2013 ICDC Business Administration Exam Quizlet

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What's one way to maintain secure customer records?

Encrypt the information customers give you online.

Which of the following is a tool that businesses should use to set their overall organizational goals:

Mission statement

Kate says, "I am very pleased with your progress on the project, Devon. Take the rest of the day off, and we'll talk about the next phase of the project tomorrow." What directing activity is Kate performing?

Motivating an employee

Liana, an accountant, is auditing a business. Would it be ethical for her to buy stock in that business?

No, because it's a conflict of interest.

Which of the following is an internal factor that influences employees' willingness to share their tacit knowledge with coworkers and managers:

Organizational culture

Which of the following is a non-price issue that a business might negotiate with a vendor when purchasing expensive, complex equipment:

Post-sale service

Which of the following statements is true of the bidding process:

Pre-bid meetings are used to address potential bidder questions.

Claire is the owner of a small consulting firm and has two employees working for her. What type of insurance can Clair purchase to limit her tort liability?


Which of the following is a primary factor that should be considered when choosing project-management software:

Project complexity

Because Tim is not a "morning person," it takes a little while for him to feel alert and focused. Which of the following tasks is best for Tim to work on when he first arrives at the office:

Read e-mail

Which of the following provides a business's employees with a foundation for acceptable behavior in the workplace:

Rules of conduct

What is the primary function of the Random Access Memory (RAM) component of a computer?

Serves as a temporary holding area for files and programs

Christine is buying a new computer. If she's making her decision logically, which of the following is true:

She's looking at her alternatives from a neutral point of view.

In which of the following documents does the project manager clearly define the project's terms and conditions for stakeholders:

Statement of work

Ruben works in the kitchen of a restaurant. His coworker cut herself on a kitchen knife and she's bleeding profusely. If Ruben wants to help her, what's the most important thing he can do?

Stay calm and call an emergency number

Marjane's been at her job for a few years, and she always shows up on time and works hard. However, she keeps being passed over for a promotion. When she talks to her boss about it, her boss says that while Marjane's a good employee, she'll need to work on her soft skills if she wants to be promoted to a managerial position. What should Marjane do?

Take a course in teamwork and communication

Francine likes the auto shop where she takes her car for an oil change because it has a comfortable waiting room with good magazines. This illustrates which important characteristic of quality service providers?


What's the most effective way to save money on business and equipment maintenance?

Create a maintenance schedule, and stick to it.

"We can accept the volume pricing that you are offering, but we would like the merchandise to leave your facility within 24 hours rather than 48 hours, after the order is placed." In this situation, the negotiator wants to obtain

better lead time.

There are several auto repair shops in town, but Patricia's stands out. Her auto repair shop does great work, but what really sets her shop apart is the customer service. Every customer is greeted by a friendly employee, and s/he is given snacks and drinks while s/he waits for the repairs to be completed. The great customer service that people can expect from Patricia's business is considered her

brand promise.

Jack asked a customer to provide some information about his company's competitors. In return, Jack told the customer that he would give him/her the lowest possible price for the company's new line of products. The customer was not comfortable with Jack's behavior and ended the 15-year partnership with the company. This is an example of how unethical business behavior can negatively affect

buyer/seller relationships.

Hector's team member isn't motivated to work on their project. She says it looks like too much work, and she doesn't think it's possible to have it all done in their time frame. To motivate her, Hector's first priority should be to demonstrate the project's


To implement a successful knowledge-management system in the workplace, it is important to

gain the cooperation of employees and support from ownership.

To lower risks associated with noncompliance, a company should

monitor changes in laws affecting its business activities.

Mara recently accepted a job with the Sweet Treat Cookie Company. Her new employer required her to sign a document stating that she will not reveal the ingredients in the company's cookie recipes to external sources. This is an example of a(n)

nondisclosure agreement.

American businesspeople believe that maintaining direct eye contact during conversation indicates an individual's sincerity, interest, and confidence level, while some cultures believe that ongoing direct eye contact is rude. This is an example of how __________ differs among cultures.

nonverbal communication

Nadia's assistant, Roger, rarely does what he's supposed to do. He routinely forgets to schedule her appointments, orders the wrong supplies for her office, and misses work at least a few times a month. An employee like Roger is an example of a(n) __________ risk.


Bryant Technical College is offering an online degree in landscape design. This product is considered a(n)

virtual service.

Amira is trying to choose a financial institution. She likes to do her banking in person, and she wants to make sure she selects an institution that's customer friendly. She wants good interest rates and low fees, and she'd also prefer to invest with a not-for-profit institution. Amira should invest her money in a(n)

credit union.

"With fewer staff members available to conduct extensive testing, Calhoun Software has experienced several product-release failures last year that resulted in costly product returns." This is an example of a research report

. problem statement.

Samantha works in a shoe store. Her eight most recent customers wore the following shoe sizes: 9, 7.5, 5.5, 6, 8, 10, 9, and 9. What is the mode of this data set?


What type of information should be included in the methodology section of a research report?

