3.2 Chlamydia 3.3 Neisseria gonorrhoeae 3.4 Treponema pallidum
The host tissue is being damaged from the immune response due to similarity of _____.
The Recommended Antibiotic Regimen for Chlamydia is ____ 1g orally in a single dose or ____ 100mg orally twice a day for 7 days.
Azithromycin; Doxycycline
Where does Clark County stand in the rates of syphilis compared to other counties in NV? Syphilis occurs more frequently in men or women? And what ages?
The highest; Men age 20-29
Syphilis (Primary Stage) A chancre is a painless ____, and/or localized ____ on the Lips, F____, G____, ____ cavity, R____ and N____. Heals approximated ____-____ weeks, by that time, it has T. p. has moved on since it is highly motile.
Ulcer; Infection; Fingers; Genitals; Oral; Rectum; Nipples; 3; 6
Gonorrhea. The bacteria will attach to the lumen of the U____, Vagina, A____, C____, or Pharynx.
Urethra; Anus; Conjuctiva.
In men. Urethritis is the inflammation of the ____. Prostatitis is the inflammation of the ____. Orchitis is the inflammation of the ____. Proctitis is the inflammation of the _____.
Urethra; Prostate; Testes; Rectum
Pus consists of dead ____ blood cells and the ____ material. Pus can cause inflammation, ____ and pain.
White; Phagocytosed; Redness
EB are ____-____ micrometers. RB are ____-____ micrometers.
0.2-0.4; 0.6-1.5
____ of infected women and ____ of infected men report no symptoms. Symptoms may take ____ weeks to appear.
2/3; 1/2; 3
Tertiary Stage occurs ____ years or longer. ____ are present, but not transmitted via ____ intercourse. Numerous pathological conditions such as ____ (heart) Syphilis, and ____ (brain). Can also affect B____, J____, L____, and E____. Can also cause ____: a soft tumorous mass.
20; Spirochetes; Sexual; Cardiovascular; Neurosyphilis; Bones; Joints; Liver; Eyes; Gummas
During the secondary stage.... ____% of patients' immune system eliminates infection. ____% remain infected without symptoms. ____% progress to tertiary syphilis.
25; 25; 50
In congenital syphilis... ____% are stillborn. ____%-____% survivors are infected ____% subsequently die. Mother has ____ syphilis.
40; 40; 70; 12; Secondary
Female Symptoms. ____%-____% of women are ____. Mild ____. ____ vaginal discharge. ____ infections can produce yellow-green discharge. Painful ____.
50; 80; Asymptomatic; Vaginitis; Mucopurulent; Cervical; Urination
The Secondary stage occurs after ____ weeks after the chancre heals. Creates a ____/____ rash, has a ____ reaction. Lesions contain infectious ____. Spirochetes move on from ____, since they are highly motile. Symptoms include F____, Headache, Sore Throat, and _____ (Swollen lymph nodes).
6; Red; Brown; Hypersensitive; Spirochetes; Lesions; Fever; Lymphadenopathy
EB attaches to host cell and enters via ____ or ____ in ____ or _____ membrane. Triggers endocytosis.
Abrasion; Laceration; Conjuctiva; Mucous
In women, symptoms are usually A____ or M____. ___ discharge or a burning sensation when ____ similar to a ____ infection.
Absent; Mild; Vaginal; Urinating; Yeast
In Syphilis, virulence factors include... ____ Proteins ____ Variations ____ (Degrade Hyaluronic acid) Hyaluronic acid is what holds the skin together Contain a ____, so they will not be engulfed. Cells can be seen by the ____ Abs test.
Adhesion; Antigenic; Hyaluronidase; Capsule; Fluorescent
Chlamydia Virulence Factors. ____ (Contain Sticky Proteins) Survival within the ____. Preventing fusion with ____. Stimulates/Causes ____.
Adhesion; Phagosome; Lysosome; Exocytosis
Chlamydia trachomatis is the most commonly sexually transmitted ____ disease. Can be obtained by ____, ____, or ____ sex.
Bacterial; Vaginal; Anal; Oral
The Recommended Antibiotic Regimen for syphilis is a singular injection of ____.
Benzathine penicillin G
Eye Infections in Newborns. Acquired as child passes through the ____ canal. Easily treated with antimicrobial ____.
Birth; Ointment
Chlamydia has genes for ____, ____ ____ Pathway, but becomes very dependent upon ____ from host cells.
Glycolysis; Pentose Phosphate; ATP
The antibiotic regimen for gonorrhea is dual treatment of the injectable ____ ____, plus oral ____.
Cephalosporin ceftriaxone; Azithromycin
Chlamydia initially infects the ____ and the ____. Infection spreads to the ____ tubes, U____, and the R____.
