251 Specialized Traffic Enforcement

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Suspension of License; Right to Review,"

"______________________________________________" provides that a law enforcement officer or correctional officer shall, on behalf of the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV), suspend the driving privilege of a person who has been arrested by a law enforcement officer for a violation of F.S.S. 316.193, relating to blood or breath alcohol level, or of a person who has refused to submit to a breath, urine, or blood test.

greater less

(1) If the breath test results are _______________than .08 g/210L a ten-day temporary permit is issued; and (2) If the breath test results are __________ than .08 g/210L the suspect may retain his/her driver's license and the bottom portion of the DUI citation will be crossed out.

(a) The owner is NOT present and the officer is unable to determine whether or not the driver is in lawful possession of the vehicle; (b) The driver or other responsible party does not clearly understand the options available due to his/her intoxication or impairment; (c) There is no responsible party present and the vehicle cannot be left at the scene because it is a traffic hazard or is in an unsafe area; or (d) The driver refuses to sign the releasing statement or delays making the decision beyond a reasonable time.

(1) The vehicle may be towed at the request of the driver, owner, or owner's representative; (2) The vehicle shall be impounded without a hold if:

.01 to .03

(2) If the test results are ____________, the officer shall issue a UTC for violation of F.S.S. 322.62, which is a moving violation; (a) The officer shall, in addition to issuing the citation, advise the operator not to operate a commercial motor vehicle for a period of 24 hours; and (b) The operator shall be transported to a safe location within close proximity of where originally detained.

explained within the narrative of their report(s).

1) Document in the narrative of the Arrest & Booking Report that the driver was so advised; (2) A subject's inability to perform the FSE due to a physical incapacity or high level of impairment (i.e., unable to keep balance, falling, etc.) does not constitute a refusal to perform the exercise; and (3) If the subject has proven to be a flight risk, or if the officer reasonably believes the subject poses a flight risk or an officer safety risk, the officer may choose not to perform certain FSE. If an officer makes an arrest and FSE were not performed, the reason should be _________________________________________________


1) If the test results are .__________, no enforcement action is required unless there is evidence of DUI involving controlled substance. The operator shall be transported back to the location where originally detained;


4) If the test results indicate a BAC of_________g/210L or higher, the officer may use these results as probable cause to make an arrest for DUI; (a) The officer shall follow normal procedures for a DUI arrest; (b) FSE shall be conducted; and (c) The appropriate citations issued.

Central Communication Report (CCR) number CCR number

A DUI arrest requires a separate_____________________than the traffic crash ________________

separate citation

A ___________________ should be written for each individual injured or each vehicle or other property damaged, even though each was the result of the same crash. The description of the person injured or vehicle or other property damaged should be detailed in the Description of Violation or Comments Pertaining to Offense section of each citation (i.e. injury to Victim Smith, damage to Victim 1's vehicle, damage to city-owned street sign, etc.).

the nurse

A breath test will be conducted immediately upon entering the PDF and being searched by a correctional officer. A suspect under arrest for DUI will not be required to see _______________prior to a breath test

contest the suspension

A driver who has been issued a ten-day temporary permit as described above has the right to request a hearing before a DHSMV hearing officer to ____________________.

a. The blue copy of the Florida DUI UTC which is to be issued by the breath testing operator; b. The copy of the Arrest & Booking Report; c. A copy of the Field Sobriety Report; d. Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) Form 14, Breath Test Result Affidavit; e. The suspect's driver's license, if seized; and f. If the suspect has more than one driver's license in his/her possession all of the licenses will be seized, including out of state licenses.

After all the documents relating to the arrest are complete, the suspect has a BAC of .08 g/210L or higher, or the suspect refuses to submit to testing, the following reports will be placed in the DUI Document Checklist Envelope (P-1674) which is kept at the Breath Testing Room of the PDF:

refusal to submit to FSE may be used against him.

