20's quiz

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What did the mood of "normalcy" invoked by President Warren G. Harding signify?

Turning away from Europe and away from the programs of the Progressive Era.

What was a major weakness of the 1920s economy?

Unequal distribution of wealth.

What was an important factor that contributed to the start of the Great Depression in the United States?

Uneven distribution of wealth

What did African Americans come home to after WWI?

Violence, discrimination, and race riots

This implemented prohibition and defined an illegal beverage as any one over 1% alcohol by volume.

Volsted Act

What did Hoover focus on during his first efforts to control the Depression?

Voluntary cooperation by business leaders in restoring the public confidence in the economy.

A meeting of major powers that took place between 1921 and 1922 which resulted in an agreement to set limits on the size of each nation's navy.

Washington Conference

What emerged in the 1920s in part to stop unionization?

Welfare capitalism

The Kellog-Briand Pact of 1928 pledged the signatory nations to?

renounce war as an instrument of national policy.

What was the significance of the Immigration Acts of 1921 and 1924?

they set quotas on immigration from certain areas of Europe, Asia, and Africa.

American foreign policy toward Europe during the 1920s was characterized by a?

trend toward isolationism, except for a willingness to enter into a treaty to curtail a naval arms race.

The mood of "normalcy" invoked by President Warren G. Harding connoted?

turning away from Europe and away from the programs of the Progressive Era.

The Coolidge administration?

worked to help wealthy Americans through tax cuts and other pro-business activities.

What represented a resurgence of nativism in the United States?

The rise of the Ku Klux Klan and the National Origins Act

What contributed to the culture wars of the 1920s?

The tremendous growth of cities from immigration and rural migration.

What controlled nearly half national nonbanking wealth?

The two hundred largest corporations controlled

How did the Hoover administration responded to the Japanese conquest of Manchuria?

They refused to grant diplomatic recognition to the new Japanese territories.

In the 1920s, the United States government did all of the following EXCEPT?

guarantee Franco-German and Belgian-German boundaries.

What characterized consumer spending and consumerism during the 1920s?

installment buying

What helped cause the stock market crash of 1929?

Stock market speculation.

What hurt European nations' chances of repaying their war debts to the U. S.?

The high-tariff policy of the United States between the two world wars

What did Calvin Coolidge say that gave him incredible political support?

"There is no right to strike against the public safety by anybody, anywhere, anytime".

What was the Teapot Dome?

A major scandal in Harding's administration and was named after the national oil reserves it involved.

What was the Harlem Renaissance?

A movement that championed black racial pride and cultural identity in the 1920s.

What was the Dawes Plan?

A plan that gave Germany American loans so it could pay its war debts to France and England.

What was the Red Scare of 1919-1921?

A series of 1919 bombings that led Americans to associate radical political groups with violence.

What did American literary figures like F. Scott Fitzgerald and Ernest Hemingway deny?

American materialism, complacency, and anti-intellectualism

What was the Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928?

An act that pledged the signatory nations to renounce war as an instrument of national policy.

A steady downward trend in the prices of corporate stocks.

Bear Market

Why did american farmers fail to share in the general economic growth after WWI?

Because of overproduction and competition that caused falling prices.

Why was the 20s nicknamed to "Roaring Twenties?"

Because widespread social and economic change occurred.

A steady upward trend in the prices of corporate stocks.

Bull Market

I remarked, The man who builds a factory builds a temple; the man who works there, worships there?

Calvin Coolidge.

This 1924 law attempted to facilitate German reparations payments. By loaning $200 million in gold bullion to Germany, the U. S. and its Allies hoped to stabilize the Germany economy.

Dawes Plan

What contributed to the incredible number of militant strikes that occurred during 1919?

Employers constantly trying to root out labor unions after the war

Young women of the 1920s who adopted an original style of dress and challenged traditional societal values.


What demonstrated the isolationist attitude of the United States after World War I?

High tariffs on foreign goods, immigration restrictions, and disarmament agreements

These slums were inhabited by homeless families during the Depression.


What was the 1920's characterized by?

Increased consumer borrowing and spending.

What was the economic boom and the financial speculation of the 1920's caused by?

Installment buying, an unregulated stock market, and by the development of new consumer goods industries.

What happened to Tulsa, Oklahoma in 1921?

