A&P winter final

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none of these (xanthin, bilirubin, hemoglobin)

albinism is a condition in which the person is unable to produce which of the following pigments?

hydroxyapatite and other minerals; proteins

_____ provide(s) hardness to boys, whereas _____ provide(s) some degree of flexibility.


a _____ is a flattened or shallow depression on the surface of a bone.


a _____ is a rounded opening through a bone

all of these (excess fluid in the 3rd ventricle, excess fluid in the R/L ventricles, hydrocephaly)

a blockage of the cerebral aqueduct would likely result in which of the following?

local potential

a change in the membrane potential confined to a small area is called a(n)

increased accumulation of acetylcholine in the synapse

a child ingested an organophosphate poison used to kill insects. Soon the child's muscles began spastic contracts. What occurred at the synaptic cleft?

inability for relaxation

a drug that interferes with the active transport of calcium ions from the sarcoplasm back into the sarcoplasmic reticulum would result in

is a bundle of muscle fibers

a fasciculus

positive feedback

a feedback mechanism that amplifes the stimulus is called _____.

negative feedback

a feedback mechanism that moves a given variable of the body back towards homeostasis is a...

all of these (increase the boundary layer, minimize connective head loss, make hair/pelt thicker)

a proposed function of arrestor pili is...

oval window

as the stapes vibrates, it moves back and forth I the oval window which causes fluid to move in the cochlea

none of these (ATP are released, troponin and tropomyosin exchange places, actin and myosin filaments slide past one another, intercalated discs are synthesized)

at a neuromuscular junction

neuromuscular junctions

at which location is a chemical substance transmitted from the presynaptic terminal of an axon to the postsynaptic membrane of a muscle fiber?

external ear anatomy

auricle, helix, lobule

the postcentral gyrus

because he was unable to feel part of his neck and face, the damage must have included which of the specific structures?


because of its role as part of the Limbic system, which sense is particularly capable of emotionally charged memories?


behind the pupil, made of crystalline protein. Becomes more round for focusing on closer images, becomes less elastic with age


binding sites on the surface of thin myofilaments allow the formation of cross-bridges with molecules of...

calcitonin; increased osteoblast activity

blood Ca2+ excess stimulates _____ secretion, which leads to _____.

all of these (as bones grow, as bones adjust to stress, as fractures heal)

bone remodeling may occur

fluid-filled sacs

bursae are

all of these (glycolipids, carbohydrates, glycoproteins)

cells obtain their "identity" by the glycocalyx, which consists of a collection of which of the following?

fovea centralis

center of the macula where the concentration of cones is greatest. Here the cone cells are not covered by the nervous tunic

subarachnoid space

cerebrospinal fluid fills the...

voltage-gated ion channels

channels that open or close in response to changes in the electrical charge across the plasma membrane are called...

is energy located molecular bonds

chemical energy...


clear fluid that fills the membranous labyrinth has a high connotation of K+ and low concentration of Na+


components and functions involved with sensation of hearing

nicotinic receptors

excitatory (Na+ channels) receptors for acetylcholine


shrugging the shoulders is an example of


the capacity of a muscle cell to lengthen is known as...

motor cortex and sensory cortex

the central sulcus separates the

is the gray matter not he cerebrum's surface

the cerebral cortex


the cervical region is the...

all of these (stimuli frequency at the rate where relaxation doesn't occur, chemical compounds that bind with acetylcholinesterase, and an ability to pump Ca ions into the cisternae)

the condition of complete tetany could be achieved by...

none of these (armpits, thighs, hips, buttocks)

the crural region refers to the

number of melanosomes in the skin

the darkness of one's skin color is primarily the result of the...

sebaceous gland

the diagram illustrates various glands of the skin. What does "B" represent?

apocrine sweat gland

the diagram illustrates various glands of the skin. What does "D" represent?

all of these ("pulls" on hair follicle, causes goose bumps, is an arrector pili)

the diagram illustrates various strutters of the skin. What does "A" represents and/or do?

hormone producing glands

the endocrine system contains

transmit electrical charge into the cell's interior

transverse (T) tubules

middle ear anatomy

tympanic membrane; malleus, incus, stapes

round window

vibration of this part of the ear is important to hearing because it acts as a mechanical release for waves with int he cochlea


what are the cells found within the lacunae of cartilage?


what are the intervertebral disks that function as "shock-absorber" composed of?


what bone/region is indicated by the asterisk?

they die

what happens to cells when they move from the epidermis to the surface of the skin?

