27. International collaboration for Global Public Health. WHO. Programs and priorities

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What is the objective of WHO?

As set out in the Constitution, it is the attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of Health

Where is the WHO Regional Office for Africa (AFRO)?

Brazzaville, Congo

In 1996 at XXX session WHO decided that the main social objective of this organization and the governments in the coming decades should be:

"Citizens of all countries into the world to obtain such a level of health that will permit them to live a fruitful life from both social and economic point of view"

Who is head of WHO?

The Director-General, who is appointed by the Health Assembly on the nomination of the Executive Board

What International collaboration took place in 1919?

The Health Organisation of the League of Nations was set up in Geneva

What is HEALTH21?

The WHO European Region's policy

What are the WHO programmes for Health Security and Emergency Response (HSE)?

1) Antimicrobial resistance 2) Emergency & humanitarian action 3) Food Safety 4) International Health Regulations 5) Influenza with pandemic potential 6) Surveillance and outbreak alert

What are the WHO programmes for Communicable Disease Department (CDS)?

1) Blood safety and laboratory technology 2) HIV/ STI / Hepatitis 3) Malaria 4) Neglected tropical diseases 5) Tuberculosis 6) Research policy and cooperation

What are the WHO programmes for Family Health Gender and Life Course (FGL)?

1) Child and adolescent health 2)Gender, Equity and Human Rights 3) Healthy Ageing 4) Immunization and vaccine development 5) Maternal and reproductive health 6) Nursing and midwifery

What are the WHO programmes?

1) Communicable Disease Department (CDS) 2) Family Health Gender and Life Course (FGL) 3) Health Systems Strengthening for Universal Health Coverage 4) Health Security and Emergency Response (HSE) 5) NonCommunicable Diseases and Environmental Health (NDE)

What are the WHO programmes for Health Systems Strengthening for Universal Health Coverage?

1) Essential Medicines 2) Health economics and planning 3) Health situation and trend assessment 4) Health systems management 5) Health workforce 6) Intellectual Property Rights, Trade and Health 7) Primary health care 8) Patient safety 9) Traditional Medicines

Who is involved in the management of WHO?

1) General Assembly = Meets annually in Geneva (May). Attended by delegates from all Member Countries. Accepts the budget and the policy of WHO 2) Executive Board = 32 members collected two times a year 3) Secretariat = About 3800 employees working at headquarters and the regional offices of WHO

What assumptions is HEALTH21 based on?

1) Health as a fundamental human right 2) Equity in health and solidarity in action between and within all countries and their inhabitants 3) Participation and accountability of individuals, groups, institutions and communities for continued health development

What are the priorities of WHO?

1) Management and coordination of international health activities 2) Assisting governments to develop national health services 3) Development of agreements, conventions and more concerning international and national health issues 4) Cooperation with the specialized agencies of the UN system = a) UNICEF (United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund) b) UNESCO (United Nations Education, Science, Culture Organisation) c) FAO (Food And Agriculture Organisation) d) WFP (World Food Program) e) ILO (International Labour Organisation) f) UNHCR (United Nation's High Commision For Refuguees)

What are the main activities of WHO?

1) Management and coordination of international health activities 2) Assisting governments to develop national health services 3) Development of agreements, conventions and more concerning international and national health issues 4) Cooperation with the specialized agencies of the UN system = UNICEF, FAO, UNESCO 5) Stimulating scientific research 6) Specialization and training of medical staff 7) Development of international standards for food, biological and pharmaceutical products 8) Publishing activity etc

What are examples of International Health cooperation?

1) Quarantine Council 2) World Health Organisation (WHO)

What are the 21 priority aims of HEALTH21?

1) Solidarity for health in the European Region = by closing the health gap between countries 2) Equity in health = by closing the health gap within countries 3) Healthy start in life = by strengthening health throughout life 4) Health of young people = by assuring a healthy working life 5) Healthy aging = by means of systematically planned promotion and protection of their health throughout life 6) Improving mental health and especially reducing suicides 7) Reducing communicable diseases 8) Reducing noncommunicable diseases 9) Reducing injury from violence and accidents 10) A healthy and safe physical environment = by reducing pollution and promotion of health 11) Healthier living = by promoting healthy nutrition, safer food, reducing obesity 12) Reducing harm from alcohol, drugs and tobacco 13) Settings for health = by focusing systematically on the places where people live, work and play 14) Multisectoral responsibility for health = by engaging all sectors of society to be accountable for the health impact of their policies and programs 15) An integrated health sector = by targeting the health sector towards ensuring better health gain, equity and cost effectiveness 16) Managing for quality of care = by measurement of health outcomes and identification of resources, that can be released to meet the increasing demands on the health sector 17) Funding health services and allocating resources by ensuring equity and sustainability 18) Developing human resources for health = by educational programs for health care providers and managers 19) Research and knowledge for health = by creation of a broad societal movement for health through innovative partnerships, unifying policies, and management practices tailored to the new realities of Europe 20) Mobilizing partners for health = by providing health information, relevant for and easily accessible to politicians, managers, health and other professionals and the general public 21) Policies and strategies for health for all = by setting priorities, choosing strategies and mobilizing resources for action for health throughout society

