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Marcus is 14 months old and having great difficulty when left with the babysitter. His separation anxiety is an example of interaction between which two types of development?

Cognitive and social


Coils of DNA that consist of genes.

Multifactorial Transmission

Combination of genetic and environmental factors to produce certain complex traits.

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)

Combination of mental, motor, and developmental abnormalities affecting the offspring of some women who drink heavily during pregnancy

fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)

Combination of mental, motor, and developmental abnormalities affecting the offspring of some women who drink heavily during pregnancy.

Define fetal alcohol syndrome.

Combo of mental, motor, and developmental abnormalities

Generalizing from the text, which of the following is the most advanced form of socialization?

Committed compliance

Dominique, age 14, was diagnosed several years ago with oppositional defiant disorder. Since then her behavior has worsened. According to your text, Dominique will likely be diagnosed with

Conduct disorder

Umbilical cord

Connects embryo to placenta

Effective punishment

Consistency, age-appropriateness, and as soon after the infraction as possible are all qualities of:

A psychological disorder marked by loss of contact with reality and demonstrating such symptoms as hallucinations and delusions, which also seems to have a strong genetic component, is


A psychological disorder marked by loss of contact with reality and demonstrating symptoms such as hallucinations and delusions, which also seems to have a strong genetic component is:


Decreasing egocentrism

School-age children move toward more flexible logic as a result of:

embryonic stage

Second stage of gestation (2 to 8 weeks), characterized by rapid growth and development of major body systems and organs

Which sense is the least developed at birth?


Teresa is beginning to show signs that she is cognitively aware that she is a functioning human being, separate from the rest of their world, is referred to as


Genotype-Environment Correlation

Tendency of certain genetic and environmental influences to reinforce each other; may be passive, reactive (evocative), or active. Also, called genotype-environent covariance.

Environmental factors that may produce birth defects are called



Term describing tendency of twins to share the same trait or disorder.


Term describing the tendency of twins to share the same trait or disorder.

What drug, previously banned in the United States for causing serious birth defects when taken during pregnancy, has been made available in other countries to treat AIDS, certain cancers, and various other illnesses?


Heart rate, breathing, muscle tone, color, and reflexes

The 5 characteristics evaluated by the Apgar scale:

Reasons that breastfeeding isn't as popular as it should be

The American Academy of Pediatrics cites lack of societal support, physician apathy/misinformation, and marketing by formula companies as:

best milk or iron fortified formula for 12 months or longer

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that infants should be given which of the following to eat

Prefrontal cortex

The ability to control one's impulsiveness appears to be directly related to the development of the:

Transitive inference

The ability to understand the connection between one fact and another, even though it is not stated, is called:


The actual expression of genetic traits

Prefrontal cortex

The area in the brain that plans, anticipates, and controls impulses and is the last part of the brain to mature:


The attachment of the blastocyst to the uterine wall, occurring at about day 6.

7 1/2

The average newborn weighs blank

gender constancy

The awareness that one will always be male or female (also called sex-category constancy). According to Kohlberg, this appears to develop in three stages:

According to the text, why are babies' heads so large in proportion to their body size?

The baby's brain and head are more developed than other parts of the body.

animistic thinking

The belief that inanimate objects have lifelike qualities, such as thoughts, wishes, feelings, and intentions

Eat well balanced meals with a variety of foods

The best way to ensure adequate nutrition and vitamin intake is to:

Negative correlation

The more Hank eats, the less hungry he feels. The type of correlation between his food intake and his hunger is a:


The most common causes of death for children worldwide are:


The most common form of child maltreatment is:

Fragile X syndrom

The most common form of inherited mental retardation

Cultural norms

The most likely reason that parents would choose a co-sleeping arrangement for their infant:

died in infancy

The most pressuring fear for very small babies is that they

Thomas suffers from a sex-linked blood-clotting disorder called Hemophilia that is transmitted by a recessive gene. Neither his mother nor his father has ever shown symptoms of this disease. What can we conclude about the genetic makeup of John's parents?

The mother is a carrier for hemophilia, while the father does not have the gene

Thomas suffers from a sex-linked blood-clotting disorder called hemophilia that is transmitted by a recessive gene. Neither his mother nor his father has ever shown symptoms of this disease. What can we conclude about the genetic makeup of John's parents?

The mother is a carrier for hemophilia, while the father does not have the gene


The notion that development involves gains and losses that do not always occur in a straight line exemplifies this characteristic of life-span development:

vernix caseosa

The oily covering on the skin of a newborn is called

Mr. McGinty works with his child, Edward, to put together a new puzzle. Each time Edward tries the puzzle, his father helps him less and less, and he requires less help from his father. This example best supports the view of development put forth by:


An example of telegraphic speech is

Want cookie

(T/F) Nutrition, physical activity, smoking, and drinking are all important prenatal influences involving the mother


(T/F) Obesity is an example of a characteristic influenced by heredity and environment


(T/F) Siblings tend to be more different than alike intelligence and personality


(T/F) The male parent's chromosome determines the sex of the child


(T/F) The phenotype is a person's observable characteristics


(T/F) Through genetic counseling, prospective parents can receive information about the mathematical odds of having children odds of having children with certain birth defects


(T/F) Through genetic testing, certain birth defects like Tay-Sachs disease are on the decline


Male fetuses are more active then female fetuses


Risk screening, vaccinations, and counseling are all recommended before women think about getting pregnant as part of preconception care.


The second stage of prenatal development is the embryonic stage.


True or False? Passive genetic-environment correlations function only when a child is living with a biologically related parent.


Which of the following tastes would a newborn be most likely to prefer?

Water with sugar added

avoid entirely

What do doctors recommend about use of alcohol during pregnancy

Child-directed speech

When Becky's mother speaks to her, she uses a high-pitched voice, simple words or phrases, and lots of repetition. At four months of age, Becky delights in her mother's use of:

Distal parent

When Caitlin falls and hurts herself, she runs to her mother crying. Rather than comforting Caitlin, her mother offers her a toy to distract her. Her mother is a:

Critical period of development

When certain things MUST occur for normal development.

Move her legs as if to walk

When one-month-old Lily is held upright with her feet touching a flat surface, she should:

Goodness of fit

When parents find a way to provide a smooth interactions between their child's temperament and his social, familly, and school life, they have achieved:

Engage in physical play

When playing with their children, fathers are more likely than mothers to:

Layers of embryonic disk

Where the embryo begins to develop - Ectoderm - Endoderm - Mesoderm


Which brain region shows the most rapid growth during the first year of life

Patty who was adopted at the age of two Walks Like Her adoptive mother

Which of the following most clearly demonstrates the influence of environment

a male twin with an African American mother

Which of the following stands the greatest risk of being spontaneously aborted or being born stillborn


Will develop and differentiate into the inner layer of skin, muscles, skeleton, excretory and circulatory system

After everyone orders dinner, Beth proudly announces that the check with tax should be around $60. Beth was using her

Working memory

The chromosomal make-up of a normal male is ______; the chromosomal make-up of a normal female is ______.


Which of the following is an example of a non shared environmental effect?

Your brother learning karate while you play soccer

Which of the following is an example of a nonshared environmental effect?

Your brother learning karate while you play soccer


Zygote is created when a sperm and an egg combine in the Fallopian tubes to form a single cell this process is referred to as?

Guilt; Shame

____ is generally considered a more mature emotion that ____ because the former one comes from within the individual and demonstrates self-awareness.

Which of the following is evidence that a child is successfully socialized

a child plays independently

fetal and alcohol syndrome

a cluster of birth defects, including abnormal facial characteristics, slow physical growth, and retarded mental development, that may occur in the child of a woman who drinks alcohol

With regard to language development, most developmentalists currently favor

a combination of nativism and learning theory

With regard to language development, most developmentalists currently favor

a combination of nativism and learning theory.


a diploid cell resulting from the fusion of two haploid gametes; a fertilized ovum.

increase age of mother or father

a factor that increases the probability of having a baby with down syndrome is -increased age of mother or father -parents use of tobacco -parents use of alcohol -a defective XY chromosome pattern

The ongoing longitudinal study in Kauai shows that the effects of low-birthweight, birth injuries, and other birth complications can be counteracted by

a favorable home environment

post mature

a fetus not yet born as of 2 weeks after the due date of 42 weeks after the mother's last menstrual period.

Habituation refers to __________.

a gradual reduction in the strength of a response due to receptive stimulation

Mothers and fathers often have different styles of interaction with their infants. Fathers in the U. S. are more likely to provide

a highly physical style of caregiving

Jackie says "milk," meaning "i want some milk." When his mother pours it, he says "milk." meaning "this is milk." After taking a sip, he pushes his cup toward his mother and says "milk," meaning "Do you want my milk?" This is an example of:

a holophase

Jackie says "milk," meaning "I want some milk." When his mother pours it, he says "milk," meaning "This is milk." After taking a sip, he pushes his cup toward his mother and says "milk," meaning "Do you want my milk?" In each case, "milk" is an example of

a holophrase

Jackie says "milk," meaning "I want some milk." When his mother pours it, he says "milk," meaning "This is milk." After taking a sip, he pushes his cup toward his mother and says "milk," meaning "Do you want my milk?" This is an example of

a holophrase

According to your text, the human genome, which contains the complete sequence of genes in the human body, is analogous to

a library

Children who experienced marasmus or kwashiorkor display __________.

a more intense stress response

The process by which a toddler demonstrates rapid vocabulary development is called

a naming explosion.

postpartum depression

a new mother's feelings of inadequacy and sadness in the days and weeks after giving birth and can be caused by preexisting depression, financial stress, or marital or problems

In operant conditioning, an organism learns that:

a particular behavior usually produces a particular consequence.

A central focus in development research is plasticity, which refers to

a person's capacity for change

apgar scale

a quick assessment of a newborn's body functioning. the baby's color, heart rate, reflexes, muscle tone, and respiratory effect are given a score of 0,1, or 2 (at 1 minute & another at 5) compared to ideal score of 10


a researcher compares monozygotic and dizygotic twins for their level of similarity on a trait. this researcher is attempting to determine the ______ of the trait activity levels. -teratogenesis -genotype -karyotype -heritability

True or false? Although parts of his theory have been heavily criticized, Freud's contribution to the field of human growth included the importance of developing formal operational thought.


True or false? An example of Erickson's stage of initiative versus guilt would be a 3-year old trying to fill a cup with water and cheerfully wiping up the water when it spills.


True or false? The process of meiosis results in the number of chromosomes being reduced by half


True or false? Scaffolding refers to the temporary support that parents, teachers, and other give to a child doing a task until the child can do it alone.


true or false? Conclusions from the research conducted on Genie, a 13 year old girl who had been locked away by her father and deprived of normal human contact suggests there might be a critical period for language acquisition


true or false? Searching out meaning in life is a characteristic of late adulthood.


Holly is an older female who has begun taking fertility drugs in the hopes of becoming pregnant. If Holly were to become pregnant, she has an increased chance of having



Twins formed by the fertilization of two ova by two sperm


Two or more alternative forms of a gene that can occupy the same position on paired chromosomes and affect the same trait.

Which of the following is TRUE regarding the relationship between genotype and phenotype?

Two people can share the same genotype but have different phenotypes

If a mother wanted to have a clear image of the fetus in her womb, which procedure would she most likely use?


If mother wanted to have a clear image of the fetus in her womb, which procedure would she most likely use?


Which of the following is generally used to detect multiple pregnancies or measure a fetus's head?


Ultrasound (sonogram), sonoembryology (description)

Ultrasound (sonogram), sonoembryology High-frequency sound waves directed at the mother's abdomen produce a picture of fetus in uterus. Sonoembryology uses high-frequency transvaginal probes and digital image processing to produce a picture of embryo in uterus.


Union of sperm and ovum to produce a zygote; also called conception.


Unlike many undeveloped countries the leading cause of infant death in the United States is

Which American psychologist developed the bioecological perspective, which involves five interlocking contextual systems ranging from the most intimate to the most distant?

Urie Bronfenbrenner

The use of parentese, or child-directed speech, includes which of the following?

Use of short words and simple sentences


Using the word "more" to mean, "I want another cookie" is a:


Variation that makes a gene different some way from others for the same characteristics

Imitating her vocal and facial expressions

Victor and Rosa want to enhance their synchrony with their 6 month old daughter. They can do this best by:

Jamal and Stacy are the new parents of a very low-birth-weight baby. Due to its small size, the baby must remain in the hospital for several weeks. What advice is a doctor likely to give to Jamal and Stacy?

Visit the baby frequently and massage the baby to stimulate development

Ken and Stacy are the new parents of a very low-birth-weight baby. Due to its small size, the baby must remain in the hospital for several weeks. What advice is a doctor likely to give Ken and Stacy?

Visit the baby frequently and massage the baby to stimulate development.

A child with high self-esteem would

Volunteer to help someone else

Theory of Mind

ability to reason about what other people know or believe the ability to infer the existence of mental states and to use them to explain the behavior of ourselves and other people

In the US, approximately what percentage of pregnant women receive no prenatal care during the first trimester?

about 20%

The New York Longitudinal Study of Temperament found that

about one child in three has a mixed temperament pattern.

Symbolic gestures, such as blowing to mean hot, or sniffing to mean flower, emerge __________ babies say their first words.

about the same time


absence of empathy

at conception

according to your text, when does development start? -at conception -at birth -in infancy -during adolescence

2 Innate Qualities of Thinking

adaption: tendency to adjust to conditions imposed by the environment organization:

the critical factor in attaining age of viability

adequate brain development


adoption of the characteristics, values, and behaviors of the parent of the same sex

Dr. Brown is researching obesity among children who have been adopted, comparing the children's weights with those of their biological and adoptive parents. Dr. Brown is using the ________ method.

adoption studies

Family studies fail to rule out the extent to which environmental factors influence certain traits. To separate the effects of heredity from those of environment, researchers do

adoption studies

environment has some impact, but less so than heredity

adoption studies of intelligence indicate that -environment is a very small factor -environment is more important than heredity -environment has some impact, but less so than heredity -genetic influence is very slight

Mothers who drink alcohol should be made aware that fetal alcohol syndrome

affects about 5 infants in 1,000 born in the United States. s a leading cause of mental retardation and birth defects. can cause cognitive disorders that subsequent environmental enrichment does not seem to improve.

Corrine, a genetic counselor, has occasion to advise women from a variety of different ethnic groups as to their likelihood of giving birth to twins. Which woman would you inform has the highest chance of giving birth to fraternal twins?

african american woman

behavioral teratogens

agents and conditions that can harm the prenatal brain, impairing the future child's intellectual and emotional functioning


agents and conditions, including viruses, drugs, and chemicals, that can impair prenatal development and result in birth defects or even death


aka conception, is the process by which sperm and ovum—the male and female gametes, or sex cells—combine to create a single cell called a zygote

Which of the following do doctors recommend about the use of alcohol during pregnancy?

alcohol should be avoided entirely throughout the whole pregnancy

Henry was adopted and is genetically predisposed toward alcoholism. However, his adoptive family does not drink; they actively avoid alcohol for religious reasons. Given Henry's genetic potential:

alcoholism might not appear in Henry's phenotype

The Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale examines

alertness, reflexes, and control.

total immersion

all instruction occurs in the non-native language

Research has linked the use of marijuana during pregnancy with

all of the above

Drugs known to be potentially harmful when taken during pregnancy include

all of the above.

Genes that produce alternative expressions of a characteristic are:


Red-Green color blindness and hemophilia are examples of genetic disorders that:

almost always appear in male children, show up differently in male and female children, and are carried by the X chromosomes of an unaffected mother.

due date

although doctors assign a specific due date (based on the woman's LMP), only 5% of babies are born on that exact date. Babies born between 3 weeks before and 2 weeks after that date are considered "full-term" or "on-time". Babies born earlier are called preterm; babies born later are called post term

it is influenced primary by heredity

although jeans adoptive parents are quite short, he is growing to be quite tall like his biological mother. what might we conclude about jean Paul's height? -it is influences primarily by the positive environment of the adoptive family -it is influences primarily by heredity -nutrition did not influence his height -it is primarily a result of independent segregation

Dan begins crying before his mother leaves during the Strange Situation test. When she returns, he leans toward her but kicks and squirms when she picks him up. He appears to be


Dan begins crying before his mother leaves during the Strange Situation test. When she returns, he leans toward her but kicks and squirms when she picks him up. He appears to be


In which procedure is a sample of fluid taken from around the fetus and analyzed for possible defects?


The technique of removing fluid from around the developing fetus to test for genetic defects is known as:


The fluid-filled sac surrounding the developing human organism is the...

amniotic sac

the fluid filled sac surrounding the developing human organism is

amniotic sac

The fluid-filled sac surrounding the developing human organism is called the

amniotic sac.

The most frequently stated cause for Down syndrome is

an accident in chromosome distribution

The most frequently stated cause for Down syndrome is

an accident in chromosome distribution.

Research on fetal hearing indicates that fetuses

can differentiate between different tones.

Research on hearing demonstrates that newborns

can distinguish nearly all sounds in human languages.

The age of viability refers to the point when the preterm newborn:

can survive outside the uterus

The age of viability refers to the point when the preterm newborn: can survive outside the uterus. begins to move. will be born with any defects. has developed all its major organs.

can survive outside the uterus

Which of the following is NOT one of the once-familiar and often fatal childhood diseases that are now largely preventable through immunization?


The first organ system that shows any sign of activity is the:

cardiovascular system

4th week process

cardiovascular system begins to form (eyes, ears, mouth)

The most important element in the assessment of the quality of a daycare is the

caregiver himself or herself.

Which of the following babies would have the highest Apgar scale

carnela is pink, with rapid pulse, she is coughing and crying

An in-depth study of an individual is a(n)

case study.

rooting reflex

causes babies to turn their mouths toward anything that brushes against their cheeks

sucking reflex

causes newborns to suck anything that touches their lips

A baby's first smile, which can occur in newborns less than a week old, is most likely due to

central nervous system activity.

Kumar learns first to hold up his head, then to raise his shoulders, and then to push with his feet. This demonstrates which principle of development?


The ______ principle explains why an embryo's head, brain, and eyes develop earliest and are disproportionately large until the other parts catch up.


which brain region shows the most rapid growth during first year of life


The __________ contains the greatest number of neurons and synapses.

cerebral cortex

What is the path that describes the path sperm travels after they enter a woman's body

cervix, uterus, Fallopian tube

Which of the following describes the path sperm travel after they enter the women's body through the vagina?

cervix, uterus, Fallopian tube

Tanya's doctor has prepared fher for the possibility that her babt has a large head and may have to be delivered by surgical delivery through an incision on Tanya's abdomen. This method of birth is called a

cesarean section

waking smiles

considered more social; elicited through gentle jiggling, ticking, and kissing

The first stage of childbirth

consists of the dilation or widening of the cervix

rudimentary emotions

contentment, interest, distress; appear soon after birth

Ten-month-old Nathan has just been told goodbye by his grandparents who are now leaving in their car. Nathan waves bye-bye to them with his left arm. Nathan's attempt to communicate with his grandparents is called a

conventional social gesture

A major way to improve the chances of survival for infants in the United States would be to

counsel women on ways to increase birthweight

Early research suggested that infants experience with __________ is linked to the development of their refusal to cross the deep side of the visual cliff.


Which one of these activities is the best example of a gross motor skill?


Each of Erickson's stages involves a major developmental issue that is particularly important at that time. Erickson referred to these issues as _____________ in personality


During prenatal development, a particular organ or body part is most vulnerable to exposure to teratogens during its

critical period

Kaylie is struggling to learn German in college. Her struggles provide evidence for which concept?

critical period

during prenatal development, a particular organ or body part is most vulnerable to exposure of teratogens

critical period

Parental alliance

crucial birth factors

Infants first communicate their emotions by


Which one of the following activities is considered to be an attachment-seeking behavior on the part of a baby?

crying, smiling, sucking (all)

A group's total way of life, including customs, traditions, law, beliefs, values, and language, is referring to as its


Marsha's nickname as a child was "Shirley Temple" because of her curly hair. Although her hair is curly, she carries a gene for straight hair. Her phenotype is

curly hair

Joan has the most common lethal genetic defect among white people and will probably not live to be 30 years of age. Joan suffers from

cystic fibrosis.

A method of medicated delivery that allows a woman to feel sensations and move her legs so she is able to participate in childbirth is the Select one: a. narcotic injection. b. anesthesia block. c. general anesthesia. d. "walking epidural"

d. "walking epidural"

Self-awareness usually emerges by about what age? Select one: a. 6 months b. 9 months c. 12 months d. 15 months

d. 15 months Correct

For how many hours a day does the average newborn sleep? Select one: a. 12 b. 14 c. 16 d. 18

d. 18

Which of the following statements about monozygotic twins is TRUE? Select one: a. They are no more similar to one another than normal siblings. b. They will always have identical temperaments. c. They will always be born with identical physical characteristics. d. One twin may be right-handed while the other is left-handed.

d. One twin may be right-handed while the other is left-handed.

Which of the following statements about monozygotic twins is TRUE? Select one: a. They are no more similar to one another than normal siblings. b. They will always have identical temperaments. c. They will always be born with identical physical characteristics. d. One twin may be right-handed while the other is left-handed.

d. One twin may be right-handed while the other is left-handed. Correct

The chromosomes that do NOT determine sex are called a. zygotes. b. genes. c. gametes. d. autosomes

d. autosomes

The chromosomes that do NOT determine sex are called Select one: a. zygotes. b. genes. c. gametes. d. autosomes.

d. autosomes.

The leading cause of infant mortality in the United States is Select one: a. respiratory distress. b. cancer. c. automobile accidents. d. birth defects.

d. birth defects.

8 week process

determine sex

Physical traits such as height are

determined by environmental influences and genetic potential

During Erikson's cirsis of basic trust versus mistrust, a child

determines whether or not he or she can rely upon the world

During Erikson's crisis of basic trust versus mistrust, a child

determines whether or not he or she can rely upon the world

During Erikson's crisis of basic trust versus mistrust, a child

determines whether or not the world can be relied on


develop new neurons or brain cells


developing new brain. Brain has to develop before the body

Which of the following is not a result of birth trauma

developmental lag

Which of the following are NOT recommendations associated with preconception care?

diagnostic x-rays

One of the criticisms of Freud's work is that he ____________________.

did not scientifically test concepts of id and superego

The most pressing fear for very small babies is that they will

die in infancy

Dizygotic twins exposed to the same teratogens during pregnancy may experience

different effects of the teratogens

Across cultures, the type and level of involvement that fathers engage in with their infants


Chao-Yi is suspicious of strangers, has frequent tantrums, has an irregular pattern of waking and sleeping, and laughs and cries loudly. Which kind of temperament does she have?


Irritability, irregular rhythms, and intense reactions are characteristic of which kind of temperament?


Irritability, irregular rhythms, and intense reactions are characteristics of which kind of temperament?



director of one's own behavior; a realization that one's existence is separate from others; must be learned

Unlike other types of research, a cross-sequential design allows researchers to:

disentangle differences due to chronological age from differences related to historical period.

Between 4 and 7 months, infants __________.

display a sense of musical phrasing

Marsha has twins, a boy and a girl. The twins are:


Tasha has just given birth to healthy twins. One of the twins has an X and Y chromosome, while the other has two X chromosomes. These twins are


Uninvolved (Indifferent)

do whatever you want emotionally detached from child and is unconcerned with child's needs they are low in restrictiveness and low in warmth

Christopher has a gene for Huntington's disease and will definitely have the disorder. This is an example of transmission by __________ inheritance.


According to your text, complex normal behavior is the result of

dominant inheritance

When tall homozygous pea plants are crossbred with homozygous short pea plants, the resulting hybrids are tall, but in the next generation, one out of four plants is short. This experiment demonstrates Mendel's law of

dominant inheritance.

Phenylktonuria is caused by a:

double-recessive gene

In Latin America, a woman who helps other women with labor, delivery, breast-feeding, and newborn care is called a(n):


Katrina is in labor, she is attendd by an experienced helper who offers emotional support called


Katrina is in labor. She is being attended by an experienced helper who offers emotional support. This person is a


Latrice was born with an extra fold of skin at the corners of her eyes, a small head, protruding tongue, and mental retardation. She probably has

down syndrome

The most common chromosomal abnormality that takes place in the autosomes is...

down syndrome

first trimester

during which period of pregnancy are babies most vulnerable to drugs taken by the mother? -first trimester -second -third -none of these

2 Universal Principles of Infant Perception

dynamic perception: humans are primed to focus on movement and change people perception: an innate attraction to other humans

Implicit memeroy seems to develop____explicit memory

earlier than

The _________ period of development is a time of establishing personal and economic independence, career development, and for many, selecting a mate.

early adulthood

A systematic process of providing therapeutic and educational services to families that need help in meeting young children's developmental needs is called

early intervention

According to the New York Longitudinal Study, 40 percent of children exhibit a temperamental pattern described as


Thanh's schedules are predictable, he adapts easily, he is pleasant, and he responds well to change. Which kind of temperament does he have?


Troy's schedules are predictable, he adapts, he is pleasant, and he responds well to change. Which kind of temperament does he have?


According to the New York Longitudinal Study, 40 percent of children exhibit a temperamental pattern described as


Which of the following cell groups of a blastocyst will become the outer layer of skin, hair, nails, sensory organs, and nervous system?


The "Adult Attachment Interview" developed by Mary Main is designed to

elicit memories of childhood attachment.

By one week after conception, the multiplying cells have divided into outer cells enclosing a mass of inner cells. The inner cells will become the: embryo. amnion. placenta. digestive system.


The second stage of pregnancy occurs between 2 to 8 weeks after conception. During this stage, we refer to the organism as a(n)


An unborn baby is often most vulnerable to prenatal environmental influences before a woman even realizes that she is pregnant. This vulnerability occurs during the __________ stage.


During which prenatal stage do the major body systems and organs develop?


During which stage is an unborn baby most vulnerable to prenatal environmental influences and most at risk for miscarriage or spontaneous abortion?


