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make do with

Meaning: Accept something less satisfactory because there's no alternative Example: There's no coffee, so we'll have to MAKE DO WITH tea.


afallamak, şaşırmış, şaşkın


alışkın, her zamanki, alışılmış


ark, yay, kavis


arkadaş, müttefik, ittifak kurmak


asa, baston


ağ, file




bagaj, bavul




başlık, kapşon


belediye başkanı


belirli, dayanıklı, katu, sert


benzemek, andırnak


besin, gıda


en üstün, yüce, ulu


eğilmek, eğmek, bükmek


eğitmen, özel hoca


gemiye, içinde, içine, içinde (gemi/uçak/tren vb)








kıyı, sahil




mandal, kilit mandalı


mezar, kabir


ormanlık, ağaçlık [more wooded; most wooded] : covered with trees ▪ a wooded lot ▪ These sorts of birds live in more wooded areas.


portatif, seyyar, taşınabilir


rahip, papaz, inzivaya çekilmiş kimse


sakınmak, kaçınmak, çok dikkat etmek


sefer, deniz seyahati, yolculuk


süthane, mandıra


sığ kayalık [count] : a long line of rocks or coral or a high area of sand near the surface of the water in the ocean






tutulma (ay/güneş)


tüccar, tacir


yakınmak, sancılanmak, sancı vermek, karnını ağrıtmak informal : to complain about something [no obj] ▪ All of the workers were griping about the new regulations. [+ obj] ▪ The students griped that they had too much homework. — gripe noun, plural gripes [count] ▪ I'm sick of listening to their gripes. [=complaints]




çöp kutusu, kutu










































































































































































salya, tükürük [noncount] : the liquid produced in your mouth that keeps your mouth moist and makes it easier to swallow food — sal·i·vary /ˈsæləˌveri/ adjective, technical ▪ a salivary enzyme


sarmaşık [count, noncount] : a plant that has long stems and that often grows on the outsides of buildings ▪ walls covered with ivy = ivy-covered walls —called also English ivy; — see color picture; see also poison ivy ivy league: [singular] : a group of eight colleges and universities in the eastern U.S. that have been respected for providing an excellent education for a long time — often used before another noun ▪ an Ivy League diploma/degree ▪ an Ivy League university/college ◊The Ivy League consists of Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia, Brown, and Cornell universities, the University of Pennsylvania, and Dartmouth College.


soğutmak refrigerate fruit


tabut, deniz seferine elverişsiz gemi



vice versa

tam tersi, tersine — used to say that the opposite of a statement is also true ▪ She ended up having a lot of influence on his career, and vice versa. [=and he also ended up having a lot of influence on her career] ▪ The camera can adjust for a light subject on a dark background, or vice versa. [=or a dark subject on a light background]


acı, acı tat, üzücü, sert


ahlaki, manevi, ahlaksal


akşam yemeği


alt, aşağı derece, bayağı, ikinci derecede , kalitesiz 1: of poor quality : low or lower in quality ▪ inferior goods/materials/products▪ an inferior performer/performance▪ These pearls are of inferior quality.— often + to▪ These pearls are inferior (in quality) to others I have seen. 2: of little or less importance or value ▪ They were considered a socially inferior group.▪ He always felt inferior around his brother.— often + to▪ He always felt inferior to his brother. 3: low or lower in rank ▪ The judges voted to overturn a ruling made by an inferior court.


ampul, çiçek soğanı


ana kent, büyük şehir, büyük şehre ilişkin : of or relating to a large city and the surrounding cities and towns ▪ the greater New York metropolitan area ▪ This is one of the best seafood restaurants in metropolitan Los Angeles. ▪ a metropolitan newspaper


tropikal, sıcak bölge 1 [singular] : either one of the two imaginary lines that circle the Earth to the north and south of the equator ◊The Tropic of Cancer is 231⁄2 degrees north of the equator and the Tropic of Capricorn is 231⁄2 degrees south of the equator. 2 the tropics : the part of the world that is near the equator where the weather is very warm ▪ a vacation in the tropics


anlatmak, ezbere söylemek 1 : to read (something) out loud or say (something) from memory usually for an audience [+ obj] ▪ He recited the poem/passage with great feeling. [no obj] ▪ He began to recite from the Koran. 2 [+ obj] : to say or describe (a series or list of things) ▪ He can easily recite all the facts about any player on the team.


aralık, ara, uzaklık, sıklık [count] 1 : a period of time between events : pause ▪ a three-month interval between jobs ▪ There might be long intervals during/in which nothing happens. ▪ The sun shone for brief intervals throughout the day. 2 music : the difference in pitch between two notes 3 Brit : intermission ▪ There will be a 20-minute interval between acts one and two. at intervals 1 : with an amount of space in between ▪ There are signs at regular intervals along the outside wall. ▪ The chairs were placed at intervals of two feet. 2 : with an amount of time in between ▪ It recurs at (regular) intervals of every six months.


araştırmak, bilgi almak, sormak, soruşturmak somewhat formal : to ask for information [no obj] ▪ When I inquired, they told me she was not here. — usually + about ▪ I called to inquire about the schedule. ▪ He was inquiring about a friend who used to work here. [+ obj] ▪ We inquired the way to the station. ▪ "So, what do you want?" he inquired.


arsa, bölge, arazi : land of a particular kind [noncount] ▪ We had to drive over some rough terrain. [count] ▪ We hiked through a variety of terrains.


asi, baş kaldıran, isyan etmek


at arabası, bebek arabası 1 : a large vehicle with four wheels that is pulled by a horse and that carries people [count] ▪ They rode to the city in carriages. [noncount] ▪ They rode by carriage. —called also coach 2 [count] : a wheeled structure that is used to carry and move something heavy (such as a large gun) ▪ an artillery carriage 3 [count] US : baby carriage ▪ I took the baby to the park in the carriage. 4 [count] Brit : a separate section of a train ▪ a passenger carriage [=(US) car, (Brit) coach]


atasözü, count] : a brief popular saying (such as "Too many cooks spoil the broth") that gives advice about how people should live or that expresses a belief that is generally thought to be true


aynı şekilde, benzer [more alike; most alike] : similar in appearance, nature, or form ▪ The two cars are much alike.— often + in▪ He and his brother are alike in their beliefs. [=they have similar beliefs]▪ two apples alike in shape look alike


ayırmak, bölüştürmek [+ obj] : to give someone (an amount of something) to use or have ▪ Each speaker will be allotted 15 minutes. ▪ The newspaper will allot a full page to each of the three mayoral candidates. — allotted adjective ▪ Most of the students completed the exam in the allotted time.


açıksözlü, dürüst, içten [also more frank; most frank] — used to say that someone is speaking or writing in a very direct and honest way ▪ She gave me some very frank criticism.▪ Don't be afraid to be perfectly/completely frank with me.▪ To be brutally frank with you, I don't think you're good enough.▪ We had a full and frank discussion. — frank·nessnoun [noncount] ▪ She spoke with surprising frankness.


ağaç gövdesi


aşamali, yavaş yavaş gradual pace


başvurmak, çekicilik, temyiz


belli, besbelli, ortada, açıkça


berektli, verimli, doğurgan


büyük çiftlik, hayvan çiftliği


büyük, harika, kocaman


dayanıksız, güçsüz, hafif, cılız [also more feeble; most feeble] 1 : very weak ▪ a feeble old man ▪ She's still feeble from her long illness. ▪ We heard a feeble cry for help. ▪ Business is suffering because of the feeble economy. synonyms weak 2 : not good enough : not successful or effective ▪ a feeble joke ▪ He made a feeble attempt/effort to explain his behavior. ▪ He offered a feeble excuse for his behavior. ▪ "Dislike" is too feeble a word for how she feels about him.


denizden uzakta, ülke içi, karasal, iç : in, into, or toward the middle of a country : away from the coast ▪ They traveled inland from the sea. ▪ They live inland about three miles.


dikkatsiz, unutkan, ihmalkar, ilgisiz [more oblivious; most oblivious] : not conscious or aware of someone or something ▪ We called out to them, but they remained oblivious. [=they did not notice us] — usually + of or to ▪ He was completely oblivious of [=unaware of] the fact that he'd offended them. ▪ She kept dancing, oblivious to everyone around her.


doku, lif, elyaf, tel


dolap, büfe




düzensiz, pürüzlenmiş 1 : having a rough, uneven surface ▪ the rugged surface of the moon ▪ She did a painting of the region's rugged coastline. 2 of a man's face : having rough but attractive features ▪ People are attracted to his rugged good looks. 3 : strong and determined ▪ rugged pioneers ▪ I admire her rugged individualism. 4 : made to be strong and tough ▪ The chair is made of rugged plastic. ▪ The fabric is lightweight but rugged. 5 : involving great difficulties or challenges : testing your physical, mental, or moral strength ▪ a long and rugged winter ▪ a rugged climb to the top of the mountain ▪ the rugged life of a sailor


el feneri, flaş


erkek hostes, kilerci, kahya [count] 1 : a person and especially a man whose job is to serve meals and take care of passengers on a train, airplane, or ship — compare flight attendant 2 a : someone who protects or is responsible for money, property, etc. ▪ the steward of their investments ▪ teaching our children to be good stewards of the land b : a person whose job is to manage the land and property of another person ▪ the steward of the estate


eyalet, il


gaga, kaplumbağa ve diğer bazı hayvanların baş kısımlarında bulunan sert kısım [count] 1 : the hard usually pointed parts that cover a bird's mouth : bill ▪ the beak of a hawk — see picture at bird 2 informal + humorous : a person's nose ▪ an actor with a big beak — beaked /ˈbi:kt/ adjective ▪ a long-beaked bird


gerçek, gerçekçi 1 [more factual; most factual] : limited to, involving, or based on facts ▪ factual knowledge/information ▪ She tried to separate what is factual [=true, real] from what is not. ▪ That statement is not factual. ▪ a report filled with factual errors 2 : of or relating to facts ▪ the factual aspects of the case — fac·tu·al·ly adverb ▪ a factually incorrect statement


geçit töreni, resmi geçit, alay


gerginleştirmek, kasılmak, zorlamak, çok gayret etmek, gerinme, zor 1 : a feeling of stress and worry that you have because you are trying to do too much, are dealing with a difficult problem, etc. [count] ▪ The work has been a strain on me. [=it has been stressful for me] ▪ The strain of working and going to school full-time was too much for her. ▪ He talked about the stresses and strains of owning a business. ▪ The long hours at work have put/placed a strain on me. ▪ She has been under a strain lately. [noncount] ▪ Help from other workers took some of the strain [=pressure] off me. ▪ She has been under (a lot of) strain lately. ▪ He is holding up under the strain. [=he is able to deal with the pressure] ▪ He cracked/collapsed/buckled under the strain. [=he was not able to deal with the pressure] 2 : something that is very difficult to deal with and that causes harm or trouble [count] ▪ There are strains [=problems] in their relationship. ▪ Being deeply in debt has been a strain [=burden] on our marriage. ▪ The disagreement has put/placed a strain on their friendship. ▪ Sending their children to college has put/placed a strain on their finances. [noncount] ▪ Being in debt has been a source of strain on our marriage. ▪ Their friendship is under strain. 3 : a force that pulls or stretches something : stress [count] ▪ The cable is designed to withstand strains of more than four tons. — usually singular ▪ The strain on the cables supporting the bridge is enormous. ▪ The cables could not take the strain of the extra weight. [noncount] ▪ If there is too much strain on the cables they will snap. ▪ Moving the piano will put/place too much strain on our back muscles. ▪ The cable broke under the strain. 4 : an injury to a body part or muscle that is caused by too much tension, effort, or use [count] ▪ a leg/muscle strain [noncount] ▪ Long hours of study can cause eye strain. ▪ Heavy lifting is a cause of muscle strain. v: 1 [+ obj] : to injure (a body part or muscle) by too much tension, use, or effort ▪ I strained my back trying to lift the couch. ▪ Too much computer work strains the eyes. ▪ He strained a muscle in his leg. — compare sprain 2 : to try very hard to do or get something [no obj] — often + for ▪ He was straining for air. [=he was struggling to breathe] — often followed by to + verb ▪ He strained to open the jar. ▪ She strained to sing the high notes. ▪ The people in the back of the room strained to hear the speaker. [+ obj] ▪ I strained my ears to hear [=I tried very hard to hear] what they were whispering. ▪ I strained my eyes [=I tried very hard to see] in the darkness. 3 a : to be pulled or stretched in a forceful way [no obj] ▪ His muscles strained under the heavy weight. [+ obj] ▪ People were straining their necks [=were lifting their heads as high as they could by stretching their necks] to see the fight. — sometimes used figuratively ▪ You are straining (the limits of) my patience with your nagging. b [no obj] : to pull hard on or push hard against something — + at or against ▪ The dog strained at its leash. ▪ His belly strained against the buttons of the shirt. — sometimes used figuratively ▪ The kids were straining at the leash to get going. [=were very eager to get going] 4 [+ obj] : to cause problems or trouble for (something) ▪ The disagreement strained their relationship. ▪ The rent has strained our finances. ▪ The company is financially strained. 5 [+ obj] : to separate a liquid from solid pieces by using a special device (called a strainer) ▪ He strained the pasta. = He strained the water from the pasta. ▪ She strained the gravy. = She strained the lumps out of the gravy.


gölet, havuzcuk, süs havuzu 1 [count] : an area of water that is surrounded by land and that is smaller than a lake 2 the pond informal : the Atlantic Ocean ▪ They moved here from across the pond.


gücendirmek, kızdırmak 1: to cause (a person or group) to feel hurt, angry, or upset by something said or done [+ obj] ▪ His comments about minority groups offended many of us.▪ She had carefully worded her comments so as not to offend anyone.▪ It offends me that you would make such a remark.▪ Don't worry. I wasn't offended.▪ I felt a little offended by their lack of respect.▪ Some people are offended by the song's lyrics.▪ I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you. [no obj] ▪ I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend. 2 [+ obj] : to be unpleasant to (someone or something) ▪ The billboard offends the eye. [=the billboard is not attractive]


güneş, güneşe ait, solar 1 : of or relating to the sun ▪ a solar eclipse/phenomenon 2 : produced by or using the sun's light or heat ▪ solar energy/power ▪ a solar heating system


gürlemek, gürleme, hızlı artış, reklam yapma, piyasada canlılık, fırlamak 1 a [no obj] : to make a deep and loud sound ▪ the sound of the bass drum booming ▪ His voice boomed out across the congregation. b [+ obj] : to say (something) in a deep and loud voice ▪ She boomed commands from the stern of the ship. ▪ "What's going on here?" he boomed. 2 [no obj] of a business or industry : to grow or expand suddenly ▪ Housing construction has boomed in the past year. ▪ Last year we almost had to close the store, but now business is booming.


halen, şimdi, hemen, yakında 1 : during the time that is happening now : at the present time : now ▪ She is presently [=currently] at work on a new novel. 2 : after a short time : soon ▪ He'll be here presently.


ham demir, kalın dilim, kalın tabaka, levha [count] 1 : a thick, flat piece of a hard material (such as stone or wood) ▪ concrete slabs ▪ slabs of rock 2 : a thick, flat piece of food (such as bread or meat) ▪ a slab of bacon ▪ a thick slab of homemade bread


hanedan, köklü aile


hayır informal : no ▪ "Have you finished the book yet?" "Nope." — compare yep


hazine, servet






hızlı koşmak, koşuşturmak, sürat koşusu [no obj] : to run or go very fast for a short distance ▪ He sprinted to class. ▪ The bicycle racers sprinted for the finish line. n: 1 [count] : a race over a short distance at a very fast speed 2 [singular] : a short period of running or going very fast ▪ He made a sprint for the finish line.


istifa etmek, ayrılmak




kalıtım yoluyla almak, miras almak, she inherited her mother's gold earrings


karakter, özellik, kişisel özellik


kaymak, düşmek


kuluçka, yuva


kış bahçesi, sera






miras, kalıtım, kök


mücevher , kıymetli taş


müdür, okul müdürü


nedensellik [noncount] formal 1 : the relationship between something that happens or exists and the thing that causes it ▪ Scientists found no causality between the events. 2 : the idea that something can cause another thing to happen or exist ▪ the principle of causality


tırtıl, iş makinesi


ufuk, anlayış broaden your horizons


yara izi, sıyrık, ameliyat izi


yara, yaralamak


yerçekimi, ağırlık


çam, ananas 1 [count] : a tree that has long, thin needles instead of leaves and that stays green throughout the year —called also pine tree


çağdaş, modern, günümüze ait


çevirmek, dönmek


çifte, iki, ikili


çok tecrübeli, deneyimli, gazi, eski asker [count] 1 : someone who fought in a war as a soldier, sailor, etc. ▪ a Navy veteran —called also (US, informal) vet 2 : someone who has a lot of experience in a particular activity, job, etc. ▪ a veteran of the political scene ▪ a teaching veteran ▪ He's a 10-year veteran with/of the team. — veteran adjective ▪ a veteran politician ▪ veteran police officers


çok yorucu, çok zor, eziyetli [more grueling; most grueling] : very difficult : requiring great effort ▪ a grueling race ▪ His schedule is grueling


ödünç almak, borç almak




önem, vurgu, vurgulamak


şimşek, yıldırım


















































































































































































































açgözlülük, hırs, oburluk [noncount] : a selfish desire to have more of something (especially money) ▪ He was a ruthless businessman, motivated by naked ambition and greed. ▪ corporate greed — sometimes + for ▪ He made no effort to conceal his greed for money and power.


ağır basmak, den ağır gelmek [+ obj] : to be greater than (someone or something) in weight, value, or importance ▪ She outweighs her sister by 10 pounds. ▪ The advantages far outweigh [=exceed] the disadvantages. ▪ This issue outweighs all others in importance.


ağırlamak, doyasıya yemek, festival, eğlenti, zevk almak [count] 1 : a special meal with large amounts of food and drink ▪ give/have the annual Thanksgiving feast ▪ Every guest brought a different dish to the party, and we had quite a feast. : a large formal dinner ▪ There were hundreds of guests at the royal wedding feast. — often used figuratively ▪ a feast of colors ▪ The carnival provided a veritable feast of sights and sounds. ▪ The garden is a feast for the eyes. [=the garden is very beautiful] 2 : a religious festival ▪ the feast of the Nativity ▪ a movable feast [=a religious festival that is on a different date each year] v:[no obj] : to eat large amounts of food — usually + on ▪ We feasted on steak and potatoes.


ağız tadı, damak [count] 1 : the top part of the inside of your mouth : the roof of your mouth — see also cleft palate 2 : the sense of taste ▪ The restaurant serves Korean food adapted for the American palate. ▪ She's been working hard on a menu that will please the palates of all her guests. ▪ Sorbet is sometimes served between courses to cleanse the palate. [=to clean and refresh your mouth between different parts of a meal]


bakan, vekil


bakiye, geri kalan, artık, tortu


artırmak, çoğaltmak, yükseltmek : to increase the amount, degree, or extent of (something) : increase [+ obj] ▪ The plan will only heighten tensions between the two groups. ▪ This tragedy has heightened our awareness of the need for improved safety measures. [no obj] ▪ Tensions between the two groups have heightened. — heightened adjective ▪ The meeting now has heightened [=more, greater] significance.


askeri, savaşla ilgili : of or relating to war or soldiers ▪ martial music ▪ martial [=military] discipline


astsubay, çavuş


bağlanmak, birbirine geçmek, nişanlanmak 1 [+ obj] formal: to hire (someone) to perform a particular service ▪ He was engaged as a tutor. : to pay for (help, services, etc.) ▪ I suggest you engage the services of a lawyer. [=I suggest you hire a lawyer] 2 [+ obj] : to get and keep (someone's attention, interest, etc.) ▪ He sure can engage an audience.▪ The story engaged my interest. 3: to start fighting against (an opponent) [+ obj] ▪ The troops prepared to engage the enemy. [no obj] (formal) ▪ The troops prepared to engage with the enemy. — opposite disengage 4: to move (a mechanism or part of a machine) so that it fits into another part [+ obj] ▪ He engaged the clutch and drove away. [no obj] ▪ As I released the clutch, the gears engaged. — opposite disengage engage in [phrasal verb] 1 engage in (something): to do (something) ▪ At college she engaged in various sports.▪ We don't engage in that sort of behavior. 2 engage (someone) in (something): to cause (someone) to take part in (something) ▪ She engaged him in conversation. [=she started a conversation with him]


başa çıkmak, üstesinden gelmek, uğraşmak [no obj] : to deal with problems and difficult situations and try to come up with solutions ▪ The trial has been difficult, but I'm learning to cope. — often + with ▪ You'll just have to cope with the situation. ▪ The book is about coping with stress. ▪ He says he can no longer cope with the demands of the job. — coping adjective always used before a noun ▪ coping skills/strategies [=skills/strategies that help a person cope]


başarmak, işleri rast gitmek, zenginleşmek [no obj] 1: to become very successful usually by making a lot of money ▪ She prospered as a real estate agent.▪ He hopes his business will prosper. 2: to become very active, healthy, or strong ▪ The city prospered [=flourished, thrived] as a center for trade.▪ No crop can prosper in this heat.▪ The economy is prospering.


başarı göstermek, üstün olmak 1 [no obj] : to be better than others — usually + at or in ▪ He excelled at whatever role he played. ▪ She excels in sports. 2 [+ obj] : to be or do better than (others) ▪ She excels everyone else in sports. ▪ (Brit) She really excelled herself [=she did much better than usual] in her last race!


başlamak, başlatmak, ön ayak olmak, açılış yapmak [+ obj] 1 formal : to cause the beginning of (something) : to start or begin (something) ▪ initiate a new project ▪ Doctors have initiated a series of tests to determine the cause of the problem. ▪ The company initiated judicial proceedings against them. 2 : to formally accept (someone) as a member of a group or organization usually in a special ceremony ▪ The new recruits will be initiated tomorrow night. ▪ He was initiated into a secret society. 3 : to teach (someone) the basic facts or ideas about something — usually + into ▪ They initiated her into the ways of the corporate world.




can yıkıcı, yorucu [more tedious; most tedious] : boring and too slow or long ▪ He made a tedious 45-minute speech. ▪ The work is tedious, but it needs to get done. — te·dious·ly adverb ▪ a tediously long speech — te·dious·ness noun [noncount]


damar, tekne, gemi [count] 1 formal : a ship or large boat ▪ a fishing/sailing vessel 2 technical : a vein or artery that carries blood through the body : blood vessel 3 somewhat old-fashioned : a hollow container for holding liquids ▪ a drinking vessel


hapşırma, tıksırmak [no obj] : to suddenly force air out through your nose and mouth with a usually loud noise because your body is reacting to dust, a sickness, etc. ▪ She was constantly sneezing and coughing.


hesap, yüksek matematik, analiz [noncount] : an advanced branch of mathematics that deals mostly with rates of change and with finding lengths, areas, and volumes


iç çekmek, ah etme, ah etmek, of


içgüdü, sezgi


konsey, belediye meclisi


liman, liman kenti


nefret, kin, düşmanlık : a very strong feeling of dislike :hate [noncount] ▪ He had an irrational fear and hatred of foreigners.▪ She makes no attempt to conceal her hatred for her opponents.▪ This troubled city is filled with hatred, prejudice, crime, and fear. [count] ▪ The war was fueled by hatreds that were centuries old.


nihai, son olarak : coming or happening at a later time ▪ our eventual success ▪ She lost to the eventual champion. [=the person who would later become champion] ▪ This plant reaches an eventual height of 15 feet. [=this plant will grow to be 15 feet high]


çakıllı kum, çakıllık [noncount] : small pieces of rock ▪ a layer of gravel — often used before another noun ▪ a gravel road [=a road with a top surface made of gravel] ▪ a gravel pit [=a large hole in the ground where gravel has been dug up]




çincenin standart resmi ve edebi kullanılan şekli, mandalina




çıkmak, patlak vermek, püskürmek


ışın, ışık saçmak, ışın demeti, hüzme, parlamak [count] 1 a : a line of light coming from a source (such as the sun or a headlight) ▪ a bright beam of light ▪ We saw the beams from their flashlights. ▪ a laser beam — see also high beam, low beam, sunbeam b : a line of energy, particles, etc., that cannot be seen ▪ a beam of electrons ▪ X-ray beams 2 : a long and heavy piece of wood or metal that is used as a support in a building or ship ▪ the building's steel support beams ▪ wood ceiling beams


şükür, şükran, minettarlık [noncount] : a feeling of appreciation or thanks ▪ Let me express my sincere gratitude for all your help. ▪ We remember with gratitude those who died defending our country. ▪ We owe them a debt of gratitude [=we should be grateful to them] for all the help they've given us. — opposite ingratitude


ahlaksız, terbiyesiz, ahlaka aykırı [more immoral; most immoral] : not morally good or right : morally evil or wrong ▪ Don't condemn her: there was nothing immoral about what she did. ▪ It was immoral of her to tell lies like that. ▪ immoral behavior/acts — compare amoral, moral — im·mo·ral·i·ty /ˌɪˌmoɚˈæləti/ noun [noncount] ▪ sexual immorality ▪ the immorality of their behavior — im·mor·al·ly


burun, bazı şeylerin sivri ön bölümü, pelerin [count] 1 : a large area of land that sticks out into a sea, bay, etc. — often used in proper names ▪ the Cape of Good Hope ▪ Cape Cod 2 US : a small house that has one or one-and-a-half levels and a steep roof —called also Cape Cod cottage [count] : a piece of clothing that does not have sleeves and that fits closely at the neck and hangs over the shoulders, arms, and back : a short cloak ▪ a superhero's mask and cape


buz gibi, çok soğuk, kutupsal 1 or Arctic always used before a noun : of or relating to the North Pole or the region around it ▪ off the arctic coast ▪ The group is involved in Arctic exploration. ▪ Arctic waters


cüzi, değersiz, önemsiz, küçük [also more paltry; most paltry] formal 1 : very small or too small in amount ▪ They're offering a paltry [=meager] salary for the position. ▪ Sales have increased by a paltry [=measly] two percent. 2 : having little meaning, importance, or worth ▪ a paltry excuse ▪ paltry work


cırcır böceği, çekirge [count] : a small black insect that jumps high and that makes loud, high-pitched noises


devir ,dönem, çağ


değerlendirmek, faydalanmak, kullanmak [+ obj] formal : to use (something) for a particular purpose ▪ The company will utilize [=make use of, use] available tax incentives to convert the factory to solar power. ▪ Many of the library's resources are not utilized by townspeople. — uti·li·za·tion also Brit uti·li·sa·tion /ˌju:tələˈzeɪʃən/ noun [noncount] ▪ the utilization of tax incentives


ekmek, işlemek


el yazısı, yazma,taslak : the original copy of a play, book, piece of music, etc., before it has been printed [count] ▪ The library owns the author's original manuscript. ▪ a copy of the composer's manuscript [noncount] ▪ She read the book in manuscript. [=she read the manuscript of the book]


gazyağı, parafin [noncount] chiefly US : a type of oil that is burned as a fuel — often used before another noun ▪ a kerosene heater/lamp —called also (Brit) paraffin


gök gürültüsü, gürlemek


gökyüzü ile ilgili ,göğe ait 1 : of or relating the sky ▪ stars, planets, asteroids, and other celestial bodies ▪ Sailors still use celestial navigation. [=they still navigate by using the positions of the sun and stars in the sky] 2 : of or relating to heaven : heavenly ▪ Angels are celestial beings. ▪ The late afternoon sunlight gave the room a celestial glow. ▪ celestial music


hapsetmek, kapatmak, sınırlamak, mahkum etmek [+ obj] 1 : to keep (someone or something) within limits : to prevent (someone or something) from going beyond a particular limit, area, etc. — usually + to ▪ Please confine [=restrict, limit] your comments to 200 words. ▪ The cancer was confined to the lung. [=the cancer was only in the lung; the cancer had not spread to any other parts of the body] ▪ We must confine ourselves to the agenda we've agreed on for this meeting. [=we must only talk about what is on the agenda] ▪ The town would like to confine commercial development to an area by the highway. ▪ Students need not confine themselves to a single area of study. ▪ The city's poverty is not confined to just one neighborhood. 2 : to keep (a person or animal) in a place (such as a prison) — usually used as (be) confined ▪ Violent criminals are sometimes confined for life. ▪ a camp where prisoners were confined during the war — often + to or in ▪ She was confined to a psychiatric hospital for a year. ▪ The bull was confined in a pen behind the barn. 3 : to force or cause (someone) to stay in something (such as a bed or wheelchair) — usually used as (be) confined ▪ I regularly visit a sick neighbor who is confined at home. [=who cannot leave home because of being sick] — often + to ▪ He was confined to a wheelchair. ▪ She was confined to bed for a week with the flu.


kötüleştirmek : to make (something) worse or to become worse [+ obj] ▪ Spending more money is only going to worsen the problem. [no obj] ▪ The situation has worsened. ▪ worsening conditions


lav, püskürtü


sal, salla taşımak [count] 1 : a flat structure that is used for floating or sailing on water 2 : a plastic or rubber boat that you have to fill with air in order to use [count] : a large amount or number or people or things ▪ a raft of political supporters




siber uzay, sanal gerçeklik noncount] : the online world of computer networks and the Internet ▪ We send e-mails through cyberspace.


soba, fırın


sosyoloji, toplumbilim [noncount] : the study of society, social institutions, and social relationships — abbr. soc.


suç, kabahat, incinme, gücenme 1 a [noncount] : something that causes a person to be hurt, angry, or upset ▪ She didn't mean to give/cause offense. [=to offend anyone]▪ I mean no offense [=I do not want to offend anyone], but isn't there someone more qualified for the job?▪ No offense [=I do not want to offend you when I say this], but I think you are mistaken. b [count] : something that is wrong or improper — often + to▪ His actions are an offense to public morals.— often + against▪ Such language is an offense against common decency. 2 [count] : a criminal act ▪ He was found guilty and fined $250 for each offense.▪ Penalties for a first offense range from fines to jail time.▪ a capital/federal/criminal offense▪ serious/minor offenses


suyun üzerinde yüzmek


terlemek [no obj] somewhat formal : to produce a clear liquid from your skin when you are hot or nervous : sweat ▪ I was nervous and could feel myself start to perspire. ▪ She ran two miles and wasn't even perspiring.


odacı, temizlik görevlisi [count] chiefly US : a person who cleans a building and makes minor repairs —called also (Brit) caretaker




varis, mirasçı [count] 1 : a person who has the legal right to receive the property of someone who dies ▪ His heirs could inherit millions of dollars. — often + to ▪ She is the sole heir to her family's fortune. 2 : a person who has the right to become a king or queen or to claim a title when the person holding it dies ▪ The king left no heirs when he died.


zirva, zirve toplantısı, uç, doruk


afiş ,pankart [count] 1 a : a usually large printed notice often having a picture on it that is put in a public place to advertise something ▪ Posters for the concert have been going up all over town. ▪ campaign posters b : a usually large picture that is put on walls as a decoration ▪ His walls were covered with posters of his favorite bands. 2 : a person who writes messages on an online message board


batak, bataklık : an area of soft, wet land that has many grasses and other plants [count] ▪ wetlands and marshes [noncount] ▪ a wide expanse of marsh ▪ marsh grasses — marshy /ˈmɑɚʃi/ adjective, marsh·i·er; marsh·i·est [also more marshy; most marshy] ▪ a wet marshy region/habitat ▪ marshy ground


birinin kendi imzası, el yazısı, imzalamak, imza vermek [count] : the signature of a famous person ▪ We asked her for her autograph. ▪ He collects autographs. ▪ There were several autograph seekers/hounds outside the theater. ▪ I asked her to sign my autograph book. [=a book with blank pages for people to sign]


batıl inanç : a belief or way of behaving that is based on fear of the unknown and faith in magic or luck : a belief that certain events or things will bring good or bad luck [count] ▪ It is a common superstition that a black cat crossing your path is bad luck. [noncount] ▪ tales of superstition, witchcraft, and magic


bakir doğa, ekilmemiş boş arazi, çöl, boşluk [count] : a wild and natural area in which few people live ▪ She enjoys hikes through the wilderness. — often used before another noun ▪ They liked to take wilderness excursions. ▪ wilderness conservation — often used figuratively ▪ a bureaucratic wilderness


bağlılılık, görecelik [noncount] physics : a theory developed by Albert Einstein which says that the way that anything except light moves through time and space depends on the position and movement of someone who is watching


bağırmak, haykırmak


başlık, manşet, haber başlığı, manşette vermek


bilinçli, kasti, şuurlu


boya, boyamak


bu arada, bu esnada




dağlık bölge, kuzey iskoçya


delta, nehir deltası, üçgen, çatal ağız 1 [count] : the fourth letter of the Greek alphabet — Δ or ƍ 2 [count] : a piece of land shaped like a triangle that is formed when a river splits into smaller rivers before it flows into an ocean ▪ a river delta ▪ the Ganges/Nile Delta 3 or Delta [singular] US : an area of low land along the Mississippi River that is mainly in the state of Mississippi ▪ the Mississippi Delta ▪ delta blues [=blues music that comes from the Mississippi delta]


demirci, nalbant




dilim, pay


diz çökmek [no obj] : to move your body so that one or both of your knees are on the floor ▪ The prisoner was ordered to kneel (down) before the king. : to be in a position in which both of your knees are on the floor ▪ She was kneeling on the floor beside her child. ▪ He was kneeling in front of the altar and praying.


durum, koşul, şart, hal


engin, çok büyük, muazzam




frekans, sık sık olma, sıklık 1 [noncount] : the fact or condition of happening often : common occurrence ▪ the alarming frequency of serious automobile accidents caused by young drivers ▪ The frequency of student errors was frustrating to the young teacher. 2 [noncount] : the number of times that something happens during a particular period ▪ The frequency of our visits decreased [=our visits occurred less often] during the school year. ▪ Our visits decreased in frequency. ▪ Errors were occurring with increasing frequency. ▪ high/low frequency 3 technical : the number times that something (such as a sound wave or radio wave) is repeated in a period of time (such as a second) [noncount] ▪ a sound wave of high/low frequency [count] ▪ waves having very different frequencies from one another ▪ high/low frequencies ▪ a current having a frequency of 60 hertz ▪ a radio frequency of 30 megahertz


fıçı, namlu, varil [count] 1 a : a round usually wooden container with curved sides and flat ends ▪ Oak barrels are used for aging the wine. ▪ an empty barrel b : the amount of something in a barrel ▪ The price of oil is over 30 dollars a barrel. ▪ They drank a whole barrel of beer. — see also pork barrel 2 : the part of a gun that the bullets go through when the gun is fired ▪ the barrel of a gun ▪ a rifle barrel


havai fişek gösterisi


insanlık, insanoğlu [noncount] : all people thought of as one group : humankind ▪ All of mankind will benefit from this new technology. ▪ We have seen the same pattern throughout the history of mankind.


intikam almak, öc almak, intikam


konak, misafirhane






süpürge, saplı süpürge

well thought-out

the plan sounded well thought-out to the lion


titremek, ürpermek [no obj] 1 : to shake slightly because you are afraid, nervous, excited, etc. ▪ His arms and legs began to tremble. ▪ My voice trembled as I began to speak. ▪ I opened the letter with trembling hands. — often + with ▪ She was trembling with fear/excitement. 2 : to shake slightly because of some force ▪ The house trembled as the big truck drove by. 3 somewhat formal : to be afraid or nervous ▪ I tremble to think of what could happen. = I tremble at the thought of what could happen. — tremble noun, plural trembles [count] — usually singular ▪ I felt a tremble as the truck drove by. ▪ I could hear a tremble in her voice. — often + of ▪ He felt a tremble of nervousness.


yavru köpek, enik [count] : a young dog :puppy ▪ a cute little pup ; also: one of the young of various animals other than dogs ▪ seal pups


yer bilimi, jeojoli


çeşme, fıskiye


şehir merkezi, çarşı


şehirden uzak yer, taşra : the part of Australia that is far from cities and where few people live
























































arzu, dürtü, kışkırtmak, sevketmek, ileri sürmek, teşvik etmek v: [+ obj] 1: to ask people to do or support (something) in a way that shows that you believe it is very important ▪ He is continually urging reform.▪ The rescuers urged that we remain calm.▪ The group is urging a ban on the chemical. = The group is urging that the chemical be banned. 2: to try to persuade (someone) in a serious way to do something ▪ an editorial urging readers to vote▪ I urge you to reconsider. 3always followed by an adverb or preposition: to use force or pressure to move (someone or something) in a particular direction or at a particular speed ▪ A hand on her back urged her forward.


başlıca,asıl, en önemli formal: basic or most important ▪ the cardinal principles of news reporting▪ My cardinal rule is to always be honest.▪ The cardinal points [=the four main directions] on a compass are North, South, East, and West.


benzerini veya daha iyisini yapmaya çalışmak, biri kadar başarılı olmaya çalışmak [+ obj] : to try to be like (someone or something you admire) ▪ She grew up emulating her sports heroes. ▪ artists emulating the style of their teachers


büyük ayıp, büyük hakaret, kırmak, rezalet, çok öfkelendirmek, zorbalık 1 [noncount] : extreme anger : a strong feeling of unhappiness because of something bad, hurtful, or morally wrong ▪ Many people expressed outrage at the court's decision. ▪ Public outrage over the scandal was great. ▪ moral outrage 2 [count] : something that hurts people or is morally wrong ▪ The rule is an outrage against women. ▪ This is an outrage! I won't allow this kind of behavior to continue.


değişiklik yapmak, düzeltmek, değişiklik [+ obj] 1 : to change some parts of (something) while not changing other parts ▪ We can help you modify an existing home or build a new one. ▪ He modified the recipe by using oil instead of butter. ▪ modify a plan ▪ She has modified her views on the matter. ▪ The design was modified to add another window. ▪ We played a modified version of our favorite game. 2 grammar : to limit or describe the meaning of (a word or group of words) ▪ Adjectives usually modify nouns, and adverbs usually modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. ▪ In the phrase "a red hat," the adjective "red" modifies the noun "hat."


dul, dul kadın [count] 1 : a woman whose husband has died 2 informal : a woman whose husband often leaves her alone while he plays sports or is involved in other activities ▪ a football widow [=a woman whose husband spends a lot of time watching football] ▪ Everyone joked that she was a golf widow. [=a woman whose husband is often away playing golf]


farzetmek, varsaymak


fildişi 1 [noncount] : a hard white substance that forms the tusks of elephants and other animals ▪ a carved piece of ivory 2 [noncount] : a slightly yellowish white color


hafifletici, huzur veren, yatıştırıcı [more soothing; most soothing] : producing feelings of comfort or relief ▪ a soothing bath/cream/massage ▪ soothing words ▪ The music had a soothing effect on the baby. — sooth·ing·ly adverb ▪ She sang soothingly to the baby.


hayırsever [count] : someone who helps another person, group, etc., by giving money ▪ With the help of a rich benefactor he set up a charity.▪ an anonymous benefactor


koru,kavaklık, ağaçlık [count] : a small group of trees ▪ a grove of oaks ; especially : a group of trees that produce fruit or nuts ▪ an orange grove ▪ a pecan grove — sometimes used in street names ▪ Evans Grove ▪ Oak Grove


kuru ot, saman, esrar [noncount] 1 : grass that has been cut and dried to be used as food for animals ▪ a bale of hay 2 US, informal : a small amount of money — usually used in negative statements ▪ They made over a million dollars last year, and that ain't hay! [=that is a lot of money]


meyil, eğilim, kabiliyet, beceri : a natural ability to do something or to learn something [count] ▪ The new test is supposed to measure the aptitudes of the students. ▪ Anyone who can speak five languages obviously has a great natural aptitude for (learning) languages. [noncount] ▪ She's shown great natural aptitude for (learning) languages. ▪ a test of aptitude = an aptitude test [=a test that is designed to show how easily someone will be able to learn certain skills]


tartmak, ölçmek






yanlış yola saptırıcı, yanlış yola saptırılmış [more misguided; most misguided] 1 : having wrong or improper goals or values ▪ She's been getting a lot of bad advice from misguided friends. 2 : resulting from wrong or improper goals or values ▪ He blames the crisis on the government's misguided economic policies. ▪ a misguided attempt/effort to help ▪ misguided ideas/notions — mis·guid·ed·ly adverb


çene [count] : the part of the face below the mouth and above the neck — see picture at face; see also double chin keep your chin up : to stay cheerful and hopeful during difficult times ▪ He's still keeping his chin up despite all his health problems. ▪ (Keep your) chin up! Everything will work out for the best.


(buhar/duman vb) çıkarmak, dumanlar çıkararak ilerlemek (lokomotif/vapur belirli bir yöne doğru), kabartı, şişirmek 1 : to breathe smoke from a cigarette, pipe, etc., in and out of the lungs [no obj] ▪ She sat on the porch puffing on a cigarette. ▪ The men spent the evening puffing (away) at cigars. [+ obj] ▪ He puffed [=smoked] a pipe. 2 a : to produce or send out small clouds of smoke or steam [+ obj] ▪ He puffed [=blew] smoke into my face. ▪ The chimney puffed white smoke into the sky. [no obj] ▪ Steam puffed (out) from the pot. b always followed by an adverb or preposition [no obj] : to move in a particular direction while producing clouds of steam or smoke ▪ We watched the train puff away on its journey west. n: 1 [count] : an act of breathing something (such as smoke or medicine) into your lungs ▪ He let me have a puff off his pipe. ▪ She took two puffs on her inhaler before going for a run. 2 [count] : a movement of gas, smoke, or air that can be seen or felt ▪ She blew out the candles in a single puff. [=an outward breath of air] — usually + of ▪ The magician disappeared in a puff of smoke. ▪ We saw puffs of smoke billowing from the chimney. ▪ A sudden puff of cold air hit the back of my neck. 3 [count] : a light, round pastry that contains a sweet filling ▪ puffs filled with cream cheese and apricot jam


(keserek) şekil vermek, çatlak, çene, vuruş, parçalamak, kesmek [+ obj] : to cut (something) into pieces by hitting it with the sharp edge of an ax, knife, etc. ▪ She's in the kitchen chopping vegetables. ▪ They chopped wood for the fireplace. — often used figuratively ▪ They intend to chop [=lower] prices for the sale. ▪ Our budget was chopped [=cut] in half. [=it is now half of what it was] n: [count] 1 : a small piece of meat that usually includes a bone from an animal's side ▪ lamb/pork chops 2 a : the act of hitting something with the sharp edge of an ax, knife, etc. ▪ He cut off the branch with a single chop. b : the act of hitting someone or something with the side of your hand ▪ He broke the boards with a karate chop.


...bölüm, bölme, kırılma, kısım, kesir [count] 1 mathematics : a number (such as 1⁄2 or 3⁄4) which indicates that one number is being divided by another ; also : a number (such as 3.323) that consists of a whole number and a decimal 2 : a part or amount of something ▪ a fraction of an inch/second ▪ We've described only a small fraction [=portion] of the available options. ▪ The new program will provide similar benefits at a fraction of the cost (of the old one). [=at much less cost; for much less money] ▪ The new technology allows us to complete the job in a fraction of the time [=in much less time] it formerly took.


bitiştirmek, eklemek, yanyana koymak of a building, room, area of land, etc. : to be next to or joined with something [+ obj] ▪ Her office adjoins the library. ▪ The two rooms adjoin each other. [no obj] ▪ The two rooms adjoin. — adjoining adjective ▪ We reserved adjoining rooms at the hotel.


tersini çevirmek [+ obj] formal 1 : to turn (something) upside down ▪ invert a bowl ▪ The lens inverts the image. ▪ The number 9 looks like an inverted 6. ▪ an inverted image 2 : to change the position, order, or relationship of things so that they are the opposite of what they had been ▪ invert the order of two words in a sentence


tezgah,sıra, kanepe, mahkeme 1 [count] : a long and usually hard seat for two or more people ▪ a park bench 2 the bench law a : the place where a judge sits in a court of law ▪ The lawyer asked if he could approach the bench. b : the position or rank of a judge ▪ her recent appointment to the bench 3 [count] : a long table for holding tools and work ▪ a carpenter's bench


bütünüyle, tamamıyla, tek kelimeyle : complete and total ▪ It's hard to believe that we were utter strangers just a few days ago. ▪ The situation descended into utter chaos. ▪ The children displayed an utter lack of interest in the performance. ▪ The movie was utter garbage. ▪ That argument is utter nonsense. ▪ The wedding was a complete and utter [=absolute, total] disaster. — ut·ter·ly adverb ▪ I was utterly convinced that she was wrong. ▪ The two cities are utterly different.


abartmak, ileri gitmek


acayip, esrarengiz, tuhaf


acil, korkunç, dehşetli [or more dire; most dire] 1 : very bad : causing great fear or worry ▪ Even the smallest mistake could have dire [=terrible, dreadful] consequences. ▪ a dire emergency ▪ The circumstances are now more dire than ever. ▪ With its best player out of the game, the team found itself in dire straits. [=in a very bad or difficult situation] ▪ The company now finds itself in dire financial straits. [=the company is having bad financial problems] 2 : warning of disaster : showing a very bad future ▪ Some analysts are issuing dire economic forecasts. ▪ a dire prediction/warning 3 a : requiring immediate action : very urgent ▪ The government is in dire [=desperate] need of reform. ▪ dire necessity b : very serious or extreme ▪ They live in dire poverty.


acımasız, kızgın, kötü, öfkeli, vahşi 1 a : very violent ▪ He was killed in a fierce battle. ▪ a fierce assault/attack ▪ fierce combat/fighting b : eager to fight or kill ▪ a fierce tiger/warrior ▪ a fierce fighter 2 : having or showing a lot of strong emotion : very strong or intense ▪ a fierce argument/struggle ▪ The proposal has faced fierce opposition. ▪ The two teams have had a fierce rivalry for many years. ▪ fierce enthusiasm ▪ He's admired for his fierce independence. ▪ She's a fierce competitor. ▪ You could see the fierce determination in her eyes. 3 : very harsh or powerful ▪ a fierce desert wind ▪ a fierce heat wave ▪ a fierce storm/squall ▪ She was suffering through fierce [=excruciating] pain.


adamakıllı, derin, içten, yoğun, şiddetli [more profound; most profound] 1 a : having or showing great knowledge or understanding ▪ a profound thinker ▪ His knowledge of history is profound. ▪ Her books offer profound insights into the true nature of courage. b : difficult to understand : requiring deep thought or wisdom ▪ the profound mysteries of outer space ▪ profound questions 2 a : very strongly felt ▪ profound sorrow ▪ a profound sense of loss b : very great ▪ Computer technology has made profound [=major, significant] changes in our lives. ▪ His paintings have had a profound effect/impact/influence on her own work. 3 somewhat formal : absolute or complete ▪ a profound silence/sleep/deafness — pro·found·ly adverb ▪ She was influenced profoundly by his art. ▪ The discovery is profoundly important. ▪ Their beliefs are profoundly different. ▪ profoundly deaf people


akran, emsal, eşdüzey, karanlıkta hayal meyal görünen birşeye dikkatle bakmak


akşam yemeğini yemek [no obj] somewhat formal : to eat dinner : to have the main meal of the day ▪ We'll be dining at six o'clock. ▪ She likes to dine at/in expensive restaurants. ▪ I will be dining alone tonight. ▪ We hope you have an enjoyable dining experience. dine in [phrasal verb] : to have dinner at home ▪ I'm tired of dining in. [=eating in] Let's go out to eat tonight. dine on [phrasal verb] dine on (something) : to eat (something) for dinner ▪ We dined on pasta and fresh vegetables. ▪ They dined on chicken every day for a month. ▪ animals dining on fruits, leaves, and insects dine out [phrasal verb] : to have dinner at a restaurant ▪ We always dine out [=eat out] on Fridays.


alalade, çok sıradan, olağan [more mundane; most mundane] 1 : dull and ordinary ▪ mundane chores, like washing dishes ▪ They lead a pretty mundane life. 2 : relating to ordinary life on earth rather than to spiritual things ▪ prayer and meditation helped her put her mundane worries aside


algı, duygu, his, heyecan, heyecan verici şey 1 [count] : a particular feeling or effect that your body experiences ▪ I experienced a stinging/prickling/tingling sensation in my arm.▪ She felt a burning sensation in her throat.▪ visual/bodily sensations▪ a sensation of hunger▪ She craved new experiences and sensations. 2 [count] : a particular feeling or experience that may not have a real cause ▪ I had a sensation of falling. [=I felt as if I were falling]▪ She had the strange sensation that someone was watching her.▪ I couldn't quite shake the sensation that I'd been fooled. 3 [noncount] : the ability to feel things through your physical senses ▪ Her injury left her with no sensation in her legs. 4 [count] a: a lot of excitement and interest — usually singular ▪ The news created (quite) a sensation.▪ News of the corporate merger caused a sensation on the stock market. b: someone or something that causes a lot of excitement and interest — usually singular ▪ The rave reviews turned the book into a nationwide sensation overnight.▪ a music/pop sensation


arka, arka plan, geri, kıç, yükseltmek, yetiştirmek 1 [noncount] : the part of something that is opposite to or away from the front part : the back part of something ▪ There are two bedrooms at the rear. — often + of ▪ The store is in the rear of the building. ▪ We sat toward the rear of the train/boat. 2 [count] informal : the part of your body that you sit on : buttocks — usually singular ▪ He slipped and fell on his rear. [=rear end] adj: : at or near the back of something ▪ The car's rear bumper was damaged. ▪ We used the rear [=back] entrance of the hotel. ▪ the horse's rear [=hind] legs ▪ the car's rear lights/window v: 1 [+ obj] : to take care of (a young person or animal) ▪ His family rears [=raises] cattle. ▪ They reared [=brought up, (chiefly US) raised] their children to be polite and well-mannered. ▪ books on child-rearing — often + on ▪ The kitten was reared on special food. ▪ He was reared on comic books. [=he read a lot of comic books when he was young] 2 [no obj] of an animal : to rise up on the back legs with the front legs in the air ▪ The horse reared (up) in fright. 3 [no obj] : to rise high in the air ▪ The cliff wall reared (up) above us.


asil, soylu, ulu [also more noble; most noble] 1 : having, showing, or coming from personal qualities that people admire (such as honesty, generosity, courage, etc.) ▪ He was a man of noble character. ▪ It was noble of her to come forward with this information. ▪ a noble ideal/ambition/cause/purpose 2 always used before a noun : of, relating to, or belonging to the highest social class : of, relating to, or belonging to the nobility ▪ She married a man of noble [=aristocratic] birth/rank. ▪ his noble ancestry ▪ the noble class 3 : impressive in size or appearance ▪ a noble cathedral


balta [count] : a tool that has a heavy metal blade and a long handle and that is used for chopping wood


bebek, küçük çocuk


büyükbaş hayvan, sığır [plural] : cows, bulls, or steers that are kept on a farm or ranch for meat or milk ▪ a herd of cattle ▪ His family used to raise cattle. ▪ The people in the crowd were treated like cattle as they tried to leave the stadium. — often used before another noun ▪ cattle feed ▪ a cattle herd ▪ the cattle industry ▪ My uncle has a cattle ranch.


cesaret edip girişmek, riske atmak, teşebbüs, girişim 1always followed by an adverb or preposition [no obj] : to go somewhere that is unknown, dangerous, etc. ▪ We ventured out into the woods.▪ He nervously ventured out onto the ice.▪ The pups never ventured far from home. 2always followed by an adverb or preposition [no obj] : to start to do something new or different that usually involves risk ▪ The company is venturing into the computer software industry.▪ a writer venturing on/upon a new project▪ The group's lead singer is now venturing on a solo career.▪ It's important to plan carefully before venturing on a long journey. 3 [+ obj] : to do, say, or offer something (such as a guess or an opinion) even though you are not sure about it ▪ I'd like to venture [=hazard] a guess.— often followed by to + verb▪ He got angry at me when I ventured to suggest that things could have been worse.


cezve, demlik, testi


cisim, madde, maddi içerik, öz 1 [count] a: a material of a particular kind ▪ chemical/toxic/hazardous/dangerous substances▪ The pancreas secretes a substance called insulin.▪ The floor was covered with a white, powdery substance that turned out to be flour. b: a drug that is considered harmful and whose use is controlled by law or made illegal ▪ heroin and other illegal substances▪ He had a history of substance abuse.▪ Codeine is a controlled substance. [=a drug that you need permission from a doctor to use] 2 [noncount] a: the quality of being meaningful, useful, or important ▪ matters of substance▪ When has he ever said anything of substance?▪ The book lacks substance. b: the quality of being true or believable ▪ These rumors have no substance. = These rumors are without substance. [=these rumors are not true]▪ The results of the study give substance to their theory. 3 [noncount] : the most basic or necessary part or quality of something :essence ▪ the substance of my argument▪ These two books differ in both style and substance. [=content]▪ He stated, in substance [=in essence, essentially], that it is not his fault and he will not pay for damages.


daldırmak, sos, bandırmak, düşmek, eğilmek 1 [+ obj] a : to put (something) into a liquid and pull it out again quickly — usually + in or into ▪ Lightly dip the paintbrush into the paint. ▪ We dipped our toes into the water to see how cold it was. ▪ The shrimp are dipped in batter and then fried. ▪ a dipping sauce [=a sauce that food is dipped into] b : to move (something) into and out of something — + in or into ▪ He dipped his hand into his pocket and pulled out a key. 2 [+ obj] : to lift (liquid) out from a container ▪ Use a ladle to dip some water out of the pot. ▪ dipping water from a well 3 : to move downward [no obj] ▪ The sun dipped below the horizon. ▪ The road dips over the hill. ▪ I saw his head dip below the surface of the water. [+ obj] ▪ He dipped his head. 4 [no obj] : to decrease somewhat usually for a short time ▪ Gasoline prices have dipped again. ▪ The temperature could dip below freezing tonight.


damat, seyis, kaşağılamak, hazırlamak, çeki düzen vermek [count] 1 : a man who has just married or is about to be married —called also bridegroom; — compare bride 2 : a person who takes care of horses v: [+ obj] 1 : to clean and care for (an animal) ▪ The horses are being groomed for the competition. ▪ The cat was grooming itself in the corner. [=the cat was cleaning itself by licking its fur] 2 a : to make (someone) neat and attractive ▪ She spent hours grooming herself. ▪ She always seems to be perfectly groomed and neatly dressed. b : to make (something) neat, smooth, or attractive ▪ a carefully groomed lawn ▪ perfectly groomed ski slopes — see also well-groomed 3 : to prepare (someone) for a particular job or position ▪ He is being groomed to take over the company. — grooming noun [noncount] ▪ Horses need a lot of grooming. ▪ She spends an hour each morning on personal grooming. [=care of her hair, skin, nails, etc.]


