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About how many people were forcibly moved as cargo to the New world from Africa? How many died?

11 million people were brought to the New world, 2 million died in route

How many enslaved Africans ended up in North America?Where did the majority end up?

400,000 slaves were brought to the Americas, the majority ended up in Latin America and the Caribbeans

Describe the basic, general legislative structure and responsibilities in the colonies.

Almost every colony used a two bodied legislative system, the upper body was appointed by the King in proprietary colonies, and chosen by the people of it as a self governing colony. The lower house was chosen by people who owned enough property to be eligible enough to vote.

Why did American Enlightenment thinkers place hope in reason rather than religion?

American Enlightenment thinkers placed their hope in reason rather than religion because they wanted science to be the basis of their knowledge.

How might the expansion of the slave economy in colonial North America have influenced colonies like Virginia and Barbados?

Because the need for laborers was so pertinent that it was accepted very quickly and soon became a necessity in their lives.

What were the requirements for voting in the colonies?

In order to vote you needed to be a male property owner.

Who profited off of slave trading? List the groups that profited off of this?

People who profited off of slave trading were African warlord, slave ship captains and crew, stevedores, planters, tea drinkers, tailors, bankers, bakers, smokers, along with a group of middle men

What powers the General Assembly have? Who is it comparable to?

The General assembly had the same amount if not more power than the House of Representatives and the House of Commons.

Who chose the governor of a colony in a royal colony? Proprietary colony? Self-governing colony?

The King appointed the governor of a royal colony, a proprietary colony which were Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Delaware, the self governing colonies were Rhode Island, and Connecticut.

What do you think was the biggest similarity between Southern Society & New England Society? Explain.

The biggest similarity between Southern society and New England society was that women had started to gain more rights.

How did the printing press become such a viable commodity for the colonists? Explain.

The printing press became a viable commodity for the colonies because many were too poor to buy new books, and the books that did get shipped to the colonies were given to schools and colleges, having a printing press would allow them to not only read more but circulate their own writing.

What colonies had the highest populations?

Virginia, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Maryland

What economic and political factors could have accounted for this growth of slaves in the Western Hemisphere?

With the amount of slaves in the Western Hemisphere growing it would create a profit for their owners, allowing them to purchase more land which would result in more and larger plantations for them to work on. A political factor could have been the fact that slavery was not only becoming a way of life but being much more accepted, this would trick the colonists into believing this was ok resulting in the growth of slave trade.

Did slaves resist enslavement? If so, give examples. If not, explain.

Yes slaves did resist enslavement. They did this in many ways some being, slowly destroying white property, and running away.

Did white servants and black slaves conspire together to revolt? Explain.

Yes some white servants and black slaves conspired together to revolt by forming a conspiracy to try and gain their freedom.

Did some whites and blacks see themselves as equal? Give one example to back up your answer.

Yes some whites and blacks did see themselves as equals, because they had had a common enemy and the same work.

In your own words, summarize what the Zenger trial was about.

Zenger's trial was a New York libel case against John Peter Zenger he attacked the corrupt royal governor.

How does Zinn define Racism?

Zinn defines racism as combined ideas of black inferiority, and the unequal treatment of black people.

What evidence does Zinn give that African culture was superior to European culture? Explain.

Zinn gives the evidence that the population was 100 million, they were skilled farmers, weavers, and pottery making. The population in Africa was very big compared to many other places, along with the fact that African states were organized and stable and Europe was just starting to develop.

What were the biggest similarities between Britain's North American colonies? List 5 of them.

all were English in language and customs, protestant in religion, some degree of religious toleration, unusual opportunities for social mobility, some form of self government.

Why was the arts and literature slow moving in the colonies? Explain.

because if you wanted to pursue art then you had to go to London, literature was seen as undistinguished.

What was the biggest impact the "New England Way of Life" had on the developing nation?

divorce was now legal and even though it was rare and had some requirements it was still something that could happen.

"Task" system

individual slaves assigned daily jobs, completion of which allowed time for leisure or to cultivate crops of their own

In your own words, what were the top four defining characteristics of New England Colonial society? Explain briefly each characteristic.

they had clean water, and a good temperature and terrain, the life expectancy was higher than other colonies in that time period, and women started to gain more rights and husbands power was not complete over their wives.