A description of the sampling plan and research technique

Which of the following is an example of a business obtaining raw-materials inventory:

A snack-food manufacturer orders potatoes, oil, and salt to make its potato chips.

What technological tool can help businesses understand the types of knowledge that employees need to perform their jobs efficiently?

Accountability matrix

After providing the stakeholders with the project deliverables, Lisa analyzed and documented the project's actual results with the initial project goals. What did Lisa do?

Conduct a post-implementation review

Rob has a job interview this afternoon. In the morning, he goes over his other job offers to figure out which job he will accept (and what the salary and benefits are) if this employer doesn't offer him a position. Rob is developing his


Which of the following are examples of intellectual property that are protected by trade-secret legislation:

Chemical compounds and manufacturing processes

What type of plan do businesses often implement when an original plan fails to produce the desired results?


Javier had an interview with a potential employer, Dan Martinez. The interview was pretty casual and informal. How should Javier begin his thank you note?

Dear Mr. Martinez

Which of the following is the most important factor to consider when prioritizing work tasks:

Due dates of tasks

Which of the following is a true statement about the work breakdown structure (WBS) in project management:

Each work package should take between eight and 80 hours to complete.

Wellston Industries wants to compare a current business situation with a target situation. Which of the following tools will help Wellston obtain the information that it wants:

Gap analysis

A boutique owner set a goal to open two additional stores in the next three years. What type of organizational goal has the boutique owner set?


Which of the following statements is true of diversity:

In group settings, diversity increases creativity and innovation.

Vince is very excited to get his first paycheck from his part-time job. He's expecting about $200, but when he sees his weekly paystub, he's disappointed to find out he's actually getting much less. Which tax did Vince forget to take into account:

Income tax

Which of the following has a negative effect on an understaffed business:

Increased errors

The Hastings Company implemented a series of gradual changes throughout the company over time that resulted in more durable products and greater employee efficiency. What type of continuous improvement does this situation exemplify?


What technology can businesses use to reduce the risk of network security breaches?

Intrusion detection systems

Which of the following is an advantage of a weak dollar:

It encourages exports.

Which of the following statements is true of quality control:

It must be measured in some way to be effective.

Which of the following is a factor that often leads to workplace stress and burnout:

Lack of task variety

Which of the following is an organizational vision:

Margaret's company wants to be the best sporting goods store in the country.

You have a customer on the phone who always ends up talking about his personal life for far too long. Today, he's telling you a long story about his recent vacation. However, you have several other calls on the line and tons of work to do. How should you handle this situation?

Tell the caller you're happy to hear about his vacation, but you have to take another call.

Which of the following is a project-management software application that duplicates the project database and enables project managers to evaluate potential changes to the project plan and assess "what if" scenarios:

Test environment

Which of the following is an example of a reorder:

The Powell Company did not order enough paper towels for the month, so it ordered an additional four cases.

Perry is thinking about being a project manager, but he's not sure. His guidance counselor suggests he have a discussion with someone who is currently employed as a project manager. What benefit will Perry get from an informational interview like this one?

The project manager can tell him what a real day on the job is like.

Which of the following is a reason that organizations undertake knowledge management:

They want to ensure that organizational knowledge isn't wasted.

Gabriel's boss just assigned him a new project. He needs to create a video presentation, which he has no idea how to do. He starts to get discouraged, but then he reminds himself that this is an opportunity to learn an important new skill. It will look great on his résumé and score him some bonus points with the boss. This is an example of which step for maintaining a positive attitude:

Think positively

A project manager has determined that the team completed the software-development phase of the project four days ahead of schedule. What control activity is the project manager performing?

Tracking a milestone

Megan is working with a group member who's explaining her part of a project. Megan wants to make sure her group member knows she's listening, so she says things like, "I see," "Okay," and "I understand." Which active listening skill is Megan demonstrating:

Using a verbal acknowledgement response

Dahlia just started her own business last month. Eventually she'll be concerned with other company goals, but right now she just wants to make sure her business gets off the ground. She knows many businesses fail within the first few years, so for now she needs to focus on

achieving stability.

Taking responsibility for your actions involves

admitting your mistakes.

Simone's business doesn't advertise much. Instead, she relies on happy customers to tell their friends, family, and coworkers about her company. Simone's business uses __________ to gain customers.


Latin-American businesspeople often hold several meetings to build trust and get to know their business partners. Businesspeople from other cultures often find this practice frustrating because they want to get down to business. This example illustrates how __________ differs among cultures.

communication style

Shamir and Frieda both own salons in the same town. In a newspaper interview, Shamir presents several untrue and negative facts about Frieda's salon, and her business suffers as a result. Frieda is likely to file a tort action against Shamir for


An important activity associated with the organizing function of management is

defining employees' roles.

The core activity of managerial planning involves

determining objectives.

In some cultures, it is common for businesspeople to discuss business matters during meals, but Canadians typically do not. This is a cultural issue related to

dining etiquette.

