A&P Lab Exam !!!

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The quadriceps are the prime movers of knee extension. Which muscle group is an antagonist to knee extension?


the prefix cephal- means


When potassium channels have been open long enough to over-shoot resting membrane potential, _____________________ has occurred.


The muscle name literally meaning below the tongue is ____________


The diencephalic structure is involved in many functions including temperature regulation, water balance, and fat and carbohydrate metabolism.


Myelin is important in________.

insulating axons and increasing the conduction velocity of action potentials

During an exercise where muscles do not shorten, _____________ contractions have occurred.


the prefix arthr- means


the prefix myo- means


The two proteins directly involved in muscle contraction are broadly called ________________.


What are the two contractile proteins that make up the myofilaments (thick and thin filaments) of skeletal muscle?

myosin and actin

A cluster of neurons in the peripheral nervous system is called a:


Supporting cells of the nervous system are collectively called ____________


What lobe of the brain is the primary visual cortex located?


the prefix amphi- means

on both sides, of both kinds

the prefix semi- means

partial or half

Structures of the nervous system surrounding, but not part of the central nervous system are part of the ______________.

peripheral nervous system.

The shorter of the muscles over the fibula is the ______________ __________.

peroneus brevis.

A prime mover (agonist) is ____________

primarily responsible for a movement

When a child juts her chin forward stubbornly, she is demonstrating the action of ___________ of the jaw.


The abdominal muscles that are responsible for giving you a 6-pack and also stabilize the pelvis when walking and are also used in sit-ups and curls.

rectus abdominis

The cell membrane of a muscle fiber is the _________________.


The contractile unit of muscle is called


The hamstring that becomes tendinous midway along its length is the _____________________.


the prefix brevi- means


The_________ ________ division of the nervous system controls skeletal muscle.

somatic motor

the prefix arachn- means


the prefix stylo- means

stalk or stylus

The muscle connecting the hyoid bone to the styloid process of the temporal bone is the _____________.


Two consecutive neurons communicate at a _________, where they physically come together.


An immovable joint held together with hyaline cartilage is categorized as a(n) ______________ joint.


This strong, cord-like structure attaches muscles to bones.


the prefix syn- means

together, alike

the prefix gloss- means


The sensory portion of the PNS carries electrical signals________ the CNS; the motor portion carries electrical signals _________ the CNS.

toward, away from

A bundle of axons in the CNA is called a:


This superficial muscle covers a large part of the posterior thorax and its superior fibers elevate the scapula to shrug your shoulders


the prefix tropo- means

turning, change, or affinity for.

The elbow is an example of a __________ joint, which functions in one plane.


This muscle is used for smiling


the prefix iso- means

equal or same

the prefix sarco- means


The prefix syn- means

"being together" or "similar."

The prefix hyper- means

"higher than normal."

The prefix neuro- means

"pertaining to the nervous system."

The prefix endo- means


Repetitive extension of the hand at the wrist and abduction of the hand can lead to lateral epicondylitis. Although sometimes called "tennis elbow," it more often affects individuals who don't play tennis. Based on the name lateral epicondylitis and the action described, which muscle would most likely have microscopic tears in the tendon? A) Extensor carpi radialis brevis B) Supinator C) Anconeus D) Flexor carpi ulnaris

A) Extensor carpi radialis brevis

Actin or Myosin? Thin filament Regulated by troponin and tropomyosin Composed of monomeric subunits with myosin-binding sites


This part of the peripheral nervous system controls smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glands.

Automatic Nervous System

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is a neurodegenerative disease in which motor neurons are progressively destroyed. Excess levels of the neurotransmitter glutamate have been implicated in this process. Which type of neuroglia would play a role in controlling glutamate levels in the chemical environment of neurons? A) Oligodendrocytes B) Astrocytes C) Microglia D) Ependymal cells

B) Astrocytes

The bacterium Clostridium botulinum secretes botulinum toxin, a neurotoxin. The toxin blocks the release of acetylcholine from the axon terminal of a motor neuron. Explain how the toxin binding would change the normal sequence of events at the neuromuscular junction.

Botulinum toxin binds to the motor neuron and prevents the acetylcholine from being released into the synaptic cleft. This prevents the initiation of an end-plate potential because there is no neurotransmitter to bind to the ion-channel receptor on the muscle cell motor end plate.

The menisci in the knee joint can be torn for a variety of reasons. Considering the structure of the menisci, would you expect these tears to heal on their own? Why or why not? A) Menisci tears do not heal on their own because the menisci are composed of hyaline cartilage and do not have an extensive blood supply. B) Menisci tears can heal quickly because of the nutrients surrounding them in the synovial fluid. C) Menisci tears do not heal on their own because the menisci are composed of fibrocartilage and do not have an extensive blood supply.

C) Menisci tears do not heal on their own because the menisci are composed of fibrocartilage and do not have an extensive blood supply.

A physician diagnoses you with "olecranon bursitis." Predict the location and cause of the swelling that you are experiencing. A) Olecranon bursitis is another name for tennis elbow and occurs at the lateral side of the elbow as a result of tears in the tendons attached to the lateral epicondyle of the humerus. B) Olecranon bursitis occurs when the olecranon process strikes the olecranon fossa with such force as to cause swelling at the posterior distal humerus just above the elbow. C) Olecranon bursitis occurs superficial to the olecranon process at the proximal end of the ulna. It is most often caused by trauma and inflammation of the bursa sac.

