A. The Study of Political Science (with notes)

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Concepts from this field are the underlying forces in the framing of constitutions and laws

Political Theory

The entire body of doctrines relating to the origin, form, behavior and purposes of the state are dealt within the study of this project

Statistics and Logic

This involves the proper application of statistical procedures for the quantitative measurement of social phenomena and of logical procedures for the analysis of reasoning


This studies the mental and emotional processes motivating political behavior of individuals and groups


A science concerned with the study of the influences of physical factors such as population pressures, sources of raw materials, geography, etc. upon domestic and foreign politics


Derived from the Greek word "polis"

1. Collective activity 2. Diversity of views 3. Reconciliation with differences 4. Authoritative policy for the group

Elements of Politics:

1. Education for citizenship 2. Essential parts of liberal education 3. Knowledge and understanding of government

Goal in the study of political science courses:

Political Science

Has as its formal object, a basic knowledge and understanding of the state and of the principles and the ideals which underlie its organization and activities


It comes from the Latin word, "scire", which means "to know"

Political Science

It deals with relations among men and groups which are subject to control by the state

Sociology and anthropology

It is deeply concerned with the origins and nature of social control and government authority, with the abiding influences of race and culture upon society, and with the patterns of collective human behavior

Political Science

It is primarily concerned with the association of human beings into a "body politic" or a political community (one organized under government and law)


It means a "city", or what today would be the equivalent of a sovereign state


It refers to the art or science of government concerned with proper management of the affairs of the society

False. They're not.

Law and state are separable. True or false?

1. History 2. Economics 3. Geography 4. Sociology and Anthropology 5. Psychology 6. Philosophy 7. Statistics and Logic 8. Jurisprudence

Other social disciplines interrelated to the study of political science:

1. Political Theory 2. Public Law 3. Public Administration

Scope of political science:

False. All states do.

Some states proclaim laws effective within their jurisdictions, and enforce them through a system of penalties or sanctions. True or false?


Study of mankind in relation to physical, social, and cultural development


Study of society

1. Constitutional Law 2. Administrative Law 3. International Law

Subdivisions of Public Law:

1. To discover the principles that should be adhered to in public affairs and to study the operations of the government 2. For practical use by legislators, executives, and judges

The functions of political science

1. organization of governments 2. limitations upon government authority 3. powers and duties of governmental offices and officers 4. obligations of one state to another

The study of Public Law encompasses:

Political Science

The systematic study of the state and government

Public Administration

This area of study focuses upon the methods and techniques used in the actual management of the state affairs by executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government


This branch of public law is concerned with the analysis of existing legal systems and also with the ethical, historical, sociological, and psychological foundation of law

Administrative Law

This falls within the scope of any broad study of public administration


This field employs the knowledge of the past and in order to interpret the present and probable developments in political phenomena


This field is jointly concerned with the fact that economic conditions affect the organization, development, and activities of states, which in turn modify or even prescribe economic conditions. Usually adopted when seeking to interpret matters such as public financial policies and government regulation of business

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