After requesting the driver to perform FSE and the driver refuses, advise the driver that ________________________

DUI citation and issue

After the breath test results are known, the breath test operator will complete the remainder of the _________________ and___________the citation to the suspect


An officer making an arrest for a violation of F.S.S. 316.193 shall complete all necessary reports as well as any UTC(s) for violation(s) other than_______q.

a. Unnecessary comments or opinions related to the investigation; and b. On camera activities which would be detrimental to the investigation or the image of the Sheriff's Office.

Any officer at the scene of a DUI investigation where the Mobile Video Taping System is being utilized will refrain from any activity, which could jeopardize the investigation. This includes, but is not limited to:

"Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus"

Conduct a_____________________________(HGN) exercise.


Each count charged will be listed _______________on the Arrest & Booking Report or the Juvenile Arrest & Booking Report.

.02 .08

F.S.S. 322.2616 makes it unlawful for a person under the age of twenty-one to have __________grams per 210 liters or higher breath alcohol level and drive or be in actual physical control of a motor vehicle. A violation of F.S.S. 322.2616 is not a traffic infraction or criminal offense and being detained for the purpose of consenting to a breath test does not constitute an arrest. Under the guidelines of F.S.S. 322.2616, if the breath sample yields a breath alcohol level in excess of _______, the charge cannot be changed to F.S.S. 316.193, DUI.

one year permanent disqualification;

F.S.S. 322.63(4)(a) provides that persons be informed that their failure to submit to a breath, blood, or urine test shall result in the aforementioned disqualification of commercial operator's driving privileges. A commercial motor vehicle operator who refuses to submit to a breath, urine, or blood test after being requested to do so by a law enforcement officer will be disqualified from operating a commercial motor vehicle for a period of _____________for a first refusal. A second refusal arising from separate incidents shall result in a ______________________


Florida DUI Uniform Traffic Citations (HSMV-55904) books are available to Sheriff's Office personnel in the breath testing room of the Mayport Naval Base. True/ False

a. Has a gross vehicle weight rating of 26,001 pounds or more; b. Has a declared weight of 26,001 pounds or more; c. Has an actual weight of 26,001 pounds or more; d. Is designated to transport more than 15 persons, including the driver; or e. Is transporting hazardous materials and is required to be placard in accordance with Title 49 CFR part 172, subpart F.

For the purpose of this order the definition of a commercial motor vehicle will be as defined in F.S.S. 322.01. "Commercial motor vehicle" means any motor vehicle or motor vehicle combination used on the streets or highways, which:

probable cause

If ____________________ exists to support an arrest, the driver should be advised at this time that they are under arrest. If probable cause does not exist, the driver should be released.

(1) Complete a Notice of Commercial Driver's License Disqualification Form (HSMV 78005), which is kept in the Breath Testing Room at the PDF. This form shall be completed in its entirety; (a) If a Uniform Traffic citation is issued for any violation, the violation and the citation number must be noted in the "Description of Facts" section of the notice; and (b) This notice will serve as a ten-day temporary driving permit and notification that the driver has been placed out-of-service for a 24 hour period. The out-of-service period will begin at the date and time the notice is issued. (2) Complete an Affidavit of Refusal to Submit (HSMV 78054); and (3) Seize the subject's commercial driver's license.

If a commercial operator refuses to submit to a breath, blood, or urine test, the officer shall;

closest, safe, suitable site. age, weight, physical limitations, and other factors,

If a suitable site is not available at the stop location, the investigating officer should transport the driver to the________________________(2) Officers should conduct the FSEs for which they have been trained and which are most appropriate for the circumstances, taking into consideration ________________, ________________, ________________, ______________ be they temporary or permanent in nature.

make the arrest. ADDITIONALLY: (1) The responding officer may take custody of the suspect and complete all processing in the same manner as if the officer had actually witnessed the offense. (2) In the event an arrest is made under these circumstances, the assisting officer responding shall conduct all applicable field sobriety exercises and complete the required reports.

