gold Coast profited from the sea commerce in Africa sold gold and SLAVES to europe for muskets and gunpowder nickname " Gold Coast" for exchange of gold for slaves had both minerals and agricultural resources

nicolaus copernicus

heliocentric theory


in the ottoman empire, a religious community of non-Muslims

euro economy

international trade became important as a result of age of exploration. a lot of wealth was directly or indirectly connected with atlantic slave trade

askia mohammed

king of the Songhai Empire in the late 15th century. He strengthened his country and made it the largest in West Africa's history. At its peak under Muhammad, the Songhai Empire encompassed the Hausa states as far as Kano (in present-day Nigeria) and much of the territory that had belonged to the Mali Empire in the west. His policies resulted in a rapid expansion of trade with Europe and Asia, the creation of many schools, and made Islam an integral part of the empire PRO MUSLIM - ANTI MUSLIM CAMPAIGNS complex bureaucracy art sponsor, mosques growing merchant class trade salt to gold

vasco de gama

late 1400s, arrived to india


leader of ottoman empire, elaborate bureaucracy, ministers called viziers

francis xavier

led Jesuit missionaries to Asia where by 1550 thousands of natives had been converted to Christianity in India, Indonesia, and Japan

qing dynasty

manchus from manchuria in the north take over south china by 1683 tributes in mongolia, tibet, vietnam, nepal burma

fall of safavid

military threats of Russia in north and Mughals in the east, trade was ending around them, and the treasury drained in 1722

south africa

most bantu, portuguese establish cape of good hope in 1488 1600s BOERS AKA AFRIKANERS arrive and become farmers and traders, dialect becomes afrikaans, boers have racial superiority-->apartheid wars with zulu-warlike african natives

johannes gutenburg

moveable-type print press made in 1430


movement during the 1700's that spread the idea that knowledge, reason, and science could improve society.

tokugawa Ieyasu

new capital in modern day tokyo, increased social stratification, very rigid, confucianism. ordinary people cant own weapons, strict monopoly on gunpowder

pax tokugawa

population grew, rice and grain production doubled, highly urbanized, shoguns built network of canals and roads, great producers of pottery, steel, quality weapons merchant class in 1700s became wealthy and powerful shift to city>less value of samurai >turn to crime BUT most remained loyal with permanent traditional mindset

frederick the great

prussia great general 1740-1786 victory over austria france and russia during 7 years war

atlantic slave trade

purchase and transport of black Africans into bondage and servitude in the New World. It is sometimes called the Maafa by African Americans, meaning holocaust or great disaster in kiSwahili. The slaves were one element of a three-part economic cycle—the Triangular Trade and its infamous Middle Passage—which ultimately involved four continents, four centuries and the lives and fortunes of millions of people 1400s, peak in 1600s STARTED BY PORTUGAL

ottoman treatment of non-muslims

religious tolerance, non-muslims can convert but not forced to, pay special head taxes and cant serve in army

mughal society

religiously flexible, allow hindus and buddhists to practice their own faiths until the last years of the empire

scientific method

rene descates and roger bacon lay groundwork for modern formal logic

isaac newton

represents scientific revolution at its peak, laws of motion, calculus, Newtonian physics,

tokugawa women

samurai class- increased restriction, obey husbands or face death, little authority over property, less education than men, lower classes- genders more egalitarian, both men and women work on fields, women respected as hometakers and mothers, girls were less valued and sometimes put to death some women were geishas- special courtesans

north africa under ottoman empire

selim conquered egypt and claimed authortiy over all muslims turks mainly in coast of africa in the south they gained control of trade routes ruled lightly leaving government to local pashas

era of independent lords

shogun weak, daimyo fought amongst each other, economy suffered, crime rates rose 1460s- late1500s

women in west africa

societies were matrilineal women in leadership ex Queen Nzinga ruled modern day angola. defends vs portuguese women in trading activities in islam dominated cities, economic necessity compelled lower class women to work outside

agricultural revolution

soil aeration, systematic use of manure, iron plows, scientific rotation of crops


son and successor of Shah Jahan; pushed extent of Mughal control in India; reversed previous policies to purify Islam of Hindu influences; incessant warfare depleted the empire's resources; died in 1707. NO RELIGIOUS TOLERANCE, non muslim tax, forced conversions

decline of ottoman empire

suleiman the magnificent was the last great sultan - Sulieman the lawgiver. 1683 another attack on vienna lost territory from 1683 to 1718 , -Holy League- alliance of Catholic nations led by Phillip II of Spain defeated Ottoman navy at BATTLE OF LEPANTO -Finally destroyed during Paris Peace Conferences after WWI

Mehmet II

sultan ruler of the Ottoman Empire, captured Constantinople by bombarding it with 26 foot long cannons

new technologies

telescope, microscope, pendulum clock, thermometer, barometer


the Enlighenment writer who believed in seperation of powers

mughal empire

the Muslim empire established by Babur in 1526 which brought with it new customs that sometimes conflicted with those of native Hindus

siege of vienna

the Ottoman Empire under Suleiman The Magnificent attempted to invade Vienna but they were stopped by Leopold I (1529)

scientific revolution

the era of scientific thought in europe during which careful observation of the natural world was made, and accepted beliefs were questioned 1600s to 1700s

women in early modern europe

upper class women gained greater access to education and participate in intellectual life middle class women become more educated and assume greater economic role as business partners, book keepers all class control marriage divorce childbirth inheritance childbirth death rates were high witch hunts kill many many important women monarchs

English bill of rights

written by Parliament and agreed on by william and mary of England in 1689, designed to prevent abuse of power by english monarchs; made parliament the dominant partner in english politics

ottoman culture

• Technology - used guns and cannons and had a very well trained cavalry • Arts and Architecture - built lots of Mosques and are famous for rugs and they weren't allowed to have images of people especially in a Mosque. • Religion - Muslim but were pretty lenient on other religions within a millet but they have to pay a tax for being a different religion as long as its Christianity or Judaism because they are similar. Became naïve and oblivious to outside world and fell behind in technology because of religion

mughal economy

• Trade: internally and externally. Which flourishes. Large merchant class which traded within the country. Externally they traded tropical foods stones and textiles. • One of the ways the state made money was that the peasants had to pay 1/3 of their income to the state. COTTON TRADE

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