4202 questions

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A pilot study is an informal exploratory investigation that is carried out to serve as a guide for a larger study

-True. -Small scale with some sampling of consumers (most time and $ spent on these). a.Projective techniques i.Third - person technique =why would your neighbor buy a porche ii.Cartoon/picture test = can prime their thinking iii.Word association = helps avoid brand name and slogan failures iv.Story completion b.Indepth interviews (with consumers) the disadvantages to this deep insight is the obvious concern with such a small sample size and difficulty in interpreting just one persons indepth answers c.Focus groups fast and cheap, idea generation. However, not representative, hard to analyze.

Which of the following is a basic dimension of an attitude? A. Cognitive dimension B. Affective dimension C. Behavioral dimension D. All of the above E. None of the above

All of the above

Which of the following scales is a type of closed-ended question? A. Likert scale B. Stapel scale C. Semantic differential scale D. All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following is not an example of a projective technique? A. word association B. sentence completion C. cartoon test D. third - person technique E. all of the above are examples of projective tests

All the above

Which of the following expressions about exploratory research is not true? Exploratory research... A. ... is often much cheaper than descriptive research B. ... offers the best way to understand in-depth motivations and feelings of consumers C. ... is often used for concept testing D. ... improves efficiency of large-scale quantitative studies E. All of the above are true

All the above are true

Consider the following two statements. 1. Open-ended (qualitative) questions in a questionnaire are hard to analyze but more flexible than closed-ended questions. 2. A questionnaire can be seen as a formalized set of questions for obtaining the necessary information from respondents, in such a way that the questionnaire 'engages' the respondent. Which statement(s) is(are) true?


Consider the following two statements. 1. The third-person technique may yield more honest survey responses for sensitive (loaded) questions. 2. Income can be measured on an ordinal scale instead of a ratio scale to make it more likely that respondents answer truthfully. Which statement(s) is(are) true?


Suppose that a firm wishes to survey working mothers. To construct a sampling frame, the firm uses a focus group to discover which magazine are popular with working mothers, and sends out a questionnaire in the mail to a sample of the readership of these magazines (with screening questions to restrict respondents to working mothers). Given this method of sampling, what type(s) of survey error should the firm be concerned about? A. Measurement error B. Sample design error C. Random error D. Both A and B E. None of the above

Both A and B

To test the effectiveness of changes in an advertising campaign, a marketing research firm decides to implement certain changes in ATlanta, others in Dallas, and no changes to the ad campaign in Denver. With regard to the products in question, the purchasing propensities in the three cities are equal. What type of research Design is the MR firm using?

Causal study design

"A 2003 Honda Accord gets about 36 miles per gallon on the highway" is an aspect of which component of an attitude toward this automobile?


if the MRP was defined as "what features do buyers prefer in our product?" the most appropriate type of research would be


Exploratory research can involve each of the following except


____________ is a general term for preliminary research conducted to increase the understanding of a concept, to clarify the exact nature of the problem to be solved, or to identify important variables to be studied.

Exploratory Research

A One-Shot experimental design can show causality.


Asking respondents to state their age in years will result in an ordinal measurement scale


Constructs are of great value to marketers because, in general, they are directly observable and easily measurable.


In ratio scales, the location of the zero point is arbitrary


It is typical in observation studies for the observer to ask the person who is being observed questions


Marketing research should be conducted even if the managers will not be able to afford implementing a study's recommendations.


One of the advantages of descriptive studies is that they provide evidence of cause and effect relationships, such as advertising causing sales to increase


Personal interviews are the best way to conduct a survey, because respondents are less likely to terminate the survey.


Primary data is data that is already collected for purposes other than the study at hand


The cognitive aspect of attitudes reflects intentions.


The management decision problem focuses on the underlying causes of the problem


in an observation study we can observe behavior, physical personal characteristics, and cognitive phenomena


When there is not much budget available, survey researchers typically use personal interviewers

False they are expensive

Attitude scales in marketing are always one item scales.


A scale is reliable when it measures what it intends to measure

False. -Validity = the dgree to which waht the researcher was trying to measure was actually measured -Reliability = degree to which measures are free from random error and therefore provide consistent data

Secondary data can never be used as the only source of data for a marketing research study

False. It can be

The ideal size for a focus group is 3 to 4 people.

False. It is 8-12

Obtaining secondary data is typically ______ and ______ expensive than obtaining primary data.

Faster, Less

One of the advantages of focus group interviews is

Group Dynamics

Consider the following question taken from a questionnaire: "When seeking a new car, price is not a concern for me." Strongly disagree Disagree Uncertain Agree Strongly Agree (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) This is an example of a:

Liker Scale item

"Do you get drunk at least once per week?" is an example of what type of question?

Loaded Question

Brand loyalty is an example of

Marketing construct

Consider the following two statements: 1. In pilot studies researchers do not make use of any sampling of consumers. 2. Selecting a sample from a list that excludes part of the target population would be an example of measurement error (a type of systematic error) Which statement(s) is(are) true?


Consider the following two statements: 1. It is best to spend as little time as possible on the problem definition stage of a research project, in order to reach the data collection stage quickly 2. Usually there is only one applicable research design for a given marketing research project Which statement(s) is(are) true?


When participants in a reserach study are coded as male or female what type of measurement scale is being used?


Consider the following two statements: 1. A potential cost of marketing research is that it increases the time it takes to make the decision. 2. Managers should conduct marketing research studies for every decision problem they face. Which statement(s) is(are) true?

