2.12.9 testout linux pro

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Which of the following utilities displays the category of a command?


You use a program on your Linux system called photorec. What would you enter at the command prompt to display the path to the photorec binary file?

which photorec

The diff command displays the differences between two files, line by line, and includes several options. You want to use the diff command to compare the differences between the q1results.txt and the q2results.txt files, with the output displayed in two columns. Which of the following diff options would you use to display the two column output?


You need to make a few changes to how the locatedb index file is created. What is the full path and filename of the file you should edit?


What is the purpose of the find command?

To search for files in the file system based on name, file size, time created, and other options.

Which of the following describe file globbing in Linux?

Using wildcards (e.g., * , *.* , *.txt) to match specific files.

You are searching the standard input for any line containing "JAMESTOWN" at the end of a line. Which egrep constructor should you enter at the command prompt?


Which of the following commands is the FASTEST method of searching a file for fixed strings rather than regular expressions?


Which of the following commands finds all of the files on the system that have either blue or gold in their names?

find / -name '*blue*' -o -name '*gold*'

Which of the following commands displays the user groups that dblair is a member of?

grep -e dblair /etc/group

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