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If the dorsal root ganglia of the spinal nerve were destroyed, a person would lose: A. sensory perception related to that pathway B. willed movement related to the pathway C. only reflex activity related to that pathway D. both reflex activity and sensation related to that pathway


In advanced old age, the thymus may be largely replaced by: A. fat B. protein C. scar tissue D. cartilage


Lymph circulation is maintained by all except: A. the heart B. inspiration C. skeletal muscle contractions D. valves


Lymph enters a node via: A. afferent lymph vessels B. efferent lymph vessels C. sinuses D. trabeculae


The innermost layer of the meninges is the: A. pia mater B. arachnoid membrane C. dura mater


The layer of meninges that adheres to the outer surface A. pia matter B. arachnoid membrane C. dura mater


The lymph nodes located in the groin are called the: A. inguinal lymph nodes B. axillary lymph nodes C. submaxillary group D. submental group


The part of the brain that can directly influence or inhibit the release of hormones is the: A. hypothalamus B. thalamus C. medulla


The right angle between the transverse colon and the ascending colon is the: a. hepatic flexure b. left colonic blend c. costal angle d. splenic flexure


The structure referred to as the pacemaker of the heart is the: A. SA node B. AV node C. Purkinje fibers D. AV bundle (bundle of His)


Which is/ are the neurotransmitters in a somatic motor pathway? A. acetylcholine B. amines C. amino acids D. neuropeptides


Which of the following is a part of the brainstem? A. medulla oblongata B. hypothalamus C. arbor vitae D. diencephalon


Which of the following vessels carries blood from the lungs to the heart? a. pulmonary vein b. inferior vena cava c. pulmonary artery d. aorta


Which pair of tonsils is located in the nasopharynx? a. pharyngeal tonsils b. palatine tonsils c. lingual tonsils d. both B and C


Which plexus contains nerves that innervate the lower part of the shoulder? A. brachial B. cervical C. lumbar D. sacral


Which statement is true of the arteries? a.They always carry blood away from the heart bThey always carry oxygenated blood c.The tunica media is usually thinner than the tunica adventitia d.Both A and B


58. The spleen _____during infectious diseases and ____ in old age. A. atrophies; hypertrophies B. hypertrophies; atrophies C. secretes hormones; stops functioning D. none of the above 59. The nervous system is divided into two major divisions, the: A. brain and spinal cord B. central nervous system and peripheral nervous system C. cerebrum and cerebellum D. afferent and efferent


A child was frightened by a large dog. The pupils of the child's eyes became dilated:and respiratory rates increased. These symptoms were caused by stimulation of: A. the parasympathetic nervous system B. the sympathetic nervous system C. both the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems D. none of the above would account for the symptoms


Audition is a function of the: A. occipital lobe B. temporal lobe C. parietal lobe D. frontal lobe


Bile salts aid in the digestion of: a. carbohydrates b. fats c. calcium, magnesium, and certain other minerals d. proteins


Fight or Flight physiological changes include all of the following except: A. increased conversion of glycogen into glucose B. constriction of respiratory airways C. increased sweating D. dilation of blood vessels in skeletal muscles


If the ventral nerve root of a spinal nerve were destroyed, a person would lose: A. sensory perception related to that pathway B. willed movement related to that pathway C. only reflex activity related to that pathway D. both reflex activity and sensation related to that pathway


In fetal circulation, the ductus venosus: a. connects the pulmonary artery w/ the aorta b. bypasses the liver c. takes blood from the fetus to the placenta d. shunts blood from the right atrium into the left atrium


Lymph ducts empty into the circulatory system, draining into the: A. jugular vein B. subclavian veins C. superior vena cava D. inferior vena cava


Meningitis refers to inflammation of the: A. brain B. meninges C. spinal cord


Surgical removal of the gallbladder is referred to as: a. cholelithiasis b. cholecystectomy c. cholecystitis d. choledochorrhaphy


The autonomic nervous system functions chiefly in the: A. coordination of muscular activity B. innervention of smooth muscle in the viscera C. reception of sensory impulses D. arousal of alerting mechanism


The cisterna chili: A. originates the right lymphatic duct B. originates the thoracic duct C. is the storage area for hormones made by the thymus gland D. filters the chole coming from the small intestine


The nervous system is divided into two major divisions, the: A. brain and spinal cord B. central nervous system and peripheral nervous system C. cerebrum and cerebellum D. afferent and efferent