Jen is in the 4th week of pregnancy and is told it is a critical time. She is in the ______ stage.


The thickened mass of cells on the blastocyst from which the baby will develop is called the

embryonic disk

The thickened mass of cells on the blastocyst from which the baby will develop is called the

embryonic disk.

Screaming as your little brother drops a spider into your lap is a(n) _____ response.



emotional discomfort about doing something wrong; ability to refrain from doing something wrong; refraining because they believe it is the right thing to do

Sadness, joy, and fear are examples of


self-conscious emotions:

emotions such as embarrassment, empathy, and envy that require a degree of self-awareness

self-evaluative emotions

emotions such as pride, guilt, and shame that involve evaluation of one's own thoughts and behavior against socially appropriate thoughts and behavior

Two-year-old Jacob took the pacifier away from his baby sister, making her sad and causing her to cry. When his mother explained how the baby felt and insisted that he return the pacifier, she was teaching Jacob


Two-year-old Jacob took the pacifier away from his baby sister, making her sad and causing her to cry. When his mother explained how the baby felt and insisted that he return the pacifier, she was teaching Jacob


Erikson's psychosocial theory

emphasized influence of society; development is lifelong; each stage of development involves a 'crisis,' which is resolved with a 'virtue'

The portion of the embryonic disk that eventually becomes the digestive system and the respiratory system is the


Which technique mentioned in your text may be successful in stemming the tide of premature deaths in the United States?

enhanced prenatal care

Adoption studies of intelligence indicate that

environment has some impact, but less so than heredity

The world outside the self and the learning that comes from experiences in this world constitute The world outside the self and the learning that comes from experiences in this world constitute


The American Academy of Pediatrics now recommends that anesthesia is __________ during circumcision.


Socioeconomic status is determined by all of the following EXCEPT


Evolutionary psychology falls under the

ethological approach.

One way that Kristen can reduce risks to her unborn baby during pregnancy is to:

exercise regularly

The organization of linguistic processes in the brain may depend heavily on ____________ during maturation.


multifactorial transmission

experience modifies the expression of the genotype for most traits—a phenomenon called multifactorial transmission.

A controlled procedure in which the experimenter manipulates variables to learn how one affects another is a(n)


During the critical period between 8 and 15 weeks after fertilization, ____________ has been linked to mental retardation, chromosomal malformations, and seizures.

exposure to radiation

Diana Baumrind's 4 Dimensions of Parenting

expressions of warmth: the degree to which the caregiver displays affection and approval strategies for discipline:the degree to which caregiver is restrictive and whether discipline rules are explained communication: whether a parent listens patiently or demands silence expectations for maturity: the standards a parent has for a child's ability to be responsible and have self-control

Monique contracted rubella early in her pregnancy. Damage is most likely to affect the embryo's: eyes. arms or legs. breathing. bloodstream.


Generalizing from the text, children of mothers who smoked during pregnancy are at a higher-than-normal risk for all of the following EXCEPT...

face and limb malformations


failure to meet a child's basic needs: food, clothing, medical care, protection, and supervision

A newborn's hearing is

fairly acute, and has been since before birth.

According to your text, senescence is one of the major divisions of the life span. true or false?


The sex of the human is determined by the genetic contribution of the:


Which of the following is an indicator for the risk of schizophrenia

father over 50

be low-birth-weight

fathers who has a diagnostic x-ray within a year of the pregnancy has children who were more likely to -be low-birth-weight -be delivered post due -have enlarged craniums -all of these

Some responses, such as __________, are very difficult to classically condition in young babies because they do not yet have the motor skills needed to deal appropriately with the stimuli.


HOME examiners rate parents on all of the following EXCEPT

feeding methods


feeling what others feel; ability to put oneself in another's place

An XX pattern in the 23rd pair of chromosomes indicates the fetus will


An XX pattern in the 23rd pair of chromosomes indicates the fetus will:


A zygote is created when a sperm and an egg combine in the fallopian tube to form a single cell. This process is referred to as


which of the following is the prenatal period that lasts 7 months


A cluster of abnormalities demonstrated by children whose mother drank alcohol during their pregnancy, and is a leading cause of mental retardation, is called

fetal alcohol syndrome

Drinking alcohol during pregnancy is associated with

fetal alcohol syndrome.

6 months prenatal (24 weeks)

fetal growth has slowed a little the fetus is about 14 inches long and weighs 1 1/4 pounds. It has fat pads under the skin; the eyes are complete, opening, closing, and looking in all directions. It can hear, and it can make a fist with a strong grip. A fetus born early in the sixth month has only a slight chance of survival because the breathing apparatus has not matured.

The longest period of prenatal development is the:

fetal period

longest period of prenatal development

fetal period

Sara's pregnancy is at the 15th week. Her physician calls her baby a(n):


12 week process

fetus has all of its body parts. Weighs about 30oz

8 months prenatal

fetus is 18 to 20 inches long and weighs between 5 and 7 pounds. Its living quarters are becoming cramped, and so its movements are curtailed. During this month and the next, a layer of fat is developing over the fetus's entire body, which will enable it to adjust to varying temperatures outside the womb.

Dilation of the cervix occurs during which stage of childbirth?


Hannah is experiencing dilation of her cervix, she is in what stage of birth


neonatal period

first 4 weeks of life, a time of transition from intrauterine dependency to independent existence.

Laurence and Kristina, pregnant with their first child, have read about their baby's development and learned that their baby will grow more rapidly during the _____ than at any other time.

first month after conception

During which period of pregnancy are babies most vulnerable to drugs taken by the mother?

first trimester


focusing on one aspect and ignoring other important aspects

situational compliance

follows orders with prompting and reminders

Places in the neonate's skull where the bones are not completely fused are called the


Willie, a newborn infant, was delivered vaginally, as a result his head is slightly coneshaped the cons shape can be attributed to


Places in the neonate's skull where the bones are not completely fused are called the


The needs and drives associated with the physiological level of Maslow's hierarchy are:

food, water, warmth, air.

Which of the following is TRUE of the process of meiosis?

four haploid cells result

A pregnant woman feels the movement known as quickening at about the _____ month.


Twins formed by the fertilization of two ova by two sperm are


Dizygotic twins are also known as:

fraternal twins

Dizygotic twins

fraternal twins are the result of two separate eggs being fertilized by two different sperm to form two unique individuals. Genetically, they are like siblings who inhabit the same womb at the same time, and they can be the same or different sex.

length of pregnancy

full-term pregnancies last 266 days, or 38 weeks, or 9 months. If the LMP is used as the starting time, pregnancy lasts 40 weeks, sometimes expressed as 10 lunar months. (28 days = 1 lunar month)

The sperm and the ovum are


The sperm and the ovum are:


All of the following appear to increase the likelihood that a woman will deliver an underweight baby EXCEPT

genetic factors

All of the following appear to increase the likelihood that a woman will deliver an underweight baby EXCEPT

genetic factors.

Social competence was measured in girls with Turner's syndrome, a defect where infants are found to have an X chromosome missing. Those who received the single X from their fathers did better and were more adjusted than those that received the single X from their mothers. The dad's gene seemed to override the mothers chemically altered gene. This is an example

genetic imprinting

the five characteristics that are evaluated in the Apgar are

heart rate, breathing, muscle tone, color and reflexes

The five characteristics that are evaluated in the Apgar are:

heart rate, breathing, muscle tone, color, and reflexes

The five vital signs that are evaluated in the Apgar are

heart rate, breathing, muscle tone, color, and reflexes

Final three month development

heavy focus upon weight gain, development in neurological

"Goodness of fit" implies that parents should deal with problems of temperament by

helping children make some adaptations but essentially accepting their child's temperament

"Goodness of fit" implies that parents should deal with problems of temperament by

helping children make some adaptions but essentially accepting their childs temperament

Four-year-old Joshua plays on his mother's iPad while his grandmother is bewildered by the fact that Joshua knows how to operate it in the first place. The grandmother's reaction reflects the significance of

normative history-graded influences.

The impact of technological developments such as video games, computers, and the Internet are considered

normative history-graded influences.

Avoidant Attachment

indifferent to parent's presence plays independently in new situations no separation or stranger anxiety avoid or are slow to greet parent upon return

The rate of growth is most rapid during


preterm infants

infans born before completing the 37th week of gestation.

mutual regulation

infant and caregiver responding to each other's emotional states

small-for-date infants

infants whose birth weight is less than that of 90 percent of babies of the same gestational age, as a result of slow fetal growth.

Traits that are affected by many genes are:

influenced through polygenic inheritance

Traits that are affected by many genes are

influenced through polygenic inheritance.

protective factors

influences that reduce the impact of potentially negative influences and tend to predict positive outcomes

In the Infant Health and Development Program study those assigned to the "intervention group" received all of the following except

information about children's health and development

Michelle is shown a new mobile, and the amount of time she spends studying it is measured. This is a technique of which approach to intellectual development?


According to Erikson, which of the following is the central issue of early childhood?

initiative vs guilt

Some researchers propose that infants may be born with or acquire very early reasoning abilities that help them make sense of the information they encounter. These abilities are called

innate learning mechanisms

trimester of pregnancy

instead of germinal, embryonic period, and fetal period, some writers divide pregnancy into three- month periods called trimesters. Months 1-3 are called the first; months 3-6 are called second trimester; and months 7-9 are the third trimester

HOME is an instrument for evaluating the impact of a child's home environment for

intellectual development.


interpreting our new experiences in terms of our existing schemas


into the uterine wall occurs fails in 60% of natural conceptions and 7 % of in vitro

A reflex is a:

involuntary response to stimulus

difficult (temperament)

irritable; intense emotional responses; do not respond to change very well

A strongly canalized trait is one that

is affected little by environmental conditions

Marasmus __________.

is characterized by an enlarged belly and swollen feet

Maternal stress and/or anxiety during pregnancy

is normal at low levels.

An antiseptic, temperature-controlled crib for low-birth-weight babies is called an


An antiseptic, temperature-controlled crib for low-birth-weight babies is called an


Which of the following is NOT a function of the placenta?

it encases the baby with a fluid-filled membrane

The principle that human development is adaptive means

it is aimed at dealing with internal and external conditions of existence.

Although Jean-Paul's adoptive parents are quite short, he is growing to be quite tall like his biological mother. What might we conclude about Jean-Paul's height?

it is influenced primarily by heredity

A gene is recessive when:

its influence can be hidden by a more powerful gene

differentiated emotions

joy, surprise, sadness, disgust, anger, fear

A couple's genetic counselor shows them magnified photographs of each parent's chromosomes arranged on a chart according to size and structure. What is this chart called?


Bill is a genetic counselor. In his position, he has an ethical obligation to:

keep results of clients' tests confidential, away from insurance companies and public records


know what to say to whom


knowledge of the self as a distinct being


knowledge that a substance retains its nature even when it looks different

personal agency

knowledge that one can do things on their own


knowledge that reversing an action will cause the substance to revert to its former appearance

Kiana is two years old and has an unbalanced diet very low in protein. She has an enlarged belly, swollen feet, a skin rash, and thinning hair. What is the most likely cause of Kiana's condition?


Anoxia refers to

lack of oxygen

A relatively consistent blen of emotions, temperament, thoughts, and behaviors is a person's


Marlin has been asked to go on a blind date with his friend Roger's sister. If Marlin wants to know facts like hair color, body type, etc., Roger will need to describe his sister's


The array of observable characteristics that expresses one's genetic makeup is known as:


Marlin has been asked to go on a blind date with his friend Roger's sister. If Marlin wants to know facts like hair color, body type, etc., Roger will need to describe his sister's


A developmental scientist who studies brain development is studying the __________ domain of the self.


types of abuse

physical sexual emotional rejection

When discussing maltreatment of children by adults, injury to the body is classified as?

physical abuse

gross motor skills

physical skills that involve the large muscles.

fine motor skills

physical skills that involve the small muscles and eye-hand coordination.

According to your text, complex normal behavior is the result of

polygenic inheritance

According to your text, complex normal behavior is the result of...

polygenic inheritance

Anoxia refers to: cerebral hemorrhaging. signs of cerebral palsy. lack of oxygen. toxic substances in the bloodstream.

lack of oxygen


lack of oxygen, which may cause brain damage.

The left hemisphere of the brain is primarily involved with

langauge and logical thinking

The left hemisphere of the brain is primarily involved with

language and logical thinking

Researchers study infants' information processing by considering all of the following EXCEPT

language development.

When Bill first sees his newborn daughter, he is surprised to find her body covered with dark hair. This fuzzy coat is called


when bill first sees his newborn daughter he is surprised to find her body covered in dark hair this is


Infants born more than three weeks early are called

late preterm, near term

The specialization in function of the hemispheres of the cerebrum is called


According to which one of the following theories is language acquired by imitation and reinforcement of specific sounds?

learning theory

which theory is language acquired by imitation and reinforcement of specific sounds?

learning theory


less than 3 lb 5 oz


less than 5 ½ pounds

Most newborns show greater activation in the right hemisphere while __________.

listening to non speech sounds

Which of the following is an example of a nonshared environmental effect?

live same house hold

A theory is a set of

logically related statements which seeks to describe, explain, and predict human behavior

To study how members of a particular group change or remain the same as they grow older, the best method is:

longitudinal research

LBW and VLBW effects

low birth weight/typically standard"

Which of the following is one of the undesired outcomes of almost 50 percent of IVF pregnancies?

low-birthweight twins or triplets

The view by society that it is desirable to have only two children is an example of


The collapse of communism in Eastern Europe has significantly altered most government institutions there. According to the ecological approach, the government changes are changes in people's


Theresa is a creative, artistic individual who loves to paint. Theresa's artistic ability is most likely the result of...

polygenic inheritance

Alex is now in her forty-third week of pregnancy. Her unborn baby is considered to be

post mature

Alix is now in her forty-third week of pregnancy. Her unborn baby is considered to be

post mature

Alex is now in her 43 week of pregnancy her unborn baby is considered to be


Alex is now in her 43rd week of pregnancy. Her unborn baby is considered to be


Kyoto's daughter is five days old. Kyoto is feeling sad and inadequate. She may be experiencing

postpartum depression

Kyoto's daughter is five days old. Kyoto is feeling sad and inadequate. She may be experiencing:

postpartum depression

Which one of the following experiences would promote experience-dependent brain growth?

practicing the violin

Infants __________ simplified speech, or child-directed speech.


Infants themselves __________ simplified speech, or child directed speech.


The __________ is among the last regions to attain adult levels of synaptic connections.

prefrontal cortex

When brain damage occurs to the __________, recovery is limited.

prefrontal cortex

beginning of pregnancy

pregnancy begins at conception, which is also the starting point of gestational age. However, the organism does not become an embryo until 2 weeks later, and pregnancy does not affect the woman (and cannot be confirmed by blood or urine testing) until implantation. Paradoxically, many obstetricians date the onset of pregnancy from the date of last menstrual period (LMP), about 14 days before conception

Babbling, cooing, and crying are known as

prelinguistic speech

Which childbirth technique substitutes voluntary or learned physical responses for the fear and pain?



present presentation

Some children playing in the yard are pretending to bake cookies. One child gathers up some disk-shaped rocks and says, "Here are the cookies I made!" This child is engaged in

pretend play

Felicia is born after a 7-month gestation period. She is called a __________ infant


Felicia is born after a seven-month gestation period. She is called a __________ infant.


Felicia was born after a 7-month gestation period. She would be called a __________ infant.


self-evaluative emotions

pride, shame and guilt; requires self-awareness and knowledge of socially accepted behaviors; children compare their own thoughts and behaviors against what is socially okay

proximodistal principle

principle that development proceeds from within to without , that it, that parts of the body near the center develop before the extremities.

cephalocaudal principle

principle that development proceeds in a head-to-tail direction, that is that upper parts of the body develop before lower parts of the trunk.


process by which cells acquire specialized structures and functions.


process by which infant and caregiver communicate emotional states to each other and respond appropriately


process by which neurons coordinate the activities of muscle groups.


process of coating neural pathways with a fatty substance called myelin, which enables faster communication between cells.


process of modifying old schemata and creating new ones to produce a better fit with the environment


process of uterine, cervical, and other changes, usually lasting about 2 weeks, preceding childbirth.

Most traits are polygenic, meaning that they are:

produced by many genes

infant mortality rate

proportion of babies born alive who die within the 1st year.

The genetic code directs the synthesis of hundreds of different kinds of:


In Vygotsky's idea of social apprenticeship a mentor draws the child into a zone of:

proximal development

gender differences

psychological or behavioral differences between males and females that originate in a particular culture

Which approach attempts to measure intelligence quantitatively?


Riley doesn't want to share her new toy with the other children at preschool. Riley is struggling with her ___________ development


Which of the following is a normative age-graded influence

puberty and menopause

The amount of time a baby spends looking at different sights is a measure of visual preference that is based on the ability to

make visual distinctions.

Synaptic pruning

makes room for the growth of neural fibers and synapses.


making the standards of society your own

The human genome project was established to

map the precise order in which genes are expressed or activated

Enrique is 2 months old, painfully thin, and in danger of dying. His mother is too malnourished to produce enough breast milk and bottle-feeding is inadequate. What is the most likely cause of Enrique's illness?


curly hair

marsha's nickname as a child was "Shirley temple" bc of her curly hair. although her hair is curly, she carries a gene for straight hair. her phenotype is -curly hair -straight hair -genes for both curly & straight hair -her total genetic makeup

cause of neglect

martial problems stressful events lack of parental education poverty alcoholism depression

Chromosomal abnormalities are most often associated with:

maternal age

A common cause for SGA is:

maternal drug use

The unfolding of a natural sequence of physical changes and behavior patterns describes


Moderate anxiety and pregnancy

may even spur organization of the developing brain.

Frequent visits to the hospital nursery by parents of a low-birth-weight baby

may speed the baby's discharge

Frequent visits to the hospital nursery by parents of a low-birth-weight baby

may speed the baby's discharge.

Learning theorists are most concerned with

measurable, observable behaviors

electronic fetal monitoring

mechanical monitoring of fetal heartbeat during labor and delivery

According to Noam Chomsky, a language acquisition device is a(n)

mechanism that enables the brain to infer linguistic rules from the language they hear

Sperm and egg are created through a cell-division process known as:


If an infant inherits the gene for PKU and it is left untreated, the result will be

mental retardation

natural childbirth

method of childbirth that seeks to prevent pain by eliminating the mother's fear through education about the physiology of reproduction and training in breathing and relaxation during delivery.

prepared childbirth

method of childbirth that uses instruction, breathing exercises, and social support to induce controlled physical responses to uterine contractions and reduce fear and pain.

kangaroo care

method of skin-to skin contact in which a newborn is laid face down between the mother's breasts for an hour or so at a time after birth.

The coating of the neural pathways with a fatty substance, which results in more efficient processing of electrical signals, is called


Dr. Willard is studying the way in which infant siblings interact with one another in the home. According to the ecological approach, Dr. Willard is studying the children in their


The effect of Huntington disease begin in which stage of development?

middle adulthood

When Dr. Keane checks prenatal development with a sonogram at the end of the second month of gestation, the embryo is less than one inch long and has the shape of a

miniature baby.

__________ fire identically when a primate hears or sees an action and when it carries out that action on its own.

mirror neurons

the brain has neurons to help a person mimic people's actions, called

mirror neurons

According to the text, which of the following my be a problem associated with caffeine consumption during pregnancy?


A process by which non-sex cells divide in half over and over again is


A process by which non-sex cells divide in half over and over again is...


The name for the process of cell division that produces copies of cells with the 46 chromosomes is


A process by which non-sex cells divide in half over and over again is


The name for the process of cell division that produces copies of cells with the 46 chromosomes is



modifiability, or "molding" of the brain through experience.

Which of the following was NOT observed in monkeys raised by surrogate mothers?

monkeys raised by wire surrogates were attracted to and embraced the wire form


monozygotic twins tend to be ______ concordant than dizygotic twins in IQ, certain personality patterns, and cholesterol level -less -more -there is no difference -research is inconclusive

Monozygotic twins tend to be __________ concordant than dizygotic twins in IQ, certain personality patterns, and cholesterol levels


Monozygotic twins tend to be __________ concordant than dizygotic twins in IQ, certain personality patterns, and cholesterol levels.


The process of sexual differentiation that occurs during the early weeks of prenatal development is now recognized as being __________ complex than was previously thought.


Recessive X-linked genes are:

more likely to be expressed in a man's phenotype

women who start pregnancy at a normal weight and gain less than 20 pounds are

more likely to have low-birth-weight babies

Women who gain less than 15 pounds during pregnancy are

more likely to have low-birth-weight babies.

Women who start pregnancy at a normal weight and who gain less than 20 pounds during pregnancy are

more likely to have low-birth-weight babies.

Multiple births are:

more likely to lead disability and death in infancy, rising in the US (partly as a result of delayed childbearing), and related to the increased use of fertility drugs

The startle reflex is also called the ____ reflex


The startle reflex is also called the _____ reflex.


Which of the following statements about persons with Down syndrome is TRUE?

most can function to some degree in society

Color blindness is more common among males because:

most color blindness is inherited through a recessive gene on the X chromosome

which muscles would a baby gain voluntary control over first during development

muscles in the neck

Permanent alterations in genetic material that occur due to environmental conditions such as radiation or environmental hazards is/are called


Permanent alterations in genetic material that occur due to environmental conditions such as radiation or environmental hazards is/are called


The coating of neural pathways with a fatty substance, which results in more efficient processing of electrical signals is called


The coating of the neural pathways with a fatty substance, which results in more efficient processing of electrical signals, is called


According to which of the following theories do humans have an innate capacity tp acquire language?


The more Hank eats, the less hungry he feels. The correlation that exists between his food intake and his hunger is:


Failure to meet a child's basic needs is



neglect, medical neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse, or psychological abuse

A few days after birth, a baby develops a yellowish tinge to the skin and eyeballs. These symotoms indicate_____, which is due to immaturity of the______.

neonatal jaundice; liver

A few days after birth, a baby develops a yellowish tinge to the skin and eyeballs. These symptoms indicate _________, which is due to immaturity of the _______.

neonatal jaundice; liver


nerve cells.

Doctors have found that increasing a woman's folic acid consumption by just 5 milligrams each day reduces the incidence of __________ by 85 percent.

neural tube defects

Brazelton Neonatal Behavior Assessment Scale (NBAS)

neurological and behavioral test to measure neonate's responses to the environment


new connection between new neurons

Jill used a substance during her pregnancy that is known to harm the fetus. Jill's baby was born shorter and lighter than average, has poor respiratory functioning, and tends to be colicky. The substance Jill probably used is...


Jill used a substance during her pregnancy that is known to harm the fetus. Jill's baby was born shorter and lighter than average, has poor respiratory functioning, and tends to be colicky. The substance Jill probably used is


Which of the following is most likely to be a 2 year old's favorite world


Which of the following is most likely to be a 2-year-old's favorite word?


According to Erikson, a child who feels comfortable trying new things, without excessive fear or guilt, is said to have acquired the virtue of


The Piagetian approach focuses on

qualitative changes in cognition

When research deals with objectively measurable data, this is a description of

quantitative research

One commonly used type of written interview is a


Easy Child

quickly establishes regular routines in infancy is generally cheerful adapts easily to new experiences

One of the most reliable sampling methods is the use of _________, which increases the likelihood that the sample is representative of the population.

random selection

Auditory discrimination develops __________ after birth.


Of all motor skills, __________ may play the greatest role in infant cognitive development.


Duchenne muscular dystrophy

Fatal disease usually found in males, marked by muscle weakness; minor mental retardation is common; respiratory failure and death usually occur in young adulthood.

In egalitarian households, the __________ role in gender socialization seems especially important.


XXX (triple X)

Female; normal appearance, menstrual irregularities, learning disorders, mental retardation.

XO (Turner)

Female; short stature, webbed neck, impaired spatial abilities, no menstruation, infertility, underdeveloped sex organs, incomplete development of secondary sex characteristics.

Who is most resistant to sex-linked recessive disorders?


A zygote is created when a sperm and an egg combine in the Fallopian tube to form a single cell. This process is referred to as


A zygote is created when a sperm and an egg combine in the fallopian tube to form a single cell. This process is referred to as


The process by which male and female gametes combine to form a single-celled zygote is known as:


A zygote is created when a sperm and an egg combine in the Fallopian tube to form a single cell. This process is called _______


At around 38 weeks after conception, the ____________ starts the sequence of events that prepare the fetus for delivery and starts labor. A. Fetal brain B. Maternal brain C. Germinal period D. Placenta

Fetal brain

Which prenatal stage of development lasts the longest?

Fetal stage

Which of the following is an indicator for the risk of schizophrenia?

Fetal undernourishment

fetal stage

Final stage of gestation (from 8 weeks to birth), characterized by increased differentiation of body parts and greatly enlarged body size.

Melissa has had two miscarriages and is understandably anxious about her third pregnancy. She realizes that a miscarriage, or spontaneous abortion, is most likely to occur in which trimester of the pregnancy?


Rubella has the greatest potential for damage when it is contracted during which period of a pregnancy?

First 11 weeks

germinal stage

First 2 weeks of prenatal development, characterized by rapid cell division, blastocyst formation, and implantation in the wall of the uterus.

During which period of pregnancy are babies most vulnerable to drugs taken by the mother?

First trimester

Amniotic sac

Fluid filled membrane that encases developing embryo


For how many hours a day does the average newborn sleep

phallic stage

Freud's third stage of development, when the penis becomes the focus of concern and pleasure

According to your text, which lobe of the brain is most undeveloped in terms of its functioning during infancy?


Melissa is 4 years old, and now wants to avoid dressing "like a boy". She talks about being "a wife and mommy" when she grows up. Melissa is engaged in the process of


Which form of memory produces a script or outline of familiar things?


hormone levels that stimulate genes

Genetic action that triggers the development of the body and brain are often regulated by ?