for muscle attachment

what is a common function of tubercles found on bones?

none of these are true (is formed during the final steps of producing "mature" bone, is responsible for creating lamellae, is the primary component of nearly all mature osteons)

which of the following is TRUE about woven bone?


which image best depict what you expect to find during rigor mortis?


which image best represents the "power stroke"?


which image best represents the "recovery stroke"?


which lobe is/was primarily affected by the blood vessels (notice the level at which this slice/plane occurs)?

all of the above (desmosomes, hemidesmosomes, dermal papillae)

which of the following are responsible for helping attach/anchor the epidermis?


which of the following are the bone-eating (resorbing) cells?

reticular activating system

which of the following best describes the collection of nuclei that are involved with communicating with the cerebrum to maintaining alertness and consciousness?


which of the following biomolecules commonly has carbon, "hydrate" and nitrogen as components?


which of the following brain areas serves as the major control center of the autonomic nervous system and endocrine system?

Broca's area

which of the following briar regions is associated with the motor ability of speaking (producing sounds/words)?


which of the following cells is/are NOT part of the epidermis?

vestibulo-cochlear (VIII)

which of the following cranial nerve is primary sensory?

all of these (fluid produced by the synovial membrane; water, ions, nutrients, and proteoglycans; synovial fluid)

which of the following describes the material found within the joint cavity of a synovial joint?

calcium is pumped back into the sarcoplasmic reticulum

which of the following events occurs during the relaxation phase of a muscle twitch?

an increase in K+ ions in the extracellular fluid

which of the following events will lead towards hypopolarization?

all of these are correct (elastin- accommodate stretch, reticular- provide fine structure, collagen- strength)

which of the following fibers is correctly matched with its primary function?

all of these (regulation of body temperature, vitamin D production, facilitate sensory reception)

which of the following functions is associated with the skin?

align perpendicular to stress lines

which of the following is FALSE of osseous trabeculae?

can occur interstitially

which of the following is TRUE about bone growth?

none of these (not that sensory memory lasts several minutes (until it can be processed in the cerebellum), procedural memory is primarily what we use when taking exams, or the midbrain is involved with storing spatial memory)

which of the following is TRUE about memory?

neural folds fuse to form neural tube

which of the following is TRUE about the formation of the nervous system?

smooth muscle is found in the walls of hollow organs

which the following is true? (talking about muscle types)


"hair" cells of numerous microvilli

adrenal glands


external auditory tube


conformation changes necessary for focal/visual accommodation


myelinated vs non-myelanted pain


none of these (they do not need vitamin D, their exposure to U.V. light int he summer will last for a year, they do not require sunlight for vitamin D formation)

Eskimos/Inuits wear a great deal of clothing and have limited exposure to U.V. light, but do not suffer from vitamin D deficiency. A possible explanation is,

size of muscle fibers

Hypertrophy of skeletal muscles from weight lifting is caused by an increase in the

all of these (gangrene, tissue death, light absorption)

Mr. Deed's "wicked-bad frost bite" could cause the black coloration of his foot because of...

enteric nervous system

Nerve plexuses (sensory and motor neurons) associated with the digestive tract

taste buds

Oral chemoreceptors that detect chemicals which are in solution (saliva) comprised of specialized epithelial cells that synapse with neurons.

sympathetic chain ganglia

Preganglionic neurons leave the spinal cord (T1-L2), traveling with other axons through ventral root and spinal nerve) and enter the

estrutural and function unit of the skeletal muscle

a sarcomere is the

none of these (hypotonic solution isotonic solution, hypo-osmotic solution)

a solution which contains a higher concentration of salts relative tot he cytosol of a cell is a(n)

all of these (loose connective tissue, layer below the actual skin, hypodermis)

a subcutaneous injection delivers medication into the

ionic compound

a substance comprised of two charged atoms of different elements (element A+ and element B-) is... a/an

a group of cells working together for a specific function(s)

a tissue is a

nail matrix

a toenail that chronically becomes ingrown may be removed by a physician. What portion must be removed to ensure it will not grow back?

none of these (facilitated diffusion, simple diffusion, osmosis)

a toxin that targets and destroys mitochondria would limit which of the following membrane mechanism due to the lack of ATP?

lactic acid

a waste product f anaerobic respiration in muscle cells is

cholinergic neurons

acetylcholine one of two types of neurotransmitters used at chemical synapses


adding which subatomic particle to a helium atom creates a lithium ion (atomic number 3)?