damlamak, damlama sesi 1 [no obj] : to fall in drops ▪ Water dripped from a leak in the ceiling. ▪ Blood dripped down his leg from the cut. ▪ Hot wax dripped onto my fingers. 2 : to let drops of (a liquid) fall [+ obj] ▪ The pine trees dripped sap onto the cars. ▪ The kids dripped water all over the house. [no obj] ▪ The faucet is dripping. [=water is dripping from the faucet] ▪ a dripping faucet — often + with ▪ His face was dripping with sweat. [=sweat was dripping from his face] ▪ The toast was dripping with butter. ◊If you are dripping wet you are so wet that drops of water are falling off you. ▪ The kids were dripping wet. 3 [no obj] : to have or show a large amount of something — usually + with ▪ Her voice dripped with contempt/charm. ▪ She was dripping with diamonds. [=she was wearing a lot of diamonds]


grup, kabile


dehşet, korku, ürkme 1 a [noncount] : fear caused by sudden danger : sudden fear ▪ Her eyes were wide with fright.▪ He was paralyzed with/by fright. [=he was so afraid that he couldn't move]▪ I almost died of fright. [=I was extremely afraid or terrified]▪ I approached very slowly, but the hawk took fright [=became afraid] and flew away. b [count] : a feeling of sudden fear — usually singular ▪ When you jumped out from behind the door it gave me such a fright! [=it made me feel very afraid] synonyms 1fear 2 [count] old-fashioned: something that looks strange, shocking, ugly, etc. — usually singular ▪ You can't go out like that. Your hair looks a fright! [=your hair looks very messy or unattractive]


deneme, duruşma 1 : a formal meeting in a court in which evidence about crimes, disagreements, etc., is presented to a judge and often a jury so that decisions can be made according to the law [count] ▪ civil/criminal trials ▪ a murder trial ▪ He did not get/have/receive a fair trial. ▪ a trial by jury = a jury trial ▪ He testified at the trial. [noncount] ▪ He testified at trial. ▪ She is awaiting trial on charges of assault. ▪ She will stand/face trial [=be tried] for murder. [=there will be a trial to decide if she is guilty of murder] ▪ He was arrested but not brought to trial. [=tried; there was never a trial to decide if he was guilty or innocent] ▪ The case never came to trial. [=there was never a trial to make a decision about the case]


derli toplu siki yogun kucultulmus [more compact; most compact] 1 a : smaller than other things of the same kind ▪ The camera is compact. ▪ The drill has a compact design. ▪ a compact car b : using little space and having parts that are close together ▪ the apartment's compact floor plan ▪ The cabin was compact but perfectly adequate. 2 : closely or firmly packed or joined together ▪ compact dirt 3 of a person or animal : short but solid and strong ▪ He is compact and muscular. ▪ He has a compact body.


devretmek, dolaştırmak, yayılmak 1 : to move without stopping though a system, place, etc. [no obj] ▪ Blood circulates through the body. ▪ Steam circulates in the pipes. [+ obj] ▪ A pump circulates the water through the filter. ▪ Fans circulate the air. 2 a [no obj] : to go or spread from one person or place to another ▪ Rumors are circulating around town. ▪ The report circulated among the students. b [+ obj] : to cause (something) to go or spread from one person or place to another ▪ Stories were circulated about mismanagement. ▪ He is circulating a petition asking for a new election. 3 [no obj] : to go from group to group at a party or social gathering in order to talk to different people ▪ She circulated among her guests.


dilekçe, temenni, dilekçe vermek, rica, dava dilekçesi, yazılı başvuruda bulunmak [count] 1 : a written document that many people sign to show that they want a person or organization to do or change something ▪ They collected 2,000 signatures on a petition demanding that women be allowed to join the club. ▪ Would you like to sign our petition? 2 a : a formal written request made to an official person or organization ▪ We presented a petition to the legislature to change the law. b law : a formal written request to have a legal case decided by a court ▪ She filed a petition for divorce. ▪ They've denied your petition. [=the court will not hear your case] 3 formal : a prayer or request to God or to a very powerful person or group ▪ We ask you to hear our petition. v: : to ask (a person, group, or organization) for something in a formal way [+ obj] ▪ The organization petitioned the government to investigate the issue. ▪ All people had the right to petition the king for help. [no obj] ▪ She petitioned to join their club. — often + for ▪ The students petitioned for permission to wear hats in school.


doğrulamak, onaylamak [+ obj] 1 formal : to say that something is true in a confident way ▪ We cannot affirm that this painting is genuine. ▪ The two men affirm that they are innocent. = The two men affirm their innocence. [=they say they are not guilty] ▪ They neither affirmed nor denied their guilt. synonyms assert 2 formal : to show a strong belief in or dedication to (something, such as an important idea) ▪ laws affirming the racial equality of all peoples ▪ They continued to affirm their religious beliefs. ▪ affirm life — see also life-affirming 3 law : to decide that the judgment of another court is correct ▪ The decision was affirmed by a higher court. ▪ The court affirmed his conviction. [=the court agreed that he was guilty]


dürtmek, hafifçe itmek, sallamak, tempolu koşu 1 [no obj] : to run slowly especially for exercise ▪ She jogs three miles a day. 2 [+ obj] : to push or bump (someone or something) lightly ▪ She jogged [=(more commonly) nudged] him with her elbow. 3 [no obj] : to move up and down heavily with a short motion ▪ The bag jogged against her hip as she walked.


elbise kolu [count] 1 : the part of a shirt, jacket, etc., that covers all or part of your arm ▪ a shirt with long/short sleeves — see color picture; see also shirtsleeve 2 a : a part that fits over or around something to protect it or to hold its parts together ▪ The joint is covered with a metal sleeve. ▪ a plastic document sleeve


evcilleştirmek, evcil, sıkıcı, tatsız, yavan, zararsız [also more tame; most tame] 1 a : not wild : trained to obey people ▪ a tame elephant b : not afraid of people ▪ The island's birds are quite tame. 2 : not exciting or interesting : dull ▪ They ran a pretty/quite/rather tame campaign. ▪ Some people were shocked by the movie, but I found the story pretty tame. 3 : gentle and obedient ▪ Members of the audience were too tame to interrupt the speaker. v: [+ obj] 1 : to make (an animal) tame ▪ It took a while to tame the horse. 2 : to make (something) less wild or difficult to control : to bring (something) under control ▪ the people who tamed the Wild West ▪ He struggled to tame his temper. ▪ The government needs to do something to tame inflation. — tamed adjective ▪ a tamed animal — tam·er noun, plural tam·ers [count] ▪ a lion/tiger tamer


fidye, fidye ile kurtarmak : money that is paid in order to free someone who has been captured or kidnapped [count] ▪ The kidnappers demanded a ransom of one million dollars. [noncount] ▪ The family is willing to pay ransom for his release. ▪ The ransom note explained the terms under which she would be released. ▪ ransom money/payment ▪ (chiefly US) A group of men is holding the ship's crew for ransom. = (Brit) A group of men is holding the ship's crew to ransom. — sometimes used figuratively ▪ (Brit) The boy used his bad temper to hold his mother to ransom, forcing her to buy him sweets. v: [+ obj] : to pay money in order to free (a person who has been captured or kidnapped) ▪ He was held captive for a week before he was ransomed and returned to his family.


hudut, sınır, kenar 1 [count] : something (such as a river, a fence, or an imaginary line) that shows where an area ends and another area begins ▪ Those two trees mark the boundary of our property. ▪ The river forms the country's western boundary. 2 [count] : a point or limit that indicates where two things become different ▪ at/on the boundary between fact and fiction 3 boundaries [plural] : unofficial rules about what should not be done : limits that define acceptable behavior ▪ You need to set boundaries with your children. ▪ Did he violate the boundaries of the doctor-patient relationship? ▪ They're pushing the boundaries of [=doing things that are unusual in] traditional French cooking.


inlemek, inilti, sızlanma 1 [no obj] : to make a long, low sound because of pain, unhappiness, or physical pleasure ▪ The wounded soldier moaned in/with pain. ▪ The crowd moaned [=groaned] as the other team scored another goal. ▪ He moaned with pleasure as she rubbed his back. 2 a [no obj] : to express unhappiness about something : complain ▪ We were all moaning about the cold, rainy weather. ▪ He's always moaning about his salary. ▪ The children were moaning and groaning all morning, but their mother would not let them go outside. ▪ I'm tired of all his moaning and groaning about his salary. b [+ obj] : to say (something) in a way that shows pain or unhappiness ▪ "But I don't want to go," moaned the boy. ▪ "Oh, my stomach hurts," she moaned. = She moaned that her stomach hurt. 3 [no obj] : to make a long, low sound ▪ The wind moaned in the trees. — moan·er /ˈmoʊnɚ/ noun, plural moan·ers [count] ▪ He dismisses his critics as a bunch of moaners. [=people who are always unhappy or complaining about something]


irkilmeki korkutmak, sıçramak, ürkmek, 1 [+ obj] : to surprise or frighten (someone) suddenly and usually not seriously ▪ The noise startled me. ▪ I'm sorry that I startled you. — often used as (be) startled ▪ I was startled by the noise. ▪ He was startled to discover he knew the answer. ▪ She was startled into wakefulness by a loud noise. 2 [no obj] : to move or jump suddenly because something surprises you or frightens you ▪ The cat startles easily.


kulübe, baraka [count] : a small and simple house or building ▪ a mud/wooden hut [=shack]


kurak, sıkıcı, tatsız [more arid; most arid] 1 : very dry : having very little rain or water ▪ an arid desert ▪ arid lands/regions 2 : lacking in interest and life ▪ a dull and arid textbook — arid·i·ty /əˈrɪdəti/ noun [noncount] ▪ the aridity of the land


maaş, ücret [count] : an amount of money that a worker is paid based on the number of hours, days, etc., that are worked ▪ a wage of $14 an hour = an hourly wage of $14 ▪ Both of them make decent wages. ▪ The table and chairs cost two weeks' wages. ▪ The company offers competitive wages and good benefits. ▪ The company gave workers a four percent wage increase this year. savaş açmak, devam ettirmek [+ obj] : to start and continue (a war, battle, etc.) in order to get or achieve something ▪ They waged a guerrilla war against the government. ▪ Local activists are waging a campaign to end homelessness in the region. ▪ They have waged [=fought] a battle against the proposed new law.


nadir, seyrek, az bulunur [also more scarce; most scarce] : very small in amount or number : not plentiful ▪ Food was getting scarce during the drought. ▪ scarce resources make yourself scarce informal : to leave so that you will not be seen in a certain place ▪ You'd better make yourself scarce before my parents get home. — scarce·ness noun [noncount] ▪ The scarceness [=scarcity] of the metal made it valuable.


nem, rutubet, ıslaklık [noncount] : a small amount of a liquid (such as water) that makes something wet or moist ▪ These flowers grow best with moisture and shade. ▪ Wool socks will pull moisture away from your skin. ▪ The leaves absorb moisture from the air.


onarmak, yenilemek, restore etmek [+ obj] : to make changes and repairs to (an old house, building, room, etc.) so that it is back in good condition ▪ renovate an old farmhouse ▪ a newly renovated theater ▪ It's an old factory that has been renovated as office space. ▪ We renovated the kitchen three years ago. — ren·o·va·tion /ˌrɛnəˈveɪʃən/ noun, plural ∼ tions [count] ▪ a costly renovation — often plural ▪ The restaurant is closed for renovations. [noncount] ▪ The park will be closed during renovation. — ren·o·va·tor /ˈrɛnəˌveɪtɚ/ noun, plural ren·o·va·tors [count] ▪ good advice for home renovators


ortadan kaldırmak, çözümlemek, gidermek, hükme bağlamak 1 [+ obj] : to find an answer or solution to (something) : to settle or solve (something) ▪ The brothers finally resolved their conflict. ▪ The issue of the book's authorship was never resolved. ▪ His speech did nothing to resolve doubts about the company's future. ▪ They haven't been able to resolve their differences. 2 [+ obj] : to make a definite and serious decision to do something ▪ She resolved to quit smoking. ▪ He resolved that he would start dating again. 3 [+ obj] : to make a formal decision about something usually by a vote ▪ The committee resolved to override the veto. 4 formal : to change into separate parts or a different form by usually a gradual process [+ obj] ▪ The mixture was resolved into two parts. [no obj] ▪ The image eventually resolved into the shape of a person's body.


otlamak, otlatmak, sıyrılmak, sıyrık 1 a of an animal : to eat grass or other plants that are growing in a field, pasture, etc. [no obj] ▪ The cattle grazed (on grass) in the field. ▪ grazing cattle [+ obj] ▪ Fields grazed by cattle. b [+ obj] : to cause (animals) to graze ▪ We grazed our cattle on the front pasture. 2 [no obj] : to eat small amounts of food at many times during the day ▪ She was grazing on snacks all afternoon. [+ obj] 1 : to touch or hit (something) while moving past it ▪ The car's wheel grazed the curb. ▪ He was grazed by a bullet. 2 : to injure (the skin, a part of the body, etc.) by scraping against something ▪ She grazed her knee when she fell. n: [count] : an injury on your skin that is caused because it moves against something ▪ She had a slight graze on her knee from falling.


oturmak, yaşamak, ikamet etmek [+ obj] 1 : to live in (a place) : to have a home in (a place) ▪ Several hundred species of birds inhabit the island. ▪ This part of the country is inhabited by native tribes. ▪ The island is no longer inhabited. [=no people live there] 2 : to be present in (something) ▪ There is a romantic quality that inhabits all her paintings. ▪ The novel is inhabited by a cast of eccentric characters. — in·hab·it·able /ɪnˈhæbətəbəl/ adjective ▪ The house is in such poor condition that it's barely inhabitable.


oysa, iken 1 — used to make a statement that describes how two people, groups, etc., are different ▪ Some of these species have flourished, whereas others have struggled. ▪ Whereas many people have supported the proposal, others have opposed it very strongly. ▪ He has brown eyes whereas his children have green eyes. 2 law : since it is true that — usually used at the beginning of a statement in an official document ▪ Whereas the citizens of the state of Virginia have a right to know that...


patlamak, patlak vermek, ortaya çıkmak 1 a [no obj] : to break open or into pieces in a sudden and violent way ▪ The balloon burst. [=popped] ▪ We could hear bombs bursting [=exploding] in the distance. ▪ Two of the water pipes burst. b [+ obj] : to cause (something) to break open or into pieces ▪ Be careful not to burst [=pop] the balloon. ▪ He burst a blood vessel. 2 : to open suddenly [no obj] ▪ The doors suddenly burst open. [+ obj] ▪ The cops burst the door open. 3 always followed by an adverb or preposition [no obj] : to come or go very quickly and suddenly ▪ He burst into the room. ▪ The sun burst through the clouds. ▪ She burst through the door and yelled "Surprise!" ▪ They just burst in on us [=they suddenly entered the room we were in] without even knocking on the door. ◊To burst onto/on/upon the scene is to suddenly become very well known. ▪ They burst onto the music scene in 1995 with a very successful debut album. ▪ when the technology first burst on the scene


pişman olmak, pişmanlık


rastlamak, karşılaşmak, karşı karşıya gelmek (bir tehlike veya zorlukla), [+ obj] 1: to have or experience (problems, difficulties, etc.) ▪ We encountered problems early in the project.▪ The pilot told us that we might encounter turbulence during the flight.▪ Her suggestion has encountered a lot of opposition. 2formal: to meet (someone) without expecting or intending to ▪ I encountered [=ran into] an old friend on a recent business trip.


rengi solmak, sararmak, zayıflamak, gevşemek 1 [no obj] a : to lose strength or freshness ▪ The flowers were fading in the vase. : to become weaker ▪ the fading light of late afternoon ▪ She was fading fast from the effects of the pneumonia. ▪ Her hearing gradually faded (away) as she grew older. ▪ His voice faded off into a whisper. = His voice faded to a whisper. b : to disappear gradually ▪ We watched the ship gradually fade from view as it sailed away. ▪ The smile faded from his face. ▪ Hopes for a quick end of the crisis are fading fast. ▪ Their reasons for leaving have faded from memory. ▪ He's trying to recapture the faded glory of his youth. ▪ The band's popularity has faded in recent years. 2 : to become less bright : to lose color [no obj] ▪ The fabric will fade unless you protect it from the sunlight. ▪ The colors of the photograph have faded with time. [+ obj] ▪ Exposure to the elements has faded the car's finish. ▪ blue jeans faded by wear ▪ She was wearing faded blue jeans. 3 [no obj] : to change gradually in loudness, strength, or appearance — used to describe a radio signal, a picture in a movie, etc. ▪ As the hero rides into the sunset, the screen fades to black. [=the image gradually changes until the screen is completely black] — often + in or out ▪ One scene fades out as the next fades in. ▪ The radio signal faded out as we got further from the station. ▪ The sound of her voice gradually faded out.


rüzgar, esinti 1 [count] : a gentle wind ▪ a light/gentle/cool breeze ▪ The flag fluttered in the breeze. 2 [singular] informal : something that is easy to do ▪ The test was a breeze. v: püfür püfür esmek, rüzgar gibi gelmek, dalıvermek [no obj] 1 : to move quickly and confidently ▪ Look who just breezed in! ▪ He breezed past/by us without so much as a nod. 2 : to easily succeed at something ▪ She breezed through the test. ▪ The team breezed to victory. [=the team won easily]


sesli, duyulabilir [more audible; most audible] : heard or able to be heard ▪ Her voice was barely audible over the noise. ▪ He let out an audible sigh. ▪ a clearly audible sound


siha, zırh [noncount] 1 : special clothing that people wear to protect their bodies from weapons ▪ The officers are required to wear bulletproof body armor. ◊Armor commonly refers to the heavy metal suits that men wore long ago when they fought in battles. ▪ medieval suits of armor — see also knight in shining armor at 1knight ◊A chink/crack in someone's or something's armor is a weakness that might cause someone or something to fail or to be defeated. ▪ They watched carefully for any cracks in the other team's armor. ▪ The plan looks good, but we've found/discovered some chinks in its armor. ▪ The scandal revealed/exposed a chink in his seemingly perfect armor. 2 a : a hard covering that protects something (such as a vehicle or an animal) ▪ The shots penetrated/pierced the tank's armor. ▪ an armor-plated vehicle [=a vehicle that is protected by armor; a vehicle that is covered in flat pieces of metal] ▪ The armadillo's armor consists of a series of small, bony plates. — often used before another noun ▪ The ship's hull is reinforced with armor plate/plating. b : soldiers and vehicles (such as tanks) that are protected with armor ▪ a weapon designed for use against enemy armor


soymak, hırsızlık etmek [+ obj] 1: to take money or property from (a person or a place) illegally and sometimes by using force, violence, or threats ▪ Someone tried to rob me.▪ They robbed the bank.▪ The cashier was robbed at gunpoint.— often + of▪ They robbed her of her life savings.▪ He was robbed of all his money.— sometimes used figuratively ▪ You paid $300 to fix that old car? You got robbed. [=you were overcharged; you spent too much] 2: to keep (someone) from getting something expected or wanted ▪ He made a great shot, but the goalie robbed him. [=the goalie blocked his shot and prevented him from scoring a goal]— often + of▪ The other team robbed them of a victory by getting a last-minute goal.▪ The center fielder made a great catch to rob him of a home run.▪ Her illness robbed her of a normal childhood. [=she wasn't able to have a normal childhood because of her illness]


suçlu bulmak, mahkum etmek law: to prove that someone is guilty of a crime in a court of law [no obj] ▪ There is sufficient evidence to convict. [+ obj] ▪ He was convicted in federal court.▪ The jury convicted them on three counts of fraud.▪ Have you ever been convicted of a crime?▪ a convicted criminal


tel, ince tel, iplik,sıra, dizi 1 : a long, thin piece of cotton, silk, etc., used for sewing [noncount] ▪ a spool of thread [count] ▪ A thread was hanging from the hem of her coat. — see picture at sewing 2 [count] literary : a long, thin line of something — usually + of ▪ A slender thread of smoke rose up from the chimney. 3 [count] : the raised line that winds around a screw 4 [singular] : an idea, feeling, etc., that connects the different parts of something (such as a story) ▪ The stories share a common thread. ▪ A thread of self-pity runs through his autobiography. ▪ I lost the thread of the plot long before the story ended. ▪ I found it hard to follow the thread of the conversation. 5 [count] computers : a series of related messages that are written on an Internet message board ▪ If you want to discuss a different subject, you should start a new thread.


çamur [noncount] : soft, wet dirt ▪ He tracked mud into the house. ▪ His shoes were covered with mud. = His shoes were caked in/with mud. ▪ The car was stuck in the mud. as clear as mud informal : very difficult to understand : not clear at all ▪ The explanation was as clear as mud.


çiçek açmak, canlanmak [count] : a flower especially of a fruit tree ▪ Her hair smelled of apple/cherry/orange blossoms. ▪ delicate pink blossoms [=blooms]


toprak, çöp, gübre, arazi, pislik, kir, vatan 1 : the top layer of earth in which plants grow [noncount] ▪ This kind of plant grows well in moist soil. ▪ The soil in this area is very fertile/sandy. ▪ Cleaning up contaminated soil [=soil that has harmful chemicals in it] can be very costly. [count] ▪ Certain plants cannot live in poorly drained soils. — see also potting soil 2 [noncount] formal + literary : the land of a particular country ▪ They have returned to their native soil. [=the place they are originally from] ▪ I had never set foot on Japanese/Italian soil before. [=I had never been to Japan/Italy before] 3 [noncount] : a place where something begins or develops ▪ Poor neighborhoods can be fertile soil for crime. [=there is often a lot of crime in poor neighborhoods]


tükürmek, haykırmak, çıtırdamak, serpiştirmek, saçmak, kopya, salya 1 a [no obj] : to force saliva from your mouth ▪ She saw him spit on the sidewalk. ▪ I scolded the child for spitting at another student. ▪ He spit/spat in my face. b [+ obj] : to force (something, such as food or liquid) from your mouth — often + out ▪ He took a taste of the soup and quickly spat/spit it out. ▪ She spit out her gum before class. — sometimes used figuratively ▪ Our manager was spitting blood/venom [=was extremely angry] when he found out what had happened. ▪ I'm so angry, I could spit nails! 2 [+ obj] : to say (something) in a quick and angry way ▪ She spat a few nasty remarks at him as he left. ▪ "You make me sick!" he spat. 3 [no obj] : to throw off or send out something (such as sparks or drops of fat) especially while burning or cooking ▪ The meat was spitting in the pan. ▪ The wet wood hissed and spat in the fireplace. 4 informal : to rain or snow lightly [no obj] ▪ Take your umbrella, it's spitting. ▪ a cold, spitting rain [+ obj] ▪ The sky briefly spat rain. spit it out informal — used to tell someone to say something that he or she does not want to say or is having a hard time saying. ▪ "Come on, spit it out! What happened?" spit up [phrasal verb] spit up or spit (something) up or spit up (something) US, informal, of babies : to vomit or throw up a usually small amount of food or liquid ▪ The baby spit up all over my blouse. ▪ The baby spat up his breakfast. n: [noncount] 1 : the liquid produced in your mouth : saliva ▪ I wiped the spit [=drool, spittle] off the baby's chin. 2 : someone who looks very much like someone else : spitting image ▪ She's the spit and image of her mother. = (Brit) She's the (dead) spit of her mother.


ulumak, havlamak, inlemek, uğultu, kahkaha atmak 1 [no obj] of a dog, wolf, etc. : to make a long, loud cry that sounds sad ▪ The dogs were howling at the moon. 2 [no obj] of the wind : to make a long, loud sound ▪ The wind was howling. 3 [no obj] : to cry out loudly in pain, anger, amusement, etc. ▪ He howled in agony. ▪ The audience howled with laughter. [=the audience laughed very loudly] 4 : to say something in a loud and angry way [+ obj] ▪ "I can't take it!" she howled. = She howled that she couldn't take it. [no obj] ▪ Activists are howling (in protest) over the court's decision. ▪ protesters howling for change


yanyana , yanında along or close at the side ▪ We waited for the other boat to come alongside. alongside of chiefly US, informal : next to or together with (someone or something) : alongside ▪ The police car pulled up alongside of our car. ▪ children working alongside of their parents preposition: 1 : next to (someone or something) ▪ The children work alongside their parents in the field. 2 : along the side of (something) ▪ Bring the boat alongside the dock. 3 : at the same time as (something) : together with (something) ▪ one theory taught alongside the other ▪ The town grew up alongside the college.


şüphlenmek, zannetmek, tahmin etmek (bir şeyin olacağını) [+ obj] 1 a : to think that (someone) is possibly guilty of a crime or of doing something wrong ▪ He's suspected in four burglaries. — often + of ▪ The police suspect him of murder. ▪ No one suspects you of cheating. b : to think that (something) is possibly the cause of something bad — usually + of ▪ The pesticide is suspected of causing cancer. c : to think that (a crime) has possibly been committed ▪ The police do not suspect murder in this case. ▪ The fire chief suspects arson. 2 : to think that (something, especially something bad) possibly exists, is true, will happen, etc. ▪ We suspected a trap. ▪ I suspect it will rain. ▪ Call the doctor immediately if you suspect you've been infected. ▪ The latest research confirms what scientists have long suspected. ▪ I suspect she's not who she says she is. ▪ "We haven't done our homework." "I suspected as much." 3 : to have feelings of doubt about (something) : to be suspicious about (something) ▪ I suspected his motives in giving me the money. ▪ I have reason to suspect her sincerity when she makes promises like that.








acayip, fantastik, hayalci [more fanciful; most fanciful] 1 : coming from the imagination ▪ a fanciful tale of a monster in the woods 2 : showing imagination : unusual and appealing ▪ They gave all their children fanciful names. ▪ fanciful architecture — fan·ci·ful·ly /ˈfænsɪfli/ adverb ▪ fancifully [=imaginatively] named children


akıtmak, saçmak, dökmek (göz yaşı, yılan derisi, tüy..) 1 [+ obj] : to get rid of (something) ▪ I've been trying to shed some extra pounds. ▪ The company has had to shed many jobs. ▪ She hasn't been able to shed her image as a troublemaker. [=to make people stop thinking of her as a troublemaker] 2 : to lose (leaves, skin, fur, etc.) naturally [+ obj] ▪ Snakes shed their skin. ▪ The dog is shedding its fur. ▪ The trees are shedding their leaves. [no obj] ▪ The cat is shedding. 3 [+ obj] a : to take off (something you are wearing) ▪ He quickly shed his hat and coat. b Brit : to lose or drop (a load, cargo, etc.) ▪ The lorry shed its load. 4 [+ obj] : to cause (water) to flow off instead of soaking into something ▪ Raincoats shed water.


asma, sarmaşık [count] : a plant that has very long stems and that grows along the ground or up and around something (such as a wall or tree)


balçık, çamur, kil [count, noncount] : a heavy, sticky material from the earth that is made into different shapes and that becomes hard when it is baked or dried ◊Clay is used to make pots, bricks, tiles, etc.— often used before another noun ▪ a clay pot/pipe/tablet


barmen, çekmece, çekmece gözü, şifonyer, alacaklı, keşideci, poliçe keşide eden kişi 1 [count] : a box that slides into and out of a piece of furniture (such as a desk) and that is used to store things ▪ the top/middle/bottom drawer of the desk/dresser ▪ There are some pens in my desk drawer. ▪ a sock/cash drawer [=a drawer for storing socks/cash] — see picture at office; see also chest of drawers 2 drawers [plural] old-fashioned + humorous : underwear for the lower part of the body ▪ He stood there in only his drawers. — often used informally in the phrase drop your drawers ▪ At least the doctor didn't make me drop my drawers. [=pull down my underpants]


bağırmak, çığlık atmak, haykırmak 1 [+ obj] : to say (something) in an enthusiastic or forceful way ▪ "I won!" she exclaimed. ▪ "Here he comes!" someone exclaimed. 2 [no obj] : to cry out or speak suddenly or with strong feeling ▪ She exclaimed in delight over/at the Christmas tree. ▪ The children exclaimed with wonder when they saw the elephant.


baırndırmak, misafir etmek, liman, sığınak, sığınmak, suçluyu barındırmak [count] 1 : a part of the ocean, a lake, etc., that is next to land and that is protected and deep enough to provide safety for ships 2 : a place of safety and comfort : haven — often used in the phrase safe harbor ▪ She can always find (a) safe harbor in her home. v. [+ obj] 1 : to give shelter to (someone) : to hide and protect (someone) ▪ It is illegal to harbor an escaped convict. 2 : to have (something, such as a thought or feeling) in your mind for a long time ▪ He still harbors deep feelings of resentment toward his former employer. ▪ I don't harbor any illusions about our chances for success. ▪ harbor a grudge ▪ harbor doubts/bitterness 3 : to hold or contain (something) ▪ She studies the genetic material harbored in a cell's nucleus. ▪ Some of these animals may harbor disease that could affect humans.


bir müddet, bir süre, bir süre için for a while : for a short time ▪ I'm going to sit and rest awhile. ▪ The rumor had been around awhile.


bitişik, yanyana, yandaki of a building, room, area of land, etc. : to be next to or joined with something [+ obj] ▪ Her office adjoins the library. ▪ The two rooms adjoin each other. [no obj] ▪ The two rooms adjoin. — adjoining adjective ▪ We reserved adjoining rooms at the hotel.


biçim verme, düzenleme, kuruluş, oluşum, oluşturma 1 [noncount] : the act of forming or creating something ▪ the formation [=development] of new ideas ▪ The book explains the formation of the planets. 2 [count] : something that is formed or created ▪ an interesting cloud formation ▪ new word formations ▪ rock formations 3 : an orderly arrangement or group of people, ships, or airplanes — often used after in [noncount] ▪ The soldiers were marching in formation. ▪ jets flying in formation [count] ▪ The team ran on the field and lined up in a punt formation.


bol, çok, verimli, dolu [more abundant; most abundant] : existing or occurring in large amounts ▪ Rainfall is more abundant in summer. ▪ It is the most abundant bird in the forest. ▪ an abundant supply of food ▪ He offers abundant evidence that he is right. ▪ a society abundant in things to buy/do synonyms plentiful — abun·dant·ly adverb ▪ flowers blooming/growing abundantly ▪ It is abundantly [=extremely] clear/obvious that this problem will not be easily solved.


boncuk, tane [count] 1 : a small, usually round piece of glass, wood, stone, etc., that has a hole through its center and that is put on a string with other similar pieces and worn as jewelry or that is sewn onto clothing ▪ a string of beads ▪ She was wearing beads. [=a necklace of beads] — see color picture 2 : a small, round drop of liquid (such as water or blood) ▪ Beads of sweat began rolling/running down their faces.


boynuz, korna 1 [count] a : one of the hard pointed parts that grows on the head of some animals (such as cattle, goats, or sheep) b [count] : a hard pointed part that grows on the nose of a rhinoceros c [noncount] : the hard material of which horns are made ▪ utensils made of horn 2 [count] : something that is shaped like a horn ▪ a saddle horn 3 [count] a : a brass musical instrument (such as a trumpet or trombone) — see also english horn, french horn b : an instrument made from an animal's horn that is used for music or for producing loud signals 4 [count] : a device that makes a loud noise ▪ The driver in the car behind me blew/honked his horn.


bulunduğu yer, nereden, nereye, semt, yer : near what place ▪ Whereabouts [=where] does he live? ▪ Whereabouts did you park the car? [plural] : the location of a person or thing ▪ Do you know their whereabouts? — used with both singular and plural verbs ▪ Her present whereabouts are/is unknown.


bütün, bütünüyle, dimdik, şeffaf, saf, rotasını değiştirmek, sapmak 1 always used before a noun — used to emphasize the large amount, size, or degree of something ▪ The sheer amount of work was staggering. ▪ The sheer number of questions overwhelmed her. ▪ The sheer force of the wind knocked me to the ground. 2 always used before a noun : complete and total ▪ sheer [=utter] nonsense ▪ sheer [=pure] luck/coincidence/joy 3 : very steep : almost straight up and down ▪ a sheer drop to the sea ▪ sheer cliffs/walls 4 : very thin ▪ sheer stockings/curtains


cesaret have the courage to touch the lion


cüce, cüceleştirmek, gölgede bırakmak, büyümesini engellemek [count] 1 in stories : a creature that looks like a small man and that often lives underground and has magical powers 2 sometimes offensive : a person who is much smaller than most people because of a medical condition — see also white dwarf [+ obj] : to make (something) look very small or unimportant when compared with something else — usually used as (be) dwarfed ▪ The bike was dwarfed by the truck next to it. [=the bike looked very small compared to the truck]


dalga geçmek, alay etmek, gülmek [noncount] : the act of making fun of someone or something in a cruel or harsh way : harsh comments made by people who are laughing at someone or something ▪ She didn't show anyone her artwork for fear of ridicule. ▪ He was a subject/object of ridicule to his coworkers. [=he was ridiculed by his coworkers] ▪ They held him up to (public) ridicule. [=they made fun of him publicly] v: [+ obj] : to laugh at and make jokes about (someone or something) in a cruel or harsh way : to make fun of (someone or something) ▪ The other kids ridiculed him for the way he dressed. ▪ They ridiculed all of her suggestions.


dargınlık, gücenme, incitme, suç 1 a [noncount] : something that causes a person to be hurt, angry, or upset ▪ She didn't mean to give/cause offense. [=to offend anyone] ▪ I mean no offense [=I do not want to offend anyone], but isn't there someone more qualified for the job? ▪ No offense [=I do not want to offend you when I say this], but I think you are mistaken. b [count] : something that is wrong or improper — often + to ▪ His actions are an offense to public morals. — often + against ▪ Such language is an offense against common decency. 2 [count] : a criminal act ▪ He was found guilty and fined $250 for each offense. ▪ Penalties for a first offense range from fines to jail time. ▪ a capital/federal/criminal offense ▪ serious/minor offenses 3 /ˈa:ˌfɛns/ US, sports a : the group of players on a team who try to score points or goals against an opponent [count] ▪ Our team has the best offense in the league. ▪ a talented offense ▪ The quarterback directs the offense. [noncount] ▪ She began the season on offense [=playing on the part of the team that tries to score points or goals], but her coach later put her on defense. b [noncount] : the way that players on a team try to score points or goals against an opponent ▪ The team needs some work on its offense. ▪ The team plays good offense.


dizi, sıra [count] 1 : a straight line of people or things that are next to each other ▪ rows of corn ▪ The desks are arranged in six rows. ▪ The table of figures should include totals at the end of each row and column. ▪ The bookstore has row upon row [=many rows] of self-help books. 2 : a line of seats in a theater, stadium, etc. ▪ I see three empty seats in the second/front/back row. ▪ We have front-row seats for the concert. 3 Row : a street or road — used in names ▪ I live on Vassar Row. ▪ a house on Church Row a tough/hard row to hoe : something that is difficult to do or deal with ▪ I am considering becoming a doctor, but I know that it's a tough row to hoe. in a row : following one after another ▪ There are three blue houses in a row. ▪ She had her birthday party at the bowling alley three years in a row. [=three consecutive years]


dolanmak, serbest yürüyüş, gezinmek : to walk slowly in usually a pleasant and relaxed way [no obj] ▪ They strolled along/down/across the street looking in the store windows. [+ obj] ▪ We strolled the streets of the village. — strollnoun, plural strolls [count] ▪ He went for a stroll in/through the park.


doğum yeri [count] : the place where someone was born or where something began ▪ He visited his grandmother's birthplace. ▪ New Orleans is regarded as the birthplace of jazz.


durgun, duygusuz, ağır, cansız, mat, sönük, monoton, sıkıcı


duruş, bakış açısı, tutum [count] 1 : a publicly stated opinion — usually singular ▪ He changed his stance after new evidence was discovered. ▪ She has maintained a neutral stance [=position] during the negotiations. ▪ She was criticized for her antiwar stance. 2 : a way of standing — usually singular ▪ She adopted a casual/relaxed stance. ▪ a batting stance [=the way someone stands to bat in baseball]


duyusal, duyumsal : of or relating to your physical senses ▪ A study was conducted on sensory stimulation and its effects on the brain. ▪ sensory perceptions ▪ sensory deprivation


e tercih etmek, seçmek [no obj] : to choose one thing instead of another — often + for ▪ He usually orders strawberry ice cream but opted for chocolate this time. — often followed by to + verb ▪ She was offered a job but opted to go to college instead. ▪ We opted not to buy the extra insurance.


edebi kelam, örtmece [count] : a mild or pleasant word or phrase that is used instead of one that is unpleasant or offensive ▪ using "eliminate" as a euphemism for "kill" — eu·phe·mis·tic /ˌju:fəˈmɪstɪk/ adjective [more euphemistic; most euphemistic] ▪ euphemistic language — eu·phe·mis·ti·cal·ly /ˌju:fəˈmɪstɪkli/ adverb ▪ The prison was euphemistically referred to as a "correctional facility."


edebi, yazınsal


gizlilik, kılık değiştirmek, maske , saklanmak, gizlenmek [+ obj] 1 : to change the usual appearance, sound, taste, etc., of (someone or something) so that people will not recognize that person or thing ▪ He tried to disguise his voice on the phone but I could tell it was him. ▪ She disguised herself in a wig and glasses. — often + as ▪ The journalist traveled the city disguised as [=dressed like; pretending to be] a beggar. ▪ She disguised herself as a musician to get into the concert hall early. 2 : to hide (something) so that it will not be seen or noticed ▪ I could not disguise [=hide] my surprise. ▪ They disguised [=masked] their true feelings. ▪ We disguised the fact that we were disappointed. ▪ I was aware of her thinly disguised [=poorly hidden] hostility.


granit, sert [noncount] : a very hard type of rock that is used in buildings and monuments


göbek, mide [count] 1 a : a person's stomach or the part of the body that contains the stomach ▪ My belly was full. ▪ He got down on his belly to crawl. ▪ They slid down the snowy hill on their bellies. ▪ a kick in the belly [=abdomen] — see also beer belly, potbelly b : the part of an animal's body that is like a person's belly ▪ a horse's belly ▪ a gray squirrel with a white belly — see also underbelly 2 : a curved or rounded surface or part ▪ the belly of an airplane ▪ the belly of a ship/violin : to cause (something, such as a sail) to curve or bulge outward [+ obj] ▪ The wind bellied (out) the sails of the ship. [no obj] ▪ The sails of the ship bellied [=bulged] out in the wind.


güdü, insanı motive eden şey


günah işlemek, günah 1 : an action that is considered to be wrong according to religious or moral law [count] ▪ He committed the sin of stealing. ▪ Murder is a sin. ▪ I confessed my sins. [noncount] ▪ We are not free from sin. ▪ a world of sin — see also cardinal sin, deadly sin, mortal sin, original sin, venial sin 2 [count] : an action that is considered to be bad — usually singular ▪ It's a sin to waste food. v: [no obj] : to do something that is considered wrong according to religious or moral law : to commit a sin ▪ Forgive me, for I have sinned.


hayvan masalı, öykü 1 [count] : a short story that usually is about animals and that is intended to teach a lesson ▪ Aesop's fables ▪ a fable about busy ants 2 : a story or statement that is not true [count] ▪ The story that he won the battle single-handedly is a mere fable. [noncount] ▪ He combines fact and fable to make a more interesting story.


hububat, tanecik, zerrecik, doku, ağaç damarı 1 a [noncount] : the seeds of plants (such as wheat, corn, and rice) that are used for food ▪ bread made from whole wheat grain ▪ The machine grinds grain into flour. ; also [count] : a single seed of wheat, corn, rice, etc. ▪ a grain of rice b : a plant that produces grain [count] ▪ The farm grows a variety of grains. [noncount] ▪ fields planted with grain 2 [count] a : a small, hard piece of something ▪ a grain of sand/salt — see also take (something) with a grain of salt at 1salt b : a very small amount of something ▪ Anyone with a grain of sense knows that she's lying. ▪ There is not a grain of truth in what he said. 3 [count] a : the way the lines or fibers in something (such as wood) are arranged — usually singular ▪ She sanded the wood in the direction of the grain. b : the way that the surface of something feels when it is touched — usually singular ▪ The wood has a fine/coarse grain.


hırslı, tutkulu, arzulu [more ambitious; most ambitious] 1 : having ambition : having a desire to be successful, powerful, or famous ▪ The company was created by two very ambitious young men in the early 1900s. ▪ ambitious politicians/lawyers ▪ He was very ambitious for his children but not for himself. [=he wanted his children to be successful but he didn't feel the need to be successful himself] 2 : not easily done or achieved : requiring or showing ambition ▪ This 500-page book is her most ambitious effort/project yet. ▪ Your plans for the future are very ambitious. ▪ It was too ambitious a task for just one person. ▪ ambitious goals


ibadet etmek, hayranlık, idolleştirmek, tapınmak 1 [+ obj] : to honor or respect (someone or something) as a god ▪ Many ancient cultures worshipped the sun and moon. 2 : to show respect and love for God or for a god especially by praying, having religious services, etc. [no obj] ▪ They worship at this temple. [+ obj] ▪ I worship God in my own way. 3 : to love or honor (someone or something) very much or too much [+ obj] ▪ As a kid I worshipped [=idolized] my brother. ▪ Our society worships money. ▪ He worships the ground she walks on. [=he admires/loves her very much] [no obj] ▪ My parents worship at the altar of money. [=my parents value money too much] — wor·ship·per also US wor·ship·er noun, plural wor·ship·pers also US wor·ship·ers [count] ▪ worshippers of Buddha


iddia etmek, ileri sürmek, açıklamak, belirtmek [+ obj] 1 : to state (something) in a strong and definite way ▪ "Poverty is the city's most serious problem," the authors assert. = The authors assert that poverty is the city's most serious problem. ▪ He asserted that there were spies in the government. ▪ Despite the evidence against him, he has continued to assert his innocence. [=has continued to say that he is innocent] 2 : to demand that other people accept or respect (something) ▪ She asserted her independence from her parents by getting her own apartment. ▪ The boss was reluctant to assert his authority over his employees.


içermek, kapsamak, den oluşmak [+ obj] 1 : to be made up of (something) : to include or consist of (something) ▪ Each army division comprised 4,500 troops. ▪ The play comprises three acts. 2 : to make up or form (something) ▪ Nine players comprise [=make up] a baseball team. ▪ Plants comprise [=constitute, form] the bulk of their diet. — often used as (be) comprised ▪ The play is comprised of [=is composed of] three acts.


kabarmak, kamburlaşmak, kavis, kemer, yay [count] 1 : a usually curved part of a structure that is over an opening and that supports a wall or other weight above the opening 2 : the raised area on the bottom of the foot that is formed by a curved section of bones — see picture at foot 3 : something that has a curved shape ▪ There was a slight arch to her eyebrows. ▪ an arch in the cat's back v: : to bend into the shape of an arch : curve [+ obj] ▪ She arched her arm/back/neck. ▪ The cat arched its back. ▪ She arched her eyebrows in surprise. [no obj] ▪ A tree arches over the road. ▪ She arched backward to begin the exercise. — arched adjective ▪ the cat's arched back ▪ her arched eyebrows ▪ arched ceilings/doorway/gateway/roof/windows adj: : having or showing an amused feeling of being superior to or knowing more than other people ▪ an arch look ▪ a politician known for his arch humor ▪ The novel is never mocking or arch in its tone. — arch·ly adverb ▪ an archly playful reply ▪ an essay with an archly comic title — arch·ness noun [noncount]


kabuk, bina iskeleti


kader, kısmet, talih


kafiye, uyak 1 [count] : one of two or more words or phrases that end in the same sounds ▪ She used "moon" as a rhyme for "June." ▪ He couldn't think of a rhyme for "orange." 2 [count] : a poem or song whose lines end in rhymes ▪ children's rhymes ▪ a catchy rhyme — see also nursery rhyme 3 [noncount] : the use of rhymes in a poem or song ▪ They're learning about meter and rhyme. ▪ He delivered the speech in rhyme. [=he used words that rhyme in the speech] ▪ poems that use rhyme


kalay, kutu, teneke 1 [noncount] : a soft, shiny, bluish-white metal that has many different uses 2 [count] a : a container or plate made of metal ▪ a pie tin b : a decorative metal box with a cover or lid ▪ a tin of biscuits/tobacco


kalıcı, daimi


kalıtsal 1 : passed or able to be passed from parent to child before birth ▪ hereditary traits/diseases ▪ He suffers from a rare hereditary condition. 2 formal a : passing from a person who has died to that person's child or younger relative ▪ The position is hereditary. [=inherited] ▪ a hereditary monarchy b : holding a position or title that was passed on from your parent or an older relative ▪ a hereditary ruler/monarch


kazık, direk, sırık, - kutup [count] : a long, straight piece of wood, metal, etc., that is often placed in the ground so that it stands straight up ▪ They have a couple of bird feeders hanging from a pole in the backyard. ▪ A pole was blocking their view of the field. ▪ He connected the poles of the tent. ▪ a fishing pole [=rod] ▪ I wouldn't touch it with a 10-foot pole. [=I do not want to get near it; I do not want to discuss it or be involved with it at all]


kel, sıkıcı, yavan


kimyacı, kimyager


kont [count] : a high-ranking member of the British nobility


korkmuş, dehşete kapılmış


koşum takımı, uçak kemeri [count] 1 : a set of straps that are placed on an animal (such as a horse) so that it can pull something heavy 2 : a set of straps that are used to connect a person to something (such as a parachute or a seat) ▪ The pilot strapped himself into his harness before takeoff. ▪ a safety harness in harness Brit : working at a job : on duty ▪ I was back in harness on Monday, handling paperwork at my desk. v: kullanmak, ata koşum takmak, yararlanmak [+ obj] 1 a : to put a harness on (an animal) ▪ harness the horses b : to attach (an animal) to something with a harness ▪ The horses were harnessed to the wagon. 2 : to use (something) for a particular purpose ▪ Engineers are finding new ways to harness the sun's energy to heat homes. ▪ The company is harnessing technology to provide better service to its customers. ▪ They harnessed the power of the waterfall to create electricity. ▪ harness anger to fight injustice 3 : to connect or join (things) together ▪ She harnessed several computers (together) to work as one large computer.


kutsamak, dua etmek, hayır dua etmek [+ obj] 1 : to make (something or someone) holy by saying a special prayer ▪ The priest blessed their marriage at the wedding. ▪ The water for the baptism has been blessed. 2 : to ask God to care for and protect (someone or something) ▪ The priest blessed the baby I held in my arms. 3 a — used in the phrase God bless to express good wishes or appreciation for someone or something ▪ May God bless this country. ▪ God bless modern medicine. [=thank God for modern medicine] — see also god bless you (below) b — used in phrases like bless his/her heart and bless him/her to express affection, appreciation, or understanding ▪ She tries so hard, bless her heart. ▪ My aunt Clare, bless her, watched the kids while we went out. ▪ Our cousin, bless his heart, is just so disorganized. — see also bless you (below) 4 : to provide (a person, place, etc.) with something good or desirable ▪ Nature has blessed the area with good soil and a sunny climate. — usually used as (be) blessed ▪ I have been blessed with good health and a wonderful wife and children. ▪ He was blessed [=endowed] with great speed as a runner. 5 : to give approval to (something) ▪ The committee has not yet blessed the plan.


kutup, kutuplu 1 : of or relating to the North or South Pole or the region around it ▪ polar ice caps 2 : completely different or opposite ▪ They took polar positions on the issue. ▪ She and I are good friends even though we're polar opposites. 3 technical : relating to one or both of the poles of a magnet


kömür, kor


körfez, koy [count] : a large area of water that is part of an ocean or lake and partly surrounded by land ▪ They went fishing in the bay. ▪ She lives in California near San Francisco Bay gemi reviri, kompartıman, bölme [count] 1 : a section of a ship, airplane, etc., that is used for a special purpose (such as storing things) ▪ a cargo bay on a ship ▪ the airplane's bomb bay ▪ an engine bay 2 : a section of a room or building ▪ a barn with three bays


kötülük, hasar, zarar [noncount] 1 : behavior or activity that is annoying but that is not meant to cause serious harm or damage ▪ Those children are always up to some mischief. = Those children are always getting into mischief. ▪ engaging in mischief ▪ It's hard to keep him out of mischief. 2 : a playful desire to cause trouble ▪ There was (a hint of) mischief in his eyes/smile. 3 somewhat formal : harmful behavior ▪ criminal/malicious mischief


köşe yazarı [count] : a person who writes a newspaper or magazine column ▪ a gossip/sports columnist


kıvılcım saçmak, ateşlemek, havalı, kıvılcım, züppe 1 [count] a : a small piece of burning material that comes from a fire or is produced by rubbing or hitting two hard objects together ▪ A spark from the fireplace set the rug on fire. ▪ The car's tailpipe made sparks as it scraped the road. b : a short, bright flash of electricity between two points ▪ A spark ignites the stove's burner. 2 [noncount] : a quality that makes someone or something enjoyable, interesting, successful, etc. ▪ In its fourth year, the TV series has lost its spark. ▪ She's a talented gymnast but she doesn't have the spark of some of her competitors. 3 [count] : a small amount of something ▪ A spark of hope remains. ▪ Sometimes there were surprising sparks of humor in his letters. ▪ occasional sparks of insight 4 [count] : an action, occurrence, etc., that causes something larger to happen ▪ His death was the spark that ignited the revolution. ▪ Her suggestion was the spark for the entire renovation project. v: 1 [+ obj] : to cause (something) to start or happen ▪ The question sparked a debate. ▪ Her fifth-grade teacher sparked her interest in history. — sometimes + off ▪ The arrests sparked off [=touched off] a riot. ▪ His hit sparked off [=started] a rally that brought in four runs. 2 [no obj] : to produce sparks ▪ The fire sparked and crackled. ▪ The wires made contact and sparked. 3 [+ obj] : to add interest, liveliness, or flavor to (something) ▪ prose sparked with humor — often + up ▪ spark up an otherwise bland sauce


labirent, şaşkınlık [count] 1 : a complicated and confusing system of connected passages ▪ The garden includes a maze. [=an area where there are tall walls or hedges on both sides of a path that keeps turning in different directions so that a person walking on the path cannot see where the path leads] ▪ The experiment measured the time it took for a mouse to find its way through a maze to get its reward of cheese. ▪ The school is a maze of classrooms. ▪ I bought a book of mazes. [=a book of puzzles that are drawings which look like mazes] 2 : a confusing collection or mixture of things (such as rules) ▪ a maze of rules and regulations


layık olmak, haketmek, erdem , fazilet, hak, ödül 1 [count] : a good quality or feature that deserves to be praised ▪ The great merit [=advantage, strength] of this plan is its simplicity. — usually plural ▪ The plan has many merits. ▪ It's difficult to judge the merits of her proposal. ▪ We were talking about the relative merits of running and walking as kinds of exercise. ▪ The five contestants will be judged on their own merits. [=they will be judged by looking at their skills and their good and bad qualities] ▪ We should consider each idea on its merits. [=we should consider the good and bad things about each idea] 2 [noncount] formal : the quality of being good, important, or useful : value or worth ▪ His ideas have (some) merit. ▪ She saw merit in both of the arguments. ▪ Their idea is without merit. = Their idea has no merit. ▪ The study has no scientific merit. ▪ Hiring decisions are based entirely on merit. [=people are hired because they have the skills to do the job well]


manastır [count] 1 a : a monastery run by an abbot b : a convent run by an abbess 2 : a church that is connected to other buildings where monks or nuns live or once lived ▪ Westminster Abbey


mart ayı, yürüyüş, yürümek, tempolu yürüyüş, yürüyüş yapmak : the third month of the year [noncount] ▪ in (early/middle/mid-/late) March ▪ early/late in March ▪ We arrived on March the fourth. = (US) We arrived on March fourth. = We arrived on the fourth of March. [count] ▪ Sales are up (for) this March. ▪ It happens every March. ◊The saying March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb means that the month of March begins with bad weather and ends with good weather. v: 1 [no obj] a : to walk with regular steps as a group : to walk in the regular and organized way of soldiers ▪ The band marched onto the field. ▪ The soldiers were lined up and ordered to begin marching. ▪ Hundreds of people marched in the parade. b always followed by an adverb or preposition : to go into, out of, or through a place as an army ▪ The army marched south to cut off the enemy's retreat. ▪ Enemy troops were marching on the city. [=they were coming toward the city to attack it] 2 [no obj] : to walk with a large group of people who are protesting or supporting something ▪ We marched for/against new elections. ▪ Demonstrators marched on City Hall to protest the war. 3 [no obj] : to walk somewhere quickly in a direct and forceful way ▪ He marched angrily out the door. ▪ I marched into the office and demanded an answer. ▪ She marched right up to me and asked what was wrong. 4 [+ obj] : to cause or force (a person) to walk somewhere ▪ They marched the prisoners through the streets of the city. ▪ We marched the children off to bed. [=we made the children go to bed] — see also frog-march march on [phrasal verb] : to go or continue onward ▪ Time marches on. ▪ Governments come and go, but civilization marches on.


meclis, toplanma, birleştirme 1 [noncount] : the act of connecting together the parts of something (such as a machine) : the act of assembling something ▪ The parts are made in this factory and then shipped to another country for assembly. ▪ No assembly required. [=this product is already put together] 2 [count] : a group of people who make and change laws for a government or organization ▪ the organization's general assembly ▪ elected legislative assemblies ▪ the New York State Assembly ▪ the French National Assembly


neml, rutubetli, nem, rutubet


oluşturmak, biçim vermek, demir dövmek, yapmak, sahtesini yapmak [+ obj] 1: to form something by heating and shaping metal ▪ forging hooks out of pieces of iron = forging pieces of iron into hooks 2: to form or create (something, such as an agreement or relationship) through great effort ▪ The two countries have forged a strong alliance.▪ They were able to forge a peaceful relationship. 3: to make or copy (something, such as a document or signature) falsely in order to deceive someone ▪ forge a check▪ forge a signature▪ a forged passport — compare 3forge — forg·ernoun, plural forg·ers [count] ▪ a check forger▪ a professional art forger




süresi dolmak, geçerliğini yitirmek, son, süre bitimi 1 [no obj] : to end : to no longer be valid after a period of time ▪ This offer expires (on) March 1. ▪ My driver's license has expired. 2 [no obj] formal : to die ▪ She expired after a long illness. 3 /ɛkˈspajɚ/ [+ obj] medical : to breathe out (air) : exhale ▪ measuring the volume of air expired from the lungs time expires ◊When time expires in a game, the clock shows that there is no more time and play stops. ▪ They scored seconds before time expired.


sığ, derin olmayan, basit


tam, eksiksiz, bütün [more thorough; most thorough] 1 : including every possible part or detail ▪ a thorough investigation/search ▪ a thorough [=complete] examination ▪ a thorough understanding of the rules and regulations 2 : careful about doing something in an accurate and exact way : meticulous ▪ a thorough worker ▪ The investigator will have to be thorough. 3 always used before a noun, chiefly Brit : complete or absolute ▪ a thorough disgrace ▪ a thorough mess/nuisance — thor·ough·ly adverb [more thoroughly; most thoroughly] ▪ You've thoroughly [=completely] messed things up. ▪ I thoroughly enjoyed the performance. ▪ He studied the proposal very thoroughly. ▪ That's been thoroughly documented/proven.


temkinli, tedbirli, dikkatli [more cautious; most cautious] : careful about avoiding danger or risk ▪ Any cautious tourist will guard her passport. ▪ You cannot be overly/too cautious when you're driving in snow. ▪ He answered the question with a cautious reply.


tüh, vah, eyvah old-fashioned + literary — used to express sadness, sorrow, disappointment, etc. ▪ How did they fare? Alas, not very well. ▪ Life, alas, is all too short.


tüy, kuş tüyü


yararı olmak, istifade etmek literary : to be useful or helpful to (someone or something) [+ obj] ▪ Our best efforts availed [=gained] us nothing. ▪ This knowledge availed her little. [=it was not very helpful or useful to her] [no obj] ▪ Our best efforts did not avail. avail yourself of formal : to make use of (something) ▪ They availed themselves of his services. [=they used his services] n: [noncount] : help toward reaching a goal ▪ What I learned then is of little avail to me now. [=is not very helpful to me now] ▪ Our best efforts were of no avail. [=were not helpful] ▪ They tried to discuss the issue calmly, but to no avail. [=they were unable to discuss the issue calmly]


yardımcı, üsteğmen, vekil, yüzbaşı [count] 1 : an officer in the army, navy, or air force with a fairly low rank ▪ He was promoted to the rank of lieutenant. ▪ Good morning, Lieutenant Smith. — abbr. Lt. — see also first lieutenant, second lieutenant 2 US : an officer in a fire or police department who has a rank below a captain 3 : an assistant to another, more powerful person : a person who represents and works for someone else ▪ She has her best lieutenants working on a proposal. ▪ one of the mobster's most loyal lieutenants




yüksek sesle : in a way that can be clearly heard ▪ read aloud : in a voice that can be heard ▪ She wondered aloud [=out loud] where they'd gone.


zorbalık, zulüm 1 : cruel and unfair treatment by people with power over others [noncount] ▪ The refugees were fleeing tyranny. ▪ He was dedicated to ending the tyranny of slavery. ▪ a nation ruled by tyranny ▪ the tyranny of the majority [=a situation in which a group of people are treated unfairly because their situation is different from the situation of most of the people in a democratic country] [count] ▪ She felt lost in the bureaucratic tyrannies of the university system. — sometimes used figuratively ▪ the tyrannies of fashion 2 [count] : a government in which all power belongs to one person : the rule or authority of a tyrant ▪ The king sought an absolute tyranny over the colonies.