Cervix; Urethra; Fallopian; Uterus; Rectum
In women, Chlamydia can be transmitted during vaginal ____. The new born can receive ____ infections and/or _____.
Childbirth; Eye; Pneumonia
____ is the most commonly reported notifiable disease.
Lymphogranuloma venereum. Caused by the bacteria ____. Contains ____ strains. ____ lesions progresses to a ____. Infection of ____ nodes.
Chlamydia trichomatis; Unique; Genital; Bubo; Lymph
____ ____ is the bacteria that causes chlamydia. Chlamydia are ____ intracellular parasites, Must enter the ____ of host cell to reproduce. One of the smaller ____. Approximately ____ micrometers.
Chlaymdia trachomatis; Obligate; Cytoplasm; Bacteria; 0.3
Where does Clark County stand in the rates of chlamydia compared to other counties in NV? Chlamydia occurs more frequently in what age and sex?
Clark county is the highest; Women in their 20-29
Trep means ____. Nema means ____.
Corkscrew; Thread
In congenital syphilis, a newborn can suffer from... Slow _____. ____ (Liver Damage) ____ (Low RBC) ____ Organs ____ (Massive Secretions) ____ Abnormalities ____ Teeth
Development; Jaundice; Anemia; Malformed; Skeletal; Notched
The bacteria attach to the ____ cells with microvilli via ____. Enters by ____ directed endocytosis. ____ variation of O____ protein. Effective ____ immunity does not exist. Released by exocytosis.
Epithelial; Fimbrae; Pathogen; Antigenic; Outermembrane; Adaptive
Columbus brought syphilis to what continent?
Trachoma is an ____ infection cause by ____ strains. Trachoma is spread through ____ contact with infected eye, N____, or T____ secretions or by contact with C____ objects, such as towels or clothes. Certain types of F____ can also spread the bacteria.
Eye; non-STI; Direct; Nose; Throat; Contaminated; Flies
PID can cause permanent damage to the ____ tubes, ____, and neighboring tissues. Can also cause chronic pelvic ____, and potentially fatal ____ pregnancy.
Fallopian; Uterus; Pain; Ectopic
T/F. Syphilis can be obtained by using toilet seats, bicycle seats, utensils and clothing.
T/F. C trachomatis is a gram positive bacteria.
False, it is neither positive or negative
Virulence Factors include... F____ adhesions proteins bind to cells lining the ____ system. ____: Fe3+ acquisition system. Survival within ____. LPS ____. Produces two distinct ____ that degrade the ____ chain of antibodies. ____ Variation. ____ Resistance.
Fimbrae; Genitourinary; Siderophore; Phagocytes; Endotoxin; Proteases; Heavy; Antigenic; Antibiotic
Chlamydia have relatively few ____. They contain ____ genes. It is less than a ____ of the number of genes in E. coli. Small number of genes are consistent with being an ____ parasite.
Genes; 1,073; 1/3; Obligate
N. gonorrhoeae is a ____coccus. It is the ____ most commonly notifiable disease. Transmitted by ____ person to person contact. Has a low ____ rate. ____ world wide. Attaches to the lumen of U____, V____, A____, C____ and P____.
Gono; Second; Sexual; Mortality; 1,000; Urethra; Vagina;Anus; Conjuctiva; Pharynx
Damage to ____ valves and J____ tissue due to immune complex ____. Tissue damage caused by an ____ auto-immune response.
Heart; Joint; Deposition; Inappropriate
Although N. gonorrhoeae has stimulated the inflammatory response, this microorganism is not directly responsible for symptoms, the ____ is.
Treponema pallidum. ____ are only known host. very close to being a true ____ parasite. It is difficult to ____. Cannot survive in nature ____ of a host. Can be easily killed by H____, Disinfectant, S____, Desiccation, High O____.
Humans; Obligate; Culture; Outside; Heat; Soap; Oxygen
In Gonorrhea... Natural host is ____. Only transmitted by ____ contact. Not all ____ result in disease. High ____ of co-infection with ____. Can be seen by the ____ Ab test. Cured by ____ treatment.
Humans; Sexual; Infections; Incidence; Chlamydia; Fluorescent; Antibiotic
Inflammation, however, when it occurs ____, too ____, or for ____ periods, can cause damage to the host tissues itself.
Inappropriately; Strongly; Prolonged
What are the six chains of transmission? IA, R, PoE, MoT, PoE, SH
Infectious Agent; Reservoir; Portal of Entry; Means of Transportation; Portal of Exit; Susceptible Host
Chlamydia's life cycle is not like any organism. It alternates between a non-replicating, ____ ____ body (EB), and a replicating ____ ____ body (RB).
Infectious Elementary; Non-Infectious Reticular
PID can cause chronic ____, chronic ____, ____ infertility and ____ pregnancy.