adrenergic neurons one of two types of neurotransmitters used at chemical synapses

all of these (occurs when the local potential reaches threshold level, occurs when the local potential depolarizes to the point sodium activation gates open, occurs when charges across the cell membrane actually flip-flop (reverse polarity))

an action potential


an exaggerated anterior curvature of the vertebral column (typically lumbar) is called

none of these (arrector pili muscles to contract, an increase in keratinization of the skin, blood vessels in the dermis to constrict)

an increase in body temperature causes

a muscle produces an increasing tension as the length remains constant

an isometric contractions described as


another name for the bones of the hand is

each muscle generates a force in opposition to the other

antagonists are often situated such that...


are these images depicting what is occurring during isotonic, isometric, or both of these types of contractions?

visceral pain

arises from internal organs and is due to trauma (stretch), chemical irritation and ischemia. Causes feelings of poorly localized pain and nausea.

5, 3, 2, 4, 1 ((5) an action potential causes the release of a neurotransmitter, (3) neurotransmitter diffuses across the synaptic cleft, (2) neurotransmitter binds with receptors on a postsynaptic cell, (4) membrane permeability to sodium ions on postsynaptic cell increases, and (1) sodium ions diffuse into the cell and cause a local potential)

arrange the events of synaptic transmission in correct sequence 1) sodium ions diffuse into the cell and cause a local potential 2) neurotransmitter binds with receptor on postsynaptic cell 3) neurotransmitter diffuses across the synaptic cleft 4) membrane permeability to sodium ions on postsynaptic cell increases 5) action potential causes release of neurotransmitter

4, 1, 3, 2

arrange the following in correct sequence: 1) protein moves through ER and then carried in vesicles to Golgi apparatus 2) vesicle pinches off from the Golgi apparatus and carries product to plasma membrane 3) Golgi apparatus modifies protein and then packages them into vesicles 4) protein made by ribosomes on rough ER

2, 4, 3, 1

arrange the following in order descending from the diencephalon inferiorly 1) spinal cord 2) midbrain 3) medulla 4) pons

4, 1, 3, 6, 2, 5

arrange the following steps of muscle fiber contraction in the correct sequence 1) the muscle impulse reaches the sarcoplasmic reticulum and calcium is released 2) thin filaments are pulled over the thick filaments 3) calcium floods the sarcoplasm and binds to troponin molecules 4) the impulse arrives at the synapse and travels through the transverse tubules 5) the muscle fiber shortens and contrasts 6) myosin heads bind to exposed active sites on actin, forming cross-bridges


contrary to some shampoo commercials claiming to "nourish your hair"... blood vessles in the _____ provide a hair with its sole source nutrition.

stratum corneum

contrary to the pigments of. tattoo, Sharpie marker on a baby sister's skin is restricted to...


conveying away from the center motor


conveying toward a center sensory

optic nerve

cranial nerve II

facial, tongue sensation

cranial nerve VII and function

supplies a phosphate group/energy for the synthesis of ATP to ADP

creatine phosphate


crystalline particles of calcium carbonate and protein embedded in the maculae


cytoplasmic projections between adjacent osteocytes occur in small spaces within compact bone called

none of these are true (Broca's area, precentral gyrus, hippocampus)

damage to which of the strutters bellow likely explains the patents inability to speak coherently?

lanugo hairs

delicate unpigmented hairs that cover the fetus in early development are called


dentists anesthetize branches of which of the following to stop pain impulses form a drilling on teeth of both the upper and lower jaw?

sodium ions

depolarization of the cell membrane (can result in an action potential) occurs when there is a rapid influx (inflow) of

none of these (chloride ions, proteins, potassium ions)

depolarization of the nerve cell membrane occurs when there is a rapid influx (inflow) of

nasolacrimal dust

excess lacrimal secretions drain ​into puncta into the lacrimal canaliculi and finally into ________

chondrocytes die to make space for osteoprogenitor cells

during endochondral ossification which of the following occurs?

all of these (bone develops between sheets of fibrous connective tissue, osteoblasts deposit bone matrix, woven bone is replaced by lamellar bone)

during intramembranous ossification

aerobic respiration

during long periods of exercise, energy in muscles comes from ATP primarily (~90%) derived from

is incapable of responding to further stimulation

during the absolute refractory period, the cell

activation gates are open; inactivation gates are closed

each voltage-gated Na+ ion channel has two voltage sensitive gates: an activation gate and an inactivation gate. Which of the following describes the gate condition during repolarization?

