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Moses gave his speeches on the ___________________________ at the base of Mt. Nebo and on the border of the Promised Land (Canaan).

Plains of Moab

The Song of Solomon is the last book in the section of the Old Testament known as _______________________________.


REVIEW Which section of the Old Testament includes hymns, proverbs, poems, and dramas?

Poetry and Wisdom

Who is the author of the book Song of Solomon?

Possibly Solomon, but no one knows for sure

The Israelites were led by the priests as they marched around the city of Jericho. What happened when the trumpets were sounded and the people gave a great shout?

The walls fell down flat, and the Israelites captured Jericho.

When the priests carrying the Ark of the Covenant stepped into the Jordan River, what happened?

The water stopped flowing and the Israelites were able to cross over on dry ground.

According to Ecclesiastes 11:4, what happens to farmers who wait for perfect weather?

They never have a crop to harvest.

Ruth was not originally from Bethlehem; she was ____________________________.

a Moabite

Choose three common writers of the Psalms.

temple priests professional musicians kings of Israel

Pharaoh would not allow Moses to take the Israelites out to the mountain to worship. God sent _________________ plagues to show Pharaoh that Moses had the authority to lead the Israelites out of Egypt.


Because God was with him, Joseph was given responsibility by what three people in his life?

the Egyptian jailer Pharaoh Potiphar

The cycle that repeated throughout the book of Judges was caused by _____________________________________________________.

the Israelites' idolatry and disobedience to God

The Lord is known by different names. The name Jehovah-Jireh means _____________________________.

the Lord will provide

As the Israelites traveled through the wilderness, they made their camp with what at the center of it all?

the Tabernacle

The section of the Bible known as the Law is also known as ____________.

the Torah or Pentateuch

The book of Esther was written by ____________________.

the author is unknown

The book of Joshua was written to the Israelites to provide a historical account of _____________________________________________.

the conquests in the land of Canaan

Match the two people described in Ecclesiastes 2:24-26 to what God will give them. the business of gathering and collecting

the sinner

Why was the book of Psalms written?

to aid in the worship of God by supplying poetic examples of life's ups and downs

The book of Amos points to a real relationship with God that causes a ___________________________________.

transformation within that shows a change of heart

When God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, God sent angels to save Lot and his family. Lot's wife disobeyed and looked back. She was __________________________________.

turned into a pillar of salt

Jacob had ______________________ sons.


In the book of Micah, the prophet Micah attacks the corruption and injustice of what two groups of people?

leaders and prophets

Proverbs 3:5 - "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and...

lean not on your own understanding

As the Israelites traveled back to Jerusalem, as well as to rebuild the temple, their neighbors helped by providing what three things? (See Ezra 1:5-6)

livestock, articles of silver and gold, supplies for their journey

Amos was chosen by God to bring a word of warning to the northern nation of Israel before God's judgment would come into effect. The people of Israel were _____________________________________________.

living in peace, living in sin, and living a life of luxury

After being anointed by Samuel as Israel's next king after Saul, David spent much of his early life hiding from Saul. On several opportunities, David had the chance to kill King Saul. Why did David refuse to even hurt Saul?

because Saul was God's anointed

Ruth and Boaz were ____________________________. They had a son named _______________________________. Their son was the father of Jesse who was the father of _________________________________________________ .

married Obed King David

What are three common themes that appear in Psalms?

mourning and prayers of supplication frustration about life's situations praise to God

What three things were promised by God in His covenant with Abraham?

descendants land a blessing to all nations

God reminded the Israelites that He had brought them out of slavery in Egypt. He rescued them from the Egyptians and from all who oppressed them. He drove out their enemies and gave them their land. They were not to worship the gods of the Amorites, but He chastised them because they ____________________________________.

did not listen to Him (God)

The twelve history books continue with the story of the people of Israel and their continuous cycle of _________________.


Micah 6:8 gives the people of God three requirements in order for them to be more like God and live a better life. Choose those three requirements.

do what is right, walk humbly with God, love mercy

The History books continue with the story of the people of Israel and the return from exile ______________________.

during the Persian rule

In the book of Nahum, we learn God will not allow violent and arrogant empires of this world to _______________________________.


