A&P Final Exam Essay & M.c.

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-inhibiting osteoclast activity -increasing calcium excretion & reducing calcitriol secretion by kidneys -decreasing intestinal absorption of calcium If we have this, we get activity of calcitonin; secreted by c cells in thyroid

Smooth Muscle

-non-striated -1 nuclei -involuntary -aerobic (slow)

Cardiac Muscle

-striated -1 nuclei -involuntary -aerobic (slow)

Skeletal Muscle

-striated -multinucleated -voluntary -anaerobic (fast)

Reflex arc (5 parts)

1- stimulus activates a receptor 2- w/ enough stimulation, action potential is generated in sensory neuron. Axon enters spinal cord via posterior root 3- information processing in spinal cord usually occurs at 1 or more neurons 4- interneurons stimulate action potentials in motor neurons; its axon leaves via anterior root 5- motor neuron stimulates effector

Neuron Dance (EXTRA CREDIT)

18 steps (EXTRA CREDIT)


ACh crosses cleft, binds receptor on sarcolemma

structure; function

Anatomy is to ________ as physiology is to ________.

cold, pale skin

During an inflammatory response to injury, which of the following is the least likely in the region of the injury?

receptor; control center; effector

Homeostatic regulation usually involves a(n) ________ that detects a particular stimulus, and a(n) ________ that responds to the stimulus by communicating with a(n) ________ whose activity has an effect on the same stimulus.

Calcium Homeostasis

Hypocalcemia & Hypercalcemia


Increases Blood Calcium Ion Levels by: -stimulating osteoclast activity (indirectly) -increasing intestinal absorption of calcium by enhancing calcitriol secretion by kidneys -decreasing calcium excretion by kidneys If we have this, we get activity of parathyroid hormone (PTH); produced by parathyroid glands in neck

turning the hand/palm upward

Which of the following movements is a good example of supination?

bending the elbow; hinge

____ is a good example of flexion & this occurs in a ___ joint

chemically/ligand gated channels

____ open or close in response to binding a specific molecule


_____ occurs when articulating surfaces are forced out of position


a blood pH of 9 is considered:


a neuromuscular junction at a skeletal muscle fiber uses the neurotransmitter ____


actin & myosin slide past each other


action potential travels from sarcolemma down t-tubules to sarcoplasmic reticulum

sodium-potassium pump

after an action potential occurs, the resting membrane potential of a neuron is restored by the

gap junction

allows neighboring cells exchange small molecules quickly, found in the cardiac muscle

they both have extensive vascularity

both cartilage & bone share all of the following characteristics except


calcium binds to toponin


calcium flows into axon terminal crossing synaptic vessicles to release ACh into synaptic cleft


calcium leaves sarcoplasmic reticulum


charlie is badly burned in an accident. when he reaches the ER, the examining physician finds he can poke the burn w/ a needle & charlie feels no pain which means the burn extends through the dermis destroying sensory nerve endings. this is a ___ degree burn


compact bone is made up of functional units called


dendrites receive a signal which opens a channel


exposing active site on actin

smooth muscle

forms the walls of most hollow organs such as the stomach, has ability to contract

containing genes to regulate cell differentiation

functions of the plasma membrane include all of the following except


glands that release their product by the cell wall bursting to release the secretory contents thereby destroying the cell in the process are ____ glands

produce an effect that decreases from the point of stimulation

graded potentials


head of myosin binds the active site on actin

they cause the heart rate if osteoblast activity at the epiphyseal plate to exceed the rate of epiphyseal cartilage production resulting in eventual closure of the epiphyseal plate

how do sex hormones affect bone growth

vitamin d is involved in calcium absorption by the digestive tract

how is vitamin d related to calcium homeostasis in bone?

it is facilitated & it will be easier ti produce an action potential

if a neuron's membrane potential has shifted closer to threshold, what can we say about that neuron?


impulse travels down axon, voltage gated calcium channels in axon terminal open


in connective tissue proper, the combination of extracellular fibers & viscous ground substance create the


inside a sarcomere, the main protein component of the thick filament is ____

Creatine Kinase (CK)

inside muscle fibers, this enzyme catalyzes the conversion of creatine phosphate & ADP into creatine & ATP when there is a need for energy. this enzyme can also be found in the bloodstream & detected on blood analysis when damage to the sarcolemma occurs


interconnecting tiny arches/struts of bone tissue found in spongy bone are called

epidermis, dermis, hypodermis

layers of integument moving superficial to deep

a ligament is stretched & collagen fibers in the ligament are damaged

mike falls off his bike & sprains his ankle. which of the following occurs w/ a sprain?


muscle cells at rest produce ATP by primarily using __ respiration


muscle contracts

lactic acid

muscle fatigue occurs because of the buildup of ___


myosin heads bend


outer layer covering compact bone that functions to isolate bone from surrounding tissue, serves as a site for muscle tendon attachment & plays a role in fracture healing is known as the

allowing some substances to pass through but not others

plasma membranes are said to be selectively permeable because they:

hyaline cartilage

provides protection to the end of long bones, inside synovial joints

the axon would be unable to generate an action potential

puffer fish poison blocks voltage gated sodium channels like a cork preventing movement of sodium ions across the membrane. what effect would this neurotoxin have on the function of neurons?