If an officer is requested to conduct a DUI investigation based upon another officer's observation of the offense, the officer called upon to assist the requesting officer can___________________


If an officer requests a commercial motor vehicle operator to submit to a breath test, the officer shall transport the operator to PDF for the test to be administered. If the operator does not meet the requirements for arrest under the DUI Statutes (F.S.S. 316.193), the operator is only being _______________ for breath testing purposes;

criminal DUI investigation

If the driver was involved in a traffic crash, advise the driver that you are ending the traffic crash investigation and beginning a ______________________and advise the driver of his/her Miranda Rights at this time

investigating officer If it is life threatening/ death then a traffic homicide detective will be responsible

If the injuries are not life threatening, and no death is involved, then having blood drawn will be the responsibility of the ___________________

urine sample

If the subject's BAC is below .08 g/210L and a higher level of impairment is indicated, the arresting officer will request that a___________________ be obtained from the suspect for testing;

Notice of Suspension

If the suspect is a juvenile or is under 21 years of age, the arresting officer will complete the Under Age 21 _______________________packet if the juvenile provides a breath test between .02 g/210L and .079 g/210L.

as a physical condition that creates a substantial risk of death, serious personal disfigurement, or protracted loss or impairment of the function of any bodily member or organ.

If the suspect is conscious, but suffering from serious bodily injuries, and he/she refuses to give a blood sample, blood for the blood kit may be forcibly taken. Florida State law defines serious bodily injury ____________________________________________________

(a) If the suspect refuses, the investigating officer or Traffic Homicide Detective should contact the SAO and request a warrant. A search warrant should only be requested when there is probable cause for a felony offense; and (b) The suspect's refusal, and the amount of force required to obtain the blood sample should be noted in the reports.

If the suspect is involved in a crash wherein other persons are seriously injured or killed, the investigating officer or Traffic Homicide Detective should first ask the suspect for consent in order to draw a blood sample.


If the suspect is not eligible for a ten-day temporary driving permit, the arresting officer or breath test operator will mark the "_________" box on the suspect's copy of the Florida DUI UTC and write in the reason the temporary permit was not issued

(a) Ask the suspect for a blood sample and advise him of implied consent, which means that if they refuse, his/her driver's license will be suspended for one year (if the suspect has previously had his/her license suspended for a refusal the suspension would be for 18 months); and (b) Tell the suspect that a refusal would be used against him in court.

If the suspect is transported to the hospital, and the suspect is conscious, the investigating officer will


If the suspect is under 21 years of age and refuses to provide breath, urine, or blood then it is treated as a regular refusal and the Under 21 Packet is still completed. True/ False

(1) Copy of DUI citation; (2) Copy of Arrest & Booking Report with original signatures; (3) Copy of Field Sobriety Report; (4) Affidavit of Refusal to Submit (HSMV 78504). This form is filled out by the officer who requested the suspect to provide blood and received the refusal; (5) Suspect's driver's license if seized; and (6) Copy of Constitutional Rights and Implied Consent Form (P-0035). This form in a blood kit scenario will not be applicable, but the officer should line through the form and indicate not applicable on it.

If the suspect refuses to provide blood it is treated the same as if the suspect refused to provide a breath test. Except, it is the arresting officers responsibility to complete the DUI Document Checklist with the following:

blood testing procedures

If the suspect was involved in a traffic crash and sustained injury which requires medical transport, then it will be the responsibility of the officer investigating the crash, or the officer on-scene who observed indicators of impairment to complete the__________________________out lined in section F of this Order.

.04 to .07

If the test results are ___________________, the officer shall issue a UTC in violation of F.S.S. 322.62, which is a moving violation; and (a) Advise the operator not to operate a commercial vehicle for a 24-hour period. (i) The 24 hour out-of-service period will begin on the date and time the notice is issued; and (ii) Upon conviction of this violation, the operator is subject to a one year suspension of their commercial license. (b) After completing the necessary citation(s), the officer shall transport the operator to a safe location within close proximity of where originally detained. The driver should not be returned to the commercial vehicle, especially if the vehicle is located on an interstate highway. To do so would afford the driver an opportunity to drive away and/or violate state law pertaining to pedestrian traffic on an interstate highway.

suspended, revoked, or cancelled

If the violator's license is currently __________________, ___________________, ______________ as a result of a prior DUI conviction, the vehicle is, pursuant to F.S.S. 322.34(9), subject to seizure and forfeiture under the provisions of the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act. In such cases the vehicle shall be seized and processed in accordance with Order 392. Administrative suspensions such as: Driving with an Unlawful Blood Alcohol Level (DUBAL), or refusal to submit, are not considered DUI convictions under F.S.S. 322.34(9).

