A&P Homework for final

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a drug that interferes with the active transport of calcium ions from the sarcoplasm back into the sarcoplasmic reticulum would result in A.an imbalance of blood calcium B. contraction with no relaxation C. relaxation of the muscle fiber D. fibrosis of the muscle E. muscle hypertrophy


if 5 action potentials arrive at the same synapse in very close succession, which of the following would occur A. spatial summation occurs B. temporal summation occurs


one ATP molecule is required for A. formation of the cross-bridge and for movement of the cross-bridge B. formation, movement and release of the cross-bridge C. release of the cross-bridge D. movement of the cross-bridge E. formation of the cross-bridge


aerobic exercise A. increase vascularity of muscle B. can increase the number of mitochondria in muscle cells C. all of these choices are correct D. develops fatigue-resistant fast-twitch fibers E. can increase the efficiency of slow-twitch fibers


in which type of bone would osteons be present A. woven bone B. spongy bone C. compact bone D. both spongy and compact E. all bone types are present in osteons


lack of acetylcholinesterase in the synaptic cleft would result in A. continuous stimulation of the presynaptic membrane B. relaxation of the muscle C. continuous stimulation of the postsynaptic membrane D. rapid degradation of acetylcholine E. a decrease in acetylcholine production by the motor neuron


T tubules A. provide nutrients to the muscle fiber B. store calcium ions C. release acetylcholine D. conduct action potentials deep into the muscle cell E. generate new muscle fibers


why do we call the knee-jerk reflex a type of monosynaptic reflex? hyporeflexia refers to a condition in which the muscles have a decreased or absent reflex response. Consider the reflex arc of the knee jerk reflex, where do you think the damage might occur?

it is a monosynaptic reflex because there are no interneurons in the reflex arc. Hyporeflexia can occur when damages occur in either afferent part (=sensory neuron), or efferent part (=motor neuron), or both

recall the structure of a skeletal muscle cell, what are the mechanical components of contraction? What are the electrical components of contraction?

mechanical components include actin, myosin, tropomyosin, troponin, titin, and z-disks, all of which are part of the sacromere Electrical component structure include sarcolemma, T tubules and sarcoplasmic reticulum

Which of the following is correctly matched A. chondrocytes- build cartilage B. chondroblasts- maintain cartilage & promote calcification of cartilage C. osteoblasts- break down bone tissue D. osteoclasts- responsible for reabsorption E. osteocytes- function in bone remodeling


a joint is attached by fibrous connective tissue, has no joint cavity, and exhibits little or no movement would be classified as a A. cartilaginous joint B. complex joint C. synovial joint D. fibrous joint E. partial joint


a sharp object penetrated a synovial joint. From the following list of structures, select the order in which they were penetrated 1. tendon or muscle 2. ligament 3. fibrous capsule 4. skin 5. synovial membrane A. 4,1,2,5,3 B. 4,3,2,5,1 C. 4,2,1,5,3 D. 4,1,2,3,5 E. 4,5,1,2,3


a smooth muscle cell differs from a skeletal muscle cell in several ways. Name 2 differences between a smooth muscle cell and a skeletal muscle cell

skeletal muscle has multiple nuclei and is voluntary smooth muscle has one nuclei and is involuntary

based on what you know about the motor division of the peripheral nervous system (PNS), which of the following is incorrect A. acetylcholine is the only type of neurotransmitter found in the autonomic nervous system B. autonomic nervous system controls involuntary movement of smooth muscles and cardiac muscles C. somatic nervous system controls voluntary movement of skeletal muscles D. acetylcholine is the only type of neurotransmitter found in the somatic nervous system


body temperature A. results from the heart produced when muscles contract B. will increase after blood vessels in the skin constrict C. decreases when the rate of the chemical reactions increase D. is raised by sweating E. is lowered by shivering


gray matter on the surface of the brain is/are called A. the cortex B. nuclei C. ganglia D. tracts


if you cut bundles of axons and their myelin sheaths in the PNS, you cut A. nerves B. gnaglia


intramembranous ossification A. forms the bones of the roof of the skull B. forms two ossification centers C. is the process that produces most of long bones D. occurs when bones develop form cartilage models


the remodeling of bone tissue is a function of A. osteoblast and osteoclast activity B. osteoclast and osteocyte activity C. chondrocyte and osteocyte activity D. fibroblast and chondroblast activity E. chondroblast and osteoclast activity