Some of the same __________________________ in 1 and 2 Chronicles appear in other books of the Bible. Choose the best answer.


In the book of Micah, God's message is that he must confront and judge ___________________.


The books of poetry and wisdom illustrate the creative ways the people of Israel _______________________ to God and to each other.

expressed themselves

Because he refused to bow before Haman, even though it was a royal decree, Mordecai so infuriated Haman that Haman plotted to have all the Jews in Persia __________________________.


The book of Judges gives us examples of how God is ___________________________________ even when God's people are sinful and disobedient.

faithful and forgiving

The book of Lamentations is made up of how many lament poems?


The book of Psalms is divided into how many separate sections?


Proverbs 2:6 - "For the Lord gives wisdom...

for his mouth come knowledge and understanding.

In Song of Solomon 2:10-14, what three words are used by the bridegroom to describe the bride?

my beautiful one, my dove, my love

What is one key feature of the book of Joel that makes it hard to determine exactly when the book was written?

no ruler or king is mentioned

Joshua is the first book of the Bible in the Old Testament section known as _________________.


The book of Joshua is part of the Old Testament section known as ____________________________.


As displayed in the actions of people in 1 & 2 Chronicles and throughout the Old Testament, there is a reoccurring theme about the ___________ of God and the __________ of mankind.

holiness, sinfulness

Joshua challenged the Israelites by saying: "But as for me and my ______________________, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15b


The book of Psalms includes ________________, ________________, and ________________. (Choose three.)

hymns prayers poems

Match the characters from 1 and 2 Samuel to their description. David Saul Jonathan Samuel Solomon

killed Goliath, served King Saul, was a shepherd, and became king of Israel first king of Israel, did not obey Samuel, and tormented David the son of King Saul, best friend of David, and was heir to the throne of Israel the last judge of Israel, a prophet of Israel, anointed both King Saul and King David, and was brought to the temple at a young age to serve under the priest Eli son of David and Bathsheba, built the temple, and became the king of Israel after David

Boaz accepted responsibility for Ruth and Naomi. According to Jewish law and customs, he was their ___________________________.

kinsman redeemer

Under the Old Testament law, the people of Israel approached God through sacrifice and worship. Leviticus established standards for both ___________________________ and _________________________.

ritual sacrifices...annual feasts

The book of Jonah uses humor and irony, which are often used in what kind of literature?


Ezra was both a _____________________ and a ______________________.

scribe, priest

According to Ecclesiastes chapter 3, there is a ___________________________ for everything under heaven.

season (or time)

The story of Ruth is a story of ____________________________.

second chances

The book of Deuteronomy gets its name from the Greek that means _____________________________.

second law

Job had three friends who blamed him for his own problems. They insinuated that he had some ____________________ that caused his great losses.

secret sin

Through both of the events on the ship leaving Joppa and Jonah's attitude toward the people in Nineveh, the reader of the book of Jonah can see the ____________ of Jonah and the __________________ of the sailors and Ninevites.

selfishness, humility

Jeremiah is known as the "__________________________" prophet.


Archeology provides real, physical evidence that supports or backs up __________________________________________.

what happened thousands of years ago and is reported in the Bible

In the book of Joshua, the property of the conquered land was divided among the ______________________________________________.

12 tribes of Israel

How many testaments is the Bible divided into?


Match each covenant of God to the corresponding Scripture. The Abrahamic Covenant - God promises Abraham land and a multitude of descendants. The Davidic Covenant - God establishes David as king over Israel and his lineage in the line of the Messiah. The New Covenant - God promised he would send a new covenant through the messiah, and the new covenant would replace the old one made on Mt. Sinai.

2 Samuel 7:10-16 Genesis 12:1-3 Jeremiah 31:31

In chapter 12 of Genesis, God called out of Ur of the Chaldees and told him to go to the land of Canaan.

Abram (Abraham)

According to Ecclesiastes 6:2, "God gives some people great wealth and honor and everything they could ever want," but _______________________________________________.

He doesn't give them the chance to enjoy these things

Why did Jonah run away from God's mission?