What was the definition for the Enlightenment from the text?

"This philosophical movement, which originated among French thinkers and soon spread to Britain, sought to apply the scientific method of careful investigation based on research and experi-ment to political and social life."

Key role in growth of tobacco plantation system in VA & MD

#1 source of agricultural labor before 1700 -Young, single, the high mortality rate -Temporary workers - 4-7 years - passage, room & board & "freedom dues" (an ax, a hoe, a few barrels of corn, clothes & perhaps a small parcel of land) -100,000 by 1700 Great restrictions placed - Absolute rule of masters -Strict rule / punishment - extended service -Poor - not allowed to earn extra income -Women - must remain unmarried "Headright System" -Encouraged importation of indentured servants -Paid the passage of a laborer = 50 acres of land -Initial planters - enjoyed the benefits of this system Best land - scarcer over time & former indentured servants - poorer and settle on the fringe of Chesapeake society

What was the colonial social structure?

-Colonial elites( plantation owners, ministers, governors, wealthy merchants) -Professionals(educated physicians, lawyers, clergymen, and teachers) -Middling Sort( self sufficient&economically independent, yeomen farmers,own land/property/artisans/craftsmen,shop owners) -Meaner Sorts(hired laborers-farms&towns-paid for labor) -Indentured Servants(temporary contracts) -Enslaved People(permanent forced labor)

The Great Awakening is known for the ministers who helped to ignite and starred in the movement. Identify and explain the contributions of two of them

1) Johnathan Edwards- preaching style-sermons/doctrines- main message-People who believed in salvation through good work were foolish, and you needed to have complete dependence on god. 2)George Whitefield-preaching style-Preaching in open fields while touring colonies- main message-The helplessness of humans, and divine omnipotence

What racist ideas existed in the British Colonies to justify the racially discriminatory labor system & policy?

1)Race = descent - different races have different levels of ability, intelligence, strength, morality, behavior, etc., because of "natural biological differences" 2)Whites - "socially superior" - entitled to privileges -Ex. Bacon's rebellion - white rebels pardoned, black rebels 30 lashes -Militias - landless whites - armed defenders of planters & "potential opportunity" vs. "any sudden eruption of Indians or insurrection of slaves." 3)African - "socially inferior" generalizations -Curse theory - descendants of Ham, cursed son of Noah - a bad race morally, cannot be trusted -Climate theory - dark skin result of extreme heat - "ugly", submissive yet dangerous -Hierarchy theory - uncivilized, incapable of freedom or responsibility, too animalistic and unsophisticated, could never assimilate, to be normal, or to be civilized, ie. "White" -Concepts are taken from Ibram X. Kendi, Stamped from the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America

Why was Arminianism seen as a threat to Calvinism? Explain.

Arminianism was seen as a threat to Calvinism because Jacobus Arminius preached that a person decided their own fate, and that all humans could be saved by God. This went against Calvinism because one of their main beliefs was predestination.

Bacon's Rebellion in 1676

Backcountry Virginia revolt vs. Governor William Berkeley -Indian policy - fur trade monopoly & lack of defense for frontier settlements -Former indentured servants - poor, limited rights & armed vs. wealthy gentry that controlled House of Burgesses "More reliable & less troublesome sources of labor"

Why did the British colonies of the Americas turn more to relying on slaves for labor after 1680? Offer three reasons why.

Because there were rising wages in England, big farmers were fearful or vengeful former servants, and because the supply of slaves in the Americas began to rise

What interest would Virginian colonists have in ensuring that children born of a white father and an enslaved African mother remain enslaves?

Because they would gain an extra worker without having to pay.

Why was Benjamin Franklin considered an example of the American Enlightenment?

Benjamin Franklin was considered an example of the American Enlightenment because he established news papers, debating clubs, and a library.

Royal African Company

Breakup of monopoly in late 17th century - more slave traders - easier to obtain slaves & very profitable -New England slave traders VA - Black enslaved labor displaced White indentured servants in tobacco fields

How did slave trade continue even after European and the American nations banned the international slave trade?