tension in a muscle is maintaining/produced while the muscle increases

eccentric contractions occur when

all of these (surrounds each muscle fiber, electrically insulates muscle fibers, separates individual muscle cells)

endomysium is a delicate network of loose connective tissue that

pain transmission

fast pain- sharp, stabbing, short duration slow pain- dull ache, throbbing, omg duration somatic pain- arises from skin, connective tissue, muscle, deep prickling feeling

none of these (cleavage lines, reticular lines, melanocytes, dermal striae)

fingerprints and footprints are produced by ride-like projections of _____ into the epidermis called

a gradient

for facilitated diffusion to occur it requires

all of these (smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, muscular layer of hollow organs)

gap junctions are functional electrical synapses found in which of the follwoing?

nodes of ranvier

gaps or interruptions in the myelin sheath are called...

autonomic nervous system

has two cell bodies, part of the peripheral nervous system... umbrella of sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions innervates glands, smooth and cardiac muscle.

hair cells

have nerves that feed into vestibular nerve, detect movement


hen you slowly sat down into the chair you are sitting in, your hip and knee joins _____ to lower your body.

via differing number of cell layers

how can squamous cells accomplish both easy passage of substances (ex. diffusion) AND protection?

all of these (they are involved in exposure of active sites, they cause exocytosis of neurotransmitters, they bind with troponin)

how do calcium ions affect muscle contractions?

muscle tissue shortens forcefully but lengthens passively

identify the statement concerning general functional characteristics of muscle that is true.


if a blood cell is immersed in a solution that causes water to move OUT of the cell, the solution is a/an _____ solution.

action potential

if a local potential (change) occurs, and the threshold voltage is crossed this results in a/an...

complete fracture

if a patient entered the ER with a severed arm... which of the following would be correct?

biceps brachii and gracilis

if a person exercises by doing push-ups every day, they would strengthen or enlarge which of the folowing muscles?

a decrease in blood calcium levels

if a surgeon accidentally removed the parathyroid glands, the absence of PTH would cause...


if an atom has 9 protons and 28 neurons in it nucleus, and 18 orbiting electrons, its atomic number would be

the change is called hyperpolarization

if the charge difference across the plasma membrane increases,


if you surveyed a population of cells, in which phase would most cells likely be?


if you were assisting in the "operation" and the surgeon asked you if the patient was in anatomic position what would you say? (hint: pay attention to thumbs).


in _____, target ions or molecules move in the same direction as the ion/molecule moving down the concentration gradient.

brachial; distal

in anatomical terms, the arm is the _____ region and the fingers are the _____ region.

all of these are correct (calcium ions must detach from troponin, calcium ions must be transported back to cisternae, the active sites on actin must be covered)

in order for muscle relaxation to occur,

the potassium ions continue to leave the cell after depolarization is finished

in some cells, an after-potential (hyper-polarization) occurs because...

none of these (stratum lucidum, stratum corneum, stratum spinosum, stratum basale)

in which layer of the epidermis are granules of keratohyalin formed and visible microscopically?

increases muscular strength and mass

intense exercise (high weight, fewer reps) that results in a great deal of anaerobic activity

lacrimal apparatus

keeps eyes moistened tears formed in lacrimal gland palpebral spread tears across eye Excess tears drain via puncta into lacrimal canaliculi, then nasolacrimal duct and finally into nasal cavity


sensory receptors that respond to tissue damage

reticular; collagen

leather is mostly made of the _____ layer of the dermis, which is very tough due to the high concentration of _____ fibers.

how color vision occurs

list components/fucntiosn

muscle fasciculus, muscle fiber, myofibril, myofilament

list the following structures in order from largest to smallest muscle fiber myofilament myofibril muscle fasciculus

excitatory postsynaptic potential

local hypo polarization in a synapse is called a(n)


location and function each

calcium ions

maintaining voltage-gated sodium channels with closed activation gates during resting potential is sensitive to changes in the extracellular concentration of which of the following?

sweat glands

mammary glands are modified _____ glands that develop within the female brest.

dust mite feces

most house dust allergies are actually an immune response to which of the following?

none of these (cerebellum, corpus callosum, hypothalamus, pituitary gland)

most sensory input that ascends through the spinal cord and brainstem, projects to the _____ and then possibly onto the cerebrum.


movable hair-like projections the can transport substances across the surface of cells are/...

much more force generated than muscles nearer the fulcrum

muscle insertions at a greater distance from the fulcrum result in...

contains myosin and actin myofilaments

muscle myofibrils

swelling of stratum corundum and presence of desmosomes

my grandson gets "water wrinkles" after bathing for too long. What explains this phenomenon?


nervous system division of autonomic nervous system that controls "SLUDD," "rest and digest" craniosacral


nervous system division of autonomic nervous system that innervates skeletal muscles called thoracolumbar

dilation of the blood vessels in the dermis of the cheeks

on coming inside from the cold, students notice that their cheeks are red. This results from...