Only 1 is true

Consider the following two statements. 1. A concept studied with multiple questions is always multidimensional . 2. A concept is a generalized idea about a class of objects, and reflects what you want to measure. Which statement(s) is(are) true?

Only 2

When adult women asked to place shopping malls in the area in sequence with most likely where they would shop as 1 and least likely as 6 what measurement scale is this?


Experimental Group: R O1XO2 Control Group: R O3 O4

Pretest-posttest control group design

Consider the following scale: Happy --:--:--:--:--:--:-- Sad Young --:--:--:--:--:--:-- Old Ugly --:--:--:--:--:--:-- Pretty This is an example of a:

Semantic differential scale

Which of the following is not a disadvantage of survey research?

Survey Research studies are generally sensitive to the quality of the interviewer

What type of question is the following: Should Macy's department stores continue its excellent return policy for its customers?

This is a leading question

. It is common for market researchers to combine qualitative and quantitative studies into a single project or series of projects.


Acquiescence bias descries "yea saying?"


Data collected from a semantic differential scale is interval data.


Experimental research attempts to find causal relationships among variables


Field experiments in marketing are conducted in the actual marketplace.


It is possible for respondents to falsify answers unconsciously.


Mail questionnaires are self-administered surveys.


Marketing research can potentially address all four elements of the marketing mix.


One objective in questionnaire design is to minimize systematic errors


Open observation refers to the process of monitoring people who know they are being watched.


Open-ended response questions are frequently used in exploratory research


Social desirability bias is an example of response bias


The iceberg principle basically states that a symptom is not the real problem of a marketing research study


in order to better understand the real problem, marketing researchers often interview industry experts to analyze the situation.


order bias in questionnaire design can occur when specific questions are asked before broader issues are explored.


The Likert scale is an example of an itemized rating scale.

True. -Most frequently used Scales 1 Nominal Scale 2 Ordinal Scale 3 Interval Scale 4 Ratio Scale -Self Rating Scales 1 Graphic Rating Scale 2 Itemized Rating Scales a Likert Scale b Semantic Differential Scale c Stapel's Scale d Multi Dimensional Scaling

The counterbiasing question is a technique to mitigate the problem of loaded questions

True. Counterbiasing = An introductory statement or preamble to a potentially embarrassing question that reduces a respondents reluctance to answer by suggesting that certain behaviour is not unusual.

Which of the following is not an issue in the selection of a particular survey method? A. budget B. need to expose respondent to various stimuli C. questionnaire length D. time availability E. all of the above are issues in selection a particular survey method

all of the above

When a test subject is asked to complete a shopping trip for a white t-shirt within 30 minutes in one of the busiest shopping streets in London, and his heart beat and cortisol levels are observed to measure his stress levels, then this is an example of A. Machine observation B. Contrived observation C. Direct observation D. Open observation E. All of the above

all the above

Consider the following question In a typical month, how often do you go to a movie theater to see a movie? ___ Never ___ Occasionally ___ Sometimes ___ Often ___ Regularly This is an example of

an ambiguous question

Which of the following is an incorrect statement concerning questionnaire layout?

ask general questions last

To ensure the research objective is achieved, focus groups should follow highly structured format

b. false

Which of the following is not an advantage of in-depth interviews (IDIs) over focus groups? IDIs..

can be conducted in a much shorter amount of time

the three roles of marketing research

descriptive, explanatory, predictive

A multidimensional scale measures only one attribute of a concept.


Exploratory research studies provide conclusive evidence to determine a particular course of action


ordinal scale always assumes that the distance between the ranks is equal along the scale


When a competitor increases its advertising expenditures during an experiment of a competitor in order to "jam" the results of the experiment, this is an example of a(n):

history effect

Which of the following is the primary reason or underlying rationale for conducting focus groups?

interaction among group members

Measuring consumer satisfaction

is a means of determining if a firm needs to change its marketing strategy.

. Which of the following is an example of a self-administered questionnaire?

mail survey

The error caused by an interviewer who fakes the answers to a questionnaire would be

measurement error

a marketing research problem is: a. asks what the decision maker needs to do b. is action oriented c. focuses on the symptoms d. all of the above e. none of the above

none of the above

Consider the following two statements. 1. In marketing research it is often true that there are multiple ways to measure a concept. 2. Attitude measurements are ratio scales Which statement(s) is(are) true?

only 1 is true

Consider the following question: How many vacation trips do you take per year (on average) ___0 trips ___1-2 trips ___3-4 trips ___5 or more trips What measurement scale is being used here?

ordinal scale

Which of the following is NOT a step in the marketing research process? Determine the research design B. Sampling and data collection C. Design the collection method D. Prepare the exploratory method E. All of the above of steps in the marketing research process

prepare the exploratory method

asked to place five brands of eye shadow in sequence so that 1 is assigned to the eye shadow with the highest quality applicator and 5 is the lowest quality applicator

rand order scale

Consider the following question: What do you think a fair price for this product would be (in dollars) __________ Which measurement scale is being used here?

ratio scale

When survey respondents deliberately falsify their income this is known as which type of bias?

response bias

Suppose a sales manager makes the statement, "The problem with this company is declining sales." Why is such a statement shortsighted?

the sales manager has identified only a symptom of a deeper problem

When the results of public opinion polls, such as a presidential election poll, are given in the media, an error figure is usually reported (e.g. +/- 5 %). This measureable error figure refers to

total random sampling eroor

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