He knew God was merciful and compassionate

After the death of Joseph, the Israelites became slaves to the Egyptians. Because the Egyptians were concerned about the growing numbers of Israelites, what did Pharaoh decree?

He ordered all male babies to be killed at birth.

According to 2 Chronicles 29:2, which king did what was right in the eyes of the Lord?


How did Nehemiah learn about the bad conditions in Jerusalem?

His brother Hanani and others from Jerusalem told him.

In Isaiah 7:14, it is prophesied that Messiah would be born of a virgin and named _____________________________.


Of Isaac's sons, which brother received the blessing from Isaac?


Isaac and his wife Rebekah had twin sons. What were their names?

Jacob and Esau

One of the most famous battles in the Bible was one fought by Joshua and the Israelites against the city of ______________________.


After the Babylonian exile, some of the Jews stayed in Persia, but others, like Nehemiah and Ezra, went to _____________________________.


We no longer offer up a physical sacrifice these days because _______________________ became a sacrifice in the place of those burnt offerings.


What descendant of King David became the Savior of the World?

Jesus Christ, the Son of God

After Haman's plans were thwarted, the king sent out a decree that declared that ______________________________________________________.

Jews in every city had the authority to unite to defend their lives.

In the end, instead of continuing to question God, Job did what? (Job 42:1-6)

Job repented and stopped questioning God.

Who were two other prophets in Judah during the time of Isaiah?

Joel Micah

Who did God appoint to be the new leader of the Israelites after Moses' death?


What two spies had a favorable report about the Israelites entering and conquering the land of Canaan (the Promised Land)?

Joshua Caleb

After the death of Solomon, the united kingdom of Israel was split into two kingdoms. What were the two kingdoms?

Judah in the south Israel in the north

The Temple was first built during the reign of ___________________________.

King Solomon

The author of Ecclesiastes is accepted by biblical scholars to be ______________________________.

King Solomon

What Persian king allowed the Jews to go back to Jerusalem and rebuild the temple?


Almost half of the chapters in the book of Psalms were either written by or relate to what key person?


Of the first 41 chapters of the books of Psalms, who wrote 37 of those chapters?


In 1 and 2 Kings and 1 and 2 Chronicles, the stories of what two important kings of the united kingdom of Israel are central to the Scripture?

David, Solomon

fish and birds - "Let the waters swarm with swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth."

Day Five

light - "Let there be light."

Day One

the Sabbath - "He rested from all His work."

Day Seven

land animals and people - "livestock and creeping things and beasts of the earth according to their kinds ...Then God said, 'let us make man in our image.'"

Day Six

plant life - "Let the earth sprout vegetation, plants yielding seed, and fruit trees."

Day Three

sun, moon, and stars - "God made the two great lights—the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night—and the stars."

Day four

sky and water - "Let there be a space between the waters,"

Day two

Who was the only woman judge?


For each miracle, choose which prophet of Israel is associated with that miracle. He was fed by ravens. ________________________ He purified the spring water of Jericho._________________________ an axhead floated in the water ___________________ He went to heaven in a chariot of fire. ______________________ He raised a young boy/man from death. ________________________

Elijah Elisha Elisha Elijah both Elijah and Elisha

Who were Job's three friends?

Eliphaz, Bildad, Zophar

Which of the following verses is Psalm 145:21?

"My mouth will speak the praise of the Lord, and let all flesh bless his holy name forever and ever."

What does Job 1:21-22 say?

"The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away. Blessed be the name of the Lord." Through all this Job did not sin nor did he blame God.

The Ten Commandments

1 "Do not worship any other gods besides me" (Ex. 20:3). 2 "Do not make idols of any kind" (Ex. 20:4). 3 "Do not misuse the name of the Lord your God" (Ex. 20:7). 4 "Remember to observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy" (Ex. 20:8). 5 "Honor your father and mother" (Ex. 20:12). 6 "Do not murder" (Ex. 20:13). 7 "Do not commit adultery" (Ex. 20:14). 8 "Do not steal" (Ex. 20:15). 9 "Do not testify falsely" (Ex. 20:16). 10 "Do not covet" (Ex. 20:17).1

Because the Israelites were rebellious and would not obey God, they were cursed and had to wander for ___________ years in the wilderness.