Social competence was measured in girls with Turner's syndrome, a defect in which the individual is missing an X chromosome. Those who received the single X from their fathers did better and were better adjusted than those who received the single X from their mothers. The dad's gene seemed to override the mother's chemically altered gene. This is an example of

Genetic imprinting


Genetic makeup of a person, containing both expressed and unexpressed characteristics.

(p. 72) During which stage is an unborn baby most vulnerable to prenatal environmental influences and most at risk for miscarriage or spontaneous abortion?


In which stage of prenatal development does the fertilized ovum become implanted in the wall of the uterus?


The developing organism is one week old and is attaching to the walls of the uterus. This is the _____ stage.


The fertilized ovum divides and implants in the wall of the uterus during which stage of gestation?


Cindy is doing a presentation on prenatal development and wants to present the three main periods of prenatal development in order from conception to birth. Cindy's presentation uses the following order: A. Germinal, embryonic, and fetal B. Embryonic, germinal, and fetal C. Fetal, embryonic, and germinal D. Germinal, fetal, and embryonic

Germinal, embryonic, fetal

Maternal blood test can reveal all but which of the following?

Gestational age of the fetus

conventional social gestures

Gestures such as waving goodbye or nodding the head to signify "yes," taught to a child by an adult or older child.

symbolic gestures

Gestures that function much like words and are symbolic of the desired concept, such as blowing to mean hot

representational gestures

Gestures that represent the desired action directly, such as holding an empty cup to one's mouth to signify wanting a drink.


Group of genes produce molecules

Which of the following is NOT a common reaction of children of divorce?

Happiness that the parents' fighting is over

Of the following, the family with the LEAST need for genetic counseling is the one who

Has a general concern about defects

Gabriel has received a very low score on the Brazelton Neonatal Assessment Test. His parents were told by the pediatrician that he

Has likely suffered brain damage

According to the text, which of the following factors will NOT increase the likelihood that a mother will have an underweight baby?

Having had one or two babies during the previous five years


Having labor and delivery take place with the husband or partner present as a coach is an example of how hospitals are finding ways to blank childbirth

A baby born with cognitive disabilities, heart problems, and facial and limb deformities probably had a mother who engaged in __________ during her pregnancy.

Heavy alcohol consumption

Alcoholism may not appear in his phenotype

Henry was adopted and is genetically predisposed toward alcoholism. However, his adoptive family does not drink; they actively avoid alcohol for religious reasons. Given Henry's genetic potential:

The inborn traits or characteristics we inherit from biological parents are our


Intellligence (heretiability of it)

Heredity exerts a strong influence on general intelligence (as measured by intelligence tests) and, to a lesser extent, on specific abilities such as memory, verbal ability, and spatial ability. polygenic trait; it is influenced by the additive effects of large numbers of genes working together. Intelligence also depends in part on brain size and structure, which are under strong genetic influence. Experience counts too;

(p. 66) Emma is a 5-year-old and weighs 90 pounds. Family studies tell us that her obesity is a result of

Heredity-Environment- Behavior

A researcher compares monozygotic and dizygotic twins for their level of similarity on a trait. This researcher is attempting to determine the ________ of the trait activity levels


A researcher compares monozygotic and dizygotic twins for their level of similarity on a trait. This researcher is attempting to determine the __________ of the trait activity levels.


A statistical estimate of how much contribution heredity makes toward individual differences in a specific trait at a certain time within a given population is refered to as


Concordant rates provide researchers information concerning the _____ of a given trait.


Professor MacArthur is interested in studying the relative contribution of genetics and the environment on athletic ability. The professor is most interested in


Generalizing from the text, one would predict that characteristics that exhibit a ___________ degree of canalization would display a ___________ level of concordance in monozygotic twins.

High; high


How many pairs of chromosomes does a normal human being have

Object Permanence

Hugh enjoys playing with your keys. When you take them away and place them in your pocket, Hugh does not search for them. Piaget would say that Hugh does NOT understand:

Infants who cannot consume their mother's milk

Human Mild Banks in the U.S. provide breast milk for infants primarily for:

Which of the following helps children deal with their fears?

INstilling a sense of trust and normal caution

Who would show more concordance for a chiefly hereditary trait?

Identical twins

Monozygotic twins

Identical twins- result from the cleaving of one fertilized egg and are generally genetically identical. They can still differ outwardly, however, because people are the result of the interaction between genes and environmental influences.

Jessica imitates her mother's gestures, speech, and behaviors. Which of the following terms describes this?


Longitudinal research

If a researcher wanted to study the development of handwriting ability in children, she could measure the handwriting of a group of second-graders and continue to take handwriting samples from these same children each year until sixth grade. This is an example of:


If we place a dot of rouge on an 18-month-old's nose and stand the child in front of a mirror, she may then touch her nose. This shows the child has some:


If your mom's family members all have very dark skin and your dad's family members all have very light skin, your skin color may be somewhere in between. Each parent's genes contributed in this way:

Both parents are carriers for blue eyes

Imagine that eye color is determined by only one pair of genes and that brown eyes are dominant over blue eyes. If you are blue-eyed and both of your parents are brown-eyed, you know that:

toxoplasmosis and pregnancy

In an expectant woman especially in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, it can cause fetal brain damage, severely impaired eyesight or blindness, seizures, miscarriage, stillbirth, or death of the baby. If the baby survives, there may be later problems, including eye infections, hearing loss, and learning disabilities.


In early childhood, autistic children have the most difficulty with:


Neurological disorder marked by loss of contact with reality; hallucinations and delusions, loss of coherent, logical thought, and inappropriate emotionality.

Based on your reading, which baby do you think would have the highest Apgar score?

Nevin: he is pink, crying, kicking, and wiggling

85th & 95th

New guidelines regarding obesity and overweight place a child as overweight when they fall between the blank and blank percentile of BMI

Which of the following statements about the first few days of life is NOT true?

Newborns tend to have dark complexions

Susan seems to have a natural musical talent and chooses to spend her time with other musicians. This is an example of:


Jill used a substance during her pregnancy that is known to harm the fetus. Jill's baby was born shorter and lighter than average, has poor respiratory functioning, and tends to be colicky. The substance Jill probably used is


Lisa is concerned because she is 8 months pregnant and has just contracted rubella. Which birth defect is likely to be present in her child as a consequence?

No birth defects are likely to be present.

Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (risks and notes)

No known risks.

Developmental researchers refer to typical events that happen at an atypical time, or atypical events that happen at a typical time, as __________ events.


Which cognitive characteristic in infants seems to be generally associated with high intelligence in middle childhood?

Rapid processing of perceptual information

Heredity and Environment

Reaction range - how much variability there will be in terms of genetic expression. 80-100 genetic range; environment establishes where you will be on that range. Poor stimulation closer to 80. Good stimulation closer to 100.

On the first day of class, Sophie was asked to tell the class about her summer vacation. Which type of retrieval was Sophie using?


A hereditary characteristic that is carried by an individual but is NOT expressed in that individual's phenotype is


A hereditary characteristics that is carried by an individual but is NOT expressed in that individual's phenotype is _______


Recessive inheritance occurs only when a person receives two ____________ alleles, one from each parent.


Marco's parents both have brown eyes, but Marco's eyes are blue. Marco's eyes are the result of

Recessive inheritance

Any consequences of a behavior that increases the likelihood of that behavior being repeated.



Repeating consonant-vowel strings, such as "ma-ma-ma-ma."

Qualitative research

Research data that is open-ended and not easily transferable to numbers

A plan for conducting a scientific investigation is a

Research design

Toilet training

Research indicates that starting training before 18 months is often related to slower completion

Put to sleep on their backs

Research on SIDS shows that babies should be:

It may have negative repercussions later

Research on spanking suggests that it is quick and efficient at age 2 or 3 and that:

Temperament is linked to biological patterns that appear in infancy

Research on temperament and personality indicates that:

as safe as Hospital birth

Research shows that home births with a plan for hospitalization for emergencies can be

According to research cited in your text, what is the best way to respond to an infant's crying?

Respond regularly with tender, soothing care.

Embryoscopy, fetoscopy (risks and notes)

Riskier than other prenatal diagnostic procedures.

Ultrasound (sonogram), sonoembryology

Risks and Notes Done routinely in many places. Can be used for sex- screening of unborn babies.

An average 4-month-old has acquired which of the following skills?

Rolling over

Irreversible thinking

Romy understands that if she has 4 pieces of pizza and we giver 2, she will have 6. However, she does not know what happens if she has 6 and we take away 2. Piaget would say that Romy has demonstrated:

Which of the following statements is true?

Rough-and-tumble play peaks in middle childhood

Suppose your infant's pediatrician recommends that your newborn receive lots of sensory stimulation and that you should try to stimulate the sense that is the most developed. Which of the following techniques might you use?

Rub the infant's back.

Rubella and pregnancy

Rubella (German measles), if contracted by a woman before her 11th week of pregnancy, is almost certain to cause deafness and heart defects in her baby.

Insecure-avoidant attachment

Ruby does not notice when her mother leaves the day care center and ignores her mother when she returns. Ruby's behavior is characteristic of:

Which of the following most clearly demonstrates the influence of environment?

Sally, who was adopted at the age of 2, and walks like her adoptive mother

Amniocentesis (description)

Sample of amniotic fluid is withdrawn under guidance of ultrasound and analyzed. Most commonly used procedure to obtain fetal cells for testing.

Sociodramatic play

Sara, Molly, and Shy are playing dress-up. They are all princesses and have built a castle out of cardboard boxes and colored paper. What type of play are the three girls engaging in?

Christi's infant rejects foods that tastes bitter. This may

Save the child's life.

A structure of organized patterns of behavior that a person uses to think about and act in a situation


The genetic-environment correlation where children with different genetic composition evoke responses from adults that strengthen the child's genetic inclinations is called

reactive correlations

A hereditary characteristic that is carried by an individual but is NOT expressed in that individual's phenotype is


A hereditary characteristic that is carried by an individual but is NOT expressed in that individual's phenotype is...


A hereditary characteristic that is carried by an individual, but is not expressed in the phenotype is:


Recessive inheritance occurs only when a person receives two _____ alleles; one from each parent.


A hereditary characteristic that is carried by an individual but is NOT expressed in that individual's phenotype is

recessive (p. 53)

Defects such as Tay-Sachs diseases are transmitted by:

recessive inheritance

Marco's parents both have brown eyes, but Marco's eyes are blue. Marco's eyes are the result of

recessive inheritance

Marco's parents both have brown eyes, but Marco's eyes are blue. Marco's eyes are the result of...

recessive inheritance


recessive inheritance is a mode of inheritance in which a mutation in a gene on the X chromosome causes the phenotype to be expressed in males and in females who are homozygous for the mutation


recessive inheritance occurs only when a person receives two _______ alleles, one from each parent -dominant -recessive -homozygous -heterozygous

When neither of two alleles is dominant, the resulting trait reflects the influence of both. This is called

recessive inheritance.

A hereditary characteristic that is carried by an individual but is NOT expressed in that individual's phenotype is


If Laurie has albinism but neither of her parents exhibits this inherited condition, the trait must be __________ and Laurie's genotype for this trait is ________.

recessive; homozygous

If Laurie has albinism but neither of her parents exhibits this inherited condition, the trait must be __________ and Laurie's genotype for this trait is _________.

recessive; homozygous


reciprocal and enduring bond between child and caregiver

The symbolic function allows young children to

refer to mental representations of objects they have seen before

Cody looks to his mother for clues regarding the safety of a situation. This skill is known as social



reflects the greatest insecurity behavior appears contradictory or confused exploration of his/her environment is limited may cry for no apparent reason upon reunion, infants show a variety of confused, contradictory behaviors tend to come from abusive environments

Involuntary, automatic, innate responses to stimuli are called __________ behaviors.


The ability of both an infant and his or her caregiver to respond appropriately and sensitively to each other's mental and emotional states is known as mutual


In operant conditioning, a stimulus that increases the occurrence of a response is called a __________.


Emotions such as empathy and pride are

related to development of self-awareness

authoritarian parenting

relies on coercive techniques (threats, punishment) to discipline child more controlling and adheres rigidly to rules typically display a low level of warmth

The Bayley Scales of infant and Toddler Development produce a(n)

report of mental, motor, and behavioral development

Stewart begins crying before his mother leaves during the Strange Situation test. When she returns, he leans toward her but kicks and squirms when she picks him up. He appears to be


Since the infant's lungs have only one-tenth as many air sacs as the lungs of adults, newborns are susceptible to __________ problems.


According to research cited in your text, what is the best way to respond to an infant's crying?

respond regularly with smooth and tender care

Folic acids effects

results in neutral tub defects which are more common in certain ethnic groups


results in the number of chromosomes being reduced by half

Children born to women who smoke during pregnancy tend to show

retardation of growth, colic in infancy, a small head circumference

Children born to women who smoke during pregnancy tend to show

retardation of growth. social maladjustment. learning problems in school

The incidence of multiple births in the US is

rising rapidly

Piaget called organized patterns of behavior


A psychological disorder marked by loss of contact with reality and demonstrating such symptoms as hallucinations and delusions, which also seems to have a strong genetic component, is


Jeff hears voices and has difficulty staying in touch with reality. He appears to have:


PKU (phenylketonuria) is

screened for routinely in most states

denver development screening test

screening test given to children 1 month to 6 years old to determine whether they are developing normally

autonomy versus shame and doubt

second stage of personality development in which the toddler strives for physical independence

Beth readily leaves her mother to explore her surroundings, occasionally looking toward or touching her mother. Beth appears to be

securely attached

Julie readily leaves her mother to explore her surroundings, occasionally looking toward or touching her mother. Julie appears to be

securely attached

Which sense is the least developed at birth?


Babies considered small for their gestational age (SGA): weigh less than expected, given the length of pregnancy. have major structural deformities. are born buttocks or legs first. are addicted to drugs.

weigh less than expected, given the length of pregnancy.

Resistant (Ambivalent) Attachment

seek closeness to parent ("clingy") and often fail to explore very upset when primary caregiver leaves stranger cannot comfort child when he/she is upset angry, resistive behavior upon return of parent cannot be easily comforted by caregiver

The process by which humans adapt and adjust to their environment is known as:

selective adaptation

Teresa is beginning to show signs that she is cognitively aware that she is a functioning human being, separate from the rest of her world. This is referred to as

self awareness

When Dr. Sheila dabbed Jenny's nose with rouge to see how she would react when placed in front of a mirror, Dr. Sheila was administrating a test of

self awareness

Teresa is beginning to show signs that she is cognitively aware that she is a functioning human being, separate from the rest of their world, is referred to as


When Dr. Sheila dabbed Jenny's nose with rouge to see how she would react when placed in front of a mirror, Dr. Sheila was administrating a test of


Pride, guilt, and shame are identified as the emotions of


Pride, guilt, and shame are identified as the emotions of


When the psychologist dabbed Dorisa's nose with rouge to see how she would react when placed in front of a mirror, Dr. Longo was administrating a test of


The first stage in Piaget's cognitive theory (as well as what was discussed quite a bit in chapter 5) is


The first stage in Piaget's cognitive theory is


a 9 month old who cries when mother leaves shows

separation anxiety

Which of the following would be considered the most highly canalized trait at birth?

sequence of motor development


sets few limits on child's behavior either moderately nurturing or cool and uninvolved


sets limits on child's behavior explains the reasoning behind these limits combine a high degree of control with warmth, acceptance, & encouragement of autonomy

Of the following, the child likely to exhibit the SMALLEST reaction range for the trait of intelligence is the one born with

severe brain damage.

Klinefelter's syndrome and Turner's syndrome are due to abnormalities in the

sex chromosomes

Red-green color blindness, hemophilia, and Duchenne muscular dystrophy are all types of

sex-linked recessive disorders

Red-green color blindness, hemophilia, and Duchenne muscular dystrophy are all types of...

sex-linked recessive disorders

Red-green color blindness, hemophilia, and Duchenne muscular dystrophy are all types of

sex-linked recessive disorders.

Epigenesis is a process by which monozygotic twins tend to

show more differences as they get older.

Caleb, age 6, sees his older brother playing with a ball in the house and watches as the ball breaks a picture on the table. He also sees his older sister dusting some of the pictures and watches as she drops two of them, also breaking the pictures. According to Piaget, if Caleb's mom walked in and asked Caleb who should be in more trouble, who would Caleb choose?


When her mother came into the room, Constance was laughing out loud at the dog's antics. This behavior usually begins at about an infant's __________ month.


Sexual differentiation in human embryos normally occurs during the ___________ after conception

sixth to eighth weeks

Sexual differentiation in human embryos normally occurs during the ___________ after conception.

sixth to eighth weeks

The concept of individual differences implies that people differ in....

size and build, intelligence and personalities, and the influence of society and relationships they have

The concept of individual differences implies that people differ in

size and build, intelligence and personalities, the influence of society and relationships they have. ALL OF THESE

Wade is quiet, adjusts only gradually to new situations, and has moderately predictable biological cycles. Which kind of temperament does he have?

slow to warm up

Wade is quiet, adjusts only gradually to new situations, and has moderately predictable biological cycles. Which kind of temperament does he have?


Jonathan is born 38 weeks after conception and weighs 4 1/2 pounds. He is

small for date

According to your text, an infant born at 41 weeks of gestation, weighing only 5 pounds, would be described as


Jonathan is born 38 weeks after conception and weighs 4 1/2 pounds. He is


In a longitudinal study of extremely low-birth-weight infants, those who survived tended to be

smaller and more likely to have lower cognitive functions.

The single greatest factor for low-birth-weight babies that could be prevented is


The ways in which we process information about other people refers to

social cognition.

The existence of adolescence as part of the life span in many industrialized societies but not in other societies, is an example of

social construction

Two important learning theories are ____________ and ______________.

social learning theory; operant conditioning

Terrence is getting fairly competent in his ability to "read" the expression of his mother for a clue as to how to act in an ambiguous situation, this is referred to as

social referencing

Terrence is getting fairly competent in his ability to "read" the expression of his mother for a clue as to how to act in an ambiguous situation. Terrence's ability is referred to as

social referencing

When an unfamiliar little boy takes away a one-year old Marinas toy, Marina looks questioningly at her mother. This is an example of

social referencing

Moderate to heavy drinking of alcohol during pregnancy may have all of the following harmful effects on the fetus EXCEPT...

speech and language deficits

A 9 month old infant who cries when the mother leaves is showing

speration anxiety

An interaction between genetic and environmental factors thought to be responsible for:

spina bifida

Beth is 17 weeks into her pregnancy and undergoes a maternal blood test which shows a high level of alpha fetoprotein. She may be carrying a baby at risk of

spina bifida

Insufficient intake of folic acid during pregnancy increased the risk of having a baby with:

spina bifida

Insufficient intake of folic acid during pregnancy increases the risk of having a baby A with

spina bifida

Insufficient intake of folic acid during pregnancy increases the risk of having a baby with

spina bifida

A woman who becomes obese during pregnancy runs the risk of all the following pregnancy complications EXCEPT

spina bifida.

Insufficient intake of folic acid during pregnancy increases the risk of having a baby with

spina bifida.

cocaine and pregnancy

spontaneous abortion, delayed growth, premature labor, low birth weight, small head size, birth defects, impaired neurological development, acute withdrawal symptoms, sleep disturbances, and associated with childhood behavior problems, independent of the effects of alcohol and tobacco exposure.

apgar scale

standard measurement of a newborn's condition; it assesses appearance, pulse, grimace, activity, and respiration.

Age of viability

starts about 22 weeks, largely based upon brain maturation that regulates body functions


statistic used in breeding and genetics works that estimates how much variation in a phenotypic trait in a population is

At birth, Mona had an Apgar score of 1; after 5 minutes of resuscitation, her score was 4. Her parents were probably told that she

still needed help to establish breathing

At birth, Mona had an Apgar score of 1; after five minutes of resuscitation, her score was 4. Her parents were probably told that she

still needed help to establish breathing.

Neurons __________.

store and transmit information

An 8 month old cries when a relative she has never met comes to visit is showing

stranger anxiety

An 8-month-old infant who cries when a relative she has never met comes to visit is showing

stranger anxiety

Habituation studies provide information on all of the following except

strength of sucking reflex

To help children resolve the crisis of autonomy versus shame and doubt, parents should

strike a balance between control and freedom


subjective responses to experience (sadness, joy, fear); associated with physiological and behavioral changes; involve the self

Feeding reflexes

sucking, cheek is brushed, swallowing, crying

sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)

sudden and unexplained death of an apparently healthy infant.

Which of the following tastes would a newborn be most likely to prefer

sugar solution


sum total

Christa, a rather demonstrative 7-year old girl, hits her brother for laughing at her and feels guilty about it afterward. According to Freud, Christa's guilty feelings reflect the operation of the


Punishment __________ a behavior by bringing on a(n) _________ event.

suppresses; aversive or unpleasant

When newborns are held horizontally on their stomachs, their arms and legs stretch out. This response is known as the: flying motor skill. swimming reflex. Moro reflex. Babinski reflex.

swimming reflex

According to Piaget, pictorial competence is an aspect of

symbolic development

The ability of both infants and caregivers to respond appropriately to the signals about each others emotional states is known as

synchrony (mutual regulation)

Drugs known to be potentially harmful when taken during pregnancy include

synthetic estrogen. ibuprofen. Accutane, an acne medicine

Most 6- to 9-month-olds __________.

take two daytime naps

abuse-prevention programs

teach parenting skills; offer 'respite home'; investigate reports of maltreatment; provide shelters and therapy; facilitate foster care

Assisted reproduction

technology used to achieve pregnancy in procedures such as fertility medication

At about 3 or 4 months of age, infants begin grabbing and putting into their mouths whatever they can reach. This action is the start of the process of


A person's characteristic way of approaching and reacting to people and situations defines that person's


A person's characteristic way of approaching and reacting to people and situations defines their


An individual's behavioral style and characteristic way of responding is his or her



tendency of each of the brain's hemispheres to have specialized functions.

Environmental factors that may produce birth defects are


Environmental factors that may produce birth defects are called


Environmental factors that may produce birth defects are called


Illa's infant was born with facial deformities and an arm that stopped growing at the elbow. It is likely that Illa took _____ during her pregnancy.


The agent responsible for deformed limbs in the newborns in the late 1950s was:


A person's sex is determined by:

the 23rd pair of chromosomes

deferred imitation

the ability to imitate a behavior that occurred in the past—demonstrates memory) occurs as early as 6 weeks


the ability to order items along a dimension


the action possibilities a situation offers an organism with certain motor capabilities learning the consequences of these actions leads to better judgement in the future (e.g., how to avoid falls)

Phenotype refers to:

the actual expression of genetic traits

age of viability

the age (about 22 weeks) after conception at which a fetus may survive outside of mother's uterus if specialized medical care is available

When considering the higher infant survival rates for infants born in western Europe and in many of the Pacific Rim societies, researchers concluded that the figures may be attributed to

the assistance of family members both before and after birth

what happens during the fetal period

the brain increases 6 times in size, the age of viability, and nuerogenesis and synaptogenesis

what happens druring the embryonic period

the brain, facial features, and sex organs begin to develop.

what happens during the germinal period

the cells implant, duplicate, divide, and differentiate

Older Maternal age and pregnancy

the chance of miscarriage or stillbirth rises with maternal age. In fact, the risk of miscarriage reaches 90 percent for women age 45 or older Women 30 to 35 are more likely to suffer complications due to diabetes, high blood pressure, or severe bleeding. higher risk of premature delivery, retarded fetal growth, birth defects, and chromosomal abnormalities, such as Down syndrome.


the chromosomes that do NOT determine sex are called -zygotes -genes -gametes -autosomes

An important function of habituation seems to be

the conservation of energy.

virtue of purpose

the courage to envision and pursue goals without fear of punishment


the differential expression of certain genetic traits, depending on whether the trait has been inherited from the mother or the father. In imprinted gene pairs, genetic information inherited from the parent of one sex is activated, but genetic information from the other parent is suppressed

Which period begins three weeks after conception?

the embryonic period

Ovulation refers to

the expulsion of an ovum from the ovary

Ovulation refers to...

the expulsion of an ovum from the ovary

Ovulation refers to

the expulsion of an ovum from the ovary.

In human development class, Tasha and Gregg learned that it is the chromosomes of __________ that will determine the sex of the child they hope to have together.

the father

In human development class, Tasha and Vladimir learned that it is the chromosomes of __________ that will determine the sex of the child they hope to have together.

the father

Which of the following is not a possible cause of birth trauma

the fetus inherits the chromosomal pattern for Down syndrome

3 months prenatal (12 weeks)

the fetus weighs about 1 ounce and measures about 3 inches in length. It has fingernails, toenails, eyelids (still closed), vocal cords, lips, and a prominent nose. Its head is still large—about one-third its total length—and its forehead is high. Sex can easily be detected. The organ systems are functioning, and so the fetus may now breathe, swallow amniotic fluid into the lungs and expel it, and occasionally urinate. Its ribs and vertebrae have turned into cartilage. The fetus can now make a variety of specialized responses

amniotic sac

the fluid-filled sac surrounding the developing human organism is the -placenta -amniotic sac -trophoblast -blastocyst

A genome is:

the full set of genes that are the instructions to make an individual member of a certain species


the idea that children attempt to explain everything they see and hear by constructing theories


the image of ourselves

You tell your parents that in college you wish to study the science of genetics. What will be the focus of your study?

the inborn, inherited factors that affect development

A possible strength associated with poverty would include

the increased number of meals eaten together.

Some teratogens are harmless until they reach a certain level of exposure; they then become dangerous, thus demonstrating the:

threshold effect

Tony denied any involvement with Belinda but with a single drop of his blood, his paternity for her child was confirmed. How?

through his DNA

While some simple physical characteristics like eye color are clearly inherited, more complex trait like intelligence seem to be due:

to an interaction between nature and nurture

Geoffrey is 6 months of age, has attentive parents, and has learned

to cry harder when ignored.