the sarcoplasmic reticulum A. stores calcium ions B. shortens during muscle contraction C. covers the muscle fiber D. connects adjacent sarcomeres E. transmits nerve impulses to the myofibrils


which of the following is true about the skeletal muscle A. every muscle fiber receives a branch of an axon from the nerve B. there are very few nerve fibers in a muscle C. there are very few blood vessels in skeletal muscle


which of the following statements concerning slow-twitch oxidative muscle fibers is false A. they are well adapted to anaerobic activity B. they have a well developed blood supply C. they split ATP slowly D. they have low glycogen stores E. they have large deposits of myoglobin


which of the following statements on neuron resting potential is incorrect A. at rest, the electrical force and chemical force drive the movement of Na to opposite directions B. at rest, the electrical force and chemical force drive the movement of K to opposite directions C. the inside of the membrane is more negative compared with the outside of the membrane D. the differences in ion concentrations across of the membrane and the permeability characteristics of the membrane determine the resting potential


which type of respiration rapidly produces ATP for short time periods A. anaerobic respiration B. aerobic respiration C. both aerobic and anaerobic respiration


white matter is composed of A. bundles of axons B. collections of nerve cell bodies


suppose both excitatory and inhibitory synapse with a single postsynaptic neuron. what determines if an action potential is initiated in the postsynaptic neuron A. whether the neuron is myelinated or non-myelinated B. the number of EPSPs in relation to the number of IPSPs C. the kind of neuron involved D. the size of the neuron involved E. this situation is not possible in humans


synovial joints are different from both fibrous and cartilaginous joints because synovial joints A. use fibrous connective tissue to hold the bones in the joint together B. are enclosed by a joint capsule C. are not freely moveable D. generally have both bones in the joint fused together E. are only temporary; they are replaced in the adult


the cross-sectional view of the spinal cord reveals white matter on the A. inside, gray matter on the outside, and a dorsal motor root B. outside, grey matter on the inside, and a ventral motor root C. outside, grey matter on the inside, and a ventral sensory rood D. inside, grey matter on the outside and a dorsal sensory root


true/false both muscle spindle and Golgi tendon sense muscle stretch A. true B. false


true/false for the corticospinal tract, if dysfunction occurs in the spinal cord, it will cause weakness of the muscle on the same side A. false B. true


what is the site of longitudinal growth in long bones A. endosteum B. epiphyseal plate C. Sharpey's fibers D. epiphysis E. medullary cavity


when comparing smooth and skeletal muscle cells, which of the following statements is true A. smooth muscle cells are multinucleated B. the myofilaments in smooth muscle do not form sarcomeres C. smooth muscle has a lot of actin and myosin D. smooth muscle cells have striations E. smooth muscle cells are larger than skeletal muscle cells


which of the following events is NOT a characteristic of an action potential A. action potentials occur according to the all-or-none principle B. as sodium ions enter, the inside of the plasma membrane becomes more negative. C. at the peak of depolarization, sodium channels begin to close and potassium channels open D. in repolarization, potassium ions flow out of the cell E. the plasma membrane becomes highly permeable to sodium ions and depolarization results


which of the following events occurs last A. a cartilage model is formed by chondroblasts B. secondary ossification centers appear in the epiphyses C. cartilage is calcified in the cartilage model D. blood vessels grow into the primary ossification center E. osteoblasts produce trabeculae and lamellae on the surface of calcified cartilage


a kiss on the cheek would be perceived by impulses from the A. vestibulocochlear nerve B. trochlear nerve C. trigeminal nerve D. facial nerve E. abducens nerve


the processes of intramembranous and endochondral ossification are similar in several respects. Which of the following statements applies to both intramembranous and endochondral ossification A. chondrocytes participate in both processes B. both processes require a precursor of connective tissue membranes C. both processes form woven bone as the end product D. both only form flat bones E. in both processes, bone replaces cartilage


the proper sequence of events in bone repair is A. callus formation, hematoma formation, callus ossification, remodeling of bone B. callus ossification, callus formation, remodeling of bone, hematoma formation C. hematoma formation, callus formation, callus ossification, remodeling of bone D. remodeling of bone, callus ossification, hematoma formation, callus formation E. hematoma formation, callus ossification, callus formation, remodeling of bone