How many books are there in the section of the Bible known as Poetry and Wisdom?


According to Genesis 1 and 2, God created everything in ___________________.

7 days

the first man created by God the first woman created by God was given a promise from God to have many descendants, land, and be a blessing to all nations was Abraham's nephew and had to flee Sodom and Gomorrah twin sons of Isaac and Rebekah Jacob and Esau built an ark as commanded by God to save his family and pairs of animals

Adam Eve Abraham Lot Noah


Adam & Eve; Cain & Abel; Lamech; Noah

God created the first two people to take care of the Garden of Eden and have fellowship with Him. They were named ___________________________.

Adam and Eve

king of Persia; dismissed Queen Vashti because she would not obey him; used by God to save the Jewish people living in Persia

Ahasuerus (Xerxes)

God allowed Satan to test His faithful servant Job. On that first day, what happened to Job? (Choose all the consequences that Job suffered.)

All of Job's camels were stolen, and all the servants but one were killed. All of Job's sheep and servants were burned up except for one servant. The Sabeans took Job's oxen and killed all but one of his servants. While enjoying a meal together, all of job's sons and daughters were killed by a great wind.

Nineveh was one of the largest cities in __________________________.


Who was the scribe who worked with Jeremiah to write down the message and prophesies of Jeremiah?


The book of Joshua mainly takes place in ______________________.

Canaan, the Promised Land

The book of Joshua was written to provide a historical account of the conquests in the land of _________________________.


Match the chapter in Joel to its message. The Plague of Locusts as God's Judgement

Chapter One

Match the chapter in Joel to its message. Future Restoration of the Nation of Israel

Chapter Three

Match the chapter in Joel to its message. A Call to Repentance

Chapter Two

Obadiah preached a message of warning in Judah about the destruction of __________________.


Even though God brought them through the Red Sea and provided manna as they traveled through the wilderness, the Israelites thought it would be better to return to ______________________ instead of obeying God.


became the queen of Persia; helped Mordecai save the Jewish people from harm; respected the king and won his favor

Esther (Hadassah)

Choose the five books that make up the section in the Bible known as the Law or Pentateuch.

Exodus Leviticus Deuteronomy Genesis Numbers

The book of Psalms was written by people who lived from the time of the ___________________ to their captivity in _____________________________.


Review What is the first book of the Bible?


The first book of the Bible is _____________________.


What is the first book of the Bible?


According to Deuteronomy 34, when Moses died, who buried him?


The Tabernacle was a temporary meeting place built by special artisans under the direction of Moses and based on plans given to Moses by ______________.


The book of Esther is the only book of the Bible that does not mention ___________________ by name.


Because God is a loving God, and He never tempts those He loves, at the end of the book of Job, what did God do? Choose three. Job 42

God gave Job great wealth and possessions. God rebuked Job's friends. God gave Job seven sons and three daughters.

requested permission from the king to exterminate all the Jews; built a gallows to hang Mordecai, but was hanged there himself


Abraham obeyed God and took his son, , up to Mount Moriah to sacrifice him. God supplied a ram as a sacrifice so Abraham did not have to sacrifice his son.


Who are considered the biblical patriarchs in Genesis?


Micah was a prophet who lived at about the same time as _______________________.


Jacob's name was changed by God to _________________.


The Old Testament divided into five sections. What are those five sections?

Law, Poetry and Wisdom, History, Minor Prophets, Major Prophets

Who were Jacob's two wives?

Leah and Rachel

King Solomon is credited with writing much of the book of Proverbs. Who are two other people credited with writing part of this book?

Lemuel, Agur

Which tribe received no specific piece of land because the Lord Himself is their inheritance?


Because Ezra was a descendant of Moses' brother Aaron, he was a ____________________.


Isaiah wrote prophesies about the coming Messiah, Jesus Christ. What details of the life of the Messiah are mentioned in the book of Isaiah?

Messiah's ministry and suffering Messiah's birth Messiah's death

refused to bow before Haman; a Jewish man living in Persia; Esther's cousin or family relative; became the prime minister of Persia


Numbers was written by ________________________.