Aisha wants to buy new ovens for her bakery. They'll be expensive, but she has some money saved up that she can use for the purchase. Aisha plans to finance her new equipment using


Coordinating business activities is an important aspect of the organizing function of management because it

establishes clear relationships among the company's resources.

To manage their work commitments in a timely manner, businesspeople should

estimate the time that it takes them to perform their tasks.

Effective budgets should always be


In a detailed document, Rachel explains the possible implications of implementing a cooperative advertising program for her employer's major customers. In this situation, Rachel developed a

feasibility report.

During a meeting with German businesspeople, an American businessperson introduced a change to the agenda. Because the German businesspeople were caught off guard by this change, they became upset, which indicates that German culture tends to

have a low tolerance for uncertainty.

Employees are more likely to be successful in helping a company achieve its organizational goals when they

have appropriate training.

Companies use risk-matrix software applications to

identify and prioritize their primary business risks.

Alexis and her team are working on a new project proposal to show their boss. She knows that doing the project their way will be costly and time-consuming, but she also knows that the results will be great. She and her team decide to first present the benefits of the project and then draw the conclusion that investing company time and money would be a good idea. Alexis hopes to convince her boss using

inductive organization.

An individual's status and title are very important in all aspects of Japanese culture, including business situations. For example, the Japanese businessperson with the most authority sits in the chair furthest from the door, and the remaining employees sit in descending rank around the table, so the lowest ranking employee sits nearest to the door. This situation indicates that Japan

is a hierarchical society.

Latisha, a human resources manager at a hospital, is writing a list of the skills, knowledge, and characteristics for a nurse position she hopes to fill. She focuses on what education a nurse in that position should have, what personal traits s/he should have, and what s/he should be like. Latisha is working on a(n)

job specification.

Claudia is creating a balance sheet for her business. She lists the full value of all of her assets, even some office equipment she hasn't completely paid for. However, to find the true net worth of her business, Claudia must subtract the money she owes on the equipment, since the debt is considered a(n)


Because Indian business people value their personal space, foreigners should

maintain physical distance during conversation.

During the execution-and-monitoring stage of project management, the project manager's job is to

make sure the project stays on track.

The local government fined Lenny's Grille because there were 75 more patrons in the facility at one time than legally permitted. In this situation, the business violated a

maximum capacity code.

Sophia needs to distribute a sales report to her employees. There are lots of numbers and figures, but the report is pretty self-explanatory. Sophia should communicate this information to her staff via a


Many experts believe that providing too much detail in the work breakdown structure (WBS) work packages often causes the project manager to

micromanage the project.

Jack is a computer programmer who is struggling to fix a glitch with his company's new computer network. During a get-together with some friends who also work in technology, Jack brings up his dilemma. His friend Janelle suggests a process that helped her solve a similar problem that she experienced a few weeks ago. Two other friends, Tim and Susan, provide some suggestions as well. In this situation, Jack and his friends are transferring knowledge by

participating in a community of practice.

Sally, Joe, Tim, and Jane are team members who perform different tasks by themselves at the same time to create a single output. The method of work coordination that the team members are using is the ___________ task interdependence.


The focus of the Six Sigma framework involves maximizing overall quality and

preventing problems.

A project's stakeholders asked the project manager to revise three components of a long-term project. The project manager should share this information with the project's team members because changes often affect the

project's workflow.

The team's project manager said, "Leah, your efficiency rate increased by 10 percent this week, which is far above average. You have made great progress in a short time!" In this situation, the project manager is

providing evaluative information.

It's appropriate to write a letter of inquiry when

requesting more information about a company.

The focus of quality management should be on

satisfying customers.

When a handbag company embroiders a customer's name or monogram on a cloth tote bag, it is processing a(n)

special order.

Randy used to work in a factory. However, after technological advances brought robots that could do the same job for less money, he was laid off. Randy is looking for a new job in a factory, but everything requires knowledge of computer programs, which he doesn't have. Randy is facing __________ unemployment.


Jim Martin is a Canadian businessperson who is traveling to Saudi Arabia to close a business deal. Jim should dress conservatively by wearing a

suit, long-sleeve dress shirt, and tie.

Reese is writing a paper for his business class. He wants to include an idea he found in one of his sources. He includes just the main points and rewrites the paragraph in his own words, making sure to attribute his ideas to the original source. Reese is


Effective managerial control often involves

taking corrective action.

Japanese businesspeople believe that arriving late at an appointment is extremely disrespectful. This illustrates the importance of understanding cultural issues that relate to


The production manager of a company that produces wrenches, hammers, and electric drills would most likely report to the

vice president of manufacturing.

Cookery Manufacturing orders heating elements from the Kenton Company to produce ovens. Recently, customers complained to Cookery that their ovens were not heating properly. Cookery researched the issue, and determined that the customers purchased ovens with defective heating elements. Kenton and Cookery took action by replacing the defective parts for the customers. In this situation, Cookery and Kenton maintained a positive working relationship by

working together to resolve a problem.

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