0; 14

on the typical pH scale, a pH of _____ indicates the highest concentration of H+, whereas a pH of _____ indicates the lowest concentration of H+.

lipid-soluble substances

one type of experimental contraceptive device is a skin patch that contains a chemical absorbed through the skin. Which of the following substances might be the type of chemicals involved?

3, 1, 2, 5, 4

organize the following structural levels of the human body from the most simple up to the most complex 1) cell 2) tissue 3) chemical 4) organ system 5) organ

all of these (risk of infection, dehydration, inability maintain homeostasis)

our patient receives severe burns over much of their body, which of the following is/are consequences?

excessive use of the glycogen-lactic acid syndrome

oxygen debt in muscles may develop because of

referred pain

pain interpreted as coming from a source other than actual source Sensory neurons from viscera and skin share interneurons and brain interprets as coming from skin


part of the eye important for determining the shape of objects and for seeing in dim light


part of the eye involved in color vision and in determining fine detail (called visual acuity)

utricle and saccule

part of what helps you balance in the attic labyrinth involved in evaluating the positon of the tea relative to gravity both detect static equilibrium

none of these (have a hydrophobic heads, occur in a single layer, have tails that face extracellularly)

plasma membrane phospholipids

enteric interneurons

portion of the enteric nervous system that connects enteric sensory and motor together

enteric sensory

portion of the enteric nervous system that detects chemical and physical changes

enteric motor

portion of the enteric nervous system that stimulates smooth muscle contraction

cell bodies or soma

protein synthesis in neurons occurs in

intrinsic proteins

proteins embedded in the plasma membrane that have both ane extracellular and intracellular surface are known as which of the following?

reticular layer of dermis

provided that vitamin C is essential for normal collagen synthesis. If a child suffered from a vitamin C deficiency, which layer of the skin would be most affected?

all of these (joining of subunits, amino acid sequence, folding or spiraling (beta/alpha)

quaternary strucure (4) of proteins refers to which of the folowing?

optic disc

receives sensory info from he eye, transmitting the sense of vision the brain. Takes sensory info from he retina at the back of the eye and transmits the impulses through he optic canal int he sphenoid bone. Some fibers cross at the optic chasm and pass via the optic tracts to the occipital lobe.

determine whether a neurotransmitter will be excitatory or inhibitory

receptor molecules

none of these (is located in medullary cavity of the diaphysis, produces epithelial tissue, is located in the epiphyseal plate)

red marrow

complete, compression

referring to the x-ray... what term best describes the fracture type?

parasympathetic division of the ANS

regulation of salivation and lacrimation is regulated by the

all of these (lack of ATP to break cross bridges, calcium leaking from cistern, exposed active sites)

rigor mortis affects skeletal muscles a few hours after death, due to...


rotating the forearms so that the palms are facing upward is an example of...

Schwann cells from a myelin sheath around a portion of only one axon, while oligodendrocytes can surround portions of several axons

schwann cells differ from oligodendrocytes in which of the following ways (which of these is true)?


sea water has an osmolality of ~1000 most, whereas NNU drinking water has an osmolality of ~100 mOsm... consequently, sea water can be considered _____ relative to NNU's water

internal ear anatomy

semicircular canals, oval window, cochlea

vestibulocochlear nerve

sensory reception


sensory receptors that respond to chemicals


sensory receptors that respond to heat and cold


sensory receptors that respond to light


sensory receptors that respond to physical deformation


stretch marks develop on the abdomen of some pregnant women because of stretching and rupture of the...

running parallel to tension lines

striae indicate a predominance (more than random) of collagen fibers...


structure and function

semicircular canals

structure and function


substances dissolved in the liquid portion of a solution are called

the number of EPSPs in relation to the number of IPSPs

suppose both excitatory and inhibitory neurons synapse with a single postsynaptic neuron. What determines if an action potential is initiated in the postsynaptic neuron?

tension (cleavage) lines

surgeons may consider the orientation fo which of following when making an incision?


