4.Provisional Government (Feb-Oct 1917)

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Features of gov

-An 8 hour day was introduced for industrial workers -The Tsar's secret police (the Okhrana) was abolished -Equality for all was announced (irrespective of class, religion or nationality)

Provisional Government became increasingly unpopular -terrible conditions

-Inflation and hunger got worse because the war didn't end. (ie the people stayed angry.) -The Provisional Government didn't manage to end the food shortages or inflation.

Provisional Government became increasingly unpopular -

-It was made up of too many political groups - it was hard for them to agree on policies. -It wanted to leave most decisions until the new government was elected, even the redistribution of land that the peasants wanted. This made the Provisional Government look even weaker... -It decided to go on fighting the war... -The Petrograd Soviet ... was well organised and had clear aims...

Events of the Provisional Government

-July Bolshevik riots - the July Days - were defeated, but the Bolshevik Party was not banned. -August General Kornilov revolted, but was defeated by the Bolsheviks. -Sept The Bolsheviks (extremist Communists) took over the Petrograd Soviet (Trotsky became its President).

Provisional Government became increasingly unpopular - Kornilov

-Kornilov tried a right-wing/ pro-Tsar army coup in August 1917. (ie government under attack) -The Provisional Government had no control of the army and had to ask the Bolsheviks to help it. This made the government seem weak AND made the Bolsheviks popular (they took control of the Soviets).

Features of gov

-Political prisoners were released -Revolutionary exiles were allowed to return to Russia -Free speech was announced and newspapers were allowed to print what they liked

Provisional Government became increasingly unpopular - bolsheviks

-Lenin returned and published his plans for Russia: the 'April Theses' ('Peace, Bread, Land'; 'all power to the Soviets'; state ownership of factories and banks). They tried to take over the government by rioting in the 'July Days'. (ie government under attack) -The Provisional Government allowed freedom of speech and the press, and released political prisoners After the July Days, the Provisional Government arrested the leaders, but let the Bolshevik Party continue. This HELPED the Bolsheviks.

Provisional Government became increasingly unpopular - peasants

-Needed to resolve issues of land ownership left unresolved by Tsars -The Provisional Government sent troops to take back the land. This made the peasants very angry -Committee set up to advise on future policy PG reluctant to reach a firm decision until Constituent Assembly elected Took no action" " -Failed to extend its authority beyond St Petersburg & other major cities Couldn't use army to re-establish its authority Peasants took law into their own hands and forcibly took land, e.g. June 1917, 700 complaints from landowners about illegal attacks on property

Provisional Government became increasingly unpopular -War

-The Provisional Government tried to continue the war. It attacked Austria in June 1917, but after initial successes, the Germans moved in and the Russians were defeated. Soldiers deserted. There was a naval mutiny (ie the war was a disaster.) -The Provisional Government set up 'death squads' to execute deserters. This made things worse - by October 1917, soldiers were deserting, going home, killing the landlords, and taking land.

Provisional Government became increasingly unpopular -

Lacked legitimacy, drawn from State Duma, dominated by Kadets & Octobrists & minority groups, Mensheviks & Bolsheviks weren't included. Only radical was Alexander Kerensky Faced rival power - Soviet in Petrograd, by June 1917 it was called 'All-Russia Soviet'; claimed right to issue laws, e.g. Order No. 1, all officers to be elected by troops, military orders from PG would only be recognised if approved by the Soviet Increasing demands for self-government (autonomy) from Russia's nationalities -The Provisional Government did nothing to try to end the power of the Soviets.

Events of the Provisional Government

March The Provisional Government was faced by massive problems (inflation, hunger, peasant riots, war, Bolshevik and Tsarist revolutionaries). The Petrograd Soviet issued Order No. 1 - workers and soldiers must obey the Provisional Government only if the Soviet agrees. However, the Soviets were still controlled by the Mensheviks (moderate Communists). -April -The German government smuggled the Bolshevik leader Lenin back into Russia. He published his manifesto: the 'April Theses'. -June - Failure of the June military offensive against Austria.

The Provisional Government

The February Revolution was a popular uprising which brought the middle class to power. The Duma took over the government, and it set up a 'provisional government' - a temporary 12-man executive led by Alexander Kerensky. It was a moderate government, and - although faced by difficult problems - it tried to rule Russia in a way which was not too revolutionary.

Provisional Government became increasingly unpopular - WW1

The PG wanted to support the allies and fight. In June 1917 Russia launched a major offensive but the advance failed and 60,000 Russians were killed. Soldiers began to desert in increasing numbers. Food and fuel shortages continued


The Provisional Government's main mistake was to carry on the war. The burden proved disastrous as it tried to face the threat of the Bolshevik Communists, who were working through the Soviets to bring down the government.

Provisional Government became increasingly unpopular - LAND

The peasants wanted to own their own land and took it from the nobles and the church. The PG wanted them to stop as they said it should be an issue for a newly elected government to decide in the future. The peasants ignored them and began to take land illegally

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