çayırlık, çimenlik, çimen, mahalle, semt 1 a [noncount] : the upper layer of ground that is made up of grass and plant roots ▪ a piece of turf b Brit : a square piece of turf cut out of the ground that is used for making lawns [count] ▪ a lawn made by laying turfs [noncount] ▪ a lawn made by laying turf [=(US) sod] 2 : a material that looks like grass and that is used especially to cover athletic fields [noncount] ▪ Synthetic turf was installed in the playing field instead of grass. [count] ▪ playing fields with artificial turfs 3 : an area or a place that you control or that feels like your home [count] ▪ gangs defending/protecting their turfs ▪ The team beat us on our own turf. [=we were defeated at home] [noncount] ▪ gangs defending/protecting their turf ▪ The team played on home turf. ▪ turf wars between gangs — often used figuratively ▪ In chapter two, the author is on unfamiliar turf. [=is dealing with an unfamiliar subject] 4 the turf : the sport or business of horse racing — often used as turf before another noun ▪ turf writers/races


üremek, çoğalmak, kopyasını çıkarmak 1 [+ obj] a : to make a copy of (something) ▪ reproduce a photograph ▪ The concert will be reproduced on compact disc. b : to produce something that is the same as or very similar to (something else) ▪ Sound effects can reproduce the sound of thunder. 2 [+ obj] : to cause (something) to happen again in the same way ▪ They haven't been able to reproduce the results of the first experiment. 3 : to produce babies, young animals, new plants, etc. [no obj] ▪ Flies reproduce rapidly. [+ obj] ▪ Salmon return to the stream to reproduce offspring. ▪ The virus is able to reproduce itself very rapidly.




































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































[count] : a person who has the authority to lead or perform ceremonies in some religions and especially in some Christian religions ▪ He was ordained as a Roman Catholic priest. ▪ a parish priest


[count] : a small fruit (such as a strawberry, blueberry, or raspberry) that has many small seeds


[more attentive; most attentive] 1 : thinking about or watching something carefully : paying careful attention to something ▪ Attentive [=observant] readers might notice some mistakes in the book. ▪ an attentive audience — often + to ▪ He's very attentive to details. 2 : very concerned about the needs of others ▪ The hospital is proud of its attentive staff. ▪ Our waiter was very attentive. — at·ten·tive·ly adverb ▪ The audience listened/watched attentively. — at·ten·tive·ness noun [noncount] ▪ We appreciated the attentiveness of the hospital staff.


acayip, garip, sıradışı, tek sayı 1 odd·er; -est [also more odd; most odd] : strange or unusual : different from what is normal or expected ▪ He has some odd [=peculiar, weird] habits. ▪ She had an odd look on her face. ▪ People would call at odd hours during the night. ▪ She's got a really odd sense of humor. ▪ Some rather odd people used to live in this house. ▪ There was something odd about his story. ▪ It's odd that nobody told me about this before. ▪ That's odd. He was here a minute ago. ▪ That is one of the oddest creatures I have ever seen. ▪ What an odd-looking animal. ▪ They made quite an odd couple. [=they were very different from each other] ▪ He's an odd duck. = (Brit) He's an odd fish. [=he's a very strange person] 2 always used before a noun : happening in a way that is not planned or regular ▪ She kept a stack of magazines that she would read at odd moments. ▪ During the summer, he would do odd jobs for his neighbors to earn extra money. 3 always used before a noun : of different kinds or types ▪ I stopped by the grocery store to pick up a few odd [=miscellaneous] things. ▪ They were selling an odd assortment of candy and jewelry. ▪ a few odd [=random] bits of information 4 always used before a noun : not matched or paired with another thing or person ▪ I folded all the laundry and had one odd sock left. ▪ an odd shoe ▪ The students got into groups of two, and the odd student worked with the teacher.


acilen, derhal, hızlı şekilde, tam zamanında 1 : in a prompt manner : without delay ▪ He reacted promptly during the emergency. ▪ The student was promptly [=immediately] expelled. 2 : exactly at a particular or the correct time ▪ She arrived promptly at 7:00 p.m. as we had agreed.


acı, arının iğne sokması, acıtmak, böcek sokması v: 1 of an insect, plant, or animal : to hurt (someone) by piercing the skin with a sharp, pointed part that usually contains poison [+ obj] ▪ I got stung by a bee. ▪ The jellyfish stung the swimmer. [no obj] ▪ The bees will sting if you bother them. 2 : to cause a quick, sharp pain [no obj] ▪ The iodine will sting for a few minutes. [+ obj] ▪ The cold rain stung my eyes. 3 a [no obj] : to feel a quick sharp pain ▪ The smoke made our eyes sting. b not used in progressive tenses : to cause (someone) to feel emotional or mental pain [+ obj] ▪ She was stung by their harsh criticism. ▪ His words stung her. [no obj] ▪ Your comment stung. 4 [+ obj] informal : to treat (someone) unfairly in a business deal — usually used as (be/get) stung ▪ He got stung on that deal. n: 1 [singular] : a quick, sharp pain ▪ When you get the shot, you'll feel a little sting. — often used figuratively ▪ He'll eventually overcome the sting of being rejected. ▪ His smile took the sting out of his words. [=his smile showed that his words were not meant to be hurtful] 2 [count] : an injury caused when an insect or animal stings you ▪ His arm was covered with bee stings. 3 [count] : a complicated and clever plan that is meant to deceive someone especially in order to catch criminals ▪ They were caught in a drug sting. ▪ a sting operation by police


akarsu, akıntı, çay [count] 1 : a natural flow of water that is smaller than a river ▪ a mountain stream ▪ A stream flows/runs through the field. — compare river 2 : any flow of liquid or gas — often + of ▪ a stream of urine ▪ A stream of cold air came in through the crack. — see also bloodstream, jet stream, slipstream 3 : a continuous flow of people or things — usually + of ▪ a stream of words ▪ The island is visited by a continuous/constant/steady stream of tourists. ▪ an endless stream of traffic


aksatmak, engel olmak [+ obj] : to make (something, such as a task or action) slow or difficult ▪ Their journey was hindered [=impeded, slowed] by snow and high winds. ▪ The witness refused to cooperate, hindering the investigation. ▪ The country's economic growth is being hindered by the sanctions. ▪ It's not clear whether the change will help or hinder our project. hinder from [phrasal verb] hinder (someone or something) from (something) : to stop (someone) from (doing something) ▪ Financial troubles hindered [=prevented] him from going on the trip. ▪ Unfortunately, her ignorance has never hindered [=stopped] her from giving her opinion.


akıtmak, boşaltma, su yolu, güçsüzleştirmek 1 a [+ obj] : to remove (liquid) from something by letting it flow away or out ▪ Drain the canned tomatoes before adding them to the pot. ▪ The swamp has been drained. — often + from ▪ Drain the fat/grease from the pan. ▪ We have to drain some water from the pool. b [no obj] of a container : to become empty of a liquid ▪ I was waiting for the bathtub to drain. ▪ The sink won't drain. c [no obj] of a liquid : to flow into, away from, or out of something ▪ The river drains into a lake. ▪ The blood/color drained from her face. [=she got pale] 2 a [+ obj] : to cause (something) to lose something important — + of ▪ Years of civil war have drained the country of its resources. [=have used up the country's resources] ▪ Overuse has drained the phrase of all meaning. b : to slowly be used up or to cause (something) to slowly be used up [+ obj] ▪ Years of civil war have drained the country's resources. ▪ The city's emergency fund has been drained. [no obj] — usually + away ▪ She felt her anger drain away. 3 [+ obj] : to make (someone) very physically or mentally tired ▪ The work drained [=exhausted] me. ▪ I feel totally drained of energy this evening. ▪ Her work is very draining. [=tiring] 4 [+ obj] : to drink all of the liquid in (something) ▪ He drained the mug and left. 5 [+ obj] US, sports, informal : to make (a successful shot) in a very skillful and impressive way ▪ (basketball) She took a long jump shot and drained it. ▪ (golf) He drained the putt for a birdie. n: [count] 1 : something (such as a pipe) that is used for removing a liquid from a place or container ▪ He poured the spoiled milk down/into the drain. [=(Brit) plughole] ▪ The drain in the bathtub/sink is blocked/clogged. ▪ (chiefly Brit) They are repairing the drains. [=sewer system] 2 : something that uses a lot of time, money, etc. — usually singular — usually + on ▪ Tuition costs are a drain on the family income. ▪ The war has been a big drain on the country's resources. brain drain:[singular] : a situation in which many educated or professional people leave a particular place or profession and move to another one that gives them better pay or living conditions ▪ Nothing has been done to stop the brain drain as more and more doctors move away from the area.


alaka, ilgi, duygusal yakınlık 1 : a feeling of liking and caring for someone or something [noncount] ▪ She has/feels deep affection for her parents. ▪ Their affection for each other is obvious. = Their mutual affection is obvious. ▪ He shows great affection for his grandchildren. ▪ feelings of love and affection ▪ He now looks back on those years with great affection. ▪ "darling" and other terms of affection [=words and names that friends and lovers say to each other to show their affection] [singular] ▪ She developed a deep affection for that country and its people. 2 affections [plural] : feelings of love : a person's romantic feelings ▪ The two women competed for the affections [=love, heart] of the same man. ▪ She's been the object of his affections since they were children. [=he has loved her since they were children]


alaylı, iğneleyici [more sarcastic; most sarcastic] : using or showing sarcasm ▪ a sarcastic person/remark/reply — sar·cas·ti·cal·ly /sɑɚˈkæstɪkli/ adverb


alet takımı, aparat, teçhizat 1 [count] : a set of tools or supplies that a person uses for a particular purpose or activity ▪ a makeup kit ▪ shaving/sewing kits ▪ an electrician's tool kit — see also drum kit 2 [count] : a set of parts that are put together to build something ▪ He built the shed from a kit. ▪ We bought some goldfish and an aquarium starter kit. [=a set of things needed to set up an aquarium] 3 [count] : a collection of written materials about a particular subject ▪ a tourist information kit — see also press kit 4 [noncount] Brit : clothing or equipment used for a particular purpose ▪ The team wore their new kit. ▪ cricket/football/sports kit


algılanabilen şey, fenomen, hadise, olgu, olay [count] 1 plural phe·nom·e·na : something (such as an interesting fact or event) that can be observed and studied and that typically is unusual or difficult to understand or explain fully ▪ natural phenomena like lightning and earthquakes ▪ the phenomenon of love 2 plural phe·nom·e·nons : someone or something that is very impressive or popular especially because of an unusual ability or quality ▪ the greatest literary phenomenon of the decade ▪ He's a football/baseball phenomenon. ▪ The movie eventually became a cultural phenomenon.


alt, altından, altında 1 : below or beneath (something) : under ▪ He hid the envelope underneath his coat. ▪ She slipped a note underneath the door. ▪ The ball rolled underneath the car. ▪ He lives in the apartment underneath mine. 2 : on the bottom of (something) ▪ There was gum stuck underneath the table. 3 : hidden below (an outward appearance) ▪ Underneath her calm exterior was a nervous woman with a hot temper. ▪ They actually had a lot in common underneath their obvious differences. ▪ He might seem unkind, but underneath it all [=actually], he's a very caring person.


altta, altında, altına : in or to a lower position : below ▪ the mountains and the towns beneath ▪ the sky above and the earth beneath ▪ an awning with chairs and tables beneath ▪ The ground beneath is covered with flowers.


alçak, iğrençi kir tabakası, köpüğünü almak 1 [noncount] : a layer of something unpleasant or unwanted that forms on top of a liquid ▪ Boil the chicken and use a spoon to remove any scum that floats to the surface. ▪ pond scum [=a layer of algae on top of a pond] 2 informal : a dishonest, unkind, or unpleasant person [noncount] ▪ Ignore him; he's scum. ▪ They are the scum of the earth. [=the worst people on the earth] [count] ▪ He's a complete scum. — scum·my /ˈskʌmi/ adjective, scum·mi·er; scum·mi·est [also more scummy; most scummy] ▪ scummy water ▪ a scummy person


alçakgönüllü, gösterişsiz [or more humble; most humble] 1: not proud : not thinking of yourself as better than other people ▪ Despite all his achievements, he has remained humble.▪ He is very humble about his achievements.▪ She is too humble to let praise go to her head.▪ a very humble person 2 aalways used before a noun: given or said in a way that shows you do not think you are better than other people ▪ a humble request▪ Please accept my humble apologies.▪ (sometimes humorous) In my humble opinion [=in my opinion], he is the most talented actor on the stage today.▪ Her humble suggestion is that we review the data more carefully. b: showing that you do not think of yourself as better than other people ▪ a humble attitude/manner 3: not high in rank or status ▪ He comes from a humble background.▪ She's not ashamed of her humble beginnings. 4: not special, fancy, or expensive ▪ a meal made of humble ingredients▪ Welcome to our humble home/abode.


alçalmak, aşağı inmek, soyundan gelmek, çökmek (karanlık/sis vb) formal 1 : to go down : to go or move from a higher to a lower place or level [no obj] ▪ Wait for the elevator to descend. ▪ The workers descended into the hole. ▪ The submarine was descending. ▪ They descended from [=got down from] the platform. ▪ A herd of goats descended into the valley. ▪ The airplane will descend to a lower altitude soon. [+ obj] ▪ Descending the mountain was even more dangerous than climbing/ascending it. ▪ The children descended the staircase silently. ▪ descend a ladder — opposite ascend 2 [no obj] : to slope or lead downward ▪ The path descends to the river. ▪ The stairs descended into the tunnel. — opposite ascend 3 [no obj] : to go or change to a worse state or condition — + into ▪ After his wife died, he descended [=sank] into a deep depression. ▪ The classroom descended into chaos after the teacher left. 4 [no obj] : to appear or happen like something that comes down from the sky ▪ As night descended, the campers built a fire. — usually + on or upon ▪ The invaders descended on the village without warning. [=the invaders attacked without warning] ▪ In autumn/fall, thousands of students descend on/upon [=visit] our town. ▪ Silence descended upon the crowd. [=the crowd became silent]


ambar, depo, depo etmek, rezerv [count] 1 : a usually artificial lake that is used to store a large supply of water for use in people's homes, in businesses, etc. 2 : a place (such as a part of a machine) where a liquid is stored ▪ The pen has a large ink reservoir. ▪ the engine's oil reservoir 3 : an extra supply of something ▪ Colleges and universities provide reservoirs of talent for job recruiters. ▪ She found the reservoirs of energy she needed to finish the job.




ana, başlıca, esas ürün, krampon, tel zımba, kanca, temel yiyecek [count] : a piece of metal or wire in the shape of a U that is used for attaching things: such as a : a short, thin wire that goes through papers and is bent over at the ends to hold the papers together or that goes through a piece of paper, a photograph, etc., to attach it to a surface ▪ Please fasten the pages (together) with paper clips rather than staples. ▪ The notice was attached to the wall with staples. — see also stapler b : a piece of metal or thick wire that is pushed into a surface to hold or attach something (such as rope or wire) — see also staple gun — compare 3staple v: [+ obj] : to attach (something) with staples ▪ I stapled the pages in the upper left corner. — often + to or together ▪ I stapled the check to the form. ▪ The notice had been stapled to the wall. ▪ I stapled the pages together. n: [count] 1 : an important food that is eaten very often ▪ I need to buy some staples, like bread and milk. ▪ Rice is the staple of their diet. 2 : the main product of a country, area, company, etc. ▪ Technology has replaced steel as the region's staple. 3 : something that is used widely and often ▪ Rock music was a staple when I was growing up. — often + of ▪ His writings are a staple of [=a basic part of] economic theory.


anahat, genel bilgi, ilke, kural, rehber [count] : a rule or instruction that shows or tells how something should be done — usually plural ▪ The government has issued new guidelines for following a healthy and balanced diet. ▪ calling for stricter guidelines ▪ Here are some basic guidelines for helping you choose a dishwasher.


anahtar, değiştirmek [count] 1 : a small device that starts or stops the flow of electricity to something (such as a lamp or a machine) when it is pressed or moved up and down ▪ She flicked a switch and turned the lamp/lights on. ▪ a light/dimmer switch ▪ He threw the switch to stop the machine. — see also dip switch, toggle switch 2 : a sudden change from one thing to another — usually singular ▪ a switch from the old way of doing things ▪ There has been a switch in plans. [=the plans have changed] ▪ If you're not happy in your current job, maybe it's time to make a switch (to another job). ▪ "He says he'll do it himself." "Well, that's a switch." [=that's something unusual] v: 1 : to make a change from one thing to another : to start doing or using something that is different [no obj] ▪ I switched to a new doctor. ▪ He kept switching back and forth between topics. ▪ She switched back to/from her original insurance company. ▪ We switched over to a different telephone service. [+ obj] ▪ Why did you switch jobs? 2 : to make a change from one thing to another by turning or pushing a button or moving a switch, lever, etc. [no obj] ▪ He switched (over) to a different channel. [+ obj] ▪ Stop switching channels. 3 [+ obj] : to change or replace (something) with another thing ▪ They switched places/positions/roles/sides. ▪ He switched (around) his last two appointments. ▪ (US) He is going to switch (shifts) with me Monday. [=he will work my shift and I will work his shift on Monday]


ancak, zar zor, çok az 1 a : hardly or scarcely — used to say that something was almost not possible or almost did not happen ▪ I barely recognized you with your hair cut short. ▪ He could barely walk/read/write. ▪ His voice was barely audible above the sound of the river. ▪ The boat was barely visible off the coast. ▪ We barely [=almost do not] have enough money to pay the bills. ▪ I barely [=almost do not] have time to eat my lunch. ▪ He barely made his flight. [=he almost was too late for his flight] b — used to say that someone or something only has a specified small size, age, length, etc. ▪ The movie is (just) barely an hour long. ▪ He's barely a teenager. ▪ She's barely four feet tall. ▪ Barely 50 percent of the population voted. c — used to say that something reached a specifed condition or happened only a short time before ▪ The paint is barely dry. ▪ They had barely [=just] set up the tents when it started to rain. 2 a : almost not at all ▪ We barely spoke the entire time we were in the car. ▪ I barely knew him. b : almost not ▪ There are barely any new features in this software. ▪ There is barely a difference between the two.


ani şey, anlık, beklenmedik, çarpma sesi,kapmak, parmak şıklatma, çıt sesi 1 : to break quickly with a short, sharp sound [no obj] ▪ The branch snapped and fell to the ground. ▪ The cable suddenly snapped. ▪ The earpiece of his glasses snapped off. [+ obj] ▪ She snapped the twig in two. ▪ The boy snapped the wing off his toy airplane. 2 always followed by an adverb or preposition : to move into a specified position with a short, sharp sound [no obj] ▪ The trap snapped shut. ▪ The bent tree snapped back into an upright position. ▪ The pieces snap [=click] easily into place. [+ obj] ▪ I snapped the lid shut. ▪ She snapped the pieces together. 3 always followed by an adverb or preposition [+ obj] : to close (something) with a fastener and especially with a snap ▪ She snapped her handbag shut. ▪ He snapped (up) his jacket. 4 [+ obj] : to turn (something) on or off with a switch ▪ snap on/off the lights 5 : to make a short, sharp sound or to cause (something) to make a short, sharp sound [no obj] ▪ A fire snapped [=crackled] in the wood stove. [+ obj] ▪ The driver snapped [=cracked] the whip to get the horses moving. ▪ a bored student snapping her chewing gum 6 : to use your thumb and fingers to make a short, sharp sound [+ obj] ▪ People snapped their fingers to the beat. ▪ He snapped his fingers to get the waiter's attention. [no obj] ▪ People in the audience snapped to the beat. 7 [+ obj] informal : to take (a photograph) ▪ tourists snapping pictures ▪ The images were snapped by a satellite camera. : to photograph (someone or something) ▪ A photographer snapped the famous couple leaving a London club last week. n: 1 [count] : a sudden, short, sharp sound caused by something breaking or moving into a new position — usually singular ▪ We could hear the snap of twigs beneath our feet. ▪ the snap of the alligator's jaws 2 [count] : the act of snapping your fingers or the sound made when you snap your fingers ▪ I've trained the dog to come to me with a snap of my fingers. 3 [count] US : a device that fastens something by closing or locking with a short, sharp sound ▪ The snap of the bracelet broke. ; especially : a set of two metal or plastic pieces that fit tightly together when you press them


anlamak, çekmek, idrak etmek, kavramak, pençe, tutma, yakalamak [+ obj] 1 : to grab or hold (something) tightly ▪ The little boy gripped his mother's hand tightly. ▪ I gripped the door handle and pulled as hard as I could. 2 : to get and hold the interest or attention of (someone) ▪ The story really grips the reader. ▪ The scandal has gripped the nation. n: 1 [count] a : the act of grabbing or holding something — often + on ▪ She tightened her grip on the handlebars as she coasted down the hill. ▪ I got a good grip on the door handle and pulled. ▪ He loosened/relaxed/lost his grip on the rope. — see also death grip b : a way or style of holding something ▪ a loose/tight grip ▪ His tennis instructor showed him the proper backhand grip. ▪ a golfer with an incorrect grip 2 [singular] a : power or control ▪ He has the country in his grip. [=he controls the country] ▪ He has been doing all he can to maintain/tighten his grip on the company's finances. ◊To be in the grip of something unpleasant is to be unable to stop or escape its effect or influence. ▪ The country is in the grip of a recession. ▪ We're still in the grip of winter. b : an understanding of something — often + on ▪ She has a good grip on local politics. [=she understands local politics well] ▪ He can't seem to get a grip on [=gain a good understanding of] calculus. 3 [count] : a part for holding something ▪ a knife with a wooden grip [=handle] ▪ I need new grips for my golf clubs.


anlatmak, dile getirmek, tasvir etmek [+ obj] 1 : to show (someone or something) in a picture, painting, photograph, etc. ▪ The wall was painted with a large mural depicting famous scenes from American history. ▪ Several of the architect's most famous buildings will soon be depicted on postage stamps. ▪ The photograph depicts the two brothers standing in front of a store. ▪ Angels are usually depicted with wings. ▪ In the drawing, the magic cap was depicted as a soft, black hat. 2 : to describe (someone or something) using words, a story, etc. ▪ The movie depicts the life of early settlers. ▪ I like the way she depicts the characters in her novels. ▪ His enemies depict [=portray] him as a cruel and dangerous leader. — de·pic·tion /dɪˈpɪkʃən/ noun, plural de·pic·tions [count] ▪ an honest depiction of life in the city [noncount] ▪ The book is fascinating in its depiction of the country's early history.


ansızın , ateş etmek, birden, hoplamak, patlamak 1 a : to suddenly break open or come away from something often with a short, loud noise [no obj] ▪ The balloon popped. [=burst] ▪ We heard the sound of corks popping as the celebration began. ▪ One of the buttons popped off my sweater. [+ obj] ▪ Don't pop that balloon! ▪ She popped the cork on the champagne. [=she opened the bottle of champagne by removing the cork] b [no obj] : to make a short, loud noise ▪ Guns were popping in the distance. 2 : to cook (popcorn) [+ obj] ▪ We popped some popcorn in the microwave. [no obj] ▪ The popcorn is done popping. 3 [no obj] informal a : to come from, into, or out of a place suddenly or briefly ▪ I didn't mean to say that—it just popped out. ▪ Her shoulder popped out of its socket. ▪ He opened the box, and out popped a mouse. ▪ A funny thought just popped into my head. [=I just thought of something funny] ▪ The cathedral suddenly popped into view. [=I could suddenly see the cathedral] ▪ Her father pops in and out of her life. [=her father is sometimes involved in her life and sometimes not] b always followed by an adverb or preposition : to go to or from a place quickly, suddenly, or briefly ▪ If you are busy, I can pop back in later. ▪ She popped over for a cup of tea. = (Brit) She popped round for a cup of tea. ▪ My neighbor popped in for a visit. ▪ I need to pop into the drugstore for some film. ▪ She popped out for a minute. She should be back soon. ▪ I'll pop down to the post office during my break. 4 always followed by an adverb or preposition [+ obj] informal : to put (something) in, into, or onto a place suddenly or briefly ▪ She popped a CD in the player. ▪ He popped a quarter in the jukebox. ▪ I popped a grape into my mouth. ▪ He popped [=stuck] his head out the window.


apaçlı yol, geniş cadde, geniş yol [count] 1 a : a wide street ▪ We drove down the avenue. — often used in names ▪ Sixth Avenue in Manhattan ▪ She grew up on Ledgelawn Avenue. b chiefly Brit : a path or driveway that leads to a house located off a main road ▪ a magnificent tree-lined avenue 2 : a way of achieving something or of reaching a goal ▪ We plan to pursue all available avenues to get our message to the public. ▪ They have closed off that avenue of discussion. ▪ a new avenue of research


aracılığıyla, yoluyla, üzerinden 1 : by going through (a particular place) : by way of (a particular place) ▪ She flew to Los Angeles via Chicago. 2 : by means of (a person, machine, etc.) : by using (something or someone) ▪ I'll let her know via one of our friends. ▪ He did some research via computer. ▪ tracking via satellite ▪ We went home via a shortcut.


araya girmek, aracılık etmek, müdahele etmek [no obj] 1 : to come or occur between two times or events ▪ Twenty years intervened between their first and last meetings. 2 : to become involved in something (such as a conflict) in order to have an influence on what happens ▪ The prisoner asked me to intervene with the authorities on his behalf. ▪ The military had to intervene to restore order. — often + in ▪ We need the courts to intervene in this dispute. 3 : to happen as an unrelated event that causes a delay or problem ▪ We will leave on time unless some crisis intervenes.


arazi, alan, bölge, memleket 1 a : an area of land that belongs to or is controlled by a government [noncount] ▪ Those mountains are in Mexican territory. ▪ We're entering enemy territory. [=an area of land that belongs to or is controlled by our enemy] [count] ▪ disputed territories b [count] : one of the parts of the United States that is not a state ▪ Guam is a U.S. territory. c [count] : any one of the large parts that some countries are divided into ▪ Canada's Yukon Territory 2 : an area that an animal or group of animals uses and defends [count] ▪ The birds are busy establishing territories and building nests. [noncount] ▪ Male cats spray to mark territory. 3 [noncount] : an area of land or water ▪ We've covered a lot of territory today. [=we have traveled a long distance] ▪ The goal of the expedition is to map unexplored/uncharted territory. — sometimes used figuratively ▪ an area of study that was unexplored/uncharted territory at the time ▪ Let's get the meeting started. We have a lot of territory to cover today. [=a lot to talk about, decide, etc.] ▪ Dealing with our cars and the mechanic is her territory. [=something she is in charge of] ▪ As the conversation turned to politics, I knew we were heading into dangerous territory. 4 [count] : an area that someone is responsible for when doing a job ▪ a salesman whose territory includes New England and upstate New York


artış, fırlamak, hızla yükselmek, yükselmek, havada yükselmek [no obj] 1 : to increase very quickly in amount or price ▪ The temperature soared to 100 degrees. ▪ Stock prices are beginning to soar. ▪ The oil shortage sent prices soaring. ▪ The nation's divorce rate has soared. ▪ Interest rates have soared (up) to new heights. 2 a : to fly or sail often at a great height by floating on air currents ▪ The eagle soared above us. ▪ A hang glider soared in the air. b : to rise quickly upward to a great height ▪ The rocket soared into the sky. ▪ The ball soared out of the stadium. — often used figuratively ▪ The song is soaring in popularity. = The popularity of the song is soaring. ▪ Her spirits soared [=she became very happy and excited] when she heard the news. 3 : to reach or rise to a great height ▪ The mountain soars over 20,000 feet above sea level. — soaring adjective always used before a noun ▪ a soaring divorce rate ▪ a soaring eagle ▪ She is enjoying her soaring popularity. ▪ soaring skyscrapers


asfalt kaplamak, kaplamak, döşemek [+ obj] : to cover (something) with a material (such as stone, tar, or concrete) that forms a hard, level surface for walking, driving, etc. ▪ The crew was paving the road. ▪ Some of the roads were paved over. ▪ The driveway is paved with concrete. ▪ a paved highway/road ▪ It was said that this country was so rich, the streets were paved with/in gold.


asıl, bakteri, mikrop, çimlenmek, çekirdek [count] 1 biology : a very small living thing that causes disease ▪ the germ that causes tuberculosis 2 a : the origin or basis of something ▪ the germ of an idea b : a very small amount of something ▪ a germ of truth 3 biology : something that can grow to become a whole animal, plant, etc., or one of its parts ▪ a germ cell ▪ the germ layers of an embryo


asıl, doğal,doğuştan olan formal : belonging to the basic nature of someone or something ▪ He has an inherent sense of fair play. ▪ She believes strongly in the inherent [=fundamental, natural] goodness of all people. — often + in ▪ She believes that goodness is inherent in all people. ▪ There are a number of problems inherent in the design/plan. — in·her·ent·ly adverb ▪ Are people inherently good? ▪ There is nothing inherently illegal about what he did.


ata, soy : a person's ancestors : the people who were in your family in past times [noncount] ▪ They claim to be of noble ancestry. ▪ an Englishman of German ancestry = an Englishman who is German by ancestry ▪ a person of unknown ancestry ▪ She claims to be able to trace her ancestry all the way back to the earliest settlers. [count] ▪ They have different ancestries.


ateş, alevlenme, pırıltı, aydınlık ışık 1 [count] somewhat formal : an intense and dangerous fire ▪ The family escaped the blaze. ▪ Two people were injured in a restaurant blaze [=a fire in a restaurant] late last night. 2 [singular] : a very bright area of light or color ▪ a shining blaze of light ▪ a blaze of color in the autumn leaves 3 [singular] : a sudden appearance or expression of something : outburst ▪ a blaze of fury ▪ a blaze of publicity/controversy ◊A blaze of glory is a final important event just before someone or something is gone or dies. ▪ The soldier went down in a blaze of glory. [=the soldier died doing something important and worthy of great respect] v: [no obj] 1 : to burn very brightly and intensely ▪ A fire blazed in the stove. 2 a : to shine very brightly ▪ The sun blazed down on us. b : to be extremely bright or colorful like fire ▪ The field was blazing [=ablaze] with flowers. c of the eyes : to show anger ▪ His eyes blazed with anger/fury. 3 : to shoot very quickly and constantly ▪ The assassins rushed into the crowd, with their guns blazing. — often + away ▪ The shooter was still blazing away with an automatic rifle.


atlamak, binmek, oynamak, zıplamak 1 [no obj] : to move by a quick jump or series of jumps ▪ He hopped over the hot sand. ▪ We crossed the stream by hopping from one rock to another. ▪ A frog was hopping along the edge of the pond. ▪ I sprained my ankle and had to hop (on one foot) back to the house to get help. 2 [+ obj] : to jump over (something) ▪ hop a puddle/fence 3 always followed by an adverb or preposition [no obj] informal a : to move or go quickly ▪ I hopped out of bed, got dressed, and headed off to work. ▪ I need to hop into the shower [=I need to take a quick shower] before we go. ▪ He hopped in the car and drove off. ▪ She hopped on the train/elevator/plane. b : to go from place to place without staying long at any one place ▪ We spent the evening hopping from one night club to another. ▪ She's been hopping from job to job for years. n: [count] 1 a : a short, quick jump ▪ She did a little hop to the left. b : the bounce of a ball ▪ The shortstop fielded the ball on the second hop.


atlamak, fırlayış, sıçramak 1 a [no obj] : to jump from a surface ▪ The cat suddenly leaped into the air. ▪ Fish were leaping out of the water. ▪ He leaped off the bridge. ▪ The cat leapt down from (the top of) the table. ▪ The boys leaped over the stream. ▪ He made a leaping catch. [=he caught the ball as he jumped] b [+ obj] : to jump over (something) ▪ The horse leaped the stone wall. 2 [no obj] : to move quickly ▪ She leapt up [=she stood up quickly] and ran out the door. ▪ When the alarm went off, she leapt out of bed. ▪ The crowd leapt to its feet. [=stood up quickly in excitement] — often used figuratively ▪ The team leaped from last place to first place. ▪ The conversation leapt from politics to religion. ▪ When other people accused her of being lazy, he leaped to her defense. [=he quickly began to defend her] ▪ They leaped into action. [=acted immediately] 3 [no obj] : to suddenly increase by a large amount ▪ The price of gasoline leaped (by) 10 percent.


atma, atış, silkinmek, sarsılmak, kıpırdanmak, yazı tura atmak 1 [+ obj] : to throw (something) with a quick, light motion ▪ I tossed the ball to him. = I tossed him the ball. ▪ She tossed the ball high in/into the air. ▪ She tossed the paper at/into the recycling bin. ▪ He tossed his dirty socks onto the floor. 2 [+ obj] : to move or lift (something, such as a part of your body) quickly or suddenly ▪ He tossed his head back. ▪ She tossed her hair and smiled. 3 : to move (something) back and forth or up and down [+ obj] ▪ Waves tossed the ship about. [no obj] ▪ The ship tossed on the waves. 4 [+ obj] : to stir or mix (something) lightly ▪ Gently toss the salad. ▪ Toss the vegetables with olive oil. 5 : to cause (something) to turn over by throwing it into the air [+ obj] ▪ toss a coin ▪ toss [=flip] a pancake [no obj] ▪ "Who's going to put out the trash?" "Let's toss for it." [=let's toss a coin to decide]


atmak, attırmak, birleştirmek, elektrik sigortası, tapa, birleştirmek, yapışmak [count] : a device that causes electricity to stop flowing when a current becomes too strong ▪ The lights went out when the fuse blew. ▪ change a fuse blow a fuse informal : to become very angry or upset ▪ The boss blew a fuse when the shipment didn't arrive on time. [count] 1 : a string that is connected to an explosive device (such as a bomb or firecracker) and that is set on fire to cause the device to explode ▪ light a fuse 2 also US fuze : a mechanical or electrical device that causes a weapon (such as a bomb or torpedo) to explode a short fuse informal ◊If you have a short fuse or you are on a short fuse, you become angry very quickly. ▪ The boss is known to be on a short fuse. v: 1 : to join or become joined because of heat or a chemical reaction [no obj] ▪ During the reaction the atoms fuse (together). ▪ The melted metals fused (with each other). [+ obj] ▪ Particles are fused to form a new compound. ▪ He fused the wires (together). 2 : to join or combine (different things) together [+ obj] ▪ His compositions fuse jazz and rhythm and blues elements. ▪ Their approach fused ideas from several disciplines. [no obj] ▪ Dreams and reality fuse (together) in her latest film. = Dreams fuse with reality in her latest film. 3 Brit : to stop working because a fuse has blown [no obj] ▪ The light fused and left us in the dark. [+ obj] ▪ I must have fused the light by accident.


atmak, fırlatmak [+ obj] 1 a: to throw or move (something) in a forceful way ▪ cast [=throw, toss] a stone▪ Seaweed was cast up by the waves. b: to throw (a fishing line, hook, etc.) into the water by using a fishing pole 2 a: to send or direct (something) in the direction of someone or something ▪ He cast a glance toward the door. [=he glanced at the door]▪ The witch cast [=put] a spell on him. b: to send (something) out or forward ▪ The fire casts [=gives off] a warm glow.▪ The tree cast a long shadow on the lawn.— often used figuratively ▪ The trial casts a harsh light on [=reveals bad things about] the banking industry.▪ Their argument cast a pall on the party. [=gave the party an unhappy mood]▪ The incident casts doubt on her honesty. 3: to make (a vote) formally ▪ How many votes were cast?▪ cast a ballot 4 a: to assign roles for (a play, movie, etc.) to actors ▪ cast a play b: to assign (an actor or actress) a role in a film, play, etc. ▪ She was cast as a college professor who becomes a spy.


av, avlamak, yem [noncount] 1 : an animal that is hunted or killed by another animal for food ▪ The lion stalked its prey. ▪ The bird circled above looking for prey. ▪ The seals are easy prey for sharks. — see also bird of prey 2 : someone who is easily harmed or affected in a bad way by someone or something : victim ▪ Too often elderly people are easy prey for swindlers and other criminals. be/fall prey to 1 : to be killed by (an animal, disease, etc.) ▪ The deer fell prey to coyotes. ▪ Many people fell prey to disease. 2 : to be harmed or affected in a bad way by (someone or something) ▪ After the accident, she was prey to all kinds of anxieties. ▪ Some of his friends fell prey to drugs. ▪ She fell prey to an online scam. v: prey on/upon [phrasal verb] 1 prey on/upon (something) : to hunt and kill (something) for food ▪ The wolves prey on small animals. 2 prey on/upon (someone) : to hurt, cheat, or steal from (someone) ▪ criminals who prey on lonely elderly people ▪ Gangs are known to prey on tourists in the city. 3 prey on/upon someone's mind : to make someone worry : to be constantly on someone's mind ▪ Her growing debts preyed on her mind. [=she worried about her growing debts] ▪ The thought that he could have done better preyed on his mind. ▪ a question that preys on the minds of many of us


avlu, bahçe, uzunluk birimi


avutmak, teselli etmek, dirsek, raf ayağı [+ obj] : to try to make (someone) feel less sadness or disappointment ▪ She consoled [=comforted] him after his wife died. ▪ Nothing could console her after his death. — often + with ▪ I consoled myself with the thought that things could be much worse. n: [count] 1 : a flat surface that contains the controls for a machine, for a piece of electrical equipment, etc. 2 : a cabinet for a stereo or television that stands on the floor


ayak, ayaklık, denize uzanmış iskele [count] : a structure that goes out from a shore into the water ◊Piers are typically used as a place for ships to load and unload people or things or as a place where people can walk. ▪ The ferry leaves from pier 4. ▪ People were fishing off the pier. ▪ Couples walked on/along the pier.


ayakta tutmak, ayakta tutan şey, destek, güç, besin [noncount] formal 1 : something (such as food) that keeps someone or something alive ▪ Tree bark provides deer with sustenance in periods of drought. ▪ The village depends on the sea for sustenance. 2 : something that gives support, help, or strength ▪ She draws spiritual sustenance from daily church attendance. ▪ reading for intellectual sustenance


ayarlamak, düzeltmek [+ obj] formal : to correct (something that is wrong) ▪ The hotel management promised to rectify the problem/situation. — rec·ti·fi·ca·tion /ˌrɛktəfəˈkeɪʃən/ noun [noncount]


ayartmak, cezbetmek, baştan çıkarmak [+ obj] : to cause (someone) to do or want to do something even though it may be wrong, bad, or unwise ▪ The smell of the pie tempted me, but I resisted. [=I wanted some pie but did not eat any] ▪ He tempted [=enticed] me with the offer of more money. — often + into ▪ The smell of the pie tempted me into having a piece. [=it caused me to eat a piece of pie] ▪ The saleswoman tried to tempt us into buying a more expensive model. — often followed by to + verb ▪ The saleswoman tried to tempt us to buy a more expensive model. — often used as (be) tempted ▪ "Would you like some more pie?" "I'm tempted, but no thank you." ▪ Students may be tempted to cheat on the test. [=they may consider cheating on the test] ▪ I was sorely tempted to say [=I very much wanted to say] something rude to her, but I didn't. ▪ She was tempted to quit and find a new job. ▪ I'm tempted [=I'm inclined] to say yes, but I'm not completely sure.


aynı zamana denk gelmek, rastlamak, uyuşmak, çakışmak [no obj] 1 : to happen at the same time as something else ▪ The earthquakes coincided. — often + with ▪ The population increase coincided with rapid industrial growth. ▪ The parade is scheduled to coincide with the city's 200th birthday. 2 : to agree with something exactly : to be the same as something else ▪ The goals of the business partners coincide. — often + with ▪ Her job coincided well with her career goals.


ayrı, bir kenara, bertaraf 1 : to or toward the side ▪ He stepped aside and let her pass. ▪ She drew aside the curtains. = She drew the curtains aside. ▪ He threw/tossed his coat aside. ▪ Please stand aside. ▪ She laid/set the book aside. ▪ He elbowed people aside as he moved through the crowd. ▪ He took/drew her aside to speak to her privately. ▪ Someone grabbed him and pulled/pushed him aside. — often used figuratively ▪ Their objections were swept/brushed aside. [=were quickly dismissed or disregarded] ▪ The old methods have been cast/thrown aside [=have been abandoned] in favor of new ones. ▪ Leaving/Putting aside the question of money for the moment, we need to come up with a workable schedule. 2 — used with put or set to describe something that is being kept or saved for a future use ▪ She's been setting/putting money aside [=has been saving money] for school. ▪ The government has set aside a thousand acres for use as a park. 3 — used to say that something is not included in a statement that follows ▪ Dangerous appearances aside, these animals are really very gentle and friendly. [=these animals are friendly despite their dangerous appearances] ▪ Such minor problems aside [=except for such minor problems], the movie is a very entertaining thriller.


ayrılamamak, kalmak (gitmesi gerekirken), geçmişte kalmak, oyalanmak [no obj] 1 : to stay somewhere beyond the usual or expected time ▪ The tourists didn't linger very long. ▪ She lingered at the art exhibit. ▪ He lingered in bed and missed breakfast. ▪ They lingered over coffee after dinner. 2 a : to continue to exist as time passes ▪ The heat lingered long after the sun had gone down. ▪ The smell of her perfume lingered. ▪ The idea lingered in their minds. — often + on ▪ His unhappiness/resentment lingered on. ▪ The rain lingered on for days. b : to remain alive while becoming weaker — usually + on ▪ He was very ill, but he lingered on for several more months. — lin·ger·er /ˈlɪŋgɚrɚ/ noun, plural lin·ger·ers [count] ▪ After sunset there were a few lingerers on the beach. — lin·ger·ing /ˈlɪŋgərɪŋ/ adjective ▪ This latest evidence should remove any lingering doubts/questions about his innocence. ▪ The company is still trying to recover from the lingering effects of the strike. ▪ a long, lingering kiss ▪ a last, lingering look ▪ He suffered a long, lingering [=very slow] death.


ayrılış, ayrılma, hareket, yola çıkma 1 : the act of departing: such as a : the act of leaving a place especially to start a journey [noncount] ▪ What is your time of departure? ▪ Our departure is scheduled for 5 p.m. = Our departure time is 5 p.m. ▪ They had to postpone (their) departure because of bad weather. ▪ You should plan to arrive at the airport an hour before departure. ▪ the ferry's departure point [count] ▪ a schedule of arrivals and departures b [count] : the act of leaving a job, an organization, etc. ▪ The departures of several key employees have caused problems for the company. ▪ her sudden departure from the company ▪ The team has struggled since the departure of its head coach. 2 [count] : a new or different way of doing something ▪ His previous movies have all been comedies, so this dramatic role is a real departure for him. — often + from ▪ These new techniques are major/dramatic/radical departures from standard practices. ▪ a departure from tradition


ayıp, berbat kokan, bozuk, iğrenç,fena, kaba, kirli, kirletmek, dolaştırmak, faul yapmak [or more foul; most foul] 1 : very unpleasant to taste or smell ▪ the foul odor of rotten eggs ▪ foul breath/air ▪ The medicine left a foul taste in my mouth. ▪ a foul-smelling chemical 2 : morally bad : very evil ▪ a foul crime 3 : very bad or unpleasant ▪ He was in a foul [=angry] mood. ▪ The weather has been foul all week. ▪ They do their job in fair weather and foul. [=in good weather and bad weather] 4 : indecent and offensive ▪ foul [=dirty] language ▪ She has a foul mouth. [=she uses foul language; she speaks in an indecent and offensive way] — see also foul-mouthed 5 : very unfair : not morally or socially acceptable ▪ He's determined to get what he wants, whether by fair means or foul. n: [count] 1 sports : an action that is against the rules and for which a player is given a penalty ▪ She committed three fouls. = She was charged with three fouls. ▪ a basketball player in foul trouble [=a player who has committed several fouls; a player who is close to fouling out] — see also personal foul, professional foul, technical foul, foul out at 3foul 2 baseball : a batted ball that lands outside the foul lines : a foul ball ▪ He hit several fouls in a row. v: 1 [+ obj] : to make (a substance, place, etc.) dirty ▪ pollutants that foul the air ▪ fouling [=befouling] the sacred waters 2 sports a [no obj] : to commit a foul ▪ She fouled on her first long jump attempt. b [+ obj] : to commit a foul against (another player) ▪ The other team has fouled him [=hit him, held him, etc.] repeatedly. ▪ He was fouled as he attempted the shot. 3 [+ obj] baseball : to hit (a pitched ball) so that it lands outside the foul lines ▪ He kept fouling pitches/balls into the stands. — often + off ▪ He fouled off several pitches in a row. 4 [+ obj] : to become twisted around (something) so that it cannot move, be used, etc. ▪ The anchor's rope fouled the propeller.


azarlamak, cadoloz kadın, terslemek [+ obj] : to speak in an angry or critical way to (someone who has done something wrong) ▪ He scolded [=reprimanded] the children for making a mess. ▪ The article scolds [=(more formally) berates, upbraids] the United Nations for not doing enough about the situation. ▪ "You should never have done that," she scolded. — scolding noun, plural scoldings [count] — usually singular ▪ The children got a scolding for making a mess. [noncount] ▪ Scolding was not necessary.


azarlamak, ihtar etmek [+ obj] formal 1 : to speak to (someone) in a way that expresses disapproval or criticism — often + for ▪ His mother admonished him for shouting. ▪ We were admonished for arriving late. 2 : to tell or urge (someone) to do something ▪ She admonished [=urged] them to keep trying. ▪ They admonished [=encouraged] her to control her spending. ▪ They were admonished to take advantage of the opportunity.


azim, kararlılık, karar, çözünme, 1 a [noncount] : the act of finding an answer or solution to a conflict, problem, etc. : the act of resolving something ▪ a court for the resolution of civil disputes ▪ conflict resolution b [count] : an answer or solution to something ▪ We found a resolution to the dispute. 2 : the ability of a device to show an image clearly and with a lot of detail [count] ▪ computer screens with high resolutions [noncount] ▪ The monitor has excellent resolution. ▪ a high-resolution copier/monitor/camera 3 [count] : a promise to yourself that you will make a serious effort to do something that you should do ▪ He made a resolution to lose weight. [=he resolved to lose weight] ▪ Her New Year's resolution [=her promise to do something differently in the new year] is to exercise regularly. 4 [noncount] : the quality of being very determined to do something : determination ▪ They admired his courage and resolution. [=resolve] 5 [count] : a formal statement that expresses the feelings, wishes, or decision of a group ▪ The assembly passed a resolution calling for the university president to step down. 6 [noncount] : the point in a story at which the main conflict is solved or ended ▪ the resolution of the plot


azmak, ayaklanmak, isyan etmek, patırtı, kargaşa, cümbüş 1 [count] : a situation in which a large group of people behave in a violent and uncontrolled way ▪ The news about the election caused/started/sparked a riot in the city. ▪ a prison riot ▪ A lot of property was damaged in the recent riots. ▪ riot gear/police 2 [singular] : a place that is filled with something ▪ The field was a riot of wildflowers. [=the field was filled with many kinds of wildflowers] ▪ The woods are a riot of color in the autumn. 3 [singular] informal : someone or something that is very funny ▪ She's a riot. ▪ The movie was an absolute riot. v: .[no obj] of a group of people : to behave in a violent and uncontrolled way ▪ Students rioted after their team lost the football game. — ri·ot·er noun, plural ri·ot·ers [count] ▪ Rioters looted the store. — rioting noun [noncount] ▪ Police stopped the rioting.


açık, basit, boş, sade, çıplak 1 a: not having a covering ▪ There was a rug in the front room of the house, but the other floors were bare.▪ The walls were bare.▪ Do not let the bare wires touch.— sometimes used figuratively ▪ He laid bare his soul. = He laid his soul bare. [=he revealed his most private thoughts and feelings]▪ The book is an attempt to lay bare [=reveal, uncover] the secrets of this very powerful political family. b: not covered by clothing, shoes, a hat, etc. ▪ He covered her bare arms with his coat.▪ Her feet were bare. = She had bare feet. [=she wasn't wearing shoes or socks on her feet]▪ He had a glove on his left hand, but his right hand was bare.▪ His head is bare. [=he does not have a hat on] — see also with your bare hands at 1hand c: not covered by leaves, grass, trees, or plants ▪ She likes the bare [=naked] branches of trees in the winter.▪ The ground was bare where the statue had stood for years.▪ The mountainside was laid bare by loggers. [=all the trees on the mountainside were cut down by loggers] 2 a: not containing anything :empty ▪ The cupboard was bare.▪ There was only one bare shelf.


ağlamak, göz yaşı dökmek, akıtmak, damlamak 1 somewhat formal : to cry because you are very sad or are feeling some other strong emotion [no obj] ▪ He wept at the news of her death. ▪ She sat down and wept. ▪ He wept with joy/relief. [+ obj] ▪ He wept bitter tears of disappointment. 2 : to produce a liquid slowly [+ obj] ▪ The wound was weeping pus. [=pus was slowly coming out from the wound] [no obj] ▪ a weeping wound ▪ The meringue will weep if you put it in the fridge. n: [singular] Brit : an act of weeping or a period of time spent weeping ▪ She sat down and had a weep. [=cry]


ağrı, sancı, sızlamak, ağrımak [no obj] 1 : to produce a dull continuous pain : to hurt in a way that is constant but not severe ▪ Her muscles were aching from shoveling snow. ▪ After running the marathon, his body ached for a week. ▪ The candy's so sweet that it makes my teeth ache. — often used figuratively ▪ His heart ached [=he felt sad and sorry] for the children begging on the streets. 2 : to want or desire something or someone very much — often + for ▪ After years of war, most people are aching [=longing, yearning] for peace. ▪ Her heart ached for him. — often followed by to + verb ▪ I've been aching to see you. n: [count] : a pain that is not sharp but continues for a long time ▪ He had a dull ache in his back from lifting boxes all day. ▪ muscle aches — often used in combination with parts of the body ▪ a headache ▪ a stomachache ▪ toothaches — often used figuratively ▪ She looked through the old pictures with a dull ache in her heart. ◊Aches and pains are many small pains that happen at the same time and make people feel uncomfortable. ▪ Symptoms of the flu include fever, general aches and pains, and sore throat. ▪ the many aches and pains of old age


ağrılı, acıyan, aşırı , çok, sinirli, öfkeli [also more sore; most sore] 1 : feeling or affected by pain : painful ▪ sore muscles ▪ Her back felt sore. ▪ After I fell I was sore [=achy] all over. ▪ a dog limping on a sore leg ▪ The patient has a sore throat. 2 always used before a noun : causing emotional pain or distress ▪ That's a sore subject to bring up. ▪ The discussion touched on a sore spot. 3 chiefly US, informal : angry or upset ▪ My neighbor is sore at me. ▪ Are you still sore about what happened last night? ▪ He's a sore loser. [=he becomes very upset or angry when he loses] n: [count] : a sore or painful spot on the body ▪ He has a sore on his lip.


ağır, gecikmek, geri 1 [no obj] a : to move more slowly than others : to fail to walk or move as quickly as others — usually + behind ▪ One of the hikers kept lagging behind the rest of the group. ▪ We had to stop and wait because someone was lagging behind. b : to be in a position that is behind others — usually + behind ▪ a politician who is lagging behind [=trailing] in the election campaign ▪ The company has lagged behind its competitors in developing new products. 2 [no obj] : to happen or develop more slowly than expected or wanted — usually + behind ▪ Production has continued to lag (far/well/way) behind schedule/demand. [singular] : a space of time between two events ▪ There is a lag of a day or two between the time you deposit a check and the time the funds are available for withdrawal. ▪ There is a slight lag between the time when the camera's shutter is pressed and the actual taking of the picture. ▪ Work on the project has resumed after a lag of several months. —called also time lag; — see also jet lag


aşağılamak [+ obj] : to do or say something that is offensive to (someone) : to do or say something that shows a lack of respect for (someone) ▪ She felt they had insulted her by repeatedly ignoring her questions. ▪ We were greatly insulted by his rudeness. ▪ They're understandably insulted when no one asks for their opinion on a matter that affects them so much. ▪ You're saying those photos are real? Don't insult my intelligence. [=don't treat me as though I am stupid; don't expect me to believe those photos are real]


aşikar, belli, görüşte 1 [more apparent; most apparent] : easy to see or understand ▪ The other team's superiority was apparent [=evident] in the first half of the game. ▪ The truth is apparent to me. [=I can clearly see the truth] ▪ Her reasons for leaving were readily apparent. [=were obvious or easy to see] ▪ When we left, they were in no apparent danger. [=they did not appear to be in any danger] ▪ From the beginning, it was apparent that she was not an ordinary child. ▪ It soon/quickly became apparent (to us) that something was wrong. ▪ He started yelling and throwing things for no apparent reason. 2 always used before a noun : seeming to be true but possibly not true ▪ We disagreed on the apparent meaning of the movie. ▪ He died of an apparent heart attack. [=it appears that a heart attack caused his death] ▪ What was the apparent cause of the accident?