Cardinal signs of inflammation

redness, heat, pain, swelling


resulting in a graded potential

tight junctions

stops material from crossing the epithelium between cells


strong intercellular connections formed by spots of proteoglycans reinforced w/ intermediate filaments; reason for epidermis being lost in sheets after sunburn


summation of graded potentials until membrane depolarizes to threshold at axon hillock/trigger zone

CT Proper, Fluid CT, Supporting CT

the 3 main categories of connective tissue (CT) include:

all stimuli great enough to bring the membrane to threshold will produce an identical action potential

the all or none principle of action potentials states that

hyaline carilage

the articular cartilage of a typical long bone is composed of what type of cartilage?


the clinical term for joint inflammation is:


the connective tissue layers in a muscle which surround the entire muscle is called the

weaker & more flexible

the disease osteomalacia causes decreased mineralization due to phosphorus & calcium loss from the skeleton. based on your knowledge of the composition of osseous tissue, this disease would result in bones that are


the fibrocartilaginous pads in the knee that protect & cushion the joint are known as:


the flared distal ends of a long bone such as the femur are called

synovial fluid

the fluid that fills the joint cavity in a diarthrosis is

remodeling; throughout life

the ongoing process of tearing down & rebuilding bone matrix is called _____ & this occurs ____.


the opening of a sodium channel & influx of sodium into a neuron that was at resting membrane potential will cause the membrane potential to


the part of the peripheral nervous system that carries sensory information to the CNS is designated

melanin, basale

the pigment responsible for skin tone is ___ & it is produced in specialized cells in the stratum ____

hydrophilic heads & hydrophobic tails

the plasma/cell membrane is made up of:

sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR)

the shortage & release site for calcium ions in a muscle fiber is called the


the site of intercellular communication between a neuron & another cell is called a


the specific type of epithelial cells that make up the strata in the epidermis are


the study of cells is called


the tendency for the physiological systems of the body to stabilize internal conditions is called:

the heart & lungs

the thoracic cavity houses:

stratum corneum

the tough superficial layer of the epidermis is known as the


the type of sensory receptor which monitors our external environment are called


this neurotransmitter can have an inhibitory or excitatory effect on the postsynaptic cell. a deficiency in this neurotransmitter can cause parkinsons like symptoms


threshold reached/action potential starts at trigger zone

synaptic cleft

to communicate/transmit info, a neurotransmitter is released from the axon terminal of the presynaptic neuron & crosses the ___ to a receptor on the postsynaptic neuron

the digits are distal to the brachial area

using directional references for a person in an anatomical position, how would you best describe the relationship of the digits compared to the brachial area?


voltage gated potassium channels open, potassium flows out, gates open


voltage gated sodium channels open, sodium flows in, gates close

insensible, increase

water loss due to evaporation of interstitial fluid that has diffused to the skin surface is called _____ perspiration. A third degree burn may ___ this loss.


what term best describes a fracture that has not broken through the skin?

grow longer, interstitial growth

when cartilage is produced at the epiphyseal side of the metaphysis at the same rate as bone is deposited on the opposite side, bones ____. This is called _____.


which changes shape of tropomyosin

adductor longus

which muscle is involved in adducting the thighs?


which of the following connect tissue proper cells secrete proteins to form extracellular matrix?


which of the following is an example of a long bone?

highly vascular

which of the following is not a characteristic of epithelial tissue?

synthesis of vitamin c

which of the following is not a function of the integumentary system?

forcing blood out of the heart into major arteries

which of the following is not a recognized function of the skeletal muscle?

osseous tissue

which of the following is not one of the 4 main tissue categories?

a blue tint to the skin is called cyanosis & is due to the fact that the pigment hemoglobin is not binding enough oxygen

which of the following is true?

moving arm laterally, away from the body

which of the following movements would be an example of abduction?


which of the following muscles is involved in elevating the mandible?

levator scapulae

which of the following muscles is involved in elevating the scapulae?

rectus abdominis

which of the following muscles is involved in flexing the vertebral column


which of the following muscles is involved in laterally flexing head towards the shoulder?

orbicularis oculi

which of the following muscles is involved when closing the eyelids?

flexor carpi radialis

which of the following muscles is responsible for flexion of the wrist?

pronator teres

which of the following muscles is responsible for pronating the forearm?


while assessing a patient you pinch the skin of the back of their hand & it remains peaked. this is a sign of:

metastatic & malignant

while reviewing radiographs (xrays) from a patient that has a primary tumor in the liver you see that there are many small tumors w/in the lungs. these smaller tumors that have appeared in the lungs mean that this cancer is most likely

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