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______ focuses on using mathematics to aid in problem solving and decision making.


The term learning organization was coined by

MIT Professor Peter Senge

Frank and Lillian Gilbreth identified 17 basic units of ______, each of which they called a "therblig."


Camille runs a consulting business that assists in the hiring process, using a team of psychologists to help companies to better understand their specific jobs and the type of employees that are best suited to fill them. Her business relies on the work of which behavioral theory pioneer?


Bureaucracy, as conceptualized by Max Weber, was his ideal way to structure an organization.


Continuous learning in an organization is more likely to occur in an open system than in a closed one.


Deming and Juran were part of the quality-management movement.


Gary Hamel, cofounder of the Management Innovation Lab, believes than management innovation can be improved by identifying and sometimes challenging core beliefs that people have about an organization.


Hugo Munsterberg suggested that psychologists could contribute to industry by studying jobs and determining which people are best suited to specific jobs.


Netflix's business suffered when it failed to use an open system in its decision to introduce a large price increase while simultaneously splitting its DVD mail service from its streaming one.


Oscar is a manager of a downtown hotel and is currently considering the pricing of rooms for the upcoming holiday season. He would be wise to use the mathematical tools of management science to help him with this decision.


Over the years, Toyota has used a variety of operations management-based "lean management" techniques to sell its cars on the basis of superior quality.


Part of evidence-based management is understanding the potential danger in conventional wisdom about management.


Peter Drucker was the author of The Practice of Management and has been described as the creator and inventor of modern management.


Why should one study different theoretical perspectives about management? Give at least three reasons.

1) understanding of the present 2) guide to action 3) source of new ideas, 4) clues to meaning of your managers' decisions 5) clues to meaning of outside events.

The four components of TQM are:

1. Make continuous improvement a priority. 2. Get every employee involved. 3. Listen to and learn from customers and employees. 4. Use accurate standards to identify and eliminate problems. Zero defects is a quality assurance concept.

Evidence-based management is based on three truths:


David is an architect, and the steps he takes in designing and drawing commercial buildings would be considered which part of his organization's system?


What is a learning organization? What competitive advantage do learning organizations hold?

A learning organization is one that actively creates, acquires, and transfers knowledge within itself and is able to modify its behavior to reflect new knowledge. Learning organizations can adapt more quickly to changing conditions in the environment, and bring the knowledge and experience of a wide range of employees to bear on new problems. Organizations must continually learn new things or face obsolescence.

"Mindfulness" is characterized by which of the following attributes?


Which of the following viewpoints emphasized the importance of understanding human actions and of motivating employees toward achievement?


Both the classical management view and the management science perspective consider an organization to be a(n) ________; as a simplification for analysis this may work, but in reality it would open up the organization to spectacular failure.


Behavioral science research suggests that ________ doesn't necessarily promote excellence, and actually can make people hostile.


The study of how order and pattern arise from very complicated, apparently chaotic systems is known as


Systems, contingency, and quality-management viewpoints are part of the ________ perspective.


Fayol was the first to identify the major functions of management of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling, as well as


Which of the following is most likely to help build a learning organization?

Create a psychologically safe environment.

Melissa runs a residential-cleaning service and has noticed that some of her staff are much more efficient than others and can clean a house in about half the average time. She would like to reward these workers with a higher wage by implementing what would be known by Taylor as a(n)


The behavioral viewpoint developed over three phases:


As part of the scientific management viewpoint, Taylor suggested paying all employees doing the same job the same wage.


Because of radical changes to modern business practice, theoretical perspectives of management provide a historical context but unfortunately do not enhance understanding of the present.


Douglas McGregor was one of the pioneers of early behaviorism.


Evidence-based management means translating principles from promising new theories into organizational practice.


Fast-food companies including McDonald's have used job specialization, and time and motion studies to increase productivity. This reflects the important contributions of the quantitative viewpoint of management.


In a closed system, an organization's outputs are recycled to become inputs.


One of the problems with the classical viewpoint is that its principles are too focused on human needs rather than on organizational ones.


One reason for the success of the Tommy Hilfiger clothing brand in the 1990s was maintaining a closed system with respect to young consumers' feedback by conducting research in music clubs


The Hawthorne studies have been criticized for poor design and a lack of empirical data to support the conclusions, so the findings cannot be applied to modern management.


The central assumption in classical management is that people are self-interested.


The classical viewpoint emphasized ways to manage work more independently.


The contemporary perspective of management includes three viewpoints: systems, behavioral, and quantitative.


The two branches of the classical viewpoint of management are rational and bureaucratic.


Under the differential rate system proposed by Frederick Taylor, employees should be paid on the basis of seniority.