aşk ilişkisi, durum, ilişki, şey, sorun 1 affairs [plural] : work or activities done for a purpose : commercial, professional, public, or personal business ▪ The group conducts its affairs [=business] in private. ▪ We were told to arrange/settle our affairs. = We were told to put our affairs in order. ▪ handling/managing someone else's affairs ▪ They seem to be quite pleased with the current/present state of affairs. [=situation] ▪ She's the company's director of public affairs. [=the person who manages a company's relationship with the public] ▪ She's an expert in foreign affairs. [=events and activities that involve foreign countries] ▪ world/international affairs [=events and activities that involve different nations] ▪ After the war, the government focused on its own domestic affairs. ▪ They accused the U.S. of interfering in the internal affairs of other nations. 2 [count] : a matter that concerns or involves someone ▪ This has nothing to do with you. It's not your affair. [=business, concern] = It's none of your affair. [=business] ▪ How I choose to live is my affair, not yours. 3 [count] : a secret sexual relationship between two people : love affair ▪ adulterous/extramarital affairs between married men and single women — often used in the phrase have an affair ▪ She divorced her husband after she discovered that he was having an affair. — often + with ▪ She had an affair with a coworker. 4 [count] a : a social event or activity ▪ He wants to make their wedding day an affair to remember. [=a special event] ▪ a simple/elaborate affair ▪ We were invited to a black-tie affair [=a party in which men wear tuxedos and women wear fancy dresses] at the governor's mansion.


aşık, düşkün, hoşlanan 1 : feeling or showing love or friendship : affectionate ▪ a fond admirer ▪ She still has fond feelings for him. ▪ She has fond [=cherished, warm] memories of their time together. ▪ a fond smile ▪ Absence makes the heart grow fonder. ▪ He wished them a fond farewell. 2 : strongly felt ▪ their fondest wishes ▪ the fond hope that the situation would change fond of : having a liking for or love of (someone or something) ▪ She is still fond of him. [=she still likes/loves him] ▪ She grew quite fond of him. ▪ I'm fond of skiing. [=I like to ski; I enjoy skiing] ▪ She's fond of asking silly questions. [=she asks a lot of silly questions] — fond·ness /ˈfɑ:ndnəs/ noun [noncount] ▪ his parents' fondness [=affection] for each other [singular] ▪ a fondness [=liking] for fine wine


aşırmak, gizli, gizlice yapmak, fitnelemek, sinsi 1 always followed by an adverb or preposition [no obj] : to move quietly and secretly in order to avoid being noticed ▪ They tried to sneak into the movie without paying. ▪ As a teenager she would sneak out (of her house/apartment) at night to visit her boyfriend. ▪ He sneaked [=crept] past the guard. 2 [+ obj] : to take or bring (something) secretly and often quickly ▪ She sneaked some cigars through customs. ▪ He snuck a few cookies out of the jar while his mother wasn't looking. ▪ They caught him trying to sneak food into the theater. ▪ I sneaked a note to my friend in class. = I sneaked my friend a note in class. ▪ I'm going to sneak a smoke. [=I'm going to smoke a cigarette while nobody is watching] ▪ I was caught sneaking a look [=secretly looking] at my Christmas presents. ▪ Can I sneak a peek at your quiz answers? adj: : done while others are not paying attention ▪ a sneak [=surprise] attack ▪ She took a sneak peek [=a secret look] at the birthday presents hidden in the closet.


aşırı hassas, hırçın [more irritable; most irritable] : becoming angry or annoyed easily ▪ My father is always irritable after a nap. ▪ I came home from work feeling tired and irritable. — ir·ri·ta·bil·i·ty /ˌirətəˈbɪləti/ noun [noncount] ▪ Side effects include fatigue and increased irritability. — ir·ri·ta·bly /ˈirətəbli/ adverb ▪ "What's taking so long?" he asked irritably.


bakkal, market [count] : a person who sells food and other supplies for people's houses ▪ Ask your local grocer if he sells organic fruits and vegetables. ▪ I bought the fruit and vegetables at the grocer's. [=grocery store]


bal rengi [noncount] 1 : a hard orange-yellow substance that can be polished and used for jewelry and other decorations 2 : a dark orange-yellow color — see color picture — amber adjective ▪ the amber light of the late afternoon sun ▪ "...amber waves of grain..." — Katharine Lee Bates, "America the Beautiful" (1911)


balkon, teras 1 [count] : a flat area created on the side of a hill and used especially for growing crops ▪ rice growing in/on hillside terraces 2 [count] : a flat area next to a building where people can sit and relax ▪ For sale: large three-bedroom house with adjoining terrace and garden. 3 [count] Brit : a row of houses that are joined together : a group of row houses 4 the terraces Brit : a section of a stadium with wide steps where people stand to watch soccer matches — ter·raced /ˈterəst/ adjective ▪ a terraced hillside ▪ terraced gardens — ter·rac·ing /ˈterəsɪŋ/ noun [noncount] ▪ hillside terracing


bataklık, yosun : a type of green plant that has very small leaves and no flowers and that grows on rocks, bark, or wet ground [noncount] ▪ Moss covered the fallen logs. [count] ▪ ferns and mosses — see also peat moss, spanish moss — moss·like /ˈmɑ:sˌlaɪk/ adjective — mossy /ˈmɑ:si/ adjective, moss·i·er; moss·i·est ▪ a mossy roof [=a roof covered with moss] ▪ mossy rocks/stones


bayilmak, belirsiz, çekingen, donuk, soluk 1 : not clearly seen, heard, tasted, felt, etc. ▪ We heard a faint noise. ▪ a faint smell/odor/aroma ▪ the faint glow of a distant light ▪ There was a faint smile on her lips. ▪ a faint [=weak] radio signal 2 : very slight or small ▪ There's just a faint chance/possibility that the weather will improve by tomorrow. ▪ a faint hope ▪ a faint reminder of their former greatness ▪ He didn't have the faintest idea/notion what she was talking about. [=he did not know what she was talking about] ▪ She showed not the faintest interest in him. [=she showed no interest at all in him] 3 not used before a noun : weak and dizzy ▪ I'd better lie down; I feel faint. ▪ She felt faint from/with hunger. v: [no obj] : to suddenly become unconscious ▪ He always faints at the sight of blood. ▪ She almost fainted from the pain. ▪ She suffers from fainting spells.


bağ, ilişki, sözleşme, senet, bono 1 [count] : something (such as an idea, interest, experience, or feeling) that is shared between people or groups and forms a connection between them ▪ the bonds of friendship ▪ a daughter's bond with her mother ▪ family/kinship bonds ▪ Recent events have helped to strengthen the bonds between our two countries. ▪ My roommate and I share a common bond because we both grew up in the Midwest. ▪ the bonds of holy matrimony [=the connection between two people who are married to each other] 2 [count] finance : an official document in which a government or company promises to pay back an amount of money that it has borrowed and to pay interest for the borrowed money ▪ She has invested most of her money in stocks and bonds. ▪ The city issued bonds [=the city created bonds and sold them to investors] to pay for the new school. ▪ municipal bonds [=bonds issued by a local government] — see also junk bond, savings bond 3 [count] formal : a chain or rope that is used to prevent someone from moving or acting freely — usually plural ▪ The prisoner was able to break free from the bonds that held him. — often used figuratively ▪ They struggled to free themselves from the bonds of oppression. 4 [count] : the condition of being held together or joined ▪ The glue provides a good/strong bond between the two pieces of wood.


bağ,i bohça, paket, tomar, demet [count] 1 a : a group of things that are fastened, tied, or wrapped together ▪ He arrived with several bundles [=packages, parcels] under his arms. — often + of ▪ a bundle of straw/newspapers/clothes b : a group of things that are together or are associated with each other in some way ▪ Whoever picks the winning ticket will win a bundle of prizes. 2 informal : a person who has a lot of some quality or who is known for a particular kind of behavior — + of ▪ You're just a bundle of contradictions! [=you say or do things that seem to go against other things you say or do] ▪ She's a bundle of energy. [=she's very energetic] ▪ I was a bundle of nerves. [=I was very nervous] ◊The phrase (little) bundle of joy is used as a humorous or affectionate way of referring to a baby. ▪ He's our little bundle of joy. 3 informal : a large amount of money ▪ He made/lost a bundle on the stock market. ▪ A reliable car doesn't have to cost a bundle. ▪ They made bundles of money.


bağırsak kurdu, kurt, solucan 1 [count] : a long, thin animal that has a soft body with no legs or bones and that often lives in the ground ▪ I often see worms in the garden. ▪ We always used worms as bait for fishing.


bağışlamak, vermek, kabul etmek [+ obj] 1 a: to agree to do, give, or allow (something asked for or hoped for) ▪ The mayor refused to grant my request for an interview.▪ The court granted the motion for a new trial.▪ She granted me an interview. [=she agreed to let me interview her]▪ She rarely grants interviews. [=she rarely agrees to be interviewed]▪ I cannot grant you that wish. b: to give (something) legally or formally ▪ The government has agreed to grant the refugees asylum. = The government has agreed to grant asylum to the refugees.▪ We haven't yet been granted access to the archive.▪ The country was granted independence in 1950.▪ The judge granted custody of the children to their mother. — see also grant bail at 1bail 2: to admit (something) although it does not agree with or support your opinion ▪ I grant that he's a talented writer, but I just don't find his books very interesting.▪ The house is not in perfect condition, I grant you [=I admit that the house is not in perfect condition], but it's still a great deal.▪ The house is not perfect, I grant you that


baş işareti, kafa sallamak,uyuklamak 1 a : to move your head up and down as a way of answering "yes" or of showing agreement, understanding, or approval [no obj] ▪ She nodded when I asked her if she was ready. ▪ He nodded in agreement. [+ obj] ▪ He nodded agreement/approval. ▪ I asked her if she could hear me, and she nodded her head. b : to move your head up and down as a signal to someone or as a way of saying hello or goodbye to someone [no obj] — often + to ▪ The guard nodded to us as we walked in. ▪ He nodded to his assistant to start the slide show. — often + at ▪ She nodded at us as she walked past. [+ obj] ▪ She nodded hello. 2 always followed by an adverb or preposition [no obj] : to slightly move your head in a specified direction ▪ "The bathroom is around the corner," he said, nodding to the left. ▪ She nodded toward the dirty dishes and said she would get to them later. 3 [no obj] : to move up and down ▪ The tulips nodded [=bobbed, swayed] in the breeze. nod off [phrasal verb] informal : to fall asleep ▪ I nodded off during his speech.


başarı, derin, eylem, fiil, senet, evrak, tapu 1 : something that is done : an act or action [count] ▪ They taught their children to be kind and to do good deeds. ▪ evil/dirty deeds ▪ We are judged by our deeds. [=we are judged by what we do] ▪ News of their heroic deeds spread far and wide. ▪ It's too late now. The deed is done. [noncount] ▪ He is honest in word and in deed. [=he says things that are true and does the things he says he will] 2 : a legal document that shows who owns a building or piece of land [noncount] ▪ The land was transferred by deed. [count] ▪ He gave them the deed to the property. — often plural in British English ▪ The bank holds the deeds to your property. v: [+ obj] US : to give someone ownership of (a building or piece of land) by means of a deed ▪ She deeded the house to her children.


başka sözcüklerle açıklamak, yorumlamak, açıklama : to say (something that someone else has said or written) using different words [+ obj] ▪ He paraphrased the quote. ▪ She frequently paraphrases (the words of) famous authors in her lectures. [no obj] ▪ I'm paraphrasing, but he did say something like that. n: [count] : a statement that says something that another person has said or written in a different way ▪ This is just a paraphrase of what he said, not an exact quote.


başkaldırmak, küçümsemek, meydan okumak [+ obj] 1 : to refuse to obey (something or someone) ▪ She defied her parents and dropped out of school. 2 : to make (something) very difficult or impossible ▪ The article defies a simple summary. [=the article cannot be explained by a simple summary] ▪ views of nature that defy belief/description [=that are hard to believe/describe] 3 : to resist or fight (something) ▪ The group has continued to defy all efforts to stop them. 4 : to go against (something) ▪ The team defied the odds [=did something that was very unlikely] and won the championship. ▪ an explanation that defies all logic [=an explanation that does not make any sense] 5 : to tell (someone) to do something that you think cannot be done ▪ I defy you to prove that I lied. ▪ I defy anyone to name a better film. [=I do not think that anyone can name a better film; I do not think that there is a better film]


başvurmak, çareyi -de bulmak resort to [phrasal verb] resort to (something) : to do or use (something) especially because no other choices are possible ▪ We want to resolve this crisis without resorting to violence. ▪ He had to resort to asking his parents for money.


başıboş dolaşmak, gezinmek 1 : to move around or go to different places usually without having a particular purpose or direction [no obj] ▪ I was just wandering around the house. ▪ They wandered down the street. ▪ Don't let the children wander too far (off). [+ obj] ▪ Students were wandering the halls. ▪ She wandered the streets. 2 [no obj] : to follow a path with many turns ▪ The river wanders [=meanders, winds] through the valley. 3 [no obj] : to go away from a path, course, etc. ▪ He wandered away from the trail and got lost. — often used figuratively ▪ We are wandering from our original plan. ▪ The speech wandered off the subject. ▪ The speech was boring and my attention/mind began to wander. [=I began to think about other things besides the speech]


başından atmak, kurtulmak, temizlemek be rid of : to no longer have or be affected or bothered by (someone or something that is unwanted or annoying) ▪ I thought I'd never be rid of that cold. [=I thought that cold would never go away] ▪ He thought he'd never be rid of her. ▪ It's just as well that he left you. You're well rid of him. [=you're better off without him] get rid of : to do something so that you no longer have or are affected or bothered by (something or someone that is unwanted) ▪ It's time to get rid of [=throw away] our old computer and buy a new one. ▪ I got rid of some old furniture by selling/giving it to my nephew. ▪ I've tried everything to get rid of this cold, but it just won't go away. ▪ He kept talking and talking. She finally got rid of him [=she finally got him to leave] by saying she had to make dinner. rid of [phrasal verb] rid (someone or something) of (someone or something) : to cause (someone or something) to no longer have or be affected by (someone or something unwanted) ▪ The police are trying to rid the town of drug dealers. ▪ rid the garden of pests ▪ She went to the beach to relax and rid herself of all her worries. want rid of chiefly Brit : to want to no longer have or be affected or bothered by (something or someone unwanted) : to want to be rid of (something or someone) ▪ I could tell that he wanted rid of me.


beceri, hüner, tehlikeli iş, dikkat çekici gösteri (para/reklam için yapılan), engellemek, gelişmesini önlemek [+ obj] : to stop (someone or something) from growing or developing ▪ Poor soil can stunt a plant's growth. ▪ Too many restrictions have stunted the economy. n: [count] 1 : something that is done to get attention or publicity ▪ Some people say that the announcement of his retirement was just a stunt. ▪ a promotional/publicity stunt 2 : a difficult and often dangerous action ▪ a pilot doing loops and other dangerous stunts ; especially : a difficult action or scene that is done by actors in a movie ▪ a star actor who does/performs his own stunts pull a stunt informal : to do something foolish or dangerous ▪ Don't ever pull a stunt like that again!


becerikli, herşeye çare bulur, uyanık [more resourceful; most resourceful] : able to deal well with new or difficult situations and to find solutions to problems ▪ a resourceful leader — re·source·ful·ly adverb ▪ She handled the problem very resourcefully. — re·source·ful·ness noun [noncount]


becerikli, yetenekli, yetkili [more competent; most competent] 1 : having the necessary ability or skills : able to do something well or well enough to meet a standard ▪ a competent [=capable] teacher ▪ She is a competent [=adequate] portrait painter but she excels with landscapes. — opposite incompetent 2 law : able to take part in a trial ▪ The defendant was declared competent to stand trial. ▪ a competent witness — opposite incompetent


beddua , lanet, lanet okumak, küfür etmek 1 [count] : an offensive word that people say when they are angry : swearword ▪ I heard him utter a curse before the microphone was shut off. 2 [count] : magical words that are said to cause trouble or bad luck for someone or the condition that results when such words are said ▪ The witch pronounced a curse in some strange language. ▪ People believe that someone put a curse on the house. ▪ There is a curse on that old house. = That old house is under a curse. 3 [count] : a cause of trouble or bad luck ▪ His fame turned out to be a curse, not a blessing.


beden, et, vücut, etli, etli kısım [noncount] 1 : the soft parts of the body of an animal or person ▪ the flabby white flesh of his belly 2 : the skin of a person ▪ a disease that causes sores on the flesh ▪ sun-tanned flesh ▪ flesh-colored [=having the color of a white person's skin] ▪ The memory of all that blood was enough to make my flesh crawl/creep. [=to make me feel disgusted, afraid, etc.] 3 : parts of an animal used as food : meat ▪ cooked rabbit flesh ▪ flesh-eating mammals 4 : the soft part of a fruit that is eaten ▪ the soft, sweet flesh of a peach 5 : the physical nature of a person rather than the mind or spirit ▪ pleasures of the flesh [=physical pleasures, such as eating, drinking, and having sex] ▪ sins of the flesh ▪ "The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak." — Matthew 26:41 (KJV)


bekar, ıssız, kimsesiz 1 : standing, acting, or being alone ▪ a lone traveler [=a traveler who is alone] ▪ a lone gunman ▪ He was the lone [=only, sole] official to vote against the plan. ▪ a lone [=solitary] tree on the hill — see also lone wolf 2 Brit : not having a partner (such as a husband or wife) ▪ a lone [=single] parent/father/mother


beklenti içinde olmak, beklemek, ummak, tahmin etmek [+ obj] 1 : to think of (something that will or might happen in the future) : expect ▪ The cost turned out to be higher than anticipated. ▪ They do not anticipate [=foresee] any major problems during construction. ▪ The hotel anticipated my every need. [=I didn't have to ask for anything because they already provided it] ▪ The author anticipated objections to his theory. ▪ The organizers of the fair anticipate a large crowd. ▪ I did not anticipate having to pay for your ticket. ▪ The boxer tried to anticipate [=predict] his opponent's next move. 2 : to expect or look ahead to (something) with pleasure : to look forward to (something) ▪ He eagerly anticipated her arrival. 3 formal : to do something before someone else ▪ His use of composition anticipated later Renaissance paintings. = He anticipated later Renaissance painters in his use of composition.


beklenti, olasılık, görünüm, manzara, maden aramak, altın aramak 1 : the possibility that something will happen in the future [singular] ▪ the frightening prospect of going to war ▪ She is excited by the prospect of returning to school. ▪ Bankruptcy is an unlikely prospect for the company. [noncount] ▪ There was no/little prospect that the two parties would reach an agreement anytime soon. 2 [count] : an opportunity for something to happen — usually plural ▪ He has few prospects for employment. ▪ She has a lot of business prospects. = She has a lot of prospects for doing business. 3 [count] : someone or something that is likely to succeed or to be chosen ▪ a young baseball player who's considered a top prospect ▪ We haven't decided which car to buy yet. We're still looking at a few prospects. v: no obj] : to search an area for gold, minerals, oil, etc. — often + for ▪ Men were prospecting for gold along the river. — sometimes used figuratively ▪ The team actively prospects for talented players.


bekçi, kapıcı [count] 1: a person who takes care of buildings or land while the owner is not there ▪ We have a caretaker who watches the place for us while we are away. 2chiefly US: a person who gives physical or emotional care to someone (such as a child, an old person, or someone who is sick) ▪ I asked her caretaker [=caregiver] if there was anything I could do to help.


belirmek, doğmak, meydana gelmek, ortaya çıkmak [no obj] 1 a : to become known or apparent ▪ The facts emerged after a lengthy investigation. ▪ A simple pattern has emerged. [=become clear] ▪ Several possible candidates have emerged. b : to become known or regarded as something ▪ She has emerged as a leading contender in the field. ▪ His war record has emerged as a key issue in the election. ▪ The movie has (suddenly/quickly/rapidly) emerged as one of the year's most surprising hits. 2 : to rise or appear from a hidden or unknown place or condition : to come out into view ▪ when land first emerged from the sea ▪ The cat emerged from its hiding place behind the couch. ▪ animals emerging from a long period of inactivity 3 — used to indicate the usually good state or condition of someone or something at the end of an event, process, etc. ▪ Both sides in the election remain confident that they will emerge victorious/triumphant. [=that they will win] ▪ He emerged unharmed from the accident. [=he was not harmed in the accident]


benzemek, kopya etmek, taklit etmek, taklitçi [+ obj] 1 : to copy (someone or someone's behavior or speech) especially for humor ▪ He can mimic [=imitate] the way his father talks perfectly. ▪ He mimicked her accent. ▪ She has a talent for mimicking famous actresses. 2 : to create the appearance or effect of (something) ▪ software that can mimic [=simulate] human thought ▪ The lamp mimics natural sunlight. 3 : to naturally look like (something) ▪ a butterfly that mimics a leaf n: [count] : a person who copies the behavior or speech of other people : a person who mimics other people ▪ She's a talented mimic. ; also : an animal that naturally looks like something else


benzer, kıyas edilebilir [more analogous; most analogous] formal : similar in some way ▪ I could not think of an analogous situation. — usually + to ▪ I could not think of a situation analogous to this one. ▪ The telescope's lenses are analogous [=comparable] to a person's glasses. ▪ Think of the process as analogous to [=like] riding a bike.


benzerlik, benzeşim, kıyas 1 [count] : a comparison of two things based on their being alike in some way ▪ He drew/made an analogy between flying a kite and fishing. [=he compared flying a kite to fishing; he said that flying a kite was like fishing] 2 [noncount] : the act of comparing two things that are alike in some way ▪ coining new words by analogy to/with existing ones [=coining new words so that they are formed in a way similar to old ones] ▪ reasoning by analogy


besin, gıda, beslenme [noncount] : the process of eating the right kind of food so you can grow properly and be healthy ▪ The speaker discussed diet and nutrition with the class. ▪ good nutrition and proper exercise — nu·tri·tion·al /nʊˈtrɪʃənəl, Brit njʊˈtrɪʃənəl/ adjective [more nutritional; most nutritional] ▪ a nutritional supplement [=a vitamin, herb, etc., that you take in order to help your body be healthy] ▪ the nutritional value of fruits and vegetables — nu·tri·tion·al·ly adverb ▪ a nutritionally complete meal


beslemek, büyütmek, gıda vermek [+ obj] 1 : to provide (someone or something) with food and other things that are needed to live, be healthy, etc. ▪ Plants are nourished [=fed] by rain and soil. ▪ Vitamins are added to the shampoo to nourish the hair. ▪ a well-nourished baby 2 : to cause (something) to develop or grow stronger ▪ a friendship nourished by trust ▪ Her parents nourished [=supported] her musical talent.


betimlemek, canlandırmak, tasvir etmek, resmini yapmak [+ obj] 1 : to describe (someone or something) in a particular way ▪ The White House has portrayed the President as deeply conflicted over the matter. ▪ The lawyer portrayed his client as a victim of child abuse. ▪ He portrayed himself as a victim. 2 : to show (someone or something) in a painting, book, etc. ▪ The painting portrays the queen in a purple robe. ▪ The novel portrays [=depicts] life in a small southern town. 3 : to play (a character) in a film, play, or television show ▪ Laurence Olivier portrayed Hamlet beautifully.


beyan etmek, ilan etmek, duyurmak, açıklamak [+ obj] 1 : to say or state (something) in a public, official, or definite way : to declare or announce (something) ▪ She proclaimed that she will run for governor. ▪ The President proclaimed a national day of mourning. ▪ He took command of the government and proclaimed himself emperor. ▪ The magazine proclaimed him to be the best player in baseball. ▪ He proclaimed his love for her in a poem. ▪ She continues to proclaim her innocence. [=to say that she is innocent] 2 formal : to show (something) clearly ▪ His behavior proclaimed his good upbringing.


bilinç, vicdan 1 : the part of the mind that makes you aware of your actions as being either morally right or wrong [count] — usually singular ▪ You should decide what to do according to your own conscience. ▪ Her conscience was bothering her, so she finally told the truth. ▪ He doesn't seem to have a conscience. [=doesn't seem to know or care about what is morally right] ▪ I cannot do anything that is/goes against my conscience. [=that I believe is morally wrong] ▪ After searching my conscience, I realized that I could not accept their offer. ▪ At least now I can face him with a clear conscience. [=without guilt] ▪ She had a guilty/troubled conscience. [=she had a feeling of guilt about something she had done] ▪ I urged the senator to vote his conscience [=vote as he felt he should], even if it was at odds with the party line. [noncount] ▪ The issue is a matter of (individual) conscience. [=something that people must decide about according to what they believe is morally right] ▪ I can't work for a company that has no social conscience. [=a company that does not care about important social issues] — see also prisoner of conscience 2 [noncount] : a feeling that something you have done is morally wrong ▪ She felt a pang/prick of conscience [=guilt] about not inviting him. ▪ The thief must have had an attack of conscience, because he returned the wallet with nothing missing from it.


bir daha gözden geçirmek, düzeltmek 1 [+ obj] : to make changes especially to correct or improve (something) ▪ Please revise this essay. ▪ We have to revise our plans because of the delays. ▪ I would like to revise my estimate. ▪ You need to buy the revised [=corrected and updated] edition of the textbook. 2 Brit : to study (something) again [+ obj] ▪ She revised [=(US) reviewed] chemistry. [no obj] ▪ I need to revise [=(US) review] for the exam.


bir gezi veya ziyaretin hatırası olarak alınan şeyler


bir kayalığın dik yüzü, falez, uçurum [count] : a high, steep surface of rock, earth, or ice ▪ Standing at the edge of the cliff, we watched the waves crash on the shore far below. ▪ rock climbers scaling steep cliffs


bira yapmak, demlendirmek, hazırlamak 1 : to make (beer, ale, etc.) [+ obj] ▪ They brew the beer on the premises. ▪ The restaurant also brews its own ginger ale and root beer. [no obj] ▪ They've been brewing in the new brewery since March. ▪ brewing vats ▪ the brewing process 2 : to make (coffee, tea, etc.) [+ obj] ▪ I'll brew another pot of tea. — often + up ▪ She brewed up some coffee while I cooked the bacon and eggs. [no obj] ▪ The coffee is brewing. [=the coffee is being brewed] 3 [no obj] : to start to form ▪ It feels like there's a storm brewing. ▪ Trouble is brewing.


biraraya gelmek, canlandırmak, toparlamak, artırmak (düştükten sonra fiyatları) [count] 1 : a public meeting to support or oppose someone or something ▪ a political rally ▪ Supporters held a rally for the candidate. ▪ Protesters staged an antiwar rally. ▪ a youth rally [=a public meeting for teenagers and young adults] — see also pep rally 2 finance : an increase in price or value after a decrease in price or value ▪ Stock prices are up after the dollar's rally yesterday. 3 sports : an occurrence in which a team or player that has been behind or playing badly begins to play well ▪ The team's late-game rally [=comeback] helped them win the game. v: 1 a [no obj] : to meet publicly to support or oppose something : to come together for a rally ▪ His supporters will rally tomorrow morning outside the capitol. b [+ obj] : to cause (people) to join together to publicly support or oppose something ▪ The group is trying to rally voters for the election. ▪ The shootings rallied protesters who say the city neglects poorer neighborhoods. 2 [no obj] : to publicly support or oppose something or someone as a group ▪ Many people in the community have rallied to the mayor's side. [=have publicly shown support for the mayor] ▪ Parents rallied for/behind [=publicly showed support for] the new dress code guidelines. ▪ Students rallied against [=publicly showed opposition to] the new dress code guidelines. ; also : to join together as a group to do something ▪ Concerned people around the country have rallied (together) to help raise money for the victims. 3 [+ obj] : to cause (a group of people) to have new energy and enthusiasm in a difficult time or situation ▪ The coach rallied his players for the second half of the game. ▪ As the deadline approached, it was clear that we needed to rally the troops. [=to urge everyone to work harder] 4 [no obj] : to improve suddenly after a period of weakness, failure, etc. ▪ We were trailing for most of the game, but we rallied in the fourth quarter and ended up winning. ▪ Stocks rallied [=increased in price or value] at the close of trading today. ▪ The patient briefly rallied [=got healthier] but then became much worse and died a few days later.


biraraya getirmek, kurmak, toplamak, monte etmek 1 [+ obj] : to collect (things) or gather (people) into one place or group ▪ We'll need to assemble a list of songs for the concert. ▪ She assembled all of her old photos into three albums. ▪ Hundreds of notes and letters were assembled into a book. ▪ A team of scientists was assembled to study the problem. 2 [no obj] : to meet together in one place ▪ The U.S. Constitution gives people the right to assemble peacefully. ▪ A crowd had assembled in front of the courthouse during the trial. ▪ After dinner, the men would assemble in the living room to watch the game on TV. ▪ The club assembles once a month to discuss upcoming activities. 3 [+ obj] : to connect or put together the parts of (something, such as a toy or machine) ▪ Their father helped them assemble their new bicycles in the garage. ▪ The cars are assembled on an assembly line.


birbirini izleme 1 [noncount] : the act of getting a title or right after the person who had that title or right before you has died or is no longer able or allowed to have it ▪ His succession to the throne occurred in 1603. [=he became king in 1603] ; also : the process by which this happens ▪ royal succession ▪ As third in the line/order of succession, she would only become queen if her brothers both died or became ineligible. 2 [count] : a series of people or things that come one after the other — usually singular — usually + of ▪ The exhibit has attracted a succession of visitors. ▪ We hired a succession of temporary workers. in succession : following one after the other ▪ The guests arrived in succession. ▪ He won the championship twice in succession. [=in a row] ▪ She listed the names in quick/rapid succession.


birikmiş, birikerek artan, gittikçe artan, biriken, [more cumulative; most cumulative] 1 : increasing or becoming better or worse over time through a series of additions ▪ the cumulative effect(s) of smoking on the body [=the effect(s) produced by smoking over a long period of time] 2 : including or adding together all of the things that came before ▪ Their cumulative [=total, overall] scores will determine the winner. — cu·mu·la·tive·ly adverb ▪ They have cumulatively spent more than a million dollars on the renovations.


birleşik, birleşik devletlere ait adj: 1 a : of or relating to a form of government in which power is shared between a central government and individual states, provinces, etc. ▪ a federal government/system b : of or relating to the central government ▪ federal laws/funds/employees ▪ a federal district ▪ We pay federal, state, and local taxes. ▪ The ruling was overturned by a federal appeals court. 2 or Federal : of, relating to, or loyal to the federal government during the American Civil War ▪ Federal soldiers ▪ a Federal stronghold — compare confederate, union 3 Federal US : of or popular during the early years of the U.S. government ▪ the Federal period ▪ furniture made in the Federal style — fed·er·al·ly adverb[count] US 1 : a supporter of the government of the U.S. in the American Civil War ; especially : a soldier in the federal armies — compare confederate 2 formal : a federal agent or officer — usually plural ▪ Local police sought help from the federals. [=(less formally) feds]


birleştirmek, bağlamak, üzerine çıkmak, tırmanmak 1 [+ obj] : to go or climb up (something) ▪ mount a ladder▪ mount the stairs : to climb up onto (something) ▪ mount a platform 2 [no obj] : to increase in amount ▪ Their troubles have continued to mount.▪ The pressure mounted as the crisis continued.▪ Costs can mount (up) very quickly. 3: to seat yourself on a horse, bicycle, etc. [+ obj] ▪ The cowboy mounted his horse and then quickly dismounted.▪ She mounted her bicycle and rode away. [no obj] ▪ The cowboy mounted (up) and rode off. 4 [+ obj] : to attach (something) to something for support or use ▪ The jeweler mounted the pearl in a ring.▪ She mounted the photograph to a piece of cardboard.— often + on▪ The airplane's engines are mounted on the wings. [=are attached to the wings]▪ He mounted a rack on the roof of his car.▪ The speakers were mounted on the walls.▪ He mounted a specimen on a slide for examination with a microscope. 5 [+ obj] : to organize and do (something that usually requires the effort of many people) ▪ mount an assault/attack▪ The police have mounted a nationwide search for the killer.▪ She is expected to mount a serious challenge in the coming election.▪ The museum is mounting an exhibition of his paintings.


birleştirmek, bütünleştirmek [+ obj] : to cause (people or things) to be joined or brought together : unite ▪ The creation of the national railroad system unified the country. ▪ two very different people unified by a common belief — uni·fi·ca·tion /ˌju:nəfəˈkeɪʃən/ noun [noncount] ▪ the unification of Germany


birleştirmek, kapsama almak 1 [+ obj] : to include (something) as part of something else ▪ This design incorporates the best features of our earlier models. ▪ a diet that incorporates many different fruits and vegetables — often + in or into ▪ The results of the study were incorporated in the final report. ▪ The committee recommended that we incorporate several new rules into the bylaws. 2 business : to form into a corporation [+ obj] ▪ The company was incorporated in 1981. [no obj] ▪ The company incorporated in 1981. — in·cor·po·ra·tion /ɪnˌkoɚpəˈreɪʃən/ noun [noncount] ▪ the incorporation of different musical styles ▪ plans for the eventual incorporation of the company


bitkin düşmek, çok yormak, tüketmek [+ obj] 1 : to use all of someone's mental or physical energy : to tire out or wear out (someone) completely ▪ If you keep working these long hours, you're just going to exhaust yourself. = Working these long hours will just exhaust you. 2 a : to completely use up (something, such as supplies or money) ▪ If they keep spending this way, they'll exhaust their savings. b : to try all of (something) ▪ They've exhausted (all) the possibilities. [=they've tried everything they can] 3 : to consider or talk about (a subject) thoroughly or completely ▪ He can talk about baseball for hours and still feel that he hasn't exhausted the subject/topic. — exhausted adjective [more exhausted; most exhausted] ▪ The children were exhausted after their day at the beach. ▪ She collapsed on her bed, totally exhausted.


biçim, cins, çubuk, tür, kumaş, çizgi [count] 1 : a long, narrow line of color ▪ light gray stripes on a black background ▪ a zebra's stripes — see also pinstripe, stars and stripes 2 : a piece of material worn on the arm of a military uniform to show the rank of the person wearing the uniform ▪ He finally got his sergeant's stripes. 3 : a particular type of person or thing ▪ classes for artists of all stripes [=for all kinds of artists] ▪ activists of any/every stripe earn your stripes : to do something which shows that you deserve to be accepted and respected by the other people in a field or profession ▪ She has yet to earn her stripes as a reporter.


biçmek, ot yığını, samanlık [+ obj] : to cut (something, such as grass) with a machine or a blade ▪ mow the grass ▪ mow hay ▪ mow the lawn [=cut the grass that grows on the lawn] mow down [phrasal verb] mow (someone) down or mow down (someone) informal : to kill or knock down (a person or many people) in a sudden and violent way ▪ The soldiers were mowed down by machine guns. ▪ The car mowed down four pedestrians.


bol, geniş, heybetli [also more ample; most ample] 1 a : having or providing enough or more than enough of what is needed ▪ There was ample room for a garden. [=there was plenty of room for a garden] ▪ They had ample money for the trip. ▪ The police found ample evidence of wrongdoing. ▪ There is ample parking at the stadium. ▪ You will have ample opportunity/time to finish the test. ▪ The light in the room is more than ample. synonyms plentiful b : quite large ▪ There was room for an ample garden. ▪ an ample serving of pie 2 — used to describe a person's (especially a woman's) body as being large in usually an attractive way ▪ She has an ample figure. ▪ a woman with an ample bosom — am·ply /ˈæmpli/ adverb ▪ These facts amply demonstrate that something is wrong. ▪ an amply stocked store ▪ You will be amply rewarded for your efforts. [=you will be given a large reward for your efforts]


boru, baca, huni [count] 1 : a device shaped like a hollow cone with a tube extending from the point ◊A funnel is used for pouring something (such as a liquid) into a narrow opening. 2 : something that is shaped like a funnel ▪ the funnel cloud of a tornado 3 : a large pipe on a ship through which smoke or steam comes out


bozmak, berbat etmek, dozunu kaçırmak, yüz verip şımartmak, bozulmak ( süt, besin) 1 [+ obj] : to have a bad effect on (something) : to damage or ruin (something) ▪ The fight spoiled the party. ▪ The camping trip was spoiled by bad weather. ▪ Don't let one mistake spoil your day. ▪ He always spoils everything. ▪ Don't spoil your appetite by snacking too much. ▪ Exposure to air will spoil the wine. ▪ I spoiled the sauce by adding too much garlic. 2 [no obj] : to decay or lose freshness especially because of being kept too long ▪ The milk/fruit was beginning to spoil. synonyms 1decay 3 [+ obj] disapproving a : to give (someone, such as a child) everything that he or she wants : to have a bad effect on (someone) by allowing too many things or by not correcting bad behavior ▪ Her grandparents spoil her. — often used as (be) spoiled ▪ He was spoiled by his parents. ▪ a spoiled brat ▪ That child is spoiled rotten. [=very spoiled] — sometimes used figuratively ▪ We've been spoiled lately by/with this beautiful weather. [=we've had so much beautiful weather that we expect the weather always to be beautiful] ▪ (Brit) Customers are spoiled/spoilt for choice [=customers have a lot of choices] when buying a new car. b : to treat (someone) very well ▪ The hotel spoils their guests with fine dining and excellent service. ▪ She always spoils me on my birthday. ▪ You should spoil yourself with a day at the spa.


bozmak, çabalamak, yumurta çırpmak, güçlükle ilerlemek, karışıklık, karıştırma, yağda pişirmek, tırmanma 1 [no obj] a always followed by an adverb or preposition : to move or climb over something quickly especially while also using your hands ▪ We scrambled over the boulders and kept climbing up the mountain. ▪ He scrambled up the ramp. b : to move or act quickly to do, find, or get something often before someone else does ▪ reporters scrambling to finish stories by deadline ▪ Both players scrambled for the ball. ▪ News of the factory closing found workers scrambling to find jobs. ▪ It started to rain, and we all scrambled for cover. 2 [+ obj] : to prepare (eggs) by mixing the white and yellow parts together and then stirring the mixture in a hot pan ▪ I'll scramble some eggs for breakfast. 3 [+ obj] : to put (parts of something) in the wrong order — often used as (be) scrambled ▪ The letters of the words are scrambled. [=mixed up] 4 [+ obj] : to change (a radio or electronic signal) so that whoever receives it will not be able to understand it ▪ We will have to scramble our radio communications. ▪ The cable company scrambles the channels that you do not pay for. — scrambled adjective ▪ scrambled eggs and toast ▪ a scrambled signal n: : an act of scrambling: such as a [singular] : the act of moving or climbing over something quickly especially while also using your hands ▪ a quick scramble over boulders b [singular] : the act of moving or acting quickly to do, find, or get something ▪ the scramble for power in the country ▪ a scramble for the ball ▪ There was a mad scramble to fill vacant positions at the school.


boş, büsbütün, çıplak, ıssız, yalın 1 : having a very plain and often cold or empty appearance ▪ a stark white room ▪ a stark landscape ▪ a stark winter day ▪ The room was decorated with stark simplicity. 2 : unpleasant and difficult to accept or experience ▪ the stark reality of death ▪ She gave the facts of the case in stark [=harsh] and sobering detail. ▪ This tragedy serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of drunk driving. 3 : very obvious : very plain and easily seen ▪ There is a stark difference between them. ▪ His criticism of the movie stands in stark contrast to the praise it has received from others. — stark·ly adverb [more starkly; most starkly] ▪ a starkly modern building — stark·ness noun [noncount] ▪ the starkness of black and white


boşa çıkarmak, düş kırıklığına uğratmak, işini bozmak, engellemek [+ obj] 1 : to cause (someone) to feel angry, discouraged, or upset because of not being able to do something ▪ It frustrated him to miss so many games because of injuries. ▪ We've been frustrated by bureaucratic delays. 2 : to prevent (efforts, plans, etc.) from succeeding ▪ Bureaucratic delays have frustrated our efforts to resolve this problem. : to keep (someone) from doing something ▪ The lack of investors has frustrated them in their efforts to expand the company.


bulmaca, elemek, delik deşik etmek, üstü kapalı konuşmak [count] 1 : a difficult question that is asked as a game and that has a surprising or funny answer ▪ The first person to solve the riddle wins a candy bar. — sometimes used figuratively ▪ Stop speaking in riddles. [=stop speaking in a confusing way] 2 : someone or something that is difficult to understand or solve ▪ the riddle of the origins of the universe ▪ My brother has always been a riddle to me. v: [+ obj] 1 : to make many holes in (something or someone) with something ▪ The robbers riddled the car with bullets. 2 : to fill (something) with something that is bad or unpleasant — usually used as (be) riddled with ▪ The book is riddled with mistakes. [=the book has many mistakes] ▪ Their theory is riddled with contradictions.


bununla birlikte, yine de somewhat formal : in spite of what has just been said : nevertheless ▪ There's no doubt the city is changing for the better. Nonetheless [=however], no one has been too surprised by the recent violence. ▪ The hike was difficult, but fun nonetheless. [=the hike was fun even though it was difficult]


buzlanmak, kırağı çalmak, hayal kırıklığı, ayaz 1 [noncount] : a thin layer of ice that forms on the ground, on grass, etc., when the air becomes cold ▪ The grass was covered with frost. ▪ light/heavy frost ▪ Frost formed on the window. 2 [count] : the occurrence of weather that is cold enough to cause water to freeze and frost to form ▪ These plants should bloom until the first frost of the season. ▪ We had an early/late frost. ▪ a killing frost [=weather that is so cold that the frost kills plants] v: a [+ obj] : to cover (something) with frost ▪ The cold had frosted the windows. b [no obj] : to become covered with frost ▪ The windows frosted (up). 2 [+ obj] chiefly US : to cover (something, such as a cake) with frosting (sense 1) ▪ I have to frost the birthday cake. 3 [+ obj] chiefly US : to make small strips of your hair lighter so the top layer of your hair is lighter than the rest of it ▪ She frosts her bangs.


buğu, buğulamak, buhar, buharlanmak, sis, puslu 1 : water in the form of very small drops floating in the air or falling as rain [noncount] ▪ We could barely see the shore through the mist. [count] ▪ The hills were veiled/shrouded in a fine mist. 2 [count] : a stream of liquid in the form of very small drops : a fine spray ▪ an aerosol mist 3 [count] : something that makes understanding difficult ▪ an issue clouded by mists of confusion


böbürlenmek, övünç, palavra, palavra atmak 1 : to express too much pride in yourself or in something you have, have done, or are connected to in some way [no obj] ▪ They boasted to their friends about their son's salary. ▪ She boasted of having won five games in a row. ▪ That score is nothing to boast about. [=you shouldn't be proud of that score; that score is not very good] [+ obj] ▪ He liked to boast that he was the richest man in town. ▪ "I've sold more paintings than you ever will," the artist boasted. 2 [+ obj] : to have (something that is impressive) ▪ The museum boasts some of the rarest gems in the world. ▪ The school boasts a number of Nobel laureates among its graduates.


büyük heyecan, heyecanlanmak, titremek, korku 1 [+ obj] : to cause (someone) to feel very excited or happy ▪ Circus performers still thrill audiences today. ▪ I was thrilled by their decision. 2 [no obj] : to feel very excited or happy about something — usually + at or to ▪ Crowds thrilled to the sights and sounds of the circus. ▪ She thrilled at the thought of meeting him. n: [count] 1 : a feeling of great excitement or happiness ▪ The thrill is gone from our marriage. ▪ He felt a thrill of pride/pleasure/anticipation. ▪ the thrill of discovery/victory ▪ He gets a big thrill out of seeing his grandchildren. [=seeing his grandchildren makes him very happy] ▪ He had a great career and gave the fans a lot of thrills. ▪ What do people do for thrills [=excitement] around here? ▪ She got the thrill of her life from seeing the Queen. [=seeing the Queen was very exciting] ▪ They get their thrills from drag racing. [=they drag race because it is exciting] 2 : a very exciting or enjoyable event or experience ▪ It's a real thrill for me to be here tonight. ▪ What a thrill it was to see the Queen! ▪ (US) a movie with a lot of thrills and chills [=exciting and scary parts] ▪ the thrills and spills of car racing


büyümek, genişlemek, eşya, hacim, kütle, yığın 1 the bulk : most of something : the largest part of something ▪ We spent the bulk of the summer at the beach. ▪ Farming makes up the bulk of the country's economy. ▪ The great bulk of these people are extremely poor. 2 [noncount] : the large size of someone or something ▪ Despite his bulk, he's a very fast runner. ▪ The sheer weight and bulk of the car makes it safe to drive. [=the car is safe because it is heavy and large] in bulk : in large containers or in large amounts ▪ The restaurant buys rice and flour in bulk. [=it buys large bags of rice and flour] adj: : of or relating to things that are sent or sold in large amounts ▪ bulk foods ▪ They sent bulk shipments of food to the country. ▪ bulk prices/rates ▪ bulk mailings/e-mail v: bulk large : to have great importance or influence ▪ This is a problem that bulks large [=looms large] in the minds of many people. bulk out [phrasal verb] bulk out (something) or bulk (something) out : to make (something) bigger or thicker by adding more material ▪ He bulked out the report with lots of graphs and charts. bulk up [phrasal verb] 1 : to gain weight often by becoming more muscular ▪ He's bulked up to 200 pounds. ▪ She's been trying to bulk up at the gym. 2 a bulk (someone) up : to cause (someone) to gain weight ▪ They tried to bulk him up with pizza and hamburgers. b bulk up (something) or bulk (something) up : to make (something) bigger or thicker by adding more material ▪ He bulked up the report with lots of graphs and charts.


can, ruh, şevk, neşe, öz 1 a : the force within a person that is believed to give the body life, energy, and power [count] ▪ the spirits of my ancestors ▪ Some religions believe that the same spirit is reincarnated many times in different bodies. [noncount] ▪ Yoga is very healthy for both body and spirit. ▪ I'm sorry I can't make it to your wedding, but I'll be there in spirit. [=I will be thinking about you] b [count] : the inner quality or nature of a person ▪ He still has a curious and youthful spirit. [=he is still a curious and youthful person] ▪ We will all miss her generous spirit. 2 [count] : a person ▪ My father was a proud spirit. ▪ They are kindred spirits. [=people with similar interests or concerns]


canlandırmak, hayat vermek formal : having life : alive or living ▪ The lecture was about ancient worship of animate and inanimate objects.


canlı, güleç, güleryüzlü, keyifli, mutlu somewhat old-fashioned 1 : very happy and cheerful : feeling or showing joy and happiness ▪ Let's eat, drink, and be merry! ▪ They sang a merry little song. ▪ a merry man ▪ merry laughter 2 : causing joy and happiness ▪ a very merry occasion


canı, çapkın, hain, kabadayı, zalim [count] 1 : a character in a story, movie, etc., who does bad things ▪ comic-book heroes and villains ▪ He plays the villain in most of his movies. 2 somewhat old-fashioned : a person who does bad things ▪ She describes her first husband as a villain who treated her terribly. 3 : someone or something that is blamed for a particular problem or difficulty ▪ Don't try to make me the villain. It's your own fault that you're having these problems. ▪ The article makes the government out to be the villain. = It portrays the government as the villain of the piece. 4 Brit, informal : criminal


cazibe 1 [count] : something that is believed to have magic powers and especially to prevent bad luck ▪ He keeps a horseshoe as a good luck charm. 2 [count] : a small object that is worn on a chain or bracelet ▪ a gold charm ▪ a charm bracelet — see color picture 3 : a quality that causes someone or something to be very likeable : an attractive quality [count] ▪ He fell under the spell of her charms. ▪ The resort has many charms. ▪ The inn has a quaint charm. [noncount] ▪ The island possesses great charm. ▪ The new curtains add charm to the room. ▪ The seaside location is a big part of the house's charm. ▪ He won her over with his charm.




cesur, göze çarpan, dik, koyu (bald: kel) [also more bold; most bold] 1 a: not afraid of danger or difficult situations ▪ The area was settled by bold [=brave, courageous] pioneers.▪ Few politicians have been bold enough to oppose the plan to cut taxes. b: showing or needing confidence or lack of fear ▪ It's a bold plan that might fail.▪ Hiring a novice was a bold move. 2: very confident in a way that may seem rude or foolish ▪ He punished the bold child for talking back.▪ He was/made so bold as to guarantee a victory. [=he confidently guaranteed a victory]▪ I'd like to offer a few criticisms, if I may be so bold. 3: very noticeable or easily seen ▪ She wore a dress with bold stripes.▪ The painting is done in bold colors.


ceviz gibi kabuklu yemiş, aptal, sersem


ceza vermek, hüküm giydirmek, hüküm, yargı, hapis 1 [count] : a group of words that expresses a statement, question, command, or wish ◊Sentences usually contain a subject and verb. In written English, the first word of a sentence is capitalized and the sentence ends with a period, question mark, or exclamation point. ▪ write/construct/analyze a sentence ▪ complete/incomplete sentences 2 law : the punishment given by a court of law [count] ▪ a harsh/lenient sentence ▪ a prison/jail sentence ▪ He is serving a 10-year sentence for armed robbery. [noncount] ▪ The judge passed/pronounced sentence on him. [=announced what his punishment would be]


cicek acmak [no obj] 1 : to produce flowers ▪ trees that bloom [=blossom, flower] in the spring ▪ flowers blooming in the garden 2 : to change, grow, or develop fully ▪ Their love was just beginning to bloom. ▪ their blooming romance


coşkun, ateşli, atılgan, şehvetli [or more fiery; most fiery] 1 : having or producing fire ▪ the fiery [=blazing] interior of the furnace ▪ He was killed in a fiery crash/explosion. ▪ a fiery volcano 2 of food : tasting very hot and spicy ▪ fiery chili peppers ▪ a fiery sauce 3 a : having or showing a lot of strong and angry emotion ▪ a fiery speech/sermon ▪ a fiery young politician ▪ fiery determination b : easily made angry ▪ He has a fiery temper. [=he becomes angry very easily] 4 : having the color of fire ▪ a fiery sunset ▪ a fiery red/orange color


cömert, hoş görülü, eli açık, özgür 1 a [more liberal; most liberal] : believing that government should be active in supporting social and political change : relating to or supporting political liberalism ▪ a leading liberal thinker ▪ liberal politicians/policies ▪ She is a liberal Democrat who married a conservative Republican. — compare 1conservative b Liberal Brit : of or belonging to the liberal political party in countries like Canada and the United Kingdom ▪ Liberal voters/policies 2 [more liberal; most liberal] : not opposed to new ideas or ways of behaving that are not traditional or widely accepted ▪ She has a liberal attitude toward sex. — compare 1conservative 3 [more liberal; most liberal] a : generous to others : giving time, money, etc., freely to other people — often + with ▪ She has always been liberal with her donations. b : very large in amount ▪ He made a very liberal donation to the museum. ▪ a cook who uses a liberal quantity of spices [=who uses a large amount of spices] 4 [more liberal; most liberal] : not strict or exact ▪ a fairly liberal [=loose] interpretation of the law


dar geçit, patika, şerit, kulvar [count] 1 : a narrow road or path ▪ a country lane — often used in the names of streets ▪ Their house is on Maple Lane. 2 : a part of road that is marked by painted lines and that is for a single line of vehicles ▪ traffic lanes ▪ a highway with three lanes = a three-lane highway ▪ The truck's driver kept changing lanes. — see also breakdown lane, fast lane, passing lane, slow lane 3 : a narrow part of a track or swimming pool that is used by a single runner or swimmer in a race ▪ She moved to the outside lane. 4 : an ocean route used by ships ▪ shipping lanes 5 : a long narrow surface that is used for bowling ▪ a bowling lane


dar sokak, geçit, ara yol [count] : a narrow street or passage between buildings ▪ a dark alley


dayanmak, katlanmak, tahammül etmek, sebat etmek, sabretmek 1 [no obj] : to continue to exist in the same state or condition ▪ This tradition has endured [=lasted] for centuries. ▪ She wants to make sure her legacy will endure. 2 [+ obj] a : to experience (pain or suffering) for a long time ▪ The refugees have endured [=suffered] more hardship than most people can imagine. ▪ He endured five years as a prisoner of war. b : to deal with or accept (something unpleasant) ▪ We endured the lecture for as long as we could. — often used in negative statements ▪ I cannot endure [=(more commonly) stand] the sound of her voice. ▪ I refuse to endure [=(more commonly) put up with, stand for] such behavior any longer. — en·dur·able /ɪnˈdɚrəbəl, Brit ɪnˈdjʊərəbəl/ adjective ▪ Such behavior is no longer endurable. [=it is unendurable] — enduring adjective ▪ enduring [=lasting] friendships ▪ an enduring tradition/legacy


dayanmak, yaslanmak, meyil 1 a [no obj] : to bend or move from a straight position ▪ The tree leans to one side. ▪ He leaned back in his chair. ▪ They leaned over the table to smell the flowers. b [+ obj] : to cause (something) to bend or move from a straight position ▪ They leaned their heads back. ▪ He leaned his chair back. 2 a [no obj] : to rest on or against something or someone for support ▪ You can lean on me if you get tired. ▪ She stood leaning on her right leg. ▪ The ladder was leaning against the house. b [+ obj] : to cause (something) to rest on or against something ▪ He leaned the ladder against the house. ▪ The boy leaned his head on his mother's shoulder. 3 a — used to describe what someone wants to do, tends to do, or is likely to do ▪ She hasn't made a decision yet, and I don't know which way she's leaning. — often + toward ▪ She's leaning toward a career in medicine. [=she is probably going to choose a career in medicine] ▪ The mayor is leaning toward closing down the school. b — used to say that someone supports one group or set of beliefs more than another — often + toward ▪ an independent presidential candidate who leans toward the Democrats and their views c — used to say that something is more like one thing than another — often + toward ▪ Her new album leans more toward rock than country. adj: [also more lean; most lean] 1 : not having much fat on the body : physically thin, strong, and healthy ▪ She has a lean, athletic body. ▪ a lean racehorse 2 : containing little or no fat ▪ lean meat ▪ (US) lean ground beef 3 : not having or producing much money, food, etc. ▪ Those were lean years for the company. [=the company did not make much money in those years] ▪ a lean budget/profit/harvest 4 usually approving : not using a lot of something (such as words or money) ▪ He had a lean style of writing. [=his writing style did not use too many words] : not wasteful ▪ She ran a lean and efficient company. ▪ We wanted our business to be lean and mean.


dayatmak, tatbik etmek, zorla kabul ettirmek, uygulamak [+ obj] 1 : to make (a law, rule, etc.) active or effective : to make sure that people do what is required by (a law, rule, etc.) ▪ Police will be enforcing the parking ban. ▪ enforce a contract 2 : to make (something) happen : to force or cause (something) ▪ trying to enforce obedience/cooperation — en·force·able /ɪnˈfoɚsəbəl/ adjective [more enforceable; most enforceable] ▪ This is not an enforceable contract. — en·force·ment /ɪnˈfoɚsmənt/ noun [noncount] ▪ the enforcement of the treaty ▪ She works in law enforcement. [=she works for the police] — en·forc·er /ɪnˈfoɚsɚ/ noun, plural en·forc·ers [count] ▪ law enforcers [=police officers]


dayılanmak, kabadayı, gözünü korkutmak, zorbalık etmek [count] : someone who frightens, hurts, or threatens smaller or weaker people ▪ Bullies would often pick on him or beat him up after school. ▪ My sister was the school/class/neighborhood bully. v: [+ obj] 1 : to frighten, hurt, or threaten (a smaller or weaker person) : to act like a bully toward (someone) ▪ A group of girls were bullying [=picking on] her at the playground. ▪ He bullied his younger brothers. 2 : to cause (someone) to do something by making threats or insults or by using force — usually + into ▪ His boss bullied him into working overtime. ▪ The kids were often bullied [=forced] into giving up their lunch money.