It was burned down during racial riots

This 1928 treaty, signed by 63 nations (including the U. S.), was an agreement never to use war as a means of international conflict resolution.

Kellogg-Briand Pact

This Harlem Renaissance poet and short story writer expressed the despair of blacks and demanded social justice

Langston Hughes

What area did the Good Neighbor policy apply to?

Latin America

The name given to a group of American writers who gathered in Paris after World War I and who wrote about rebellious people, criticized society, and attacked materialism.

Lost Generation

What happened as a result of the stock market crash of October 1929?

Many middle-class Americans without stock investments lost their life savings when banks failed.

What was one of the major problems facing farmers in the 1920s?

Overproduction of consumer goods

What did the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA) recommended that black Americans do?

Return to Africa to obtain the justice unavailable to them in the United States.

This 1925 case involved a Tennessee law against the teach of Charles Darwin's theory of evolution in public schools.

Scopes Trial

How did the KKK differ from its reconstructive-era form?

Target Catholics and Jews as well as Blacks

This political scandal involved a cabinet member in President Harding's administration.

Teapot Dome

This 1927 movie was was the first "talkie" motion picture, ending the era of silent films.

The Jazz Singer

Throughout the 1920s, what sector of the american economy was in the worst shape and which was in the best shape?

The agriculture sector of the American economy was in the worst shape and the industrial output sector was in the best condition

What played a major role in stimulating prosperity during the 1920s?

The auto industry

Which of the following best describes the administrations of Warren harding and Calvin Coolidge?

The business of government is business

What did America's economic boom in the 1920s result from?

The debilitation of Europe after World War I, the rapid pace of technological innovations, and the expansion of the automobile industry.

What was the Sheppard-Towner Federal Maternity and Infancy Act of 1921?

The first federally funded, health-care legislation.

By the end of the 1920s, what had become the nation's largest industry?


Who was Mitchell Palmer?

a politician who fanned fears of domestic radicalism after a bomb exploded outside his home in 1919.

The rapid growth of the automobile industry was made possible by?

a ready market created by the rising standard of living and the increase of leisure time of the average American

The most important problem faced by the Democratic party in the 1920s was?

a serious split between urban and rural wings of the party.

Which of the following characterized the economy of the 1920s?

a shift to the production of consumer goods.

The union movement weakened in the 1920s because?

all of these choices are correct.

All of the following characterized the writing of the "Lost Generation" EXCEPT?

an acceptance of decadence as the best way to survive in post-World War I society.

Which of the following statements is most consistent with the philosophy of Marcus Garvey's Universal Negro Improvement Association?

blacks should separate themselves from corrupt white American society.

In the eyes of John Maynard Keynes, the ultimate responsibility for full employment rested with the?

central government

Which of the following methods of fighting the Depression did President Herbert Hoover oppose throughout his administration?

federal welfare programs to give relief directly to the poor.

Prohibition failed because?

many Americans believed the law interfered with their personal freedom.

The conclusion of the Sacco and Vanzetti case suggested that?

many Americans had an unreasonable fear of radicals and foreigners.

The Reconstruction Finance Corporation?

offered emergency loans to banks, farm mortgage associations, building and loan societies, and other such businesses to prevent bankruptcies.

One of the major problems facing farmers in the 1920s was?


One result of the "Dust Bowl" was that?

several million people on the Plains abandoned their farms and moved West.

The Republicans returned to power with the election of Warren G. Harding in 1920. The new president's call for a "return to normalcy" turned out to mean?

solationism and protectionism.

One effect of the Great Depression on women was to?

strengthen the belief that a woman's place was in the home

All of the following were part of American economic policy during the 1920s EXCEPT?

support of public works projects.

An important result of the Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act was?

tariff reprisals from a number of foreign countries.

What drove the creation of American consumer culture in the 1920s?

the advertising industry

Part of the reason for the stock market crash was?

the buying of great amounts of stock "on margin."

What represented the emancipated woman of the 1920s?

the flapper

A major cause of the Great Depression was?

the inability of wages to keep pace with production increases.

The Harlem Renaissance refers to?

the movement of African-American artists, poets, and writers who expressed their pride in being black.

One of the most important economic transformations in the years after World War I was?

the shift in production from heavy industry to consumer goods and services

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