16:STIs and AIDS [Kinds of STIs]

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Other STIs


The Most Common STIs:




Which STIs does the herpes simplex virus cause?

Genital herpes

Which precaution do people who participate in high-risk behaviors for STIs need to take?

Get a medical checkup every six months

What two things should a person do if they know they are infected with an STI?

Refrain from sexual activity and see a doctor

How can genital herpes affect a newborn baby?

The infection can cause blindness and even death.


The most common STI caused by bacteria in the United States is chlamydia (kluh MID ee uh). People who are sexually active should be checked regularly for chlamydia. The infection can be cured with antibiotics. Infected males often experience painful, frequent urination and discharge from the penis. If untreated, chlamydia may lead to urethritis. In females, chlamydia often has no symptoms other than a yellowish vaginal discharge. If untreated, chlamydia can cause a serious infection of the reproductive organs called pelvic inflammatory disease, or PID. PID can lead to infertility or an ectopic pregnancy, a potentially fatal condition where a fertilized egg implants somewhere other than in the uterus. In addition, a pregnant woman can transmit chlamydia to her baby during birth. If an infected infant survives, it may suffer damage to the lungs or eyes.

Which serious bacterial STI passes through three distinct stages, during the first of which the disease can be treated and cured with antibiotics?



The STI known as trichomoniasis (trik uh moh NY uh sis) is caused by a protozoan that infects the urinary tract or vagina. In males, symptoms include painful urination, a clear discharge from the penis, and some itching. Most males experience no symptoms at all. Symptoms in females include itching and burning in the vagina, an unpleasant-smelling, yellowish discharge, and pain when urinating. A doctor can prescribe medicine to cure a trichomoniasis infection. In males, if trichomoniasis is not treated, it can lead to inflammation of the lining of the urethra, called urethritis (yoor uh THRY tis). In females, untreated trichomoniasis can lead to vaginitis (vaj uh NY tis), which is a vaginal infection or irritation.

Which stage of syphilis is characterized by the appearance of a chancre?

The first stage

What is the most serious condition with human papilloma virus in women?

Cervical cancer

What is the most common STI caused by bacteria in the United States?


Which common STI can be cured with antibiotics?


Which are the three most common STIs in the United States?

Chlamydia, human papilloma virus, and trichomoniasis

What serious infection of the reproductive organs can result if chlamydia is left untreated?

Pelvic inflammatory disease


A bacterial STI that infects the urinary tract of males and females and the reproductive organs of females is gonorrhea (gahn uh REE uh). Researchers estimate that more than 700,000 Americans are infected with gonorrhea each year. Males usually have a thick, puslike discharge from the penis and painful urination. Females sometimes experience painful urination and a puslike discharge from the vagina or urinary tract. More often, however, symptoms in a woman are very mild and may not be noticed. If left untreated, gonorrhea can lead to urethritis and infertility in males. In females it may lead to PID and infertility. An infected woman can transmit gonorrhea to her baby during birth. In the United States, babies are given medicated eyedrops at birth to prevent infection of the eyes. Because gonorrhea often has no noticeable symptoms, people participating in high-risk behaviors should get regular medical checkups. Treatment for gonorrhea requires antibiotics.

When should a person seek treatment for STIs?

A person who engages in high-risk behavior should get checked every six months. If they suspect they may have an STI, they should seek medical attention immediately.


Although far less common than it used to be, thousands of people in the United States become infected with syphilis each year. Syphilis (SIF uh lis) is a serious bacterial STI that progresses through three distinct stages. In the first stage, a painless sore called a chancre (SHANG kur) appears at the site of exposure. The bacteria may spread from the sore to different parts of the body. In the second stage, sores appear in the mouth and flulike symptoms develop. A non-itchy skin rash often appears on the hands and feet. In the third stage, symptoms may disappear for years. During this time, however, the bacteria attack internal parts of the body, such as the brain and heart. Eventually, untreated syphilis can cause brain damage, paralysis, and heart disease. This damage can lead to death. In its early stages, syphilis can be treated and cured with antibiotics. Once it progresses beyond the second stage, the bacteria can be killed, but any damage that has already occurred is permanent.

Genital Herpes

Another STI caused by a virus is genital herpes (HUR peez). The virus that causes genital herpes is the herpes simplex virus. Researchers estimate that one out of five people ages 12 and older is infected with a herpes simplex virus. In some people, the symptoms may be hardly noticeable, and they may not realize they are infected. In other people, symptoms may be more severe, including painful blisters that appear on or around the genitals. A doctor can prescribe medicine to relieve the discomfort and dry up the blisters, but there is no cure for genital herpes. Infected people can experience periodic outbreaks of blisters throughout their lives. An infected individual can pass the herpes simplex virus to a sexual partner whether blisters are present or not. A woman with genital herpes can infect her infant during childbirth, causing blindness and possibly death. A doctor may recommend that an infected woman have a cesarean section to prevent the baby from being infected.

*Seeking Treatment*

Being tested for STIs may be uncomfortable and embarrassing, but it is crucial for long-term health. People who participate in high-risk behaviors should get medical checkups every six months. Individuals who suspect they may be infected should seek prompt medical attention. A person who suspects an STI infection should refrain from sexual activity and see a doctor. Depending on the symptoms, the doctor may need to do a physical exam or a blood test. If an infection is present and treatable, the person should start treatment immediately. It is important to finish all of the prescribed medicine, even if symptoms disappear. If a person finds out that he or she has an STI, it is also important to notify any sexual partners, so they can seek treatment as well. If the STI is not curable, the doctor can offer advice about how to live with the disease and how to prevent passing it on to others. Many states have clinics that test for STIs. The results of these tests are confidential. Information about clinics that test for STIs is available from state or local public health departments or from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Which are essential for preventing long-term health problems related to STIs?

