2-22-22 - Notes from Nayeon - iTalki
I am thinking about..., I haven't decided yet...
~기로 결정했어요
I decided to (verb)!
맥주를 마시기로 결정했어요
I decided to drink a beer.
떡볶이를 먹기로 결정했어요.
I decided to eat 떡볶이.
저 완전히 멍 때렸어요
I was totally zoned out
그래서 뭐라고 말 했는지 못 들었어요
So I didn't hear what you said
그건 너무 이상해요. 저는 그렇게 하지 않을거예요
That's so weird, I wouldn't do that.
멍 때리다
Zone out/space out
be strange, odd
일리 씨, 무슨 일이에요? 하루종일 멍 때렸잖아요
Allie, what happened? You were spaced out the whole day.
무슨 옷을 살지 정했어요?
Did you decide what to buy? (What kind of clothes will you buy?)
무슨 음식을 먹을지 정했어요?
Did you decide what to eat? (What kind of food will you eat?)
우리 메뉴를 빨리 정해요
Let's decide on the menu quickly.
Morgan 씨는 저를 이상하다고 생각해요. 이해가 안돼요
Morgan thinks I'm weird. I don't understand.
그 사고(사건)에 대해 이상한 것이 있었어요.
There was something weird about the incident.
to decide, determine