6.1.1 What is Soil?

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Which layer of soil is closest to the surface? A) O (organic matter) B) A (topsoil) C) B (subsoil) D) C (parent rock)

A) O (organic matter)

Which of the following will be most influenced by the amount of organic material? A) soil color B) soil texture C) soil structure D) number of horizons

A) soil color

Online Content Why is agriculture in grasslands more productive than agriculture in rainforests? (Site 1)

Agriculture in grasslands is more productive than agriculture in rainforests because in grasslands, the soil is able to absorb many nutrients from organic matter and plant roots. In rainforests however, the soil is unable to absorb as many nutrients since the plants will collect a majority of the nutrients first.

Why is the presence of organic material in the soil important? A) It wards away plant eating organisms. B) It increases plant growth. C) It increases sunlight absorption. D) It increases water absorption.

B) It increases plant growth.


Body treatments that use mud or fango, dead sea salt, seaweed, enzymes, or peat baths. Mud contains minerals that are believed to help treat conditions when absorbed through the skin.

How does soil become enriched during soil formation? A) by weathering B) through erosion C) by decaying organisms D) all of the above

C) by decaying organisms

Where does the organic material in soil originate? A) physical weathering B) chemical weathering C) decomposing plant and animal matter D) the atmosphere

C) decomposing plant and animal matter

Which of the following areas would most likely have the deepest layer of topsoil? A) desert B) beach C) grassland D) mountaintop

C) grassland

Online Content How does cyanobacteria help form soil crusts? How does cyanobacteria assist in plant survival? (Site 2)

Cyanobacteria helps form soil crusts by joining loose particles in its web of sticky fibers. This strengthens the soil and creates the strong soil crusts. Cyanobacteria assists in plant survival because the sticky fibers it creates hold the soil together, allowing for plants to take root in a sturdy place. The cyanobacteria can also swell, holding water that can then be used by nearby plants. They also are part of the organic matter that provides plants with essential nutrients.

Why is soil important to plants? A) It provides them with nutrients. B) It provides them with water. C) It provides them with a medium for growth. D) All of the above

D) All of the above

Which layer of soil is least likely to be penetrated by plant roots? A) O (organic matter) B) A (topsoil) C) B (subsoil) D) C (parent rock)

D) C (parent rock)

Which of the following is a way that climate affects soil formation? A) increased precipitation B) warmer temperatures C) increased winds D) all of the above

D) all of the above

Which of the following is not a component of soil? A) organic material B) minerals C) gases D) none of the above

D) none of the above

Why is soil important?

It provides a place for plants to grow. It retains water and nutrients. It supports roots of plants, keeping them in place. It provides shelters to animals. It gives decomposers a place to recycle.

New soil formation involves ____.

New soil formation involves the weathering of rocks and minerals. Sand, silt, and clay mix with organic matter, creating a thin layer of soil, which is enriched by decaying organisms. This process may continue for 1000 years or more until the soil is fully formed.

The 5 soil forming factors include:

Parent material (material in which formed), Topography (slope, aspect, direction), Climate (temperature, moisture, wind, precipitation), Biological factors (animals and microorganisms burrowing, plant roots, humans, decomposition) Time (factors need time to interact, it is a lengthy process)

soil characteristics: soil structure

Particles are arranged into aggregates. They vary in size, shape, and pore space. This characteristic influences water mvt., air mvt., and biological activity.

Getting Real With Science San Francisco

So, getting real with science-- we talked about how earthquakes can be amplified or the ground shaking can be amplified by the softness of the ground. Well, if you look at this picture that shows the San Francisco Bay area, these black areas are areas where the shaking amplification is very high. And then we have these blue areas where the shaking amplification is very low. So what does that mean? Well, we could draw the conclusion that these black areas must be very soft soil, and these light blue various must be much harder soil.

Soil is ____.

Soil is a mixture of minerals, organic matter, liquids, and gases.

Soils differ by ___ and ___.

Soils differ by how they were formed and when they were formed.

Online Content What soil particle size has the greatest oxygen holding capacity? What soil particle size has the greatest water holding capacity? (Site 1)

The soil particle size with the greatest oxygen holding capacity is sand. The soil particle size with the greatest water holding capacity is clay.

liquid and gas components of soil

These components are water and air. They fill in space between other components.

soil characteristics: color

This characteristic is influenced by minerals, chemicals, and amount of organic matter present in the soil.

organic matter component of soil

This component is made of decaying remains of plants and animals. It returns nutrients to the soil and makes it more productive. It can help soil retain water better, allowing plants to survive better.

mineral component of soil

This component is made of finely ground rock particles and makes up a majority of soil's content. It can be classified into three main categories: sand, silt, and clay (from largest to smallest in size). This component provides important nutrients that organisms rely on to survive.

soil horizon

This describes each distinct layer of soil. They are defined by physical characteristics and tend to be similar/the same everywhere. These are the layers: O - organic matter A - topsoil B - subsoil C - parent rock E - pale color (minerals removed) R - bedrock

soil characteristics: texture

This describes mineral composition and particle size.


This is the process by which soil forms and evolves. It is impacted by erosion, silt deposition, climate,

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