dağılmak, saçılmak, dağıtmak, savurmak 1 a [+ obj] : to cause (things or people) to separate and go in different directions ▪ The wind scattered the pile of leaves. b [no obj] : to separate and go in different directions ▪ The crowd scattered [=dispersed] when the police arrived. ▪ The marbles scattered across the floor. 2 [+ obj] : to place or leave (things) in different places ▪ He scattered [=spread] the grass seed over the soil. ▪ She scattered the books on the table. ▪ He scatters his toys all around the house.


dağınık, düzensiz, kırpık kırpık, bitap düşmüş [more ragged; most ragged] 1 : having an edge or surface that is not straight or even ▪ a ragged outline ▪ ragged [=(more commonly) jagged] cliffs 2 a : in bad condition especially because of being torn ▪ a ragged dress ▪ a boy in ragged jeans ▪ the notebook's ragged [=tattered] pages b : wearing clothes that are torn and in poor condition ▪ a ragged orphan 3 : tired from effort or stress ▪ You look a little ragged—did you have a rough week? 4 : not as good as possible : having good parts and bad parts ▪ a ragged performance 5 : harsh and not regular : not smooth or even ▪ The patient's breathing is ragged. ▪ a ragged cough/breath


dehşet, iğrenç, korku, korkuyla beklemek, çekinmek [+ obj] : to fear something that will or might happen ▪ He can't swim and dreads going in the water. ▪ She dreaded making speeches in front of large audiences. ▪ I dread the day I will have to leave my friends. ▪ I dread the thought of moving next week. ▪ I dread to think about what they might do next. — dreaded adjective [more dreaded; most dreaded] ▪ The dreaded moment had arrived. ▪ a dreaded disease ▪ the dreaded word "cancer" n: 1 : a strong feeling of fear about something that will or might happen [singular] ▪ She has a dread of failure. ▪ He lives with the/a constant dread of rejection. [noncount] ▪ She awaited her punishment with dread. ▪ The news about the war fills me with dread. ▪ They live in constant dread of another attack. synonyms 1fear 2 [count] : a person or thing that causes fear — usually singular ▪ They lived in tight rows of wooden houses, and fire was a constant dread. adj: formal : causing great fear ▪ a dread [=dreaded] disease


denizcilik, gemi kullanmak, gitmek 1 : to find the way to get to a place when you are traveling in a ship, airplane, car, etc. [no obj] ▪ For thousands of years, sailors navigated by the stars. ▪ How about if you drive and I navigate? [+ obj] ▪ I'd need a map to navigate the city. — often used figuratively ▪ We have had to carefully navigate (our way) through a maze of rules and regulations. 2 a : to sail on, over, or through an area of water [+ obj] ▪ Only flat-bottomed boats can safely navigate the canal. [no obj] ▪ He has learned to navigate in rough waters. b : to travel on, over, or through (an area or place) [+ obj] ▪ The downtown area is easily navigated on foot. ▪ She has trouble navigating the stairs with her crutches. [no obj] ▪ It took us 10 minutes to navigate through the parking lot to the exit. 3 [+ obj] : to control the direction of (something, such as a ship or airplane) : steer ▪ The captain navigated the ship. ▪ He has had experience navigating airplanes through storms. — often used figuratively ▪ She has carefully navigated the company through some difficult times.


devirmek, eğim, eğilim, yan yatırmak, yana eğiklik 1 a : to lift or move (something) so that one side is higher than another side [+ obj] ▪ Tilt the glass as you pour in the beer. ▪ The picture on the wall was tilted. [=it was not straight or level] [no obj] ▪ The steering wheel can tilt downward. b [+ obj] : to move (your head, chin, etc.) up, down, or to one side ▪ Tilt your head back. ▪ Tilt your chin up. ▪ She tilted her head and looked questioningly at him. ▪ Her head was tilted to the side. 2 : to influence (something) or to change so that a particular result or occurrence is more likely, a particular group is favored, etc. [+ obj] ▪ Rising inflation could tilt the economy into/toward a recession. ▪ The quarterback's injury could tilt (the outcome of) the game in the other team's favor. [=could make it more likely that the other team will win] ▪ His election tilted the city council to the left/right. [=made the city council more liberal/conservative] ▪ The law tilts the balance of power towards corporations. [=the law gives corporations more power] [no obj] ▪ The economy could be tilting into/toward a recession. tilt at [phrasal verb] 1 tilt at (someone or something) Brit : to attack (someone or something) in writing or speech ▪ critics tilting at [=criticizing] the established system 2 tilt at windmills : to use time and energy to attack an enemy or problem that is not real or important n: [count] 1 : the state of having one side higher than the other ▪ The picture is at a slight tilt. [=is slightly tilted] ▪ He gave a tilt of his head. [=he tilted his head] 2 a : the state of favoring one person, belief, etc., over another ▪ She criticized the media's tilt [=bias] toward one of the candidates. ▪ a politician with a socialist tilt [=who tends to have socialist ideas] b : a change of the actions or opinions of a person or group in a particular direction ▪ If he were elected, there would be a tilt [=shift] in the political balance of the city council. [=the city council would become more liberal or conservative]


değirmen, değirmende öğütmek, öğütmek [count] 1 a : a building with machinery for grinding grain into flour b : a machine for grinding grain 2 : a small machine for grinding or crushing pepper, coffee, etc. ▪ a food/pepper mill 3 : a building in which a particular product is made : factory ▪ a paper/cotton/textile/lumber/steel mill ▪ mill workers — see also sawmill 4 : something that is compared to a factory because it produces things in large numbers or in a mechanical way ▪ Some critics have described the school as a diploma mill. [=a school where students can obtain diplomas very easily] ▪ The rumor mill has been churning out stories about their marriage. [=there are many rumors about their marriage]


değiştirmek, başkalaştırmak, hadım etmek 1 : to change (something) [+ obj] ▪ Alcohol can alter a person's mood. ▪ He altered his will to leave everything to his sister. ▪ This one small event altered the course of history. [no obj] ▪ The place has altered in the 10 years since I left. 2 [+ obj] : to make a change to (a piece of clothing) so that it will fit better ▪ I'll need to have/get the dress altered before the wedding. 3 [+ obj] US : to remove the sex organs of (an animal) so that the animal is unable to reproduce ▪ They had the puppies altered [=fixed] before they were sold. — altered adjective ▪ Later, we see this character again in a slightly altered form. ▪ an altered state of consciousness


dik, ayağa kalkmış, inşa etmek, yapmak, kurmak 1 [more erect; most erect] : straight up and down ▪ an erect [=upright] pole ▪ erect trees ▪ She sat erect, listening for her name. ▪ The soldiers stood erect. 2 : in a state of erection because of sexual excitement : swollen and stiff ▪ an erect penis ▪ erect nipples — erect·ly adverb ▪ standing/sitting erectly — erect·ness /ɪˈrɛktnəs/ noun [noncount] ▪ the erectness of her posture v: [+ obj] 1 : to build (something) by putting together materials ▪ The settlers erected [=built] a stone wall. ▪ The city erected a statue in his honor. — sometimes used figuratively ▪ He has had to overcome many obstacles erected by his political enemies. ▪ erect a civilization 2 : to set or place (something) so that it stands up ▪ erect a flagpole ▪ They erected a marker over the grave.


diken [count] 1 : a sharp point on the stem of some plants (such as roses) — see color picture 2 Brit : a tree or bush that has thorns a thorn in the/your flesh/side : a person or thing that repeatedly annoys you or causes problems for you ▪ He's been a thorn in my side for years. ▪ a thorn in the side of the industry


dikiş iğnesi, şiş


dikkat, uyarı, uyarmak 1 [noncount] : care taken to avoid danger or risk : a careful attitude or way of behaving ▪ You should use caution when operating the electric saw. ▪ He injected a note/word of caution in his talk. ▪ Her financial adviser urged caution before investing in the project. ▪ Investors should exercise caution. ▪ The roads are slippery: drive with extreme caution. 2 : a warning telling someone to be careful [count] ▪ Her comments were intended as a caution to us to protect our property. [noncount] ▪ A note/word of caution: be sure that the electricity is off before you install the ceiling fan. 3 [count] Brit, law : a spoken official warning given to someone who has done something illegal but has not committed a serious crime ▪ She was given a caution by the magistrate. 1 : to warn or tell (someone) about a possible danger, problem, etc. [+ obj] ▪ She cautioned me not to decide too quickly. = She cautioned (me) that I shouldn't decide too quickly. ▪ Officials are cautioning that the war may continue for years. ▪ "Don't decide too quickly," she cautioned. [no obj] — + against ▪ I would caution against getting involved with him. 2 [+ obj] Brit, law : to give a caution to (someone) ▪ He was cautioned for speeding.


direksiyon kullanmak, dümende olmak, yol göstermek 1 a : to control the direction in which something (such as a ship, car, or airplane) moves [+ obj] ▪ She steered the ship through the strait. ▪ He steered his car carefully into the parking space. ▪ He steered the wheelchair through the aisles. [no obj] ▪ Skillful navigators can steer by the positions of the stars. b [no obj] — used to describe how easy or difficult it is to steer a vehicle ▪ The car steers well. 2 [no obj] : to be moved or guided in a particular direction or along a particular course ▪ The car was steering right at us. ▪ The boat steered out to sea. 3 [+ obj] a : to direct or guide the movement or progress of (something) ▪ He tried to steer the conversation away from his recent problems. ▪ She skillfully steered the bill through the legislature. ▪ He steered the team to another championship last year. b : to cause (someone) to act in a particular way ▪ The high recent returns on stocks have steered many investors away from bonds. ▪ You should listen to me. I won't steer you wrong. [=I won't give you bad advice] steer clear US : to keep away from someone or something completely ▪ He's in a bad mood. You'd better steer clear [=avoid him] if you don't want trouble. — usually + of ▪ You'd better steer clear of him. ▪ I try to steer clear of the subject of politics when I talk to him.


dizi, geçit töreni, alay 1 : an organized group or line of people or vehicles that move together slowly as part of a ceremony [count] ▪ a funeral/wedding procession ▪ There was a procession of children carrying candles. [noncount] ▪ The cars moved in procession to the cemetery. 2 [count] : a number of people or things that come or happen one after another : series — + of ▪ We have had a procession of visitors today. ▪ The new employee had a procession of meetings to go to.


dizi, sicim, ip, kiriş 1 : a long, thin piece of twisted thread that you use to attach things, tie things together, or hang things [count] ▪ She tied a string around the boxes. [noncount] ▪ a piece/loop/ball of string ▪ He tied the packages together with string. — see also apron string, drawstring, g-string, shoestring 2 [count] : a group of objects that are connected with a string, wire, chain, etc. — + of ▪ She was wearing a string of pearls. ▪ We used four strings of Christmas lights to decorate the tree. 3 [count] a : a series of similar things — + of ▪ He owns a string of movie theaters. ▪ a long/whole string of names/numbers b : a series of events which follow each other in time — + of ▪ a string of robberies ▪ The band had a string of hits in the 1990s. c technical : a group of letters, words, or numbers which is treated as a single unit in a computer program ▪ a character string 4 [count] : a long, thin piece of tightly stretched wire or other material (such as nylon) that is used to produce sounds in a musical instrument (such as a violin or piano) ▪ guitar/piano strings


dolap,gizli, gizli oda 1 [count] chiefly US : a usually small room that is used for storing things (such as clothing, towels, or dishes) ▪ The sheets and blankets are in the hall closet. ▪ He has a closet full of new clothes. ▪ broom/coat closets ▪ a walk-in closet [=a large closet usually for clothes] — see also water closet 2 [noncount] : a state in which someone will not talk about something or admit something ; especially : a state in which someone will not admit being a homosexual — usually used in the phrases in the closet or out of the closet ▪ He's still in the closet. [=he has not told people that he is gay] ▪ She came out of the closet in college. adj: : hiding the fact that you are a particular type of person ▪ She's a closet racist. [=she does not want people to know that she is a racist] ▪ Some people think he's a closet homosexual.


durak, gar, emanetçi, ambar [count] 1 US : a train or bus station ▪ the train/bus depot 2 : a place where military supplies are kept or where soldiers are trained ▪ supply/weapons depots 3 : a place where goods are stored : storehouse ▪ a storage depot


durmak, durdurmak, sendelemek, duraklamak 1 [+ obj] : to stop (something or someone) from moving or continuing ▪ The project had to be halted due to lack of funds. ▪ They voted to halt expansion of the shopping mall. ▪ The strike halted subways and buses. 2 [no obj] : to stop moving or happening ▪ The troops halted outside the city. ▪ The fighting halted briefly. ▪ The project halted when funding ran out. ▪ The guard shouted, "Halt! Who goes there?" n: 1 [singular] : the stopping or ending of movement, progress, or action ▪ The contract brought a halt to [=ended] the strike. ▪ They put a halt to the rumors. ▪ The chairman called a halt to [=stopped] the proceedings. ▪ The car skidded/slowed to a halt. ▪ The project came to a (grinding) halt. = The project ground to a halt. [=the project stopped completely] ▪ The project came to a screeching/crashing halt. [=the project stopped suddenly and completely] 2 [count] Brit : a small railroad stop at which there is no station


döndürmek, dönmek, fırlatmak, sallanmak, salına salına geçmek, bir durumdan başka bir duruma geçivermek, sarkıtmak, tempo, salıncak 1 : to move backward and forward or from side to side while hanging from something [no obj] ▪ The sheets swung on the clothesline. ▪ The clock's pendulum stopped swinging. [+ obj] ▪ She sat on the edge of the table, swinging her legs. ▪ She swung the bag by the handle. [=she held the handle of the bag and made the bag swing] 2 always followed by an adverb, adjective, or preposition : to move with a smooth, curving motion [no obj] ▪ The monkeys were swinging from branch to branch high up in the trees. ▪ The door swung open/shut. [+ obj] ▪ He swung himself (up) into the truck. ▪ I swung my suitcase into the backseat of the car. ▪ She sat on the counter and swung her legs over to the other side. ▪ She swung the door open. 3 : to move (your arm, a tool, etc.) with a quick, curving motion especially to try to hit something [+ obj] ▪ Be careful how you swing that ax. ▪ She swung the bat but missed the ball. ▪ She swung her purse at me. [no obj] ▪ She swung (at the ball) but missed. ▪ He swung at me [=tried to hit me with his fist] for no reason. 4 [no obj] : to move back and forth on a special type of seat (called a swing) ▪ a playground where kids go to swing 5 always followed by an adverb or preposition : to turn or move quickly in a particular direction [no obj] ▪ The road swings to the left sharply after a few miles. — often + around ▪ He swung around to look at the clock. [+ obj] ▪ She swung the car into the driveway. ▪ He swung the flashlight toward the noise. 6 a always followed by an adverb or preposition [no obj] : to change suddenly from one state or condition to another ▪ Sales swung up sharply at the end of the year. ▪ The game suddenly swung in favor of the home team. ▪ His mood can swing wildly from cheerful to angry. ▪ They have to be ready to swing into action [=to start doing something quickly] at a moment's notice. n: 1 [count] a : an act of moving something with a quick, sweeping motion : an act of swinging a bat, fist, etc. ▪ One swing of the hammer was all it took to drive the nail through the board. ▪ She needs to work on her (golf) swing. [=she needs to practice the way she swings a golf club] ▪ He took a swing at the pitch. [=he swung at the pitch; tried to hit the ball with his bat] ▪ Some drunk took a swing at me. [=tried to hit me] b : the movement of something that swings backward and forward or from side to side ▪ the swing of a pendulum 2 [count] : a usually sudden change from one state or condition to another ▪ upward/downward swings in the stock market ▪ She couldn't deal with his unpredictable mood swings. [=changes in his mood] 3 [count] : a seat that hangs from ropes or chains and that moves back and forth ▪ The kids were playing on the swings. ▪ We sat on the porch swing and watched the neighbors.


dürtme, dürtmek, kışkırtmak, teşvik etmek 1 : to push someone or something with your finger or a pointed object : poke [+ obj] ▪ She prodded him in the ribs to get his attention. [no obj] — often + at ▪ He prodded at the snake with a stick. 2 [+ obj] : to persuade or try to persuade (someone) to do something ▪ His parents kept prodding [=urging] him to go back to school. ▪ She was prodded into joining the team. — prodding noun [noncount] ▪ He didn't need any prodding to try again. n: [count] 1 a : the act of pushing someone or something with your finger or a pointed object : poke ▪ She gave him a sharp prod in the back. b : something (such as a long stick) that is used to prod an animal ▪ He picked up a stick and used it as a prod to get the donkey moving. — see also cattle prod 2 : something said or done to encourage or remind someone to do something ▪ He needed a few prods to remember his lines. ▪ She called me and gave me a prod about finishing the report.


dürtmek, kurcalamak, saplamak 1 a : to push your finger or something thin or pointed into or at someone or something [+ obj] ▪ He poked a stick at the snake. = He poked the snake with a stick. ▪ He poked [=jabbed] me in the ribs. ▪ I accidentally poked my finger right through the old fabric. ▪ Throwing pencils is not allowed because someone's eye could get poked out. [no obj] — often + at ▪ She poked at the sand with her toes. b [+ obj] : to make (a hole) in something by pushing something sharp or pointed through or into it — usually + in ▪ As a practical joke, she poked holes in the bottom of some of the paper cups. ▪ He used a fork to poke holes in the potatoes. 2 : to stick out so that a part can be seen [no obj] — often + out ▪ Your toe is poking out through the hole in your sock. — often + through ▪ You can see the seedlings beginning to poke through the soil. ▪ After days of rain, sunshine finally poked through the clouds. [+ obj] — often + out ▪ She poked her head out the window and yelled down to us.


düğüm, döngü, hat, çevrim n: 1 [count] a : a curved part or shape made when something long and thin (such as a rope or thread) bends so that it touches or crosses over itself ▪ a closed loop of rope ▪ a wire with a loop at the end ▪ a loop of string/thread b : something that is shaped like a loop ▪ They rowed along a loop in the river. ▪ The road formed a loop around the pond. ▪ letters formed with lots of loops c : a ring or curved piece used for holding something ▪ a belt loop 2 [count] : an action in which an airplane flies in an upright circle perpendicular to the ground ▪ The pilot did/performed a loop. v: 1 : to form or cause (something) to form a loop [no obj] ▪ The road loops around the pond. ▪ The necklace is long enough to loop twice around my neck. [+ obj] ▪ She looped a string around her finger. ▪ He sat with his arms looped around his knees. 2 : to move or cause (something) to move in a high curving path [no obj] ▪ The ball looped over the shortstop's head into left field for a single. ▪ The batter hit a looping single to left field. [+ obj] ▪ The batter looped a single to left field. ▪ The quarterback looped a pass downfield. loop the loop : to perform a loop in an airplane


düşünmek, gözünde canlandırmak [+ obj] chiefly US : to think of (something that you believe might exist or happen in the future) : to picture (something) in your mind ▪ The inventor envisioned many uses for his creation. ▪ She envisioned a better life for herself.


eksiklik, kıtlık, açlık [singular] formal : the state or condition of not having enough of something : lack — + of ▪ The dearth [=scarcity] of jobs in the city forced many families to leave the area. ▪ a dearth of evidence


ekşi, mayhoş [also more sour; most sour] 1 : having an acid taste that is like the taste of a lemon : tart ▪ sour pickles ▪ a sour apple ▪ a slightly sour taste — see also sweet-and-sour 2 : having the unpleasant taste or smell of food that is no longer fresh ▪ The milk had turned/gone sour. ▪ The cream smells sour. ▪ a sour odor ▪ sour [=bad] breath 3 : unpleasant or unfriendly ▪ a sour, cynical person ▪ He made a sour face. ▪ Their relationship ended on a sour note. [=ended unpleasantly] 4 informal : bad or wrong ▪ Their relationship had turned/gone sour. ▪ All their investments went sour.


el dürbünü, dürbün [plural] : a device that you hold up to your eyes and look through to see things that are far away ▪ a bird in a tree seen through (a pair of) binoculars


el kol hareketi, mimik, işaret, iyi niyet gösterisi, jest [count] 1 : a movement of your body (especially of your hands and arms) that shows or emphasizes an idea or a feeling ▪ Specific gestures can indicate particular moods. ▪ an obscene gesture ▪ His arm was raised in a gesture of defiance. 2 : something said or done to show a particular feeling or attitude ▪ a thoughtful/polite/friendly gesture ▪ a gesture of goodwill ▪ The president's visit was mainly a symbolic gesture. [=an act that has no purpose or effect other than to show support, respect, etc.]


el koymak, zorla almak, hapsetmek, kaçırmak [+ obj] 1 a : to use legal or official power to take (something) ▪ Police seized [=confiscated] the weapons and drugs. ▪ The bank seized their property. b : to get or take (something) in a forceful, sudden, or violent way ▪ The army has seized control of the city. ▪ A rebel group attempted to seize power. ▪ He suddenly seized the lead in the final lap of the race. c : to attack and take control of (a place) by force or violence ▪ The soldiers seized [=captured] the fort. 2 a : to forcefully take and hold (someone or something) with your hand or arms : grab ▪ He seized her by the arm. ▪ He tried to seize the gun from him. ▪ She seized hold of my hand. [=she seized my hand] b : to take (someone) as a prisoner ▪ The police seized [=arrested] the robbers. ▪ Seize that man! ▪ She was seized by kidnappers and carried off to a hidden location.


ele geçirmek, kapmak, yakalamak [+ obj] 1 a: to take and hold (someone) as a prisoner especially by using force ▪ They were captured by enemy soldiers. b: to catch (an animal) ▪ using traps to capture mice 2 a: to get control of (a place) especially by using force ▪ The city was captured by the Romans. b: to win or get (something) through effort ▪ She captured 60 percent of the vote in the last election.▪ The company plans on capturing a larger segment of the market. 3: to get and hold (someone's attention, interest, etc.) ▪ The show has captured the attention/interest of teenagers.▪ The story captured our imaginations. [=the story was very interesting and exciting] 4: to describe or show (someone or something) in a very accurate way by using writing, painting, film, etc. ▪ The story captures the essence of the holiday.▪ The biography captured her perfectly.▪ The beauty of the landscape was captured perfectly by the artist.


eli kulağında , olmak üzere,yaklaşan : happening or likely to happen soon ▪ She's worried about an impending business trip. ▪ We need to prepare for their impending arrival.


elle hafifçe vurma (takdir/sevgi belirtisi olarak), hafif vuruş [+ obj] 1 : to lightly touch (someone or something) with your hand usually several times in order to show affection or approval or to provide comfort ▪ The child gently patted the dog's head. ▪ He patted my knee and told me everything would be fine. — often + on ▪ He patted me on my knee. 2 a : to flatten, smooth, or shape (something) by lightly pressing on it with your hand ▪ He patted his hair down. ▪ She patted the dough into a square. b : to lightly press (something) several times until it is dry ▪ He patted the lettuce dry with a paper towel. pat down [phrasal verb] pat (someone) down or pat down (someone) US : to move your hands over (someone) in order to search for something (such as a weapon) that may be hidden in clothing ▪ The police patted the suspect down at the scene. pat (someone) on the back : to praise or give credit to (someone) for doing good work ▪ They deserve to be patted on the back for the way they've handled this problem. ▪ You should pat yourselves on the back for doing such a great job.


elçi , resul 1 [count] : a member of some religions (such as Christianity, Judaism, and Islam) who delivers messages that are believed to have come from God ▪ the Old Testament prophets ▪ the words of the prophet ▪ the Prophet Isaiah/Muhammad 2 the Prophet — used as another name for Muhammad, the founder of Islam 3 a the Prophets : the writers of the books of the Bible that describe what will happen in the future b Prophets : the part of the Bible that includes the books written by the Prophets. 4 [count] : a person who states that something will happen in the future ▪ a stock market prophet [=a person who predicts what will happen in the stock market] ▪ the local weather prophet ▪ a prophet of doom [=someone who says that bad things will happen] 5 [count] : a person who teaches or spreads a new idea or belief ▪ a prophet of socialism


emeklemek, sürünmek, dalkavukluk etmek, yavaş ilerlemek 1 [no obj] a : to move on your hands and knees ▪ Does the baby crawl yet? ▪ We got down on our knees and crawled through a small opening. ▪ The baby crawled across the floor toward her mother. b : to move with the body close to or on the ground ▪ The soldiers crawled forward on their bellies. ▪ The snake crawled into its hole. ▪ There's a spider crawling [=moving forward on its legs] up the wall. 2 a [no obj] : to move slowly ▪ They're doing construction on the road, so traffic is crawling. ▪ I worked late into the night, and it was 2 a.m. before I finally crawled into bed. ▪ The bus crawled along the rough and narrow road. ▪ The days slowly crawled by. ▪ Traffic has crawled to a stop/standstill. [=has come to a complete stop after moving very slowly] ▪ Work on the project has crawled to a standstill. b [+ obj] : to move slowly on, across, or through (something) ▪ We all got into the old truck and crawled the streets of the city looking for him. 3 [no obj] : to be full of many people, insects, animals, etc. — usually used in the phrase be crawling with ▪ The courthouse is crawling [=teeming] with reporters today. ▪ The table was crawling with ants. 4 [no obj] Brit, informal + disapproving : to be extremely nice to someone in order to get approval or some advantage for yourself ▪ He's been crawling [=creeping] to the boss for months, so it's no surprise he got a promotion.


emzirmek, meme emmek, içine çekmek, emmek, soğurmak 1 a [+ obj] : to pull (liquid, air, etc.) into your mouth especially while your lips are forming a small hole ▪ sucking milk through a straw b : to pull on (something in your mouth) with the muscles of your lips and mouth [+ obj] ▪ a toddler sucking his thumb ▪ She just sucked her teeth and stared. [no obj] ▪ She sucked on an orange slice. c : to let (something, such as candy or medicine) stay in your mouth as it melts [+ obj] ▪ I sucked a cough drop. [no obj] ▪ sucking on a lollipop 2 always followed by an adverb or preposition [+ obj] a : to pull (something) with the force of moving water, air, etc. ▪ The tide almost sucked us out to sea. ▪ The boat was sucked under the water in the storm. b : to remove (something) from an area or substance by pulling it with the force of moving water, air, etc. ▪ These plants suck moisture from the soil. ▪ The fan sucks smoke from the air. ▪ a vacuum cleaner that sucks up water as well as dirt — sometimes used figuratively ▪ She just seems to suck the joy out of the room. ▪ This heat has sucked every ounce of energy out of me. 3 [+ obj] : to make (part of your body) flatter or tighter by pulling your muscles inward — + in ▪ He was sucking in his gut. [=pulling in his stomach to make himself seem thinner] ▪ It looked like she had sucked her cheeks in for the picture. 4 [+ obj] : to cause (someone) to become involved or interested in something — + in or into ▪ Their lifestyle seemed exciting, and I admit it really sucked me in. — often used as (be/get) sucked in/into ▪ Hundreds of people got sucked into the scheme and many lost their entire life savings. 5 not used in progressive tenses [no obj] informal + sometimes impolite a : to be very bad or unpleasant ▪ You lost your job? That sucks. ▪ People who went to the party said it sucked. b : to do something very badly ▪ He sang a few songs, and man, he sucks. [=he sings badly] — often + at ▪ I suck at golf. [=I play golf badly]


engel olmak, dezavantaj, özür, sakatlık [count] 1 sometimes offensive : a physical or mental condition that may limit what a person can do : a physical or mental disability ▪ a mental/physical handicap ◊Some people consider the word handicap offensive in this sense and prefer the word disability. 2 : a problem, situation, or event that makes progress or success difficult ▪ His shyness was a handicap in his job. v: [+ obj] 1 : to make success or progress difficult for (someone) — usually used as (be) handicapped ▪ He was handicapped by his extreme shyness. 2 US : to make a judgment about the likely winner of a race or contest ▪ handicap the horses in a race = handicap a race ▪ It's very hard to handicap the election at this point.


engellemek, dizginlemek, tutmak, alıkoymak [+ obj] 1 : to prevent (a person or animal) from doing something ▪ He could not restrain the dog from attacking. ▪ I wanted to have another serving, but I somehow restrained myself. = I somehow restrained myself from having another serving. ▪ He could restrain himself no longer. 2 : to prevent (a person or animal) from moving by using physical force ▪ Hospital orderlies needed to restrain the patient. ▪ He was restrained and placed in a holding cell. 3 : to keep (something) under control ▪ He could barely restrain his anger. ▪ The manufacturer took measures to restrain costs.


entrika, komplo, parsel, arsa, suikast düzenlemek, entrika çevirmek 1 [count] a : an area of land that has been measured and is considered as a unit ▪ The plots are selling for $15,000 per acre. ▪ They just bought a 12-acre plot of land. b : a usually small piece of land that is used for a particular purpose ▪ a garden plot ▪ He bought a burial plot in the local cemetery. [=a small area of land where his body will be buried when he dies] 2 : a series of events that form the story in a novel, movie, etc. [count] ▪ The book's plot revolves around a woman who is searching for her missing sister. ▪ The movie has a weak/strong plot. ▪ As the plot unfolds [=as the story continues; as things happen in the novel, movie, etc.], we learn more about the hero's family. [noncount] ▪ The movie lacks plot [=nothing interesting happens in the movie], but it's a fascinating character study. ▪ He is a master of plot [=he is very good at thinking of interesting stories], but his characters are not realistic. — see also subplot 3 [count] : a secret plan to do something that is usually illegal or harmful ▪ Police uncovered a plot to assassinate the prime minister. ▪ The prime minister was the target of an assassination plot. ▪ plots against the government ▪ They hatched a plot [=made a plan] to steal the famous painting. v: 1 a : to plan secretly to do something usually illegal or harmful [+ obj] ▪ They plotted to steal the painting. ▪ She spent her years in prison plotting her revenge. ▪ He plotted his escape. ▪ They are accused of plotting the assassination of the prime minister. = They are accused of plotting to assassinate the prime minister. [no obj] — usually + against ▪ He feared the other prisoners were plotting against him. b [+ obj] : to plan (something) ▪ We've been plotting growth strategies for the company. ▪ She carefully plotted her career path.


esmek, yumruk, patlamak, üflemek 1 a [no obj] of air, wind, etc. : to move with speed or force ▪ The wind was blowing earlier but it's not blowing now. [=there was wind earlier but there isn't any wind now] ▪ The wind is blowing hard. = It's blowing hard outside. ▪ The storm is blowing hard/fiercely. = It's blowing up a storm. ▪ A cool breeze blew through the open window. ▪ The wind was blowing from the north. b [+ obj] : to cause (air or something carried by air) to move ▪ The fan blew the air. ▪ The fan blew the smoke out the window. c : to be moved or affected in a specified way by the wind [no obj] ▪ The door blew open/shut in the wind. ▪ The papers blew all over the place! ▪ The sign blew down/over. ▪ The leaves were blowing around in the wind. ▪ His hat blew off/away in the wind. [+ obj] ▪ The breeze blew my wet hair dry. ▪ The wind blew the door open/shut. ▪ The wind blew the sign down/over. ▪ The wind blew the ship off course. ▪ A gust of wind blew the papers all over the room. ▪ The wind blew his hat off/away. 2 a : to create a current of moving air by breathing [no obj] ▪ She blew on her fingers to warm them. ▪ He was blowing on his soup to cool it off. [+ obj] ▪ She blew air into the balloon. b [+ obj] : to produce or shape (something, such as a bubble) by blowing air ▪ The clown was blowing bubbles for the children. ▪ blow beautiful shapes out of glass = blow glass into beautiful shapes — see also glassblowing 3 a [no obj] of a musical instrument, whistle, etc. : to produce a loud sound ▪ The trumpet/whistle blew loudly. ▪ The siren blew. [=sounded] b [+ obj] : to play or produce a sound with (a musical instrument, whistle, etc.) ▪ blow a trumpet ▪ blow a whistle ▪ blow a siren 4 : to damage or destroy (something) with an explosion [+ obj] ▪ The terrorists rigged a bomb to blow [=(more commonly) blow up] the bridge. ▪ The explosion blew his leg off. = The explosion blew off his leg. ▪ The explosion blew out the window. ▪ The burglar blew the safe open with dynamite. ▪ The bomb blew the bridge to bits/smithereens. [=the bomb completely destroyed the bridge] [no obj] ▪ They ran away when they realized that the bridge was about to blow. [=(more commonly) blow up, explode] ▪ The window blew out in the explosion. ▪ The safe blew open when the burglar dynamited it. — sometimes used figuratively ▪ The election has been blown wide open by the revelation that one of the candidates was lying. ▪ The prosecution's case was blown apart by new evidence. — see also blow up (below) 5 : to cause (a tire) to suddenly lose air and become flat [+ obj] ▪ He drove over a nail and blew a tire. — often + out ▪ The car blew out a tire. [no obj] ▪ The car crashed because one of its tires had blown. — often + out ▪ One of the car's tires blew out.


esnemek, açılmak, yarılmak [no obj] 1 : to open your mouth wide while taking in breath usually because you are tired or bored ▪ Students were yawning in class. 2 of an opening, hole, etc. : to be deep, large, etc. ▪ A deep chasm yawned [=gaped] below us.


etkileşmek, birbirini etkilemek [no obj] 1 : to talk or do things with other people ▪ They're quiet children who don't interact much. — often + with ▪ She interacts with other children at nursery school. 2 : to act together : to come together and have an effect on each other — often + with ▪ When these two drugs interact (with each other), the results can be deadly. — in·ter·ac·tion /ˌɪntɚˈækʃən/ noun, plural in·ter·ac·tions [count] ▪ social interactions ▪ the interactions between the two drugs [noncount] ▪ ways to encourage more interaction among children


evle cadde arasındaki yol, garaj ile cadde arasındaki özel yol [count] : a short private road from a street to a house or other building where cars can usually be parked ▪ A long driveway led to the mansion. ▪ We shoveled the driveway [=drive] after the snowstorm. —


ezberden okumak, yinelemek, prova etmek 1 a : to prepare for a public performance of a play, a piece of music, etc., by practicing the performance [+ obj] ▪ The orchestra is rehearsing a piece by Schumann. ▪ rehearse a play/scene/dance [no obj] ▪ The band stayed up late rehearsing for the big show. b [+ obj] : to direct (a group of people) as they prepare for a public performance ▪ We were allowed to watch the director rehearse the dancers. 2 [+ obj] : to say or do (something) several times in order to practice ▪ lawyers rehearsing their closing arguments ▪ He rehearsed his dance moves in front of the mirror. — rehearsed adjective ▪ well-rehearsed dancers [=dancers who have been rehearsed well; dancers who have been directed well during rehearsal] ▪ a rehearsed statement ▪ Her story sounded rehearsed. [=it seemed like a story she had practiced telling; it did not sound natural or true]


ezmek, kırılmak, aşk, ezik, ufalamak 1 [no obj] : to break apart and fall down suddenly ▪ The bridge/building collapsed. ▪ The roof collapsed under a heavy load of snow. ▪ The chair he was sitting in collapsed. 2 [no obj] a : to fall down or become unconscious because you are sick or exhausted ▪ He collapsed on stage during the performance and had to be rushed to the hospital. b : to completely relax the muscles of your body because you are very tired, upset, etc. ▪ She came home from work and collapsed on the sofa. ▪ The crying child ran to his mother and collapsed in her arms. 3 [no obj] a : to fail or stop working suddenly : to break down completely ▪ The civilization collapsed for reasons that are still unknown. ▪ He warned that such measures could cause the economy to collapse. ▪ Negotiations have completely collapsed. b : to lose almost all worth : to become much less valuable ▪ The country's currency collapsed. ▪ Oil prices had collapsed. 4 [no obj] medical : to become flat and empty ▪ a blood vessel that collapsed ▪ a collapsed lung 5 : to fold together [no obj] ▪ The stroller collapses easily. [+ obj] ▪ You can collapse the stroller easily and store it in the trunk of your car.


ezmek, kırıp dökmek, parçalamak 1 : to break (something) into many pieces : to shatter or destroy (something) [+ obj] ▪ He smashed the vase with a hammer. ▪ The ball smashed the window. [no obj] ▪ The vase fell and smashed to pieces. ▪ The window smashed [=shattered] when the baseball hit it. 2 a : to hit (something) violently and very hard [+ obj] ▪ She smashed [=crushed] her finger in the door. [no obj] ▪ He smashed into the wall. ▪ The car smashed [=crashed] into the rail. b [+ obj] : to hit (a ball) downward and very hard in tennis and other games ▪ She smashed the ball deep into the opposite corner. 3 [+ obj] : to destroy or beat (someone or something) easily or completely ▪ We smashed our opponents. ▪ He smashed the world record. [=he broke the world record by a large amount] 4 [+ obj] : to crash (a vehicle) ▪ He smashed his car. — often + up in U.S. English ▪ She smashed up her new car. n: [count] 1 : someone or something that is very successful or popular ▪ The new movie is a smash. ▪ She was a smash at the party. ▪ His new song promises to be a smash hit. 2 : the sound made when something hits a surface very violently ▪ The vase fell to the ground with a loud smash. 3 : a hard downward hit in tennis or other games ▪ She hit an overhand smash that won the match.


eğilimi olmak, ilgilenmek, yatkın olmak 1 [no obj] a — used to describe what often happens or what someone often does or is likely to do — followed by to + verb ▪ He tends to slouch. ▪ I have to be careful about what I eat because I tend to gain weight easily. ▪ People in my family tend to be tall. [=a lot of people in my family are tall] ▪ The store tends to get busy [=the store is often/usually busy] on weekends. ▪ I tend not to trust politicians. [=I often/usually don't trust politicians] b — used to describe a quality that someone or something often has or is likely to have — + toward or towards ▪ He tends towards perfectionism. [=he tends to be a perfectionist] ▪ Her decorating style tends toward the informal. [=tends to be informal] 2 : to give your attention to and take care of (something or someone) [+ obj] ▪ Please tend [=mind] the store while I'm away. ▪ She tends her garden daily. ▪ well-tended gardens ▪ He tended his ailing mother. [no obj] — + to ▪ I have to tend to (the) business. ▪ The nurse tended to their wounds.


farzetmek, tahmin etmek [+ obj] 1 a : to think that (something) is true without knowing that it is true ▪ I presume [=assume, expect] (that) you'll fly to Chicago rather than drive. ▪ I presume (that) the car was very expensive. = The car was very expensive, I presume. ▪ "Is she still at work?" "I presume so, since she's not home." b : to accept legally or officially that something is true until it is proved not true ▪ A person is presumed (to be) innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. ▪ The court must presume innocence until there is proof of guilt. ▪ After the earthquake several people were missing and presumed dead. [=believed to be dead]


faydalı, karlı, kazançlı [more beneficial; most beneficial] : producing good or helpful results or effects : producing benefits ▪ He hopes the new drug will prove beneficial to/for many people. ▪ Regular exercise has many beneficial health effects. ▪ They have a relationship that is beneficial to/for both of them. ▪ Some insects are harmful but others are beneficial.


fethetmek, yenmek, ele geçirmek [+ obj] 1 : to take control of (a country, city, etc.) through the use of force ▪ The city was conquered by the ancient Romans. ▪ Napoleon conquered vast territories. ▪ a conquered city 2 : to defeat (someone or something) through the use of force ▪ They conquered all their enemies. — see also divide and conquer at 1divide 3 : to gain control of (a problem or difficulty) through great effort ▪ She has been unable to conquer [=overcome] her fear of heights. ▪ He finally conquered his drug habit. ▪ Scientists believe the disease can be conquered. 4 : to become successful in (a place, situation, etc.) ▪ She has conquered Hollywood and now has her sights set on Broadway. ▪ The company hopes to conquer new markets abroad. 5 : to succeed in climbing (a mountain) ▪ He was one of the first climbers to conquer Mount Everest.


fırında kızartılmış, kavurmak, fırında kızartmak 1 a : to cook (food such as chicken, potatoes, or beef) with dry heat in an oven or over a fire [+ obj] ▪ He roasted the chicken. [no obj] ▪ The chicken is roasting in the oven. — compare bake, grill b : to dry (something, such as a bean or nut) with heat [+ obj] ▪ We roasted the peanuts over the fire. [no obj] ▪ The peanuts roasted over the fire. 2 [no obj] informal : to be very hot ▪ We were roasting in the hot sun. ▪ You must be roasting [=baking, sweltering] in that sweater. 3 [+ obj] informal : to criticize (someone or something) severely ▪ The movie is being roasted by the critics. 4 [+ obj] US, informal : to criticize (someone who is being honored at a special event) in a friendly or joking way : to tell jokes or funny stories about (someone) ▪ Friends and family roasted him at his 40th birthday party.


garanti etmek, temin etmek, ikna etmek [+ obj] 1 : to make (something) certain : ensure ▪ He believed that hard work would assure his success. [=that hard work would make him sure to succeed] ▪ We must assure that every child gets a proper education. = We must assure a proper education for every child. ▪ Winning the Nobel Prize will assure [=secure, guarantee] her a place in history. ◊To assure someone of doing something is to make it certain that someone will do something. ▪ A victory in this game will assure them of finishing the season with a winning record. 2 : to tell someone in a very strong and definite way that something will happen or that something is true ▪ I can assure you that you won't be disappointed. ▪ She assured me (that) she was OK when I talked to her on the phone. ▪ His boss assured him that he had her continued support. = His boss assured him of her continued support. = "You have my continued support," his boss assured him. ▪ These mistakes won't happen again, I (can) assure you. assure yourself : to make yourself sure or certain about something ▪ He tried opening the door to assure himself that it was locked. ▪ They managed to be third in line, assuring themselves of good seats for the concert.


garez, inat, hıncını almak [noncount] : a desire to harm, anger, or defeat another person especially because you feel that you have been treated wrongly in some way ▪ He is jealous and full of spite. ▪ an act of spite ▪ You only denied his request out of (pure) spite. in spite of verb: [+ obj] : to deliberately annoy, upset, or hurt (someone) ▪ He only did it to spite me.


garip davranış, görülecek şey, gösteri 1 [count] : a very impressive show ▪ a giant film spectacle ▪ a Broadway spectacle 2 [count] : something that attracts attention because it is very unusual or very shocking — usually singular ▪ The photo exhibit was quite a spectacle. ▪ She hoped the situation would not become a spectacle. 3 spectacles [plural] old-fashioned : glasses ▪ He peered through his spectacles. make a spectacle of yourself : to do something in front of other people that is very embarrassing ▪ You made a spectacle of yourself at the party.


gelgit, akıntı 1 a [count] : the regular upward and downward movement of the level of the ocean that is caused by the pull of the Sun and the Moon on the Earth ▪ a chart of the tides ▪ Is the tide coming in or going out? = Is the tide rising or falling? — see also ebb tide, flood tide, high tide, low tide, riptide b [singular] : the flow of the ocean's water as the tide rises or falls ▪ The boat got swept away in/by the tide. 2 [singular] : the way in which something is changing or developing ▪ We tried to gauge the tide of public opinion. [=to find out how public opinion was changing] ▪ the tide of history ▪ The team was on a losing streak, but then the tide turned [=their luck changed] and they went on to win the championship. 3 [singular] : something that increases over time — + of ▪ The government is dealing with a rising/swelling/growing tide of criticism over its foreign policy. ▪ They are concerned about the rising tide of crime [=the increasing amount of crime] in the city. ▪ We have to do something to stem the tide of violence. [=to stop the violence from continuing and increasing] v: tide over [phrasal verb] tide (someone) over : to give (someone) what is needed to get through a short period of time ▪ My parents lent us some money to tide us over for a while. ▪ He had a snack to tide himself over until dinner.


gereç, teçhizat, araç, aygıt [count] : a machine (such as a stove, microwave, or dishwasher) that is powered by electricity and that is used in people's houses to perform a particular job ▪ All household/domestic appliances are now on sale. ▪ an appliance store


geri çekilmek, geri çekilme, direnme, gerilemek, gerileme 1 : movement by soldiers away from an enemy because the enemy is winning or has won a battle [noncount] ▪ The forces are now in (full) retreat. [count] ▪ The army passed through the town on/during its retreat (from the battlefield). ▪ He sounded/signaled the retreat. [=made the signal telling soldiers to begin a retreat] 2 [count, noncount] : movement away from a place or situation especially because it is dangerous, unpleasant, etc. ▪ Some of her friends were surprised by her retreat from public life following her defeat in the election. ▪ He made/beat a hasty retreat [=he left quickly] when he realized he had entered the wrong office. 3 [count] : the act of changing your opinion or position on something because it is unpopular — usually singular ▪ The mayor was forced to make a retreat from his earlier position. v: [no obj] 1 : to move back to get away from danger, attack, etc. ▪ When the enemy attacked, our troops were forced to retreat. ▪ They retreated behind trees for safety. 2 : to move or go away from a place or situation especially because it is dangerous, unpleasant, etc. ▪ He quickly retreated from the room. ▪ After her defeat, she retreated from politics. 3 : to change your opinion or statement about something because it is unpopular — usually + from ▪ The mayor was forced to retreat from his original position. 4 : to move backward ▪ As the temperatures warm, the glaciers begin to retreat. ▪ The floodwaters are retreating. 5 : to go to a place that is quiet and private ▪ They retreated into the next room to talk privately.


gerçekleştirmek, yerine getirmek, uygulamak, icra etmek, işletmek, yürütmek, idam etmek [+ obj] 1 : to kill (someone) especially as punishment for a crime ▪ He was captured, tried, and executed for murder. 2 a : to do (something that you have planned to do or been told to do) : carry out ▪ They carefully executed the plan. ▪ execute an order b : to do or perform (an action or movement that requires skill) ▪ The pilot executed an emergency landing. ▪ The quarterback executed the play perfectly. 3 law : to do what is required by (a legal document or command) ▪ execute a decree ▪ execute the provisions of the will 4 : to make or produce (a work of art) ▪ a statue executed in bronze ▪ a painting executed in bright colors


gizlemek, örtbas etmek, örtmek [+ obj] 1 : to hide (something or someone) from sight ▪ The sunglasses conceal her eyes. ▪ The controls are concealed behind a panel. ▪ The defendant is accused of attempting to conceal evidence. — opposite reveal 2 : to keep (something) secret ▪ The editorial accused the government of concealing the truth. ▪ She could barely conceal her anger. — opposite reveal


gizli, emin, güven veren 1 [more confidential; most confidential] : secret or private ▪ These documents are completely/strictly confidential. ▪ confidential medical records ▪ Someone was leaking confidential information [=telling secrets] to the press. 2 [more confidential; most confidential] : showing that you are saying something that is secret or private ▪ "I have something to tell you," John said in a confidential tone/voice. ▪ Her voice was quiet and confidential. 3 always used before a noun : trusted with secret or private information ▪ She worked as a confidential secretary to the mayor for many years. — con·fi·den·tial·ly adverb ▪ Students can confidentially report any problems they see in their schools. ▪ He leaned forward confidentially and began telling his story. ▪ Confidentially, I don't think she's very good at her job.


gölge, karanlık, iz, ton 1 [noncount] : an area of slight darkness that is produced when something blocks the light of the sun ▪ The buildings cast shade on the plaza. ▪ The tree provided plenty of shade. ▪ These plants grow well in shade. ▪ It was a hot sunny day, but luckily their seats for the game were in the shade. ▪ We sat in the shade of a willow tree. 2 [count] a : something that is used to block strong light ▪ He used his hand as a shade as he looked out into the bright sunlight. ▪ an eye shade b : lampshade ▪ a lamp with a broken shade c US : window shade ▪ She pulled down the shades. 3 shades [plural] informal : sunglasses ▪ She was wearing a cool pair of shades. 4 [noncount] : a darkened area in a drawing, painting, etc. ▪ a painting with contrasting areas of light and shade 5 [count] : a particular type of a color that is lighter, darker, etc., than other types — usually + of ▪ different shades of brown ▪ lipstick in several shades of red ▪ a bright shade of blue 6 [count] : a particular form of something that is usually slightly different from other forms ▪ The word has many shades of meaning. 7 [count] : a very small amount ▪ He saw shades [=traces] of himself in his son. ▪ He is just a shade [=a bit, a little] taller than his brother. ▪ The shirt is a shade too large for me.


görkemli, muhteşem [more majestic; most majestic] : large and impressively beautiful ▪ majestic mountains/trees ▪ majestic phrases — ma·jes·ti·cal·ly /məˈʤɛstɪkli/ adverb ▪ mountains rising majestically above the surrounding hills


görmezden gelmek, göz ardı etmek, dikkatinden kaçmak, gözden kaçırmak [+ obj] 1 a: to fail to see or notice (something) ▪ The detective overlooked an important clue. b: to pay no attention to (something) ▪ She learned to overlook [=ignore] her boyfriend's minor faults.▪ Such a crime should not be overlooked. 2: to not consider (someone) for a job, position, promotion, etc. ▪ The quarterback was overlooked by other teams.— often + for▪ I was overlooked for a promotion. 3 a: to rise above (something) ▪ the mountains that overlook the village b: to have a view looking down at (something) ▪ We rented a suite that overlooks the lake.


göz atmak, kısa bakış [no obj] 1 always followed by an adverb or preposition : to look at someone or something very quickly ▪ Glancing down, she noticed her shoe was untied. ▪ I glanced at my watch. ▪ He sat quietly, glancing through a magazine. ▪ She glanced up from her book when he entered the room. 2 : to hit something and bounce off at an angle — usually + off ▪ The arrow glanced off the shield. ▪ Sunlight glanced off the surface of the pond. n: [count] : a quick look ▪ They exchanged glances. [=looked at each other quickly] ▪ He gave me a quick/passing glance over his shoulder. ▪ I took/had a glance at the newspaper this morning. ▪ He stole/darted a glance at her [=he looked at her quickly] as she walked by. at a glance : with a quick look ▪ She was able to identify the problem at a glance.


gözünü dikmek, sürekli bakış [no obj] : to look at someone or something in a steady way and usually for a long time ▪ He gazed out the window at the snow. ▪ She gazed intently/longingly into his eyes. synonyms gaze, gape, stare, and glare mean to look at something or someone for a long time. gaze suggests looking steadily at something with feelings of interest, wonder, or admiration. ▪ She was gazing at the moon. gape suggests looking in wonder or surprise with your mouth open. ▪ tourists gaping at celebrities stare suggests looking with your eyes open wide, often in a rude way. ▪ Don't stare at him, it's not polite. glare suggests looking in an angry way. ▪ The speaker glared at the people in the audience who were talking.


gözünü korkutmak, yıldırmak [+ obj] : to make (someone) afraid ▪ He tries to intimidate his opponents. ▪ You shouldn't allow his reputation to intimidate you. — often used as (be) intimidated ▪ Many people are intimidated by new technology. ▪ Some people are easily intimidated. ▪ She was intimidated by the size of the campus. — intimidated adjective [more intimidated; most intimidated] ▪ I feel less intimidated now than I did when I started the job. — intimidating adjective [more intimidating; most intimidating] ▪ He is one of the most intimidating men I have ever met. ▪ Speaking in front of a large audience can be very intimidating. — in·tim·i·dat·ing·ly /ɪnˈtɪməˌdeɪtɪŋli/ adverb ▪ The system is intimidatingly complex. — in·tim·i·da·tion /ɪnˌtɪməˈdeɪʃən/ noun [noncount] ▪ intimidation of jurors/witnesses ▪ enforcing agreement by intimidation or violence


gümrük vergisi, fiyat listesi, tarife [count] 1 : a tax on goods coming into or leaving a country 2 chiefly Brit : a list of prices charged by a hotel or restaurant for meals, rooms, etc., or by a public company for gas, electricity, etc.


güven mektubu, referans, kimlik bilgisi[count] 1 : a quality, skill, or experience that makes a person suited to do a job ▪ My experience as a manager is my strongest credential. — usually plural ▪ What are your credentials? [=qualifications] ▪ her impressive academic/professional credentials 2 : a document which shows that a person is qualified to do a particular job ▪ (US) a teaching credential [=(more commonly) certificate] — usually plural ▪ The doctor showed us her credentials. ▪ press credentials [=documents which show that a person is a journalist] — credentialed adjective, US ▪ a credentialed teacher


güvensiz, inanmayan, kuşkulu [more incredulous; most incredulous] : not able or willing to believe something : feeling or showing a lack of belief ▪ She listened to his explanation with an incredulous smile. ▪ He was incredulous at the news. ▪ Many people were incredulous that such a small fire could have caused so much damage. — in·cred·u·lous·ly adverb ▪ She listened incredulously as he explained his decision.


güzel koku, koku, iz kokusu, parfüm,koklayarak bulmak, kokusunu almak 1 [count] a : a pleasant smell that is produced by something ▪ The flower has a wonderful scent. ▪ the scent of flowers/perfume b : a smell that is left by an animal or person and that can be sensed and followed by some animals (such as dogs) ▪ The dogs followed the fox's scent. ▪ The prisoner escaped because the dogs lost his scent. — often used figuratively ▪ The reporter was on the scent of a big story. [=was following/investigating a big story] ▪ Scientists are on the scent of a cure. [=are looking for and are close to finding a cure] ▪ He was being investigated by federal officials but he somehow managed to put them off the/his scent. 2 [singular] a : a slight indication of something that is going to happen or that might happen ▪ There was a scent [=hint] of trouble in the air. [=trouble was developing] b : a quality that suggests or shows the existence of something ▪ Her story has a/the scent of truth. [=her story seems to be true] 3 [count, noncount] : a liquid that is put on your body to give it a pleasant odor : perfume ▪ a bottle of scent


güç algılanan, hemen göze çarpmayan, kurnaz, zekice, usta, incelikli [or more subtle; most subtle] 1 : hard to notice or see : not obvious ▪ a subtle difference in meaning between the words ▪ subtle changes/variations ▪ the subtlest details ▪ Racial discrimination still exists, only now it's subtler than it once was. ▪ subtle flavors 2 : clever and indirect : not showing your real purpose ▪ When it comes to giving criticism, sometimes it's best to take a subtle approach. ▪ He didn't seem to understand my subtle hints. ▪ It was her subtle way of telling me to mind my own business. 3 : having or showing skill at recognizing and understanding things that are not obvious : perceptive ▪ She has a subtle mind. ▪ a subtle analysis


güç ve tatsız iş, angarya [count] 1: a small job that is done regularly ▪ The children were each assigned different household chores.▪ farm chores▪ I liked the simple chore of bringing in the firewood. synonyms 1task 2: a dull, unpleasant, or difficult job or experience ▪ Doing taxes can be a real chore.▪ That movie is a chore to sit through.