C) Olecranon bursitis occurs superficial to the olecranon process at the proximal end of the ulna. It is most often caused by trauma and inflammation of the bursa sac.

The brain and spinal cord make up this division of the nervous system


_______ is released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum when the sarcolemma is stimulated by an action potential.


What brain structure interacts with the thalamus in directing cortical activity, and like the cerebrum, may be affected by unresponsive wakefulness syndrome (UWS)?


The glenoid labrum can become torn from overuse or direct injury to the shoulder joint. Considering the function of the glenoid labrum, describe some of the consequences of a large tear in the glenoid labrum. A) "Popping" or "catching" of the shoulder can result because a torn glenoid labrum is unable to hold the humerus tightly against the glenoid cavity. B) Tears in the glenoid labrum can lead to shoulder dislocation because the glenoid cavity is very shallow without the glenoid labrum to stabilize the humerus. C) Tears in the glenoid labrum could lead to decreased range of motion at the elbow because the biceps brachii tendon attaches to the glenoid labrum. D) All of the answers are correct.

D) All of the answers are correct.

Bruxism is a condition in which individuals clench or grind their teeth. It often occurs as they sleep, leading to jaw pain and damaged teeth. Which muscles contract during this nocturnal event? A) Masseter and digastric B) Masseter and sternocleidomastoid C) Temporalis and buccinator D) Masseter and temporalis

D) Masseter and temporalis

Actin or Myosin? Thick filament Hydrolyzes ATP to ADP and Pi to form a crossbridge Composed of molecules with heads that pivot and bend


A brain hemorrhage within the region of the right internal capsule results in paralysis of the left side of the body. Explain why the left side (rather than the right side) is affected.

Motor neurons undergo decussation (crossing over) in the medulla oblongata on their way to the periphery.

_____________is a missing protein in Duschenne 19s muscular dystrophy.


_____________ are a group of natural chemicals that reduce the perception of pain.


Besides being a relay station for all sensory input, what other key role does the thalamus play?

It helps mediate memory.

_____________ is required to hydrolyze ATP to ADP and Pi.


When eating or drinking something ice cold, what branch (division) of the trigeminal nerve serving the palate receives the initial cold stimulus?


Necrotizing fasciitis is a serious bacterial infection. Necrosis is death of tissues in the body. Considering the organization of the connective tissue sheaths of skeletal muscle, explain how this infection could spread rapidly throughout the body.

Necrotizing fasciitis spreads quickly because the connective tissue sheaths, particularly the epimysium, are all continuous with each other and with the superficial fascia, so there are no physical barriers to stop the spread of the bacteria.

Peripheral neuropathy has a variety of causes. Worldwide, the most common cause is leprosy, also known as Hansen's disease. Would you expect peripheral neuropathy to cause damage to tracts or to nerves? Why?

Nerves are damaged in the periphery as a result of a bacterial infection.

The junction between an axon of a motor neuron and a muscle fiber is called a _____________ ______________.

Neuromuscular junction

Why are repeat injections of Botox® required over time to control blepharospasm? A) More acetylcholine (ACh) is released. B) PNS motor nerves regenerate. C) Upregulation of acetylcholine (Ach) receptors occurs. D) CNS motor neurons take control.

PNS motor nerves regenerate.

The space between the axon terminal and the sarcolemma of a muscle fiber is called the ______.

Synaptic cleft

Damage to which of these brain regions would be the most life-threatening? Explain your answer.

The brain stem because it controls many of the body's functions that are essential for life.

Patients with unresponsive wakefulness syndrome (UWS) have lost awareness of self and their environment. In many cases, there is no damage to the cerebral cortex or the brain stem. If signal transmission to the cerebral cortex is affected, what part of the brain is most likely to have been damaged?

The thalamus is most likely the problem because this is the relay center for sensory information trying to reach the cerebrum.

______________ blocks the active site for contractile protein attachment at rest but moves based on the binding state of Troponin.


________________ has an affinity for myosin binding sites in the absence of calcium.


The protein __________ binds to Ca2+ and undergoes a conformational change to initiate contraction.


the prefix dys- means

abnormal, diseased

A joints that is only slightly moveable is classified as a(n) ____________________ joint.


The meningeal layer resembling spider legs is the

arachnoid mater.

the prefix brachi- means


the prefix peri- means

around or surrounding

Inflammation of a joint broadly describes all types of _______.


These support cells are found in the central nervous system.

astrocytes and ependymal cells

the prefix axi- means


This part of the neuron generates and conducts action potentials:


the prefix pro- means

before, in front of, or projecting

the prefix somato- means


The muscle extending from the arm to the lateral forearm is the _____________.


the prefix cerebr- means

brain or cerebrum

Evolutionary development of a head and brain containing neural and sensory organs is a process called


Bleeding in the brain, known as a stroke, is more accurately called

cerebrovascular accident.

When a neuron is stimulated and sodium channels open, the process of ______________has begun.


The prefix de- means

do the opposite of or reverse.

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