synapses that exist between a single neuron and both efferent and afferent neurons is an example of a(n) _____ pathway.

all of these (an action potential arrives at the presynaptic knob, Ca ions bind with the vesicles, voltage-gated channels open)

synaptic vesicles in the neuromuscular junction release their contents when...




the "end" of a long bone is the

glenoid fossa

the "socket" or "cup" on the scapula that articulates with the head of the humerus is the


the 7 ankle bones are called the

Golgi complex

the _____ acts as the cells "post office" by sorting, processing, and packaging materials to be transported within the cell or excreted.


the _____ are structures/organelles associated with the breakdown (digestion) of substances within cells.

rough endoplasmic reticulum

the _____ is the organelle active in much of the protein synthesis within the cell.

none of these (troponin, tropomyosin, Z disks)

the active sites to which myosin heads attach are found on the

appositional growth bone on top of existing bone to increase bone thickness is called

the addition of new


the anatomical term that means "towards the attachment point" is


the arrow indicates the location of the fracture... what bone is fractured?

a twitch

the best example of a contagion that involved only one or two motor units in a muscle is...

blocks acetylcholine receptors

the blowdart in Ace Ventura's arm were dipped in Curare that...

none of these (nervous, skeletal, reproductive)

the body system that is responsible for gas exchange is...

none of the (bind to actin, be secreted from the motor end plate, form cross-bridges)

the enzyme acetylcholinesterase causes acetylcholine to

decussation of the pyramids/axons in the medulla

the fact that the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body is explained by the

all of these (C1, cervical vertebra, atlas)

the first vertebra ("holds up the head") is...

class III lever system

the flexion of the lower leg at the knee represents...


the general type of tissue that contracts to provide mechanical force is the _____ tissue.


the general type of tissue that creates mechanical force by shortening is _____ tissue.


the general type of tissue that overs the body surface, body cavities, and organ surfaces is _____ tissue.


the head Ace Ventura felt and described as "waarrmmmm!" was heat energy transferred initially transferred to the rhino disguise via which of the following modes?


the hollow space within the diaphysis of. long bone is known as the _____ cavity

polar covalent bonds

the hydrogen and oxygen atoms in a molecule of water are held together by...

adipose tissue

the hypodermis usually has more of this type of tissue than of the other types listed.


the implication of the fan stopping in Ace Ventura's rhino disguise was that he was overheating primarily due to the failure of which type of heat exchange?

pia mater

the innermost layer of the meninges is the


the joint between the atlas and the occipital bone is an examples of a _____ joint.

temporal lobe

the lateral fissure separates the _____ from other lobes in the cerebrum

none of these (stratum granulosum, stratum lucidum, stratum corneum)

the layer of the epidermis with the greatest amount of mitotic activity.

dense irregular

the lower/deeper portion of the dermis can best be categorized as which of the following specific types of tissue?


the mechanical function of bones and muscles can be thought of as devices called

endosteum and yellow marrow

the medullary cavity contains

all of these (allow brain growth, are called fontanels, eventually ossify)

the membranous soft spots of a newborn's skull

none of these (not tricolor, bipolar, apolar, or pseudo-unipolar)

the morphology or shape of the motor neurons responsible for making a fist is...


the most superior part of the sternum is the...

transmits impulses from the CNS to skeletal muscle

the motor (efferent) division of the peripheral nervous system

atomic weight

the number of protons plus the number of neutrons determines the _____ of an atom.

all of these (are involved in eye movement, regulate shape of lens, control size of the pupil)

the oculomotor nerves

cranial nerve I

the olfactory neurons extend dendrites into muscus of nasal cavity, this makes olfactory nerve very vulnerable because the neruons are outside the skull. Having the cells on the outside of the blood-brain barrier is a way for pathogens to get into those neurons and then into your brain

equal distribution of chromosome between the two new cells produced

the pairing and separation of chromosomes during mitosis is to ensure...

there are more leak ion channels (non-gated channels) for K+ than Na+

the plasma membrane of a neuron isomer permeable to potassium ions because


the plate that separates the body into right and left portions, is the...

all of these (hair bulb, hair root, hair follicle)

the portion/structure(s) of a hard that is/are below the surface of the skin is the

all of the above (their need for UVB, winters have limited daylight, their limited amount of melanin)

the predominance of white/pale skin of many of the original inhabitants of the U.K. can be explained by...

all of these (is located in the frontal lobe, is in the precentral gyrus, connects to motor neurons)

the primary somatic motor cortex...