The management theory that draws from the disciplines of psychology, sociology, anthropology, and economics is the management science approach.

F- That is behavioral science

Joseph Juran defined quality as ________, which meant that a product or service should satisfy a customer's real needs.


Which research, though flawed, drew attention to the idea that managers using good human relations could improve worker productivity?


Classical, behavioral, and quantitative viewpoints about management are collectively referred to as the ________ perspective.


Who was known as "the father of industrial psychology"?


Gary Hamel believes that identifying and challenging debilitating core beliefs that people have about an organization can be helpful in improving management


Marcus works on an assembly line for a U.S. automobile manufacturer. He would be considered a(n) ______ of this system.


Among the recommendations of Mary Parker Follett was that

Integration should occur in organizations when conflicts arise.

The tools of ______ are useful for UPS and FedEx in deciding how many employees and aircraft should be scheduled during the month of December.


How is management both an art and a science?

Intuition, judgment, and experience are part of the successful mix of effective management. These factors are more "art" than science, and may exist in a manager without actual training in management. However, management also uses the scientific method; it observes and gathers facts, makes decisions based on the facts, makes predictions of future events, and tests the prediction under systematic conditions. These are parts of the "science" of management.

The most significant flaw in the classical viewpoint is that it

Is mechanistic: It tends to view humans as cogs within a machine, not taking into account the importance of human needs.

______ focuses on managing the production and delivery of an organization's products or services more effectively.


Curran Investments has had a very profitable year in its business of providing financial advice. The profit would be considered a(n) ______ of the system.


The fact that employees often have no control over work process design limits their ability to achieve zero defects, or


Statistical sampling to locate errors by testing just some of the items in a particular production run is a ______ technique.


The strategy for minimizing errors by managing each stage of production is called


Which of the following is not one of the principles proposed by Fredrick Taylor to eliminate soldiering?

Reward employees equally and consistently.

Behavioral science relies on __________ for developing theories about human behavior that can help managers.


Taylor called the tendency for people to deliberately work at less than full capacity


The ______ viewpoint sees organizations as entities made up of interrelated parts known as inputs, outputs, transformation processes, and feedback.


A "therblig," a term coined by Frank Gilbreth, is a unit of motion in the workplace.


A learning organization has three parts: creating and acquiring knowledge, transferring knowledge, and modifying behavior.


A learning organization is one that actively creates, acquires, and transfers knowledge within itself and is able to modify itself to reflect new knowledge.


Abraham Maslow and Douglas McGregor were theorists in the human relations movement.


According to Harvard psychology professor Ellen Langer, one barrier to flexibility is mindlessness.


Among Mary Parker Follett's most important contributions to management was her belief that conflicts within organization should be resolved to mutual satisfaction through a process called integration.


Among the functions of a manager in a learning organization are generating and generalizing ideas with impact.


Because the human relations movement was considered too simplistic for practical use, it has been superseded by the behavioral science approach to management.


Behavioral science research found that cooperation is superior to competition in promoting achievement and productivity.


Peter was having a hard time concentrating on work on Friday afternoon. He had friends visiting for the weekend and he kept checking his phone and his Facebook page to solidify his plans. He certainly wasn't working as hard as he could have been, something that scientific management theorist Frederick Taylor would have called "soldiering."


Proponents of evidence-based management would say there are few really new ideas.


Quality assurance focuses on the performance of workers, urging employees to strive for "zero defects."


Quality control is a strategy for minimizing errors by managing each state of production.


Quality refers to the total ability of a product or service to meet customer needs.


Shanice recently took a management job in the book publishing industry, which is undergoing dramatic change. She should study theoretical perspectives of management to help her predict some of the probable outcomes of this change and help her decide on potential strategy going forward.


Studying theoretical perspectives of management can be a source of new ideas.


Telecommunication company Cisco Systems abandoned its "management councils" experiment, which had replaced a traditional hierarchical structure, because the councils slowed decision making.


The application to management of techniques such as statistics and computer simulations is known as quantitative management.


The contingency viewpoint began to develop when managers discovered that under some circumstances better results could be achieved by breaking the one-best-way rule. The contingency viewpoint emphasizes that a manager's approach should vary according to, or be contingent on, the individual and the environmental situation.


The idea that workers become more productive if they think that managers care about their welfare is called the "Hawthorne Effect."


The practice of management is both an art and a science.


The quantitative viewpoint on management is part of the historical perspective.


Explain the ideas emphasized by the behavioral viewpoint. List the three phases of development of the behavioral viewpoint and discuss at least one major contribution and its pioneer from each of the first two phases.