the sarcolemma is the A. protein strand composed of actin B. cytoplasm of muscle cells C. cell membrane of a muscle fiber D. contractile thread that extends the length of the muscle fiber E. structural and functional unit of the skeletal muscle cell


the strength of a stimulus is communicated through A. all choices are correct B. the length of time action potentials are produced C. both the frequency and the length of time action potentials are produced D. the frequency of the action potentials E. changes in the magnitude of the action potential


the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the ANS differ in the A. where the preganglionic and postganglionic neurons synapse B. start point at the central nervous system C. all of the provided answers are correct D. length of the preganglionic axon


troponin A. is a long, flexible protein B. is part of the myosin myofilament C. has a calcium-binding site D. binds to ATP E. has two subunits


which of the following statements concerning smooth muscle is true A. it has a well-developed sarcoplasmic reticulum B. caveolae seem to take the place of the myofibrils C. a calcium-calmodulin complex initiates cross-bridge formation D. it contains many sarcomeres E. the cells are large and multinuclear


which of the following statements concerning the structure of spinal nerves is false A. spinal nerve has a dorsal root and a ventral root B. the ventral root contains motor or efferent fibers C. the ventral root has a prominent toot ganglion


which of the following statements regarding the sliding filament model is false A. actin and myosin do not shorten during contraction B. the I band and H zones become narrower during contraction C. both actin and myosin myofilaments shorten during contraction D. the sarcomere shortens E. the A band remains constant in length


arrange the following events in endochondral ossification in proper sequence: 1. cartilage matrix is calcified and chondrocytes die 2. chondrocytes hypertrophy 3. cartilage model is formed 4. osteoblasts deposit bone on the surface of the calcified cartilage called the primary ossification center 5. blood vessels from the periosteum invade calcified cartilage bringing in osteoblasts and osteoclasts A. 3,5,2,4,1 B. 3,2,5,1,4 C. 3,2,5,4,1 D. E. 1,3,4,5,2


arrange the following list of biochemical events in the correct sequence 1. an action potential is conducted deep into the muscle fiber by the T tubule 2. calcium ions bind to troponin 3. the membranes of the sarcoplasmic reticulum become more permeable to calcium ions 4. calcium ions diffuse into the sarcoplasm around the myofibril 5. the troponin-tropomyosin complex moves exposing active sites A. 1,2,3,4,5 B. 3,2,1,5,4 C. 1,4,2,3,5 D. 1,5,2,3,4 E. 1,3,2,5,4


bone remodeling may occur A. as bone adjust to stress B. as fractures heal C. as bones grow D. all of the above E. constantly during a person's lifetime


curare blocks acetylcholine receptors at the motor end plate. This would result in A. lack of calcium uptake by the muscle fiber B. sustained contraction of the muscle C. increased stimulation of the muscle D. inability of muscle fiber to respond to nervous stimulation E. more acetylcholinesterase production


if an X-ray shows a black area in the region of the epiphyseal plate A. marrow is forming in the cancellous bone B. the bone is fractured C. the cartilage is absent D. the epiphyseal plate has not completely ossified E. growth of the bone is complete


muscle hypertrophy results from increase numbers of A. muscle fibers B. motor units C. muscle cells D. myofibrils and sarcomeres E. muscles


normal bone growth requires adequate amounts of _____, ______, and _____ in the diet A. sodium, calcium, and vitamin E B. vitamin D, phosphate, and chloride C. potassium, calcium, and vitamin D D. calcium, phosphate, and vitamin D E. vitamin E, vitamin B, and vitamin A


place the following parts of a reflex arc in the correct order beginning with the sensory receptor 1. motor neuron 2. interneuron 3. effector 4. sensory neuron 5. sensory receptor A. 5,1,2,3,4 B. 5,4,3,2,1 C. 5,,2,3,4,1 D. 5,4,2,1,3 E. 5,3,2,4,1


smooth muscle is regulated by all of the following except A. neurotransmitters B. hormones C. the autonomic nervous system D. the somatic nervous system


the active sites to which cross-bridges attach are found on the A. tropomyosin B. myosin myofilaments C. sarcoplasmic reticulum D. actin myofilaments E. troponin


