3.1 The First Industrial Revolution

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What were three changes that laid the groundwork for the Industrial Revolution?

(1) The invention of machines to do the work of hand tools (2) The use of steam to replace human and animal labor (3) The adoption of the factory system

form of socialism advocated by Karl Marx; According to Marx, class struggle was inevitable and would lead to the creation of a classless society in which all wealth and property would be owned by the community as a whole.


Which innovation of the Industrial Revolution led to a decrease in the price of coal from Manchester?


money or wealth used to invest in business or enterprise


Which natural resource was a major contributor to Britain's industrial Revolution?


system in which the people as a whole rather than private individuals own all property and operate all businesses


How did Britain's overseas empire contribute to its role in starting the Industrial Revolution?

Because Britain had an empire overseas, it had trading partners and access to more raw materials. The additional trade provided the capital that was needed to develop new businesses.

Why did towns grow into large cities?

As factories were created—usually in places by rivers to run the steam engines—people moved to these towns to get jobs, increasing in populations.

What would you identify as the important changes in human life caused by the Industrial Revolution?

Before the Industrial Revolution, most people lived in farming villages. After the Industrial Revolution, increasing numbers of people moved to cities. Men, women, and children began to work in factories, putting in long hours in difficult and dangerous conditions. Mass production lowered the prices of goods, so more people were able to afford items that only the wealthy had previously.

Which of the following was one of Britain's primary contributions to industrialism?

British inventors developed new machines for the textile industry that led to the factory system

Why did cities grow rapidly during the 1800s?

Cities grew rapidly during the 1800s because the population increased.

Which of the following statements about population trends during the Industrial Revolution is most accurate?

Demand for labor in factories was one cause of the population shift toward urban areas.

What factors allowed other nations to industrialize after Britain?

Despite British attempts to maintain the industrial lead, other nations learned the new technology and could follow Britain's example. They also had more resources than Britain, so they could industrialize quickly.

(1765-1825) showed mechanical and engineering skill at a young age. After he graduated from Yale College, he headed south where plantation owners learned of his mechanical skill and asked for his help. The cost of the labor to process cotton was too high. In response, Whitney invented the cotton gin, which revolutionized the textile industry and helped the South's economy. Unfortunately, Whitney did not profit from his invention. He left the South in debt but continued to design new inventions until his death.

Eli Whitney

list the famous inventors from the Industrial Revolution along with their contribution to society:

Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin in 1794, which increased the demands for slavery in America. Samuel F.B. Morse invented the telegraph in 1835 and Morse code in 1838. Both of these inventions helped people move information quickly from one location to another. Elias Howe invented the sewing machine in 1844, which revolutionized the garment industry and the American workforce. The Wright Brothers invented the first powered and piloted plane in 1903, which changed the way the military strategically planned battles. Garrett A. Morgan invented the gas mask in 1916, changing the way the military fought in battles.

How were factory work and farm work different?

Factory work was done indoors with a lot of other people, while farm work was done outdoors with family members.

Which important contribution did James Watt make to the Industrial Revolution?

He perfected a new source of energy.

the level of material goods and services available to people in a society

standard of living

period beginning in the 1700s in which production shifted from simple hand tools to complex machinery, and sources of energy shifted from human or animal power to steam and electricity

Industrial Revolution

Why are economic systems fundamental to studying the Industrial Revolution?

Industry generated huge profits and produced more wealth than before. Therefore, the Industrial Revolution changed the distribution of wealth and brought attention to class distinctions. New economic systems of thought developed to answer questions about how to distribute the profits from industry. In addition, inequities in society grew, and some thinkers proposed different systems to deal with this change.

(1736-1819) of Scotland invented the steam engine. James Watt first developed an interest in building models and measuring instruments in the workshop of his father, who built houses and ships. Watt apprenticed with a maker of mathematical instruments. In 1765, Watt worked on his steam engine. It had a separate condenser that helped keep steam from escaping. Later in life, he worked as a land surveyor and then returned to inventing and perfecting machines until his retirement in 1800.

James Watt

(1748-1832) was a British philosopher and economist who advocated for utilitarianism, the belief that right and wrong can be measured by the greatest happiness of the greatest number of people. Bentham was trained in the law but did not become a practicing lawyer. Instead, he focused on legal reforms. Not content to simply suggest new laws, he also detailed plans for how to implement his proposals. His ideas were influential during his lifetime, and some of his reforms were enacted.

Jeremy Bentham

(1818-1883) was a German political thinker whose ideas became the foundation for communism. Marx trained as a lawyer and later studied philosophy, with plans to enter the academic world. His radical ideas, however, left him with few prospects, so he turned to writing. His most famous work was the Communist Manifesto, which criticized capitalism and predicted that alienated workers would rise up to overthrow the bourgeoisie. In the 1860s, Marx was an influential member of the International Working Men's Association.

Karl Marx

How did the Industrial Revolution change life for women and children?

Life for the working class during the Industrial Revolution was very difficult. Though the new factories provided jobs and income, often the jobs were low paid and in dangerous working conditions. Children were often forced to work in factories or mines to help support the family, and they, too, suffered under terrible working conditions. Because industrial jobs did not pay well, working-class people often lived in crowded, unsanitary buildings in poor parts of the city.

industrial city in northern Britain that was part of the first major railway line; It went from Liverpool to Manchester.


industrial city in northern Britain that was part of the first major railway line; It went from Manchester to Liverpool.