By putting bred slaves up for sale, and by "free states" consuming products produced by slaves

What challenge(s) did each of the following professions face in colonial times: Clerics, Physicians and Jurists? Briefly explain the challenge(s).

Clerics challenges were less influential, physicians faced many challenges for example they were not esteemed and people were not thoroughly trained, and jurists because it was a lot of work, and were seen as rouges.

Slave Codes

Creates a strict racial system to institutionalize slavery -Define legal status of 'master' and 'slave' -Prohibited interracial relationships -Defined descendants of African American slave mothers as black and enslaved in perpetuity -Crime to teach a slave to read or write

How did Deism challenge the authority of organized churches?

Deism challenged the authority of organized churches because they didn't believe in worshiping in a church or appealing for divine grace, they purely looked at the world from a scientific standpoint. This challenged the church's authority because many of them preached about getting salvation from god, and strictly following the bible.

What was Deism?

Desim was a belief that God left after creating the world leaving it to function based on scientific laws without divine intervention.

Chattel Slavery

Dominant labor system where slaves are personal property of a master

Compare education in New England to the Middle & Southern Colonies. What were the greatest similarities and differences between each region?

Education in New England was taken more seriously, some schools in the Southern Colonies were tax supported.

What did Enlightenment thinkers insist on?

Enlightenment thinkers insisted that every human authority,institution, and tradition be judged before the bar of reason.

Why didn't the Colonists enslave the Native Americans in most cases?

In most cases the colonists didn't enslave the Native Americans because they outnumbered them, the Native Americans were also defiant and tough, they also couldn't because the terrain was new to the colonists.

What were some of the unique customs, traditions, and or leisure activities colonists pursued? Discuss two of your favorite ones from the text.

In the south they would have square dancing, and in the North fox hunting was a well known activity pursued by many colonists.

According to the text, why was African American culture in the context of slavery a "New World creation?"

It derived from a multitude of African ways of life but it had a large amount of Western elements ingrained into it.

How might these laws influence the self-identity of white residents of the colony, both rich and poor?

It ensures white residents maintain superiority over African slaves.

Why was the Zenger trial significant

It established freedom of the press

Why was it easier to enslave Africans in the American Colonies?

It was easier to enslave Africans in the American colonies because they were taken from their land and culture.

How was local administration in the colonies handled in the South? New England? Middle?

Local administrations in the were handled in the South by having a county government, in New England town meetings were predominant, and in the Middle colonies had a mixture of the two.

What was the Half-Way Covenant?

Partially admitted to the Church - Baptized but didn't have full rights of visible saints -to raise the amount of people in Church

What contributed to the shift of balance between the 13 colonies and England between 1700-1775? Explain.

Population growth caused a shift of balance between the 13 colonies and England because of the fertility of Americans which made England angry that their population was growing so quickly.

Why was slavery different in the American colonies?

Slavery was different in the American colonies because it was driven by profit, and it went off of racism, and slaves had no right compared to slaves in Africa who still had their basic rights.

What action did the colonial leaders take to stop whites and blacks from working together for freedom?

Some forms of action colonial leaders took to stop whites and blacks from working together for freedom were giving white servants a few new rights and benefits, and by giving newly freed servants land.

What were some of the problems associated with governors? How were they dealt with?

Some problems with the governors were that they could be corrupt and incompetent they dealt with this by bending the governor's salary to make him conform to their wishes.

Compare this document to the Virginia slave laws excerpted in Document 2. What do the similarities and differences between them tell us about slave-based economies of Virginia and South Carolina?

Some similarities between the South Carolina slave codes and the Virginia slave codes were they both decreed that a child related to a enslaved women would also be born into slavery regardless of their fathers ethnicity. Another similarity is that each slave code both have a law talking out punishment if a slave is to run away and both are extremely similar. A difference between the codes is that the South Carolina codes talk a lot about the slaves ability to leave land and the different things needed to do so, however there is no law dedicated to leaving the plantation in the Virginia slave codes.

In what ways did the Stono rebels take actions that negated their status as slaves and promoted their self-conception as free people?