Inflammation; Pain; Tubal; Ectopic
PID includes... Chronic ____, Chronic ____, ____ Infertility, and ____ Pregnancy.
Inflammation; Pain; Tubal; Ectopic
Where does Clark County stand in the rates of gonorrhea compared to other counties in NV? What age does it occur more frequently?
It is the highest; 20-29
Condylomata lata/latum (Singular) Condyloma = ____, lata = ____. Cutaneous condition characterized by ____-like lesions on the G____, R____, and T____. Painless white ____. Symptom of the ____ syphilis. Highly infections.
Knob; Wide; Wart; Genitals; Rectum; Tongue; Lesions; Secondary
Gonorrhea have MORE/LESS cases than Chlamydia? The cases are MEN/WOMEN/EVENly DISTRIBUTED among the survey?
Less; Evenly Distributed
C. trachomatis' cell wall contains an outer ____ membrane but lacks ____. The cell wall contains ____-rich proteins, and has unique/different A____.
Lipopolysaccharide; Peptidoglycan; Cysteine; Architecture
Which group had the highest cases of syphilis? Men sex with ____.
Two important species of Neisseria are... Several other spp. are benign ____ of ____ membranes.
N. gonorrhoeae and N. meningitidis Commensals; Mucous
Treponema spp. Is a gram ___. It is MOTILE/NON-MOTILE? It is a ____ or anaerobic. It is a ____ (Spiral) ____ or ____ in humans and other animals. Usually located in the human ____. Many spp. are found in the rumen of ____ animals, so they assist in ____. They have a specific structure called ____.
Negative; Motile; Microaerophile; Spirochete; Commensals; Parasitic; Mouth; Ruminants; Digestion; Endoflagellum
What bacteria causes gonorrhea?
Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Can chlamydia be grown in a liquid or agar media? It is studied using ____ tissue culture cells and ____ models.
No; Human; Animal
Nesisseria spp. is a MOTILE/NON-MOTILE, gram ____ diplococcus. It can be either Aerobic or ____. ____ Nesser isolated the causal agent of gonorrhea in 1879.
Non-motile; Negative; Microaerophile; Albert
In women. Ovaritis is the inflammation of the ____. Salpingitis is the inflammation of the ____. Proctitis is the inflammation of the ____.
Ovaries; Fallopian Tubes; Rectum
Ovaritis is the inflammation of the ____. Salpingitis is the inflammation of the ____. Proctitis is the inflammation of the ____.
Ovaries; Fallopian Tubes; Rectum
Gonorrhea can also cause ____.
Panicolaou test is also known as ____. This test looks at the ____ epithelial cells.
Pap Smear; Endocervical
In women, it can also cause ____ (PID) that can cause ____, ____ pregnancy, and ____ pain
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease; Infertility; Ectopic; Chronic
In men, symptoms include a discharge from the ____ and a burning sensation when ____. The infection occasionally spreads to the ____.
Penis; Urinating; Epididymis
Chlamydia enters the ____ (Vesicle) but prevents the formation of the ____. Chlamydia puts ____ on the outer surface of the vesicle to prevent the lysosome from dumping it's degradative enzymes.
Phagosome; Phagolysosome; Proteins
Syphilis can be contracted through... Cross ____: ____ Syphilis. Untreated can lead to ____ death. Infection acquired ____(#) years before pregnancy can lead to an infection of the fetus. Can be obtained through ___ milk and ____ transfusions which are RARE.
Placenta; Congenital; Perinatal; 4; Breast; Blood
Male symptoms include ____ urethral discharge and painful ____.
Purulent; Urination
Purulent is containing, discharging or causing the production of ____.
EB converts to a ____, and does rapid cell ____. Then it converts back to EB. EBs are released at hour ____.
RB; Division; 40
Gonos in greek means? Rhein in greek means?
Seed Flow
Syphilis is primarily spread by ____ contact. Worldwide mortality estimated to be ____. (A number) Bacterium was isolated in ____(Year). The bacterium contains ____ genes. Reduced capacity to produce ____ of amino acids, carbohydrates and nucleotides.
Sexual; 100,000; 1912; 1,000; Precursors
Syphilis can be contracted through primarily.... ____ Contact Physical contact with active ____ on skin, lips, or genitalia. Spirochete enters tiny breaks in the ____.
Sexual; Sores; Epidermis
Other tests is ____ for bacterial cells and/or ____ and PCR (DNA test).
Staining; Serology
____ ____ is the causative agent of syphilis. trep means ____. Nema means ____. Pallid means ____.
Treponema pallidum; Corkscrew; Thread; Pale
T/F. Syphilis has the least amount of cases compared to chlamydia and gonorrhea.