3.3 past tense

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common mistakes past perfect

- forgetting pp after had -dont use past tense instead of


- most difficult to negate is simple past tense did not verb errors omit did, use be, including ed. -past progressive: negate be -present perfect/ past perfect/progressive: negate aux have didnt use to (native error used) -would add not negate aux or add aux did then not

all languages

-aux did + not unique to english, use no + V -negating simple past tense have vs past perfect confusing (didnt have vs hadnt) -aux did unique to eng- common use inversion or intonation.


-beginner: simple past intermediate: past progressive, present perfect. upper-imediate/ low advanced: past perfect/ progressive advanced: used to/would add -ed not hard, what is is negating/ questions past tense four stages: 1. affirmative, 2. pronunciation of ed 3. neg 4. questions chart w/ past tense verbs organized by ending sound ed transform to did called-> did not call

common mistakes simple past

-dont forget -ed, dont use verb/s/ for past dont use was/were w/ verbs in simple past (other than to be) -dont forget change y to i and +ed -dont forget to double consontant if cvc -over use was (i was walk)

common mistakes present perfect

-dont forget have/has -have/has w/ wrong subj -dont use be w/ (is completed) -dont use w/ any specific past tense time words - dont use simple past w/ actions still continuing

common mistakes negative forms

-forgetting did not w/ simple past -simple past, dont use was/were not use did -simple past: dont add -d to verb, did means past - past progressive: dont forget was/were - present perfect: dont use dont/doesnt to negate. confuse dont have/havent or doesnt has/hasnt -past perfect: dont use didnt to negate. confuse didnt have w/ havent -negate used to w/ did not use to (not used)

common mistakes past perfect progressive

-forgetting had w/been + present participle -dont use past progressive for ongoing action


-has simple past and past progressive. no separate perfect tenses -present perfect eng=special constructions -special structure to express have you ever (present perf) -hard time w/ past perfect


-has simple past tense -no progressive per se, past pro= imperfect aspect w/ past tense -present perfect tense=finished past action=use past tense -past perfect and past perfect progressive difficult


-have simple past, past progressive. no perfect tenses -eng present perfect= special constructs -difficult time w/ past perfect


-mirror eng w/ differences -eng present perfect= present,past,present perfect (based on current vs completed) -verb endings change by subj -subj pro usually omitted. use v ending


-mirror english but differences -no progressive -eng. present perfect= present or past -simple past in fr similar to present perfect in eng. -verb endings change by subj


-no forms to mark tenses, use adverbials -verb endings dont change by subj


-past form for finished action -no progressive form -english present perfect= present or past form arabic based on meaning -verb endings change by subj

common mistakes used to/ would

-rarely use (papers sound off) used to: set scene, would: internal details - dont use would for non-actions (hate)

common mistakes past progressive

-using was/were but omit ing -confuse past progressive and simple past -careful spelling present participle -dont use if verb doesnt show an action (show state of being) [own, posses, like, love etc]

past perfect progressive

action began in past before a second action (emphasis on duration), action began in past and continued until another time in past FORM: had been + Ving

past participle

common endings: en, ne, n. some stay same: cut/put. i->a->u sing sang sung/ ring. must memorize irregular.

simple past questions

did subj V

used to questions

did subj use to V

past perfect progressive questions

had subj been Ving

past perfect questions

had subj pp

present perfect questions

have/has subj pp


i'd taken (I had) I'd take (I would) it has (it's)

double constant simple past

one syllable CVC= double constant +ed, (slip) two syllable CVC = double constant +ed (stress last syllable) [refer] stress first syllable dont double [open]

present perfect

past action (indefinite time) could happen again. important to present situation. common to use to talk about # of times done something. dont use: time period finished, or w/ specific past time period (last semester/ month) FORM: have/has + pp 7 usages: 1. past action continues now (key words: how long, for/since time) 2.recent past action, currently important (key: just,already) 3. past experience, indefinite past time Key: ever,never,many times, before, already) have you ever 4. w/ yet (indefinite past action) 5. w/ superlative (past indefinite action) key: the worst/ the most ever 6. the 1st/ 3rd/ 100th 7. repetition of action before now (exact time unimportant) key: so far, a lot, one this semester

past perfect

past action completed before second past action/event/time FORM: had + pp

past progressive

past action that happening when interrupted by another action. (rain started while we were walking). past progressive for first/longer action and simple past for 2nd. FORM: was/were Ving

questions common errors

simple past/used to- have to add aux. did -simple past: use only base for questions -simple past: dont start w/ was/were -past progressive: use was/were not did -present or past perfect: dont use did -used to, drop d -did you have done = have you done...

simple past

single past event, action completed in past FORM: V+ed

used to / would neg

sub did not use to / would not verb

past neg

sub did not verb

past perfect progressive neg

sub had not been verb ing

past perfect neg

sub had not past participle

past progressive neg

sub was/were not verbing

used to / would

used to: action happened many times no longer true in past (opens past narrative) would: smaller action happened repeatedly in past narrative but no longer true both express certain actions in past used to- past action happened repeatedly, no longer done now - past fact no longer true would past action happened repeatedly, no longer done

general rules simple past tense

verb (e) + d, verb constant (y) + ied, verb vowel (y) +ed ed pronounced: /t/ /d/ /əd/. study-studied. play-played 60 irregular past tense verbs

past progressive questions

was/were subj Ving

would questions

would subj V

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