Early diagnosis and treatment

What are the symptoms of hepatitis?

Fatigue, abdominal pain, nausea, and jaundice

How long is it possible for human papilloma virus to remain in a human body?

For life


Hepatitis B and C, also called HBV and HCV, are sexually transmitted infections that attack the liver. They are also spread by blood-to-blood contact, such as when people share needles. Individuals with HBV or HCV are often unaware of their infection. The most common symptoms are fatigue, abdominal pain, nausea, and jaundice. Both infections may lead to liver cancer or cirrhosis (sih ROH sis), a condition in which normal liver tissue is replaced by scar tissue. Hepatitis B and C can be diagnosed by a blood test. Medications may relieve symptoms, but there is no cure for HBV or HCV. Children are now routinely vaccinated against HBV. Currently, there is no vaccine for HCV.

What are two sexually transmitted infections that attack the liver?

Hepatits B and C

if trichomoniasis is left untreated in males, it can lead to urethritis or ___.

Inflammation of the lining of the urethra

What are the symptoms of trichomoniasis in females?

Itching and burning in the vagina an unpleasant-smelling yellow discharge, and pain when urinating

*The Most Common STIs*

Like other infectious diseases you have learned about, STIs are caused by pathogens, including bacteria, viruses, and protozoans. The pathogens that cause STIs live in the reproductive organs of males and females. Some also live in the blood. STIs can be spread from person to person through blood and body fluids such as semen, vaginal secretions, and breast milk. Early diagnosis and treatment of STIs is essential in preventing long-term health problems. Although some STIs do not have obvious symptoms, many do have distinct symptoms. Anyone experiencing symptoms of an STI should see a doctor immediately. Three of the most common STIs in the United States are trichomoniasis, human papilloma virus, and chlamydia. It is important to be able to recognize the symptoms of these infections.

*Other STIs*

Other STIs can also cause health problems and require medical treatment. These infections include hepatitis, gonorrhea, genital herpes, and syphilis.

A pregnant woman with syphilis will pass the disease to her developing baby. If the mother does not receive treatment during pregnancy, syphilis can damage the baby's skin, bones, eyes, teeth, and liver. A baby born with syphilis is said to have congenital syphilis.

Other treatable STIs are chancroid, bacterial vaginosis, pubic lice, and scabies.

What are the symptoms of trichomoniasis in males?

Painful urination, a clear discharge from the penis, and some itching


Pathogen: Bacteria Symptoms: Stage 1: Chancre Stage 2: Skin rash Stage 3: Internal damage Transmission: Sexual contact, or from an infected mother to baby at birth Treatment: Antibiotics If Left Untreated: Brain damage, paralysis, heart disease, death

Bacterial Vaginosis

Pathogen: Bacteria Symptoms: In women, discharge, pain, itching, or burning in or around the vagina Transmission: Role of sexual activity in the spread of bacterial vaginosis in unclear Treatment: Antibiotics


Pathogen: Bacteria Symptoms: Males: painful, frequent urination, discharge; females: yellowish vaginal discharge Transmission: sexual contact Treatment: Antibiotics If Left Untreated: Urethritis; pelvic inflammatory disease leading to infertility and ectopic pregnancy


Pathogen: Bacteria Symptoms: Painful sores around the genitals Transmission: Contact with sores Treatment: Antibiotics


Pathogen: Bacteria Symptoms: Painful urination and pus like discharge Transmission: Sexual contact or from an infected mother to baby at birth Treatment: Antibiotics If Left Untreated: Urithritis and pelvic inflammatory disease leading to infertility

Pubic lice and Scabies

Pathogen: Insects and mites that infest the hair around the genitals Symptoms: Itching around the genitals; a rash Transmission: Direct physical contact with an infested person with clothing or bedding Treatment: Medicated shampoo; washing infested clothing or bedding in very hot water


Pathogen: Protozoan Symptoms: Painful urination and itching; males: clear discharge, itching; females: burning in the vagina, yellowish discharge Transmission: Sexual contact Treatment: prescription medication If left untreated: Urethritis; vaginitis

Hepatitis B and C

Pathogen: Virus Symptoms: Fatigue, abdominal pain, nausea, jaundice Transmission: Sexual contact: blood-to-blood contact Treatment: Varied and under study If Left Untreated: Liver cancer, cirrhosis

Genital Herpes

Pathogen: Virus Symptoms: None, or genital blisters Transmission: Skin contact with the live virus and from an infected mother to baby at birth Treatment: No cure, medicines treat symptoms only If Left Untreated: None

Human Papiloma Virus

Pathogen: Virus Symptoms: None, or possible genital warts Transmission: Sexual contact; skin-to-skin contact Treatment: None If Left Untreated: Cervical cancer

What causes sexually transmitted infections?

Pathogens including bacteria, viruses, and protozoans

Human Papilloma Virus

The most common viral STI in the United States is caused by the human papilloma virus (pap uh LOH muh), or HPV. In many cases, HPV causes no symptoms, so people may not be aware that they are infected. Some forms of HPV cause genital warts, which may itch or burn. A doctor can remove the warts, but they may reappear. Sometimes, the body's immune system will destroy the virus, clearing the body of infection. But in some people, HPV remains in the body for life. One of the most serious conditions associated with HPV infection is cervical cancer in women. Having regular Pap tests can help detect this type of cancer before it becomes life threatening.

What are the three most common STIs in the United States?

The three most common STIs are trichomoniasis, human papilloma virus, and chlamydia.

Which protozoan can infect the urinary tract of males?


Which protozoan can infect the urinary tracts of males?


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