haberdar etmek, bilgilendirmek, tanıtmak [+ obj] formal : to cause (someone) to know and become familiar with something ▪ He acquainted the new employee with her duties. [=he told her about her duties] ▪ This class is designed to acquaint students with the region's most important writers. ▪ The lawyer took a few days to acquaint herself with [=to learn about] the facts of a case.


hafifçe vurmak, tıkırdatmak, tıpa, çeşme, vuruş 1 : to hit (someone or something) lightly especially with a small sound [+ obj] ▪ He was tapping the desk with a pencil. ▪ He tapped her (on the) shoulder to get her attention. [no obj] ▪ Go tap on a window and see if anyone is home. 2 : to hit (your fingers, feet, etc.) against something lightly [+ obj] ▪ He was tapping a pencil on the desk. ▪ She tapped her foot to (the beat of) the music. [no obj] ▪ Her foot was tapping to the music. 3 [+ obj] chiefly US : to choose (someone) for a particular job, honor, etc. — often + for ▪ She was tapped for police commissioner. — often followed by to + verb ▪ She was tapped to be police commissioner. tap in/into [phrasal verb] tap (something) in or tap in (something) or tap (something) in/into (something) : to put (information) into a machine (such as a computer or telephone) by pushing buttons ▪ She tapped in my name and found my account records. ▪ He tapped the numbers into the calculator. tap out [phrasal verb] tap (something) out or tap out (something) 1 : to follow the pattern of (something, such as a rhythm) by tapping on a surface ▪ She tapped out the beat with her feet. 2 : to press buttons on a computer or typewriter to write (something) ▪ He quickly tapped out a memo.


hain, fena, kötü, ahlaksız [also more wicked; most wicked] 1 a : morally bad : evil ▪ a wicked act of cruelty ▪ She played the part of the wicked stepmother/witch in the play. b informal : having or showing slightly bad thoughts in a way that is funny or not serious ▪ She wore a wicked grin after her victory. ▪ wicked laughter ▪ She's known for having a wicked sense of humor. 2 informal : very bad or unpleasant ▪ She had a wicked case of food poisoning. ▪ A wicked odor was coming from the closet. 3 informal : very good ▪ He throws a wicked fastball.


halk, inanç,insanlar, millet 1 folks [plural] a chiefly US, informal : people in general ▪ Folks say that house is haunted. ▪ Some folks think the law should be changed. b — used to talk to a group of people in a friendly and informal way ▪ Do you folks need any help? ▪ That's all for today, folks—see you tomorrow! 2 or chiefly US folks [plural] informal : a certain kind of people ▪ a home for old folks ▪ He doesn't much care for city folk. [=people who live in a city] ▪ country folk ▪ the distinctive speech of folks from the South 3 folks [plural] chiefly US, informal : family members ▪ I'll be spending the holidays with my folks. ; especially : parents ▪ His folks gave him everything a kid could want. 4 [noncount] : folk music ▪ My favorite kind of music is folk.


harap etmek, mahvetmek, yıkmak [+ obj] 1 : to destroy much or most of (something) : to cause great damage or harm to (something) ▪ The flood devastated the town. ▪ The disease has devastated the area's oak tree population. ▪ The hurricane left the island completely devastated. ▪ The town was devastated [=ruined] when the factory closed. 2 : to cause (someone) to feel extreme emotional pain — usually used as (be) devastated ▪ She was devastated by the breakup of her marriage.


harika, hayret, mucize, şaşmak [count] : someone or something that is extremely good, skillful, etc. : a wonderful or marvelous person or thing ▪ That boy is a marvel! [=wonder]▪ The bridge is a marvel of engineering. = The bridge is an engineering marvel.▪ architectural marvels v: : to feel great surprise, wonder, or admiration [no obj] — usually + at or over▪ The audience marveled at the magician's skill.▪ The doctors are marveling over her dramatic recovery. [+ obj] ▪ The doctors marveled that anyone could recover so quickly.


harmanlamak, karışım, karıştırmak, uyum sağlamak, tütün harmanı 1 [+ obj] : to mix (things) thoroughly and usually with good results ▪ Blend the fruit, yogurt, and milk (together). ▪ blend caramel with chocolate ▪ The music blends traditional and modern melodies. ▪ She blends psychology and crime in her new novel. 2 [no obj] : to exist together as a combination ▪ Psychology and crime blend (together) in her new novel. ▪ The flavor of the sauce blends well with the fruit. [=the sauce and fruit taste good together] n: [count] : something produced by mixing or combining different things ▪ wool and cotton blends [=fabrics that are made of wool and cotton woven together] ▪ a blend of cream and eggs ▪ a blend of traditional and modern melodies


hasat zamanı,biçmek, ekim, ekin, ürün [count] 1 : the season when crops are gathered from the fields or the activity of gathering crops ▪ The beginning of the harvest varies from year to year. ▪ It is time for the harvest. ▪ harvest time 2 : the amount of crops that are gathered ▪ They prayed for a bountiful harvest. ▪ We had enormous harvests of corn this year. ; also : the amount of a natural product gathered in a single season ▪ the salmon/timber harvest — sometimes used figuratively ▪ The government will reap a bitter harvest of discontent [=many people will be extremely unhappy and angry] if it fails to meet the people's needs. v: [+ obj] 1 : to gather (a crop) ▪ It is time to harvest the wheat. 2 : to gather or collect (something) for use ▪ They want to harvest timber in these woods. — sometimes used figuratively ▪ She has harvested the rewards/fruits of her labors.


hassas, kolay kırılabilen, nazik, hafif [more delicate; most delicate] 1 a : easily broken or damaged ▪ The cup is very delicate [=fragile], so please handle it carefully. ▪ delicate flowers b : easily injured, hurt, or made sick ▪ Her health is very delicate. [=frail] ▪ He has a delicate stomach and often gets sick when traveling. 2 a : attractive and made up of small or fine parts ▪ The fabric has a delicate floral print. ▪ a small boy with delicate (facial) features ▪ She has delicate hands. [=small and attractive hands] b : very carefully and beautifully made ▪ We hung delicate lace curtains in the windows. ▪ The tomb was adorned with delicate carvings. 3 : attractive because of being soft, gentle, light, etc. : pleasant or attractive in a way that is not too strong ▪ the delicate flavor of the wine ▪ a delicate perfume/sauce ▪ a delicate color 4 : easily disturbed or upset ▪ Many people struggle to maintain the delicate balance between work and family. ▪ The violence in the film offended her delicate sensibilities. ▪ The movie is not for delicate [=squeamish] people. 5 : requiring special care or skill : difficult to manage or do well ▪ The doctor performed the delicate operation. ▪ This is a delicate situation that needs to be handled carefully. ▪ The situation calls for a very delicate approach.


hassas, şefkatli [or more tender; most tender] 1 : very loving and gentle : showing affection and love for someone or something ▪ He gave her a tender look. ▪ She was tender and loving with her new child. ▪ tender words ▪ a tender love song 2 of food : easy to chew or bite : not tough ▪ a tender, juicy steak ▪ Cook the pasta until it is just tender. 3 : painful when touched : sore ▪ Her wrist was swollen and tender.


hastalık, hastalanmak, rahatsız etmek, sıkıntıya neden olmak 1 [+ obj] : to cause pain or trouble for (someone) : trouble ▪ This medicine is good for what/whatever ails you. ▪ His back was ailing him. — often used figuratively ▪ a discussion about what ails public education these days 2 [no obj] : to suffer bad health ▪ She has been ailing for years. — often used figuratively ▪ The company is ailing financially. — ailing adjective ▪ He has an ailing back/elbow/heart. ▪ her ailing husband ▪ in ailing health ▪ the ailing economy ▪ an ailing company


hasır, çöp, saz, kamış, çubuk 1 a [noncount] : the dry stems of wheat and other grain plants ▪ a bed/pile of straw — often used before another noun ▪ a straw hat/mat b [count] : a single dry stem of a grain plant ▪ He was chewing on a straw. 2 [count] : a thin tube used for sucking up a drink ▪ He asked for a straw for his iced tea. ▪ She drank the juice through a straw.


hayal, hayalet [count] 1 : the soul of a dead person thought of as living in an unseen world or as appearing to living people : ghost ▪ The book is about the phantoms that are said to haunt the nation's cemeteries. 2 : something that is not real and exists only in a person's mind ▪ The crisis is merely a phantom made up by the media. 3 : something that is hard to see or achieve — often + of ▪ He spent years chasing the phantoms of fame and fortune.


herneyse, herhangi bir : of any kind or amount at all ▪ There's no evidence whatsoever [=whatever] to support your theory. ▪ She'll use any means whatsoever to achieve her goals. ▪ His remark had nothing whatsoever to do with you. ▪ "Is there any reason to wait?" "None whatsoever."


heyecan, coşku 1 [noncount] : a feeling of eager enthusiasm and interest : the state of being excited ▪ Our excitement was building/growing/mounting as the end of the game approached.▪ His hands shook with excitement.▪ The child cried out in excitement. 2 a: exciting activity [noncount] ▪ a trip filled with excitement and adventure▪ We had some excitement this morning. [=something exciting happened this morning] [count] ▪ She talked about the excitements of her new life. b [singular] : a quality that causes feelings of eager enthusiasm : an exciting quality ▪ This job loses its excitement after a while.


hiddet, hiddetlenmek,öfke, şiddet, arzu, coşku 1 a [noncount] : a strong feeling of anger that is difficult to control ▪ Her note to him was full of rage. ▪ He was shaking with rage. ▪ a fit of rage — see also road rage synonyms 1anger b [count] : a sudden expression of violent anger ▪ She was seized by a murderous rage. ▪ His rages rarely last more than a few minutes. ▪ He flew into a rage. [=he suddenly became extremely angry] 2 [singular] a : something that is suddenly very popular ▪ Karaoke is (all) the rage these days. [=karaoke is very popular] b : a strong desire by many people to have or do something — + for ▪ I don't understand the current rage for flavored coffee. [=I don't understand why flavored coffee is so popular]


hoi görmemek, kaş çatmak, surat asmak [count] : a serious facial expression that usually shows anger, displeasure, or concentration ▪ She was wearing a frown. [=she was frowning] v: [no obj] : to make a frown in anger, concentration, etc. ▪ She was frowning when she entered the room, so I knew that she was annoyed about something. frown on/upon [phrasal verb] frown on/upon (something) : to disapprove of (something) ▪ The company frowns on dating among employees. ▪ Public expressions of affection are frowned upon in many cultures. — frown·ing·ly /ˈfraʊnɪŋli/ adverb ▪ She stared frowningly.


hortum, kasırga, tufan, coşkunluk [count] 1 : an extremely large, powerful, and destructive storm with very high winds that turn around an area of low pressure — compare anticyclone 2 chiefly US : tornado — cy·clon·ic /saɪˈklɑ:nɪk/ adjective ▪ cyclonic winds


hoş, mis kokulu [more fragrant; most fragrant] : having a pleasant and usually sweet smell ▪ a fragrant flower ▪ The soup was fragrant with herbs and spices.


hoşgörülü, toleranslı [more tolerant; most tolerant] 1 : willing to accept feelings, habits, or beliefs that are different from your own ▪ a tolerant society/community ▪ tolerant attitudes/opinions/views — often + of ▪ The people in the community are tolerant of each other's differences. 2 : able to allow or accept something that is harmful, unpleasant, etc. — often + of ▪ These plants are tolerant of hot climates. [=are able to live and grow in hot climates] ▪ Our teacher is not tolerant of bad grammar. [=will not tolerate/accept bad grammar]


hız, keşif, keşif gezisi, uzun yolculuk, seyahat [count] 1 : a journey especially by a group of people for a specific purpose (such as to explore a distant place or to do research) ▪ organize/mount/launch a mountain-climbing expedition ▪ a scientific expedition to Antarctica — also used in a playful way to refer to a short trip for a specific purpose ▪ a shopping expedition ▪ fishing expeditions ◊The phrase fishing expedition is sometimes used in a disapproving way, especially in U.S. English, to describe a situation in which a person or group looks for evidence that someone has done something wrong without having a good reason to believe the evidence exists. ▪ Critics charge that the government investigation is a politically motivated fishing expedition. 2 : a group of people who travel together to a distant place : a group of people who go on an expedition ▪ The (members of the) expedition discovered an ancient burial site.


iddia etmek, ileri sürmek, söylemek [+ obj] : to state without definite proof that someone has done something wrong or illegal ▪ allege a person's guilt ▪ He alleged that the mayor has accepted bribes. ▪ The mayor is alleged to have accepted bribes. ▪ allege a conspiracy ▪ She alleged misconduct. = She alleged that there had been misconduct. ▪ You allege that she stole a large quantity of money. Do you have any proof?


ihmal etmek, aldırmamak,savsaklamak, yok saymak [+ obj] 1: to fail to take care of or to give attention to (someone or something) ▪ The building has been neglected for years.▪ She neglects her child.▪ The city has neglected the teacher shortage for too long. 2: to fail to do (something) ▪ The prison guard neglected his duty.— often followed by to + verb▪ He neglected to mention that he was fired.▪ He neglected to sign the check.


ihtilaf, ağız kavgası,dalaşma, kavga etme, hır gür [count] 1 : an angry argument or disagreement ▪ a lover's quarrel = a quarrel between lovers ▪ They had a quarrel about/over money. ▪ a quarrel between husband and wife ▪ She had a quarrel with her mother. 2 : a reason to disagree with or argue about something — + with ▪ I have a few quarrels with your plan. ▪ I have no quarrel with [=I do not object to] your plan. ▪ It would be foolish to pick a quarrel [=start a quarrel] with him. v: [no obj] : to argue about or disagree with something ▪ The children quarrel all the time. ▪ She and her husband are always quarreling about/over money. ▪ I don't want to quarrel with you. ▪ I won't quarrel [=disagree] with your version of what happened.


ikamet etmek, oturmak [no obj] formal1: to live in a particular place ▪ He resides in St. Louis.▪ He still resides at his parents' house. 2: to exist or be present ▪ The power of veto resides with the President. [=the President has the power of veto]▪ Meaning resides within the text of the poem.▪ The importance of this decision resides in the fact that it relates to people across the country.


ilahi [count] : a religious song : a song that praises God ▪ sing a hymn of praise/thanksgiving ▪ a book of hymns = a hymn book — sometimes used figuratively ▪ This sentimental novel is a hymn to childhood and innocence. [=the novel praises childhood and innocence]


ilahi, harika, tanrısal 1 : relating to or coming from God or a god ▪ divine will/law/love/inspiration ▪ They prayed for divine intervention/help. ▪ The pharaohs of ancient Egypt were considered divine. [=were considered to be gods] ▪ a divine ruler [=a ruler who is believed to be a god] ▪ divine beings 2 [more divine; most divine] informal + somewhat old-fashioned : very good ▪ This pie is divine. [=heavenly] ▪ You look divine.


iletmek, bildirmek, ulaştırmak [+ obj] 1 formal : to take or carry (someone or something) from one place to another : transport ▪ The singer was conveyed from her hotel to the airport by limousine. ▪ They conveyed the goods by ship. ▪ The pipes convey water to the fields. 2 : to make (something) known to someone ▪ Words convey [=communicate] meaning. ▪ Mere words could not convey his joy. [=he could not express his joy in words] ▪ The painting conveys [=expresses] a sense/feeling of motion. ▪ Her appearance conveys self-confidence. ▪ The message conveyed a sense of urgency. 3 law : to change the ownership of (property) from one person to another ▪ He conveyed the estate to his son.


ilkbahar çiçeği, papatya [count] : a type of white flower that has a yellow center be pushing up daisies informal + humorous : to be dead ▪ We'll all be pushing up daisies by the time the government balances the budget.


inatçı, aksi, dik başlı [more stubborn; most stubborn] 1 : refusing to change your ideas or to stop doing something ▪ She's wrong, but she's too stubborn to admit it. ▪ I admire his stubborn refusal to quit. ▪ She has a stubborn streak. [=she is often stubborn] ▪ He's (as) stubborn as a mule. [=he's very/extremely stubborn] 2 : difficult to deal with, remove, etc. ▪ stubborn hair ▪ trying to treat a stubborn infection ▪ a stubborn stain


ince, incelikli, nazik, saygılı [more courteous; most courteous] : very polite in a way that shows respect ▪ The clerks were helpful and courteous. ▪ a courteous manner — opposite discourteous — cour·te·ous·ly adverb ▪ He answered my questions courteously. — cour·te·ous·ness noun [noncount] ▪ I appreciated his courteousness.


incelik, erdem, zerafet 1 [noncount] : a way of moving that is smooth and attractive and that is not stiff or awkward ▪ She walked across the stage with effortless grace. 2 a [noncount] : a controlled, polite, and pleasant way of behaving ▪ She handles her problems with grace and dignity. ▪ He has shown remarkable grace during this crisis. ◊People say you have the (good) grace to do something when they approve of what you do and consider it to be polite and proper. ▪ She has the grace [=she is polite/nice enough] to listen to everyone's complaints. ▪ At least he had the good grace to admit that he was wrong. b graces [plural] : skills that are needed for behaving in a polite way in social situations ▪ She is quite lovable despite her lack of social graces. 3 [noncount] a : help or kindness that God gives or shows to people ▪ Let us give thanks for God's grace. ▪ By the grace of God, no one was seriously hurt. ◊People use the phrase (there) but for the grace of God (go I) to say that they could be in the same bad situation as someone else. ▪ I saw a homeless person on the street and thought "there but for the grace of God go I." [=I am lucky not to be homeless also] b : a state of being pleasing to God ▪ She tried to live her life in God's grace. ▪ He died in a state of grace. [=he died after he asked God to forgive his sins]


insan yerleştirmek, oturmak, yaşamak [+ obj] : to live in (a country, city, area, etc.) : to make up the population of (a place) ▪ Immigrants began to populate the area in the late 19th century. ▪ Strange creatures populate the ocean depths. — often used as (be) populated ▪ The country is populated by many ethnic groups. — often used figuratively ▪ The area is populated by small farms. [=the area has many small farms] ▪ His stories are populated with real-life characters. — populated adjective [more populated; most populated] ▪ a densely/heavily populated area [=an area where many people live] ▪ a sparsely/thinly populated area [=an area where few people live] ▪ The most populated region of the country [=the region where most people live] is in the south.


iskambil destesi, süslemek, döşeme, güverte 1: a flat surface that forms the main outside floor of a boat or ship [count] ▪ We stood on the deck and watched dolphins swim near the ship. [noncount] ▪ A number of passengers had come on deck. ◊When you are below deck or below decks, you are in the section of a boat or ship that is under the deck. ▪ We went below deck to our cabin.▪ I stowed my gear below decks. ◊The phrase all hands on deck is used to call all people on a boat or ship to the deck to do work that must be done. ▪ We heard the captain shout "All hands on deck!" as waves crashed over the boat's bow. 2 [count] a: one of the levels on a bus, ship, etc. ▪ the lower/middle/upper deck▪ a seat on the streetcar's top deck▪ a cabin on B deck b: one of the seating levels in a sports stadium ▪ We sat in the lower/upper deck.


isteksiz, gönülsüz [more reluctant; most reluctant] : feeling or showing doubt about doing something : not willing or eager to do something ▪ We were reluctant to get involved. ▪ He might agree but seems reluctant to admit it. ▪ a reluctant participant — re·luc·tance /rɪˈlʌktəns/ noun [singular] ▪ They have shown a reluctance to take risks. [noncount] ▪ He agreed to help us with much/great reluctance. — re·luc·tant·ly adverb ▪ She reluctantly agreed to pay the fine.


istif, yığınlamak, çatı 1 [count] : a usually neat pile : a group of things that are put one on top of the other ▪ He had arranged the letters in stacks. ▪ She took a magazine from near the top of the stack. — often + of ▪ a stack of dishes/papers — see also haystack 2 [count] : a large amount of something — usually + of ▪ There is a stack of evidence against her. ▪ They have stacks of money. 3 [count] : a tall chimney on a factory, ship, etc., for carrying smoke away : smokestack 4 the stacks : the rows of shelves where books are stored in a library ▪ I couldn't find the book in the stacks.


istila etmek, ele geçirmek, bir başkasının hakkına tecavüz etmek 1 : to enter (a place, such as a foreign country) in order to take control by military force [+ obj] ▪ invade a country [no obj] ▪ The troops invaded at dawn. 2 a : to enter (a place) in large numbers [+ obj] ▪ Ants invaded the kitchen. ▪ Tourists invaded the town. [no obj] ▪ When tourists invade, the town is a very different place. b [+ obj] : to enter or be in (a place where you are not wanted) ▪ She was invading my space. [=she was too close to me; she was in the place/space where I was or where I wanted to be] 3 : to spread over or into (something) in a harmful way [+ obj] ▪ The cancer eventually invaded the brain. ▪ Weeds had invaded the garden. ▪ Doubts invaded my mind. [=I began to have many doubts] [no obj] ▪ Bacteria invaded and caused an infection. 4 [+ obj] : to affect (something, such as your life or privacy) in an unwanted way ▪ He thinks people were happier before TV and the Internet invaded our lives. ▪ Photographers invaded her privacy. [=caused her to lose her privacy; intruded on her privacy] — in·vad·er noun, plural in·vad·ers [count] ▪ The city was attacked by invaders from the north.


itiraf etmek, kabul etmek 1 : to admit that you did something wrong or illegal [no obj] ▪ He confessed after being questioned for many hours. — often + to ▪ He's still refusing to confess to the murder. ▪ No one confessed to taking the pen. ▪ She confessed to having lied to me in the past. [=she told me that she lied to me] [+ obj] ▪ She confessed [=admitted] that she stole the necklace. ▪ He willingly confessed his crime/guilt. 2 : to talk about or admit something that makes you embarrassed, ashamed, etc. [+ obj] ▪ He confessed (that) he got lost and had to ask for directions. ▪ I have to confess that I was afraid at first. ▪ I must confess [=I am a little embarrassed to say] that I know nothing about computers. ▪ He never confessed his love for her. [=he never told her that he loved her] [no obj] — usually + to ▪ She confessed to a love of trashy romance novels. [=she admitted that she loves trashy romance novels] ▪ I confess to being a little unsure about what to do. 3 : to tell (your sins) to God or to a priest [+ obj] ▪ I confessed my sins to the priest. [no obj] ▪ I haven't confessed [=gone to confession] in three months.


iyiliksever, eli açık, cömert 1: done or designed to help people who are poor, sick, etc. ▪ She makes a charitable donation/contribution every year.▪ He performs charitable work to help the poor.▪ charitable organizations▪ They give money to charitable causes. 2 [more charitable; most charitable] : showing kindness in talking about or judging other people : not very critical ▪ She has tried to be charitable about her sister's problems.▪ They tried to find a charitable explanation for his actions. [=an explanation that assumes that there was a good reason for his actions]▪ Half of the class has a chance at passing the test, and that is a charitable estimate.


iz, izini sürmek, işaret, dayanmak [count] 1 : a very small amount of something ▪ He could detect a trace [=hint] of cinnamon in the cookies. ▪ She spoke without a trace of irony. — sometimes used before another noun ▪ Trace amounts of the pesticide were found in many foods. — see also trace element 2 : something (such as a mark or an object) which shows that someone or something was in a particular place ▪ The scientists found traces of human activity in the area. ▪ The thieves left no trace of evidence behind. ▪ He disappeared/vanished without a trace. [=without leaving any signs to show where he went] v: 1 [+ obj] a : to draw the outline of (something) ▪ The children traced their hands onto the sidewalk with chalk. ; especially : to copy (a design or picture) by putting a thin piece of paper that you can see through over it and drawing on top of it ▪ You can put a piece of paper over the pattern and trace it. b : to draw (something, such as letters or a picture) especially in a careful way ▪ She traced the letters of her name. ▪ I traced a circle in the air/sand (with my finger). — often + out ▪ She traced the letters out on a sheet of paper. 2 [+ obj] : to follow the path or line of (something) ▪ We will need to trace the electrical wires through the walls. ▪ She traced the edge of the book with her finger. [=she moved her finger along the edge of the book] 3 : to follow (something) back to its cause, beginning, or origin : to find out where something came from [+ obj] — usually + to ▪ The noise was traced to a loose bolt in the car's engine. ▪ The police traced the call to a payphone. — often + back ▪ He can trace his family history all the way back to the Pilgrims. ▪ The word "amiable" can be traced back to the Latin word for "friend." [no obj] ▪ The word "amiable" traces back to the Latin word for "friend." ▪ a tradition that traces back to [=goes back to] the time of the ancient Romans


içi boş, çukur açmak, oyuk, derin, sahtelik, boş 1 : having nothing inside : not solid ▪ a hollow log 2 : curved inward or down ▪ hollow [=sunken] cheeks ▪ There was a hollow spot in the field. 3 : not having real value or meaning ▪ They achieved a hollow victory over a team missing its best players. [=their victory was not an important or impressive one since the other team was missing its best players] ▪ She made hollow promises. [=she made promises she would not keep] ▪ Their threats ring hollow. = Their threats have a hollow ring. [=their threats do not seem truthful or sincere] 4 ◊A sound that is hollow is like the sound made when you hit something that is empty inside. ▪ He heard a hollow sound when he knocked on the wall. 5 : weak and without any emotion ▪ "It's useless," he said in a hollow voice. ▪ a hollow laugh


işaret parmağı


işaret, dönüm noktası, sınır taşı, belirli nokta [count] 1 a : an object or structure on land that is easy to see and recognize ▪ The Golden Gate Bridge is a famous/familiar landmark in San Francisco. b US : a building or place that was important in history ▪ The battlefield is a national historical landmark. 2 : a very important event or achievement ▪ The moon landing is a landmark in space exploration. ▪ The decision/ruling was a landmark in legal history. — often used before another noun ▪ a landmark legal case ▪ a landmark court decision ▪ a landmark discovery


işkence, eziyet 1 [noncount] : extreme physical or mental pain ▪ She lived in torment [=anguish] for the rest of her life. ▪ No one could understand his inner torment. ▪ After years of torment, she left her husband. 2 [count] : something that causes extreme physical or mental pain ▪ The mosquitoes were a constant torment.


iştah, arzu, istek 1 : a physical desire for food [count] ▪ He has a healthy/good/hearty appetite. ▪ men with big/large/gargantuan appetites ▪ Delicious smells from the kitchen whetted our appetites. [=made us hungry] ▪ That movie made me lose my appetite. [=I no longer wanted to eat after seeing that movie] [noncount] ▪ Some common symptoms are tiredness, nausea, and loss of appetite. ▪ I had no appetite and couldn't sleep. 2 [count] : a desire or liking for something ▪ a healthy sexual appetite — usually + for ▪ He has a voracious appetite for books/reading. ▪ She has an appetite for adventure. [=she likes adventure; she likes to do adventurous things]


kabarmak, koltukları kabarmak, şişirmek, şişmek, yükselmek 1 [no obj] : to become larger than normal ▪ Her broken ankle swelled badly. — often + up ▪ The bee sting made my whole arm swell up. 2 [+ obj] : to make (something, such as a river) larger or more full than normal ▪ Heavy rains swelled the river. 3 : to increase in size or number [no obj] ▪ The population has swelled/swollen in recent years. ▪ The economy is swelling at an annual rate of five percent. [+ obj] ▪ Immigrants have swelled the population. 4 [no obj] : to become louder ▪ The music swelled. 5 : to cause (something, such as a sail) to stretch outward and become full [+ obj] ▪ The breeze swelled (out) the sails. [no obj] ▪ The sails swelled (out) in the breeze. 6 [no obj] : to feel an emotion strongly — + with ▪ His heart swelled with pride. [=he felt very proud]


kader mahkumu, mecbur, ölüme mahkum, mahkum olmak [+ obj] : to make (someone or something) certain to fail, suffer, die, etc. ▪ A criminal record will doom your chances of becoming a politician. — usually used as (be) doomed ▪ The plan was doomed from the start. ▪ The treaty is doomed [=destined] to failure/fail. ▪ If no one rescues us, we are doomed. ▪ a project doomed by the poor/weak economy ▪ The species is doomed to extinction. — doomed adjective ▪ a doomed plan/mission/ship


kaftan, cüppe, sabahlık [count] 1 : a long, loose piece of clothing that is worn on top of other clothes to show that someone has a high rank or an important job ▪ The priest wore a purple robe. — often plural ▪ a judge's robes ▪ The king was dressed in red robes. 2 chiefly US : a loose piece of clothing that wraps around your body and that you wear before or after bathing, swimming, etc., or while resting at home —called also dressing gown;


kaldırmak, yüceltmek [+ obj] 1 : to lift (something) up ▪ The doctor told her to elevate [=raise] her leg. 2 : to increase the level of (something) : to make (something) higher ▪ exercises that elevate the heart rate 3 : to raise (someone) to a higher rank or level ▪ He was elevated to (the position of) chairman. = He was elevated to the chairmanship. 4 somewhat formal : to improve the mind or mood of (someone) ▪ A great book can both elevate and entertain its readers. ▪ A great book can elevate the human spirit. ▪ It was an elevating [=uplifting] experience.


kalkışmak, suç işlemek, taahhüt etmek 1 [+ obj] : to do (something that is illegal or harmful) ▪ commit [=perpetrate] a crime ▪ commit suicide/murder/rape/adultery ▪ The massacre was committed by the rebel army. 2 [+ obj] : to decide to use (a person, money, etc.) for some particular purpose or use — often + to or for ▪ The army committed two divisions to the battle. ▪ The city committed millions of dollars for the housing project. 3 : to say that (someone or something) will definitely do something : to make (someone or something) obligated to do something [+ obj] ▪ I've committed myself to a meeting on Thursday. = I'm committed to a meeting on Thursday. [=I have said that I will definitely go to a meeting on Thursday] ▪ The contract commits the company to finishing the bridge by next fall. ▪ He keeps delaying his decision because he doesn't want to commit himself. [no obj] ▪ Many companies are reluctant to commit to the new technology. [=to say that they will definitely use it] ▪ They have not yet committed to a particular course of action. 4 : to decide to give your love, support, or effort to someone or something in a serious or permanent way [no obj] ▪ My girlfriend just can't seem to commit! [+ obj] ▪ He won't commit himself to a long-term relationship. ▪ Many local officials have not yet committed themselves to a presidential candidate. ▪ They are committing themselves to the pursuit of truth. 5 [+ obj] : to cause (someone) to be put in a prison or a mental hospital — usually used as (be) committed ▪ She was committed to a state mental hospital. 6 [+ obj] Brit, law : to order (someone) to be tried in a court of law ▪ The magistrate committed him to stand trial at the Bristol Crown Court.


kanepe v: beyan etmek, ifade etmek [+ obj] formal : to say or express (something) in a particular way — usually used as (be) couched — usually + in ▪ The letter was couched in polite terms.


kanun kaçağı, haydut, kanun dışı [count] : a person who has broken the law and who is hiding or running away to avoid punishment ▪ Billy the Kid was one of the most famous outlaws of America's early history. ▪ a gang of outlaws v: [+ obj] : to make (something) illegal ▪ That type of gun was outlawed last year. ▪ The government passed a bill outlawing the hiring of children under the age of 12.


kapsamlı, kombine, ortak, ayrıntılı [more comprehensive; most comprehensive] 1 : including many, most, or all things ▪ a comprehensive list ▪ comprehensive insurance [=insurance that covers all kinds of risks] ▪ a comprehensive [=thorough] course of study 2 Brit : of or relating to a comprehensive school ▪ comprehensive education — com·pre·hen·sive·ly /ˌkɑ:mprɪˈhɛnsɪvli/ adverb ▪ Each patient was comprehensively [=completely, thoroughly] evaluated. ▪ Trade was comprehensively regulated by the authorities. ▪ (Brit) The team was comprehensively [=soundly] beaten/defeated.


kara kalem, mangal kömürü [noncount] 1 : a hard black material that is made by burning wood with a small amount of air ◊Charcoal is burned for cooking food and is also made into sticks that are used for drawing pictures. ▪ hamburgers cooked over charcoal ▪ a charcoal grill ▪ charcoal drawings 2 : a dark gray color


karalamak, kirletmek, çevreyi kirletmek [+ obj] : to make (land, water, air, etc.) dirty and not safe or suitable to use ▪ Waste from the factory had polluted [=contaminated] the river. ▪ Miles of beaches were polluted by the oil spill. ▪ Car exhaust pollutes the air. — often used figuratively ▪ Violence on television is polluting the minds of children.


karıştırmak, canlandırmak, kımıldamak, hareket ettirmek, kaşıkla karıştırmak 1 [+ obj] : to mix (something) by making circular movements in it with a spoon or similar object ▪ She stirred her coffee. ▪ The cake batter must be stirred for 10 minutes. ▪ Stir one cup of sugar into the batter. 2 : to move or cause (someone or something) to move after being still [no obj] ▪ She heard him stir (in bed). [=heard him begin to move in bed as he woke up] ▪ He never stirred from the couch [=he stayed on the couch] all afternoon. [+ obj] ▪ She was stirred from her sleep by the noise. ▪ The breeze stirred the leaves on the tree. 3 a [no obj] : to be active or busy ▪ We could see people stirring inside the shop. ▪ "Not a creature was stirring" — Clement Moore, "A Visit from Saint Nicholas" (1822) b [+ obj] : to cause (someone or something) to be active ▪ A good book can stir the imagination. ▪ He stirred himself to action. [=he began to take action] 4 [+ obj] : to cause (an emotion or reaction) ▪ The bad economic news has stirred anxiety among investors. [=has caused investors to worry] — usually + up ▪ The bad news has stirred up a lot of anxiety. ▪ The story stirred up some deep emotions within him. stir up [phrasal verb] 1 stir up (someone) or stir (someone) up : to cause (someone) to feel a strong emotion and a desire to do something ▪ The speech stirred up the crowd.


karşı olmak, başkaldırmak [+ obj] 1 : to disagree with or disapprove of (something or someone) ▪ The governor opposes the death penalty. ▪ The change is opposed by many of the town's business leaders. ▪ The group opposes the mayor and is trying to find a candidate to run against her. ▪ You've opposed every suggestion I've made. 2 a : to compete against (someone) : to be an opponent of (someone) ▪ He met the man who will oppose him in the next election. ▪ These two teams opposed each other in last year's playoffs. b : to try to stop or defeat (something) ▪ We're hoping we can get more senators to oppose the legislation.


karşıt, zıt, tersine, aykırı on the contrary also quite the contrary — used to state that the opposite of what was said before is true ▪ The test will not be easy; on the contrary, it will be very difficult. ▪ The lecture was not boring. Quite the contrary, it was very informative and interesting. the contrary : an opposite or different fact, event, or situation ▪ He was sure his sister had made a mistake, but the contrary was true: she was right and he was wrong. to the contrary : stating or proving the opposite of something ▪ He was no fool, despite talk to the contrary. ▪ Unless there is evidence to the contrary, we have to believe them. adj: 1 : exactly opposite to something else : entirely different from something else ▪ The sisters gave contrary answers: one said "yes" and one said "no." ▪ We had contrary opinions/views on the issue. 2 : against or opposed to something ▪ Without contrary evidence, the jury will find her guilty. — often + to ▪ Going over the speed limit is contrary to traffic laws. [=it is illegal; it is against the law] 3 : not favorable or helpful ▪ The boat sailed against a contrary wind. ▪ Contrary weather impeded the rescue efforts. 4 /kɑnˈtreri/ : unwilling to obey or behave well ▪ a contrary child


kasti, planlı [more deliberate; most deliberate] 1 : done or said in a way that is planned or intended : done or said on purpose ▪ I don't think that was a mistake; I think it was deliberate. [=intentional] ▪ a deliberate [=planned] attempt to trick people 2 : done or decided after careful thought ▪ a deliberate choice/decision 3 : slow and careful ▪ She spoke in a clear, deliberate manner/way. ▪ He advocates a slow and deliberate approach to the problem. v:düşünüp taşınmak, müzakere etmek : to think about or discuss something very carefully in order to make a decision [no obj] ▪ The jury deliberated for two days before reaching a verdict. [+ obj] ▪ They will deliberate the question. — often + whether, what, etc. ▪ I've been deliberating [=debating] whether or not to accept the job offer.


kavramak, yakalamak, pençe, avuçlamak, tutmak [+ obj] 1 : to take and hold (something) with your fingers, hands, etc. ▪ I grasped the end of the rope and pulled as hard as I could. ▪ I grasped the rope by its end. ▪ His arthritis is so bad he can barely grasp a pencil. — often used figuratively ▪ We need to grasp [=seize] this opportunity while we can. 2 : to understand (something that is complicated or difficult) ▪ They failed to grasp [=comprehend] the importance of talking to their children about the dangers of taking drugs. ▪ They don't (fully) grasp the implications of these changes. grasp at [phrasal verb] grasp at (something) : to try to take or get (something) in an eager or desperate way ▪ They were ready to grasp at any possible solution. ▪ He grasped at the opportunity to speak with her.


kazanç sağlamak, vermek, ürün vermek, sağlamak 1 [+ obj] a : to produce or provide (something, such as a plant or crop) ▪ The apple/peach trees yielded an abundant harvest. ▪ This soil should yield good crops. ▪ The seeds yield a rich oil. b : to produce (something) as a result of time, effort, or work ▪ New methods have yielded promising results in the field. ▪ The studies yielded clear evidence. — sometimes + up ▪ Their research has yielded up some surprising results. c : to produce (a profit, an amount of money, etc.) ▪ The tax is expected to yield millions. ▪ The bond yields seven percent annually. 2 [no obj] : to agree to do or accept something that you have been resisting : to stop trying to resist or oppose something ▪ After several hours of debate, the opposition yielded. — often + to ▪ The company refused to yield to the protesters' demands. ▪ The architect yielded to critics and changed the design. ▪ I finally yielded to temptation and had some cake. n: [count] 1 : the amount of something that is produced by a plant, farm, etc. ▪ Our yield of wheat increased this year. ▪ The average yield per tree is about one bushel. 2 : the profit made from an investment ▪ The yield on government bonds is currently seven percent. ▪ stocks with high-percentage yields


kaçmak, sıvışmak, terketmek 1 [no obj] : to run away from danger ▪ They fled for their lives. [=they fled to save their lives] ▪ The family fled from Nazi Germany to Britain in 1936. 2 [+ obj] : to run away from (a place) ▪ He was accused of trying to flee the scene of the accident. ▪ Many people fled the city to escape the fighting. ▪ He was forced to flee the country.


kaşımak, kaşınmak, karalamak, çizmek, sıyrık 1 a : to rub your skin with something sharp (such as your fingernails) especially in order to stop an itch [+ obj] ▪ Will you scratch my back for me? ▪ Scratching the itch only makes it worse. ▪ The dog scratched its ear. — sometimes used figuratively ▪ Maybe it's time to scratch the/that itch to travel I've had since I was a kid. [=maybe it's time to satisfy the urge I've had to travel] [no obj] ▪ You shouldn't scratch. It'll just make your itch worse. — see also scratch someone's back (below) b : to make a shallow and narrow cut in (your skin) with something sharp (such as fingernails, claws, etc.) [+ obj] ▪ The cat scratched me. ▪ Thorns scratched our legs as we climbed through the briars. [no obj] ▪ Careful, the cat will scratch. c [no obj] : to rub a surface or object with something sharp or rough in a way that produces a harsh sound ▪ The dog was scratching at the door. 2 [+ obj] a : to make a line or mark in the surface of (something) by rubbing or cutting it with something rough or sharp ▪ Be careful not to scratch the table. ▪ Someone scratched the paint on my car. b : to make (something, such as a line or letters) in the surface of something by using a stick, a sharp tool, etc. ▪ The little boy scratched lines in the dirt with a stick. ▪ They scratched their initials in the old bridge. c : to write (something) in a quick and untidy way ▪ She scratched a note to herself on a napkin.


keder, tasa, acı , üzüntü 1 a [noncount] : deep sadness caused especially by someone's death ▪ He has been unable to recover from his grief at/over his son's death. ▪ She was overcome with/by grief. b [count] : a cause of deep sadness ▪ the joys and griefs of our lives 2 [noncount] informal a : trouble or annoyance ▪ I've had enough grief for one day. ▪ Trying to fix the computer isn't worth the grief. b : annoying or playful criticism ▪ He's taken/gotten/had a lot of grief from his friends. ▪ His friends have been giving him a lot of grief. come to grief : to experience failure, disaster, etc. ▪ The boat came to grief on the rocks. ▪ Their plans for opening a restaurant came to grief when they failed to get a loan. good grief informal — used to express surprise or annoyance ▪ "He's burned the toast." "Good grief! Can't he do anything right?"


keder, üzüntü, acı 1 [noncount] : a feeling of sadness or grief caused especially by the loss of someone or something ▪ I felt sorrow at/over the death of my friend. ▪ an expression of sorrow ▪ (chiefly Brit) He spoke more in sorrow than in anger. [=because of sadness or disappointment rather than anger] 2 [count] : a cause of grief or sadness ▪ a life filled with joys and sorrows ▪ She had a secret sorrow. ▪ He went to the bar to drown his sorrows. [=to forget about the things that were making him sad by getting drunk]

hold back

kendini tutmak, çekinmek, durdurmak 1 a : to stop yourself from doing something ▪ She wanted to introduce herself to him but she held back out of shyness. b : to make a less than complete effort ▪ She could have beaten him in the race, but she held back and let him win. [=she did not run as fast as she could have so that he would win] c hold (someone) back : to stop (someone) from doing something ▪ Once he starts talking, there's no holding him back. [=it's very hard to get him to stop talking] 2 hold (something) back or hold back (something) a : to not allow (something) to be seen or known by someone ▪ He was unable to hold back his tears. [=to keep from crying] ▪ 3 hold (someone or something) back or hold back (someone or something) : to stop (someone or something) from moving forward : to stop (someone or something) from advancing to the next level, grade, or stage ▪ She might have been more successful, but bad health held her back. ▪ He was held back [=kept back] in first grade.


keskin, düşkün, sivri [also more keen; most keen] 1 : having or showing an ability to think clearly and to understand what is not obvious or simple about something ▪ a keen intellect/intelligence/mind ▪ She's a very keen observer of the political world. ▪ She made some keen [=acute] observations. ▪ a keen wit 2 : very strong and sensitive : highly developed ▪ The dog has a keen sense of smell. = The dog has a keen nose. ▪ keen [=acute] eyesight/hearing ▪ She had a keen awareness of what was happening. [=she knew exactly what was happening] ▪ She has a keen ear for languages. [=she is able to easily learn and understand languages] ▪ He has a keen eye for details. [=he is good at noticing details] 3 a : very excited about and interested in something ▪ She's a keen tennis player. = She's keen about tennis. ▪ He's a keen student of art history. = He has a keen interest in art history. b : feeling a strong and impatient desire to do something ▪ He is keen [=eager] to learn more about art history.


kestirme, kestirme yol [count] 1 : a shorter, quicker, or easier way to get to a place ▪ Wait, I know a shortcut. Turn left here. ▪ We took a shortcut home. ▪ Let's take the shortcut through the woods. 2 : a quicker or easier way to do something ▪ I used a shortcut to calculate the total weight. ▪ There are no shortcuts to/for learning another language. ▪ Mistakes were made because too many shortcuts were taken.


kestirmek, kısa uyku, uyuklamak [count] : a short period of sleep especially during the day ▪ She awoke from her nap rested and refreshed. ▪ You look like you could use a nap. ▪ He put the baby down for a nap. ▪ Grandma takes a nap every afternoon. v: [no obj] 1 : to sleep for a short period of time especially during the day ▪ He's napping [=dozing] on the couch. 2 : to be in a state in which you are not prepared to deal with something because you were not paying attention ▪ The goalie had to be napping when that ball got by him. ▪ When the problem appeared again, the government was caught napping. [=the government was not prepared to deal with it]


komplo, gizli anlaşma, suikast 1 [count] : a secret plan made by two or more people to do something that is harmful or illegal ▪ The CIA uncovered a conspiracy against the government. 2 [noncount] : the act of secretly planning to do something that is harmful or illegal ▪ They were accused of conspiracy to commit murder.


konak, köşk [count] : a large and impressive house : the large house of a wealthy person ▪ a mansion with 10 bedrooms and an indoor swimming pool


konaklamak, tünek, tüneklemek [count] : a place where birds rest or sleep rule the roost informal : to have the most control or authority in a group ▪ In my small elementary school, bullies ruled the roost. v: [no obj] of a bird : to rest or sleep somewhere ▪ Pigeons roost on the building's ledge. come home to roost ◊If something from your past comes home to roost or your/the chickens come home to roost, you experience problems that you deserve because they are caused by your past actions or are like the problems you have caused for other people. ▪ Her bad decisions are coming home to roost. ▪ He's been cheating people for years but now the chickens are (finally) coming home to roost. [=he is getting what he deserves]


kongre, toplantı 1 [count] : a formal meeting in which representatives or experts discuss important matters, make decisions, etc. ▪ a Communist Party congress ▪ an annual academic congress 2 a : the group of people who are responsible for making the laws of a country in some kinds of government [count] ▪ She was recently elected to the country's congress. ▪ the congresses of Mexico and Chile [noncount] ▪ acts of congress b Congress [singular] : a particular congress ; especially : the congress of the United States that includes the Senate and the House of Representatives ▪ The bill easily passed both houses of Congress. ▪ Congress is not currently in session.


konserve yapmak, konserve, muhafaza etmek, reçel [+ obj] 1 : to keep (something) safe from being damaged or destroyed ▪ The organization works to conserve [=save] our national forests/wildlife. ▪ a scientist who is studying ways to conserve [=preserve] biological diversity 2 : to use (something) carefully in order to prevent loss or waste ▪ With so little rain, everyone had to conserve water. ▪ We need to conserve our natural resources. ▪ Don't run around too much—you need to conserve your strength. ▪ conserving fuel/energy


konu, bahis, nesne, hedef [count] 1 : the person or thing that is being discussed or described : topic ▪ The new museum is the subject of an article in today's paper. ▪ Death is a difficult subject that few people like to talk about. ▪ I need to break the news to her, but I'm not sure how to bring up the subject. ▪ If you're interested in linguistics, I know an excellent book on the/that subject. ▪ an excellent book on the subject of linguistics ▪ While we're on the subject of [=talking about] work, have you met the new boss? ▪ Every time I talk to her, we seem to get on/onto the subject of work. [=we start talking about work] ▪ These meetings would be much shorter if we could keep him from getting off the subject. ▪ I didn't want to talk about work, so I changed the subject. [=started a new topic of conversation] ▪ When he started getting upset, I dropped the subject. [=stopped talking about that topic] ▪ The morality of capital punishment is a frequent subject of/for debate. 2 : an area of knowledge that is studied in school ▪ Chemistry was my favorite subject in high school. ▪ The classes cover a variety of subject areas, including mathematics and English. 3 : a person or thing that is being dealt with in a particular way — + of ▪ He was the subject of a criminal investigation. [=he was investigated to find out if he had committed a crime] ▪ She was the subject of a lawsuit. 4 : someone or something that is shown in a photograph, painting, etc. ▪ Love between a mother and child is the subject of many of her paintings. ▪ The photographer's principal subjects were poor immigrant workers. ▪ What kind of exposure should I use for a dark subject on a light background? 5 : a person or animal that is used in an experiment, study, etc. ▪ Each subject was asked to fill out a questionnaire. ▪ The hospital is recruiting test subjects for the study.


korkutmak, ürtütmek, dehşete düşürmek [+ obj] : to cause (someone) to feel fear, shock, or disgust ▪ The thought of war appalls me. ▪ It appalls me to think of the way those children have been treated. — often used as (be) appalled ▪ We were appalled at how long it took for our food to be served. = We were appalled that it took so long. ▪ She was appalled by/at their behavior.


kovalamak, peşinde koşmak, takip etmek, sürdürmek [+ obj] 1 : to follow and try to catch or capture (someone or something) for usually a long distance or time ▪ Hounds pursued the fox for miles. ▪ The criminal is being pursued by police. 2 : to try to get or do (something) over a period of time ▪ He chose to pursue a college degree. ▪ She wants to pursue a legal career. 3 : to be involved in (an activity) ▪ pursue a hobby 4 : to move along (a course) ▪ The ship pursued [=followed] a northerly course. 5 : to make an effort to find out more about (something) ▪ I'll be meeting with my lawyer to pursue this matter further. ▪ My associate is interested in pursuing the case.


kovalamak, uğraş, ilgi alanı 1 [noncount] : the act of pursuing someone or something: such as a : the act of following or chasing someone or something ▪ The hounds were running in the woods in pursuit of a fox. ▪ The escaped prisoner ran through the park with the police in full pursuit. [=ran through the park while being chased/pursued by the police] ▪ A car raced past us with the police in hot/close pursuit. [=following very closely behind] b : an attempt to find, achieve, or get something — + of ▪ the pursuit of excellence/knowledge ▪ the pursuit of happiness ▪ the pursuit of a college degree ▪ He would do anything in pursuit of wealth and fame. [=he would do anything to achieve wealth and fame] 2 [count] : an activity that is done for pleasure ▪ She enjoys reading, knitting, and other quiet pursuits.


kovmak, azletmek, reddetmek, görevden almak, bırakmak [+ obj] 1 : to decide not to think about or consider (something or someone) ▪ We dismissed his accusations. ▪ We can't completely dismiss [=discount] the possibility that she's right. ▪ I don't think we should dismiss the matter lightly. — often + as ▪ His idea was dismissed as impractical. ▪ For a long time they dismissed her as a silly old woman. 2 : to send (someone) away : to cause or allow (someone) to leave ▪ The students were dismissed early because of the snowstorm. ▪ Class is dismissed. [=the class is over and students are free to leave] 3 : to officially make (someone) leave a job : to end the employment or service of (someone) ▪ He was dismissed [=fired] from his job. ▪ Several employees were recently dismissed. 4 law : to officially end or stop (something, such as a legal case) ▪ The judge dismissed the case/suit. ▪ All charges were dismissed. [=dropped] — dis·miss·al /dɪsˈmɪsəl/ noun, plural dis·miss·als [count] ▪ I was surprised by his dismissal of the idea. ▪ A small group is protesting the dismissals of several employees. ▪ the dismissal of the lawsuit [noncount] ▪ He still hopes to win his claim for unfair dismissal.


koyu, sıkılaştırılmış, kısaltılmış, yoğunlaştırılmış 1 [+ obj] : to make (something) shorter or smaller by removing parts that are less important ▪ The information is collected and then passed on to the CEO in condensed form. ▪ a condensed [=abridged] version of the story — often + to or into ▪ We've condensed the most important news down to a few paragraphs. ▪ Every week, they condense several hours of videotape into a one half-hour TV show. ▪ The book condenses nearly 50 years of history into 200 pages. 2 [no obj] : to change from a gas into a liquid ▪ The cooler temperatures cause the gas to condense into a liquid. ▪ Moisture in the air condenses to form tiny drops of water. 3 [+ obj] : to remove water from (something) to make it thicker ▪ Condense the milk by cooking it slowly. ▪ a can of condensed soup [=soup that has had much of the water removed and that is served by heating it with milk or water]


kucaklamak, sarılmak, sahiplenmek, benimsemek, kabul etmek 1 : to hold someone in your arms as a way of expressing love or friendship [+ obj] ▪ He embraced her warmly/lovingly/tenderly. ▪ two old friends (warmly) embracing [=hugging] each other [no obj] ▪ They embraced one last time before going their separate ways. ◊Although embrace and hug each describe holding another person in your arms, embrace usually suggests deeper or stronger feelings than hug does. 2 [+ obj] a : to accept (something or someone) readily or gladly ▪ a politician who has been embraced by conservatives ▪ embrace [=adopt] a cause/religion ▪ These ideas have been (widely) embraced by a the scientific community. b : to use (an opportunity) eagerly ▪ She gladly/eagerly embraced [=welcomed] the opportunity/chance to study abroad. 3 [+ obj] formal : to contain or include (something) as a part of something larger ▪ Charity embraces all acts of generous giving. ▪ It's a subject that embraces many areas of learning. 4 [+ obj] literary : to enclose (something) on all sides — usually used as (be) embraced ▪ a town embraced [=surrounded] by low hills n: [count] : the act of holding someone in your arms : the act of embracing someone ▪ He held her in a warm/loving/tender embrace.


kulüp, katılmak, toplamak, toplanmak, sopayla dövmek [+ obj] : to hit (a person or animal) with a heavy stick or object ▪ They clubbed him with a baseball bat. ▪ He was clubbed to death. [=killed by being hit him with a heavy object] club together [phrasal verb] Brit : to combine your money with the money of other people ◊If a group of people club together to do something, each member of the group gives some money to pay for something. ▪ We clubbed together to buy him a new watch.


kumar, kumar oynamak 1 [no obj] : to play a game in which you can win or lose money or possessions : to bet money or other valuable things ▪ I like to gamble. ▪ He's been drinking and gambling heavily. ▪ gambling at cards — often + on ▪ She likes to gamble on football games. 2 [+ obj] a : to risk losing (an amount of money) in a game or bet ▪ He would often gamble hundreds of dollars on a hand of poker. b : to risk losing (something valuable or important) in order to do or achieve something ▪ She gambled [=risked] everything she owned to start the business. — often + on ▪ The company is gambling [=betting, risking] everything on this strategy.


kuramsal, teorik 1 : relating to what is possible or imagined rather than to what is known to be true or real ▪ On a theoretical level, hiring more people seems logical. ▪ The idea is purely theoretical at this point. ▪ a theoretical argument ▪ The teacher gave us a theoretical [=hypothetical] situation as an example. ▪ The danger is more than just a theoretical possibility. ▪ I was speaking in theoretical terms. [=theoretically] 2 : relating to the general principles or ideas of a subject rather than the practical uses of those ideas ▪ theoretical physics


kurumsal, şirkete ait, tüzel, birleşmiş 1 a : involving or associated with a corporation ▪ We have to change the corporate structure to survive. ▪ A bunch of corporate types in suits were sitting at the table in the conference room. ▪ corporate debt/bonds/taxes b : consisting of or including large corporations ▪ He is one of the most powerful men in corporate America. c often disapproving : produced by or associated with large corporations ▪ corporate rock music ▪ corporate art 2 : formed into a legal corporation ▪ The business is a corporate entity.


kuşkulu, şüpheli [more suspicious; most suspicious] 1 : causing a feeling that something is wrong or that someone is behaving wrongly : causing suspicion ▪ We were instructed to report any suspicious activity/behavior in the neighborhood. ▪ The suspicious vehicle was reported to police. ▪ He died under suspicious circumstances. [=under circumstances that suggest a crime may have been committed] ▪ Suspicious characters were seen hanging around the bank. ▪ He found a suspicious lump on his back and was afraid it might be cancer. 2 : having or showing a feeling that something is wrong or that someone is behaving wrongly : feeling or showing suspicion ▪ Officials are suspicious about her death. ▪ His manner made me suspicious. — often + of ▪ She became suspicious of his behavior. ▪ The dog is suspicious of strangers. [=the dog does not trust strangers] ▪ We noticed the suspicious stare of the security guard.