The part of the lymphatic system secretes a hormone is the: A. spleen B. thymus C. lymph nodes D. palatine tonsils


The spleen is located in the: A. right hypochondriac region B. left hypochondriac region C. epigastric region D. left lumbar region


The structures that deflect air as it passes through the nose are called: a. parnasal sinuses b. conchae c. choanae d. vibrissae


The thickest layer of tissue in the heart wall is the: a. epicardium b. myocardium c. endocardium d. pericardium


The tonsils located near the posterior opening of the nasal cavity are called the: A. palatine tonsils B. pharyngeal tonsils C. lingual tonsils D. laryngeal tonsils


The total number of lobes in both lungs is: a. 4 b. 5 c. 3 d. 6


What structure drains lymph from about 3/4ths of the body into the subclavian vein? A. right lymphatic duct B. thoracic duct C. cisterni chili D. spleen


Which part of the stomach actually lies above the entrance of the esophagus? a. pylorus b. fundus c. lesser curvature d. body


All arteries of the systemic circulation branch form the: innominate artery A. superior vena cava B. aorta C. pulmonary artery


Paranasal sinuses are normally filled w/: A. serous fluid B.bone marrow C. air D. mucus


The brain has ____major divisions. A. 3 B. 5 C. 6 D. 8


The cluster of lymph nodes found in the underarm and upper chest region is referred to as: A. superficial cervical nodes B. inguinal nodes C. axillary nodes D. superficial cubital nodes


The contents of the stomach are emptied into the: A. ileum B. jejunum C. duodenum D. cecum


The flap of tissue suspended from the midpoint of the posterior border of the soft palate: a. gingiva b. fauces c. uvula d. frenulum


The foramen magnum is the structure that divides the: A. medulla oblongata from the pons B. pons from the midbrain C. medulla oblongata from the spinal cord D. brainstem from the cerebellum


The internal layer of tissue in the heart is the: A. myocardium B. pericardium C. endocardium D. epicardium


The layer of the meninges that serves as the inner periosteum of the cranial bone is the: A. pia matter B. arachnoid membrane C. dura mater


The main division of the central nervous system are the: A. brain, spinal cord, and autonomic nerves B. brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves C. brain and spinal cord


The peripheral nervous system includes: A. only spinal nerves B. only spinal nerves and their branches C. only cranial nerves, spinal nerves, and their branches D. cranial nerves, the spinal cord, spinal nerves, and their branches


The size of the thymus is largest at: A. birth B. 2 years of age C. puberty D. approx 50 years of age


The spinal nerves are connected to the spinal cord and consist of: A. 12 pairs B. 21 pairs C. 31 pairs D. 41 pairs


The thymus is located in the: A. right hypochondriac region B. left hypochondriac region C. mediastinum D. neck


The thymus undergoes involution during: A. early childhood B. puberty C. old age D. fetal development


The tonsils located near the base of the tongue are called the: A. palatine tonsils B. pharyngeal tonsils C. lingual tonsils D. laryngeal tonsils


The vast majority of the body's lymph is drained by the: A. right lymphatic duct B. left lymphatic duct C. thoracic duct D. abdominal duct


Which of the following is a correct statement? A. There are 7 cervical nerve pairs. B. There are 11 thoracic nerve pairs. C. There are 5 lumbar nerve pairs. D. All of the above are correct statements


Which of the following is a true statement? A. The wall of the lymphatic capillary consists of a multiple layer of flattened endothelial cells. B. Lymphatic and blood capillary networks are dependent on each other. C. Lymph from the entire body, except the upper right quadrant, drains eventually into the thoracic duct. D. The thoracic duct is aprrox the same size as the large veins


Which of the following is not a lymph organ? A. thymus B. spleen C. pancreas D. tonsils


Which of the following is not associated w/ the large intestine? a. appendix b. cecum c. pyloric sphincter d. transverse colon


Which of the following is not part of the lymphatic system? A. thymus B. spleen C. thyroid D. peyer patches


Which of the following structures control the opening of the stomach into the small intestines: A. Fundus B. Cardiac sphincter C. Pyloric sphincter D. Body


Which of these structures is not part of the lower respiratory tract? A. Trachea B. Lungs C. Larynx D. All of the above are part of the lower respiratory tract


The cerebellum performs all of the following functions except: A coordinates control of muscle action B. helps control posture C. controls cardiac function D. controls skeletal muscles to maintain balance