On-call State Attorney

If there is any doubt as to whether or not the arrest should be made, the_________________________should be contacted after notifying your immediate supervisor.

his/her expense

In addition to the breath test, if the suspect requests a blood test, this test will be conducted at _______________

six months or more

In cases involving extenuating or special circumstances or cases that are expected to be extended _________________ or_______________will be transferred to a DVD disk upon approval from the respective unit commanding officer and placed into the Property & Evidence Facility. Only individuals having an active role in the prosecution of the DUI case shall view each tape, and the tapes will be stored and retained as any other evidence.


In the ___________________ section of the Florida DUI UTC, enter a brief description of the vehicle(s) damaged or the name of the individual(s) injured. Arresting officers shall complete all applicable portions of the DUI Citation (all sections except the "Suspension of Driver's License" and "Temporary License" sections) and sign the citation in the space provided for the officer's signature.

DUI charges

In traffic crash cases where multiple vehicles are damaged, other property damaged and/or multiple individuals are injured, multiple________________may be made against a suspect.

a. The suspect has a current valid driver's license that is not under suspension or revocation; and b. The suspect has not been issued a previous seven or thirty day driving permit after 10-01-90.

Individuals who are eligible to receive a ten-day temporary license may be issued one by the arresting officer or the breath test operator conducting the breath test. Eligibility requirements are as follows:

Implied Consent Sergeant

It will be the responsibility of the____________________________ to review the citations for completeness, accuracy, and legibility. Once the citations are approved, they will be forwarded to the Citation Office.

visible identification of a medical disability

Officers are required by F.S.S. 901.215 to examine ANY person arrested who appears intoxicated or not in control of their physical functions for_______________________________, which would account for the actions of the person (medical alert bracelet, necklace, etc.), and shall take immediate steps to aid the afflicted person in receiving medication if necessary.

a. Carefully note any erratic driving, traffic violations, and/or unusual driver actions at first contact to establish probable cause; b. Exercise good traffic stop techniques, requesting a backup when needed; c. Observe the driver's physical condition noting such things as: (1) Disarranged hair or clothes; (2) Slurred speech; (3) Bloodshot eyes; (4) Coordination (or lack of); (5) Statements; and (6) Other unusual actions. d. Take note of other physical evidence such as alcoholic beverage containers or drugs in plain view, odor of alcoholic beverages or marijuana smoke, etc.

Officers contacting drivers who are exhibiting indicators of impairment by alcoholic beverages, any chemical substance, or controlled substances shall conduct an investigation to determine the degree of impairment and shall take appropriate action. When handling DUI violators, the officer shall:

multiple times.

Officers shall not transfer responsibility for the arrest ____________________

(1) Officers shall remain with the juvenile at all times while in the PDF; and (2) Blood testing shall be done at medical facilities, which has been defined to include hospitals, clinics, an ambulance, or emergency medical vehicle. For further blood testing procedures, refer to III.F. Blood Testing Procedures in this order.

Officers shall obtain the appropriate breath or urine test from the juvenile at the Pretrial Detention Facility (PDF) as quickly as possible before transporting the juvenile to the Juvenile Processing Office at the PDF for finger printing and photographs;

(1) Romberg Balance; (2) Romberg Alphabet; and (3) Finger to Nose.