primarily cool the body

the products of eccrine/merocrine sweat glands

hematoma formation, callus formation, callus ossification, remodeling of bone

the proper sequence of events in bone repair is

all of these influence rate (concentration gradient, size of the molecule, random molecular movement, temperature)

the rate of diffusion is dependent on all of the following except...


the reddish color of the skin of the lips is primarily due to this pigment

A band

the region of the sarcomere that contains both actin and myosin myofilaments is called the

vertebrae and coxae

the sacroiliac joint is between the

stores calcium ions

the sarcoplasmic reticulum

conveys action potentials to the CNS

the sensory (afferent) division the peripheral nervous system

proliferation, hypertrophy, calcification, cell death, ossifcation, and remodeling

the sequence of events that produces growth at the epiphyseal plate is


the simplest structures in which the processes of life occur are...

links the PNS to the brain

the spinal cord


the sternocleidomastoid muscle extends from the mastoid process of the temporal bone to the sternum and medial clavicle. When both sternocleidomastoid muscles contract, the head is flexed. The end of the muscle that connects to the sternum is the

plasma memrbaen

the structure that controls/regulates the movement of materials into and out of cells is the


the study of the structure and organization of the human body is

none of these (electrons, protons, ions)

the subatomic particle(s) located in the nucleus of an atom that do not have a chare are the...


the tissue with abundant extracellular matrix, and that binds organs together and provides protection and support for the organs is _____ tissue.


the type of joint between the two pubic bones (R&L) is...


the type of movement where a limb is moved away from the sagittal plane is called _____.

depleted levels of acetylcholine

the type of muscle fatigue known as "synaptic fatigue" is the result of

interior; distal

the umbilicus/naval is _____ to the sternum, and the knee is _____ to the hip.

none of these (also known as myosin, molecules with "heads" that bind to active sites, molecules with rod-like projections)

thin myofilaments are...

papillary layer

this is the dermal layer closest to the epidermis.

minimum strength of stimulation required to contract a motor unit

threshold stimulus is the


to form an ion, an atom must either donate or receive a(n) _____.

2, 1, 5, 3, 4 ((2) myosin-kinase uses ATP to recock the myosin head, (1) cross bridge forms, (5) myofilaments slide in the power stroke, (3) myosin-phosphatase cleaves the phosphate off myosin, and (4) cross bridge is broken and released)

what is the correct sequence of events for smooth muscle contraction? 1) cross-bridge forms 2) myosin-kinase uses ATP to "re-cock" myosin head 3) myosin-phosphatase cleaves the phosphate off myosin 4) cross-bridge is broken/released 5) myofilaments slide (power-stroke)

corpus callosum

what is the large C-shaped mass of white matter that consists of nerve fibers that connect the two cerebral hemispheres?

none of these (olecranon process, styloid process, zygomatic process, acromion process)

what is the name of the knob/bony protuberance indicated by the "+" symbol?

lateral ventricle

what is the significance of the dark area indicated by "A"?


what protein is the most abundant type found in the nails, hair, and epidermis?

all of these (proximal crural, anterior patellar)

what specific body region and spatial term describe the location of the hole wherein the "knee" joint is visible?


what specific body region describes the location of the "rib cage"?

none of these (right lumbar, hypogastric, left hypochondriac)

what specific sector of the abdomino-pelvic cavity is indicated by the "large intestine"?

olecranon process

what structure forms the "point" of the elbow?

medial collateral ligament (MCL)

what structure in the knee would most likely be damaged be damaged by a severe lateral blow to the knee?

calcium, fat, and phosphate

what substances/nutrients are stored in bone?


what type of cells secrete/form the matrix of bone?

rheumatoid arthritis

what type of joint disease is describes by the autoimmune inflimation of the synovial membrane


what type of joint is the radioulnar joint at the proximal end of these 2 bones?

ceruminous gland

what type of skin gland are primary responsible for secreting earwax?

sudoriferous glands

what type of skin gland secretes sweat?


what type of synovial joint movement will move a limb towards the coronal plane?

all of these (connective tissue, hyaline cartilage, articular cartilagel)

what type of tissue covers the ends of bones that are parts of synovial joints?

all of these are correctly matched (anterior horn- motor neuron cell bodies (sending efferent signals); posterior horn- association neuron cell bodies (receiving afferent signals); dorsal root ganglia- swollen area on dorsal root (contains afferent cell bodies))

whcihof the following pairs is correctly matched? (talking about anatomy of the spinal cord)

all of the above (endocytosis, pinocytosis, phagocytosis)

when a cell transforms its plasma membrane to take substances into the cell it may be known as...


when a pigment derived from the breakdown of hemoglobin becomes excessive and imparts a yellowish color to the skin it is known...

the myofilaments in smooth muscle do not form sarcomeres

when comparing smooth and skeletal muscle cells, which of the following statements is true?