Why are there fontanels in a neonate's skulls?

to ease the passage of the skull through the birth canal

The first sense to develop is the sense of


at birth the most developed sense is_____ and the least developed sense is

touch, sight

At birth, the most developed sense is __________; and the least developed sense is __________.

touch; sight

At birth, the most developed sense is __________; the least developed sense is __________.

touch; sight

environmental factors that may produce birth defects are called

toxinogens (p. 75)

Although most appear normal at birth, more than half of the children whose mothers contract _______________ during the second or third trimester of pregnancy suffer from eye infections, hearing loss, and learning disabilities.


Environment includes what is outside the self and the learning that comes from experiences in this world.


True or false? Epigenesis is a process by which monozygotic twins tends to show more differences as they get older


True or false? Most persons with Down syndrome can function to some degree in society


Emmett, at 4 months of age, smiles, signaling that he wants to be picked up. According to Tronick's mutual-regulation model, if his mother fails to pick him up, Emmett will probably

try another way of getting her attention, like crying

Holly is an older female who has begun taking fertility drugs in the hopes of becoming pregnant. If Holly were to become pregnant, she has an increased chance of having


Monozygotic twins

twins who originate from zygote that splits apart very early in development

In the 23rd pair, a normal girl has:

two X chromosomes

Dizygotic twins occur when:

two eggs are released and fertilized at the same time


type of learning in which familiarity with a stimulus reduces, slows, or stops a response

Birth age

typically 38th week fetal brain signals a release of hormone

If a mother wanted to have a clear image of the fetus in her womb, which procedure would she most likely use?


Which of the following is generally used to detect multiple pregnancies or measure a fetus's head?


The technique used to determine that male fetuses are more active and move more vigorously throughout gestation is


What did Rogers feel that everyone should give each other?

unconditional positive regard

Which of the following is NOT one of the interrelated principles developed by Piaget to explain the gradual development of a child's mental processes?

unconscious processing

class inclusion

understanding of the relationship between a whole and its parts

transitive inference

understanding of the relationship between two objects by knowing the relationship of each to a third object

social cognition

understanding that others have thoughts and feelings


understanding the process of one's own memory

Which of the following is NOT a function of the placenta?

urine formation

Characteristics of early speech include all of the following EXCEPT

use of motherese

Characteristics of early speech include all of the following EXCEPT

use of motherese.

visual guidance

use of the eyes to guide movements of the hands or other parts of the body.

Apgar Scale

used to assign a score of 0-2 to newborn's heart rate, breathing, muscle tone, color and relaxes a minute and 5 minutes after birth

Visual recognition in infancy is often measured

using habituation.

The method of childbirth experienced by the vast majority of mothers is a __________ delivery.


The oily covering on the skin of a newborn is called

vernix caseosa

Lukas was shown two toys at the same time. He looked for a short time at one and then turned to look at the other. This quick shift in attention shows that Lucas has good

visual-recognition memory.

Babies considered small for their gestational age (SGA):

weigh less than expected, given the length of pregnancy


Possessing different alleles for a trait.

The heritability of nearsightedness in monozygotic twins is almost:

90 percent

On the Apgar scale, a newborn's heart rate of 100 beats per minute indicates that the: baby needs immediate help to slow the heart rate. baby is suffering from anoxia. heart is beating normally. baby has a heart defect.



Possessing two identical alleles for a trait.

(T/F) Fertilization results in a single-celled organism called a zygote


(T/F) Fetal activity can be observed via ultrasound


(T/F) Monozygotic twins are always of the same sex


(T/F) More males are spontaneously aborted than females


depth perception

ability to perceive objects and surfaces three-dimensionally.

gender identity:

awareness of one's own gender and that of others


connection between neurons


head to tail

a very securly attached child generally grows to be


Reaction Range

Potential variability, depending on environmental conditions, in the expression of a hereditary trait.


A method of Medicaid delivery that allows a woman to fill sensation and move her legs so she's able to participate in childbirth is

postpartum depression

A new mother's feelings of inadequacy and sadness in the days and weeks after giving birth; the baby could also become depressed

In terms of maltreatment, the most likely person to abuse a child is

A parent

reaction range

Potential variability, depending on environmental conditions, in the expression of a hereditary trait.

Act nervous

A parent and toddler meet someone the toddler does not know but who makes the parent nervous. The toddler will probably:


A person's observable characteristics are his or hers

The perspective on human behavior that is concerned with thought processes and the behavior that reflects those processes.


Tay-Sachs disease

Degenerative disease of the brain and nerve cells, resulting in death before age 5. Dis-proportionally affects Jews

During which prenatal stage do the major body systems and organs develop?


The zygote divides and implants into the wall of the uterus during which stage of gestation?


The longest period of prenatal development is the: embryonic period. fetal period. first trimester. germinal period.

Embryonic period

(T/F) Alcohol consumed by the mother during pregnancy is not know to have any teratogenic effects


(T/F) At conception, each human being receives 46 chromosomes from each parent


(T/F) Dizygotic twins have the same genetic makeup


(T/F) Down syndrome is an extremely rare chromosomal abnormality


(T/F) Growth and development before and after birth are erratic and unpredictable


The principle of reversibility

"Addition can be used to undo subtraction" is a statement that best demonstrates:

Which of the following is important to remember when considering that genes are a major influence on behaviors, disease, and disorders?

"Genes are not destiny."


"He hitted me with a stick" is an example of:

A method of medicated delivery that allows a woman to feel sensations and move her legs so she is able to participate in childbirth is the

"Walking epidural"

An example of telegraphic speech is

"Want cookie."

An example of telegraphic speech is

"want cookie"

Behavioral Genetics

Quantitative study of relative heredity and environmental influences on behavior.

The development of alcoholism is affected by: A.biochemical make-up. B.type of alcoholic beverage consumed. C.moral make-up. D.a personality defect.


(T/F) Monozygotic twins tend to have less variation within the developmental reaction range than do dizygotic twins


(T/F) Most human characteristics are the result of a single gene


Which of the following statements about the influences of heredity and environment is correct according to your textbook?

A person's potential range of height is genetically determined, but actual height may be influenced by nutrition

(T/F) Postnatal care appears to be more important than prenatal care for the well-being of the baby


The five vital signs that are evaluated in the Apgar are: A.heart rate, breathing, muscle tone, color, and reflexes. B.the Babinski, Moro, stepping, swimming, and grasping reflexes. C.sucking reflex, breathing reflex, size, weight, and disease symptoms. D.cuddling, startling, irritability, vocal response, and visual response.


A method of medicated delivery that allows a women to feel sensations and move her legs so she is able to participate in childbirth is the

'walking epidural"


(teratology) study of birth defects, things that impair prenatal development and lead to birth defects

(T/F) The basic until of heredity is the neuron


Which of the following statements about the influences of heredity and environment is correct, according to your textbook?

A person's potential range of height is genetically determined, but actual height may be influenced by nutrition

Theory of mind

A person's understanding of the thoughts of other people is called:

on there stomachs

A possible cause of Sids involves infant's sleeping is

(T/F) The gestation period for a human is 10 1/2 months


An amniocentesis samples the placenta to determine chromosomal abnormalities and genetic disorders.


Which of the following children would be MOST likely to be assessed with the Bayley III Scales of Infant and Toddler Development?

A 2-year-old who has not yet spoken any words

Prenatal development occurs in the following order: zygotic, embryonic, and fetal.


Secondary circular reactions

A baby sticks out his tongue and another person laughs. The baby joins in the laughter and deliberately sticks out his tongue again. Piaget would call this:

Recessive inheritance occurs only when a person receives two heterozygous alleles, one from each parent


heavy alcohol consumption

A baby was cognitive disabilities heart problems and facial and Linda's formalities probably had a mother who engage in blank during her pregnancy

Secure attachment

A child being willing to explore a new environment in the presence of the caregiver is a sign of:

neonatal jaundice and liver

A few days after birth a baby develops a yellowish tingr to the skin and eyeballs these symptoms indicate blank which is due to immaturity of the blank

True or false? A long-lasting change in behavior as a result of experience or adaption to the environment is called cognition.

False- learning

Recessive gene

A gene whose influence can be hidden by a more powerful gene


A group of people who are born within a few years of one another.


A learning disability that is difficult to diagnose and is characterized by unusual difficulty with reading.

Which of the following stands the greatest risk of being spontaneously aborted or being born stillborn?

A male twin with an African American mother

What two factors have contributed to the increase of multiple births?

1. Rising trend to delaying child birth 2. Increase of use in fertility drugs

Generalizing from the text, which father would be most likely to care for his infant child?

A man who alters his work schedule to share domestic chores

What are disorders in their offspring that may be linked to older fathers?

- Dwarfism - Schizophrenia - Bipolar disorder - Autism

What is associated with drinking alcohol during pregnancy?

- Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) - 5 infants in 1000 born in US will suffer from FAS - Problems in infancy: reduce responsiveness to stimulus, slow reaction, time and reduce visual acuity - Problems in childhood: short attention span, distractibility, restlessness, hyperactivity, learning disabilities, memory deficits, mood disorders, aggressiveness, and problem behavior

Fetal stage

- Final stage of prenatal development, 8 weeks to birth - Appearance of first bone cells signals; organs and body systems become more complex; puts on layer of fat in prep for birth; fingernails, toenails and eyelids develop - 12 weeks of gestation: fetus swallows and inhales amniotic fluid to stimulate the sense of taste and smell; contributes to development of organs needed for breathing and digestion - Mature taste cells appear at about 14 weeks of gestation - Olfactory system also appear at about 14 weeks of gestation - 26 weeks of gestation: responses to sound and vibration begin

Germinal Stage

- First 2 weeks of prenatal development - zygote divides and becomes more complex; implanted in wall of uterus - within 36 hours after fertilization: zygote enters a period of rapid cell division and duplication (mitosis) - Zygote travels down fallopian tube to uterus (forms changes into a blastocyst: fluid filled sphere which flows freely in uterus until 6th day after fertilization - implants in uterine wall) - Amniotic sac, placenta, and umbilical cord develop during this time

Embryonic stage

- From about 2 to 8 weeks - Characterized by rapid growth and development of major body systems and organs, organogenesis (e.g. respiratory, digestive, and nervous system) - Critical period when embryos are most vulnerable to destructive influences in prenatal development - with severe defective embryos who do not survive beyond first trimester, includes spontaneous abortions

What are the 3 stages of prenatal development?

- Germinal stage - Embryonic stage - Fetal stage

What are the risks associated with cigarette smoking during pregnancy?

- Nicotine: maternal smoking has been identifies as the single most important factor in low birth weight in developed countries - increased risk of miscarriages, growth retardation, stillbirth, small head circumference, colic in early infancy, hyperkinetic disorder, and long term respiratory, neurological, cognitive and behavioral problems Caffeine: Four or more cups of coffee a day during pregnancy is related to increase risk of sudden death in infancy

Which of the following numbers indicated the strongest correlational relationship?


Guidepost Four: How are birth defects and disorders transmitted?

-Birth defects and diseases may result from simple dominant, recessive, or sex-linked inheritance; from mutations; from genome imprinting; from chromosomal abnormalities; or from errors in growth. -Genetic counseling can provide information about the mathematical odds of bearing children with certain defects. Genetic testing involves risks as well as benefits.

Guidepost One: How does conception normally occur, and how have beliefs about conception changed?

-Early beliefs about conception reflected unscientific approaches to the understanding of nature and of male and female anatomy. -Fertilization, the union of an ovum and a sperm, results in the formation of a one-celled zygote, which then duplicates itself by cell division.

Guidepost Six: What roles do heredity and environment play in physical health, intelligence, and personality?

-Health, obesity, longevity, intelligence, and temperament are influenced by both heredity and environment, and their relative influences may vary across the lifespan. -Schizophrenia is a highly heritable neurological disorder that also is environmentally influenced.

Guidepost Five: How do scientists study the relative influences of heredity and environment, and how do heredity and environment work together?

-Research in behavioral genetics is based on the assumption that the relative influences of heredity and environment within a population can be measured statistically. If heredity is an important influence on a trait, genetically closer persons will be more similar in trait. Family studies, adoption studies, and studies of twins enable researchers to measure the heritability of traits. -Critics claim that traditional behavioral genetics is too simplistic. Instead, they study complex developmental systems, reflecting a confluence of constitutional, economic, social, and biological influences. -The concepts of reaction range, canalization, genotype-environment interaction, genotype-environment correlation (or covariance), and niche-picking describe ways in which heredity and environment work together. -Siblings tend to be more different than alike in intelligence and personality. Many experiences that strongly affect development are different for each sibling.

Guidepost Three: What genetic mechanism determine sex, physical appearance, and other characteristics?

-The basic functional units of heredity are the genes, which are made of DNA. DNA carries the biochemical instructions that govern the formation and functions of various body cells. The genetic code, the chemical structure of DNA, determines all inherited characteristics. Each gene is located by function in a definite position on a particular chromosome. The complete sequence of genes in the human body is the human genome. -At conception, each normal human being receives 23 chromosomes from the mother and 23 chromosomes from the father. these from 23 pairs of chromosomes-22 pairs of autosomes and 1 pair of sex chromosomes. A child who receives an X chromosome from each parent in genetically female. A child who receives a Y chromosome from the father is genetically male. -The simplest patterns of genetic transmission are dominant and recessive inheritance. When a pair of alleles are the same, a person is homozygous for the trait; when they are different, the person is heterozygous. -Most normal human characteristics are the result of ploygenic inheritance or multifactorial transmission. Except in the case of monozygotic twins, each child inherits a unique genotype, which then interacts with the environment to determine the phenotype. -The epigenetic framework controls the functions of particular genes; it can also be affected by environmental factors.

Guidepost Two: What causes infertility, and what are alternative ways of becoming parents?

-The most common cause of infertility in men is a low sperm count; the most common cause in women is blockage of the fallopian tubes. -Assisted reproductive technology may involve ethical and practical issues. -Multiple births can occur either by the fertilization of more than one ovum by different sperm or by the splitting of a single fertilized ovum. -Dizygotic (fraternal) twins have different genetic makeup and may be of different sexes. On average, they share 50% of their genes. Monozygotic (identical) twins have much the same genetic makeup but may differ in temperament or other respects.

In recent years there has been a rise in multiple births. This rise is a result of...

-delayed childbearing -increased use of fertility drugs and -assisted reproduction

Emma is a 5-year-old and weighs 90 pounds. Family studies tell us that her obesity is a result of...

-heredity -environment and -behavior

The Keane's daughter Kara was born with a birth defect resulting from a chromosomal abnormality. The Keane's genetic counselor has assured them subsequent children will have __________ risk of also being born with a similar birth defect


sensorimotor stage

0-2 in Piaget's theory, the stage (from birth to nearly 2 years of age) during which infants know the world mostly in terms of their sensory impressions and motor activities


1 cell goes to 2, 2 goes to 4, 4 goes to 8

About eight weeks after conception, the embryo weighs ______ and is ______ long.

1 gram; 1 inch

(p. 75) According to the text, approximately how many extra calories should a woman consume each day during pregnancy?


According to the text, approximately how many extra calories should a woman consume each day during pregnancy?


In the United States, more than _____ of births occur via C-section. 2/3 3/4 1/2 1/3


A healthy newborn can receive a maximum score of __________ on the Apgar scale.


The infant mortality rate in Ghana is ______ times that in the United States. 10 20 30 40


A child's first word appears at about what age

10 to 14 months

A child's first word appears at about what age?

10 to 14 months

Since 1915 the maternal mortality rate has dropped from nearly 608 deaths per 100,000 live births to approximately _____ deaths per 100,000 live births in 2003.


Self-awareness usually emerges by about what age?

15 months

slow to warm up (temperament)

15%, generally mild reactions; hesitant about new experiences

Self-awareness usually emerges at what age

15-24 months

Self-awareness usually emerges by about what age?

15-24 months

For how many hours a day does the average newborn sleep?


The development of self-awareness is demonstrated by

18-24 months.

Germinal stage

1st two weeks are cell zygote to begin to develop

The germinal period ends approximately _______________ after conception. A. 2 weeks B. 2 days C. 3 months D. 12 weeks

2 weeks

The World Health Organization recommends breastfeeding until age __________, with solid foods added at __________.

2 years;6 months

In a healthy pregnancy, how many extra calories should a woman consume each day?


If Patrick is typical, his height at the end of his first year should be about __________ inches.


It is best for mother and baby if the newborn was in the womb for at least ______ weeks and weighed more than ______ grams at birth. 30; 1200 35; 1000 35; 2500 30; 2500

35; 2500

The human gestational period is approximately _______ weeks in length.


Approximately how many genes are contained in the human genome?


A normal human being has ______ pairs of chromosomes


Each sperm and each egg contains _____ chromosomes


Every normal human body cell contains how many chromosomes?

23 pairs

How many pairs of chromosomes does the normal human being have?

23 pairs

How many pairs of chromosomes does the normal human being have?

23 pairs (46 total)

Which of the following is likely to be heaviest at birth?

2nd born male

The Infant Health and Development Program study of preterm and low-birthweight babies concluded that for intervention to have lasting effects, it must continue beyond age


Most babies start to sleep through the night at about what age?

3 months

Full-term pregnancies typically last: 32 weeks from the date of conception. 34 weeks from the date of conception. 36 weeks from the date of conception. 38 weeks from the date of conception

38 weeks from the date conception

Embryonic Stage

3rd week

About how much weight will the average fetus gain during the last three months of gestation? 1500 grams 4 1/2 pounds 5 1/2 pounds 3000 grams

4 1/2

By what age do almost all children hold their heads erect while being held?

4 months

Most infants can grasp a rattle by the age of

4 months.

The neonatal period is the first _____________________ of life.

4 weeks

The neonatal period is the first __________ of life.

4 wks

He will become aggressive himself

4 yr old Bill watches television violence at least 2 hours a day. Most likely, as he grows older:


A man's exposure to lead, marijuana or tobacco smoke, large amounts of alcohol or radiation, DES, pesticides, or high ozone levels may result in abnormal or poor-quality sperm Men who smoke have an increased likelihood of transmitting genetic abnormalities Older fathers may be a significant source of birth defects due to damaged or deteriorated sperm

The average newborn weighs how many pounds

7 1/2

The average newborn weighs____ pounds

7 1/2


A mentally organized network of information that influences a particular category of behavior.

Prenatal exposure to radiation is most dangerous during

8 to 15 weeks of gestation.

In the United States, separation protest typically begins at about the age of

8 to 9 months.

The fetal stage of development is reached _____ after conception

8 weeks

In the United States in 2008, the rate of low-birthweight babies was ______ percent. 8.2 10.2 7.0 9.


Using kangaroo care in developing nations could reduce infant deaths by up to ______ percent. 10 20 30 40


easy (temperament)

40%, generally happy; respond well to change and novelty

How many chromosomes are found in the organism that results from the union of a sperm cell and an egg cell?


babies typically double their birth weight at ____ and tripple it at ____

5 months, 12 months

In the United States, the natural sex ratio among newborns is approximately:

50 males to 50 females

Today about _____ % of mothers with children under age 3 work outside the home.


A century ago, ______ out of every 100 newborns in the United States died. Currently, infant mortality in the United States is less than ______ in 100. 10; 5 20; 10 5; 5 5; 1


Breast milk is almost always the best food for newborns and is recommended for at least the first __________ months.


Nearly 40 phonemes of a child's native language can be recognized by age

6 months.

Today about _____________ percent of mothers with children under age three work outside the home.


A woman's "fertile window" is typically between the __________ of the menstrual cycle.

6th and 21st

A woman's "fertile window" is typically between the __________ of the menstrual cycle.

6th and 21st days

A woman's fertile window is typically between the _____ and ______ days of the menstrual cycle.

6th, 21st

In second and subsequent births, the baby is born, on average, after about ______ hours of active labor. 48 24 12 7


The average newborn weighs __________ pounds.

7 1/2

circular reaction

A repetitive action that achieves a desired response; seen during Piaget's sensorimotor stage.


A researcher Compares monozygotic and dizygotic twins for the level of similarity on a trait this researcher is tempting to determine the blank of the trait activity levels

Cross-sectional research

A researcher was interested in finding out whether children's ability to exhibit self-control when offered unhealthy food changed with age. He asked parents of 3 year old, 6 year old, and 9 year old children to bring the kids to the lab, where they were allowed to eat as much candy, cookies, and cake as they wanted. The researcher then compared amounts of food eaten by the three different ages. This is an example of:

Maternal blood test (description)

A sample of the prospective mother's blood is tested for alpha fetoprotein. (cortelated with spina bifida

deductive reasoning

A type of logical reasoning that moves from a general premise about a class to a conclusion about a particular member or members of the class.

inductive reasoning

A type of logical reasoning that moves from particular observations about members of a class to a general conclusion about that class.

17 hours or more a day

A typical newborn sleeps:

Which of the following do doctors recommend about the use of alcohol during pregnancy?

Alcohol should be avoided entirely through the whole pregnancy

(p. 77) Which of the following do doctors recommend about the use of alcohol during pregnancy?

Alcohol should be avoided entirely throughout the whole pregnancy.

According to the Kauai Longitudinal Study, which of the following factors seems to protect some individuals from the harmful effects of birth complications?

A. a sense of personal control over one's life B. close ties to a family member C. a high inborn level of sociability D. all of the above

True or false? According to psychosocial theory, 4-year old Austin would be in the latency stage.

False- phallic

It is inadvisable for a mother to breastfeed if she is


True or false? A person's observable characteristics are his or her genotype.

False- phenotype

What are miscarriages commonly caused by?

Abnormal pregnancies

Male sexual differentiation (weeks+chemical)

About 6 to 8 weeks after conception, male embryos normally start producing the male hormone testosterone. Exposure of a genetically male embryo to steady, high levels of testosterone ordinarily results in the development of a male body with male sexual organs.

Which of the following do doctors recommend about the use of alcohol during pregnancy?

Alcohol should be avoided entirely throughout the whole pregnancy.

9 months-newborn

About a week before birth, the fetus stops growing, average weight of about 7½ pounds and a length of about 20 inches, with boys tending to be a little longer and heavier than girls. Fat pads continue to form, the organ systems are operating more efficiently, the heart rate increases, and more wastes are expelled through the umbilical cord. The reddish color of the skin is fading. At birth, the fetus will have been in the womb for about 266 days, though gestational age is usually estimated at 280 days because most doctors date the pregnancy from the mother's last menstrual period.


Absence of brain tissues; infants are stillborn or die soon after birth.

A person's genotype may include the ability for musical giftedness. Which of the following experiences will encourage expression that musical talent?

Access to musical instruments/lessons

What are the risks associated with being overweight or obese prior to pregnancy?

According to CDC, women who are overweight or obese prior to pregnancy are 18% more likely than normal weight women to have a baby with heart defects

Identifying with their fathers

According to Freud, little boys cope with the guilt of wanting to kill their fathers by:

300-500 additional calories

According to the test approximately how many extra calories should a woman consume each day during pregnancy

Sex; Gender

According to the text, ____ differences are biological and ____ differences are culturally prescribed.

Erikson's theory on toddlers

According to this, toddlers want to gain a sense of autonomy, or control, over their own bodies

Which drug used to prevent acne can cause serious birth defects?


Kathleen and Alphonse are expecting their first child, and are having a pleasant conversation about the sex of the baby. Kathleen says, "Well, as long as all of the chromosomes are X, we'll be having a girl!" Which of the following would be the best answer for Alphonse to give?

Actually, it is only one pair of chromosomes that determines the sex of the baby."

During which developmental period does a person make the transition from childhood to adulthood, while at the same time searching for a personal identity?


Younger maternal age and pregnancy (adolescence)

Adolescent mothers tend to have premature or underweight babies— These newborns are at heightened risk of death in the first month, disabilities, or health problems.

environment has impact but less so than heredity

Adoption studies of intelligence indicates that


Adults understand irony more easily than children do. What aspect of brain development could explain this?

Which of the following statements about the father's role in transmitting birth defects is correct?

Advanced age of the father at conception may be associated with fetal defects.

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, which medication is recommended to pregnant or breastfeeding women?


gestational age

Age of an unborn baby, usually dated from the first day of an expectant mother's last menstrual cycle.

strange situation

Ainsworth's method for assessing infant attachment to the mother, based on a series of brief separations and reunions with the mother in a playroom situation

Fathers in which culture are more likely to provide direct infant care?

Aka of Central Africa

Of the cultures described in your textbook, in which one do "fathers provide more direct infant contact than fathers in any other known society"?

Aka pygmies

Suppose you are a health care worker who is examining a child with the following symptoms: facial and bodily malformations, a short attention span, hyperactivity, and motor impairments. Which drug would you suspect that the child's mother took during pregnancy?


Suppose you are a health-care worker who is examining a child with the following symptoms: facial and bodily malformations, a short attention span, hyperactivity, and motor impairments. Which drug would you suspect that the child's mother took during pregnancy?


20 - 21 weeks

The loss of the fetus is identified as a stillborn birth after how many weeks of gestation

Aside from genetics, which of the following appears to affect an individual's temperament?

All of these (Parental responses, life experiences, cultural factors)

Which of the following statements is true

All of these (concern with body image; girls are more concerned with body image than boys; children are likely to be overweight)

Which of the following influences the likelihood that a teratogen will cause a birth defect?

All of these (Timing of exposure, Dose, Duration)

In recent years there has been a rise in multiple births. This rise is a result of

All of these (delayed childbearing, increased use of fertility drugs, and assisted reproduction)

Doctors warn that smoking during pregnancy contributes to which of the following?

All of these are possible outcomes.

The dramatic reduction in risks surrounding pregnancy and childbirth has resulted from

All of these: Antibotics, anesthesia, prenatal care.

Umbilical cord sampling (cordocentesis, or fetal blood sampling) (uses and advantages)

Allows direct access to fetal DNA for diagnostic measures, including assessment of blood disorders and infections, and therapeutic measures such as blood transfusions.


Allows oxygen and nourishment and waste to pass between mother and embryo - Helps fight internal infections - Produce hormones that support pregnancy; preps mom for lactation; stimulates uterine contractions

What are the functions of the placenta?