kümes hayvanları [noncount] 1 : birds (such as chickens and ducks) that are raised on farms for their eggs or meat 2 : meat from a bird ▪ This wine goes well with poultry.


kürek, kürek çekmek, kanatlı [count] 1 : a long, usually wooden pole that has a wide, flat part at the end and is used to move and steer a small boat (such as a canoe) — see picture at boat; compare oar 2 US : an object with a short handle and a wide, flat part that is used to hit the ball in various games (such as table tennis) 3 : any one of various tools or devices that are wide, flat, and thin ▪ Use the mixer's paddle attachment to mix the dough. ▪ The potter used a paddle to shape the clay. v: 1 : to move a boat forward through water with a paddle [no obj] ▪ We paddled across the lake in our canoe this morning. [+ obj] ▪ We paddled our canoe across the lake this morning. ▪ Get in the boat and I'll paddle you to shore. 2 [no obj] : to swim by moving your hands and feet in short quick motions ▪ The dog paddled across the lake. — see also dog-paddle 3 [+ obj] US : to beat or hit (someone or something) with a flat piece of wood ▪ In those days many people believed it was okay to paddle children. ▪ (informal) If you don't get in here, I'm going to paddle your behind.


kütük, tomruk, sıralı liste [count] 1 a : a long, heavy section of a tree that has fallen or been cut down ▪ a log cabin [=a cabin made from logs] b : a thick piece of wood ▪ Throw another log on the fire. 2 a : the record of travel by a ship or airplane ▪ the captain's log ▪ keep a log b : a record of performance, events, or activities ▪ The mechanic kept a log showing when repairs were done on the truck. ▪ a computer log


kısıtlama, baskı yapmak, zorlamak [+ obj] 1 : to limit or restrict (something or someone) ▪ She believes that too much instruction constrains [=limits] an artist's creativity. ▪ People with criminal backgrounds are legally constrained [=restricted] from working for some government agencies. — often used as (be) constrained ▪ We were constrained [=limited] by the short amount of time we had. ▪ Teenagers often feel constrained [=limited] by rules. 2 formal : to use pressure to force (someone) to do something — usually used as (be) constrained ▪ She felt constrained [=(more commonly) felt compelled] to apologize for the harm she'd done.


kıtlık, açlık : a situation in which many people do not have enough food to eat [count] ▪ The famine affected half the continent. [noncount] ▪ millions killed by war, drought, and famine


kıyaslamalı, göreceli, karşılaştırmalı 1 : seeming to be something when compared with others ▪ She is a comparative [=relative] newcomer to the industry. [=she is not really a newcomer but is much more of a newcomer than many others] ▪ We dropped anchor in the comparative [=relative] safety of the harbor. [=the harbor was not completely safe but it was safer than the area outside the harbor] 2 : involving the act of looking at the ways that things are alike or different ▪ She did a comparative study of classical and modern art. ▪ I'm taking a class in comparative anatomy/literature. ▪ a comparative analysis of the roles of women in different cultures 3 grammar : of or relating to the form of an adjective or adverb that is used to indicate more of a particular quality ▪ The comparative form of "happy" is "happier"; the comparative form of "good" is "better"; the comparative form of "clearly" is "more clearly." n: [count] : the comparative form of an adjective or adverb : the form of an adjective or adverb that is used to indicate more of a particular quality ▪ "Taller" is the comparative of "tall."


leke, kirlenmek, boyanmak 1 a : to leave a mark on something [+ obj] ▪ The red wine stained the carpet. ▪ a wine-stained carpet [no obj] ▪ Be careful—grape juice stains. b [no obj] : to be marked or damaged by a stain ▪ This fabric stains easily. 2 [+ obj] : to use a special liquid to change the color of (something) ▪ He stained the wood a dark cherry color. 3 [+ obj] : to damage or spoil (something, such as someone's reputation) ▪ The accusations stained his reputation.


leğen, küvet, çanak, lavabo [count] 1 a chiefly Brit : a kitchen sink b Brit : a large bowl that is used for mixing, cooking, or serving food c : the amount contained in a basin ▪ a basin of cold water 2 : the area of land around a large river and the small rivers that flow into it ▪ the drainage basin of a river ▪ the Amazon Basin 3 : a large area of the earth's surface that is lower than the area around it ▪ the Great Basin of the western U.S. 4 : an area of water where people keep their ships and boats when they are not sailing them ▪ a yacht basin


loş, sönük, sönükleştirmek, karartmak 1 : not bright or clear ▪ I found her sitting in a dim [=dark] corner of the restaurant. ▪ a dim [=obscure, faint] light ▪ dim stars : not seen clearly ▪ Just the dim outline of the building could be seen through the fog. 2 : not understood or remembered in a clear way ▪ We had only a dim [=faint, vague] notion of what was going on. ▪ I have a dim memory of your last visit. — see also the dim and distant past at distant 3 : not likely to to be good or successful ▪ Prospects for a quick settlement of the strike appear dim. [=unlikely] ▪ (US) The industry faces a dim [=grim] future. v: 1 : to make (a light) less bright or to become less bright [+ obj] ▪ Dim the lights. ▪ The car's headlights were dimmed. [=(Brit) dipped] [no obj] ▪ The lights dimmed. 2 : to make (something) less strong or clear or to become less strong or clear [+ obj] ▪ The latest setback has dimmed hopes of an early settlement. [no obj] ▪ Hopes of an early settlement have dimmed. ▪ Her beauty dimmed rapidly.


maden filizi, cevher : rocks, earth, etc., from which a valuable metal can be taken [noncount] ▪ The mine is an important producer of iron ore. [count] ▪ The company extracts metals from ores.


mahrum etmek, yoksun bırakmak deprive of [phrasal verb] deprive (someone or something) of (something) : to take something away from someone or something : to not allow (someone or something) to have or keep (something) ▪ The change in her status deprived her of access to classified information. ▪ The new environmental law will deprive some fishermen of their livelihood. ▪ They're depriving him of a chance to succeed. ▪ I don't want to deprive you of this opportunity to meet new people. — often used as (be) deprived of ▪ The children are being deprived of a good education. ▪ The study is examining what happens to people when they are deprived of sleep.


mercan, çeşitli deniz canlılarının kabukları [noncount] 1: a hard material formed on the bottom of the sea by the skeletons of small creatures ▪ brightly colored fishes swimming among the coral 2: an orange pink color — see color picture — coraladjective ▪ coral deposits


metelik, peni


meydana getirmek, birleştirmek, oluşturmak 1 [+ obj] : to come together to form or make (something) ▪ Minorities composed [=made up] about a third of the attendees at the conference. — usually used as (be) composed of ▪ a stew composed of [=made from/with] many ingredients ▪ Our group is composed of [=is made up of; consists of] travelers from 7 countries. ▪ The clouds are composed of water vapor. 2 a [+ obj] : to create and write (a piece of music or writing) ▪ compose a song/symphony ▪ compose music ▪ She composed a letter to her sister. b [no obj] : to practice the art of writing music ▪ He is in his studio composing. 3 [+ obj] : to arrange the appearance of (something, such as a picture or image) in an orderly or careful way ▪ an elegantly composed photograph 4 [+ obj] a : to make (yourself) calm ▪ Take a moment to compose yourself before you pick up the phone. b : to gain control of (your emotions) ▪ She sat quietly on the bench outside the courthouse, trying to compose her feelings.


mezar, türbe


meşgul etmek, işgal etmek, ele geçirmek, zamanını almak [+ obj] 1somewhat formal: to live in (a house, apartment, etc.) ▪ They have occupied the apartment for three years.▪ She occupies the house that her grandfather built 50 years ago.▪ They own another house that they occupy only three months out of the year.▪ They occupy the room next to ours. 2 a: to fill or be in (a place or space) ▪ Someone was occupying [=sitting in] my place at the table.▪ This region was once almost completely occupied by forests.▪ Their house occupies a beautiful spot next to the ocean.— sometimes used figuratively ▪ That family trip occupies [=has] a special place in my memory. b: to fill or use (an amount of time) ▪ Studying occupies nearly all of my time on the weekends. [=I spend nearly all of my time studying]▪ Much of our time is occupied by answering questions from our customers. 3: to make (someone, someone's mind, etc.) busy ▪ During the long train ride, they occupied [=busied] themselves with card games.▪ These questions have continued to occupy her mind.▪ Reading occupied me for most of the summer. = I occupied myself with reading for most of the summer. 4: to take and keep control of (a town, foreign country, etc.) by using military power ▪ Enemy troops occupied the town.▪ The army is occupying half of the country. 5somewhat formal: to have (a job or position) ▪ She now occupies the highest position in the country's government.▪ occupying a position of power


mihrap, tapınak [count] 1 : a place connected with a holy person or event where people go to worship ▪ a Buddhist shrine ▪ the shrine of Saint Mary ▪ They erected a shrine to the saint. 2 : a place that people visit because it is connected with someone or something that is important to them ▪ tourists visiting the shrines of American independence ▪ The writer's house has become a shrine to/for his fans.


milletvekili, vekil [count] 1 : an important assistant who helps the person who the leader of a government, organization, etc. ▪ (US) a sheriff's deputy [=an assistant who helps a sheriff enforce the law] — often used before another noun ▪ a deputy sheriff ▪ She's now the department's deputy director. ▪ a deputy mayor 2 : a member of Parliament in some countries


mütevazi, alçakgönüllü [more modest; most modest] 1: not very large in size or amount ▪ Despite its modest [=somewhat small] size, the city has many things to offer tourists.▪ They own a modest home near the beach.▪ She enjoyed modest success with her singing career.▪ He earns a modest income.▪ We live on a modest budget.▪ New cars are now available at relatively modest prices.▪ He has only a modest amount of knowledge on the subject.▪ It is a book of only modest importance. 2approving: not too proud or confident about yourself or your abilities : not showing or feeling great or excessive pride ▪ She's very modest about her achievements.▪ Don't be so modest. Your performance was wonderful!▪ "I'm not a hero. I was just doing my job," he said in his characteristically modest way.▪ He is unusually modest for a man who is so famous and successful. — opposite immodest 3 aof clothing: not showing too much of a person's body ▪ She preferred wearing more modest swimsuits.▪ In some countries, women must wear very modest clothing in public. b: shy about showing your body especially in a sexual way : preferring to wear modest clothing ▪ a modest young woman —


mızrap saplamak, zıpkın [count] 1 : a weapon that has a long straight handle and a sharp point ▪ The hunters used spears. 2 : a new part of a plant that is thin and pointed : a shoot or sprout of a plant ▪ spears of grass ▪ asparagus spears v: [+ obj] : to push a spear or other pointed object into (something) ▪ spear a fish ▪ She speared an olive with a toothpick.


ne, ne de 1 — used after neither to show something is also not true, possible, allowed, etc. ▪ It's neither good nor bad. ▪ I neither know nor care what they think. ▪ Neither you nor I nor anyone else will tell him. ▪ His problems are neither my business nor yours. ◊When neither and nor are used to join two subjects, the verb should agree with the subject that is closer to it. ▪ Neither my mother nor I am going there today. — see also neither here nor there at 1here 2 — used after a negative statement to introduce a related negative word or statement ▪ She's not the best student in her class, (but) nor is she the worst. ▪ He didn't quit his job, nor was he fired. ▪ He is not going to the meeting (and) nor am I. ▪ (formal) "I don't know her." "Nor do I." [=neither do I; I don't know her either]


nemli, rutubetli [also more damp; most damp] : somewhat or slightly wet ▪ Wipe up the mess with a damp cloth. ▪ Her forehead was damp with perspiration. ▪ My hair's still damp from the rain. ▪ a damp spring day ▪ damp [=humid] weather synonyms moist [noncount] : slight wetness in the air ▪ The books from her basement still smelled of damp. [=dampness] ▪ The boxes were left outside in the damp. ▪ the damp of the night v:ıslatmak [+ obj] 1 : to make (something) somewhat or slightly wet : dampen ▪ His hands were damped with sweat. 2 : to make (something) less strong or active ▪ Nothing could damp [=(more commonly) dampen, depress] his spirits.


nemli, ıslak, rutubetli [or more moist; most moist] 1 : slightly or barely wet : not completely dry ▪ I love cookies when they are moist and chewy. ▪ The pork chops were tender and moist. ▪ a moist and spongy chocolate cake ▪ The plant grows best in direct sunlight and with rich, moist soil. ▪ She dabbed her moist eyes with a handkerchief. 2 : having a lot of moisture in the air : humid ▪ Fog is formed when warm moist air moves over a cold surface. ▪ moist tropical heat ▪ The eggs will hatch sooner in warm, moist conditions. — moist·ness noun [noncount] ▪ the moistness of the air/cookies [singular] ▪ There is a moistness in the air today. synonyms moist, damp, and dank mean somewhat wet. moist suggests a slight wetness that is usually pleasant or desirable. ▪ She wiped her face with a moist towel. damp suggests that the wetness of something makes it unpleasant to touch. ▪ His shirt was damp with sweat. dank suggests a cold, unpleasant wetness that may be harmful to a person's health. ▪ He was kept prisoner in a cold, dank cell.


okçu [count] : a person who shoots with a bow and arrow


olgun, pişkin, sulu, hazır [also more ripe; most ripe] 1 of fruits and vegetables : fully grown and developed and ready to be eaten ▪ a ripe tomato ▪ The apples are nearly ripe. — sometimes used figuratively ▪ the violin's full, ripe sound ▪ a story ripe with details [=a story that includes many details] — opposite unripe 2 not used before a noun : ready or suitable for something — usually + for ▪ The army was ripe for action. ▪ a system that is ripe for abuse [=a system that is in such bad condition that it could easily be used wrongly] ▪ The time was ripe for proposing his plan. ▪ We'll make these changes when the time is ripe. 3 of food and especially cheese : brought to full flavor or the best state by being stored for a period of time ▪ a ripe cheese 4 : having a strong and unpleasant smell ▪ Those old sneakers smell pretty ripe.


omurga, kılçık, belkemiği , irade 1 [count] : the row of connected bones down the middle of the back : backbone ▪ This X-ray shows her spine. — see picture at human 2 [count] : a sharp, pointed part on an animal or plant ▪ Hedgehogs are covered with spines. ▪ cactus spines 3 [noncount] informal : courage or strength of character ▪ They lack the spine to do what needs to be done. 4 [count] : the part of a book to which the pages are attached ▪ Stack the books so that all the spines are facing the same way. ◊A book's spine often has the title and author's name printed on it.


ovmak, sürtmek 1 : to move something (such as your hand or an object) back and forth along the surface of (something) while pressing [+ obj] ▪ Could you rub my shoulders? ▪ He blinked and rubbed his eyes. ▪ The cat rubbed itself against my leg. [no obj] ▪ The cat rubbed against my leg. ▪ Don't rub too hard or you'll tear the paper. 2 : to move (two things) back and forth against each other [+ obj] ▪ He rubbed his hands with glee. — often + together ▪ I rubbed my hands together to warm them up. ▪ The sound you hear is the crickets rubbing their legs together. ▪ We learned how to rub two sticks together to start a fire. [no obj] ▪ There was a squeak when the boards rubbed together. 3 : to move back and forth many times against something in a way that causes pain or damage [no obj] ▪ The back of my shoe is rubbing against my heel and giving me a blister. ▪ There are marks where the chair has rubbed against the wall. [+ obj] ▪ There are marks where the chair has been rubbing the wall. ▪ I rubbed my knees raw scrambling over the rocks. 4 [+ obj] : to spread (something) over and into a surface by pressing firmly with your hands ▪ We rubbed the steaks with spices before we grilled them. = We rubbed spices onto the steaks before we grilled them. ▪ I rubbed the ointment onto my sore muscles.


oymak, parçalara bölmek, sofrada eti kesip dağıtmak 1 [+ obj] : to make (something, such as a sculpture or design) by cutting off pieces of the material it is made of ▪ We carved an ice sculpture. ▪ a carved object — often + out of or from ▪ He carved the sculpture out of marble. ▪ She carves figures from wood. 2 [+ obj] a : to cut (something, such as a pattern or design) into a surface — often + into or on ▪ He carved his name on/into the table. ▪ Their initials are carved into the tree. b : to create (something) by cutting into a surface — often + out ▪ The Colorado River carved out the Grand Canyon. 3 : to cut (cooked meat) into pieces or slices [+ obj] ▪ Who is going to carve the turkey? ▪ Would you carve me another slice of turkey, please? = Would you carve another slice of turkey for me? [no obj] ▪ He carved while I made the gravy. 4 [+ obj] : to create (a job, a fortune, a way of life, etc.) for yourself usually through hard work ▪ He carved a new life for himself after the divorce. — often + out ▪ She worked hard to carve out a career in education. carved in stone — see 1stone carve up [phrasal verb] carve up (something) or carve (something) up usually disapproving : to divide something into small parts ▪ The once beautiful countryside has been carved up by developers.


pansiyon, kısa süre için kiracı olmak, kirada oturmak, konaklamak, misafir etmek, sunmak, saplamak, yerleştirmek, arz etmek, para yatırmak 1 a [+ obj] : to provide (someone) with a place to stay for a short period of time ▪ The workers were lodged in temporary camps.▪ The refugees needed to be lodged and fed. b [no obj] : to stay at a place for a short period of time ▪ We lodged at the resort.— often + with▪ The guests lodged with their hosts overnight. 2: to become stuck or fixed in a specified place or position [no obj] ▪ The bullet lodged in his brain. [+ obj] ▪ The bullet lodged itself in his brain.— often used as (be) lodged▪ The bullet was lodged in his brain.▪ A fish bone got/became lodged in her throat.— often used figuratively ▪ a scene that is lodged in my memory [=a scene that I cannot forget] 3 [+ obj] : to present (something, such as a complaint) to someone so that it can be considered, dealt with, etc. :file ▪ The group has lodged a grievance.— often + against▪ She lodged a complaint against her landlord in court.▪ He disputes the charges that have been lodged against him. 4 [+ obj] chiefly Brit: to place (something, such as money) in something or with someone so that it can be kept safe ▪ The funds were lodged in an offshore account.▪ The funds were lodged with an offshore bank.


parılıtı, parlaklık, alevlenmek, akkor olmak, yanmak [no obj] 1 a : to shine with low light and heat but usually without flame ▪ The coals glowed in the fireplace. ▪ The fireplace glowed with the dying coals. b : to shine with a steady light ▪ The lamp glowed (brightly/softly) in the window. ▪ This toy glows in the dark. 2 a : to have a warm, reddish color from exercise, emotion, etc. — often + with ▪ Her face was glowing with embarrassment. b : to look happy, excited, or healthy — usually + with ▪ Her parents glowed with pride [=they looked very happy and proud] as she was given her diploma. ▪ The children were glowing with pleasure/excitement. n: [singular] 1 : a soft and steady light ▪ We could see the glow of the lamp in the window. ▪ The town's lights cast a glow on the horizon. 2 : a pink color in your face from exercising, being excited, etc. ▪ the rosy glow of health 3 a : a pleasant feeling ▪ He felt a glow as he remembered the day they first met. ▪ Their problems were all forgotten in the glow of victory. b : physical warmth or heat ▪ She felt the glow from the fireplace.


pay, hisse, çıkar, menfaat 1 [count] : a pointed stick or post that is pushed into the ground especially to mark a place or to support something 2 the stake : a post that a person was tied to and burned on in the past as a form of punishment ▪ Joan of Arc was burned at the stake. 3 stakes [plural] : something (such as money) that you could win or lose in a game, contest, etc. ▪ a poker game with high stakes ▪ The stakes are too high/low/big. 4 [count] a : an interest or share in a business ▪ They have a stake in the company. [=they own part of the company] ▪ a majority stake b : an interest or degree of involvement in something ▪ We all have a stake in the health of our economy. [=the health of our economy affects us all] umudunu bağlamak, tehlikeye atmak [+ obj] 1 : to risk the loss of (something, such as money) — usually + on ▪ She staked [=bet, wagered] all her money on the race. ▪ He staked [=risked] his reputation on the success of the new plan. ▪ The corporation staked billions of dollars on the deal. ▪ She staked everything on one last attempt. ▪ That's the man who robbed the bank. I would stake my life on it. [=I am absolutely sure] 2 : to support (something, such as a plant) with stakes ▪ She staked the tomatoes to keep them from falling over.


peri [count] 1 in stories : a creature that looks like a very small human being, has magic powers, and sometimes has wings ▪ a good fairy ▪ a fairy princess


plan, entrika, dolap, taslak [count] 1 : a clever and often dishonest plan to do or get something ▪ a scheme [=plot] to seize control of the government ▪ a scheme to cheat people out of their money — see also pyramid scheme 2 chiefly Brit : an official plan or program of action ▪ The company has a new scheme for insurance coverage. ▪ a scheme to improve the economy ▪ a training/pension/marketing scheme 3 : the way that something is arranged or organized ▪ the color/decorative scheme of a room ▪ a poem's rhyme scheme


pusula, saha, kuşatmak, alan, çevrelemek, gizli plan kurmak 1 [count] : a device that is used to find direction by means of a needle that always points north ▪ He always carries a compass when he walks in the woods. ▪ Guests arrived from all points of the compass. [=directions] 2 [count] : something that helps a person make choices about what is right, effective, etc. ▪ His religion is the compass that guides him. ▪ Interest rates serve as a compass for determining whether to buy or sell stocks. ▪ The character in the movie had no moral compass to tell him that stealing was wrong. 3 [count] a : a tool that consists of two pointed sticks joined at the top and that is used for measuring distances — often plural ▪ a pair of compasses [=dividers] b : a tool that consists of a pen or pencil attached to a pointed stick and that is used for drawing circles 4 [noncount] : a specialized area of knowledge, skill, experience, etc. — often used after beyond or within ▪ That topic falls beyond the compass [=beyond the scope] of my research.

hold someone hostage

rehin tutmak, hold yourself hostage: kendini rehin tutmak


saf, sade, yalnızca 1— used to say that something or someone is small, unimportant, etc. ▪ She was a mere child [=she was only a child] when her father died.▪ His voice did not rise above a mere whisper. = His voice did not rise above the merest [=slightest] whisper.▪ You can taste a mere hint of spice. = You can taste the merest hint of spice.▪ The trip takes a mere two hours. [=the trip takes only two hours]▪ You can own this car for a mere 20 dollars a week.▪ These mysteries can't be solved by mere mortals like us. 2— used to say that something small is important or has a big effect or influence ▪ The mere thought of going makes me nervous.▪ The mere fact that he agreed to help us is a good sign.▪ The mere/merest mention of his name makes her angry.▪ He gets sick at the merest sight of blood.


sarmak, sargı, giysi katlamak, paketlemek 1 [+ obj] a : to cover (something) by winding or folding a piece of material around it ▪ They were busy wrapping presents late on Christmas Eve. — often + up, in, or with ▪ Could you wrap this box up for me? = Could you wrap up this box for me? ▪ The nurse wrapped the baby in a blanket. ▪ She wrapped her hair in a towel. ▪ magazines wrapped in plastic ▪ The handle of the bat was wrapped with tape. b : to wind or fold (something) around something else ▪ Ribbons were wrapped around the dancers' arms. ▪ She wrapped a scarf around her neck. ▪ He wrapped tape around the bat's handle. c : to put (your arms, legs, etc.) around someone or something ▪ I wrapped my arms around her. ▪ She wrapped her legs around a pillow. ▪ He wrapped his hands around the trophy. 2 [no obj] : to go around something ▪ The line of people went out the door and wrapped around the corner. 3 : to finish filming a movie or television show or one of its scenes [no obj] ▪ After the movie wraps [=after the filming of the movie is completed], we'll hold a party for the cast and crew. [+ obj] ▪ Let's wrap this scene (up).


sataşmak, şaka yollu takılmak, dalga geçmek 1: to laugh at and criticize (someone) in a way that is either friendly and playful or cruel and unkind [+ obj] ▪ He and his wife enjoy teasing each other about their different tastes in music.▪ The other children teased her because she was wearing braces.▪ He was always teased by his brother about being short. [no obj] ▪ Oh, don't get so angry. I was just/only teasing!▪ Stop your teasing! 2 [+ obj] : to annoy or bother (an animal) ▪ The boy's mother told him to stop teasing the dog. 4: to make (someone) feel excitement or interest about something you might do or say without actually doing it or saying it [+ obj] ▪ Stop teasing us and tell us who your surprise guest is. [no obj] ▪ She likes to tease. 5 [+ obj] : to remove or separate (thin pieces of something) slowly and carefully ▪ The twisted strands of the rope were gently teased apart.— often + out▪ They described the techniques used to tease out [=extract] genetic material from DNA.▪ She carefully teased the roots of the young plant out of the soil.— often used figuratively ▪ Reporters are still trying to tease out [=find out] the details of the accident.▪ It won't be easy to tease out the meaning of these statistics.


sayıca fazla gelmek [+ obj] : to be more than (someone or something) in number ▪ With 20 girls and 10 boys in the class, girls outnumber boys by 2 to 1. ▪ Their wins outnumber their losses. [=they have more wins than losses] ▪ The few men in the audience were greatly outnumbered by the women. [=there were many more women than men in the audience]


sert, soğuk, sağlam, yoğun, koyu


silmek, vuruş, tokat, siliş [+ obj] 1 : to clean or dry (something) by using a towel, your hand, etc. ▪ Would you wipe the dishes? ▪ She wiped her eyes with a tissue. 2 : to remove (something) by rubbing ▪ Wipe your tears. ▪ We were wiping the spots from the wine glasses. — often used figuratively ▪ She has wiped [=erased] the entire conversation from her mind. [=she has forgotten the entire conversation] ▪ The explosion wiped the island off the map. [=it completely destroyed the island] ▪ Their enemies have vowed to wipe them off the face of the earth. [=to destroy them completely; to annihilate them] 3 : to move (something) over a surface ▪ He wiped his hand across his forehead. n: [count] 1 : a small, wet cloth that is used for cleaning ▪ disposable wipes ▪ baby wipes [=wipes used to clean babies] 2 : an act of cleaning or drying something by using a towel, your hand, etc. ▪ With a wipe, the spill was gone. ▪ I gave the table a quick wipe. [=I quickly wiped the table]


sinir, cesaret, soğukkanlılık, cüret 1 [count] : one of the many thin parts that control movement and feeling by carrying messages between the brain and other parts of the body ▪ The optic nerve in the eye allows you to see. ▪ a condition affecting the nerves in her arm 2 [noncount] : courage that allows you to do something that is dangerous, difficult, or frightening ▪ It takes a lot of nerve to start a new career. ▪ He found/summoned the nerve to stand up to his boss. ▪ I was going to ask her to the dance, but I lost my nerve. 3 [singular, noncount] : the rude attitude of someone who says or does things that make other people angry or upset ▪ You have a lot of nerve to talk to me that way. ▪ I can't believe she had the nerve to call me a liar. ▪ "After making the mess, he didn't even offer to help clean it up." "What (a) nerve!"


sinsi, şakacı, kurnaz [also more sly; most sly] 1 : clever in a dishonest way ▪ a sly con man ▪ a sly scheme 2 : showing that you know a secret ▪ a sly wink/glance/smile on the sly informal : in a secret way ▪ They've been meeting each other on the sly. [=secretly] — sly·ly adverb ▪ He winked slyly.


soymak, sıyırmak,şerit 1 [count] : a long, narrow piece of something ▪ strips of bacon ▪ a small strip of cloth/paper 2 [count] : a long, narrow piece of land ▪ a strip of land ▪ strips of forest/coastline ▪ the half-mile strip of road — see also drag strip, median strip, rumble strip 3 [count] US : a road that has a lot of shops, restaurants, etc., along it ▪ driving along the strip ▪ the Las Vegas strip v: 1 a : to remove your clothing [no obj] ▪ I stripped for bed. ▪ He stripped to the waist. [=he took off all the clothes on his upper body] ▪ The prisoners were told to strip naked. [=remove all their clothes] — often + down ▪ He stripped down to his underwear. [=he took all his clothes off except for his underwear] [+ obj] ▪ He stripped himself down to his underwear. b [+ obj] : to take the clothes off (someone) ▪ The prisoners were stripped naked. c [no obj] : to remove your clothing in a sexually exciting way while someone is watching ▪ She gets paid to dance and strip at the club. 2 [+ obj] : to remove an outer covering or surface from something ▪ strip the bark from a tree = strip a tree of its bark ▪ We are going to strip [=remove] the old wallpaper. ▪ They stripped the table and refinished it. ▪ Please strip your bed [=remove all the sheets] so I can wash the sheets. 3 [+ obj] : to remove everything (such as furniture or equipment) from (a room, building, car, etc.) ▪ They stripped the room when they left. ▪ The building had been completely stripped of its original woodwork.


suda boğulmak, suda boğmak, batırmak 1 a [no obj] : to die by being underwater too long and unable to breathe ▪ Four people drowned in the flood. ▪ She fell in the river and drowned. b [+ obj] : to hold (a person or animal) underwater until death occurs ▪ She claims that he tried to drown her. ▪ He tried to drown himself. 2 [+ obj] : to cover (something) completely with a liquid ▪ The river overflowed, drowning whole villages. ▪ The food was drowned in sauce. 3 [+ obj] : to cause (something or someone) not to be heard by making a loud noise ▪ The loud music drowned the sound of their conversation. — usually + out ▪ Noise from the passing airplane drowned out our conversation. ▪ He talked loudly to try to drown her out. 4 : to experience or be affected by too much of something : to be overwhelmed by something — usually + in [no obj] ▪ Many young people today are drowning in credit card debt. ▪ She was drowning in sadness. [+ obj] ▪ I'm being drowned in paperwork. [=I'm being overwhelmed by paperwork] 5 [+ obj] : to forget about (unpleasant feelings or thoughts) by getting drunk ▪ He went to the bar to drown his sorrows. ▪ He was trying to drown his fears. [=to get drunk so that he wouldn't be afraid]


söylenmek, yakınmak, dırdır etmek 1 : to complain quietly about something : to talk in an unhappy way [no obj] ▪ There's been a lot of grumbling among the employees. ▪ Some of the customers have been grumbling about poor service. ▪ Fans grumbled about the team's poor play. [+ obj] ▪ "When are we going to leave?" he grumbled. 2 [no obj] : to make a low, heavy sound : rumble ▪ His stomach was grumbling. ▪ We could hear thunder grumbling in the distance. — grumble noun, plural grumbles [count] ▪ We could hear the grumble of thunder in the distance. — grum·bler /ˈgrʌmbəlɚ/ noun, plural grum·blers [count] ▪ He tries to ignore the grumblers and just do his job. — grum·bling noun, plural grum·blings [count, noncount] ▪ Your grumbling needs to stop.


süratli, tez, çevik, eli çabuk, [also more swift; most swift] 1 : happening or done quickly or immediately ▪ a swift and accurate response ▪ a swift kick 2 : moving or able to move very fast ▪ a swift horse/runner ▪ a swift river current 3 US, informal : smart or intelligent — usually used in negative statements ▪ She's a nice kid, but she's not too swift. ▪ "I locked myself out of my car." "That wasn't very swift."


süre, uzunluk, aralık


sürü, toplamak, toplanmak, sürüyü gütmek 1 [count] : a group of animals that live or are kept together ▪ herds of cattle/horses/elephants ▪ The herd grazed peacefully in the pasture. 2 a [count] : a large group of people ▪ A herd of shoppers waited anxiously for the store to open. v: 1 [+ obj] : to gather and move (a group of animals) ▪ herd cattle ▪ The horses were herded into the corral. 2 a [+ obj] : to move (people) in a group ▪ We left the hotel and were herded onto a bus. ▪ They herded the students into the auditorium. b [no obj] : to form a group or move as a group ▪ The commuters herded onto the train.


sürüklemek, uzamak, ağır hareket, çekme 1 [+ obj] : to pull (someone or something that is heavy or difficult to move) ▪ She dragged one of the other tables over to ours. ▪ Firefighters dragged the man to safety. ▪ One of the parents eventually dragged the screaming toddler out of the store. — often used figuratively ▪ She practically had to drag her husband to the opera. ▪ You drag me all the way out here only to tell me that the store is closed!? ▪ She was dragged kicking and screaming into the family business. [=she was forced to join the family business] 2 a [no obj] : to move along the ground, floor, etc., while being pulled ▪ Your scarf is dragging. ▪ The broken muffler dragged behind the car. ▪ The dog's leash was dragging along the ground.


sürünmek, emeklemek,kayma,sızma, akma [no obj] 1 : to move slowly with the body close to the ground ▪ A spider was creeping [=crawling] along the bathroom floor. ▪ She crept toward the edge of the roof and looked over. 2 always followed by an adverb or preposition a : to move slowly and quietly especially in order to not be noticed ▪ I caught him creeping down the stairs to the kitchen. ▪ She crept into bed next to her sleeping husband. b : to go or seem to go very slowly ▪ The hours crept by as we waited for morning. ▪ a train creeping through the town 3 always followed by an adverb or preposition : to appear gradually and in a way that is difficult to notice ▪ The price of gasoline has crept back up to three dollars a gallon. ▪ A few mistakes crept in during the last revision of the paper. ▪ new words creeping into the language 4 of a plant : to grow along the ground or up a surface (such as a tree or wall) ▪ ivy creeping up a wall ▪ a creeping vine n: informal 1 [count] : a strange person who you strongly dislike ▪ Leave me alone, you creep! [=jerk, weirdo] 2 the creeps : an uncomfortable feeling of nervousness or fear ▪ I get the creeps every time he walks by. ▪ I hate snakes. They give me the creeps. ▪ That guy gives me the creeps.


sık sık gitmek, dadanmak, uğrak yeri, aklından çıkarmamak [+ obj] 1 of a ghost : to visit or live in (a place) ▪ Spirits haunted the house. ▪ Some people believe that the ghost of an old sea captain haunts the beach. 2 : to eventually cause problems for (someone) as time passes ▪ If you ignore the problem, it will come back to haunt you. ▪ Their failure to plan ahead is now coming back to haunt them. 3 : to keep coming back to the mind of (someone) especially in a way that makes the person sad or upset ▪ The tune haunted me all day. ▪ He was haunted by his memories of the war. [=he could not forget his memories of the war] 4 : to visit (a place) often ▪ She spent much of her vacation haunting bookstores and antique shops. n: [count] : a place that you go to often ▪ The restaurant became one of her favorite haunts. ▪ I went back to visit my old childhood haunts. [=the places I often went to when I was a child]


sırıl sıklam olmak, suda bekletmek, çekmek, emmek, 1 a : to put (something) in a liquid for a period of time [+ obj] ▪ Soak the beans overnight (in water). ▪ He soaked his feet (in a tub of warm water). ▪ You should soak those dirty clothes before you wash them. ▪ The cucumbers are soaked [=marinated] in vinegar. [no obj] ▪ The beans soaked in water overnight. b [no obj] : to take a long bath ▪ He relaxed and soaked in the tub. c [+ obj] : to make (someone or something) very wet with water or another liquid ▪ After planting the seeds, soak the soil. ▪ She soaked the dog with the hose. ▪ His shirt was soaked with sweat. ▪ I was/got soaked by the rain. ▪ My shirt and pants were soaked through [=made completely wet] by the rain. ▪ I was soaked to the skin [=made completely wet] within minutes. 2 [no obj] of a liquid : to enter or pass through or into something ▪ The oil soaked into the wood. ▪ Sweat soaked through his shirt. ▪ Rain soaked through her jacket. ▪ Blood soaked through the bandage. 3 [+ obj] informal : to make (someone) pay a lot of money for something ▪ People are getting soaked by city taxes. ▪ They're soaking their customers by charging high fees for routine services. soak in [phrasal verb] of a liquid : to enter something by a gradual process ▪ Pour water around the base of the plant and allow it to soak in. — often used figuratively ▪ He sat quietly, letting her words soak in. ▪ Close your eyes and let the music soak in.


sızmak, akmak, çatlak, sızıntı yapmak, kaçak 1 a : to let something (such as a liquid or gas) in or out through a hole in a surface [no obj] ▪ The roof was leaking. [=rainwater was getting into the building through the roof] ▪ The boat leaked badly. [=a lot of water got into the boat through its bottom] ▪ That hose is leaking. [=water is coming out of the side of that hose] ▪ a leaking boat/roof [+ obj] ▪ The boat was leaking water. ▪ The cracked pipe leaked fumes into the room. b [no obj] of a liquid, gas, etc. : to come in or go out through a hole in a surface ▪ Fumes leaked through the crack in the pipe. ▪ Air leaked out of the tire. ▪ Water was leaking through a hole in the roof. 2 a [+ obj] : to give (secret information) to someone so that it becomes known to the public ▪ Someone leaked the story to the press. ▪ a leaked story b [no obj] : to become known to the public ▪ We can't let this information leak. [=get out] — usually + out ▪ Eventually, news of the accident leaked out. ▪ Details about the case started to leak out.


sığınak, sığınmak, iltica 1 [noncount] : shelter or protection from danger or trouble ▪ They were seeking refuge. = They were seeking a place of refuge. [=a safe place] — often + in or from ▪ We took refuge in [=we took shelter in, we went into] a nearby barn during the storm. = We found refuge from the storm in a nearby barn. ▪ They sought refuge in another country. [=went to another country for protection] — often used figuratively ▪ After the death of her husband, she took/sought/found refuge in her music. 2 [count] : a place that provides shelter or protection ▪ wildlife refuges [=areas where wild animals are protected] — often + for ▪ The area is a refuge for wildlife. ▪ The shelter is a refuge for abused women.


tahmin etmek, yorumda bulunmak, borsada oynamak 1 : to think about something and make guesses about it : to form ideas or theories about something usually when there are many things not known about it [no obj] ▪ She could only speculate about/on her friend's motives. ▪ He speculated as to whether she would come. ▪ We don't know what happened—we can only speculate. [+ obj] — + that ▪ Scientists speculate that the illness is caused by a virus. 2 [no obj] : to invest money in ways that could produce a large profit but that also involve a lot of risk ▪ speculating on the stock market


tarif etmek, tanımlamak, sınırlamak [+ obj] 1 : to explain the meaning of (a word, phrase, etc.) ▪ How would you define (the word) "grotesque"? ▪ a term that is difficult to define 2 : to show or describe (someone or something) clearly and completely ▪ The government study seeks to define urban poverty. ▪ Her book aims to define acceptable social behavior. ▪ He was defined by his passions. [=his passions showed what kind of person he was] ▪ She believes that success should be defined in terms of health and happiness. ▪ Tigers are broadly/loosely defined [=described very generally] as large cats. ▪ He narrowly defines [=describes very specifically] a hero as someone who has earned a medal in battle. 3 : to show the shape, outline, or edge of (something) very clearly ▪ That fence defines the far edge of the property. — de·fin·able /dɪˈfaɪnəbəl/ adjective [more definable; most definable] ▪ an easily definable word ▪ definable risk factors — defined adjective [more defined; most defined] ▪ a clearly defined neighborhood ▪ Her cheekbones are well-defined. — defining adjective always used before a noun ▪ That was the campaign's defining moment. [=the moment that showed very clearly what kind of campaign it was]


tarife, toplu taşımacılık sunan bir araçta bir yerden başka bir yere gitmek için ödemesi gereken tutar, başından geçmek [no obj] : to do something well or badly ▪ How did you fare [=do] on your exam?▪ The team hasn't fared [=done] well in recent weeks. n: 1 [count] : the money a person pays to travel on a bus, train, boat, or airplane or in a taxi ▪ I need some coins for the bus fare. — see also airfare, carfare 2 [count] : a passenger who pays a fare ▪ The taxi driver picked up his fares at the airport. 3 [noncount] : a specified kind of food ▪ Less expensive fare is available at the restaurant across the street.— sometimes used figuratively to refer to things shown on television, in movies, etc. ▪ Many parents dislike the violent fare [=the violent programs/material] on television.


tat, lezzet, bir yiyeceğe tat vermek için (bir şey) katmak 1 a : the quality of something that you can taste [count] ▪ This dish has an unusual flavor. ▪ the hot, spicy flavors of Mexican food [noncount] ▪ a dish with unusual flavor b [count] : a particular type of taste ▪ They sell 20 different flavors of ice cream. ▪ Grape is my favorite bubble gum flavor. c [noncount] : a good or appealing taste ▪ The dish lacks flavor. ▪ The stew is full of flavor. 2 chiefly US : a substance that is added to food or drink to give it a desired taste : flavoring [count] ▪ artificial flavors [noncount] ▪ She added vanilla flavor to the custard. 3 a [count] : a particular quality that something has ▪ I like the Italian flavor of the neighborhood. ▪ The film has an avant-garde flavor. b [noncount] : an appealing quality ▪ Her performance adds flavor to the show.

dessert /dizört/

tatlı : sweet food eaten after the main part of a meal [count] ▪ She doesn't care for rich desserts. ▪ a chocolate dessert [noncount] ▪ Coffee and tea will be served with dessert. ▪ We had ice cream and apple pie for dessert. — sometimes used before another noun ▪ They asked to look at the dessert menu. ▪ dessert plates Do not confuse dessert with desert.(çöl) /dezırt/


taçi taç giydirmek, taht, hükümdar 1 [count] a : a decorative object that is shaped like a circle and worn on the head of a king or queen for special ceremonies ◊Crowns are usually made of gold or silver and decorated with jewels. b : a similar object worn by someone who is not an actual king or queen ▪ The winner of the beauty pageant walked down the runway wearing her sparkling crown. c : a ring of leaves or flowers worn on the head of someone who has won a game, contest, or award


tekerlek, direksiyon, sürmek


teklif etmek, önermek, fiyat attırmak 1 past tense and past participle bid a : to offer to pay (a particular amount of money) for something that is being sold : to make a bid at an auction [+ obj] ▪ I'll bid $100 for/on the lamp but no higher. ▪ The auctioneer said, "What am I bid [=offered] for this lamp?" [no obj] ▪ He plans to stop bidding if the bids go over $500. ▪ She bid for/on a desk and a chair. ▪ The two brothers bid against each other for the same chair. [=they each tried to buy the chair by repeatedly making higher bids than the other one had made] b [no obj] US : to offer to do work for a particular price ▪ Several local companies are bidding for the same job. ▪ His company bid on the snow removal contract. 2 past tense and past participle bid : to say how many points you are trying to win in a card game [+ obj] ▪ He bid two. [no obj] ▪ He bid and I passed. 3 [+ obj] formal : to order or command (someone) to do something ▪ We did as we were bid/bidden. ▪ She bid/bade them enter. [=told them to come in] — see also unbidden 4 [+ obj] formal : to express (greetings or good wishes) to (someone) : to say (something, such as "good morning," "good evening, etc.") to (someone) ▪ They bade me farewell. = They bade farewell to me. [=they said goodbye to me] ▪ She bid him good day.


tel, telgraf, telle bağlamak, elektrik teli 1 : a thin, flexible thread of metal [noncount] ▪ The flowers were bound together with thin wire. ▪ copper/aluminum wire ▪ a wire rack/fence ▪ wire brushes [count] ▪ There was a wire sticking out of the chair. — see also barbed wire, barbwire, chicken wire, high wire, tripwire, underwire 2 [count] : a thread of metal that is covered with plastic, rubber, etc., and used to send or receive electricity or electrical signals ▪ A telephone wire had fallen on the road during the storm. ▪ A short black wire connects the computer's monitor to its keyboard. ▪ corroded wires — see also live wire 3 [singular] US : a small microphone that is worn under clothing in order to secretly record a conversation ▪ The undercover officer wore a wire to her meeting with the drug dealer. n: [+ obj] 1 a : to provide (a building, room, etc.) with wires for a particular service or for electricity ▪ The house will be wired next week. ▪ My room is wired for cable. b : to connect (a device) to another device by using wires ▪ The microphone is wired to the speaker. ▪ You can wire the generator to a car battery. — see also hot-wire 2 : to use wire to close or hold (something) ▪ Her jaw was wired shut after the accident. 3 a : to send (money) by using electronic methods ▪ She wired the money home to Canada. ▪ Can you wire me $300?


telafi etmek, tazmin etmek, karşılamak, bedelini vermek somewhat formal1 [no obj] : to provide something good as a balance against something bad or undesirable : to make up for some defect or weakness ▪ His enthusiasm compensates for his lack of skill.▪ The price of the item has been reduced to compensate for a defect. 2 [+ obj] : to give money or something else of value to (someone) in return for something (such as work) or as payment for something lost, damaged, etc. ▪ compensate workers for their labor▪ She was not compensated for the damage done to her car.

content oneself with someone or something

to be satisfied with (usually less of) someone or something. You will just have to learn to content yourself with fewer nice vacations now that you have kids entering college.


to give something because you have more than you need [+ obj] 1 a : to choose not to punish or harm (someone) ▪ No one knows why the gunman shot some people and spared others. ▪ No one knows why he spared their lives. [=why he didn't kill them] b : to not destroy or harm (something) ▪ Somehow the storm spared our house while nearby buildings were destroyed. 2 : to prevent (someone or something) from experiencing or being affected by something unpleasant, harmful, etc. ▪ She was spared from having to answer any more questions. ▪ He wanted to spare his family from the stress he had endured. ▪ Our church was spared the fate of many others that have been closed. [=our church was not closed] ▪ I could have spared myself the trouble. ▪ He spared them the embarrassment of a public apology. 3 : to give (something, such as time, money, etc.) to someone ▪ Can you spare (me) a few minutes? [=can you spend a few minutes with me?] ▪ I can't spare the time to see you today. [=I don't have enough time to see you today] ▪ If you could spare a cup of sugar, it would save me a trip to the store. ▪ You should spare a thought for [=think about] those who are less fortunate than you. 4 : to not do or provide (something) ▪ Nothing was spared by the hotel [=the hotel provided everything possible] to make its guests relaxed and comfortable. ▪ We will spare no effort [=we will do everything we can] to ensure the safety of the tunnels. ▪ When they go on vacation, they spare no expense. [=they do not worry about spending too much money; they spend a lot of money] ▪ He said that he would spare no expense [=he would spend as much money as necessary] to make the restaurant successful. to spare ◊If you have money, time, energy, etc., to spare, you have more than enough money, time, energy, etc. ▪ He seems to have energy to spare. [=he seems to have a lot of energy] ▪ We have very little time to spare. [=we do not have a lot of time] ▪ I have no money to spare [=I do not have enough money] for such things. ▪ He got there with (only) minutes/seconds to spare. [=he got there only minutes/seconds before he needed to; he got there just in time] ▪ He got there with time to spare. [=he got there early; he got there in plenty of time]


to happen, baş göstermek, çıkmak, doğmak, vuku bulmak [no obj] 1 a: to begin to occur or to exist ▪ These problems arise when people try to avoid responsibility.▪ Questions have arisen concerning/about the company's financial records.▪ The sport arose in the 19th century.▪ The opportunity arose for a new position to be created.▪ A conflict arose because of a misunderstanding.▪ Jobs will be created as/when the need arises. [=jobs will be created when they are needed]▪ Should the need arise, he can defend himself. [=he can defend himself if it is necessary to do so] b: to begin at a source ▪ Tumors arose in different areas of the skin.— usually + from▪ arteries that arise from the aorta▪ small roots arising from the stems▪ The disease probably arose from a virus.▪ The river arises from two main sources. 2 a: to get up from sleep or after lying down ▪ He arose [=(more commonly) rose] refreshed after a good night's sleep. b: to stand up ▪ He arose [=(more commonly) rose] from his chair. 3: to move upward ▪ Mist arose [=(more commonly) rose] from the valley.


tokat, tokatlamak, aniden, birden 1 a [+ obj] : to hit (someone or something) with the front or back of your open hand ▪ She slapped him across/in the face. ▪ She slapped his face. ▪ He slapped me on the back and said "Good job!" ▪ He called the dog by slapping his hand against his thigh. b : to hit something with a sound like the sound made when your hand slaps something [no obj] ▪ Waves were slapping against the side of the boat. [+ obj] ▪ Gentle waves slapped the side of the raft. 2 [+ obj] : to put (something) on a surface quickly or forcefully — + down or on ▪ He slapped the book down on the desk. ▪ She slapped down her cards and shouted "I win!" ▪ He slapped a fresh coat of paint on (the wall). ▪ I grabbed a slice of bread and slapped on some peanut butter. 3 [+ obj] sports : to hit (something) with a forceful swing of your arms, hands, etc. ▪ (ice hockey) He slapped the puck into the net. ▪ (baseball) She slapped a single to right field.


tutarlı, istikrarlı, devamlı [more consistent; most consistent] 1 a : always acting or behaving in the same way ▪ He is a consistent supporter of the museum. ▪ We need to be more consistent in handling this problem. ▪ Data from recent experiments show consistent results. [=results that do not change] b : of the same quality ; especially : good each time ▪ His pitching has always been very consistent. [=reliable] ▪ Customers expect that the quality of service they receive will be consistent. — opposite inconsistent 2 : continuing to happen or develop in the same way ▪ The pain has been consistent. ▪ Your grades have shown consistent improvement this school year. ▪ You need to exercise on a more consistent [=regular] basis. — opposite inconsistent 3 : having parts that agree with each other ▪ Their descriptions of the accident were consistent. ▪ She is not being consistent in her argument. [=her argument includes parts that do not agree with one another] : in agreement with something ▪ His statements were not consistent with the truth. [=were not true] ▪ His symptoms are consistent with heart disease. [=the symptoms he has are symptoms of heart disease] ▪ The decision was consistent with the company's policy. — opposite inconsistent — con·sis·tent·ly adverb ▪ The technique is now being used consistently. ▪ He consistently earned high grades all through high school. ▪ She has played consistently all season. ▪ The store has consistently low prices.


un, öğütmek : powder made from a grain (especially wheat) that is used in cooking for making bread, cakes, etc. [noncount] ▪ a five-pound bag of flour [count] ▪ mix the two flours together — flour·less /ˈflaʊɚləs/ adjective ▪ a flourless cake v: [+ obj] : to cover (something) with flour ▪ a floured board ▪ The fish should be lightly floured before it's fried


uymak, takım elbise, uygun olmak, yakışmak, uygun düşmek 1 [count] : a set of clothes that usually consists of a jacket and a skirt or pair of pants that are made out of the same material ▪ a tweed/wool suit ▪ He wore his gray suit to the job interview. — see color picture; see also business suit, leisure suit, lounge suit, pantsuit, sailor suit, shell suit, three-piece suit, trouser suit, two-piece suit, zoot suit 2 [count] : a set of clothes or protective covering that is worn for a special purpose or under particular conditions ▪ a gym suit ▪ a suit of armor — see also bathing suit, bodysuit, catsuit, jumpsuit, snowsuit, space suit, sweat suit, swimsuit, union suit, wet suit 3 : a process by which a court of law makes a decision to settle a disagreement or problem between people or organizations : lawsuit [count] ▪ a civil/criminal suit ▪ divorce/custody/paternity suits ▪ He filed/brought a suit [=started legal proceedings] against her. [noncount] ▪ He filed/brought suit [=started legal proceedings] against her. v: [+ obj] 1 a : to provide what is required or wanted by or for (someone or something) ▪ This program should suit [=satisfy] your needs. ▪ The restaurant offers meals to suit [=please] all tastes. ▪ I can schedule the meeting for tomorrow. Does that suit you? [=is that convenient for you?] ▪ That suits me fine. ▪ He only helps out when it suits him. [=when he wants to; when it is convenient for him to help out] b : to be proper or suitable for (someone or something) ▪ This kind of behavior hardly suits a person of your age. ▪ She gave a serious speech that suited the occasion. ▪ The formal furniture really suited the style of the house. ▪ The job suits her very well. ▪ (Brit) This kind of work suits me down to the ground. [=suits me perfectly; I like/enjoy this kind of work very much] 2 : to be attractive on (someone) — not used in passive constructions ▪ Your new hairstyle suits [=becomes] you. ▪ That dress doesn't really suit her.


uyumlamak, çalgıyı akort etmek, beste [count] : a series of musical notes that produce a pleasing sound when played or sung ▪ I can't get that tune [=song] out of my head. ▪ an upbeat dance tune ▪ He played a delightful little tune [=melody] on the piano. ▪ The concert featured popular Broadway show tunes. [=songs from musicals] v: 1 [+ obj] : to adjust (a musical instrument) so that it makes the correct sound when played ▪ I tuned my guitar/violin. ▪ The piano needs to be tuned. 2 [+ obj] : to make small changes to (something) in order to make it work better ▪ We tuned our bikes before the road trip. ▪ The mechanic tuned the engine. — often + up ▪ The mechanic tuned up the engine. — see also fine-tune, tune-up 3 : to adjust (a radio or television) so that it receives a broadcast clearly [+ obj] ▪ The copilot tuned the radio to hear the message. — often used as (be) tuned ▪ The televisions in the store were all tuned (in) to the same channel. [no obj] — + to ▪ He tuned (in) to the news channel. stay tuned : to keep watching a television show or listening to a radio broadcast ▪ Stay tuned for more after this word from our sponsors. ▪ Stay tuned for a news update. — often used figuratively ▪ Stay tuned for a new and improved version of the software. [=a new and improved version of the software will be available soon] tune in [phrasal verb] 1 : to watch a television show or listen to a radio broadcast ▪ Tune in next week for the conclusion. ▪ Millions of listeners/viewers tuned in for coverage of the presidential debate. ▪ We tuned in to hear the results of the election.


vazgeçmek, bırakmak, terketmek [+ obj] 1 a : to leave and never return to (someone who needs protection or help) ▪ The child had been abandoned (by his parents) as an infant. ▪ He abandoned his family. b : to leave and never return to (something) ▪ abandon property ▪ They abandoned the car on a back road. ▪ That house was abandoned years ago. 2 : to leave (a place) because of danger ▪ The approaching fire forced hundreds of people to abandon their homes. ▪ The officer refused to abandon his post. ◊If you abandon ship, you leave a boat or ship that is sinking. ▪ The captain gave the order to abandon ship. This phrase is sometimes used figuratively. ▪ The company is doing poorly, and many investors have decided to abandon ship. [=to sell their stock in the company] 3 : to stop supporting or helping (someone or something) ▪ The policy abandons the most vulnerable members of society. ▪ She abandoned the party not long after the election. 4 : to stop doing or having (something) : to give up (something) completely ▪ We abandoned hope of ever going back. ▪ He abandoned the principles that he once fought hard to defend. ▪ She had to abandon her plans for a vacation. ▪ Play was abandoned because of the bad weather.


veba, bela, bela olmak, rahatsız etmek , bulaşmak 1 [count] old-fashioned : a large number of harmful or annoying things ▪ The country was hit by a plague of natural disasters that year. ▪ a plague of locusts ▪ There has been a plague of bank robberies in the area. 2 a : a disease that causes death and that spreads quickly to a large number of people [count] ▪ a plague that swept through the tribe in the 1600s [noncount] ▪ a time of plague b [noncount] : bubonic plague ▪ an outbreak of (the) plague avoid (someone or something) like the plague informal : to stay away as much as possible from (someone or something) ▪ I avoid my weird neighbor like the plague. v: [+ obj] 1 : to cause constant or repeated trouble, illness, etc., for (someone or something) ▪ parasites that plague deer ▪ Computer viruses plague Internet users. ▪ Crime plagues the inner city. ▪ Drought and wildfires continue to plague the area. — often used as (be) plagued ▪ The new plane has been plagued by/with mechanical problems. [=has had many mechanical problems] ▪ an athlete plagued by knee injuries 2 : to cause constant worry or distress to (someone) — usually used as (be) plagued ▪ He is plagued by a sense of guilt. ▪ She is plagued by fear of another terrorist attack. ▪ I was plagued with doubts about my decision.