What are the two main aims of HEALTH21?

1) To promote and protect people's health throughout their lives 2) To reduce the incidence of the main diseases and injuries, and alleviate the suffering they cause

What are the WHO programmes for NonCommunicable Diseases and Environmental Health (NDE)?

1) Water Sanitation & Health 2) Occupational health and chemical safety 3) Health Promotion and Education 4) Non communicable diseases 5) NCD and Tobacco Surveillance 6) Tobacco Free Initiative 7) Disability, Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation 8) Mental Health and Substance Abuse 9) Nutrition for Health and Development 10) Climate change 11) Environmental health

How many countries are members of WHO currently?

192 countries

When was the contract for the creation of the World Health Organisation signed?

22nd July 1946

What are the tasks of the Executive Board?

32 members technically qualified in the field of health. Members are elected for three-year terms. The main Board meeting, at which the agenda for the forthcoming Health Assembly is agreed upon and resolutions for forwarding to the Health Assembly are adopted, is held in January, with a second shorter meeting in May, immediately after the Health Assembly, for more administrative matters. The main functions of the Board are to give effect to the decisions and policies of the Health Assembly, to advise it and generally to facilitate its work

How many regions are the WHO member states grouped into?


When did Bulgaria become a member of WHO?

9th June 1948

In 1945 during a conference in San Francisco, what happened?

A draft made in Dumbarton Oxus was considered and a decision to establish the World Health Organisation

When was WHO founded?

April 7, 1948

Where is the WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean (EMRO)?

Cairo, Egypt

Where is the WHO Regional Office for Europe (EURO)?

Copenhagen, Denmark

Where is the HQ of WHO?

Geneva, Switzerland

What are the locations of the Regional Offices based on?

Geographical, Economical and Climate issues

Definition of Health according to WHO:

Health is defined as a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity

What was the Quarantine Council?

In 1348 the Venetian Republic establishes the Quarantine Council, consisted of three official representatives, who have permanent public functions

When were the first known efforts to create an international public health mechanism?

In 1851 to fight epidemics of infectious diseases

When was the International Sanitary Convention?

In 1892 the first conference was held after an outbreak of cholera in Europe

What International collaboration took place in 1897?

International Convention for preventative measures against plaque

What is Public Health?

Is the health of the population, living within the border of one country.

What was the goal of "Health for All"?

It sets out global priorities for the first two decades of the 21st century, and ten targets that aim to create the necessary conditions for people throughout the world to reach and maintain the highest attainable level of health. It is important to realize that health for all is not a single finite target. It is fundamentally a charter for social justice, providing a science-based guide to better health development and outlining a process that will lead to progressive improvement in people's health

Where is the WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific (WPRO)?

Manila, Philippines

Where is the WHO Regional Office for South East Asia (SEARO)?

New Delhi, India

What is Public Health International Collaboration?

Public health international collaboration involves neighbouring and world nations that come together to protect and improve the health of their population as well as prevent any worsening of conditions

What are the tasks of the Secretariat?

Staffed by some 3500 health and other experts and support staff on fixed-term appointments, working at headquarters, in the six regional offices, and in countries

What was "Health for All"?

The policy for "health for all in the 21st century", adopted by the world community in May 1998, aims to realize the vision of health for all, which was a concept born at the World Health Assembly in 1977 and launched as a global movement at the Alma-Ata Conference in 1978

What is the goal of HEALTH21?

To achieve full health potential for all

What is the main task of the World Health Assembly?

To approve the WHO program and the budget for the following biennium and to decide major policy questions. The Health Assembly appoints the Director-General, supervises the financial policies of the Organization, and reviews and approves the Proposed program budget. It similarly considers reports of the Executive Board, which it instructs in regards to matters upon which further action, study, investigation or report may be required.

Where is the WHO Regional Office for the Americas/Pan American Health Organization (AMRO/PAHO)?

Washington, USA

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