Some ways that the Stono rebels negated their status as slaves and promoted their self conception as free people was by stealing guns, whisky, clothes, and food. Many of them had never had the chance to drink whiskey because of their status. They also got to dress and somewhat act like people who were free by deciding what they wanted to do instead of someone deciding for them.

What industries grew as a result of slave trading?

Sugar, tobacco, and cotton

List the important lasting developments and achievements of the Great Awakening.

That it encouraged new missionary work, led to the establishment of new light centers like Brown, Princeton, Rutgers, and Dartmouth, and the movement of American people.

In what way did the Assembly use their power over the Governor's salary against him?

The Assembly was essentially black mailing him by not paying him the amount that was initially set until he passed the bills that they wanted.

What power regarding the Speaker has the House of Representatives denied the governor? What happened when the Governor sent word giving the House his approval for their selection of Speaker?

The House of Representatives denied the governor the ability to deny a Speaker of the House. When the Governor gave his approval for the House Speaker the House of Representatives said they did care about his opinion but about the facts.

How did the Puritan church "fall behind" in the early 18th century? Offer two examples.

The Puritan church fell behind in the early 18th century because of their elaborate theological doctrines, and compromising efforts to liberalize membership.

What had the assemblies done after the Glorious Revolution?

The assemblies wanted to gain more power which they were successful with, they enforced property and imperial authorities.

What was the basic attitude towards any kind of organized religion in the colonies?

The basic attitude towards and kind of organized religion in the colonies were not very good, many religions still had a hard time getting religious freedom, even though it had gotten better throughout the years.

The view of the colonists?

The colonists views were very different they wanted representation/ elected assembly, they also did not believed that their only purpose in life was to sever the king.

Why is the common term thirteen original colonies considered misleading? Explain.

The common term thirteen original colonies was considered misleading because Britain controlled 32 colonies in North America, and other islands in the Caribbean along with Canada, and Florida.

Compare the conditions for slaves in South Carolina with those in the Chesapeake.

The conditions for slaves in South Carolina were very bad, because of how hostile and hot it was. The conditions in the Chesapeake were better because it was mostly tobacco plantations were less physically demanding and they were closer together meaning it would be more likely that they would see their friends or family.

When did the first African Slaves come to Virginia?

The first African slaves came to Virginia in 1619

The view of imperial authorities (King, proprietor, parliament)

The government agencies in the colonies were temporary and had very little power.

What was the main purpose for the establishment of colleges and universities in the colonies?

The main purpose of colleges in the colonies was to prepare men for work in the ministry.

Who were the old lights and who were the new lights and briefly explain each group's attitude to the Great Awakening?

The old lights were orthodox clergymen, they did not like the great Awakening because it completely ruined the way things worked and threw everything off track for them. The new lights were revivalists, they defended the Great Awakening and wanted to revitalize the american religion.

What made the population of the colonies so unlike "anything known in Europe?" Explain how this helped to form an American identity.

The population in the colonies was so unlike anything in Europe because they had intermarriage which created multicultural Americans, this helped form and American identity because it wasn't something that was seen to often.

Describe the relationship between the colonial assemblies and royal governor/mother country.

The relationship between the colonial assemblies and the royal governor was very bad. On multiple occasions throughout both documents we see the assemblies trying to take as much power as they can away from those governors.

How were slave revolts like the New York Slave Revolt (1712) and South Carolina Slave Revolt (Stono Rebellion - 1739) dealt with?

The revolts in New York and South Carolina were dealt with by slaves being executed and burned in New York and being stopped by the militia in South Carolina.

What was the middle passage?

The transatlantic route that brought slaves to the Americas

What was the (4)th example of the Assembly usurping his power?

They adjourned the General assembly to Cambridge, and then when the governor gave his approval they adjourned themselves.

Describe three key features of one of the Anglican Church

Three key features of the Anglican church was that they had shorter sermons, faith was less fiercer and other activities like fox hunting weren't looked down upon as much as other churches

Describe three key features of the other Congregational Church

Three key features of the Congregational church was that they branched off from the Puritan church, was established in all New England colonies minus Rhode Island, and originally taxed residents to support the church

What religious ideas, traditions & practices developed within the African American community during during the context of slavery? Identify and explain three main developments.