Officers trained in administering any other exercises may also utilize those in conjunction with HGN, Walk and Turn, and One Leg Stand. Other exercises may include, but are not limited to the following:


On each subsequent Florida DUI UTC, mark_____________after "Eligible for Permit" at the bottom of the citation. In the "Reason" section, enter "Ten Day Permit Previously Issued."

(1) The white copy of the Disqualification Notice (the driver is given the canary copy of the notice and the pink copy remains at the PDF); (2) The Affidavit of Refusal to Submit; and (3) The subject's commercial driver's license.

Once all documents related to the subject's refusal are completed, the officer shall ensure the following items are placed in the Commercial Operator's Document Checklist Envelope (P-1708). This envelope is kept in the breath testing room;

(1) BLOOD COLLECTION FORM is completed and is not sealed inside the blood kit. The blood collection form will be a separate entry into evidence; (2) Initial the EVIDENCE labels; (3) Complete the INVESTIGATING OFFICERS REPORT (on the top of the inner box). Only the top half of the INVESTIGATING OFFICERS REPORT should be completed; (4) The BLOOD COLLECTION KIT (inner box) should now be sealed with an EVIDENCE label, and placed back inside of the BIOLOGICAL SPECIMEN box; and (5) The last EVIDENCE label will be used to seal the BIOLOGICAL SPECIMEN (outer box) box.

Once the blood is drawn, The officer will then finish filling out the following:

a. The officer should check with the hospital to see if a blood kit is available. If there are no blood kits at the hospital the officer should notify his supervisor. The supervisor will make arrangements to have the blood kit picked up at the Property & Evidence Facility, or obtained from a Crime Scene Detective and transported to the investigating officer; (1) Only one blood kit should be used; and (2) The investigating officer should keep the suspect under constant observation. The exception to this is when it is necessary for the suspect's treatment or if the suspect is of the opposite sex and the situation requires a certain amount of privacy for the suspect. If this is the case, then the officer should stay as close as is reasonable to the suspect. b. The blood must be drawn at the request of the officer. The officer should arrange to have the appropriate medical personnel ready to draw the blood when the kit arrives; (1) Physician; (2) Certified Paramedic-A Certified Paramedic and Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) are not the same. EMTs should not be used to draw blood samples in a DUI investigation. (See Appendix A); (3) Registered Nurse; (4) Licensed Practical Nurse; (5) Other personnel authorized by a hospital to draw blood; or (6) Licensed clinical Laboratory Director, Supervisor, Technologist, or Technician.

Once the decision to draw blood has been made, the following procedures should be utilized:

Property & Evidence Facility;

Once the officer is done at the medical facility, he should place the blood kit and the Blood Collection Form into the ______________________(1) The blood kit and the Blood Collection Form should be placed in separate bags and sealed with evidence tape; and (2) The Property & Evidence Facility personnel should be directed to put the bag containing the blood kit in refrigeration. If urine was obtained, it should stay with the blood kit.

a. Complete the "charging" portion of all DUI citations issued. The arresting officer shall complete all applicable portions of the Florida DUI Uniform Traffic Citation leaving the lower portion (BAC results, Temporary License, and defendant's signature) blank. The arresting officer will sign his name in the appropriate space (The remainder of the citation will be completed by the breath test operator); b. Complete the Field Sobriety Report; c. Ensure the appropriate reports are completed relating to the arrest including the Traffic Crash Report, if applicable. The traffic crash report requires the DUI citation number(s) and any breath test results or the suspect's refusal; and d. Furnish the following reports to the breath test operator: (1) The Arrest & Booking Report; (2) The Field Sobriety Report; and (3) All copies of the DUI UTC(s).

Once the suspect is inside the PDF, complete the required paperwork (Field Sobriety Report [P-0155], UTCs, etc.). The arresting officer shall:

Commanding Officer of Specialized Traffic Enforcement Unit

Owner of Specialized Traffic Enforcement

calendar month week

PBT instruments will be calibrated each _____________. The police officers will deliver their assigned PBT instruments to the implied consent sergeant or the administrative implied consent officer the first _________ of each month in order to check the calibration of the instrument.

twelve hours

Police officers will inform persons under the age of 21 that are having their driver's license suspended that they will be issued a ten-day temporary permit, but the permit will not become effective until _______________have elapsed

ten-day DUI citations

Regardless of the suspect's BAC, a Florida DUI Uniform Traffic Citation will be issued. If the suspect is eligible, a _______________temporary driving permit will be issued. The breath-testing operator conducting the test will issue __________________.