.A lesion in the cerebral cortex might result in: A. motor deficits B. sensory deficits C. intellectual impairment D. any of the above


A type of white blood cell that lives in tissue is called a: A. eosinophil B. erythrocyte C. neutrophil D. monocyte


All of the following are functions of the lymphatic system except: A. transporting interstitial fluid back to the bloodstream B. providing immunological defenses C. transporting absorbed fats from the intestine to the blood D. filtering metabolic wastes


Atrioventricular valves prevent backflow of blood into the: a. vena cava b. lungs c. ventricles d. atria


Chordea tendineae are associated w/ which structure(s)? a. Aortic valve b. Mitral valve c. Tricuspid valve d. Both B and C


Lacteals: A. drain into the right lymphatic duct B. are the lymphatics in the villi of the small intestines C. are able to absorb fat from the digestive system D. are both B and C


Lymph capillaries called lacteals are located in the: A. spleen B. liver C. thymus D. small intestine


Lymphatics resemble veins except that lymphatics: A. have thinner walls B. contain more valves C. contain lymph nodes located at certain intervals along their course D. all of the above


Regarding fetal circulation, the small vessel connecting the pulmonary artery w/ the descending thoracic aorta is called the: a. foramen ovale b. ductus venosus c. umbilical artery d. ductus arteriosus


Several "vital centers" are located in the: A. basal ganglia B. cerebrum C. cerebellum D. medulla


Somatic reflexes consist of: A. contractions of smooth muscle B. contractions of cardiac muscle C. glandular contractions D. contractions of skeletal muscles


The anatomical division of the pharynx that is located behind the mouth from the level of the hyoid bone below is called the: a. sphenopharynx b. laryngopharynx c. nasopharynx d. oropharynx


The cavity of the heart that normally has the thickest wall is the: a. left ventricle b. right ventricle c. right atrium d. left atrium


The cerebellum acts w/ the _____ to produce skilled movement. A. hypothalamus B. thalamus C. pons D. cerebrum


The cerebrospinal fluid resides in the: A. ventricles of the brain B. subarchnoid space C. central canal of the spinal cord D. all of the above


The filum terminal is part of the: A. cerebellum B. cerebrum C. spinal cord D. meninges


The lymph nodes perform which of the following functions? A. control blood pressure B. defense C. hematopoiesis D. both B and C


The more common term for deglutition is: a. chewing b. vomiting c. mechanical digestion d. swallowing


The part of the colon that lies in the vertical position, on the left side of the abdomen, extends to a point below the stomach and spleen to the level of the iliac crest is the: a. ascending colon b. transverse colon c. sigmoid colon d. descending colon


The small, leaf shaped cartilage behind the tongue and hyoid bone is the: a. corniculate cartilages b. cricoid cartilages c. thyroid cartilages d. epiglottis


The structure known as the "Adams apple," located in the neck, is the: a. glottis b. epiglottis c. cricoid cartilage d. thyroid cartilage


The ventricle of the heart that ejects blood toward the lungs is the: a. left atrium b. left ventricle c. right ventricle d. right atrium


Which is the most proximal part of the air distribution system that no longer contains cartilage: A. secondary bronchi B. primary bronchi C. alveolar ducts D. bronchioles


Which of the following is not a plexus of spinal nerves? A. Cervical B. Brachial C. Lumbar D. Thoracic


Which of the following is not an atrioventricular valve? a. Bicuspid b. Mitral c. Tricuspid d. Aortic


Which of the following is true about spinal nerves? They are: A. only sensory fibers B. only motor fibers C. completely autonomic fibers D. motor and sensory fibers


Which pair of tonsils is located in the oropharynx? a. pharyngeal tonsils b. palatine tonsils c. lingual tonsils d. both B and C


Bundles of unmyelinated fibers make up what is referred to as white matter.


Cranial nerves are considered part of the central nervous system.


The afferent nervous system consists of all outgoing motor pathways.


Most injuries to the brain and spinal cord cause permanent damage.


Most nerves in the human nervous system are mixed.


Neurons have, at best, a limited ability to repair themselves


Oligodendrocytes form myelin sheaths around nerve fibers in the CNS.


Spinal nerves are considered part of the peripheral nervous system.


The peripheral nervous system includes both efferent and afferent nerves.


Nerve fibers w/ many Schwann cells forming a thick myelin sheath is gray fibers.


The nervous system consists of the brain, spinal cord and nerves.


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