2b homework

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The sensation of pain can be reduced by several chemicals released within the nervous system. Identify these compounds. (Check all that apply.)

-Enkephalins -Serotonin -Endorphins

Sympathetic NS

-increased hr -skeletal muscle vasodilation -reduced urinary output -increased sweat gland activity

Parasympathetic NS

-pupillary constriction -decreased cardiac muscle contraction -liver glycogen synthesis -bronchoconstriction -increased gastrointestinal motility -bladder wall contraction

The autonomic nervous system is the part of the peripheral nervous system (PNS) that functions independently (autonomously) and continuously, without conscious effort. These functions are essential for life. The following activity will cover the basics of the autonomic nervous system.


Which tract carries sensory information about touch, pressure, and body movement to the cerebrum?

Fasciculus cuneatus

Which neurotransmitter binds to alpha and beta adrenergic receptors?


Name the combination of neurotransmitter and receptor type that will cause an increase in heart rate.

Norepinephrine and adrenergic receptor

What is the effect of both the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system innervating the same organ/effector?

One would inhibit the organ and one would activate the organ.

2. Which of the following is the correct naming sequence for the first and second neuron in an autonomic pathway?

Preganglionic neuron / postganglionic neuron

The Autonomic Nervous System The divisions of the autonomic nervous system use pathways comprised of two neurons in sequence. These pathways differ between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. Additionally, the sympathetic division and parasympathetic division are structurally separated. 1. Which division of the autonomic nervous system orginates in the thoracolumbar regions of the spinal cord?

Sympathetic nervous system

What does it mean if nerve fibers decussate?

They cross from one side of the spinal cord or brainstem to another.

What is meant by the term referred pain?

Visceral pain that is sensed as coming from another body part

Preganglionic neurons of both the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems release the neurotransmitter ____.


The postganglionic fibers synapsing on cells in the heart release the neurotransmitter ____.


The neurotransmitter ____ can bind to two types of cholinergic receptors: (1) ____ receptors, named after a fungal toxin; and (2) ____ receptors, named after a tobacco toxin.

acetylcholine; muscarinic; nicotinic

Parasympathetic postganglionic neurons release the neurotransmitter ____. Most sympathetic postganglionic neurons release the neurotransmitter ____.

acetylcholine; norepinephrine

These fibers pass through the cardiac plexus and end at terminal ganglia, where secretion of the neurotransmitter ____ stimulates an action potential in the postganglionic fiber.

acetylcholine; postganglionic

The effect of this neurotransmitter at the heart cells is to bind to ____ receptors that trigger action potentials that stimulate cardiac muscle cells.

adrenergic; stimulate

What division of the nervous system functions independently and continuously, without conscious effort?

autonomic nervous system

These receptors are found in most tissues, with the exception of the ____. In fact, they are the only receptors in the ____ to produce a sensation.

central nervous system; viscera

The impulses from pain receptors of the face travel to the brain via sensory fibers within ____ nerves. Impulses from all other pain receptors pass into the spinal cord by way of the ____ nerves and are transmitted to the brain.

cranial; spinal

The parasympathetic nervous system is also known as the ____ division of the ANS. Its preganglionic fibers exiting the CNS at the brainstem and sacral region of the spinal cord.


3. Sympathetic nervous system stimulation of the structures of the digestive system causes a(n) _________ in digestive system activity.


This parasympathetic neurotransmitter causes the heart rate and cardiac contraction to ____.


2. Sympathetic nervous system stimulation of the bronchioles of the lungs causes the airways to __________.


5. Sympathetic nervous system stimulation of the iris of the eye causes the pupil to __________.


2. The part of the ANS that controls the "fight or flight" response is the parasympathetic division.


The organs of our body, such as the heart, stomach, and intestines, are regulated by a division of the nervous system called the autonomic nervous system (ANS). The ANS is part of the peripheral nervous system and it controls many organs and muscles within the body. In most situations, we are unaware of the workings of the ANS because it functions in an involuntary, reflexive manner. 1. The autonomic nervous system controls skeletal muscle.


What is the structure of pain receptors?

free nerve endings

1. Sympathetic nervous system stimulation of the heart causes the heart rate to __________.


4. Sympathetic nervous system stimulation of sweat glands causes a(n) _________ in the secretion of sweat.


Ultimately, the sensation of touch from the right hand would be perceived in the ____ side of the ____.

left; cerebrum

The parasympathetic nervous system is characterized by __________ preganglionic neurons and __________ postganglionic neurons.

long; short

Along the pathway, the information crosses in the ____ to the contralateral side.

medulla oblongata

The ____ receptors are found on effector cells at the synapses of all parasympathetic postganglionic fibers with their effectors.


The ____ receptors are found on the postganglionic neurons located in the autonomic ganglia. These receptors produce ____ responses in the postganglionic neurons.

nicotinic; excitatory

At their effector cells in the heart, the postganglionic fibers release the neurotransmitter ____ into the synaptic cleft.


The neurotransmitter ____ can bind to two major types of adrenergic receptors: (1) the ____ receptors and (2) ____ receptors. The effect of norepinephrine varies, depending on the effector organ.

norepinephrine; alpha; beta

The receptors which respond to stimuli that damage tissue are the ____ receptors, composed of ____.

pain; free nerve endings

The action potentials would enter the spinal cord via the ____ and ascend in the tract called the ____.

posterior horn; fasciculus cuneatus

In the pathway to the heart, the preganglionic fibers will synapse within these ganglia. The ____ fibers exit the sympathetic trunk and then pass through the ____, a network of fibers in the thoracic cavity.

postganglionic; cardiac plexus

An example of a parasympathetic pathway is the innervation of the heart: The ____ nerve fibers carry action potentials from the brain toward the heart.


The sympathetic nervous system is also called the thoracolumbar division since its ____ fibers exit the CNS through many of the spinal nerves from T1-L2.


The sensation of a pencil touching the right hand would generate action potentials that would travel on a ____ neuron toward the spinal cord.


Since the postganglionic fibers are ____ compared to the preganglionic fibers, impulses arrive relatively quickly at the heart tissue.


3. In the sympathetic nervous system, the first neuron is relatively __________ and the second neuron is relatively __________, when compared to parasympathetic nervous system.

short; long -(FYI) Sympathetic Preganglionic axon is veryshort - it only has to get out to the ganglion(Located close to the vertebral column)to synapse on the postganglionic neuron.BUT... the postganglionic axon is very longbecause it has to get all the way to the organthat it will innervate.

An example of a sympathetic pathway is the innervation of the heart: Preganglionic nerve fibers exiting the CNS will first enter the ____ and its ganglia.

sympathetic chain

Awareness of the pain occurs when sensory impulses reach the ____. Localization of the pain source occurs when the impulse reaches the ____. This is also when pain intensity is sensed.

thalamus; cerebral cortex

2. The autonomic nervous system controls sweat glands.


3. The autonomic nervous system controls the heart rate and breathing rate.


Emergencies cause stress and require us to "fight" or take "flight" (run away). Non-emergencies allow us to "rest" and "digest". 1. The autonomic nervous system has two divisions.


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