DOD personnel

Sheriff's Office employees will be responsible for transporting civilians and military dependents to the PDF. ____________________ will transport all individuals, which are considered to be active military.

the driver is transported to a medical facility, and is immediately arrested for DUI and consents to provide blood then the DUI charge is written from the officer's regular citation book (Standard UTC);

The Florida DUI UTC will now be completed for all DUI arrests except when____________________________________


The Florida _______________or standard _______________charges will be issued in all DUI arrests regardless of the individual's BAC.

two Driving Under the Influence (DUI) squads and two Police Motorcycle squads.

The Specialized Traffic Enforcement Unit is comprised of ____________________________ and_____________________

(1) Breath Test Result Affidavit for Under Age 21 Suspensions; (2) Affidavit of Probable Cause is completed by arresting officer; (3) Under Age 21 Notice of Suspension (HSMV 72103) is completed by arresting officer; (4) Driver's license, if surrendered, will be attached to the Notice of Suspension; and (5) If the suspect blows over .08g/210L only the DUI Uniform Citation is required, and the officer does not complete the Under 21 packet.

The Under 21 packet includes the following:

a) The suspect consents to the evaluation. If the suspect refuses there are no penalties; and (b) The arresting officer has to remain at PDF until the DRE arrives and then the arresting officer may be requested to remain with the DRE during the evaluation. The DRE after consultation with the arresting officer will determine if a drug recognition evaluation is appropriate. (2) A list of qualified DRE's will be maintained by the Commanding Officer of Specialized Traffic Enforcement Unit.

The arresting officer can request that a Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) perform a DRE evaluation on the suspect if:


The arresting officer will complete a Florida DUI UTC and mark the box for refusal. The suspect will be given his/her copy of the citation, which will act as a ______________temporary driving permit.

breath test room

The arresting officer will leave all copies of the DUI citation in the______________________

law enforcement officer or correctional officer

The arresting officer, before signing the original Arrest & Booking Report, will affirm by oath after raising his right hand that the information contained in the affidavit is the truth to the best of his knowledge. This oath will be given in the presence of any __________________________or_______________________administering the breath test. This will also be noted on the Field Sobriety Report by checking the appropriate box.


The disposition reflecting release of the vehicle to a responsible party must be written in the narrative of the Arrest & Booking Report and signed for by the driver ______________ the officer releases or leaves the vehicle.

(1) "HGN;" (2) "Walk and Turn;" (3) "One Leg Stand;" (4) HGN, Walk and Turn, and One Leg Stand are FSEs and are to be done in this order each time; and (5) It is recommended that prior to beginning a DUI investigation the officer advises the driver of his/her Miranda Rights.

The following are approved FSEs:

Officers shall write "JUVENILE-COUNTY or Felony COURT" in the court information section of the citation for DUI and ALL other traffic violations involved in the DUI case

The following exceptions apply to juvenile procedures in DUI arrests:

"Certification of Blood Withdrawal"

The officer should ensure that the person that withdrew the blood signs the FDLE ___________________________ form in Section Three


The officer should follow the appropriate procedures for the disposition of the suspect. It is preferable to place no charges against the suspect at this time; True/ False

witness section uniform traffic citation(s) (UTC)

The officer who observed the offense shall be listed in the ___________________of the Arrest & Booking Report and will be responsible for ensuring that the ______________________ for the initial infraction are issued or documented.

two-thirds, and three quarters

The officer will observe the blood drawing and will ensure that the vial is filled to a level of between_________________________ and _________________ of capacity;


The police officer will ensure that the language on the bottom of the citation reads as follows: "Unless ineligible, this citation shall serve as a temporary driver's license and will expire at _______________ on the tenth day following the date of the issuance of this notice."

a. Portable breath testing equipment checklist; b. Breath Test Result Affidavit for Under Age 21 Suspensions; c. Affidavit of Probable Cause; d. Under Age 21 Affidavit of Refusal to Submit to Breath Test, if applicable; e. Under Age 21 Notice of Suspension (HSMV 72103); and f. Driver's License, if surrendered will be attached to the Notice of Suspension.