the longitudinal growth of long bones ceases when A. the bone marrow forms B. the periosteum is completed C. chondroblasts take over mitosis of osteoblasts D. the epiphyseal plate is completely replaced with bone tissue E. the epiphysis becomes separated from the diaphysis


the sequence of events that produces growth at the epiphyseal plate is A. calcification, hypertrophy, proliferation, ossification, cell death, and remodeling B. hypertrophy, proliferation, calcification, ossification, and remodeling C. proliferation, hypertrophy, cell death, calcification, ossification, and remodeling D. proliferation, hypertrophy, calcification, cell death, ossification, and remodeling E. hypertrophy, calcification, proliferation, cell death, ossification, and remodeling


the speed of an action potential depends upon A. thickness of the myelin sheath B. whether an axon is myelinated or not myelinated C. the diameter of the axon D. all the choices are correct


what is the only neurotransmitter released at the neuromuscular junction A. glutamate B. epinephrine C. serotonin D. acetylcholine E. dopamine


what type of tissue covers the ends on long bones A. fibrocartilage B. periosteum C. elastic cartilage D. articular cartilage E. cancellous bone


which of the following best represents the sequence of events in the knee-jerk reflex? 1. muscles of the quadriceps are stretched 2. the muscle spindle is stretched 3. action potentials in sensory neurons of the muscle spindles increase 4. action potentials in alpha motor neurons of skeletal muscle fibers increase 5. skeletal muscle of the quadriceps contract A. 1,5,2,3,4 B. 4,5,3,2,1 C. 1,5,3,2,4 D. 1,2,3,4,5 E. 5,2,3,4,1


which of the following is mismatched A. trochlear- vertical eyeball movement B. abducens- lateral eyeball movement C. accessory- head and shoulder movement D. facial- facial sensation E. vagus- stomach


which of the following is not part of the peripheral nervous system A. cranial nerves B. spinal nerves C. ganglia D. spinal cord


which of the following statements about bone growth is true A. bones can not grow by appositional growth B. most growth in long bones results from interstitial growth C. appositional bone growth results in increased bone length D. endochondral growth in long bones occurs at the epiphyseal plate E. in the epiphyseal plate osteoblasts degenerate to form chondrocytes


which of the following statements about motor neurons is correct A. cell bodies of lower motor neurons are found in the brainstem or the spinal cord B. lower motor neurons form motor units with skeletal muscle fibers C. cell bodies of upper motor neurons are found in the cerebral cortex D. all of the answers are correct E. upper motor neurons can communicate with upper neurons via corticospinal tract and corticobulbar tract


which of the transport proteins is/are important for establishing neuron resting or action potential A. leak channels B. sodium-potassium pumps C. voltage-gated channels D. all of the proteins


a child ingested an organophosphate poison used to kill insects. Soon the child's muscles began spastic contractions. Predict what occurred at the synaptic cleft. A. there is not enough information to made a prediction B. decreased release of acetylcholine from presynaptic neurons C. increased breakdown of acetylcholine in the synaptic cleft D. both increased accumulation of acetylcholine in the synapse and increased breakdown of acetylcholine in the synaptic cleft E. increased accumulation of acetylcholine in the synapse


enkephalins produce presynaptic inhibition in neurons transmitting pain signals. Increased levels of enkephalins will A. increase amount of pain B. increase awareness of pain C. decrease amount of pain D. have no effect on awareness or amount of pain E. decrease awareness of pain


rigor mortis occurs after death because A. anaerobic respiration is occurring B. calcium is actively transported back to the sarcoplasmic reticulum C. myosin levels decline at death D. cross-bridges never form E. cross-bridges form but can't release


what is the most commonly dislocated joint in the body A. hinge B. pivot C. plane D. ellipoid E. ball-and-socket


which of the following is a synovial joint A. intervertebral disk B. tibiofibular joint C. costosternal joint D. epiphyseal plate E. atlanto-occipital


which of the following is mismatched A. peripheral nervous system- spinal nerves B. central nervous system- brain C. peripheral nervous system- sensory and motor divisions D. autonomic nervous system- sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions E. somatic nervous system- sensory division of PNS


which of the following is mismatched A. vitamin D- aids calcium absorption B. vitamin C- necessary for collagen synthesis C. sex hormones- cause spurt of growth at puberty D. vitamin D- obtained by synthesis or ingestion E. parathyroid hormone- increases calcium loss in the kidneys


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