Allows oxygen, nourishment, and wastes to pass mother and embryo

Cross-sequential research

Allows researchers to disentangle differences due to chronological age from differences related to historical period:

Emanuel's friend, Natalie, has just given birth to a child with Down syndrome. What should he tell her about the future prospects for the child?

Although the child will be retarded, she can learn useful skills to support herself as an adult

Emanuel's friend, Natalie, has just given birth to a child with Down syndrome. What should he tell her about the future prospects for the child?

Although the child will be retarded, she can learn useful skills to support herself as an adult.


Although the test you are now taking measures many things, it is supposed to be a test of:

Corella is 37-years-old and pregnant. She has a brother who was born with Down syndrome. Which of the following tests will most likely be recommended during Corella's pregnancy?


In which of the following procedures is a sample of fluid taken from around the fetus and analyzed for possible defects?


In which procedure is a sample of fluid taken from around the fetus and analyzed for possible defects?


Mary is 43 years old and pregnant with her second child. Her first child suffers from sickle-cell anemia. What prenatal test is her doctor likely to recommend?


What is the name of the fluid-filled sac surrounding the developing human organism?

Amniotic Sac

The fluid-filled sac surrounding the developing human organism is the

Amniotic sac

Corrine, a genetic counselor has occasion to advise women from a variety of different ethnic groups as to their likelihood of giving birth to twins. Which woman would you inform has the highest chance of giving birth to fraternal twins?

An African American woman

Agar scale

An assessment of the newborns appearance pulse reflex activity and breathing is called

"Genes are not destiny"

An important thing to remember when considering that genes are a major influence on behaviors, disease, and disorders:

The increased use of fertility drugs, along with delayed childbearing, has resulted in

An increase in multiple births

True or false? Karen was adopted at the age of one. When she is given an IQ test at age 21, her score is likely to be most similar to the IQ of her adoptive mother.


Which of the following demonstrates the Babinski reflex? An infant performs walking movements when held upright with his feet touching the floor. An infant's toes fan upward when her foot is stroked. An infant flings his arms outward when startled. An infant turns her head and starts sucking when her cheek is stroked.

An infant's toes fan upward when her foot is stroked.

Andrew has fragile-X syndrome and suffers from cognitive deficits. His parents have learned that:

Andrew experiences the most common from of inherited mental retardation.

In the United States, which of the following pregnant women is likely to get the least amount of prenatal care?

Angela, an unmarried teenager

An infant who has not begun breathing within five minutes after birth may suffer brain damage due to


An assessment of the newborn's appearance, pulse, reflex, activity, and breathing is called the

Apgar scale

Working memory

As Jose walked to school with Tony, he saw Tony's notebook in his backpack. Jose rushed back to his house to retrieve his own notebook containing his homework. Jose's sensation on seeing Tony's notebook became a perception, which then triggered Jose's:

Authoritarian parenting

As a father, Mr. Wallace rates low on nurturance and communication and high on maturity demands. He exhibits:

Active correlations:

As children get older and have more freedom to choose their own activities and environments, they actively select or create experiences consistent with their genetic tendencies. A shy child is more likely than an outgoing child to spend time in solitary pursuits.

Piaget's term for the process of taking information and incorporating it into existing ways of thinking is


A social smile

At 6 weeks, Jessica's most recently developed emotional reaction is likely to be:

According to research cited in the text, children become capable of deferred imitation

At a much younger age than Piaget suggested


At about 3 or 4 months of age infants begin grabbing a putting into their mouths what are they can reach this action is the start of the process of

According to the text, where does development start?

At conception

gender identity

Awareness, developed in early childhood, that one is male or female.

True or false? One of the principles of life-span development identified by Baltes (1987) is that development end with childhood


A common cause for SGA is: A.overeating. B.maternal drug use. C.drinking too much water. D.fatigue.


A reflex is a(n): A.habit. B.involuntary response to stimulus. C.maramus. D.self-righting drive.


Development occurs because of an interaction between genetic and environmental forces. This statement most closely describes: A.behaviorism. B.epigenetics. C.psychoanalysis. D.socioculturalism.


Every normal human body cell contains how many chromosomes? A.23 B.23 pairs C.about 1,000 D.46 pairs


Once a fetus has developed to a point that it can survive outside the uterus, it has reached the age of: A.neurogenesis. B.viability. C.longevity. D.survival.


(T/F) Birth defects can be transmitted through simple dominant, recessive, or sex-linked genes


Which of the following is NOT one of the cognitive stages through which a child progresses, as theorized by Jean Piaget?


A baby who says "da-da-da-da" is


Breast milk is best for a baby for all the following reasons except

Babies do not absorb as much fat from breast milk.

Dr. Lakiavani is advising young parents on things they can do to reduce the likelihood of SIDS in their babies. Of the following, what advice is she likely to give?

Babies should be put to sleep on their backs.

Nine-months old

Baby Erica met her grandfather's big dog for the first time. She immediately cried and tried to move away from the dog. Erica is most likely at least how old?


Basic unit for heredity


Becomes the digestive system, liver, pancreas, salivary glands, and respiratory system


Becomes the outer layer of skin, nails, hair, teeth, sensory organs, and nervous system

According to research cited in the text, when do babies become able to distinguish different speech sounds, such as their mother speaking two languages?

Before Birth

According to research cited in the text, when do babies become able to distinguish different speech sounds such as mother speaking two languages?

Before birth

The use of operant conditioning to modify or shape human behavior.

Behavior modification

Which field seeks to discover the influence of environment and heredity on individual differences in human development?

Behavioral genetics

Agents and conditions that can harm the prenatal brain, impairing the future child's intellectual and emotional functioning, are called _______________. A. behavioral teratogens B. chromosomal abnormalities C. genetic mutations D. cell differentiation

Behavioral teratogens

Which of the following would be beneficial for a low-birth-weight baby?

Being touched and massaged

Which of the following would be beneficial for a low-birth-weight baby?

Being touched and massaged.

_____________ is when children make progress in understanding how to use language in a culturally sensitive way.

Bilingual awareness


Bill constantly talks to his 3-month-old infant. His friend Ted tells him that it is useless to do so, because an infant cannot understand language. Which group would disagree with Ted, because Bill's behavior teaches communication?

Which baby would have the highest Apgar score?

Billy, who is pink, crying, kicking, and wiggling

Unlike many undeveloped countries, the leading cause of infant death in the United States is

Birth defects.

Which of the following traits would be the LEAST highly canalized in most human beings?

Body shape

which of the following traits would be the LEAST highly canalized in most human beings?

Body type

The most important protective factor, which seems to help children overcome stress and be resilient, is good

Both of these (Family relationships and cognitive functioning)

Austin has just been evaluated for his response to stress, ability to calm down, reflexes, hand-mouth coordination, alertness, and response to cuddling. WHich test has he been given?

Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale

Austin has just been evaluated for his response to stress, ability to calm down, reflexes, hand-mouth coordination, alertness, and response to cuddling. Which test has he been given?

Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale

Parents' talking to him frequently

By 10 months of age, Alan has a vocabulary of a dozen words. B.F. Skinner would have attributed Alan's rapid speech development to his:

A gene is recessive when: A.it does not appear in the genotype. B.it is smaller than the other genes. C.its influence can be hidden by a more powerful gene. D.its influence skips a generation.


A teratogen is: A.waste products from the embryo. B.a cell with extra chromosomes. C.a substance or a condition that can increase the risk of prenatal abnormalities. D.damage sustained to the placenta.


Chromosomal abnormalities occur when a zygote's cells have: A.gametes with 46 chromosomes. B.the usual 46 chromosomes. C.more or fewer than the usual 46 chromosomes. D.the usual 46 chromosomes with damage to the gametes.


Cigarette smoking is implicated in ______ percent of all low-birthweight births worldwide. A.10 B.15 C.25 D.20


Identify the accurate statement regarding prenatal development and birth: A.A 36-week fetus will not yet have developed sufficient lung function to survive on its own. B.The development of the central nervous system is completed during the embryonic period. C.In the last months of prenatal life, the lungs begin to expand and contract and the valves of the heart undergo final maturation. D.A baby cannot be both preterm and small-for-date.


What is unique about stem cells? A.They are only found in humans. B.They make up less than 1 percent of autosomes. C.They have the ability to differentiate into any type of cell. D.They are only found in adult humans.


Which of the following best defines an allele? A.any of the possible forms in which bases can arrange themselves to form a protein B.an amino acid combination which makes up a protein chain C.any of the possible forms in which a gene for a particular trait can occur D.a segment of a gene composed of DNA


Change and stability in mental abilities, such as learning, memory, language, thinking, reasoning, etc. would constitute which type of development?


The goal of science includes

C. elimination of personal interpretations that may distract from observations

As an anthropologist, Mead's studies underlined several points about the study of human development. Which of the following is true?

C. theory and research go hand in hand

Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (uses and advantages)

Can avoid transmission of genetic defects or predispositions known to run in the family; a defective blastocyst is not implanted in uterus.

Amniocentesis (uses and advantages)

Can detect chromosomal disorders and certain genetic or multifactorial defects; more than 99 percent accuracy rate. Usually performed in women ages 35 and over; recommended if prospective parents are known carriers of Tay-Sachs disease or sickle-cell anemia or have family history of Down syndrome, spina bifida, or muscular dystrophy. Can help diagnose sex-linked disorders.

Embryoscopy, fetoscopy (uses and advantages)

Can guide fetal blood transfusions and bone marrow transplants.

Which of the following is NOT one of the once-familiar and often fatal childhood diseases that are now largely preventable through immunization?


Juan's teacher is concerned that he is behind his fellow classmates in computational ability. Juan's teacher is concerned about which domain of human development?


Which of the following babies would have the highest Apgar score?

Carmela is pink, with rapid pulse; she is coughing and crying

Which of the following babies would have the highest Apgar score?

Carmela is pink, with rapid pulse; she is coughing and crying.

Which one of the following babies would have the highest Apgar score?

Carmela is pink, with rapid pulse; she is coughing and crying.

__________ is the principle "that allows people to predict and control their world."


What are the consequences of contracting Rubella before the 11th week of pregnancy?

Causes deafness and heart defects in baby

Kumar learns first to hold up his head, then to raise his shoulders, and then to push with his feet. This demonstrates which principle of development?


The reason that infants are capable of grasping an object before they can take their first steps is reflected in the

Cephalocaudal pattern of growth.

Which principle does motor development in infancy follow?

Cephalocaudal, Proximodistal, and Simple-to-complex. ALL OF THESE

Which brain region shows the most rapid growth during the first year of life?


Describe the path sperm travel after they enter the women's body through the vagina?

Cervix, uterus, Fallopian tube

Which of the following describe the path sperm travel after they enter the women's body through the vagina?

Cervix, uterus, Fallopian tube


Cesarean birth rates in the US us are among the blank in the world

The 5-7 shift refers to - Changes in the way children describe themselves - Changes in the average height of children during early childhood - Changes in intelligence scores during early childhood - Changes in the number of friends most children make during early childhood

Changes in the way children describe themselves


Characteristic disposition, or style of approaching and reacting to situations.


Characteristic disposition, or style of approaching and reacting to situations.

Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA)

Chemical that carries inherited instructions for the development of all cellular forms of life.

Which of the following statements about environmental influences is NOT true?

Children growing up in the same family have the same environment.


Children will apply rules rigidly, without recognizing exceptions, such as "mouses" instead of "mice."

Reactive, or evocative, correlations:

Children with differing genetic makeups evoke different reactions from others. For example, parents who are not musically inclined may make a special effort to provide musical experiences for a child who shows interest and ability in music.

Which country has the highest rates of C-section births in the world? Egypt China Chile United States


In which prenatal assessment procedure is tissue taken from the membrane around the embryo?

Chorionic villus sampling

Down Syndrome

Chromosomal disorder characterized by moderate-to-sever mental retardation and by such physical signs as a downward-sloping skin fold at the inner corner of the eyes.

Within each cell nucleus are could of DNA called


Marla finds that rubbing her face against the satin edge of her blanket feels good. She learns to repeat this action to get a pleasurable sensation. According to Piaget, she has acquired a(n)

Circular reaction

Children born to women who smoke during pregnancy tend to show:

Cleft palate

Genetic Counseling

Clinical service that advises prospective parents of their probable risk of having children with hereditary defects.

A researcher who wants to find out if a statistical relationship exists between variables should use a(n)


Early research suggested that infants experience with __________ is linked to the development of their refusal to cross the deep side of the visual cliff.


Which one of these activities is the best example of a gross motor skill?


What are the risks associates with insufficient intake of folic acid during pregnancy?

Critical to include folic acid or folate in a pregnant woman's diet - Lack of folic acid is a cause of anencephaly and spinal bifida

Suppose your psychology professor asks you to do a study examining how emotional reactions change in children between the ages of 3 and 12 years. Given that the study needs to be completed in less then two weeks, which type of data collection method should you employ?


Some religious groups have taught children consistent traditions for weddings and funerals. Teaching these ways to the next generation is an example of


Marsha's nickname as a child was "Shirley Temple" because of her curly hair. Although her hair is curly, she carries a gene for straight hair. Her phenotype is

Curly hair

Early skin-to-skin contact (kangaroo care) between newborns and parents

Currently, most developmental psychologists believe that this is not essential for bonding between children and parents.

Which one of the following children is at greatest risk of SIDS?

Curt, who is 3 months old and has a teenage unmarried mother who smokes

A genome is: A.the manufacturer of protein. B.a molecule of DNA. C.the basic unit of heredity for a particular organism. D.the full set of genes for a particular organism.


About a week after conception, the outer layer of the multiplying cells forms a protective circle or shell that will become the: A.infant. B.vernix. C.umbilical cord. D.placenta.


An organism's entire genetic inheritance is referred to as its: A.genome. B.gamete. C.zygote. D.genotype.


By one week after conception, the multiplying cells have divided into outer cells enclosing a mass of inner cells. The inner cells will become the: A.placenta. B.digestive system. C.amnion. D.embryo.


Margie gave birth to a 3-pound baby when she was 15 years old. The most likely reason for a teenager having a low-birthweight baby is: A.a smaller pelvis than that of an older woman. B.due to hormonal fluctuations. C.that as a teenager, she is still growing. D.inadequate nutrition during pregnancy.


Which of the following is important to remember when considering that genes are a major influence on behaviors, disease, and disorders? A."Heritability outweighs environmental influences." B."I am destined to live and die by my genotype." C."Our genes are our behaviors." D."Genes are not destiny."


True or false? According to Erickson's psychosocial theory, a teenage girl would be facing the crises of industry versus intimacy.

False- identity vs identity confusion

Alex is now in her 43rd week of pregnancy. Her unborn baby is considered to be


The molecular basis of heredity is


Has not mastered the concept of conservation

Daryl has a ball of Silly Putty that he flattens to a thin "pancake" as his 6 year old son, John, watches. When Daryl asks John if there is now more Silly Putty, John replies, "Yes." Piaget would say that John:

Which one of the following statements about child directed speech (CDS) is true?

Deaf mothers use a slowed version of sign language that resembles CDS.

Compared with early childhood, during middle childhood, sleep needs


A child who sounds out a word by translating it from print to speech is


Meredith watches her mother pour water out of a glass into the sink. The next day, at the beach, Meredith pours water from a cup into a pail. Meredith is engaging in

Deferred imitation

Sickle-cell anemia

Deformed, fragile red blood cells that can clog the blood vessels, depriving the body of oxygen; symptoms include severe pain, stunted growth, frequent infections, leg ulcers, gallstones, susceptibility to pneumonia, and stroke.

Which scientific goal is reflected by stating that most children take their first steps at about a year?


Which of the following is a part of self-definition?

Developing a concept of the ideal self

Tasha has just given birth to healthy twins. One of the twins has an X and Y chromosome, while the other has two X chromosomes. These twins are


Irritability, irregular rhythms, and intense reactions are characteristic of which kind of temperament?


According to the text, which form of attachment between a caregiver and baby seems to be the LEAST secure?


Tasha has just given birth to healthy twins. One of the twins has an X and Y chromosome, while the other has two X chromosomes. These twins are


Dizygotic twins

Dizygotic twins

Twins formed from the fertilization of two ova by two sperm.

Dizygotic twins

Christopher has a gene for Huntington's disease and will definitely have the disorder. This is an example of transmission by ______ inheritance.


Christopher has a gene for Huntington's disease and will definitely have the disorder. This is an example of transmission by ______________ inheritance.


Katrina is in labor. She is being attended by an experienced helper who offers emotional support. This person is


Tina went into labor at home. Joan arrived soon after and began to time her contractions and give gentle massages. She assisted Tina and her partner when it was time to leave for the hospital and accompanied them through the birth process. Joan was Tina's _____________. A. doula B. postpartum nurse C. couvade D. doula


Latrice was born with an extra fold if skin at the corners of her eyes, a small head, protruding tongue, and mental retardation. She probably has:

Down Syndrome

The condition caused by an extra copy of chromosome 21 or by the translocation of a part of chromosome 21 onto another chromosome is:

Down Syndrome

Latrice was born with an extra fold of skin at the corners of her eyes, a small head, protruding tongue, and mental retardation. She probably has

Down syndrome

The most common chromosomal abnormality that takes place in the autosomes is

Down syndrome

The most common chromosomal abnormality that takes place in the autosomes is

Down syndrome.

What is the current recommendation for pregnant women regarding caffeine consumption? Eliminate all caffeine consumption prior to, and during, pregnancy. Drink no more than three cups per day of caffeinated beverages. Avoid coffee, but soda and other caffeinated drinks are safe. Drink hot chocolate or tea instead of coffee.

Drink no more than three cups per day of caffeinated beverages.

first trimester

During which period of pregnancy are babies most vulnerable to drugs taken by mother


During which prenatal stage do the major body systems and organs develop

Marcus has stopped being so demanding and waits his turn when playing with his friends. He also appears to be more interested in others instead of himself. He is probably in what developmental period?

Early childhood

According to research presented in your text, which of the following is NOT one of the four major causes of death in children younger than age 5.


Genotype-Environment Interaction

Effect of the interaction between genes and the environment on phenotypic variation.

Piaget used the three-mountain task to assess children's level of ______


At which stage of gestation is exposure of the fetus to alcohol the most damaging?



Environmental agent, such as a virus, a drug, or radiation, that can interfere with normal prenatal development and cause developmental abnormalities.


Environmental factors that may produce birth defects are called

Alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency

Enzyme deficiency that can lead to cirrhosis of the liver in early infancy and emphysema and degenerative lung disease in middle age.

______ holds that genes and environmental influences work hand in hand to eventually allow or prevent developmental behaviors.


Trust vs. Mistrust

Erikson's first stage during the first year of life, infants learn to trust when they are cared for in a consistent warm manner

basic trust vs. basic mistrust

Erikson- first stage, in which infants develop a sense of the reliability of people and objects; which gains the virtue of hope

dynamic systems theory

Esther Tehran's theory which hods that motor development is a dynamic process of active coordination of multiple systems within the infant in relation to the environment.

An in-depth case study of a culture or subculture is an __________ study.


A truth about monozygotic twins

Even though they begin with identical genotypes, their phenotypes may differ at birth


Excessive bleeding, usually affecting males; in its most severe form, can lead to crippling arthritis in adulthood.

Internalizing problems

Excessive guilt, shame, or sense of worthlessness constitutes this sort of issue:

The organization of linguistic processes in the brain may depend heavily on __________ during maturation.


Which of the following statements is true of prenatal care?

Experts believe that more emphasis should be placed on proper prenatal care even before women get pregnant.


Extreme overweight in relation to age, sex, height, and body type.

Child maltreatment

Extreme poverty, a home that contains general domestic violence, and social isolation are all risk factors for:

A teratogen exclusively refers to drugs, alcohol, and radiation.


An amniocentesis samples the placenta to determine chromosomal abnormalities and genetic disorders.


Generalizing from the text, children of mothers who smoked during pregnancy are at a higher-than-normal risk for all of the following EXCEPT

Face and limb malformations

Which of the following physiological traits are determined primarily by heredity rather than by an interaction between heredity and environment?

Facial structure

increase age of mother or father

Factor that increases the probability of having a baby with Down Syndrome is

Fertilization takes place in the:

Fallopian tube


In humans, the 22 pairs of chromosomes not related to sexual expression.

Henry was just given the 5-minute Apgar and his score was 4. This means Henry is ____________. A. in need of emergency medical attention B. experiencing good health C. a slow-to-warm-up infant D. in average health

In need of emergency medical attention.


Inability to conceive after 12 months of trying.

Spina bifida

Incompletely closed spinal canal, resulting in muscle weakness or paralysis and loss of bladder and bowel control; often accompanied by hydrocephalus, an accumulation of spinal fluid in the brain, which can lead to mental retardation.

Labor that is started, or strengthened with a drug is referred to as _____________. A. induced labor B. a home birth C. a cesarean section D. an epidural

Induced labor

Shayla is dependent on adults to meet her basic needs for food, clothing, and shelter, and to provide attachment bonding. She is experiencing the needs of what developmental period?


According to your text, which infant is likely to understand that a ball must be thrown to move?

Infant Darlene, who can crawl

Sensorimotor exploration

Infant day care is of high quality if caregivers emphasize, among other things:

Polycystic kidney disease

Infantile form: enlarged kidneys, leading to respi- ratory problems and congestive heart failure. Adult form: kidney pain, kidney stones, and hypertension resulting in chronic kidney failure.

According to Erikson, the conflict between young children's urge to pursue goals and their moral judgments about those urges is

Initiative vs guilt

According to Gardner, Monette, who is a salesperson for a prominent retail store, will rely most heavily on which type of intelligence at her job?


When development scientists understand how language develops they can _____________ when a child needs speech therapy.


The fact that language development proceeds in a very standard, sequenced manner in nearly all children, suggests that language development

Is highly canalized

Diane loves to play peek-a-boo. Peek-a-boo is played in many diverse cultures using similar routines. Which of the following is NOT an important purpose of the game?

It creates anxiety that makes babies stronger.

Which of the following is NOT a function of the placenta?

It encases the baby with a fluid-filled membrane

Which of the following is true about physical development?

It interacts with cognitive, personality, and social development at all ages.

Fragile X

Minor-to-severe mental retardation; symptoms, which are more severe in males, include delayed speech and motor development, speech impairments, and hyperactivity; the most common inherited form of mental retardation.

According to your textbook, which of the following statements about SIDS is TRUE?

It is associated with defects in the brain stem.

Although Jean-Paul's adoptive parents are quite short, he is growing to be quite tall like his biological mother. What might we conclude about Jean-Paul's height?

It is influenced primarily by heredity

Which one of the following statements about SIDS is incorrect?

It is more common in girls than boys.

Although Jean-Paul's adoptive parents are quite short in stature, he is growing to be quite tall like his biological mother. What might we conclude about JP's height?

It is primarily by heredity

Which of the following statements regarding Down syndrome is true

It is the cause of about one-third of all cases of moderate-to-severe mental retardation.

According to your text, what is the potential downside to the brain's plasticity?

It means the brain is unusually susceptible to potential hazards and teratogens.

Which of the following is TRUE of the process of meiosis?

It results in the number of chromosomes being reduced by half

Which of the following is TRUE of the process of meiosis?

It results in the number of chromosomes being reduced by half.


Ivan was playing under the kitchen table when he stood up suddenly and bumped his head. He pointed at the table and sternly said, "Naughty table!" This is an example of:


Janelle's usual bedtime is 8:30pm and her parents strictly enforce this rule. One evening, Janelle is watching an educational program on the Discovery Channel, which ends at 9pm. Her parents agree to let her stay up to finish watching the program as long as she gets up in time for school in the morning. Janelle's parents are demonstrating what sort of parenting style?


John has moved to Spain with his family. He attends a public school. All of his school subjects are taught in Spanish. John is learning Spanish through:

Growth of the corpus callosum

Kayla is 4 and has recently begun coordinating the two sides of her body more efficiently. This development may be attributed to:

An ethical obligation of genetic counselors

Keeping results of client's tests confidential, away from insurance companies, and public records is an example of:

Anoxia refers to _____________. A. A lack of oxygen B. Cerebral hemorrhaging C. Signs of cerebral palsy D. Toxic substances in the bloodstream

Lack of oxygen

Researchers study infants' information processing by considering all of the following EXCEPT

Language development

Sociocultural theory, developed by _________, stresses children's active involvement with their environment as the process by which they acquire cognitive skills.

Lev Vygotsky

The process of a lifelong development that can be studied scientifically is known as what?

Life-span development


Limitation on variance of expression of certain inherited characteristics.

Dr. Ellie Cheetham follows the same group of children over a 10-year period, measuring their performance twice a year. This is which method of data collection?


Based on information from your text, if little Penelope falls off the bench, the first thing she is likely to do is

Look at her mother

5 1/2 pounds

Low birthweight is defined internationally as a body weight of less than:

An argument that supports the limited predictive power of intelligence testing is that - Tests are unfair to minorities - Hispanic children fall below white children and tests don't predict this group's achievement (NOT) - Asian Americans have high achievement but not significantly higher IQ scores - Tests don't measure those who have exceptional motor abilities. (NOT) ch9/10

MAYBE Asian Americans have high achievement but not significantly higher IQ scores

Melissa really wants a cookie, but knows she is not supposed to take one; instead, she begins to sing her favorite song to herself. Melissa has developed - Attentional regulation - Self-awareness - Gender identity - Self-control

MAYBE Attention regulation

Which of the following statements about the brain of the newborn is NOT true?

