2023 - 2024 GATSA statesman test review
AFFILIATION: How much are advisor fees?
Which year did Georgia NOT host the national conference?
Where are the National TSA headquarters?
Reston, Virginia
In a formal meeting, which of these officers is seated next to the president?
Which officer is responsible for keeping materials of historic importance?
Which of these events is NOT a Tech Day event?
Transportation Modeling
Who is the National TSA Vice President? (2023-24)
Tyson Castleberry
OFFICIAL DRESS: The pants/skirt is....
light grey
In the AIASA emblem, what represented the rapid development of today's automated world...?
lightning bolt
CREED: I will accept the ________ that are mine.
OFFICIAL DRESS: The shirt is...
royal blue
Which TSA color represents strength and determination of tech ed students to obtain their goal?
scarlet red
OFFICIAL DRESS: The tie is...
scarlet red imprinted with the official TSA logo
What are the 3 TSA colors?
scarlet red, white, navy blue
Officer Symbol: pen- is accoiated with?
What is the URL to the Georgia TSA website?
You can earn White Star Chapter if your membership increases by _______.
There were how many original chartered state associations in AIASA?
In what year did the student organization begin?
in what year did the name of the association change to TSA?
What is the name of the virtual leadership resource available to TSA members and designed by Julian Kent?
21st Century Skills
What is NOT one of the Career Ready Diploma Seals?
Academic Achievement Seal
AFFILIATION: most cost effective way to affiliate if a chapter is large
Blue Chapter Affiliation Program
Who is the National TSA President? (2023-24)
David Marquez
Who is the president of the Georgia TSA Board of Directors? (2023-24)
Harmon Tison
Who is the Georgia TSA 2nd Vice President? (2023-24)
Liam Bell
What are the official record of the proceedings at a meeting?
This program exists to honor, recognize, and empower students and teachers in Career & Technical Education
National Technical Honor Society
The president is an ex-officio of all committees except this one.
Where will the 2024 National TSA Conference be held?
Orlando, FL
AFFILIATION: pays flat fee for up to 10 members
Red Chapter Affiliation Program
Which officer serves as the chair of the resolutions committee?
In a formal meeting, which officer sits closest to the American Flag?
Sergeant at Arms
"Learning to Lead in a Technical World" is the:
TSA Motto
What begins with "I believe that Technology Education holds an important place..."?
TSA creed
This parli pro term means: "to postpone discussion"
Table a Motion
This means that members must affiliate and pay dues on local, state, & national level.
Unified dues
If your chapter helps to start a new chapter, you can be named a _______ Star Chapter
OFFICIAL DRESS: What color are the shoes?
LOGO: The middle section of the logo is:
blue background with the letters TSA in white
In which month is TSA week?
A teacher can only receive the Tommy Pitchford Award once every _______ years.
Which Achievement Award level is presented at the state level?
What position insures that the junior high/middle school is represented?
2nd Vice President
Which of these events is NOT a pre-judged competition for Tech Day?
Alternative Energy Design
PO Box 2438 Kennesaw, GA 30156 is the address for:
America Cancer Society Donations
What is the TSA service project?
American Cancer Society's Relay for Life
At which conference do members prepare a Program of Work?
The "E" in CORE stands for....
"Pride in Progress" was the....
On April 8, 1979...
GAIAC became Georgia AIASA
Which of the following are benefits of being a member of the National Technical Honor Society?
Letters of Recommendation Scholarship Opportunities Partner Discounts
This is a system of rules that govern conduct of TSA meetings.
Parliamentary Procedures
This parli pro term is the minimum number of members needed to conduct business.
Who was the first State Club Advisor of GAIAC?
Raymond Ginn, Jr
Officer Symbol: - hearty handshake - is accoiated with?
Sergeant at Arms
What parliamentary procedure term means "to end a meeting"?
Which TSA color represents high standards and morals?
What is the URL to the National TSA website?
Who is the Georgia TSA State Officer Assistant?
Auston Futch
What were the names of the original clubs?
Bacon High school and Fitzgerald High School
Who was the first chairman of the GAIAC advisory council?
Berkley Ruiz
Which TSA Conference is held in September?
Who is the Georgia TSA President? (2023-24)
Carson Schmitt
Who created the Tommy Pitchford Inspirational Teacher Award?
Dr. Harvey Dean
Who is the Program Specialist for Engineering and Tech Ed at the Georgia DOE?
Dr. Paul Camick
Who is the National TSA Executive Director?
Dr. Rosanne T. White
What is the city of Georgia TSA's mailing address?
Jessup, GA
Before being named the Tommy Pitchford Inspirational Teacher Award, it was known as this.
Jim Coffey Inspirational Teacher Award
Which of the following was NOT one of the original GAIAC competitive events?
Prepared Speech Contest
Which of the following are categories of the TSA Achievement Program. (Select all that apply)
Service Leadership STEM Immersion and Personal/Professional Development
Which TSA Conference takes place in Athens, GA?
State Leadership Conference
Who designed the TSA logo
Steve Price
Who is the Georgia TSA Executive Director?
Steve Price
The letters TSA stand for ...
Technology Student Association
What does "TEAMS" represent?
Tests of Engineering Aptitude, Mathematics, and Science
AFFILIATION: chapters pay a fee per member
White Chapter Affiliation Program
In the AIASA emblem, what represented the dignity of work?
a mallet
Which Achievement Award level is presented at the local level (school or district)?
CREED: I will develop a _______ attitude
Which TSA Conference is held on Jekyll Island?
fall leadership conference
Dorinda Hookings was the first...
female president of GAIAC
CREED: I will make it my _______ to do better each day the ______ before me
Which Achievement Award level is presented at the national level?
CREED: Through the work of my ______ and _______
OFFICIAL DRESS: The blazer is....
navy blue
Which TSA color represents sincerity of the tech ed students and teachers?
navy blue
Officer Symbol: gavel- is accoiated with?
LOGO: The bottom part of the logo is:
red with the words "Technology Student Association"
In a formal meeting, which officer sits between the president and the sergeant-at-arms?
Officer Symbol: beacon tower- is accoiated with?
CREED: Guided by my __________, artisans from industry, and my own __________
A chapter that raises more than $2000 for the TSA Service Project is eligible for:
the Purple Award
A chapter that raises between $500-$999 for the TSA Service Project is eligible for:
the Silver Award
A chapter that raises between $1000-$1,999 for the TSA Service Project is eligible for:
the gold award
What do Jack Crawford and Alexander King have in common?
they were Past National TSA presidents from Georgia