4b Test/Quiz over Module 1
Which of the following file extensions does not indicate that a file is a vector graphic file?
Which extension at the end of a file name indicates that the file has been compressed?
In the RGB system, if each color is represented by a number from 0-255, the color white would be represented as:
A vector graphic consists of:
A set of instructions for creating a picture
If you scan in an image from a paper document, the result is:
Bitmap image
The voices of Siri were created by live actors, but they couldn't record every possible response to user queries. The process used to create sentences from phonemes is called:
Concatenative speech synthesis
If you see an error message indicating that you cannot copy a certain audio or video file because you have already made the allowed number of copies, the system used to impose this restriction is termed:
DRM (Digital Rights Management)
CDs and DVDs store data as:
Dark and light spots
How do you produce a 2D image of an irregular shape such as a bumpy stone with vector graphics software?
Draw a series of short line segments to outline the stone, then fill it with color.
One of the main disadvantages of MIDI is:
It cannot produce vocals
If you attempt to compress an image in JPEG/JPG or PNG format, the result will be:
Not much more shrinkage
Which of the following is not a type of file format that holds a compressed video stream and an audio stream?
An alternative term for bitmap is:
Run-Length Encoding (RLE) accomplishes lossless compression gy:
Replacing a series of similarly colored pixels with a binary code that indicates the number of pixels and their colors
If you have a paper document you wish to edit, you must:
Scan it into a computer using an OCR program
My GPS can pronounce the names of streets, even though these have not been recorded for its database. The technology used for this is:
Speech Synthesis
The codes used in documents for formatting styles and margins are defined by:
The software that created the document such as Microsoft Word or Apple Pages
A plain text document does NOT contain
Underlining and special fonts
hich of the following is not a type of bitmap format?
Combining two images with red and blue overlays to create a stereoscopic effect produces a graphic called a(n) _____.
Today's widescreen devices, such as laptops and smartphones, are designed for the 16:9 __________.
aspect ratio
Martijn downloads a new app to his smartphone that lets point his camera at one of his friends and see what they would look like with a cartoon animal dancing on their head as they walk around. How should you categorize this type of technology?
augmented reality
Which technology adds computer-generated vector objects to a view of the real world?
augmented reality
Digital devices can represent virtually any number simply by using the 0s and 1s of the _____.
binary number system
Numbers that represent dollar amounts and will be used to calculate the total cost and sales tax for an order are represented as _____.
binary numbers
Which of the following are not factors that directly affect the quality of digital video?
capture device's memory and storage technologies
The software that compresses a video stream when a video is stored and decompresses the file when the video is played is a(n) _____.
Which type of audio file format is used to store most music for portable media players?
A photographer can capture images of a scene from the front, back, and sides and then stitch them together to produce a 360-degree image similar to the view from a merry-go-round, called a(n) _____.
cylindrical projection
To convert an audio file stored on a CD into a format that you can listen to on a smartphone you can use the process called _____.
digital audio extraction
Text, numbers, graphics, sound, and video that have been converted into discrete digits such as 0s and 1s are _____.
digital data
The number of bitmap images that are displayed per second as a video plays is called the _______.
frame rate
You can adjust the brightness values for various ranges of dark, mid-range, or light pixels within an image using a photo editor's _____.
image histogram
A Web designer who combines several separate photographs with overlapping edges in order to create a panoramic image is using a technique called _____.
image stitching
When you attempt to enlarge a bitmap by increasing its resolution, graphics software will typically create new pixels by averaging the colors of nearby pixels, a process called pixel _____.
A live stream _____.
is also called a Webcast
A file with the .wav extension _____.
is supported in Web browsers without any plugins
Media is sent to a local device where it is stored temporarily, or "buffered," until there is enough data to begin playback by a(n) _____ stream.
Riley wants to compress a group of Microsoft Word files into one unit that she can e-mail to a colleague at work from her Mac. She should begin by _____.
opening Finder and selecting the files
When vector animations are used for special effects in movies, the animation sequences are _____________.
pre-rendered into digital video clips
Interlaced scanning _____.
produces an image by drawing every other line
The number of times per second that a sound is measured during the recording process is referred to as the sampling _____.
Interactive sequences in video games require developers to produce a series of bitmap images while the game is played using _____.
real-time rendering
The process for creating a vector-based computer animation _____.
requires the artist to create keyframes of vector objects
When recording narration for a brief instructional video, Jerusha _____.
selects a sampling rate of 11 kHz because this project doesn't require high-quality sound
The American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) requires how many bits for each character?
Romanius conducts a photo shoot late in the afternoon for a client. When he examines the photographs on his laptop later, he discovers that the sunlight has made the foreground objects appear too dark in some of them. Romanius can remediate this problem by _____.
sliding the levels bar in his image editor's histogram tool
Manipulating two-dimensional images to produce the illusion of three-dimensional depth is called ____________________.
Digital photographers use software such as Autopano or PTGui, panoramic functions on digital cameras, or smartphone apps such as Photo Sphere to capture photos for image _____.
Vector graphics are _____.
suitable for most line art, logos, and diagrams