The book of Genesis was written by ______________________.


Who wrote the section of the Old Testament known as The Law?


Choose four authors who were writers of Psalms 73 through 150.

Moses David Asaph Solomon

Moses saw the Promised Land and then died on __________________.

Mt. Nebo

The narrative of Numbers begins with the Israelites at _________________.

Mt. Sinai

Even though Jonah tried to run from God because he did not want to go to Nineveh, God did eventually destroy Nineveh because of their atrocities. While Jonah brought a message of repentance to the Ninevites, what prophet brought a prophecy of destruction from God against Nineveh?


What prophet of God was not afraid to approach David and speak to him about his sins?


Genesis is part of the Old Testament section known as the ________________________________.

Pentateuch or the Books of Law

Choose five of the types of annual feasts presented in Leviticus.

Pentecost Passover Unleavened Bread Trumpets Tabernacles (or Booths)

Jonah was sent to the city of ["Jerusalem", "Nineveh", "Bethlehem"] by God, but Jonah headed to Tarshish . To get Jonah back on track, God sent a ["big fish to swallow Jonah", "big lion to chase Jonah", "big noise to deafen Jonah"] to give Jonah time to think and pray.

Nineveh, big fish to swallow Jonah

Isaiah's prophecy of judgment for sins was for only Israel.

No. Judah, Babylon, Egypt, and other nations were prophesied to be judged for disobeying God.

The author of the book of Job is Job, and it was written before the time of Noah.

No. There is no evidence as to who and when the book of Job was written.

Is it wrong to ask God questions?

No. We just might not know God's reasons or purposes for what happens in our lives.

______________________ is the shortest book in the Old Testament.


As the Israelites traveled through the wilderness of _______________________, their goal was to reach the ________________________.

Paran...Promised Land

How was Haman exposed for his ungodly actions?

Queen Esther had a dinner prepared for the king and Haman and gave the details in front of the king about Haman's plan to do away with the Jews.

Joshua sent men to spy on the city of Jericho. Who hid those spies on the roof from the soldiers of Jericho?

Rahab the prostitute

Job's testimony is based on Job 19:25-26. Choose the correct words to fill in the missing answers. For I know that my _______________________________________________ lives, and at the last He will stand upon the earth.And after my skin has been thus _____________________________________ , yet in my flesh I shall see __________________________ .

Redeemer destroyed God

Who are the three main characters in the book of Ruth?

Ruth Naomi Boaz

Who are the three key characters in I Samuel?

Saul David Samuel

Proverbs 31:10 - "A wife of noble character who can find?

She is worth far more than rubies.

"Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might." Deuteronomy 6:4-5 These verses have been used by Jewish people for thousands of years. They are called the ____________________.


Who was the main author of Proverbs?


Match the characters to the descriptions given. last king of the united kingdom of Israel, builder of the temple, and probably the richest king ever prophets of Israel who performed many miracles to show the power of God appeared to Solomon in a dream, gifted Solomon with great wealth, and sent the disobedient Israelites into exile in Babylon

Solomon Elijah and Elisha God

Match Moses' speeches to its corresponding messages. Moses speaks to the nation of Israel about leaving Horeb, the need for him to appoint leaders to share the heavy load, the spies sent out to see the Promised Land, and the rebellion that followed. Moses shares the Ten Commandments with the people of Israel and finishes with the need to love the Lord God. He also speaks to the need to drive out the nations in the Promised Land that God will be giving Israel. Moses challenges the Israelites to renew their covenant with God and reminds them of God's faithfulness by having Israel remember the miraculous signs they and their ancestors have experienced.

Speech One Speech Two Speech Three

Moses received the ________________________ from God on Mount Sinai.

Ten Commandments

Several times Joshua was encouraged by God with the words ____________________________________.

be strong and courageous...do not be afraid or discouraged


The Tigris-Euphrates Valley, Asia Minor, Syria, Palestine, the Red Sea, and the Black Sea all shown in the map below. This map also represents how the land was generally divided to Noah's sons after the great flood.

Even though Micah spoke of the judgment of God, the prophet also spoke of what two positive actions of God?

