3.01: Modernization and the Rise of Japan

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What were the: - Rulers - Class System - Education - Industry - Military - Citizens' Feelings Toward Japan - Foreign Policy AFTER the New Age of Asia and the Rise of Japan?

- Rulers: Emperor Mutsuhito as governor of Japan. - Class System: No formal class system. - Education: The government built schools in most Japanese towns and villages. By 1900, most of Japan's children were educated at least through the elementary level. Fukuzawa founded a university in Tokyo. - Industry: The government made investments in communication, transportation, and other industries. The government also set up a modern banking system. - Military: The Meiji built a large army organized on modern principles and using modern technology. They also built a large, modern navy. - Citizens' Feelings Toward Japan: The Japanese began to develop a strong sense of national pride or nationalism. - Foreign Policy: Imperialism.

What were the: - Rulers - Class System - Education - Industry - Military - Citizens' Feelings Toward Japan - Foreign Policy BEFORE the New Age of Asia and the Rise of Japan?

- Rulers: Tokugawa shogunate (a series of shoguns). - Class System: A rigid class system, made up of samurai, farmers, artisans, and merchants. - Education: *There was not a lot of formal public education. - Industry: *There was very little industry. Japan was an agricultural society. - Military: Samurai with swords *no navy to speak of. - Citizens' Feelings Toward Japan: *The Japanese were not particularly nationalistic. - Foreign Policy: Isolationism.

Why was Japan interested in the West?

1. A location where American whaling ships could restock and where American naval ships could refuel. 2. A trading partner.

How did the Tokugawa shogunate kept Japan isolated

1. The shogun closed all but one port to foreigners. 2. He decreed that any Japanese who tried to leave the country would be put to death. 3. He ordered the death of many Japanese who had converted to Christianity.

Why did the Tokugawa shogunate kept Japan isolated

1. They were worried that European traders and rulers would try to tamper with Japan's affairs. 2. They were worried that Europeans would even threaten the shogun's rule.

Why did Japan open their country to trade?

1. Western military might (ships, cannon, and rifles). 2. Commodore Perry's large squadron of heavily armed ships. 3. The defeat of their neighbor China by the British in a series of wars.

What effect did Japan's modernization, success in the Sino-Japanese war, and domination in Korea have on the attitudes of most of the Japanese population?

A great surge of nationalist feeling swept through Japan.

Which Japanese delegate visited the United States and Europe and later introduced modern technology and ways of thinking to Japan?

Fukuzawa Yukichi

Three ways the Meiji government supported and encouraged Japan's modernization and industrialization.

The government began to invest invest heavily in the latest means of communication and transportation. The government encouraged the growth of trade and industry by setting up a modern banking system and investing in industry. The government ordered that schools be built in most Japanese towns and villages.

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