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Betty Friedan

Betty Freidan was an American Feminist writer and Activist in the Women's Rights Movement. "The Feminine Mystique" highlighted the feeling of worthlessness of having a predetermined role as a women in a patriorchal society. She also co-founded the National Orginization for Woemen, a civil rights group that fought for women's equality. Betty Friedan had a positive impact and gave women a sense of empowerment and worth by acknowledging and challenging the pre-determined role women have in society.

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Franklin D. Roosevelt was the 32nd president of the United States during the period of the Great Depression. He proposed a sweeping program (The New Dea) and took the middle ground in his policies to make sure that revolution wouldn't tear the American people apart. Negatively people believed his New Deal policies were like an Alphabet soup (Redundant and sometimes competed with each other) and that he had created a huge national bureacracy and $40 billion in national debt. However he had also prevent national starvation and bankruptcy in a dire time.

John F. Kennedy

John F. Kennedy, the youngest and the 35th president of the United States, was assassinated during his term in Dallas Texas. John F. Kennedy's presidency and economic programs launched the economy on its longest sustained expansion since WWII and he championed for civil rights legislation in response to the movement. John F. Kennedy took office during a turbulent time (Cold war, nuclear threats, racial tensions), however he provided a sense of security and stength to the American people and helped perserve western democracy and possibly prevent nuclear warfare . However he had shortcomings of proclaming Civil Rights but didn't act until racial violence forced change, and proclaimed peace but esculated involvment in vietnam without telling the American people.

Joseph Mccarthy

Joseph Mcarthy was an American politician who served in the US senate (representing Winsconsin) during the Red Scare. He held obsessive witchunts of alleged communist (Mcarythism), he is important because he envoked peoples' fear of communism which led to his success and fall. Overall McCarthy had a negative impact on history; he invoked feelings of fear and used it to his advantage to gain popularity and abuse his power to accuse people of being communist and create out of control communist "Crusades".

Lyndon B Johnson

Lyndon B Johnson was the 36th president of the United States and assumed presidency after JFK's assisination. He had a vision for a "Great Society" and passed Civil Rights Act (following the inititive that JFK never got to finish). The Great Society and Civil Rights movement impacted America in a positive way to combat poverty, give other basic health care, and provide minoroties with fundemental rights. However he had backlash from black communities and he only steadily exerted his influence against segeragation. Likewise his involvment in vietnam was controversial.

Richard M Nixon

Richard M nixon was the 37th president of the United States and the only president to resign due to a scandal. He sucessfully ended the American fighting in Vietnam and improved international relations with U.S.S.R and China. Positively Richard M Nixon had an accord with North Vietnam to end American involvment in the Vietnam war, agreed on a treaty to limit nuclear weapons, and also visited Beijing and Mascow to reduce tensions with China. However he was involved in the Watergate Scandal (continual attempts to cover-up break in at the Democratic National Committee Headquarters)

Ronald Reagan

Ronald Regan was the 40th president of the United States and an American Actor. He had a program called the Regan Revolutoin which aimed to boost American morale of being less reliant on Government, and also passed legislation that stimulated economic growth, curbed inflation, increased employment, and strengthened national defense. Ronald Regan had a mostly positive impact due to his Regan Revolution program and legislation that stimulated economic growth, curbed inflation, increased employment, and strengthened national defense; the nation had one of its longest peacetime prosperity without recession or depression

Rosa Parks

Rosa Parks was a civil rights activist who championed for de-segergation during the Civil Rights Movement. Rosa Parks denial of moving for a white person in a segergated bus sparked a movement of the Mongomery Bus Boycott. Rosa Park's actions represented the struggle and racism that many had to deal with, her defiance to segergation challenged others to make change and fight for racial equality.

Harry S Truman

Harry S Truman was the 33rd president of the United States during WWII and had great responisibility placed on him because he wasn't informed of the development of the atomic bomb and rising tensions between the US and Russian until he assumed presidency. Whe Japan had not agreeded to surrender in the final stage of WWII truman ordered atomic bombs to be dropped on Heroshima and Nagasaki (which led to their surrender), and presented congress with a 21-point program. Positively Truman supported the Civil Right Movement and established the President's Committee on Civil RIghts. However he unethically used bombs on Heroshima and Nagasaki in a time of war (killing mostly civilians) and he also sent troops to the Korean war without consulting congress.

Huey Newton

Huey newton was a political activist and co-founder of the Black Panther Party during the Black Power Movement. Through the Black Panther pater he empowered black peoeopl and after being released from prision he adopted a non-violent stance to providing civil services back to the black community. Huey Newton overall had a positive impact. Although violence isn't the best answer sometimes it's the only one. Huey empowered the Black community and showed that sometimes peace isn't enough to get a point across. However he also took a peaceful stance of giving back and empowering the black community.

Malcom X

Malcom X was an African American leader and prominent figure in the Nation of Israel during the Civil Rights movement. He helped develop a sense of racial pride and black nationalism. He also played a role in the Nation of Isreal (A African American movement that combined elements of Islam and Black Nationalism). Malcom X has a mostly positive impact, he taught POC to have a sense of racial pride and to defend themselves when being attack through violence and regional opposition to Martin Luther King Jr. ideals can be seen as negative.

Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King Jr was a Baptist minister and American social activist who became the head of the civil rights movement until his assassination, but his ideals lived on. King's leadership was integeral to the Civil Rights movement and inspired many; his peacful protest tatics rose support for the movement and led to ending legal segergation. He changed history in a positive way by supporting racial equality and showing that people could make a chage with their voice through peacful means.

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