The restoration of the nations and the deliverance of nations


The sinful fall of humanity. The first murder. The cleansing of evil from this world through a great flood. Confusion of languages.

Choose the two purposes for the book of Song of Solomon that are discussed in the lesson.

Through its beautiful poetry, God affirms the goodness of sexual love for a husband and wife, the repeated passages of warning that command the listener to set love within its proper context of marriage.

Job lived in the land of ______________________________.


Moses did not want to lead the Israelites even though God had chosen him to be His servant. Choose four objections Moses had to becoming the leader of the Israelites.

What authority do I have? The people won't listen to me. I'm not important. I have trouble speaking.

In the book of Judges and other books of the Bible, the town of Gibeah is used as a reference to _______________________________________________.

recurring sinful behavior of the Israelites

What question frequently is asked when people read the book of Job?

Why do good people suffer?

In Isaiah 9:6, we are told: "For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called _________________________________ Counselor, ____________________________ God, _____________________ Father, ____________________________ of Peace."

Wonderful Mighty Everlasting Prince

The book of Job was written to show that, during times when believers suffer innocently, their relationship with God can still ______________________________.

remain unbroken

God spoke to Moses through _______________________________________.

a burning bush

What term is used for describing the process of counting a large group of people, such as a city or country's population?

a census

The book of Lamentations follow the general purposes of lament poems. What are those three purposes?

a form of protest a place to voice confusion a way to process emotion

Proverbs 16:18 - "Pride goes before destruction...

a haughty spirit before a fall

In Proverbs 6, what animal is presented as an example of how a hard-working person should live?

an ant

Proverbs 16:3 - "Commit to the Lord whatever you do...

and he will establish your plans

Proverbs 11:30 - "The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life...

and the one who is wise saves lives

Throughout the ages, the answer to why God allows suffering in the world __________________________________.

remains unanswered

It is estimated that the book of Proverbs was written _____________________________________.

between 950 BC and 700 BC

Unlike other people in the Bible, such as Cain, King Saul, and Jezebel, Job is described as _______________________________.

blameless, upright, fearing God, and turning away from evil

Ezra chastized the Israelites for disobeying God. In particular, he cited how they had ______________________________________.

broken faith and married foreign women

Proverbs 17:22 - "A cheerful heart is good medicine...

but a crushed spirit dries up the bones

Proverbs 15:1 - "A soft answer turns away wrath...

but a harsh word stirs up anger

Proverbs 19:21 - "Many are the plans in a person's heart...

but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails

Proverbs 16:9 - "In their hearts humans plan their course...

but the Lord establishes their steps

Proverbs 18:24 - "One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin...

but there is a friend that sticks closer than a brother

Proverbs 12:11 - "Those who work their land will have abundant food...

but those who chase fantasies have no sense

Nehemiah had a special job under King Artaxerxes of Persia. He was the king's _____________________________.


As a sign of his commitment to be dedicated to the work of the Lord, Samson was to never ____________________________________________.

cut his hair

When the wall of Jerusalem was dedicated later, the Levites led the people with gladness, thanksgiving, and singing. They also played musical instruments typical of the culture. Choose three musical instruments from the list below that were used.

cymbals, harps, lyres

The final plague was the _________________________________, . The Israelites could avoid the consequences of the final plague by ____________________

death of the firstborn sons marking their doorposts with the blood of the Passover lamb

After the death of Joshua, God "raised up His chosen deliverers whom He anointed with His Spirit to rescue His people Israel from their enemies." Those "chosen deliverers" were known as ____________________________.


The message of Jeremiah was one of ____________________ and _____________________.