The behavioral viewpoint emphasized the importance of understanding human behavior and of motivating employees toward achievement. The three phases include the early behaviorism, the human relations movement, and behavioral science. Students should describe at least one of the following: The three people who pioneered behavioral theory were Hugo Munsterberg, Mary Parker Follett, and Elton Mayo. Hugo Munsterberg was the first to apply psychology to industry and is called "the father of industrial psychology." Mary Parker Follet believed that organizations should become more democratic, with managers and employees working cooperatives. She anticipated some of today's concepts of "self-managed teams," "worker empowerment," and "interdepartmental teams." Elton Mayo conducted the Hawthorne studies, which demonstrated the Hawthorne effect, in which employees worked harder if they received added attention, if they thought that managers cared about their welfare or that supervisors paid special attention to them. Students should describe at least one of the following: The two theorists who contributed most to the human relations movement, which proposed that better human relations could increase worker productivity, were Abraham Maslow and Douglas McGregor. Abraham Maslow developed the hierarchy of needs in his research to study motivation. Douglas McGregor developed Theory X versus Theory Y to explain managers' attitudes toward employees.

Describe the fundamental ideas underlying the classical viewpoint to management, and give at least one example of a modern practice that has its roots in this view. Compare and contrast its two approaches.

The classical viewpoint is based on the assumption that people are rational. The essence of the classical viewpoint was that work activity was amenable to a rational approach, that through the application of scientific methods, time and motion studies, and job specialization it was possible to boost productivity. The classical viewpoint also led to such innovations as management by objectives and goal setting, as we explain elsewhere. The two major approaches are the scientific management approach and the administrative approach. Scientific management emphasized the scientific study of work methods to improve the productivity of individual workers. Two of its chief proponents were Frederick W. Taylor and the team of Frank and Lillian Gilbreth. Taylor used motion studies and suggested using a differential rate system. The Gilbreths expanded on Taylor's motion studies. Administrative management is concerned with managing the total organization. Among the pioneering theorists were Henri Fayol, who identified the major functions of management, and Max Weber, who advocated five positive bureaucratic features.

Why is the contingency viewpoint important?

The contingency viewpoint is important because it seems to be the most practical of the viewpoints. It addresses problems on a case-by-case basis and varies the solution accordingly.

Describe the systems viewpoint and provide examples of each of the four associated parts using a real or fictitious company.

The systems viewpoint sees organizations as a system, either open or closed, with inputs, outputs, transformation processes, and feedback. Inputs are the people, money, information, equipment, and materials required to produce an organization's goods or services. Example: For a jewelry designer—designer, money, artistic talent, gold and silver, tools, marketing expertise. Transformational processes are the organization's capabilities in management and technology that are applied to converting inputs into outputs. Example: Designer's management skills (planning, organizing, leading, controlling), gold and silver smithing tools and expertise, website for marketing. Outputs are the products, services, profits, losses, employee satisfaction or discontent, produced by the organization. Example: Gold and silver rings, earrings, bracelets, and the like. Feedback is the information about the reaction of the environment to the outputs, which affects the inputs. Example: Web customers like African-style designs or dislike imitation Old English designs.

The comprehensive approach dedicated to continuous quality improvement, training, and customer satisfaction is known as

Total quality management

Describe total quality management, and list at least three of the four components of it that are used by organizations to implement it.

Total quality management (TQM) is a comprehensive approach, led by top management and supported throughout the organization, dedicated to continuous quality improvement, training, and customer satisfaction. The four components of TQM are as follows: 1. Make continuous improvement a priority. 2. Get every employee involved. 3. Listen to and learn from customers and employees. 4. Use accurate standards to identify and eliminate problems.

Scott works for an organization that describes itself as a "learning organization." As a manager, which of the following actions is Scott most likely to take while working for this organization?

When Scott needs another employee, he deliberately looks for someone who will bring something new to the organization.

According to Deming, quality stemmed from a steady focus on the organization's mission and

a reduction in production variation.

Weber felt that a better-performing organization should have five positive bureaucratic features including

clear division of labor, with parts of a complex job being handled by specialists.

Explain the emphasis of the quantitative viewpoint. Describe the two major approaches to this viewpoint.

he quantitative viewpoint emphasizes that mathematically based techniques can help managers be more effective. The two approaches of quantitative management are management science and operations management. Management science focuses on using mathematics to aid in problem solving and decision making. Operations management focuses on managing the production and delivery of an organization's products or services more effectively.

A good reason for studying theoretical perspectives of management is that it

provides clues to the meaning of your managers' decisions.

To create a learning organization, managers must perform three key functions or roles: build a commitment to learning, work to generate ideas with impact, and

work to generalize ideas with impact.

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