The police officer will insert the following documentation in the Zero Tolerance Under the Age of 21 Checklist Envelope (P-0203) that will be forwarded to the Implied Consent Sergeant via the box designated in the breath test room:

DUI-related traffic laws

The primary function of the DUI squads is to enforce____________________.

reduce traffic fatalities through education and enforcement, resolve traffic complaints and assist with special event escorts as needed.

The primary functions of the Police Motorcycle squads are to _____________________________________________

ten-day temporary driving permit.

The suspect's copy of the Florida DUI Uniform Traffic Citation will act as a____________________

a. General recordings not involving an arrest: 30 days. b. 1st Degree Felony arrest: 7 years after offense committed. c. 2nd Degree Felony arrest: 6 years after offense committed. d. 1st Degree Misdemeanor arrest: 5 years after offense committed. e. 2nd Degree Misdemeanor arrest: 4 years after offense committed.

The video retention schedule, as per State of Florida General Records Schedule GS2, is as follows:

driving privilege

The_________________________ of a motor vehicle operator who is impaired will be immediately suspended by the arresting officer or breath test operator if the driver's breath alcohol content (BAC) is .08 g/210L or higher, or if the driver refuses to submit to an approved breath, blood, or urine test.

"Switching Hats"

This procedure is commonly referred to as _____________________ and it separates the civil traffic crash investigation from the criminal DUI investigation.

Breath Test Room Arrest & Booking Report

Upon arrival at the PDF, notify the correctional officer working the Intake Transfer Release (ITR) counter that the suspect is charged with DUI, so the suspect will gain priority admittance into the PDF. DUI suspects, with the approval of the ITR Sergeant, will be permitted to immediately proceed to the _____________________prior to the submission of the ________________________. The arresting officer must request that a breath test be administered and/or a urine sample be collected. This request should be noted in the Arrest & Booking Report.


Upon arrival at the PDF, the arresting officer shall complete the Florida DUI Uniform Traffic Citation which is kept in the breath testing room at the PDF; arresting officers shall complete all applicable portions of the DUI citation (all sections except the "Suspension of Driver's License" and "Temporary License" sections) and sign the citation in the space provided for the officer's signature. The breath-testing operator will complete the remainder of the DUI citation and issue the ten-day temporary permit, if applicable; True/ False


When conducting a breath test with PBT equipment, the detaining police officer will ask the detainee if he is willing to take the approved chemical test for the purpose of determining his/her alcohol content. Once the detainee agrees to submit to the test, the police officer will, without unnecessary delay, begin the _____________observation period immediately followed by the testing procedure as outlined:


When issuing the Florida DUI UTC or standard UTC for DUI charges, it is imperative that the proper _________________ be placed behind the charge of DUI (F.S.S. 316.193)

Driving Under the Influence of Drugs

When the level of impairment does not appear to correspond with the BAC results, consideration should be given to the possibility that it is the result of _________________________ (DUID).

safe, level, and as well-lit

While maintaining officer safety, the officer shall conduct Field Sobriety Exercises (FSEs) for which they have been trained. Select a site which is ___________, _________________, ______________as possible

Enhanced penalties

________________________ can be assigned according to the BAC and/or the degree of injury suffered in traffic crash cases.

Detailed notes

________________________ should be made at the time of each exercise describing exactly how the driver performed the exercise.


suspects involved in a traffic crash are not admitted into the breath test room without prior examination from a DOC Medical Personnel staff member; true/ false

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