Outer layers of the cortex develop before the inner layers

Which baby would have the highest Apgar score? - Bobby, who has blue fingers and lips and struggles to breathe - Billy, who is pink, crying, kicking, and wiggling - Betty, who is blue, being very still, and not crying or moving - Beverly, who is pink but not crying and not moving (NOT)

MAYBE Billy, who is pink, crying, kicking, and wiggling

"If children learn aggression from models, then children who watch violent television shows should be more aggressive than children who watch nonviolent shows." This is an example of a - Theory (NOT) - Finding - Hypothesis - Conclusion

MAYBE Hypothesis

Unpopularity during middle childhood is - Generally not cause for concern - Seldom related to later adjustments - Often related to coercive or inept parenting - Something that usually cannot be helped but may be outgrown (NOT)

MAYBE Often related to coercive or inept parenting

Although parts of his theory have been heavily criticized, Freud's contribution to the field of human growth included all of the following EXCEPT - the importance of unconscious thoughts, feelings, and motivations. - the role of childhood experiences. (NOT) - the ambivalence of emotional responses. - the importance of developing formal operational thought.

MAYBE the importance of developing formal operational thought.

The view by society that it is desirable to have only two children is an example of Bronfenbrenner's


Which of the following do infants NOT do during the first month of life according to Piaget?

Make acquired adaptations with mental representations

XXY (Klinefelter)

Male; sterility, underdeveloped secondary sex characteristics, small testes, learning disorders.


Male; tall stature; tendency toward low IQ, especially verbal.

Maternal blood test (uses and advantages)

May indicate defects in formation of brain or spinal cord (anencephaly or spina bifida); also can predict Down syndrome and other abnormalities. Permits monitoring of pregnancies at risk for low birth weight or stillbirth.

The Strange Situation

Measures how a child responds to separations and reunions with a caregiver:


Mechanism that turns genes on or off and determines functions of body cells.

Epigenetics (epigenesis)

Mechanism that turns genes on or off and determines functions of body cells.

Baby Melanie smiles, giggles, and laughs frequently with both her parents as well as other caregivers; Baby Jerome does not. All else being equal, we can predict from this that

Melanie will have a more positive relationship with her parents

Which topic would NOT have been addressed by the original developmental researchers?



Mental disorder marked by loss of contact with reality; symptoms include hallucinations and delusions. More commonly the children pf men of advanced age

Phenylketonuria (PKU)

Metabolic disorder resulting in mental retardation.

Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART)

Methods used to achieve conception through artificial means.

During which developmental period do children begin to regulate their own behavior and become more interested in their peer groups?

Middle childhood

The age range of approximately 6-11 years refers to which of the following periods of development?

Middle childhood


Migrate and become 2 separate things

Prepared childbirth teaches breathing and muscle responses in order to

Minimize fear and pain.

Traits that are affected by many genes are influenced through ______________ ______________.

Polygenic inheritance


Miriam helps her son Ben make cookies. She measures out all of the ingredients and places them on the counter in small bowls. She reads the recipe aloud while simplifying it as Ben places the ingredients in the bowl and mixes them together with a spoon. This is an example of:

The brain has neurons that help a person mimic other people's actions, called __________ neurons.


spontaneous abortion

Miscarriage or the Natural expulsion from the uterus of an embryo that cannot survive outside the womb;

chromosomal abnormalities

Miscarriages are most commonly caused by

The name for the process of cell division that produces copies of cells with the 46 chromosomes is


speech and language deficits

Moderate to heavy drinking of alcohol during pregnancy may have all of the following harmful effects on the fetus including

Ultrasound (sonogram), sonoembryology uses and advantages

Monitor fetal growth, movement, position, and form; assess amniotic fluid volume; judge gestational age; detect multiple pregnancies. Detect major structural abnormalities or death of a fetus. Guide amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling. Help diagnose sex-linked disorders. Sonoembryology can detect unusual defects during embryonic stage.

Which of the following was NOT observed in monkeys raised by surrogate mothers?

Monkeys raised by wire surrogates were later attracted to and embraced the wire form.


Monozygotic twins tend to be blank concordant then dizygotic Twins and IQ certain personality patterns and cholesterol levels

Monochorionic twins tend to be ____ concordant than dichorionic twins in IQ, certain personality patterns and cholesterol levels.


Which of the following statements about prenatal developmental differences between the sexes is TRUE?

More males are conceived than females.

Which of the following statements about persons with Down syndrome is TRUE?

Most can function to some degree in society

Which of the following statements about persons with Down syndrome is TRUE?

Most can function to some degree in society.

Genetic vulnerability coupled with other factors

Most likely, autism is caused by:

Either do not begin to develop or are aborted spontaneously

Most zygotes with serious chromosomal problems:

Which muscles would a baby gain voluntary control over first during development?

Muscles in the neck.

Which of the following do infants NOT do during the first month of life, according to Piaget? - Behave reflexively - Begin to initiate activity - Develop primary circular reactions - Make acquired adaptions with mental representations

NOT - Begin to initiate activity

Eric gets very frustrated with his mom when she interrupts his game playing to help her in the kitchen. According to your text, Eric is struggling with - Exposure to media violence - Emotional self-regulation - Cognitive motivation - Psychosocial confusion

NOT - Exposure to media violence

On the first day of preschool, Kyle chooses to play with Justin instead of Julia. This is an example of - Gender bias - Gender segregation - Gender choice - Gender prejudice

NOT gender choice

Caleb, age 6, sees his older brother playing with a ball in the house and watches as the ball breaks a picture on the table. He also sees his older sister dusting some of the pictures and watches as she drops two of them, also breaking the pictures. According to Piaget, if Caleb's mom walked in and asked Caleb who should be in more trouble, who would Caleb choose? - His brother - His sister - Neither - Both

NOT his brother

Intelligence tests for young children - Are more reliable than tests for infants - rarely correlate with intelligence test scores in middle childhood - Are usually administered to groups rather than individually - Contain no verbal items

NOT rarely correlate with intelligence test scores in middle childhood

The partial expression of a recessive gene in a heterozygous pair is called - Dominant inheritance - recessive inheritance - incomplete dominance - partial dominance

NOT recessive inheritance

It appears that stress during pregnancy can - reduce the mother's immune system. - trigger infections that can cause premature labor. - come from either positive or negative events. - All these are correct regarding stress.

NOT reduce the mother's immune system. ------------------------------------- MAYBE All these are correct regarding stress.

According to which of the following theories do humans have an innate capacity to acquire language?


Spontaneous abortion

Natural expulsion from the uterus of an embryo that cannot survive outside the womb.

painkilling drugs

Natural or prepared childbirth can minimize the need for

Professor Bailey watches Tehra closely through a one-way mirror as she participates in her social studies class. This is an example of what research method?

Naturalistic observation


Near to far

Based on measures of sociometric popularity, a child who receives very few nominations of any kind would be classified as - Popular - Rejected (NOT) - Neglected - None of these


Amniocentesis (risks and notes)

Normally not performed before 15 weeks' gestation. Results usually take 1 to 2 weeks. Small (0.5-1%) added risk of fetal loss or injury; early amniocentesis (at 11 to 13 weeks' gestation) is riskier and not recommended. Can be used for sex- screening of unborn babies.

7 weeks prenatal (end of 2nd month)

Now called a fetus It is less than 1 inch long and weighs only 1/3 ounce. Its head is half its total body length. Facial parts are clearly developed, the limbs are formed but not completed Bone cells appear at about 8 weeks. Brain impulses coordinate the function of the organ system. Sex organs are developing; the heartbeat is steady. the stomach produces digestive juices; the liver, blood cells. The kidneys remove uric acid from the blood. The skin is now sensitive enough to react to tactile stimulation.

HOME scores demonstrated that all of the following were positively related to high intelligence in children EXCEPT

Number of children in the family.

As adults, those who were low-birthweight babies have higher rates of: obesity. malnutrition. normal-range weight. language delays.



Observable characteristics of a person.

The process of modeling, or observing and imitating others.

Observational learning

In a study of the effects of behavior modeling, one group of children observes role models who share toys; another group observes role models whose behavior is neutral (neither initiating sharing nor refusing to share). What is the independent variable?

Observing role models who share or don't share

diabetes and pregnancy

Offspring of mothers with diabetes are 3 to 4 times more likely than offspring of other women to develop a wide range of birth defects .

12 months old

On average, children begin saying recognizable words at about:

Mother's age

One of the most common correlates of chromosomal abnormalities such as Down Syndrome is:

Sex-Linked Inheritance

One outcome of this is that males receive only one copy of any gene that happens to be carried on the sex chromosomes, whereas females receive two copies. So, if a woman has a "bad" copy of a particular gene, she has a backup copy. However, if a male has a "bad" copy of a particular gene, that gene will be expressed.

Which of the following statements about monozygotic twins is TRUE?

One twin may be right-handed while the other is left-handed

Which of the following statements about monozygotic twins is TRUE?

One twin may be right-handed while the other is left-handed.

Which of the following statements about monozygotic twins is true

One twin may be right-handed while the other is left-handed.

Neurological maturation

One underlying factor allowing the development of theory of mind is:

The child who would develop theory-of-mind best would be

One with excellent language skills


One-celled organism resulting from fertilization.

A child learns to whine to get items at the store because when she whines, her parents get frustrated and give her the desired items. She is being rewarded for her whining, but her parents do not seem to realize this and are frustrated because the whining is increasing. This is an example of ___________ conditioning


Cystic fibrosis

Overproduction of mucus, which collects in the lung and digestive tract; children do not grow normally and usually do not live beyond age 30; the most common inherited lethal defect among white people.

Sex Chromosomes

Pair of chromosomes that determines sex: XX in the normal human female, XY in the normal human male.

A cohort effect

Pam attended her 20th high school reunion and had a wonderful time dancing the old dances and singing the old songs. According to the multicontextual characteristics of development, her enjoyment may be attributed to:

__________ is the norm for approximately 90 percent of the world's population.

Parent‒ infant cosleeping

What is the effect of parents' involvement in their children's schooling?

Parental involvement improves children's attitudes and performance.

Passive correlations:

Parents, who provide the genes that predispose a child toward a trait, also tend to provide an environment that encourages the development of that trait.

Recessive Inheritance

Pattern of inheritance in which a child receives identical recessive alleles, resulting in expression of a non-dominant trait.

Incomplete Dominance

Pattern of inheritance in which a child receives two different alleles, resulting in partial expression of a trait.

Sex-Linked Inheritance

Pattern of inheritance in which certain characteristics carried on the X chromosome inherited from the mother are transmitted differently to her male and female offspring.

Polygenic Inheritance

Pattern of inheritance in which multiple genes at different sites on chromosomes affect a complex trait.

Dominant Inheritance

Pattern of inheritance in which, when a child receives different alleles, only the dominant one is expressed.

Which of the following most clearly demonstrates the influence of environment?

Patty, who was adopted at the age of 2, walks like her adoptive mother.


Paul is unhappy and lacks self-control. His parents most likely exhibit what parenting style?


Period of development between conception and birth.


Permanent alterations in genes or chromosomes that usually produce harmful characteristic but provide the raw material for evolution.

Jackie can curl her tongue. This observed trait would be part of her


Marlin has been asked to go on a blind date with his friend Roger's sister. If Marlin wants to know facts like hair color, body type, etc., Roger will need to describe his sister's


What's a person's observable characteristics?


Which type of development is most involved in the growth of body and brain, sensory capacities, motor skills, and health?


Marlene is large for her age and does not have many friends. This is an example of interaction between which two types of development?

Physical and social

2-year old Sydney has not started talking yet, often cries when her mother leaves the room, and did not take her first steps until she was 18 months old. Which developmental domains should her parents be concerned with?

Physical, Cognitive, and Psychosocial

individual context; social context

Piaget would provide us with the _____ of children's concepts, whereas Vygotsky has provided us with the ______.

Cognitive disequilibrium

Piaget's term for when a new experience or idea does not fit a person's existing understanding

Which approach looks at the quality of cognitive functioning at different stages of life?



Places in the neonates skull where the bones are not completely fused are called the

__________ and __________ are examples of fine motor activities.

Pointing; drawing

Which of the following is NOT a benefit your textbook mentions resulting from attendance at a daycare?

Politeness to adults

The practical knowledge of how to use language to communicate is


_____ is when children make progress in understanding how to use language in a culturally sensitive way.


Which scientific goal is reflected by suggesting that high school students who score a 1000 or more on the Scholastic Aptitude Test (S.A.T.) will be successful in college?


Ruthann has a condition called congenital adrenal hyperplasia, which has caused her to

Prefer the type of rough-and-tumble play activities that boys generally prefer.

Nutrition and Maternal Weight (key facts)

Pregnant women typically need 300 to 500 additional calories a day, including extra protein. Women of normal weight and body build who gain 16 to 40 pounds are less likely to have birth complications or to bear babies whose weight at birth is dangerously low or overly high. Folic acid, or folate (a B vitamin), is critical in a pregnant woman's diet. also Omega-3's


Prenatal medical procedure using high-frequency sound waves to detect the outline of a fetus and its movements, so as to determine whether a pregnancy is progressing normally.


Prenatal medical procedure using high-frequency sound waves to detect the outline of fetus and its movements


Preoperational children are easily fooled by magician's tricks - which involve getting the audience to focus on one aspect of the demonstration while he is manipulating another - because of their tendency toward:

Education and training in physical fitness, breathing, and relaxation in labor for women planning vaginal birth is called ______ childbirth.


Which childbirth technique substitutes voluntary or learned physical responses for the fear and pain?


Some children playing in the yard are pretending to bake cookies. One child gathers up some disk-shaped rocks and says, "Here are the cookies I made!" This child is engaged in

Pretend play

Felicia is born after a seven-month gestation period. She is called a __________ infant.


Babies first wave their arms, then move their hands toward objects, and finally use their fingers. This is an example of whihc principle of development?


Prenatally, development happens in the "near-to-far" (center to extremities) pattern known as ____________. A. Proximodistal B. Cephalocaudal C. Neurogenesis D. Synaptogenesis


The pattern of development that proceeds from the central part of the body to the outer parts is



Psychological disorder marked by loss of contact with reality and demonstrating such symptoms as hallucinations and delusions which also seems to have a strong genetic component is

gender differences

Psychological or behavioral differences between males and females

Which approach attempts to measure intelligence quantitatively?


Which of the following is NOT one of the newer approaches to studying cognitive development?

Psychometric approach

Organismic theorists emphasize __________ change, while mechanistic theorists emphasize __________ change.

Qualitative; quantitative

According to your text, which of the following is NOT one of the major divisions of the life span?


The first stage in Piaget's cognitive theory is


Genetic Code

Sequence of bases within the DNA molecule; a set of rules that govern the formation of proteins that determine the structure and function of living cells.

Which of the following would be considered the most highly canalized trait at birth?

Sequence of motor development

Alpha thalassemia

Severe anemia that reduces ability of the blood to carry oxygen; nearly all affected infants are stillborn or die soon after birth.

Of the following, the child likely to exhibit the SMALLEST reaction range for the trait of intelligence is the one born with

Severe brain damage

Red-green color blindness, hemophilia, and Duchenne muscular dystrophy are all types of

Sex-linked recessive disorders

6-8 weeks

Sexual differentiation in human embryos normally occur during the blank after conception

Define karyotype

Shows chromosomal abnormalities

Research found the effect of early maternal employment on children's compliance, behavior problems, self-esteem, cognitive development, or academic achievement to be - Little - Significant - Consistently disastrous - Life-altering



Single cell formed from the union of two gametes and a sperm


Single word that conveys a complete thought

Sexual differentiation in human embryos normally occurs during the ______________ after conception.

Sixth to eighth weeks

Wade is quiet, adjusts only gradually to new situations, and has moderately predictable biological cycles. Which kind of temperament does he have?



Small segments of DNA located in definite positions on particular chromosomes; functional units of heredity.

Jonathan is born 38 weeks after conception and weighs 4 1/2 pounds. He is


According to your text, an infant born at 41 weeks of gestation, weighing only 5 pounds, would be described as


The single greatest factor for low-birth-weight babies that could be prevented is



Statistical estimate of contribution of heredity to individual differences in a specific trait within a given population at a particular time.

An 8-month-old infant who cries when a relative she has never met comes to visit is showing

Stranger anxiety

In terms of gender-typing, watching television and reading books tend to

Strengthen most gender-typing attitudes

Marijuana and pregnancy

Studies of marijuana use by pregnant women are sparse. However, some evidence suggests that heavy marijuana use can lead to birth defects, low birth weight, withdrawal-like symptoms (excessive crying and tremors) at birth, and increased risk of attention disorders and learning problems later in life. In two longitudinal studies, prenatal use of marijuana was associated with impaired attention, impulsivity, and difficulty in use of visual and perceptual skills after age 3, suggesting that the drug may affect functioning of the brain's frontal lobes

At 21 months of age, Pierre has acquired a symbolic thinking system. Which substage of the sensorimotor stage is he in?

Substage 6—mental combinations

When Piaget's daughter, Lucienne, figured out how to remove a watch chain from a box by widening the opening and opened and closed her mouth to signify this, she had reached what substage?

Substage 6—mental combinations

Which of the following may be associated with caffeine consumption during pregnancy?

Sudden infant death syndrome

Christa, a rather demonstrative 7-year-old, hits her brother for laughing at her and feels guilty about it afterward. According to Freud, Christa's guilty feelings reflect the operation of the


Susan and Betty are monozygotic twins, while George and Brent are dizygotic twins. If a particular trait is determined primarily by hereditary factors, what would be the relative degree of concordance in these two twin pairs?

Susan and Betty would be more concordant than George and Brent

Susan and Betty are monozygotic twins, while George and Brent are dizygotic twins. If a particular trait is determined primarily by hereditary factors, what would be the relative degree of concordance in these two twin pairs?

Susan and Betty would be more concordant than George and Brent.


Symptoms of maltreatment include:

The strong, loving connection that forms as parents hold, examine, and feed their newborns is formally called the parent-infant bond. T or F


Obesity in children

TV watching, lower SES, and an inactive lifestyle are all factors of:

What birth defect afflicts European Jews at a rate of 1 in 3000?

Tay-Sachs Disease

Which birth defect afflicts European Jews at a rate of 1 in 3,000?

Tay-Sachs disease

Which birth defect afflicts European Jews at a rate of 1 in 3000?

Tay-Sachs disease

Qualities of a good preschool

Teachers who are responsive to children's needs and low teacher-child ratios are:


Technical term for the growth of the brain that results from experience is

A person's characteristic way of approaching and reacting to people and situations defines their


Which of the following is NOT a predictor of adjustment for a child whose parents divorce?


______________ is a consistent and enduring characteristic of personality.


New parents Willy and Bernice have both spent their lives being short-tempered. They spend a great deal of their time together apologizing for their thoughtlessness. Which of the following statements about temperament might be alarming to Willy and Bernice?

Temperament appears to be largely determined by genetics

Both Willy and Bernice have spent their lives being short tempered and spend a great deal of their time together apologizing for their thoughtlessness. Which one of the following statement about temperament might be alarming to these new parents?

Temperament appears to be largely determined by genetics.


Tendency of a person, especially after early childhood, to seek out environments compatible with his or her genotype.

genotype-environment correlation

Tendency of certain genetic and environmental influences to reinforce each other; may be passive, reactive (evocative), or active. Also called genotype-environment covariance.

4 months prenatal

The body to head length ratio is now to that of a normal baby at birth (1/4th) The fetus now measures 8 to 10 inches and weighs about 6 ounces. The mother may be able to feel the fetus kicking, a movement known as quickening, which some societies and religious groups consider the beginning of human life. The reflex activities that appeared in the third month are now brisker because of increased muscular development.

Which of the following statements regarding Down syndrome is TRUE?

The brains of these individuals shrink by adulthood

Which of the following statements regarding Down syndrome is TRUE?

The brains of these individuals shrink by adulthood.

Little Ethan can grasp a rattle but not yet walk. This differentiation in abilities is an example of

The cephalocaudal principle.


The cognitive process of adjusting our old ways of thinking in order to include new information, as described by Piaget.


The cognitive process that occurs when (for example) you see a man from the nation of Fiji, but have never seen someone from their before - yet you still recognize him as a human being is called:

Human Genome

The complete sequence of genes in the human body.

antibiotics and Aesthetics and prenatal care

The dramatic reduction in Risk surrounding pregnancy and childbirth has resulted from

emergence of baby from mother

The end of the second stage of childbirth is indicated by

A cultural phenomenon

The fact that American babies usually sleep in a room separate from their parents is an example of:

has a broad reaction range

The fact that language development precedes and a very standard sequence Manor in nearly all children suggests that language development

The chromosomes that determine a child's sex come from

The father

primary circular reactions

The first of three types of feedback loops in sensorimotor intelligence, this one involving the infant's own body. The infant senses motion, sucking, noise, and other stimuli and tries to understand them.

widening dilation of the cervix

The first stage of childbirth is


The group most likely to be taking medication for diagnosed ADHD is comprised of:

If you stroke the palm of a newborn's hand with your finger, what will happen?

The hand closes tighly

If you stroke the palm of a newborn's hand with your finger, what will happen?

The hand closes tightly.

One aspect of Piaget's view of cognitive development

The idea that cognitive development follows age-related changes in understanding.

You tell your parents that in college you wish to study the science of genetics. What will be the focus of your study?

The inborn, inherited factors that affect development.

Affordable and available prenatal care

The incidence of low birth weight infants could be reduced most dramatically by:

increase in multiple births

The increase use of fertility drugs along with delayed childbearing had resulted in

lower in us than most industrialized countries

The infant mortality rate is

private speech:

The internal dialogue that occurs when people talk to themselves (either silently or out loud).

Standing up momentarily without holding on

The last skill (of those listed in the question) to develop is:

Threshold effect

The level at which a certain teratogen becomes harmful is known as:

genotype-environment interaction

The portion of phenotypic variation that results from the reactions of genetically different individuals to similar environmental conditions.

Infant Janine is using her whole hand to "point" at her favorite toy. Her actions are best explained by

The proximodistal principle.


The rate of growth is most rapid during

gender consistency

The realization that gender remains constant even if outward appearances, like hairstyle or apparel, are altered.

The importance of nature and nurture in development

The relationship between the two is reciprocal. In other words, our genes set the stage for our development; nurture affects the manifestation of those genetic influences. So, Nurture affects Nature (genes).

secondary circular reactions

The second of three types of feedback loops in sensorimotor intelligence, this one involving people and objects. Infants respond to other people, to toys, and to any other object they can touch or move. Between baby and something else


The sense that is the least developed at birth is:


The single greatest factor for low birth weight babies that could be prevented is

tertiary circular reactions

The third of three types of feedback loops in sensorimotor intelligence, this one involving active exploration and experimentation. Infants explore a range of new activities, varying their responses as a way of learning about the world. intentional adaptations to specific situations

When do dendrites and synaptic connections multiply, accounting for much of the brain's growth in weight and permitting the emergence of new perceptual and motor abilities?

The third trimester and the first two years of life after birth

The fetal period

The time from nine weeks after conception to birth is called:

sex chromosomes

The twenty-third pair are sex chromosomes—one from the father and one from the mother—that govern the baby's sex.


The type of aggression that tends to be characteristic of 2-year-olds is:


The type of parenting style that is more common as income falls:

Nonshared Environmental Effects

The unique environment in which each child grows up, consisting of distinctive influences or influences that affect one child differently than another.

nonshared environmental effects

The unique environment in which each child grows up, consisting of distinctive influences or influences that affect one child differently than another.

Babinski reflex

The way an infant toes fan upward when her foot is stroked is called:

"Mourning a Miscarriage or Stillbirth" suggests which of the following?

The way in which these situations are handled is culturally constructed.

Cognitive theorists

Theorists who support a focus on children's understanding as opposed to observable behavior are:

(T/F) Differences in pre- and postnatal experiences may cause differences in the personalities of identical twins


(T/F) External influences in the environment may affect the father's sperm


In the United States, what are the laws governing the number of embryos that can be implanted in a mother through in-vitro fertilization?

There is no limit

Children who see their heroes and villains on TV getting what they want through violence are likely to conclude that

They could use aggressive methods to get their own needs met.

Which of the following statements about postmature babies is FALSE?

They tend to have more fat due to a longer period in the womb.


This ability is necessary in order for children to be aware of what they already know and what they still need to learn:

Methamphetamine and pregnancy

This finding suggests that exposure is associated with fetal growth restriction exposure implicated in fetal brain damage to areas of the brain involved in learning, memory, and control exposed children also have less white matter in their brains, a finding that has implications for the developmental delays commonly found in such children


This guy belived that language advances thinking through private speech and social mediation


This is one of the four categories of temperament suggested by the New York Longitudinal study:


This notion refers to the ability of human traits to be molded during development.

While cognitive benefits are apparent, social benefits are questionable.

This statement best summarizes the results of a longitudinal study conducted by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development regarding the advantages and disadvantages of day care:

Physical punishment

This tends to suppress behaviors in the short term:


This term refers to the effects of environmental forces on the expression of an individual's or specie's genetic inheritance

Relational bullying

Three girls start a rumor that 7-year-old Heather is a bed-wetter who still uses a pacifier.They are demonstrating:

3 factors in teratogen effect

Timing Amount Genetic vulnerability

Embryoscopy, fetoscopy (description)

Tiny viewing scope is inserted in woman's abdomen to view embryo or fetus. Can assist in diagnosis of nonchromosomal genetic disorders.

Chorionic villus sampling (CVS) (description)

Tissues from hairlike chorionic villi (projections of membrane surrounding fetus) are removed from placenta and analyzed.

Why are there fontanels in a neonate's skull?

To ease the passage of the skull through the birth canal

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder

Todd runs around the classroom, can't seem to sit still or concentrate, and is easily excited. He may diagnosed as having:

influence through polygenic inherent

Traits that are affected by many genes are

Kelly broke a lamp and was told that she had been bad. Later that evening, she was told that her parents were getting a divorce. She thought that her breaking the lamp had caused the divorce. This is an example of what kind of reasoning?