yama, yama yapmak, arsa, toprak parçası [count] 1 : a piece of material that is used to cover a hole in something or to provide extra protection to an area ▪ His pants have patches on the knees. ▪ a jacket with brown patches on the elbows ▪ He put a patch over the hole in the tire tube. 2 a : a piece of material that is worn over your eye because of injury or for medical reasons b : a piece of material that contains a drug and that is worn on your skin to allow the drug to slowly enter your body over a long period of time ▪ She wears a nicotine patch to help her quit smoking. 3 : a small spot or area that is different from the surrounding area ▪ There were icy patches [=areas of ice] on the road. ▪ Fog patches made driving difficult. ▪ He is developing a bald patch on the back of his head. ▪ The cat has black patches on its forehead and tail. ▪ The chair's original paint is still visible in patches. [=in spots] — often + of ▪ I could see a patch of blue sky through the clouds. ▪ There are patches of weeds all over the lawn. 4 : a small area of land where a particular fruit or vegetable grows ▪ a pumpkin/strawberry patch 5 : a period of time ▪ He's going through a bad/difficult/rough patch [=spell] right now. v: [+ obj] 1 : to cover a hole in (something) with a piece of material ▪ She patched (the hole in) the blanket. ▪ The fence needs to be patched. ▪ He patched (up) the roof. 2 : to connect (a person, telephone call, etc.) to a communication system especially for a short period of time ▪ They patched him into the conference call. — often + through ▪ The operator patched the call/caller through. patch together [phrasal verb] patch (something) together or patch together (something) : to put (something) together usually in a quick or careless way ▪ She patched a meal together from what was in the cupboard. ▪ They quickly patched together a new plan.


yaprak, kanat, sayfa 1 : one of the flat and typically green parts of a plant that grow from a stem or twig [count] ▪ a maple leaf ▪ a tobacco leaf ▪ tea leaves ▪ I heard the rustle of the autumn leaves. ▪ a pile of dead leaves ▪ The trees drop their leaves in the fall, and new leaves grow again in the spring. [noncount] ▪ By the end of April, most trees are in leaf. [=most trees have grown their new leaves] ▪ The trees have not yet come into leaf. — see color picture 2 [count] : a sheet of paper in a book : page — usually used figuratively ▪ I decided to take/borrow a leaf out of his book [=to do the same thing that he did] and invest some money in the stock market. v: leaf out [phrasal verb] US, of a tree : to produce leaves ▪ The tree will leaf out in the spring. leaf through [phrasal verb] leaf through (something) : to turn the pages of (a book, a magazine, etc.) ▪ She was leafing through the magazine, looking at the pictures.


yapıştırmak, lapa, ezme, hamur, salça 1 [singular] : a soft, wet mixture of usually a powder and a liquid ▪ Stir the flour and water to a paste. — see also toothpaste 2 [noncount] : a type of glue that is used to make things stick together ▪ The children used paste and construction paper to make Mother's Day cards. ▪ wallpaper paste 3 a [noncount] : a soft, smooth food that is made by grinding something (such as tomatoes or nuts) into very small pieces ▪ canned tomato paste ▪ a cake with an almond paste filling ▪ anchovy/bean paste b [singular] : a type of dough made with flour and butter that is used in baking ▪ Stir the ingredients to form a paste. 4 [noncount] : a type of glass that is used to make artificial gems ▪ The necklace contains real gems and paste. v: [+ obj] 1 : to stick (something) to or onto something by using paste ▪ I pasted the edges of the paper together. ▪ He cut out the newspaper article and pasted it into a scrapbook. 2 : to put (something cut or copied from a computer document) into another part of the document or into another document ▪ After you select the text with your mouse, you can cut it and then paste it at the beginning of the paragraph. ▪ You can cut and paste the picture into your file.


yasak, yasaklama [+ obj] 1 : to forbid people from using (something) : to say that something cannot be used or done ▪ The school banned that book for many years. ▪ The city has banned smoking in all public buildings. ▪ The drug was banned a decade ago. ▪ The use of cell phones is banned in the restaurant. 2 : to forbid (someone) from doing or being part of something — usually + from ▪ They banned [=barred] him from entering the building. = He was banned from entering the building. ▪ She was banned from the team because of drug use.


yağmak, yağmur, alkışlamak, göklere çıkarmak, övmek, selamlamak, dolu 1 [noncount] : pieces of ice that fall from clouds like rain ▪ Many cars were damaged by hail during the storm. 2 [singular] : a large number of small hard objects (such as bullets or stones) flying or falling together ▪ They were gunned down in a hail of bullets. ▪ a hail of pellets — often used figuratively ▪ The court's decision was met with a hail of criticism. [=was strongly criticized by many people] v: [+ obj] 1 : to speak of or welcome (someone or something) with praise or enthusiasm ▪ The town hailed him as a hero when he returned with the championship trophy. ▪ His supporters have hailed [=strongly praised] his decision to run for reelection. — often used as (be) hailed ▪ She is being hailed [=acclaimed] for her generosity. ▪ The new drug has been widely hailed as a great breakthrough. 2 : to call out in order to stop or get the attention of (someone or something) ▪ We hailed the passing ship. ▪ He hailed a taxi for me.


yemin, ant [count] 1 : a formal and serious promise to tell the truth or to do something ▪ They were required to take/swear an oath of loyalty. [=promise formally to remain loyal] ▪ an oath to defend the nation ▪ an oath of office [=an official promise by a person who has been elected to a public office to fulfill the duties of the office according to the law] 2 old-fashioned : an offensive or rude word that is used to express anger, frustration, surprise, etc. ▪ He uttered an oath and walked away. under oath also on oath law : having made a formal promise to tell the truth in a court of law ▪ In a U.S. court of law, a witness must swear under oath to tell "the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth." ▪ He said in testimony given under oath that he was not there the night of the crime.


yemin, yemin etmek, küfür etmek 1 a : to state (something) very strongly and sincerely [+ obj] ▪ I swear (that) I was there. [=I was definitely there; I am telling you the truth when I say that I was there] ▪ Her English is so good that you would swear she has been studying it for years. [=you would really think that she has been studying it for years, even though she has not] ▪ You'd swear (that) the jewels are real. [=the jewels look very real even though they are not] ▪ I could have sworn that I left my keys on the counter. [=I'm very surprised that my keys are not on the counter because I definitely remember putting them there] ▪ (US) She swore up and down [=insisted] (that) she didn't do it. ▪ (Brit) He swore blind [=insisted] (that) he was innocent. [no obj] ▪ I didn't do anything wrong. I swear (on my mother's grave). [=I am being absolutely honest when I say that I didn't do anything wrong] ▪ I wouldn't swear to it [=I'm not absolutely sure about it], but I think he's written three books so far. b : to promise very strongly and sincerely to do or not do something [+ obj] ▪ He swore [=vowed] to seek revenge. ▪ He swore revenge on the killers. ▪ I swear (that) I'll never do that again. [no obj] ▪ I swear to God, I'll kill him if he comes back. ▪ I'll never do that again. Swear to God. [=I promise you that I'll never do that again] 2 [no obj] : to use offensive words when you speak ▪ Don't swear in front of the children. — often + at ▪ The other driver swore at me and drove away. 3 : to make a formal or official promise especially in a court of law [+ obj] ▪ I do solemnly swear to tell the whole truth. ▪ They swore (an oath of) allegiance to the United States of America. [=they formally promised that they would be loyal to the United States of America] [no obj] ▪ Witnesses are required to swear on the Bible [=to put a hand on the Bible and make a formal promise to tell the truth] before they testify.


yerine getirmek, uygulamak,içindeki potansiyelini kendini tatmin edecek bir şekilde kullanmak (insan) [+ obj] 1 : to do what is required by (something, such as a promise or a contract) ▪ fulfill a promise/vow ▪ He fulfilled his pledge to cut taxes. ▪ She failed to fulfill her obligations. 2 a : to succeed in doing or providing (something) ▪ They haven't yet fulfilled [=met, satisfied] the requirements needed to graduate. ▪ The program is intended to fulfill the basic needs of children in the community. ▪ The committee was disbanded after it had fulfilled its purpose. [=after it had done what it was intended to do] b : to succeed in achieving (something) : to make (something, such as a dream) true or real ▪ If we could have that house, our dreams would be fulfilled. ▪ He fulfilled his childhood wish to become a professional baseball player. ▪ She fulfilled her life's ambition when she started her own business. ▪ Their vacation failed to fulfill their expectations. [=their vacation was not as good as they expected it to be] ▪ With the money she earned in the stock market, she was finally able to fulfill her dreams. [=she was finally able to do the things she had always dreamed of doing] ▪ He has a lot of talent, but he hasn't really fulfilled [=lived up to, reached] his potential. 3 : to make (someone or yourself) happy by achieving or doing something that was wished for ▪ Her work fulfills her. ▪ He's trying to fulfill himself as an artist. — ful·fill·ment (US) or Brit ful·fil·ment /fʊlˈfɪlmənt/ noun [noncount] ▪ the fulfillment of a promise/dream/contract ▪ She found fulfillment by starting her own business.


yerini belirlemek, iğne ucu [count] : a very small point or dot — often + of ▪ a pinpoint of light : very exact or precise ▪ The pitcher showed pinpoint control of his fastball. ▪ pinpoint accuracy/precision [+ obj] 1 : to find out (something) with certainty ▪ They were finally able to pinpoint the cause of the fire. 2 : to find or locate the exact position of (something) ▪ He pinpointed the city on the map. ▪ Rescuers were able to pinpoint where the lost girl was. ▪ The military uses computer imaging to pinpoint targets.


yorumlamak, açıklamak 1 [+ obj] : to explain the meaning of (something) ▪ interpret a dream ▪ We need someone to interpret these results for us. ▪ How should we interpret the law/rules/decision? 2 [+ obj] : to understand (something) in a specified way ▪ I interpreted his behavior to mean that he disliked me. — often + as ▪ I interpreted his behavior as indicating that he disliked me. ▪ Her comment was meant to be interpreted as sarcasm. 3 [+ obj] : to perform (something, such as a song or a role) in a way that shows your own thoughts and feelings about it ▪ Every actor interprets the role of Hamlet a little differently. 4 [no obj] : to translate the words that someone is speaking into a different language : to repeat what someone says in a different language than the language originally used ▪ I'll need someone to interpret for me when I travel to China.


yön değiştirmek, değiştirmek, kaydırmak, yerinden oynatmak 1 : to move or to cause (something or someone) to move to a different place, position, etc. [+ obj] ▪ I shifted the bag to my other shoulder. ▪ She shifted her position slightly so she could see the stage better. ▪ I shifted [=turned] my gaze toward the horizon. ▪ They shifted him to a different department. [no obj] ▪ The wind shifted. ▪ He nervously shifted from foot to foot. ▪ She shifted in her seat. ▪ The population is shifting [=moving] away from the city. 2 : to change or to cause (something) to change to a different opinion, belief, etc. [no obj] ▪ Public opinion has shifted dramatically in recent months. [+ obj] ▪ Their efforts to shift public opinion have failed. ▪ She refused to shift her ground. [=she refused to change her opinion] 3 : to go or to cause (something) to go from one person or thing to another [+ obj] ▪ I wanted to shift the discussion back to the main point. ▪ They tried to shift the blame onto/to us. ▪ Their attempts at shifting attention away from the controversy seemed to be working. ▪ The mayor plans to shift some resources to the development project. [no obj] ▪ The focus of the debate quickly shifted to more controversial topics. ▪ shifting alliances/demands/patterns


yürek, göt, bağırsak, babayiğitlik 1 guts [plural] a : the internal organs of an animal ▪ the guts of the fish ▪ fish guts [=entrails] b informal : the inside parts of something ▪ the guts of a machine c informal : the most important parts of something ▪ the guts of a business deal 2 guts [plural] informal : courage ▪ That decision took a lot of guts. ▪ I didn't have the guts to do it. ◊The expression no guts, no glory is sometimes used in informal U.S. English to mean that if you do not have courage, you will never achieve success and fame. 3 [count] informal — used to talk about feelings, ideas, etc., that come from your emotions and from what seems true or right rather than from logic or reason ▪ She knew in her gut that he was lying. ▪ He knew he had to trust his gut [=instincts] and do what felt right. ▪ What does your gut tell you to do? 4 [count] informal : a person's stomach or the part of the body that contains the stomach : belly ▪ Her cruel remark was like a kick in the gut. ▪ He has a big gut. 5 [count] : intestine ▪ a problem affecting the gut


yürütmek, yönetmek, yol göstermek, davranış, hareket 1 [+ obj] : to plan and do (something, such as an activity) ▪ The police are conducting an investigation into last week's robbery. ▪ scientists conducting research/experiments ▪ I like the way the company conducts business. ▪ The magazine conducted a survey. ▪ Who will be conducting the meeting? ▪ The committee is expected to conduct hearings in May. 2 : to direct the performance of (musicians or singers) [+ obj] ▪ He conducts the choir with great skill and emotion. ▪ conducting the music of Mozart [no obj] ▪ She conducts extremely well. 3 always followed by a preposition or adverb [+ obj] formal : to guide or lead (someone) through or around a place ▪ Our guide slowly conducted us through the museum. ▪ Our guide conducted us along the path. n: [noncount] somewhat formal 1 : the way that a person behaves in a particular place or situation ▪ A panel investigated her conduct and she was subsequently fired. ▪ His personal conduct reflected poorly on the company. [=he behaved in a way that made the company look bad] ▪ professional/sexual conduct 2 : the way that something is managed or directed — + of ▪ Laws and regulations control the conduct [=management] of business and trade.


yıkıntı, harabe, mahvetmek, yok etmek, yok olma [count] 1 a : a vehicle, airplane, etc., that has been badly damaged or destroyed ▪ Firefighters pulled him from the (car) wreck. b : a ruined or destroyed ship : shipwreck ▪ a sunken wreck 2 US : an accident in which a car, airplane, train, etc., is badly damaged or destroyed ▪ This car has never been in a wreck. ▪ a car/train/plane wreck 3 informal : a person who is very tired, ill, worried, or unhappy ▪ The stress of her final exams made her a wreck. ▪ Dad was a nervous wreck on the day I had my surgery. 4 informal : something that is not in good condition ▪ Who would buy this wreck of a car? ▪ The house is a wreck. v: [+ obj] 1 : to damage (something) so badly that it cannot be repaired ▪ I wrecked my mother's car. ▪ Many houses were wrecked by the hurricane. ▪ a wrecked car 2 : to ruin or destroy (something) ▪ The affair wrecked his marriage. ▪ Even though the rumor was false, it wrecked [=ruined] her career. ▪ Bad weather wrecked our vacation. 3 : to destroy (a ship) by crashing it into something — usually used as (be) wrecked ▪ The ship was wrecked off the coast of Ireland.


yığın, stok yapmak, yığmak [count] 1 : a group of things that are put one on top of another ▪ He put the magazines into a neat pile. ▪ She raked the leaves into piles. ▪ Take a card from the pile. — often + of ▪ a pile of wood ▪ a pile of clothes 2 informal a : a very large amount of something ▪ She had piles of work to do. ▪ He makes a pile of money. b : a large amount of money ▪ He made his pile and then retired. ▪ He made a pile in the stock market. v: 1 [+ obj] : to put (something) in a pile ▪ The campers piled [=stacked] wood for the fire. ▪ The books were piled [=heaped] high on the table. — often + up ▪ The teacher neatly piled up the students' papers. 2 [+ obj] : to put a large amount of things on or in (something) — + with ▪ He piled his plate with potatoes. ▪ The chair was piled with clothes. [=there was a pile of clothes on the chair]


zafer, başarı, zafer kazanmak 1 [count] a : a great or important victory ▪ They earned/gained a magnificent triumph over the invading army. ▪ They celebrated their triumph with a parade through the steets of the city. ▪ They were able to achieve an important triumph against their chief rivals. b : a great success or achievement ▪ Quitting smoking was a personal triumph for her. ▪ The party was a triumph. ▪ The bridge is an engineering triumph. v: [no obj] : to achieve victory especially in a long or difficult contest ▪ She likes stories where good triumphs [=prevails] over evil. ▪ His favorite team triumphed in the championship game.


zalim, zorba, gaddar, yıkıcı [count] 1 : a ruler who has complete power over a country and who is cruel and unfair ▪ The country was ruled by a corrupt tyrant [=despot] for decades. 2 : someone who uses power in a cruel and unfair way ▪ Our boss is a real tyrant.


zamanın geçmesi [no obj] of time : to pass by ▪ Weeks elapsed [=passed] before he returned home.


zihin, anlayış, akıl gücü 1 : the ability to think in a logical way [noncount] ▪ She is a woman of superior intellect. [count] ▪ She has a sharp/keen intellect. ▪ We were required to read a book every week in order to develop our intellects. ▪ music that appeals to the intellect while still satisfying the emotions 2 [count] : a very smart person : a person whose intellect is well developed ▪ He's recognized as one of the greatest intellects [=minds] currently working in this field.


zihinsel, kavramsal, idraksal technical : of, relating to, or involving conscious mental activities (such as thinking, understanding, learning, and remembering) ▪ cognitive development/psychology/impairment


zorunda bırakmak, mecbur etmek 1 [+ obj] : to force or require (someone or something) to do something because of a law or rule or because it is necessary ▪ The law obliges the government to release certain documents to the public. ▪ Her job obliges her to work overtime and on weekends. — usually used as (be) obliged ▪ The government is obliged [=required, obligated] by law to release certain documents to the public. 2 : to do something that someone has asked you to do : to do a favor for (someone) [+ obj] ▪ She's always ready to oblige her friends. [no obj] ▪ "Thank you for your help." "I'm happy/glad to oblige." ▪ They asked for food and he obliged with soup and sandwiches.


zıplamak, zıplatmak, hoplatmak, fırlatmak 1 a [+ obj] : to cause (a ball, rock, etc.) to hit against a surface and quickly move in a different and usually opposite direction ▪ He was bouncing a tennis ball against/off the garage door. ▪ bouncing the ball back and forth b [no obj] : to move in one direction, hit a surface (such as a wall or the floor), and then quickly move in a different and usually opposite direction — usually + off ▪ The ball bounced off the wall. ▪ A rock bounced off the road and hit our car's windshield. ▪ The light will bounce off the mirror and shine into the next room. 2 a [no obj] : to move with a lot of energy and excitement ▪ He bounced [=bounded] into the room to welcome his guests. ▪ The kids are bouncing off the walls. [=the kids are very/too excited and have a lot of energy] b : to move or jump up and down [no obj] ▪ The children love to bounce on the bed/trampoline. ▪ The winner bounced up and down with delight. ▪ Her curls bounced as she jumped. [+ obj] ▪ He bounced the baby on his knee. 3 a [no obj] of a check : to be returned by a bank because there is not enough money in the bank account to pay the amount that is on the check ▪ She gave me a check for 20 dollars, but the check bounced, and I never got the money. b [+ obj] : to write (a check) that is returned without payment by the bank ▪ He bounced a 100-dollar check at the grocery store. ▪ The store charges a $15 fee for a bounced check. 4 [no obj] : to go quickly and repeatedly from one job, place, etc., to another ▪ He bounces back and forth between Miami and Houston. — often + from ▪ bouncing from place to place ▪ She bounces from one job to another. ▪ Our teacher's always bouncing from one subject to another. 5 : to return (an e-mail) to the sender instead of delivering it [+ obj] ▪ I tried to send you an e-mail, but it got bounced back to me. [=the e-mail or computer system was not able to deliver it] [no obj] ▪ I tried to send you an e-mail but it bounced.


zıt düşmek, yüzleştirmek, önünü kesmek, karşısına çıkmak [+ obj] 1 a : to oppose or challenge (someone) especially in a direct and forceful way ▪ They confronted the invaders at the shore. — often used as (be) confronted ▪ He was confronted by a security guard when he tried to leave the store. ▪ The mayor was confronted by a group of angry protesters. b : to directly question the action or authority of (someone) ▪ She confronted him about his smoking. ▪ No one was willing to confront [=challenge] the company president on that point. 2 a : to deal with (something, such as a problem or danger) ▪ Firemen regularly confront danger. ▪ They confronted [=(more commonly) encountered] many obstacles along the way. ; especially : to deal with (something) in an honest and direct way ▪ The country is reluctant to confront its violent past. ▪ The treatment center helps people confront [=face] their addictions. ▪ confront an illness ▪ It's better to confront [=address] a problem than to avoid it. b : to force (someone) to see or deal with (something, such as a problem) in a direct way ▪ The photographs confront the viewer with images of desperate poverty. ▪ I confronted her with the evidence. — often used as (be) confronted ▪ The country again finds itself confronted by water shortages. ▪ They were confronted with many problems during the project. c : to be a problem for (someone or something) ▪ We know of the financial problems confronting [=facing] local schools.


çakıl taşı [count] : a small, round stone ; especially : one that has been made smooth by the movement of water ▪ pebbles in the stream — peb·bly /ˈpɛbəli/ adjective ▪ a pebbly beach [=a beach with many pebbles]


çalışkan, dikkatli, özenli ,hamarat [noncount] : careful hard work : continued effort ▪ The reporter showed great diligence in tracking down the story. ▪ The company's success reflects the diligence of its employees. — dil·i·gent /ˈdɪləʤənt/ adjective [more diligent; most diligent] ▪ Many hours of diligent [=painstaking, careful] research were required. ▪ a diligent worker — dil·i·gent·ly adverb


çamur sıçraması, serpme, sıçratmak, şarıltı, su sesi, çamurlu 1 always followed by an adverb or preposition [no obj] of a liquid : to move, fall, or hit something in a noisy or messy way ▪ Water/Mud splashed everywhere. ▪ He dropped the bottle and bleach splashed onto the floor. ▪ We could hear the waves splashing against the side of the boat. 2 [+ obj] a : to cause (water or another liquid) to move in a noisy way or messy way ▪ The baby splashed the water. ▪ Don't splash water at your brother. ▪ I accidentally splashed some water on the floor. ▪ She splashed cold water on her face. b : to make (someone or something) wet with large drops of water or another liquid ▪ Don't splash your brother. ▪ We were splashed by a passing car. ▪ She splashed her face with cold water. 3 [no obj] : to move through water in a noisy and messy way ▪ The kids love splashing (around) in the pool. ▪ The dog was splashing through the waves. 4 [+ obj] : to mark (something) with patches of color or light ▪ The sunset splashed the sky with red. — often used as (be) splashed with ▪ The canvas was splashed with bold colors. n: 1 [count] a : the sound made when someone or something hits liquid or when liquid hits something — usually singular ▪ He listened to the gentle splash of the waves against the boat. ▪ We heard a splash from the pool. ▪ The bird dived into the pond with a splash. b : the movement of liquid when something hits it — usually singular ▪ There was barely a splash when the diver hit the water. ▪ I was hit by the splash when a truck drove through the puddle. 2 [count] : a mark or spot made when a liquid is splashed on something — often + of ▪ You've got splashes of mud on your pants. 3 [count] : a small area of bright color or light — + of ▪ a splash of color ▪ splashes of light on the floor 4 [singular] informal : a small amount of liquid added to a drink — usually + of ▪ coffee with just a splash of cream make a splash informal : to attract a lot of attention in an exciting way ▪ The young director is making (quite) a splash in Hollywood. ▪ The news of her arrest made a huge splash.


çamurlu su, gölcük, su birikintisi [count] : a small amount of water, mud, etc., on the ground ▪ She accidentally stepped in a puddle and got her shoes wet. ▪ After the storm, the road was covered in deep puddles.


çaput, değersiz şey, gazete bozuntusu, paçavra 1 [count] : a piece of cloth that is old and no longer in good condition : a scrap of cloth ▪ She used a rag to mop up the spill. ▪ I tore the old towel into rags. — see also do-rag 2 rags [plural] a informal : clothes ▪ expensive French rags — see also glad rags b : clothing that is in poor condition ▪ He threw away a bunch of old rags. ▪ a homeless person wearing rags = a homeless person (dressed) in rags 3 [count] informal : a newspaper of poor quality ▪ He's a writer for our local rag.


çarpma sesi, güm diye çarpmak, vurmak 1 a [+ obj] : to cause or allow (something, such as part of your body) to hit something in a way that makes a loud noise ▪ He accidentally banged his knee against the door. ▪ He banged [=bumped, struck] his head getting out of the car. ▪ She fell and banged her elbow. ▪ She banged her fist on the table. ▪ He banged his empty glass on the counter. b : to hit (something or someone) in a way that makes a loud noise [+ obj] ▪ His knee accidentally banged the door. ▪ The chair fell over and banged the wall. [no obj] — usually + into or against ▪ His knee accidentally banged into the door. ▪ I thought the door was open and banged [=bumped] right into it. ▪ The bird banged into/against the window. ▪ One of the other players banged into her, knocking her to the ground. 2 : to use your hand or a tool to beat or hit (something) in a way that makes a loud noise [+ obj] ▪ He banged the drum. ▪ She banged the table with her fist. [no obj] — + on ▪ He banged on the drum. ▪ She banged on the table. ▪ Who is banging [=pounding] on the door? — see also bang the drum for at 1drum 3 [no obj] : to make a sudden loud noise ▪ I could hear the screen door bang [=slam] as he left. ▪ The window suddenly banged shut. ▪ The pipes banged as the heat came on.


çarpma, hareket, okşama, kulaç, vuruş, inme 1 [count] medical : a serious illness caused when a blood vessel in your brain suddenly breaks or is blocked ▪ He had/suffered a stroke last winter. ▪ a stroke patient/victim — see also sunstroke 2 [count] a : an act of hitting a ball or the movement made to hit a ball during a game ▪ She has a strong backhand stroke. ▪ a forceful stroke — see also ground stroke b golf : an act of hitting the ball that is counted as part of a player's score ▪ He is ahead by two strokes. 3 [count] a : one of a series of repeated movements of your arms in swimming or rowing that you make to move yourself or the boat through the water ▪ She swims with long, smooth strokes. ▪ the stroke of an oar b : a style of swimming ▪ She knows the four basic strokes. v: [+ obj] 1 : to move your hand over (someone or something) gently and in one direction ▪ She was stroking the cat's fur. 2 always followed by an adverb or preposition a : to move (something) gently in one direction ▪ He stroked the pen lightly over the paper. b : to hit or kick (a ball) with a smooth movement ▪ She stroked the ball toward the hole.


çarpışma, fikir ayrılığı [count] : an act of colliding: such as a : a crash in which two or more things or people hit each other ▪ The car was destroyed in the collision. ▪ There was nothing I could do to avoid a head-on collision. [=a crash of two vehicles that are moving directly toward each other] — often + between or with ▪ He was injured in a collision between a car and an SUV. ▪ She hurt her shoulder in a collision with another player. b : a situation in which people or groups disagree : a clash or conflict — often + between ▪ He reported on the latest collision between the two leaders.


çarpışmak, çarpmak, darbe, çarpma, şiş, şişlik 1 [+ obj] a : to hit (something, such as part of your body) against an object in a sudden and forceful way ▪ I have a bruise from where I bumped my head. — often + against or on ▪ He bumped his head against the shelf. ▪ I fell and bumped my elbow on the floor. b : to hit and move (someone or something) ▪ Be careful not to bump the vase. ▪ You nearly bumped me off/over the edge! ▪ The jolt bumped him right out of his seat. ▪ He accidentally bumped [=knocked] my drink out of my hand when he passed by. 2 [no obj] : to move into or against (someone or something) in a sudden and forceful way ▪ They bumped into us from behind. ▪ The boat bumped against the pier. — often + up ▪ The boat bumped up against the pier. — sometimes used figuratively ▪ They're bumping (up) against the limits of technology. — see also bump into (below), bump up (below) n: [count] 1 : an area of skin that is raised because it was hit, injured, etc. ▪ He wound up with a few minor bumps and bruises from the fight. ▪ Feel this bump [=lump] on the back of my head. — see also goose bumps 2 : a small raised area on a surface ▪ The car hit a bump (in the road). — often used figuratively in U.S. English ▪ His career hit a bump in the road. = His career hit a road bump. [=something happened that slowed the progress of his career] ▪ When you're doing something for the first time, you're bound to hit a few bumps along the way. — see also speed bump


çatlamak, çatırtı, çıtlatmak, sinir krizi geçirmek, vuruş 1 : to break (something) so that there are lines in its surface but it is usually not separated into pieces [+ obj] ▪ The hailstones were big enough to crack some windows. ▪ He cracked his collarbone in a skiing accident. [no obj] ▪ The mirror/glass cracked when she dropped it. ▪ A piece of the statue cracked off. [=broke off] 2 [+ obj] : to hit or press (something) so hard that it breaks apart or opens suddenly ▪ Workers cracked the large rock into three pieces so it could be moved. ▪ The bird cracked the seed on a tree branch. ▪ a tool used for cracking nuts ▪ He cracked open the eggs. 3 [+ obj] : to hit (someone or something) hard and usually suddenly ▪ Someone cracked him over the head with a beer bottle. ▪ The baby cracked her chin pretty hard when she fell. ▪ He fell and cracked his elbow on/against the ice. 4 [+ obj] a : to open (a bottle or can) for drinking — usually + open ▪ He cracked open a beer. b : to open (a book) for studying or reading ▪ He hardly cracked a book his whole first semester of college. — usually + open ▪ It's a perfect day to relax and crack open a good book. 5 [+ obj] : to open (a safe) illegally without having a key, combination, etc. ▪ Any good thief could crack this safe. 6 [+ obj] a : to find an answer or solution to (something) ▪ Scientists have cracked [=solved] an ancient mystery using new technology. ▪ The police finally cracked [=broke] the case and arrested the murderer. b : to find the meaning of (a secret code) ▪ He was able to crack [=break] the enemy's secret code.


çayı demlemek, demlenmek, suya batırma, sarp , dik [also more steep; most steep] 1 : almost straight up and down : rising or falling very sharply ▪ a steep slope/hillside ▪ The stairs are very steep. 2 : going up or down very quickly ▪ a steep drop/increase in prices 3 : very high ▪ The store's prices are too steep for me. ▪ Their rates are pretty steep. v: : to put (something) in a liquid for a period of time [+ obj] ▪ Steep the tea for three minutes. [no obj] ▪ The tea steeped for five minutes.


çayır, düzlük : a large, mostly flat area of land in North America that has few trees and is covered in grasses [count] ▪ Millions of buffalo once roamed the prairies. [noncount] ▪ The train tracks extend over miles of prairie. — often used before another noun ▪ prairie grasses/flowers


çayır, gütmek, otlatmak : a large area of land where animals feed on the grass [count] ▪ The horses were grazing in the pasture. [noncount] ▪ Most of their land is pasture. ▪ She put/sent/turned the sheep out to pasture. [=she brought the sheep to a pasture to eat the grass] greener pastures or Brit pastures new : a new and better place or situation ▪ He left for greener pastures after working here for 10 years. ▪ She is looking for pastures new. put (someone) out to pasture : to force (someone) to leave a job because of old age ▪ I'm not ready to be put out to pasture yet. — sometimes used of things ▪ I put my old computer out to pasture. [=got rid of my old computer] v: [+ obj] : to put (an animal) in a pasture to feed on the grass ▪ The horses are pastured on several acres of land.


çayır, çim, çimen : an area of ground (such as the ground around a house or in a garden or park) that is covered with short grass [count] ▪ We had a picnic on the lawn in front of the monument. ▪ a neighborhood with well-kept lawns ▪ He planned to mow the lawn [=cut the grass on his lawn] early Saturday morning. ▪ (US) We're having a lawn party [=an outdoor party on a lawn] to celebrate our daughter's graduation. [noncount] ▪ several acres of well-kept lawn


çağırmak, davet etmek, toplamak, mahkemeye toplamak [+ obj] formal 1 a : to order (someone) to come to a place ▪ The queen summoned him back to the palace. b : to order (someone) to appear in a court of law — often used as (be) summoned ▪ She was summoned to (appear in) court. ▪ She was summoned (to appear) before a judge. 2 : to ask for (someone or something) to come : to send or call for (someone or something) ▪ She summoned a doctor. ▪ The boy summoned help. 3 : to get (the courage, energy, strength, etc., that you need to do something) by making a special effort ▪ She couldn't summon [=muster] the strength/energy to finish the race. — often + up ▪ He finally summoned up the courage to ask her out on a date. 4 : to ask or order a group of people to come together for (a meeting) ▪ The president summoned [=convened] a meeting/conference. summon up [phrasal verb] summon up (something) : to bring (a memory, feeling, image, etc.) into the mind ▪ Visiting his old house summoned up memories of his childhood. — see also summon 3 (above)


çekingen, utangaç [more timid; most timid] : feeling or showing a lack of courage or confidence ▪ She's very timid and shy when meeting strangers. ▪ He gave her a timid smile.


çekişme, çekişmek, tartışmak, uyuşmazlık : a disagreement or argument [count] ▪ They could not settle their dispute. ▪ legal disputes ▪ There is a labor dispute between workers and management. ▪ The two farmers are involved in a land dispute. ▪ a domestic dispute [=an argument between people who live together] — often + over or about ▪ There was a dispute [=disagreement] over/about what to do with the extra money. [noncount] ▪ There is dispute [=debate] among scholars as to the source of the text. = The source of the text is a matter/subject of dispute among scholars. ▪ The matter/issue is still in dispute. [=people still disagree about it] ▪ The drug's effectiveness is beyond dispute. [=it is certain that the drug is effective] ▪ How it happened is open to dispute. [=people disagree about how it happened] v: 1 [+ obj] : to say or show that (something) may not be true, correct, or legal ▪ The lawyer disputed [=challenged] the witness's statement. ▪ You can dispute your bill if you believe it is inaccurate. ▪ She disputed the claim. ▪ These estimates are hotly/much disputed by scientists. ▪ No one ever disputed that it was the right decision. ▪ There is no disputing the drug's effectiveness. [=it is certain that the drug is effective] 2 : to argue about (something) [+ obj] ▪ The source of the text has been disputed for centuries. ▪ We were disputing [=debating] whether we should call the police or look for the thief ourselves. [no obj] ▪ It's no use disputing [=(more commonly) arguing] with them.


çelişki, tutarsızlık 1 [count] a : something (such as a situation) that is made up of two opposite things and that seems impossible but is actually true or possible ▪ It is a paradox that computers need maintenance so often, since they are meant to save people time. b : someone who does two things that seem to be opposite to each other or who has qualities that are opposite ▪ As an actor, he's a paradox—he loves being in the public eye but also deeply values and protects his privacy. 2 a [count] : a statement that seems to say two opposite things but that may be true b [noncount] : the use of such statements in writing or speech ▪ a novel full of paradox — par·a·dox·i·cal /ˌperəˈdɑ:ksɪkəl/ adjective [more paradoxical; most paradoxical] ▪ the paradoxical theory that global warming will lead to the next Ice Age — par·a·dox·i·cal·ly /ˌperəˈdɑ:ksɪkli/ adverb


çengel, kanca, kancayı takmak, yakalamak [count] 1 : a curved or bent tool for catching, holding, or pulling something ▪ He baited the hook [=fishhook] with a worm. ▪ a coat/picture hook 2 : a ball or shot in golf and other games that curves to the side instead of going straight ▪ She hit a hook into the left rough. v: 1 always followed by an adverb or preposition a [+ obj] : to connect or attach (something) with a hook ▪ The train cars were hooked together. ▪ My sweater was hooked on a branch. ▪ I hooked the door shut. b [no obj] : to be attached by hooks ▪ The dress hooks in the back. ▪ The two parts hooked together. 2 [+ obj] : to catch (something, such as a fish) with a hook ▪ He hooked a large fish. 3 always followed by an adverb or preposition [+ obj] : to bend (a part of your body, such as an arm) and place it around something ▪ He hooked his arm around my neck. ▪ She hooked her fingers around the doorknob. ▪ He hooked his thumb through a loop of his pants.


çevresinden farklı renkte olan ince çizgi, belirti, hızlı gitmek, iz, yol, damar n: [count] 1 : a long, thin mark that is a different color from its background ▪ He left streaks where he wiped the glass. ▪ The miners had streaks of coal dust on their faces. 2 : a quality that is noticeable especially because it is different from a person's other qualities — usually singular ▪ a streak of stubbornness = a stubborn streak ▪ She has an adventurous/competitive streak in her. ▪ He has a mean streak. [=a tendency to be mean] 3 : a period of repeated success or failure ▪ a lucky streak ▪ a streak of 11 straight victories ▪ a winning/losing streak [=a series of wins/losses] ▪ The team has recently been on a hot streak. [=the team has been winning a lot of games recently] 4 : a long, narrow area or flash of light ▪ a streak of lightning/light v: 1 [+ obj] : to make long lines of a different color on or in (something) ▪ Tears streaked her face. — often used as (be) streaked with ▪ Her face was streaked with tears. ▪ Her hair is streaked with gray. 2 always followed by an adverb or preposition [no obj] : to go or move very quickly ▪ A shooting star streaked across the sky. ▪ A skateboarder streaked past us.


çeşit, 1 [count] : a group of people or things that have some shared quality : a particular kind or type of person or thing ▪ animals of various sorts▪ What sort of car do you drive?▪ Is this some sort of a joke? [=is this a joke?] 2 [singular] : a person of a particular type ▪ He's not a bad sort.▪ She's not the sort to complain.


çeşni, sos, terbiye : a substance (such as salt, pepper, a spice, or an herb) that is used to add flavor to food [count] ▪ My favorite seasonings are black pepper and oregano. [noncount] ▪ Add some seasoning to the marinade. ▪ The soup needs more seasoning.


çiftlik, koru, ekili tarla [count] 1 : a large area of land especially in a hot part of the world where crops (such as cotton) are grown ▪ a southern plantation ◊Because slaves worked on cotton plantations in the southern U.S. in the past, the word plantation is often associated with the history of slavery in the U.S. ▪ He compared the situation of black college basketball players to the plantation. [=compared the college basketball system to slavery] 2 : a group of trees that have been planted together ▪ a plantation of pines


çileden çıkmış, öfkeli [+ obj] : to make (someone) very angry ▪ His comments outraged nearly everyone in the room. — often used as (be) outraged ▪ Many people were outraged at the court's decision. ▪ Parents were outraged by the teacher's actions.


çiziktirmek, karalamak, müsvedde, kötü el yazısı 1 : to write (something) quickly and in a way that makes it difficult to read [+ obj] ▪ She scribbled a note to him and then dashed off to her meeting. ▪ He scribbled down his phone number. [no obj] ▪ Students scribbled furiously as the professor lectured. ▪ She was scribbling away in a notebook. 2 [no obj] : to draw lines, shapes, etc., that have no particular meaning in a quick and careless way ▪ The toddler scribbled all over the paper. — scribbling noun, plural scribblings [count] ▪ I couldn't read the doctor's illegible scribblings. n: 1 [noncount] : writing that is difficult to read because it has been done quickly or carelessly ▪ She could barely make out the doctor's scribble. 2 scribbles [plural] : lines, shapes, etc., that have no particular meaning and are drawn in a quick and careless way ▪ The chalkboard was adorned with the children's scribbles.


çok az yemek, gıdım gıdım yemek, gagalamak, yığın 1 of a bird a : to strike sharply at something with the beak [no obj] — + at ▪ A crow pecked at the lawn, hunting for bugs. [+ obj] ▪ The hen pecked my finger. b [+ obj] : to make (something) by pecking with the beak ▪ The woodpecker pecked a hole in the tree. 2 [+ obj] : to kiss (someone) lightly and quickly ▪ He pecked his wife on the cheek as he headed out the door. peck at [phrasal verb] peck at (something) : to take small bites of (food) ▪ Her son pecked at his food and said he wasn't hungry. n: [count] 1 : the act of pecking something : a quick, sharp strike with the beak ▪ The bird took a peck at the corn. [=the bird pecked the corn] 2 informal : a quick kiss ▪ She gave her son a peck on the cheek.


çok sevinçli [more overjoyed; most overjoyed] : filled with great joy : very happy ▪ She was overjoyed to see her sister again. ▪ They weren't overjoyed at the idea of working together. ▪ I'm overjoyed that you can come to my party.


çok önemli, kritik [more crucial; most crucial] : extremely important ▪ Vitamins are crucial for maintaining good health. ▪ Eggs are a crucial [=essential] ingredient in this recipe. ▪ a crucial distinction/difference ▪ It's crucial that we arrive before 8 o'clock. ▪ Teachers are crucial to the success of the school. ▪ She played a crucial role in the meeting. ▪ Tonight's game is the crucial [=decisive] game of the series. [=whoever wins this game will win the series] ▪ a crucial decision — cru·cial·ly adverb ▪ crucially important


çukur, kuyu, hendek, aşındırmak, çukur yapmak, ciltte iz bırakmak, 1 [count] : a hole in the ground usually made by digging ▪ The explorers discovered a burial pit containing human bones. ▪ The impact of the meteor created a huge pit. [=crater] ▪ The hikers dug a pit for the fire. 2 [count] a : a large, deep hole in the ground from which stones or minerals are dug out ▪ a gravel/chalk/tar pit — see also sandpit b chiefly Brit : a coal mine 3 [count] : something that uses up or holds a very large amount of money, food, information, etc. ▪ My house is such a money pit—I'm always paying for repairs on it! ▪ My brother's stomach is a bottomless pit. [=my brother eats constantly] ▪ The Internet is a bottomless pit of information. [=the Internet contains a great amount of information] v: 1 [+ obj] : to make small holes or dents in (something) ▪ A hailstorm badly pitted the car's roof. — see also pitted 2 2 [no obj] car racing : to make a pit stop ▪ The driver was forced to pit because of engine problems.


çökmek, çöküş, güçten düşmek, yığılmak, bayılmak 1 [no obj] : to break apart and fall down suddenly ▪ The bridge/building collapsed. ▪ The roof collapsed under a heavy load of snow. ▪ The chair he was sitting in collapsed. 2 [no obj] a : to fall down or become unconscious because you are sick or exhausted ▪ He collapsed on stage during the performance and had to be rushed to the hospital. b : to completely relax the muscles of your body because you are very tired, upset, etc. ▪ She came home from work and collapsed on the sofa. ▪ The crying child ran to his mother and collapsed in her arms. 3 [no obj] a : to fail or stop working suddenly : to break down completely ▪ The civilization collapsed for reasons that are still unknown. ▪ He warned that such measures could cause the economy to collapse. ▪ Negotiations have completely collapsed. b : to lose almost all worth : to become much less valuable ▪ The country's currency collapsed. ▪ Oil prices had collapsed. 4 [no obj] medical : to become flat and empty ▪ a blood vessel that collapsed ▪ a collapsed lung 5 : to fold together [no obj] ▪ The stroller collapses easily. [+ obj] ▪ You can collapse the stroller easily and store it in the trunk of your car.


çözmek, çözünmek, erimek, feshetmek 1 of something solid : to mix with a liquid and become part of the liquid [no obj] ▪ Sugar/salt dissolves in water. [+ obj] ▪ Dissolve the tablet in water. 2 [+ obj] formal : to officially end (something, such as a marriage, organization, or agreement) ▪ She dissolved [=terminated] their partnership. — often used as (be) dissolved ▪ The marriage/business/government was dissolved. ▪ The company has been dissolved. 3 somewhat formal : to end or disappear or cause (something) to end or disappear [no obj] ▪ His smile dissolved [=disappeared] when I told him the news. ▪ Hopes for peace dissolved in renewed violence. [+ obj] ▪ His kind words dissolved her sadness. ▪ The treatment is used to dissolve kidney stones. ◊If you dissolve in/into tears/laughter, etc., you start to cry, laugh, etc., in an uncontrolled way. ▪ The audience dissolved into tears during the play's final scene. ▪ The children dissolved into laughter/giggles.


çürük, çürümek, bozulmak, yıkılmak v: 1 : to be slowly destroyed by natural processes : to be slowly broken down by the natural processes that destroy a dead plant or body [no obj] ▪ Tomatoes that fall off the vine will decay [=rot] on the ground. ▪ a dead fish decaying [=decomposing] on the beach ▪ the smell of decaying/decayed rubbish [+ obj] ▪ dead plants and leaves decayed by bacteria 2 [no obj] : to slowly lose strength, health, etc. ▪ She believes that the moral fiber of our society is decaying. ▪ our decaying public school system ▪ His mind/health is beginning to decay. [=decline] 3 [no obj] of a building, area, etc. : to go slowly from a bad condition to a worse condition : to slowly enter a state of ruin ▪ The city's neighborhoods are decaying.


çürümek, çürük, küf : to slowly decay or cause (something) to decay [no obj] ▪ The wood had rotted away. ▪ The apples were left to rot. ▪ the smell of rotting garbage — often used figuratively ▪ He was left to rot in jail. [=he was left in jail for a very long time] ▪ I hope he rots in hell! [+ obj] ▪ Eating too much candy can rot your teeth. — sometimes used figuratively ▪ Too much TV will rot your brain. n: [noncount] 1 : the process of rotting or the condition that results when something rots ▪ They found a lot of rot in the house's roof. — often used figuratively ▪ moral rot ▪ (chiefly Brit) The rot set in [=things started getting really bad] when the factory closed down. ▪ (Brit) The team stopped the rot [=stopped things from getting worse] with a 5-0 win last night. — see also dry rot 2 informal + somewhat old-fashioned : foolish words or ideas : nonsense ▪ That's a lot of rot! ▪ all that rot


çıkıntı, bordür, çerçeve, kenar,jant [count] 1 : the outer edge of a usually round object ▪ There were chips on the rim of the plate. ▪ eyeglasses with wire rims ▪ The basketball bounced off the rim (of the hoop). ▪ the rim of the volcano 2 : the part of a wheel that the tire is put on ▪ He bought stainless steel rims for his new car.


çırak, stajyer [count] : a person who learns a job or skill by working for a fixed period of time for someone who is very good at that job or skill ▪ a carpenter's apprentice = an apprentice to a carpenter — often used before another noun ▪ an apprentice carpenter v:çırak olarak vermek, çırak yapmak 1 [+ obj] : to make (someone) an apprentice — usually used as (be) apprenticed ▪ He was apprenticed to a carpenter [=he became a carpenter's apprentice] at the age of 15. 2 [no obj] : to work as an apprentice ▪ He apprenticed with a master carpenter for two years.


çığlık, feryat, feryat etmek 1 [no obj] : to make a loud, long cry of sadness or pain ▪ The child started wailing after she stumbled and fell. 2 [no obj] : to make a long, high sound ▪ A saxophone wailed in the background. ▪ We could hear a siren wailing. = We could hear the wailing of a siren. 3 [+ obj] : to complain in a loud voice ▪ "No! I don't want to go!" he wailed. ▪ She wailed that the vacation was ruined. n: [count] 1 : a long cry of sadness or pain ▪ a wail of sadness/despair 2 : a long, high sound ▪ the wail of a siren


ölmek, yok olmak, çürümek, helak olmak [no obj] 1 formal + literary : to die or be killed ▪ Two people perished in the fire. ▪ The sailors perished at sea. 2 formal : to disappear or be destroyed : to cease to exist ▪ The civilization perished after 500 years. ▪ Many ancient languages have perished over time. 3 Brit : to slowly break apart by a natural process ▪ The rubber will perish with age. perish the thought — used to say that you hope that something does not happen or to say that something will not happen ▪ Who would take over as goalie if, perish the thought, he got injured? ▪ What? Me help him out? Perish the thought.


övmeki şükretmek, methetmek [+ obj] 1 : to say or write good things about (someone or something) : to express approval of (someone or something) ▪ Critics praised her as both an actor and director. ▪ He praised her cooking. ▪ A good teacher praises students when they do well. ▪ His poems praise nature. — opposite criticize 2 : to express thanks to or love and respect for (God) ▪ We praise God for your safe arrival. ▪ Praise Allah that you are safe! [=I thank Allah that you are safe] ▪ People gather in churches to praise the Lord. praise (someone or something) to the skies : to praise someone or something very much ▪ Critics have praised the play to the skies.


övünmek, böbürlenmek : to talk about yourself, your achievements, your family, etc., in a way that shows too much pride [no obj] ▪ After winning the race, she couldn't stop bragging. ▪ "I don't mean to brag," he said, "but I'm an excellent cook." — often + about ▪ She bragged about winning the race. ▪ They're always bragging about their son's accomplishments. [+ obj] ▪ He bragged that his daughter was the best student in her class. ▪ "I'm the fastest runner on the team," she bragged.


özel oda, meclis, kompartıman [count] 1 : a small space inside something (such as a machine or your body) ▪ He put three bullets into the chamber of the gun. ▪ the chambers of the heart 2 : a usually large room where members of a government group (such as a legislature) have meetings ▪ We waited for the senator outside the Senate chamber. 3 : a group of people who form part of a government ▪ The U.S. legislature is separated into two chambers: the Senate and the House of Representatives. ▪ the upper and lower chambers of the British Parliament [=the House of Lords and the House of Commons] — see also chamber of commerce 4 : a room where a judge goes to do official business or to discuss cases with lawyers outside of the courtroom — usually plural ▪ the judge's chambers 5 formal + old-fashioned : a person's bedroom or other private room ▪ the queen's personal chambers ▪ a bridal chamber [=a bedroom used by two people who have just been married] ▪ the temple's inner chambers 6 : a room used for a special purpose ▪ the burial chambers inside an Egyptian pyramid ▪ a torture chamber


öğüt vermek, tavsiye etmek, telkin etmek 1: to make a speech about religion in a church or other public place : to deliver a sermon [no obj] ▪ Have you ever heard that minister preach?▪ The minister preached to the congregation about/on the need for tolerance. [+ obj] ▪ His followers listened to him preach the gospel.▪ The priest preached a regular sermon that Sunday. 2: to write or speak about (something) in an approving way : to say that (something) is good or necessary [+ obj] ▪ Some people have begun to complain about the project delays, but the mayor continues to preach patience. [=to say that people should be patient]▪ Although he once preached revolution [=said that there should be a revolution], he now claims to be a man of peace.▪ Their mother has always preached the value/virtues of a good education.▪ Practice what you preach—don't smoke if you tell your children not to smoke. [no obj] ▪ The mayor continues to preach about the need for patience. 3 [no obj] : to write or speak in an annoying way about the right way to behave ▪ It's important to give teenagers helpful advice without preaching (to/at them).▪ I don't like being preached at/to about how I should live my life.


üremek, üretmek, büyütmek, çiftleştirmek / cins, çeşit,, nesil v: 1 [+ obj] : to keep and take care of animals or plants in order to produce more animals or plants of a particular kind ▪ He got into the business of breeding cattle.▪ The plants are bred to resist disease and drought.▪ dogs bred for hunting = dogs bred as hunters = dogs bred to hunt▪ wild horses bred to [=mated to] domestic horses [=wild horses and domestic horses brought together to produce horses that have qualities of both] 2 [no obj] : to produce young animals, birds, etc. : to produce offspring by sexual reproduction ▪ low-lying areas where mosquitoes breed [=reproduce] 3 [+ obj] : to take care of and teach (a child who is growing up) ▪ She believes that we are breeding a generation of children who know nothing about the history of their country.— usually used as (be) bred▪ children who are bred [=(more commonly) raised, brought up] in conditions of poverty and crime — see also breeding, ill-bred, well-bred 4 [+ obj] : to cause or lead to (something) ▪ Despair often breeds violence.▪ scandals that breed cynicism — see also familiarity breeds contempt at familiarity n: [count] 1: a particular kind of dog, cat, horse, etc. : a kind of animal that has been produced by breeding ▪ The collie is a working breed.▪ exotic breeds of cats▪ different breeds of cattle 2: a kind of person ▪ a new/different breed of athlete▪ People like them are a dying breed. [=there are not many people like them anymore]▪ Back then, stay-at-home dads were a rare breed. [=there were not many stay-at-home dads]


ısrar etmek, üstelemek, sürdürmek, inat etmek


ıssız yer, yalnızlık [noncount] : a state or situation in which you are alone usually because you want to be ▪ She wished to work on her novel in solitude. ▪ He enjoyed the peace and solitude of the woods.


ışık demeti, ışın hüzmesi, iz [count] 1 a : one of the lines of light that you can see coming from an object ▪ A ray of sunlight shone on her face. ▪ We were blinded by the sun's rays. ▪ Rays of light reflected off the mirror. ◊In informal English, if you catch some rays, catch a few rays, soak up a few rays, etc., you sit or lie in the sun. ▪ I'm going to the beach to catch some rays. [=to sunbathe] b technical : a thin beam of energy (such as heat or light) that moves in the form of waves ▪ harmful ultraviolet rays — see also cathode-ray tube, death ray, gamma ray, x-ray 2 : a very small amount of something ▪ I saw a tiny ray of recognition in his eyes. ▪ We're finally starting to see a ray of hope [=a reason to start being hopeful] ▪ The announcement is/brings a ray of hope to all of us who have been fighting this disease.


şafak, tan, uyanma, başlangıç, doğmak [no obj] 1 : to begin to become light as the sun rises ▪ They waited for the day to dawn. 2 : to start or begin ▪ A new age/era is dawning. 3 : to begin to be understood ▪ Suddenly, the truth dawns.


şanslı, bahtı açık [more fortunate; most fortunate] 1 : having good luck : enjoying good fortune : lucky ▪ How fortunate we were to find that restaurant! ▪ They were (very) fortunate to have his help. ▪ It's fortunate (for us) that these documents have been preserved. ▪ We're fortunate in having these opportunities. = We're fortunate to have these opportunities. ▪ We should try to help others who are less fortunate than ourselves. ▪ They were fortunate (enough) to escape injury when their car crashed. = It was fortunate that they escaped injury when their car crashed. 2 : coming or happening because of good luck ▪ a fortunate discovery/outcome


şiddetli, kaba, kırıcı,haşin [also more harsh; most harsh] 1 a : unpleasant and difficult to accept or experience ▪ The climate there is very harsh. ▪ We've had an extremely harsh winter. ▪ a harsh environment ▪ It's time for her to face the harsh realities of this situation. ▪ The accident serves as a harsh reminder of the importance of wearing a seat belt. b : having an unpleasant or harmful effect because of great strength or force : too intense or powerful ▪ harsh colors ▪ a harsh [=shrill] whistle/voice ▪ The lighting in the room was very harsh. ▪ harsh chemicals/detergents 2 a : severe or cruel : not kind ▪ harsh discipline ▪ a harsh disciplinarian ▪ The state has established harsh penalties for drug dealers. ▪ She has been criticized for her harsh treatment of his students. ▪ He was sentenced to a harsh prison term. b : very critical : strongly negative ▪ He had harsh words for his opponent. ▪ harsh language ▪ She has faced some extremely harsh criticism. ▪ He has been one of her harshest critics.

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