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Empty-hand submission sport Mix of: Wrestling & Boxing

how does media affect sport

-Affect the popularity of sport -Provide free publicity for local teams -Present player personalities & build fan allegiance to teams & individual players

Research shows that representations of men of color and women in sport are qualitatively different than their white, male counterparts. Explain the difference.

-Black athletes are portrayed as violent and coming from poverty, while white men play to build teamwork and leadership -Minorities are fighting for increased representation in sport while white men are mainly being placed in the media

What is the function of sports media?

-Create excitement leading up to sport events, describe the action during the event, & offer analysis & criticism afterward -Convey fans the significance of the game, players, the history, & individual matchups; quasi experts -Personal attachments are developed through media features about athletes, coaches, & teams -Healthy form of recreation & entertainment that helps them escape from everyday life

how does sport affect media

-Sport has provided the media with enormous, predictable audiences that are attractive to advertisers -Revenue by sport coverage has been a major source of income for various media (newspapers, tv broadcasts, magazines, etc.)


: willful infliction of injury, pain, mental anguish, intimidation, or punishment

What is Title IX and why was it passed in 1972?

A legislation passed by U.S. Congress Requires any institution receiving federal funding to provide equal opportunities for males & females

Why were the original Olympics banned?

Ancient Greek Olympics were held every 4 years until 394 AD when their Christian emperor banned it because of pagan worship ?

compare and contrast the anciet greek olympics to the modern olympic games modern olympics

Any males & females uniforms represent country freedom of expression professional athletes perform in games added marathon and other events

What sports were Jewish men dominating in the US during the 1920s-40s?

Boxing and Basketball

Define deviance (positive vs. negative; formal vs. informal)

Deviance is defined as any behavior that is beyond normal (good or bad) Formal and informal describes the clarity of the deviance, meaning it can be direct or indirectly attempting not to be normal

From which social class do most Olympic champions come?

Dominated by upper class (historically) Now dominated by working & middle-class athletes with sacrificing families

How has Title IX affected girls' and women's participation in sport?

Girls Still have fewer opportunities than boys Get inferior facilities, equipment, coaching, & publicity Women Collegiate females have fewer sport participation opportunities Receive $183 million LESS than males in NCAA athletic scholarships Less opportunities for careers as athletes, coaches, & administrators

What should coaches emphasize differently when coaching girls vs. boys (e.g. type of feedback, etc.)

Girls are more intrinsically motivated guys are more self improvement and related to team success -both enjoy coaches who are role models, helpful, assertive, responsible determine, respected, willing to help, dedicated, energetic and cool under pressure. -females: are more motivated by cooperation caring and sharing environments -males: emphasize on winning at all costs (cheating) blame shifting after losses, and basing performance on luck or weather

What was the relationship between religion and sport for Ancient Greeks?

Greeks honored gods by playing sports

How do athletes use religion to enhance their sporting activity?

Justify commitment to high performance Reduce pressure & uncertainty Enhance bonds between teammates Guide moral decision making

List at least 5 negative effects/influences of a coach

Lack of preparation (volunteer coaches) Coaches' philosophy clashing with athlete's reasons Physical punishment Coaches vs parents Abuse

How can social class limit one's chances of success in sport? (e.g., individual vs. team, community - or school-based vs. elite or private, etc.)

Less opportunities to try sports, less options in accessible sports to play

How does social class impact sport participation (e.g., what sports are more likely to be associated with the middle or lower classes? Upper class?) middle class

Makes careful decisions about expenses Has community & school-based team sport opportunities Boxing, wrestling, auto & motorcycle racing

Compare/contrast the ancient Greek Olympics to the modern Olympic Games Ancient Greek Olympics:

Males & single females only no clothes religious ties amateurism didn't exist

Why is there a lack of adequately or highly trained coaches in youth sport?

Many youth sport coaches serve as volunteers & coach as a hobby If volunteers were required to submit to more rigorous standards, their numbers might decline part time coaches


a smaller percentage of the population than the majority group (White Americans)

How is the US Olympic Committee funded?

NOT funded by the U.S. government Funding is from private donations & corporate sponsorship

How do the Olympic Games promote nationalism

National committees pick an athlete to represent their country ceremonies include flag & anthem Athletes in natio-specific uniforms march behind their flag Govt. use games to promote political causes

Does Islamic religion prohibit sport participation? If so, how?

No prohibition against sport participation now, there used to be Sport & games have long been a part of Islamic teachings Today, Muslim women are making a greater impact on international sport

In what ways does sport contribute positively to racial equality?

Offers a way out of poverty, crime, & disillusionment for Blacks Respect & admiration from peers & community (also outside their minority group) Integrate into mainstream groups After-school programs

What are the odds of a high school athlete making it to the professional level?

Only 0.2% of high school athletes play professionally

How does social class impact sport participation (e.g., what sports are more likely to be associated with the middle or lower classes? Upper class?) lower class

Plays team sports available & subsidized in the community Individual sports: bowling, pool

What is the difference between social capital and cultural capital?

Social capital: resources available to a person based on memberships, relationships, & social/business networks Cultural capital: skills/abilities we have based on education & life experiences

What are we referring to when we use the term social class?

Social class: category of people with similar positions based on their economic level, education, occupation, & social interaction

What is stacking in sport?