Emphasize increased activity

Treatments for obesity in children should:

(T/F) A child who receives an X chromosomes from each parent will be genetically female


autonomy vs. shame and doubt

a shift from external control to self-control; emerges from trust and self-awareness 18mo to 3yrs. Development of motor skills leads to independence. Either a feeling of independence or frustration that others still have more control over you, feeling that you don't have control over yourself; the virtue gain is will power: the ability to make choices and demonstrate independence.

threshold effect

a situation in which a teratogen is relatively harmless in small doses but becomes harmful once exposure reaches a certain level


a specific mental structure or organized method of making sense of experience schemata change with age children have a natural tendency to use schemata

is affected little by environmental conditions

a strongly canalized trait is one that -is easily influenced by environmental conditions -is affected little by environmental conditions -only appears in certain situations -has a large reaction range

A teratogen is:

a substance or a condition that can increase the risk of prenatal abnormalities

A teratogen is:

a substance or condition that can increase the risk of prenatal abnormalities

A child hits a drum with different kinds of objects to try and make different sounds. According to Piaget, this child is exhibiting

a tertiary circular reaction

critical period

a time when a certain development event must happen if it is ever to happen

sensitive period

a time when a certain type of development is most likely to happen and happens most easily

incomplete dominance

a trait is not fully expressed. Normally the presence of a dominant/recessive gene pair results in the full expression of the dominant gene and the masking of the recessive gene. In incomplete dominance, the resulting phenotype is a combination of both genes.


a young child adopts characteristics, beliefs, attitudes, values and behaviors of the parent of the same sex to resolve the Oedipus/Electra complex.

Which of the following is most likely to be a 2-year-old's favorite word? Select one: a. "no" b. "go" c. "mine" d. "eat"

a. "no" Correct

The neonatal period is the first __________ of life. Select one: a. 4 weeks b. 8 weeks c. 6 months d. year

a. 4 weeks

Of the cultures described in your textbook, in which one do "fathers provide more direct infant contact than fathers in any other known society"? Select one: a. Aka pygmies b. Huhot of inner Mongolia c. Cameroon, West Africa d. China, which has a one-child policy

a. Aka pygmies Correct

Which of the following statements about environmental influences is NOT true? Select one: a. Children growing up in the same family have the same environment. b. Some individual experiences, like illness and injury, become environmental influences. c. Siblings are usually more different than alike. d. The home is the primary environment in the early years of life.

a. Children growing up in the same family have the same environment.

Which of the following statements about environmental influences is NOT true? Select one: a. Children growing up in the same family have the same environment. b. Some individual experiences, like illness and injury, become environmental influences. c. Siblings are usually more different than alike. d. The home is the primary environment in the early years of life.

a. Children growing up in the same family have the same environment.

Baby Melanie smiles, giggles, and laughs frequently with both her parents as well as other caregivers; Baby Jerome does not. All else being equal, we can predict from this that Select one: a. Melanie will have a more positive relationship with her parents. b. Jerome will have a better relationship with his parents. c. the parents will work harder and give Jerome more attention in an attempt to make him "happy." d. Jerome will never be happy because of his negative temperament.

a. Melanie will have a more positive relationship with her parents. Correct

Which of the following was NOT observed in monkeys raised by surrogate mothers? Select one: a. Monkeys raised by wire surrogates were later attracted to and embraced the wire form. b. Monkeys raised by surrogates were deficient parents later in life. c. Monkeys raised by a cloth surrogate explored their environment more than wire-raised monkeys. d. Monkeys preferred a soft, cuddly surrogate relative to one that provided nutrition.

a. Monkeys raised by wire surrogates were later attracted to and embraced the wire form. Correct

Which of the following statements about prenatal developmental differences between the sexes is TRUE? a. More males are conceived than females. b. Males develop more rapidly. c. Females are more likely to have birth defects. d. Female fetuses are more likely to be spontaneously aborted.

a. More males are conceived than females

Which of the following statements about prenatal developmental differences between the sexes is TRUE? Select one: a. More males are conceived than females. b. Males develop more rapidly. c. Females are more likely to have birth defects. d. Female fetuses are more likely to be spontaneously aborted.

a. More males are conceived than females.

New parents Willy and Bernice have both spent their lives being short-tempered. They spend a great deal of their time together apologizing for their thoughtlessness. Which of the following statements about temperament might be alarming to Willy and Bernice? Select one: a. Temperament appears to be largely determined by genetics. b. Temperament is not learned. c. Temperament, once set, often changes. d. Second-born children are likely to have more difficult temperaments than firstborn

a. Temperament appears to be largely determined by genetics. Correct

Which of the following statements about postmature babies is FALSE? Select one: a. They tend to have more fat due to a longer period in the womb. b. They are at higher risk for brain damage. c. The placenta provides a reduced blood supply during the later stages of gestation. d. They tend to be longer than babies who are delivered on time.

a. They tend to have more fat due to a longer period in the womb.

The ongoing longitudinal study in Kauai shows that the effects of low birth weight, birth injuries, and other birth complications can be counteracted by Select one: a. a favorable home environment. b. drug therapy. c. large doses of megavitamins. d. surgical intervention.

a. a favorable home environment.

Marsha's nickname as a child was "Shirley Temple" because of her curly hair. Although her hair is curly, she carries a gene for straight hair. Her phenotype is a. curly hair. b. the gene for straight hair. c. genes for both curly and straight hair. d. her total genetic makeup.

a. curly hair.

Marsha's nickname as a child was "Shirley Temple" because of her curly hair. Although her hair is curly, she carries a gene for straight hair. Her phenotype is Select one: a. curly hair. b. the gene for straight hair. c. genes for both curly and straight hair. d. her total genetic makeup.

a. curly hair. Correct

At ages 4 and 5, children who had been anxiously attached as infants were Select one: a. dependent on the teacher. b. fast learners. c. actively involved in play. d. able to initiate friendships.

a. dependent on the teacher. Correct

During Erikson's crisis of basic trust versus mistrust, a child Select one: a. determines whether or not he or she can rely upon the world. b. strives for independence. c. objects to the mother leaving the room. d. is often filled with doubt.

a. determines whether or not he or she can rely upon the world. Correct

The "Adult Attachment Interview" developed by Mary Main is designed to Select one: a. elicit memories of childhood attachment. b. determine how attached parents are to one another. c. determine the strength of a parent's attachment to a child. d. screen potential adoptive parents for their capacity to form attachments with children.

a. elicit memories of childhood attachment.

Places in the neonate's skull where the bones are not completely fused are called the Select one: a. fontanels. b. vernix. c. apex. d. hyaline commissure.

a. fontanels.

A factor that increases the probability of having a baby with Down syndrome is Select one: a. increased age of mother or father. b. parents' use of tobacco. c. parents' use of alcohol. d. a defective XY chromosome pattern.

a. increased age of mother or father.

Newborns regulate their body temperature soon after birth by Select one: a. increasing their activity in response to drops in air temperature. b. reducing their activity when they get cold, to conserve energy. c. being born in warm delivery rooms. d. maintaining a low percentage of body fat, which interferes with regulation.

a. increasing their activity in response to drops in air temperature

A hereditary characteristic that is carried by an individual but is NOT expressed in that individual's phenotype is Select one: a. recessive. b. partially dominant. c. homozygous. d. regressive.

a. recessive

A hereditary characteristic that is carried by an individual but is NOT expressed in that individual's phenotype is Select one: a. recessive. b. partially dominant. c. homozygous. d. regressive.

a. recessive.

Julie readily leaves her mother to explore her surroundings, occasionally looking toward or touching her mother. Julie appears to be Select one: a. securely attached. b. disorganized-disoriented. c. ambivalent. d. avoidant.

a. securely attached. Correct

When Dr. Sheila dabbed Jenny's nose with rouge to see how she would react when placed in front of a mirror, Dr. Sheila was administrating a test of Select one: a. self-awareness. b. self-description. c. self-negativism. d. self-control.

a. self-awareness. Correct

Sexual differentiation in human embryos normally occurs during the ___________ after conception. a. sixth to eighth weeks b. second trimester c. first few moments d. twelfth week

a. sixth to eighth weeks

Sexual differentiation in human embryos normally occurs during the ___________ after conception. Select one: a. sixth to eighth weeks b. second trimester c. first few moments d. twelfth week

a. sixth to eighth weeks Correct

the notion of plasticity

ability of human traits to be molded during development

haptic perception

ability to acquire information about properties of objects, such as size, weight, and texture, by handling them.

A researcher studies the relationship between family income and achievement motivation. A correlation of +1.20 is found. From this, the researcher can conclude that

an error was made in calculating the correlation.

state of arousal

an infant's physiological and behavioral status at a given moment in the periodic daily cycle of wakefulness, sleep, and activity.

The various states of arousal and activity that an infant demonstrates are regulated by

an internal "clock."

A critical period is a time when

an organism is most likely to be influenced by a specific event

Human development begins when a sperm penetrates the membrane of:

an ovum

Tehra's obstetrician is using a medical procedure that employs high-frequency sound waves to detect the outline of the fetus and to observe its movements. This is called

an ultrasound.

Four-year-old Sarah tells her mother, "I told the wind to blow, so it made my kite fly." This is an example of


An infant who has not begin breathing within 5 minutes after birth may suffer brain damage due to


An infant who has not begun breathing within 5 minutes after birth may suffer brain damage due to


An infant who has not begun breathing within five minutes after birth may suffer brain damage due to


If a newborn does not start breathing within about five minutes, brain injury may occur due to


According to researchers, the development of basic trust versus basic mistrust occurs through the infant's interactions with

any important caregiver

According to the authors of your text, the development of basic trust versus basic mistrust occurs through the infant's interactions with

any important caregiver

According to researchers, the development of basic trust versus basic mistrust occurs through the infant's interactions with

any important caregiver.

visual cliff

apparatus designed to give an illusion of depth and used to asses depth perception in infants.

involuntary smiles

appear at birth; result of brainstem activity

Information-Processing Approach

approach to the study of cognitive development by observing and analyzing the mental processes involved in perceiving and handling information

Amino acids

are lysine, leucine, methionine, -ine etc.

A disadvantage of the use of naturalistic observation techniques is that they

are prone to observer bias

Behavioral Teratogens

are those that harm the brain. 20% of children with behavior problems are directly related to such

5 weeks process

arms/legs start to form

Research shows that home births with a plan for hospitalization for emergencies can be

as safe as a hospital birth.

Maternal stress and anxiety (excessive)

associated with more active and irritable temperament in newborns, inattentiveness during a developmental assessment in 8-month-olds, negative emotionality or behavioral disorders in early childhood preterm delivery Also, major stress during the 24th to 28th weeks of pregnancy has been implicated in autism

According to your text, when does development start?

at conception

A couple wishes to maximize the woman's chances of becoming pregnant. When should they be sure to have intercourse?

at ovulation or during the five days preceding

the development of enduring emotional tie between an infant and caregiver is


A couple has a 2 year old son who has never been very responsive to social stimulation, shows little language development, and engages in repetitive behaviors. A probable diagnosis for this child is:


Although she remembers riding the bus every day to school, Hillary especially remembers the day that her bus driver was dressed up like a clown. This type of memory would be described as

autobiographical memory.

reflex behaviors

automatic, involuntary, innate responses to stimulation

According to Erikson. which ciris occurs during toddlerhood

autonomy versus shame and doubt

Each morning Shanna and her mother have a battle of wills because Shannan insists on pouring her own cereal and milk into the bowl at breakfast. According to, Erikson, which stage is she in?

autonomy versus shame and doubt

Each morning, Shanna and her mother have a battle of wills because Shanna insists on pouring her own cereal and milk into the bowl at breakfast. According to Erikson, which crisis is Shanna trying to resolve?

autonomy versus shame and doubt

The chromosomes that do NOT determine sex are called


The chromosomes that do NOT determine sex are called


Which of the following statements about the influences of heredity and environment is correct according to your textbook? a. A person's height is determined by his or her genes. b. A person's potential range of height is genetically determined, but actual height may be influenced by nutrition. c. The genetic upper limit or range of height can be raised by improved nutrition. d. Nutrition is more important than genetic limits or range.

b. A person's potential range of height is genetically determined, but actual height may be influenced by nutrition.

Which of the following statements about the influences of heredity and environment is correct according to your textbook? Select one: a. A person's height is determined by his or her genes. b. A person's potential range of height is genetically determined, but actual height may be influenced by nutrition. c. The genetic upper limit or range of height can be raised by improved nutrition. d. Nutrition is more important than genetic limits or range.

b. A person's potential range of height is genetically determined, but actual height may be influenced by nutrition. Correct

Matt's parents have noticed that he has recently wet his pants a few times and started to suck his thumb and talk like a baby, although he is 4 ½ years old. Which of the following has probably happened to Matt? Select one: a. His grandparents are moving into his house. b. His mother has just had a baby. c. His father has lost his job. d. His mother has just taken a job outside the home.

b. His mother has just had a baby.

Although Jean-Paul's adoptive parents are quite short, he is growing to be quite tall like his biological mother. What might we conclude about Jean-Paul's height? a. It is influenced primarily by the positive environment of the adoptive family. b. It is influenced primarily by heredity. c. Nutrition did not influence his height. d. It is primarily a result of independent segregation.

b. It is influenced primarily by heredity.

Although Jean-Paul's adoptive parents are quite short, he is growing to be quite tall like his biological mother. What might we conclude about Jean-Paul's height? Select one: a. It is influenced primarily by the positive environment of the adoptive family. b. It is influenced primarily by heredity. c. Nutrition did not influence his height. d. It is primarily a result of independent segregation.

b. It is influenced primarily by heredity. Correct

Which of the following is TRUE of the process of meiosis? a. Meiosis results in two cells, each with 46 chromosomes. b. It results in the number of chromosomes being reduced by half. c. The process adds an extra twenty-first chromosome. d. Meiosis is the process by which the egg and sperm combine.

b. It results in the number of chromosomes being reduced by half.

Which of the following is TRUE of the process of meiosis? Select one: a. Meiosis results in two cells, each with 46 chromosomes. b. It results in the number of chromosomes being reduced by half. c. The process adds an extra twenty-first chromosome. d. Meiosis is the process by which the egg and sperm combine.

b. It results in the number of chromosomes being reduced by half. Correct

Which of the following is an indicator for the risk of schizophrenia? Select one: a. fetal overnourishment b. a father who is over 50 c. lack of brain maturation d. being born in a rural area

b. a father who is over 50

Which of the following is an indicator for the risk of schizophrenia? Select one: a. fetal overnourishment b. a father who is over 50 c. lack of brain maturation d. being born in a rural area

b. a father who is over 50 Correct

An infant who has not begun breathing within 5 minutes after birth may suffer brain damage due to Select one: a. hypothermia. b. anoxia. c. hyperphagia. d. anorexia.

b. anoxia.

Which of the following would be beneficial for a low-birth-weight baby? Select one: a. being left alone except for basic care b. being touched and massaged c. a simple sensory environment, to avoid overstimulation d. a cool environment to reduce fluid loss from sweating

b. being touched and massaged

Which of the following describes the path sperm travel after they enter the women's body through the vagina? Select one: a. uterus, cervix, Fallopian tube b. cervix, uterus, Fallopian tube c. Fallopian tube, cervix, uterus d. cervix, Fallopian tube, uterus

b. cervix, uterus, Fallopian tube

Which of the following describes the path sperm travel after they enter the women's body through the vagina? Select one: a. uterus, cervix, Fallopian tube b. cervix, uterus, Fallopian tube c. Fallopian tube, cervix, uterus d. cervix, Fallopian tube, uterus

b. cervix, uterus, Fallopian tube Correct

Joan has the most common lethal genetic defect among white people and will probably not live to be 30 years of age. Joan suffers from Select one: a. PKU. b. cystic fibrosis. c. spina bifida. d. Tay-Sachs. Feedback correct

b. cystic fibrosis.

Joan has the most common lethal genetic defect among white people and will probably not live to be 30 years of age. Joan suffers from a. PKU. b. cystic fibrosis. c. spina bifida. d. Tay-Sachs.

b. cystic fibrosis.

Tasha has just given birth to healthy twins. One of the twins has an X and Y chromosome, while the other has two X chromosomes. These twins are a. monozygotic. b. dizygotic. c. unizygotic. d. either monozygotic or dizygotic.

b. dizygotic.

Tasha has just given birth to healthy twins. One of the twins has an X and Y chromosome, while the other has two X chromosomes. These twins are Select one: a. monozygotic. b. dizygotic. c. unizygotic. d. either monozygotic or dizygotic.

b. dizygotic. Correct

Christopher has a gene for Huntington's disease and will definitely have the disorder. This is an example of transmission by __________ inheritance. a. recessive b. dominant c. sex-linked d. multifactorial

b. dominant

Christopher has a gene for Huntington's disease and will definitely have the disorder. This is an example of transmission by __________ inheritance. Select one: a. recessive b. dominant c. sex-linked d. multifactorial

b. dominant Correct

During which prenatal stage do the major body systems and organs develop? a. fetal b. embryonic c. germinal d. terminal

b. embryonic

During which prenatal stage do the major body systems and organs develop? Select one: a. fetal b. embryonic c. germinal d. terminal

b. embryronic

Two-year-old Jacob took the pacifier away from his baby sister, making her sad and causing her to cry. When his mother explained how the baby felt and insisted that he return the pacifier, she was teaching Jacob Select one: a. sympathy. b. empathy. c. prosocial behavior. d. self-fullfillment.

b. empathy. Correct

Gorica has received a very low score on the Brazelton Neonatal Assessment Test. His parents were told by the pediatrician that he Select one: a. will need immediate life-saving intervention. b. has likely suffered brain damage. c. shows evidence of learning disabilities. d. will have some motor skill impairment.

b. has likely suffered brain damage.

Who would show more concordance for a chiefly hereditary trait? a. fraternal twins b. identical twins c. both identical and fraternal twins d. siblings who are not twins

b. identical twins

Who would show more concordance for a chiefly hereditary trait? Select one: a. fraternal twins b. identical twins c. both identical and fraternal twins d. siblings who are not twins

b. identical twins Correct

The left hemisphere of the brain is primarily involved with Select one: a. visual and spatial functions. b. language and logical thinking. c. motor skills and locomotion. d. vision and hearing.

b. language and logical thinking.

The process of coating the neuron with a fatty substance is called: a. integration b. myelination c. differentiation d. plasticity

b. myelination

Marlin has been asked to go on a blind date with his friend Roger's sister. If Marlin wants to know facts like hair color, body type, etc., Roger will need to describe his sister's a. incomplete dominance. b. phenotype. c. genotypic manifestation. d. allele differentiation.

b. phenotype.

Marlin has been asked to go on a blind date with his friend Roger's sister. If Marlin wants to know facts like hair color, body type, etc., Roger will need to describe his sister's Select one: a. incomplete dominance. b. phenotype. c. genotypic manifestation. d. allele differentiation.

b. phenotype. Correct

Which childbirth technique substitutes voluntary or learned physical responses for the fear and pain? Select one: a. natural b. prepared c. cesarean d. vaginal

b. prepared

Recessive inheritance occurs only when a person receives two _____ alleles; one from each parent. a. dominant b. recessive c. homozygous d. heterozygous

b. recessive

Recessive inheritance occurs only when a person receives two _____ alleles; one from each parent. Select one: a. dominant b. recessive c. homozygous d. heterozygous

b. recessive Correct

Teresa is beginning to show signs that she is cognitively aware that she is a functioning human being, separate from the rest of her world. This is referred to as Select one: a. self-recognition. b. self-awareness. c. self-conceptualization. d. self-evaluation.

b. self-awareness. Correct

A person's characteristic way of approaching and reacting to people and situations defines that person's Select one: a. personality. b. temperament. c. emotionality. d. behavior.

b. temperament.

Steven is 8 months old and has begun to produce repetitive strings of vowel and consonant sounds such as " pa pa pa." According to the text, this stage of peerspeech language development is called


A baby who says "da-da-da-da" is


According to the mutual-regulation model regarding emotional states

babies as young as 3 months regulate their own emotional state to some degree.

Dr. Lakiavani is advising young parents on things they can do to reduce the likelihood of sudden infant death syndrome in their babies. Of the following, what advice is she likely to give?

babies should be put to sleep on their backs

social referencing

baby's attempt to understand an ambiguous situation by seeking out cues from the caregiver; the way parents react will determine what reactions the child has because they relate to each other

According to Erickson, the resolution of the crisis at each stage of psychosocial development must include a _________ between positive and negative traits


According to Erikson, the resolution of the crisis at each stage of psychosocial development must include a _______ between positive and negative traits.


An XX pattern in the 23rd pair of chromosomes indicates the fetus will:

be female

By middle childhood it appears that empathy

becomes "hard wired" with most children.

breathing reflex

begins in normal newborn even before the umbilical cord, with its supply of oxygen, is cut

According to the _________ perspective, people's actions are reactions to aspects of their environment that they find pleasing, painful, or threatening.


The theory that most strongly emphasizes nurture as important in development is:


Which of the following is an indicator for the risk of schizophrenia?

being born in a rural area

Which of the following would be beneficial for a low-birth-weight baby?

being touched and massaged

Which would be beneficial for a low-birth weight baby

being touched and massaged


belief that nothing can be undone;


belief that one can be effective in the world (self confidence)

__________ depth cues arise because our two eyes have slightly different views of the visual field.


sex differences

biological differences between males and females

Karen is adopted at the age of 1. When she is given an IQ test at age 21, her score is likely to be most similar to the IQ of her

biological mother

Infants first communicate their emotions at_____ by _____

birth by crying

The leading cause of infant mortality in the United States is

birth defects

The fluid-filled sphere that floats freely in the uterus for a day or two and then implants itself into the wall of the uterus is called the


Harlow and Harlow's work with infant monkeys showed that the infants were most interested in _______ from surrogate mothers.

bodily contact

Harlow and Harlow's work with infant monkeys showed that the infants were most interested in from surrogate mothers.

bodily contact

Harlow and Harlow's work with infant monkeys showed that the infants were most interested in receiving ___________ from surrogate mothers.

bodily contact

Harlow and Harlow's work with infant monkeys showed that the infants were most interested in receiving_____from surrgoate mothers

bodily contact

The appearance of _____ results in the transition from the embryonic to the fetal stage of prenatal development.


The transition from the embryonic to the fetal stage of prenatal development is the results of the first appearance of


What conclusions can be drawn about infant gross motor development?

both the sequence and timing remain similar among all children

Newborn Sam's __________ is nearer to its adult size than any other physical structure.


The neural tube will become the:

brain and spinal cord

central nervous system

brain and spinal cord

One of hazards of preterm birth is:

brain bleeds

Which of the following babies would have the highest Apgar score? Select one: a. Eileen is listless and blue, with limp muscle tone. b. Marlene is pink with blue extremities, slow pulse, and slow breathing. c. Carmela is pink, with rapid pulse; she is coughing and crying. d. Joanne is blue, with slow pulse and irregular breathing.

c. Carmela is pink, with rapid pulse; she is coughing and crying.

Latrice was born with an extra fold of skin at the corners of her eyes, a small head, protruding tongue, and mental retardation. She probably has Select one: a. Turner's syndrome. b. Klinefelter's syndrome. c. Down syndrome. d. hemophilia.

c. Down syndrome. Correct

According to research cited in your text, what is the best way to respond to an infant's crying? Select one: a. Ignore it, if possible, to avoid spoiling the baby. b. Let the baby cry for a considerable time before responding. c. Respond regularly with tender, soothing care. d. Respond immediately each time the infant cries.

c. Respond regularly with tender, soothing care. Correct

Which of the following statements regarding Down syndrome is TRUE? Select one: a. It is due to a defect in the sex chromosomes. b. If one identical twin has the disorder, the other twin will not have the disorder. c. The brains of these individuals shrink by adulthood. d. Individuals with the disorder must be hospitalized throughout much of their lives.

c. The brains of these individuals shrink by adulthood. Correct

The Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale examines Select one: a. oxygen content of the blood. b. color, pulse, and breathing. c. alertness, reflexes, and control. d. neurological maturity.

c. alertness, reflexes, and control.

Dan begins crying before his mother leaves during the Strange Situation test. When she returns, he leans toward her but kicks and squirms when she picks him up. He appears to be Select one: a. securely attached. b. disorganized-disoriented. c. ambivalent. d. avoidant.

c. ambivalent.

Each morning, Shanna and her mother have a battle of wills because Shanna insists on pouring her own cereal and milk into the bowl at breakfast. According to Erikson, which crisis is Shanna trying to resolve? Select one: a. basic trust versus basic mistrust b. identity versus role confusion c. autonomy versus shame and doubt d. initiative versus guilt

c. autonomy versus shame and doubt Correct

Karen is adopted at the age of 1. When she is given an IQ test at age 21, her score is likely to be most similar to the IQ of her Select one: a. adoptive mother. b. adoptive father. c. biological mother. d. All of these.

c. biological mother.

Karen is adopted at the age of 1. When she is given an IQ test at age 21, her score is likely to be most similar to the IQ of her Select one: a. adoptive mother. b. adoptive father. c. biological mother. d. All of these.

c. biological mother.

Within each cell nucleus are coils of DNA called Select one: a. genes. b. human genomes. c. chromosomes. d. zygotes.

c. chromosomes.

Within each cell nucleus are coils of DNA called a. genes. b. human genomes. c. chromosomes. d. zygotes.

c. chromosomes.

Rosa and Ricardo were advised that if Rosa would eat well, abstain from smoking, not use drugs, and get prenatal care, she would _________ her chances of having a low-birth-weight baby. Select one: a. not affect b. increase c. decrease d. completely eliminate

c. decrease

Chao-Yi is suspicious of strangers, has frequent tantrums, has an irregular pattern of waking and sleeping, and laughs and cries loudly. Which kind of temperament does she have? Select one: a. easy b. hyperactive c. difficult d. slow-to-warm-up

c. difficult

Latrice was born with an extra fold of skin at the corners of her eyes, a small head, protruding tongue, and mental retardation. She probably has Select one: a. Turner's syndrome. b. Klinefelter's syndrome. c. Down syndrome. d. hemophilia.

c. down syndrome

According to the New York Longitudinal Study, 40 percent of children exhibit a temperamental pattern described as Select one: a. difficult. b. slow-to-warm-up. c. easy. d. mixed temperament.

c. easy. Correct

Two-week-old Jamie is lying quietly in her bassinet. Suddenly she utters a loud, piercing cry and holds her breath. She is probably Select one: a. hungry. b. angry. c. in pain. d. frustrated.

c. in pain. Correct

A very securely attached child generally grows up to be Select one: a. dependent on parents. b. dependent on a mate. c. independent. d. a controlling person.

c. independent. Correct

When her mother came into the room, Constance was laughing out loud at the dog's antics. This behavior usually begins at about an infant's __________ month. Select one: a. second b. third c. sixth d. fifth

c. sixth

At birth, Mona had an Apgar score of 1; after 5 minutes of resuscitation, her score was 4. Her parents were probably told that she Select one: a. was likely to have cerebral palsy. b. had suffered some neurological damage. c. still needed help to establish breathing. d. was out of danger and breathing normally.

c. still needed help to establish breathing.

