3v3 Basketball Captains Quiz
If at least one player is checked in, then the late team will receive a 10 minute grace period.
What type of photo ID must a participant have when signing in to play at Gertner Fields?
A or B
Scoring is
A success attempt from outside the 3- point line is worth 2 points
When a team forfeits a game (no call to Rec Sports Office, no show, or not having enough players) the team captain will be assessed a ______ forfeit fee?
Teams get _ timeouts per game
What are the requirements to qualify for playoffs?
A and B
In the event that you know your team will not have enough players for your scheduled game that night the team captain can default by?
Call the Rec Sports Office by 3pm the day of your scheduled game to let them know you are defaulting
The following is true regarding protest, except:
If the protest regards player eligibility the protest must be on-site with supervisor prior to the start of the game or before the end of halftime of the game.
Is there overtime during regular season?
Any jewelry that players wear for medical or religious reasons and must be approved in advance to playing by the IMS Administration before a scheduled game.
Players can only play on two (1) single-gendered team & one (1) coed team.
If a team does not have the minimum number of players to start a contest at the scheduled time, they will be given 10 minutes to secure the correct number of players before the game is declared_____ ?
A forfeit
If Iris-West Allen was on the UH Varsity basketball roster during the spring of 2020, when is the next time she is allowed to play Intramural Basketball?
Spring 2021