Three main developments of religious ideas, traditions and practices were when most of them converted to Christianity they saw god as their messiah, and saw heaven as a place where they would be reunited with their ancestors, they had something called a "ring shout" this is were 3-4 people would clap and stomp their feet, and they would also used christens songs to cover up their true meanings which were usually about escape or rebellion.

Besides the English, identify 3 other groups that resided in the colonies & talk about 2 interesting facts about them.

Three other groups that resided in the colonies were Germans, Scots-Irish, and Scottish, two facts about them were that they made up most of the population.

What reasons are given for the development of racial slavery in the American Colonies? Provide 3.

Three reason on why there was a development in racial slavery in the American colonies were the need for laborers, the superiority whites felt they had, and overall racism.

How did slave society change by the beginning of the eighteenth century? Explain three ways.

Three ways slave society changed were that laws became much stricter, slave traders started to amplify their deliveries, and larger plantations were created.

True or false All British colonies participated to varying degrees in the Atlantic slave trade

True: Small New England Farms - used relatively few enslaved laborers Port cities held significant minorities of enslaved people Plantations - Chesapeake (tobacco) & South Atlantic Coast (rice) - large numbers of enslaved workers West Indies - great majority of enslaved Africans sent to work on sugar plantations

True or false by early 1700s - slavery legally established in all 13 colonies

True: few White colonists viewed human bondage as morally unacceptable.

What two countries were a part of the slave trade and how many Africans were kidnapped and brought to the Americas as slaves by 1800?

Two countries that were a part of the slave trade were the Dutch and English, and 10-15 million African had been brought to America by 1800.

What were the two "established," or tax-supported churches in the colonies in 1775? What was surprising about these two "established churches?"

Two established tax supported churches were The Anglican and the Congregational churches, something that was surprising about the two was that they both was that only a handful of people actually wanted to use the churches the rest of them did not worship in any church.

How did the law change and institutionalize slavery in the colonies? Offer three ways that it changed.

a status for how slaves should be treated was created, slaves and their children were their masters slaves for life, and it was illegal to teach a slave to read or write.

How is Colonial Society uniquely different from that of 18th century European society? Identify and explain three main differences.

because America was seen as a land of opportunity, openness of the social ladder, and no nobility dominated society.

Even though slaves existed in the southern plantation colonies since 1619, why were slaves numbers only 7% of the overall population by 1670?

because colonists were struggling to stay alive and could not afford to pay such a high price for a slave that might die

How did Half-Way Covenant reflect growing changes within New England society?

because it blurred the line between the more superior members of their society.

Why was Benjamin Franklin's Poor Richard's Almanac a colonial best seller in your opinion?

because it continued to differentiate the colonies from England which I think might have given them a sense of pride.

How did Bacon's Rebellion reflect a class divide emerging in the Chesapeake colony?

because it showed the different ways you could be treated depending on what you owned, and it also showed the growing sense of superiority.

In your own words, what were the top three defining characteristics of Southern Colonial society? Explain briefly each characteristic.

defined social status between the wealthy and the poor, at the top of the social ladder were groups of plantation owners with an abundance of slaves, the next it was smaller farmers which was the largest group, and then landless whites which are usually indentured servants.

What are some of the distinctive features of the growing African American population to American culture?

elements of speech, folklore, and religion.

How did the Salem Witch Trials reflect further growing changes within New England society?

showed the lengths some we're willing to go to in order to keep things the way they were, many were afraid that the society was changing too much and many of the people accused came from families of people who promoted change.

what were the main causes of Bacon's Rebellion of 1676? Explain three reasons.

the failure of young single men being able to find wives, another cause was how friendly Berkeley was with the near Native Americans, and the third reason was the fact that many of theses men were disenfranchised.

How did African American slaves build the colonial economy? Explain.

their labor, some become carpenters, bricklayers, and tanners.

How many real cities were there?

there were only 4- Philadelphia, New York, Charleston, and Boston

What would you determine to be the top 3 defining characteristics / features of an American colonists' way and quality of life? List them with a brief description.

were the fact that land was cheap, resentment against the upper class, and fertile land.

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