The changes that bring on labor typically begin about 2 weeks before delivery, as a result of: a. size of the baby b. increased anxiety of the mother c. the shifting of balance of hormones d. the size of the placenta

c. the shifting of balance of hormones

The oily covering on the skin of a newborn is called Select one: a. witch's milk. b. lanugo. c. vernix caseosa. d. fontanels.

c. vernix caseosa.

Caffeine and pregnancy

caffeine is not considered a teratogen

Tanya's doctor has prepared her for the possibility that her baby has a large head and may have to be delivered by surgical delivery through an incision in Tanya's abdomen. This method of birth is called a

cesarean section

Tanya's doctor has prepared her for the possibility that her baby has a large head and may have to be delivered by surgical delivery through an incision in Tanyas abdomen. This method of birth is called a:

cesarean section

Tanya's doctor has prepared her for the possibility that her baby has a large head and may have to be delivered by surgical delivery through an incision in Tanya's abdomen. This method of birth is called a

cesarean section.

What is most likely the biggest problem with longitudinal research?

changing historical context

Young children's relationships with their siblings are usually

characterized by affection and attachment.

Failure to meet a child's basic needs is

child neglect

Based on research using the HOME assessments, parental responsiveness at six months of age is reported to be positively correlated with all of the following EXCEPT

child popularity

Based on research using HOME assessments, parental responsiveness at six months of age is reported to be positively correlated with all of the following EXCEPT

child popularity.

all of these

children born to women who smoke during pregnancy tend to show -retardation of growth -colic in infancy -a small head circumference -all of these

Maternal Depression and pregnancy

children of mothers who had been depressed during pregnancy showed elevated levels of violent and antisocial behaviors in adolescence passive genotype-environment correlations need to be taken into account.

A procedure that can be used within the first trimester of pregnancy to test fetal cells for defective conditions is

chorionic villus sampling

A procedure that can be used within the first trimester of pregnancy to test fetal cells for defective conditions is:

chorionic villus sampling

Miscarriages are most commonly caused by

chromosomal abnormalities

Miscarriages are most commonly caused by:

chromosomal abnormalities

Miscarriages are most commonly caused by

chromosomal abnormalities.

Each gene is located by function in a definite position on the:


Molecules of DNA are called which of the following?


Molecules of DNA make up which of the following?


Within each cell nucleus are coils of DNA called


Within each cell nucleus are coils of DNA called


Marla finds that rubbing her face against the satin edge of her blanket feels good. She learns to repeat this action to get a pleasurable sensation. According to Piaget, she has acquired a(n)

circular reaction

Marla finds that rubbing her face agaisnt the satin edge of ther blanket feels good. She learns to repeat this action to get a pleasurable sensation. According to Piaget, she has aquired a

circular reaction

Marla finds that rubbing her face against the satin edge of her blanket feels good. She learns to repeat this action to get a pleasurable sensation. According to Piaget, she has acquired a(n)

circular reaction.

Little Mark plays with a balloon that pops in his face and frightens him. The next time he sees a balloon, he starts to cry. The type of learning illustrated in this example is called

classical conditioning

Scientists have been successful at producing a genetic copy of a human embryo that is being used in the area of therapeutic research. This copy is referred to as a


An example of a psychoactive drug is


When neither of two alleles is dominant, the resulting trait reflects the influence of both. This is called


When a person can understand new experience using his existing thoughts and ideas, he has achieved:

cognitive equilibrium

The study of brain structure that govern thinking and memory is called

cognitive neuroscience

Mike and Veronica's baby has been crying from about 2 a.m. till 6 a.m. nearly every night for the past month. When they talk with the pediatrician they are told that the baby probably has


With regard to language development, most developmentalists currently

combine nativism and learning theory

Secure Attachment

comfortable in new surroundings with primary caregiver explore and play when primary caregiver is present separation anxiety stranger anxiety not easily comforted by a stranger greet parent enthusiastically upon return

The information-processing approach to explaining cognitive development compares the brain to a _____________; sensory impressions go in and behavior comes out


Olaf can reason consistently about real and tangible things. However, he cannot yet reason about abstract ideas or situations. Olaf is probably in Piaget's ______ stage.

concrete operational

neonatal jaundice

condition, in many newborn babies, cause by immaturity of live and evidenced by yellowish appearance; can cause brain damage if not treated promptly.

Kumar learns first to hold up his head, then to raise his shoulders, and then to push with his feet. This demonstrates which principle of development? Select one: a. proximodistal b. simple-to-complex c. maturational d. cephalocaudal

d. cephalocaudal

The condition of a baby whose Apgar score is 3 is Select one: a. very healthy. b. within normal range. c. slightly below normal. d. dangerous; the baby needs immediate resuscitation.

d. dangerous; the baby needs immediate resuscitation.

All of the following appear to increase the likelihood that a woman will deliver an underweight baby EXCEPT Select one: a. demographic and social conditions. b. multiple miscarriages. c. poor nutrition. d. genetic factors.

d. genetic factors.

"Goodness of fit" implies that parents should deal with problems of temperament by Select one: a. trying to change children's temperament to match their own. b. letting children's temperament create the family atmosphere and patterns. c. helping difficult children fit into the environment. d. helping children make some adaptations but essentially accepting their child's temperament.

d. helping children make some adaptations but essentially accepting their child's temperament. Correct

Frequent visits to the hospital nursery by parents of a low-birth-weight baby Select one: a. are discouraged because of germs. b. increase the parents' anxiety. c. cause parents to become too attached to the baby. d. may speed the baby's discharge.

d. may speed the baby's discharge.

If an infant inherits the gene for PKU and it is left untreated, the result will be Select one: a. neonatal jaundice. b. hormonal imbalance. c. neurological damage. d. mental retardation

d. mental retardation

Permanent alterations in genetic material that occur due to environmental conditions such as radiation or environmental hazards is/are called Select one: a. incomplete dominations. b. recessive defects. c. alleles. d. mutations

d. mutations

Permanent alterations in genetic material that occur due to environmental conditions such as radiation or environmental hazards is/are called a. incomplete dominations. b. recessive defects. c. alleles. d. mutations

d. mutations

Which of the following is likely to be heaviest at birth? Select one: a. firstborn girl b. firstborn boy c. second-born girl d. second-born boy

d. second-born boy

Jonathan is born 38 weeks after conception and weighs 4 1/2 pounds. He is Select one: a. premature. b. preterm. c. postterm. d. small-for-date.

d. small-for-date.

Terrence is getting fairly competent in his ability to "read" the expression of his mother for a clue as to how to act in an ambiguous situation. Terrence's ability is referred to as Select one: a. social facilitation. b. separation anxiety. c. situational compliance. d. social referencing.

d. social referencing. Correct

The condition of a baby whose APAGAR score is 3 is

dangerous; the babt needs immediate resucitation

The condition of a baby whose Apgar score is 3 is

dangerous; the baby needs immediate resuscitation.


death of a fetus at or after the 20th week of gestation.

Normative history-graded influences include all of the following EXCEPT

death of a spouse.

Rosa and Ricardo were advised that if Rosa would eat well, abstain from smoking, not use drugs and get prenatal care she would ____ her chances of having a low-birth baby


Rosa and Ricardo were advised that if Rosa would eat well, abstain from smoking, not use drugs, and get pernatal care, she would______her chances of having a low-birth-weight-baby.


Rosa and Ricardo were advised that if Rosa would eat well, abstain from smoking, not use drugs, and get prenatal care, she would _________ her chances of having a low-birth-weight baby.


Meredith watches her mother pour water out of a glass into the sink. The next day, at the beach, Meredith pours water from a cup into a pail. Meredith is engaging in

deferred imitation

Meredith watches her mother pour water out of a glass into the sink. The next day, at the beach, Meredith pours water from a cup into a pail. Meredith is engaging in

deferred imitation.

New York Longitudinal Study

defines infants as easy 40%, difficult 10%, slow to warm up 15%, and hard to classify 35%

In recent years there has been a rise in multiple births. This rise is a result of

delayed childbearing, increased fertility drugs, and assisted reproduction (p50)

In recent years there has been a rise in multiple births. This rise is a result of

delayed childbearing. increased use of fertility drugs. assisted reproduction. All of these

cesarean delivery

delivery of a baby by surgical removal from the uterus.


deoxyribonucleic acid, a self-replicating material present in nearly all living organisms as the main constituent of chromosomes

At ages 4 and 5, children who had been anxiously attached as infants were

dependent on their teacher


depends on heaving self-awareness

visual cliff

designed to give an illusion of depth and used to assess depth perception in infants. crawling babies will not cross over onto "deep" side (i.e., the side of the table with clear glass that looks like a cliff) babies too young to crawl haven't associated anxiety with depth & find deep side more interesting

The "Adult Attachment Interview" developed by Mary Main is designed to

determine how attached parents are to one another

Social competence was measured in girls with Turner's syndrome, a defect in which the individual is missing an X chromosome. Those who received the single X from their fathers did better and were better adjusted than those that received the single X from their mothers. The dad's gene seemed to override the mother's chemically altered gene. This is an example of

genetic imprinting.


genetic inheritance

A person's observable characteristics are his or her alleles. genetic imprint. phenotype genotype.


An organism's entire genetic inheritance is referred to as its


phenotype is a result of

genotype and environment

The environment often reflects or reinforces genetic differences; that is, certain genetic and environmental influences tend to act in the same direction. This tendency is called...

genotype-environment correlation

The environment often reflects or reinforces genetic differences; that is, certain genetic and environmental influences tend to act in the same direction. This tendency is called

genotype-environment correlation (p.64)

two people can share the same ______ but have different _____

genotype; phenotype

Besides kangaroo care, what other technique can parents use to help their low-birthweight babies progress?

gentle massage

The zygote begins rapid cell division and forms into a blastocyst during the __________ stage.


The zygote divides and implants into the wall of the uterus during what stage of gestration


The zygote divides and implants into the wall of the uterus during which stage of gestation?


The correct order for the three prenatal stages is

germinal, embryonic, and fetal.

Which of the following is NOT a type of prelinguistic speech?


About half the brain's volume is made up of __________ cells.


__________ are responsible for myelination.

glial cells

cells that support and protect neurons

glial cells

When six-month old infants are placed on top of an illusory visual cliff they

go to the ledge but not to the drop

critical period

greatest time of susceptibility (embryonic stage is critical period for physical structure and form)

1 month prenatal

growth is more rapid than at any other time during prenatal or postnatal life; the embryo reaches a size 10,000 times greater than the zygote. by the end it measures about ½ inch in length. Blood flows through its veins and arteries, which are very small. It has a minuscule heart, beating 65 times a minute. It already has the beginning of a brain, kidneys, liver, and digestive tract. The umbilical cord, its lifeline to the mother, is working. Its sex cannot yet be detected.

Studies of brain development indicate that

growth of brain cells increases in response to environmental stimulation

A baby stops sucking to listen to a tone, later that tone has been repeated frequently the baby ignores it, example of what


A baby stops sucking to listen to a tone. Later, after the tone has been repeated frequently, the infant ignores it. This is an example of


In the Infant Health and Development Program study those infants whose cognitive performance remained high had mothers who

had high cognitive scores on tests themselves

A sperm has _____ as many chromosomes as a normal body cell.



happens at different rates

Threshold effect teratogens

harmless until a certain level is reached

Of the following, the family with the LEAST need for genetic counseling is the one who

has a general concern about defects.

Piaget's theory...

has continued to be accepted with modification

Difficult Child

has irregular daily responses is slow to accept new experiences tends to react negatively and intensely

Gorica has received a very low score on the Brazelton Neonatal Assessment Test. His parents were told by the pediatrician that he

has likely suffered brain damage.

All of the following have been used to prevent, detect, and treat HIV in infants EXCEPT

having a vaginal birth

The critical factor in attaining the age of viability is: weighing at least 5 pounds (2.3 kg). having adequate brain development. having functioning digestive and respiratory systems. surviving at least 28 weeks past conception.

having adequate brain development.


having control over own behavior; confirms with caregiver's standards; depends on attentional processes

4 Causal Factors Involved in the Nature of Change

heredity/maturation: sets upper limits of development. Heredity provides the newborn with the basic equipment to cope with problems in the environment and sets a time schedule for new development possibilities. experience: active interaction with the environment social transmission: education (formal and informal) equilibration: drives the above 3 factors; driving force behind all development. It is not the same as homeostasis because cognitive development is dynamic—we must change to be stable. Resolution of disequilibrium results in an equilibrium at a higher level than before. We are growing, always changing.

A researcher compares monozygotic and dizygotic twins for their level of similarity on a trait. This researcher is attempting to determine the __________ of the trait activity levels.


Professor MacArthur is interested in studying the relative contribution of genetics and the environment on athletic ability. The professor is most interested in


If one allele in a pair of genes differ in some way from the other, the genes are said to be:


Cesarean birth rates in the United States are among the __________ in the world.


Matt's parents have noticed that he has recently wet his pants a few times and started to suck his thumb and talk like a baby, although he is 4 ½ years old. Which of the following has probably happened to Matt?

his mother just had a baby

JAckies says " milk" meaning" I want some milk". When his mother pours it, he says " milk" meaning "This is milk" After taking a sip, he pushes his cup toward his mother and says " milk" meaning " Do you want my milk" This is an example of


Which of the following is NOT one of the factors mentioned in the textbook that has contributed to children in Western industrialized nations growing taller and maturing sexually at an earlier age?

hormonal change

Genetic action that triggers the development of the body and brain are often regulated by

hormone levels that stimulate genes


how children develop habits and values making them productive members of society

Monozygotic twins are:

identical in genetic makeup, likely to be mirror images of each other physically, and not always identical in temperament

Who would show more concordance for a chiefly hereditary trait?

identical twins

Sixteen-year-old Janeece has just begun dating. She is beginning to realize that she has a lot more fun with her girlfriends than with her steady boyfriend. This is causing some concern for Janeece because she is afraid that she be a lesbian. According to Erikson, what crisis is Janeece struggling to resolve?

identity vs. role confusion

Male vs female instructions

if fetus is XY the SRY gene on the y-chromosome signals develop a male sex organs. Females have no signal

Historically, the study of child development gained impetus from

immunization to protect children from disease,child labor laws, scientific discoveries about the nature of conception. all of these.

cell death

in brain development, normal elimination of excess brain cells to achieve more efficient functioning.

A total Apgar score of 3 indicates that a newborn is:

in critical condition

A total Apgar score of 3 indicates that a newborn is: of very low birthweight. irritable and may be coughing and crying. in excellent condition. in critical condition.

in critical condition

Today, about half of all infants under 1 year in the United States whose mothers work are cared for

in homes of relatives or friends.

Infants and toddlers grow __________.

in little spurts

Two-week-old Jamie is lying quietly in her bassinet. Suddenly she utters a loud, piercing cry and holds her breath. She is probably

in pain

all of these

in recent years there has been a rise in multiple births, this rise is a result of -delayed childbearing -increased use of fertility drugs -assisted reproduction -all of these

Slow-to-Warm-Up Child

inactive shows mild, low-key reactions to environmental stimuli is negative in mood adjusts slowly to new experiences

Margie gave birth to a 3-pound baby when she was 15 years old. The most likely reason for a teenager having a low-birthweight baby is:

inadequate nutrition during pregnancy.

The partial expression of a recessive gene in a heterozygous pair is called

incomplete dominance.


increase in responsiveness after presentation of a new stimulus

A factor that increases the probability of having a baby with Down syndrome is

increased age of mother or father

A factor that increases the probability of having a baby with Down syndrome is

increased age of mother or father.

A factor that increases the probability of having a baby with down syndrome is:

increased age of the mother or father

Newborns regulate their body temperature soon after birth by

increasing their activity in response to drops in air temperature

Newborns regulate their body temperature soon after birth by

increasing their activity in response to drops in air temperature.

systems of action

increasingly complex combinations of motor skills, which permit a wider or more precise range of movement and more control of the environment.

A very securely attached child generally grows up to be


A very securley attached child generally grows up to be


Which is not a function of the placenta / what are functions of the placenta

not a function: it encases the baby with a fluid-filled membrane functions: it removes body wastes from the baby, it fights infections in the baby, it produces hormones that stimulate lactation

Synaptogenesis refers to an increase in the:

number of connections between neurons in the brain

A pregnant woman's use of cocaine or methamphetamines increases the risk to her fetus of all of the following EXCEPT


As adults, those who were low-birthweight babies have higher rated of:


A pregnant woman's use of cocaine or methamphetamines increases the risk to her fetus of all of the following EXCEPT


Lenny searches for a toy that he saw his mother hide, first behind her back and then under a pillow. Lenny has acquired

object permanence

Lenny searches for a toy that he saw his mother hide, first behind her back and then under a pillow. Lenny has aquired

object permanence

Lenny searches for a toy that he saw his mother hide, first behind her back and then under a pillow. Lenny has acquired

object permanence.

the realization that person or object continues to exist even when out of sight is called

object permeance

Breastfeeding for just a few weeks __________.

offers some protection against respiratory and intentional infections

Pregnant women over age 40 and pregnant adolescents are at increased risk for having

offspring with chromosomal abnormalities.

Some infants are born with sex-linked disorders. These disorders are

often carried by a female although not apparent in her phenotype.

Implicit memory seems to develop ____________ explicit memory.

often repeat the action several weeks later.

Fertilization is most likely if intercourse occurs:

on the day of ovulation or five days preceding ovulation

A possible cause of SIDS involves infants sleeping

on their stomachs

A possible cause of SIDS involves infants sleeping

on their tummies

Monozygotic twins are produced when:

one ovum is fertilized by one sperm, and the splits to form two clusters.

Monozygotic twins are produced when:

one ovum is fertilized by one sperm, and then splits to form two clusters

A correlation is considered to be negative if:

one variable increases while the other variable decreases

Which family would have the least need for genetic counseling?

one who is concern about defects in general


one who makes sure the baby/child gets everything that they need


only providing the help that the learner needs to move onto the next step in a given learning process

Equilibration (Piaget)

organize their schemes to achieve the best possible adaptation to their environment.

One difference between sperm cells and ova is that:

ova can carry an X chromosome, whereas sperm can carry either an X or a Y chromose

A child who calls a dog a "bow-wow" and also calls a cat a "bow-wow" is


Fran says" Yesterday, I sitted on the floor" This is an example of_____grammatical rules


Fran says, "Yesterday, I sitted on the floor." This is an example of __________ grammatical rules.


ran says, "Yesterday, I sitted on the floor." This is an example of __________ grammatical rules


The rupture of a mature follicle and the expulsion of the ovum is known as


Natural or prepared childbirth can minimize the need for

painkilling drugs.

A commitment by both parents to cooperate in raising their child is known as the:

parental alliance

Approximately two weeks before Elizabeth's due date, her obstetrician told her that the uterine and cervical changes that bring on labor had begun. This process is referred to as


Approximately two weeks before Elizabeth's due date, her obstetrician told her that the uterine and cervical changes that bring on labor had begun. This process is referred to as


Research on visual-tasks memory demonstrates that very young infants

pay more attention to new patterns than to familiar ones.

germinal period

period of gestation; the first 2 weeks of prenatal development after conception, characterized by rapid cell division and the beginning of cell differentiation

embryonic period

period of gestation; the stage of prenatal development from approximately the 3rd-8th week after conception, during which the basic forms of all body structures including internal organs, develop

fetal period

period of gestation; the stage of prenatal development from the 9th week after conception until birth, during which the organs grow in size and mature in functioning


person's characteristic way of approaching and reacting to people and situations

Down syndrome

the most common chromosomal abnormality, accounts for about 40 percent of all cases of moderate-to-severe mental retardation aka trisomy-21 characterized in more than 90 percent of cases by an extra 21st chromosome. The most obvious physical characteristic associated with the disorder is a downward-sloping skin fold at the inner corners of the eyes.

Postpartum depression is partly influenced by: the amount of time spent in labor. having a cesarean section. giving birth to a preterm infant. the mother's beliefs about her ability to care for her infant.

the mother's beliefs about her ability to care for her infant.

Three- day old babies prefer to hear

the mother's voice

Three-day-old babies perfer to hear

the mother's voice

incomplete dominance

the partial expression of a recessive gene in a heterozygous pair is called -dominant inheritance -recessive inheritance -incomplete dominance -partial dominance

approximately 14 days after conception

the period of the embryo begins

A baby's ability to manipulate objects greatly expands with the development of __________, use of the thumb and index finger opposably.

the pincer grasp


the process by which a child absorbs the meaning of a new word after hearing it once or twice in conversation

Infant Janine is using her whole hand to "point" at her favorite toy. Her actions are best explained by

the proximodistal principle.

gender stability

the realization that gender remains the same with age


the relatively consistent blend of emotions, temperament, thought and behavior that makes each person unique

The baby is born at the end of:

the second stage of labor

the best estimate of a child's physical maturity is __________.

the skeletal age

Between birth and two years,

the sleep-wake pattern increasingly conforms to a night-day schedule

most research on attachment is based on

the strange situation


the technique used to determine that male fetuses are more active and move more vigorously throughout gestation is -mothers personal reports -ultrasound -amniocentesis -fetal X-rays

cesarean delivery

the transmission of HIV from the mother to the newborn baby many be reduced by the use of -methadone -codeine -cesarean delivery -vaginal delivery

Oedipus complex

the unconscious desire of young boys to replace their father and win their mother's exclusive love

Electra complex

the unconscious desire of young girls to replace their mother and win their father's exclusive love


the understanding that certain physical characteristics of objects remain the same even when their outward appearance changes stretching carmels -still the same size

acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) and pregnancy

the virus may cross over to the fetus's bloodstream through the placenta during pregnancy, labor, or delivery or, after birth, through breast milk.

ecological theory of perception

theory developed by Eleanor and James Gibson, which describes developing motor and perceptual abilities as interdependent parts of function system that guides behavior in varying contexts.

Low-birth-weight newborns are usually placed into a warmed crib because

they have insufficient fat deposits to keep themselves warm.

Infants identified as shy and inhibited are seen as

thin and blue-eyed.

Primitive streak

thin line in the middle of outer layers of cells which will become the neutral tub and ultimate the brain-spinal column


think about several aspects of a situation at the same time. the ability to focus on more than one feature of a stimulus at a time


thinking about thinking

static reasoning

thinking that nothing changes

The placenta is expelled from the mother's body during the __________ stage of childbirth.


The placenta is expelled from the mother's body during the_____stage of childbirth


Fetal Period

third month


threadlike structure of nucleic acids and protein found in the nucleus of most living cells, carry genetic information in the form of genes

Prenatal development occurs in

three stages.


three types: hunger pain frustration

5 months prenatal (20 ish weeks)

weighing about 12 ounces to 1 pound and measuring about 1 foot, begins to show signs of an individual personality. It has definite sleep-wake patterns, has a favorite position in the uterus (called its lie), becomes more active—kicking, stretching, squirming, and even hiccuping. By putting an ear to the mother's abdomen, it is possible to hear the fetal heartbeat. The respiratory system is not yet adequate to sustain life outside the womb; a baby born at this time does not usually survive. a woolly hair called lanugo covers the body.

risk analysis

weighing the potential effects that a particular teratogen will affect the fetus

low birth weight

weight of less than 5.5 pounds at birth because of prematurity or being small-for-date.

In a longitudinal study of the effects of parental counseling and educational day care on low-birthweight babies, a control group of low-birthweight infants who did not receive these interventions

were more likely to be classified as mentally retarded

The Infant Health and Development Program study also concluded that the most important factor that determined long-term progress was

what goes on in the home itself

gender refers to

what it means to be male or female

stepping reflex

when infants are held upright with their feet touching a flat surface, they move their legs as if to wald

moro reflex

when something startles an infant and they fling their arms outward and then bring them to the chest while crying

it results in the number of chromosomes being reduced bay half

which of the following is TRUE of the process of meiosis? -meiosis results in two cells, each with 46 chromosomes -it results in the number of chromosomes being reduced by half -the process adds an extra 21st chromosome -meiosis is the process by which the egg and sperm combine


which of the following is generally used to detect multiple pregnancies or measure a fetus's head? -chorionic villus sampling -maternal blood test -ultrasound -amniocentesis

A researcher was interested in whether watching violence affected children's behaviors. To examine this, he showed a violent film to one group of preschoolers and a nonviolent film to a second group of preschoolers. Following the films, the behaviors of the two groups were compared. In this study, the comparison group was the children:

who watched the nonviolent film

According to Erikson, which virtue develops from successful resolution of the crisis of autonomy versus shame and doubt?


At age 2, a healthy, normal child is likely to be


committed compliance

willingly followed orders without reminders; shows internalization of household rules

According to sociolocultural theory, learning occurs when the new skills are:

within the zone of proximal development

can infants express emotions for about the 6 months of their lives


Studies of intelligence indicate that

younger children show greater environmental effects, but these may diminish later in life

Studies of intelligence indicate that...

younger children show greater environmental effects, but these may diminish later in life

According to the research study cited in the text book, your temperament seems to primarily determined by:

your genotype

A teacher is helping to direct and organize Jay's learning with blocks to help him master and internalize his skills. This reflects Vygotsky's notion of

zone of proximal development

A fertilized ovum is also called a(n)


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