3D Printing Terminology List 1

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Build plate or print bed

A level, flat area where the 3D print starts


Computer-aided design How we tell the computer what to do 2D Vector Drawing or 3D modeling software to generate a design

food safe

FDM is not _____. Bacteria can grow within the gaps.

Fused Filament Fabrication

FFF (synonym of FDM)


Rotate a grinding wheel, move work table around a grinding wheel Can be powered by pedal >> water or wind

0 to 50 C on tape; 40 to 60 on glass

bed temp for PLA

210 to 230 C

ideal extruder temp for PLA


polylactic acid - filament used in this class

Printer resolution

space between the vertical layers

liberal technology

subjects or skills considered essential for a free person to know to actively participate in a connected world


A coordinate system with XYZ square, Z axis is up and down

Digital Light Processing

DLP (resin-based)

decimation or simplication

this is done to simplify the mesh

additive, subtractive, formative

3 types of manufacturing

Binder jetting

3D printing process that uses a liquid binding agent (think: glue) deposited onto a build platform to bond layers of powder material and form a part (i.e. Powder Based 3DP)

1) define the mesh / get a watertight solid STL file 2) fix the mesh 3) slice the file 4) print the file

3D printing software workflow (4)

scan, CAD, download, dataset, mathematical equation

5 ways to define the triangular mesh


A coordinate system that does circles well but not right angles well Faster prints Larger build area Harder to calibrate


A coordinate system where the nozzle stays still and the platform uses polar coordinates to move *the first printers were polar*


A frame or structure used to support and move a toolhead Printers are bounded by a _____.

machine tool

A machine for shaping or machining metal or other rigid materials, usually by cutting, boring, grinding, shearing, or other forms of deformation. The relative movement between the workpiece and the cutting tool (hence called toolpath) is controlled by the machine to some extent.

Digital Fabrication

A process that joins design with production through the use of computer-aided design (CAD - 2D Vector Drawing or 3D modeling software) to generate a design, that is then converted to commands for a machine to follow precisely (CAM - Computer-Aided Machining/Manufacturing)


A widely programming language used to tell where the machine needs to move, how fast and what path to follow. a common name for the most widely used numerical control (NC) programming language. It is used mainly in computer-aided manufacturing to control automated machine tools

Additive Manufacturing


Punch press

Applies pressure on an object to create the desired form

Powder saw

Blades move back and forth; can be water or pedal-driven

Continuous Liquid Interface Production

CLIP (resin-based)

Computer Numeric Control

CNC; a 3D printer is a CNC machine


Computer-aided manufacturing; the use of software to control machine tools to make objects; generates G-code how we operate the machine generate a toolpath


Controls the temperature at which each layer cools, making the depositing and bonding of the layers more successful

Fused Deposition Modeling


Milling machine

First invented by Eli Whitney (who also invented cotton gin) Peripheral milling - approach the material sideway Face milling Evolved into CNC milling machine; wheels move back and forth


Grabs the filament, and pushes it through a heating block

Filament spool

Holds the plastic that will be melted

Farming / Domestication of Animals Steam Engine Computer Telecommunications Digital Fabrication

Industrial Revolution

turning machine

Lathes and bores Lathe: A lathe is a machine tool used principally for shaping pieces of metal, wood, or other materials by causing the workpiece to be held and rotated by the lathe while a tool bit is advanced into the work causing the cutting action Bore: Enlarging or smoothing an existing hole created by drilling, molding, etc First manmade tool - cutting material in a rotating material


Motors drive the belts and extruder up/down, left/ right, and forward/back

Planer and shaper

Only move forward - cut in one direction

Replication Rapid prototyper

RepRap British project founded in 2005 that has the goal of producing a 3D printer capable of printing another, functioning 3D printer A 3D printer can print 30-40% of a 3D printer

Selective Laser Sintering

SLP (resin-based)

STL file

STereoLithography defines points in space and connects those points together to form a series of triangles, which in total, are called a "mesh" or "mesh object." The file is called a "shell model" and can be thought of as a thin skin with a hollow interior

Drilling machine

Similar to the milling machine, but only can move up and down Only for punching holes

lower, longer, higher

The _____ the microns, the ____ to print, but the ___ the print quality.


The frame of the 3D printer, which could be made from metal, plywood, etc.


Thin filament, usually a type of thermoplastic, is wrapped around a filament spool and is the raw material the 3D printer uses to make objects. Consumer printers print with filament that is one of two diameters: 1.75mm or 2.85mm. Diameters are not interchangeable, so be sure to research what your printer uses.

Vat photopolymerization

a category of additive manufacturing (AM) processes that create 3D objects by selectively curing liquid resin through targeted light-activated polymerization


a fraction of a millimeter


creating the tool path; runs off universal machine language called "G-code a type of software that translates the 3D model's geometries into movements the 3D printer can read and perform

Laser cutting

directing the output of a high-power laser most commonly through optics. The laser optics and CNC (computer numerical control) are used to direct the material or the laser beam generated. The focused laser beam is directed at the material, which then either melts, burns, vaporizes away, or is blown away by a jet of gas, leaving an edge with a high-quality surface finish.

Hunter Gather Economy Agrarian Economy Industrial Economy Information Economy Creative Economy

evolution of labor


need ___ to fix overhangs, orientation issues with holes, etc. raft - an insulated layer between the object and the bed

Analogue fabrication

no feedback from the design to the material and vice versa we give instructions to the machine and the machine executes; there is no feedback; we have to look at the end result and make adjustments afterward

power crankshaft

revolutionized steam industry - switch from manpower to automation

40 to 120 mm/s

speed for PLA

Rapid prototyping

the ability to quickly fabricate a model of a physical part using three-dimensional computer-aided design (CAD) software

Hot end

the part of the extruder that heats the filament to just the right temperature based on that material, with a nozzle at the bottom to allow the molten filament to flow through

Moore's Law

the principle that the speed and capability of computers can be expected to double every two years, as a result of increases in the number of transistors a microchip can contain. the number of transistors per square inch on integrated circuits had doubled every year since their invention


what the shapes are going to be inside the object we are printing (range from 0 to 100 density)

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