A man for all seasons TEST

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Define conscience

A practical judgment for the right and wrong in the here and now

Define law

A reasonable ordinance properly promulgated by proper authority for the common good

"Young Roper! I've just seen young Roper! On my horse."


What saying does the Common Man come up with to justify the way he treats the imprisoned St. Thomas More ?

Better a live rat than a dead lion

What does Richard Rich say he will do with the money he gains for selling the silver cup ?

Buy new clothes

" I believe you believe that . You're a constant regret to me , Thomas . If you could just see the facts flat on , without that horrible moral squint ; with a little common sense , you could have been a statesman . "

Cardinal Wolsey

The Chancellor of England before St. Thomas More .

Cardinal Wolsey

Where is St. Thomas More's house ?


" The great thing's not to get out of your depth . What I can tell them's common knowledge ! "

Common Man

Archbishop of Canterbury and sided with the King on the question of the oath


Robert Bolt describes him as , " a self - conceit that can cradle gross crimes in the name of effective action . "


A great nobleman and sportsman that was " held together by a rigid adherence to the minimal code of conventional duty . "

Duke of Norfolk

T or F - The common man becomes collector of revenues for York diocese


Why does Saint Thomas not allow Roper to talk about his opinion of the Church of England ?

He fears the legal ramifications

" Thomas , that I stand in peril of my soul . It was no marriage ; she was my brother's widow . "

King Henry VIII

"Well , I dance superlatively ! This is a dancer's leg , Margaret"

King Henry VIII

Sought to divorce his wife to marry Anne Boleyn and provide an heir to the throne .

King Henry VIII

Why does the Duke of Norfolk participate in the persecution of his friend St. Thomas More?

King ordered him to , so the trial wouldn't seem unfair

What book of the Bible does Henry quote to support his claim that the first marriage was invalid ?


What is Will Roper's religion at the beginning of the play


" A beautiful girl of ardent moral fineness ; she both suffers and shelters behind a reserved stillness which it is her father's care to mitigate . "


" Listen , Roper . Two years ago your were a passionate Churchman ; now you're a passionate - Lutheran . We must just pray that when your head's finished turning , your face is to the front again . "

St. Thomas More

According to Robert Bolt a hero of selfhood .

St. Thomas More

King Henry VIII told Parliament to declare him this new title , one that sent shock waves across the Catholic Church . What title did he wish to be known

Supreme Head of the Church of England

What is the name of the boat King Henry sailed down the Thames to meet St. Thomas More ?

The Great Harry

" Are you coming my direction , Rich ? "

Thomas Cromwell

" No , it's not like that , it's much more a matter of convenience , administrative convenience . "

Thomas Cromwell

Who is referred to as the " King's Ear " ?

Thomas Cromwell

St. Thomas More would have a hard time ; for refusing the oath to make Henry VIII the Head of the Church . St. Thomas was forced to spend time where of

Tower of London

T or F - Alice and Norfolk argue over falcons hunting herons


T or F - Henry tries to use passages from the Bible to defend his decision to divorce


T or F - Meg speaks better Latin then King Henry does


T or F - Wolsey recommends that More succeed him as chancellor


T or F -Mores books are removed from his jail cell


" Must everything be made convenient ? I'm not a convenient man , Meg - -I've I've got an inconvenient conscience ! "

William Roper

St. Thomas More's son - in - law

William Roper

What does Wolsey call the Ambassador when talking to Saint Thomas ?

a ninny

What did a woman use to attempt to bribe More

an Italian silver cup

Where does the family find Thomas when he should be getting ready for the King's arrival ?

at vespers

Why does St. Thomas More suddenly let Will Roper marry his daughter ?

because Will Roper switches back to Catholicism

Why does St. Thomas More refuse to tell his family what he thinks about the divorce and the Act of Supremacy

because he doesn't want them to have to lie if called to testify against

What charge must Cromwell trump up in order to be able to execute Sir Thomas ?

high treason

Which of the following roles does the Common Man not play


What does Wolsey say is Anne Boleyn's greatest attribute ?

she is fertile

The role of the Common Man is

to draw the audience into the play

" I'm adrift . Help me . "

Richard Rich

" I'm lamenting . I've lost my innocence . "

Richard Rich

"But every man has his price"

Richard Rich

Cromwell offers Rich what position in exchange for Rich's false testimony at More's trial ?

Attorney General of Wales

What position does Richard Rich take after Thomas More first refuses his request for work

Norfolk's librarian

What stood in the way of Henry VIII being able to marry Anne ?


The woman who gave St. Thomas More a silver cup as a bribe had a case in the Court of


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