The book 1 Chronicles begins with the ____________ of the Israelites from __________ to the twelve ___________ of Israel.

genealogy, Adam, tribes

It is okay to have a good time with friends and enjoy life, but Ecclesiastes also tells us that we must ____________________________.

give an account to God for everything we do

When Naomi's husband and two sons died, she decided to go back home to Bethlehem. Ruth decided to _________________________________________.

go back to Bethlehem with Naomi

Amos encouraged the people of the northern kingdom to "Seek ____________________ and not evil, that you may ____________________."

good, live

Joseph interpreted Pharaoh's dreams through the help of God. Both dreams pointed to a time when Egypt would experience ____________________________________.

great famine

Proverbs was written to Israel to provide two things to help with life's challenging situations. What were those two things?

guidance, wisdom

Gideon was reluctant to obey the Lord because ________________________________________.

his clan was the weakest in the whole tribe of Manasseh, and he was the least in his family

"I cried out to the Lord in my great trouble, and he answered me. I called to you from the land of the dead, and Lord, you heard me!" Jonah said this prayer when he _________________________________.

in the stomach of the big fish

Proverbs 9:10 - "The fear of the Lord...

is the beginning of wisdom

Review The books of the Law also recorded the law God gave to the people _______________.

on Mt. Sinai

God created everything "ex nihilo," which means _____________________________.

out of nothing

1 and 2 Chronicles were written to document the descendants of the ____________and to highlight the reign of Israel's and Judah's ___________

patriarchs, kings

The enemies of Nehemiah and Jerusalem were afraid when the walls of Jerusalem were repaired because they __________________________________________.

perceived that this work had been accomplished with the help of God

Song of Solomon gives all believers a ____________________________ of God's own spiritual love for them in Christ.

physical symbol

The term "______________________" is used in Leviticus to describe a specific type of burnt offering.

pleasing aroma

The Edomites were charged for the sin of ________________________ and for joining _______________________ in its destruction of Jerusalem.

pride, Babylon

Choose five types of ritual sacrifices as outlined in Leviticus.

purification burnt restitution fellowship grain

Samson died when he _____________________________________________.

pushed the pillars of the Philistine house down, and he killed thousands of Philistines when he did so

The descendants of Noah built the Tower of Babel in order to _________________________.

reach heaven and God

After the Jewish people finished repairing the walls and gates of Jerusalem, they gathered together, and Ezra and others _________, the people ______ , but Nehemiah told them to ________ because__________

read from the Scriptures, wept as they heard the words of the Law, go and celebrate with a feast, the joy of the Lord is their strength.

Ezra went back to Jerusalem with the primary goal of rebuilding the temple. Nehemiah also went back to Jerusalem to ___________________________________________.

rebuild the walls and gates

There were ____________________________-cities designated for all the people of Israel and for the __________________________sojourning among them, that anyone who killed a person without ______________________ could flee there so that he might not die by the hand of the avenger of blood, till he stood before the congregation. These cities were known as the cities of _____________________________ .

six strangers intent refuge

There were__________________________cities designated for all the people of Israel and for the _______________________________sojourning among them, that anyone who killed a person without__________________________________ could flee there so that he might not die by the hand of the avenger of blood, till he stood before the congregation. These cities were known as the cities of ________________________________ .

six strangers intent refuge

Choose the three charges Amos brought up against the northern kingdom of Israel.

social injustice, immoral behavior, spiritual apostacy

Joseph was by his brothers, and then they lied to their father, Jacob, about what really happened.

sold into slavery

The Israelites lost to the people of Ai because ______________________________________.

some of the Israelites broke faith and stole some items

Match the two people described in Ecclesiastes 2:24-26 to what God will give them. wisdom and knowledge and joy

the one who pleases God

What did the people of Nineveh do when Jonah preached, "Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown!"

the people of Nineveh believed God

Deuteronomy includes ________________________ speeches from Moses to the new generation that is going into the Promised Land.


The book of Isaiah is divided into ___________________ sections.


According to Ecclesiastes 1:14, "I have seen everything that is done under the sun, and behold, all is and a striving after wind."


Based on Ruth's actions towards Naomi and Boaz in Bethlehem, everyone knew that she was a ______________________________________.

virtuous woman

Even though Gomer (Hosea's ["wife", "daughter", "sister"] ) was unfaithful , Hosea continued to ["pursue", "preach to", "punish"] her just as God continued to pursue ["Hosea", "Babylon", "Israel"] despite its repeated sin .

wife, pursue, Israel

Overall, Ecclesiastes is a book of ____________________.


When God offered to bless Solomon with whatever he wanted, Solomon asked for ___________________.


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