Stacking: unusual distribution of whites & blacks in certain sport positions that cannot be explained by a random distribution when qbs are white, receivers are black, and so on

How do groups or organizations use sport to promote religion?

Team unity Moral code for athletes Being a religious role model for players Prayers before breakfast at Olympic Games Informal prayer at school events Faith nights in minor leagues

How does social class impact sport participation (e.g., what sports are more likely to be associated with the middle or lower classes? Upper class?) upper class

Wealthy; can afford exceptional coaching Highest rates of sport participation Use exclusive memberships to build social capital Tennis, golf, equestrian, gymnastics, figure skating, sailing, swimming, etc.

How has Christianity influenced sport in the US (past and present)?

YMCA, it instilled values, self discipline, and it helped christian men conquer fears

What is hooliganism and which sport is it most closely associated with?

a term coined to describe arrogant violence within the fans of sports, closely linked to soccer


an economic system based on the accumulation & investment of capital by individuals who then use it to produce goods/services

social stratification

assigning classes according to levels of power, prestige, & wealth; for example: race, gender, age, & disability

Direct spectators:

attend a live sporting event at a stadium, arena, or other venue


attributes passed along genetically from generation to generation (physical)


belief that race determines human traits/characteristics; belief that racial differences result in the superiority of a particular race

Social class:

category of people with similar positions based on their economic level, education, occupation, & social interaction


cultural heritage of a group of people

female athlet triad

disordered amenorehia osteoperosis

What are some of the contributing factors to off-field violence (e.g., alcohol, social class, demonstration of masculinity, etc.)

drug usage (steroids, other PEDS), accepting violence as part of sport (football), and the need for male athletes to show their "masculinity"

Sports announcers:

excite listeners/viewers through their description of the game; report play-by-play information & prepare audience members for what they will see/hear; provide quick analysis after a play

What has been the trend of media coverage of women's sport through sports networks like ESPN and Fox Sports over the past decade?

focusing on the woman's attractiveness and femininity

Since Title IX passed, what has happened to the ratio (or percentage) of females who coach women's sports?

it dropped.....a lot (90%-43%)

What are the major objections to legalizing sports gambling at the college level?

it ruins the integrity of the sport

In terms of overall numbers of males participating in sport, how has this changed since the passage of Title IX?

it went down a little since more girls are in, it distorts the ratio

While there have only been 14 Native American Olympians since 1905, the North American Indigenous Games drew over 10000 athletes in 2006. This is both a celebration of sport and culture for aboriginal people. To what sport has the Native American population contributed to most significantly?


Electronic media

largest media source; deliver content via Internet, television, or radio

List at least 5 positive effects/influences of a coach

leadership skills team building innovative coaches discipline cooperation

Indirect spectators

listen to or watch sport through radio, television, or the Internet

What is the difference between underconformity and overconformity in sport? Some examples?

nder-conformity: behavior that does not conform to generally acceptable standards (eg): breaking team rules, school rules, rules of competition, etc. Over-conformity: behavior that goes beyond what is generally acceptable (eg): altering food intake, taking supplements, cutting weight, bulking, etc.

What are the financial responsibilities/expenses a host city must consider before making the decision to place their bid to host the Olympics?

new facilities, upgraded infrastructure, security, parking, and payment of construction debts from Olympic games

In what ways are sports a detriment to black athletes? (review quotes from Charles Barkley and Gary Sailes on p. 301)

ociety shaped Black athletes to think that they can only be successful through athletics

Print media

printed newspapers, magazines, & books; now often associated with a Web presence

Title IX

puts into law that organizations cannot exclude, discriminate, or deny benefits based on gender for education or activities receiving federal funding

social capital

resources available to a person based on memberships, relationships, & social/business networks; depends on family, friends, associates, etc.


rowdy, violent, or destructive behavior; behavior of working-class men who disrupt soccer games with violence, excessive drinking, exchanges of insults, destruction of property, & interruptions of the game

cultural capital

skills/abilities we have based on education & life experiences; attitudes, expectations, self-confidence, etc.

Which sports are more likely to be associated with athletes who develop eating disorders? Why?

sports that deal with making weight or looking skinny (gymnastics, weight-lifting, wrestling, etc.)

Rule breaking on the field has been on the decline. What accounts for this change?

stricter punishments (pretty sure she's referring to NCAA rule increases)

Econimic capital

the financial resources that a person has or controls; can be earned, inherited, invested, or spent; based on background & occupational status


unusual distribution of whites & blacks in certain sport positions that cannot be explained by a random distribution

Social media:

use of online platforms that users can create/share/participate in & discuss sport; links fans with each other & with professional athletes

Gender verification

verifying the eligibility of an athlete to compete in a sporting event; done until the 1996 Atlanta Olympics due to the masculine appearance of many female athletes

Trends in Asian American sport show participation on the rise in what types of sports? Why?

women's golf, the lack of representation is due to the educational focus of parents on their kids

Can one be Muslim, female, and an athlete? If yes, how might her participation vary in comparison to non-religious females in the US, or in comparison to Muslim male athletes?

yes, but religious standards require Muslim females to dress a certain way and depending on the sport and uniforms, Muslim women are subject to less options in regards to sports participation

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