What were some problems in the lives of factory workers?

Many factory workers lived in slums, suffered in poor working conditions, and had very long hours. Sewage problems also led to disease.

Why did people begin to build factories?

People started to build factories to produce more goods with machines.

What developments affected human health and life expectancy?

Researchers discovered new medicines that improved health and life expectancy.

(1771-1858) set up a model community in New Lanark, Scotland based on Utopianism. At New Lanark, Owen established revolutionary changes by limiting the age for children workers and providing a school for all children. In 1824, he invested in an experimental community in America called New Harmony. He became a leader in the labor movement in England and continued his involvement in the movement until his death.

Robert Owen

List six key innovations of the Industrial Revolution. Assess which two had the most notable impacts. Explain why each of the two innovations you chose was more impactful than any one of the other innovations.

Steam engine, spinning jenny, cotton gin, assembly line, interchangeable parts, steel. The two innovations of the Industrial Revolution that had the most impact were the steam engine and the assembly line. The steam engine was more impactful than the cotton gin because steam enabled greater and lower-cost production in factories. Steam also empowered trains and ships to distribute goods at a lower cost to a much wider market. While the cotton gin only impacted the cotton industry and industries directly related to cotton. The assembly line was more impactful than the spinning jenny because assembly lines were used in different types of factories, lowered production costs, and improved the quality of a variety of manufactured products. However, the spinning jenny was only used in textile factories and only had a direct impact on the textile industry.

How did the Industrial Revolution lead to social and economic changes in Europe?

The Industrial Revolution changed people's way of life. A rural lifestyle that had existed for thousands of years disappeared as people moved to towns and cities and could purchase manufactured goods made in factories. Also, many technological and scientific advances changed the quality of life.

Which statement best describes laissez-faire economics?

The government takes a hands-off approach to industry.

Which belief of socialism may have been influenced by what was happening during the industrial revolution?

The means of production should be shared by the entire society.

Why were children in such high demand in factories during the industrial revolution?

They were small and nimble and were paid less.

Which statement best describes the lives of women who worked during the industrial revolution?

They worked 12 hours or more a day for half the pay of men, and they tended to the family and household when at home.

(1766-1834) was a British economist. He was born in Surrey to a wealthy family. After being educated at home, he attended college in Cambridge, where he earned a master's degree. His most well-known work is An Essay on the Principle Population. In it, he argued that population increases would eventually use up the food supply, leading to poverty. He was a professor of history and political economy until his death.

Thomas Malthus

In Belgium: In 1720, the first steam engine on the continent was invented by

Thomas Newcomen. This invention boosted the coal and steel industries.

How did transportation change?

Transportation changed with the invention of machines such as the automobile.

Review the text. Then describe the sequence of improvements in transportation, and explain how each improvement contributed to the Industrial Revolution.

Turnpikes were paid for by tolls, which provided more capital to entrepreneurs; canals were built to connect waterways and help coal move easier; railroads replaced canals as the main means of transportation because they could be built on land.

How did the Industrial Revolution change the lives of men, women, and children?

Unlike farm work, which varied with seasons and could be done at the worker's own pace, in factories, working hours were long and jobs were dangerous; women were expected to work long hours, do housework, and tend to the sick; children also worked in dangerous conditions for long hours because their families needed the extra income.

How did technological advances in agriculture affect the Industrial Revolution?

Wealthy landowners began to consolidate farms by enclosing them to have larger pastures. In addition, better farming equipment and better practices helped increase the supply and quality of food. The better food supply created a population boom. More workers were available to fill jobs, providing the labor for the Industrial Revolution.

drug that prevents pain during surgery


business organization in such areas as shipping, mining, railroads, or factories


person who assumes financial risk in the hope of making a profit


market regulated by the natural laws of supply and demand

free market

the process of making products by using machinery and factories; a group of businesses that provide a particular product or service


In Germany: Prussia, a region that once surrounded the German states, was rich in

iron and coal resources. The German government developed iron and steel manufacturing companies that thrived during this period.

organization of workers who bargain for better pay and working conditions

labor union

farms, factories, railways, and other large businesses that produce and distribute goods

means of production

What conditions in Britain paved the way for the Industrial Revolution?

plentiful resources, a ready supply of labor and capital, and a government that encouraged business

working class


system developed in the eighteenth century in which tasks were distributed to individuals who completed the work in their own homes; also known as cottage industry

putting-out system

a sudden, extreme, or complete change in the way people live, work, etc.; a changeover in use or preference especially in technology


to melt rock that contains metal in order to get the metal out


political ideology in which there is a gradual transition from capitalism into socialism instead of a sudden, violent overthrow of the system

social democracy

the ability of individuals or groups to move up the social scale

social mobility

multistory building divided into crowded apartments


In England: Sir Richard Arkwright's development of the spinning machine marked

the beginning of the Industrial Revolution in Britain.

What was the first industry to benefit from new technologies?

the textile industry

Why were factories built?

to house the big, new machines like the spinning jenny that could mass produce products at a high rate

private road built by entrepreneurs who charged a toll to travelers to use it


Which of the following is the term for an increase in population in cities?


movement of people from rural areas to cities


In North America: The Industrial Revolution started with the

use of machines to make textiles.

idea that the goal of society should be to bring about the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people


The invention of the cotton gin in 1794 also caused a shift from

wool to cotton in the textile industry.

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