*******************************************************************************************question 1 exam 5 form b repolarization? none of these (neuron does not die, electric potential does not disappear, neuron does not regenerate)

when depolarization of a neuron is complete, the

all of these (these are regions where thin skin occurs, these are regions where there are fewer layer of stratum corneum, these are regions where skin surface is closer to underlying capillaries)

when instructing your patient on where to apply a skin patch (delivering drug cutaneously), why would you recommend they place it on the upper torso or limbs rather than on hands and/or feet?

positively; negatively; ionic

when one atom donates an electron to another atom, the donating atom become a _____ charged ion, and the receiving atom becomes a _____ charged ion. These ions are joined together by a/an _____ chemical bond.

4, 2, 1, 3

when someone picks up a hot horseshoe and drops it almost immediately, what sequence of cells and/or cell parts are activated (conduct an action potential) in a normal reflex response? 1) motor neuron 2) cell bodies in dorsal root ganglion 3) muscle fibers 4) sensory neuron

"goose bumps" form on the skin

when the arrector pili muscled contract

power stroke

when the myosin head flexes into a bend, pulling the actin filament along with it, this is called the

stem cells from hair follicles and other locations migrate into the area

when the skin is damaged/wounded, which of the following occurs?


when two atoms of the SAME element have different atomic weights, it is clear they are ... a(n) _____.


which body system is primarily and directly responsible for mainting strucre, storing nutrients, and providing leverage during mocemnts/

all of these (ulna, lunate, pisiform)

which bone articulates with he triquetrum bone?

all of these choices are correct (monitors internal and external stimuli, interprets or assesses information, transmits information via action potentials, maintains homeostasis)

which following is TRUE of the nervous system?

anaerobic; cytoplasm

which form of cellular respiration produced the fewest ATP and where does it occur?

none of these (is directly regulated motor neurons, relies on neurotransmitters, depends on voltage-gated channels )

which of the following is TRUE of smooth muscle contraction?

the fluid returns to blood plasma

which of the following is TRUE regarding cerebrospinal fluid reabsorption?

none of these are true (spina bifida occula is obvious because of an outpocketing of meninges and spinal cord, spina bifida cystica may go undiagnosed because there are usually few external symptoms, spina bifida cand develop after a child is born)

which of the following is TRUE regarding spina bifida?

none of these (cellular damage that likely occurred slowly, Brian not being very metabolically demanding and not requiring high blood flow, the location of the CVA being more likely to disrupt autonomic reflexes than if it were int he brainstem)

which of the following is TRUE regarding this medical situation?

*******************************************************************************************question 11 exam 5

which of the following is TRUE? (talking about ions and membranes)


which of the following is a bone of the skull, but NOT a bone of the cranium?

all of these (the female hips are broader, the female pelvic canal is wider, the female pubic arch is wider)

which of the following is a difference between the male and female pelvis?

between the tibia and fibula

which of the following is a fibrous joint?

all apply (produces blood cells, provides sites for muscle attachment, protects internal organs)

which of the following is a funtion of the skeleton?

all of these (a base, OH-, bicarbonate (HCO3-))

which of the following is a molecule/ion that can accept a proton?

none of these (glucose, a base, a slat)

which of the following is a proton donor (generates a H+ when in an aqueous solution)?

all of these (extent of insertion (ex. convergent), shape, orientation of the fasciculi)

which of the following is a way that skeletal muscles are organized/categorized?

transcription/making RNA copies

which of the following is matched with its description?


which of the following is part of the appendicular skeleton?

all of these (acts as a reservoir for oxygen, facilities maximal ATP production, is aerobic in nature)

which of the following is true about myoglobin's function muscle tissue?

all of these are true (it is NOT found on the gripping surfaces of the hands, feet and digits, it has significantly thinner stratum corneum than thick skin, it contains hair follicles)

which of the following is true of thin skin?

all of these (they have muscles primarily composed of single (different) types of muscle fibers, they have well developed pectoralis muscles since they are such heavy bird,s they have pectoralis muscles that are not very vascular and nor have a lot of myoglobin)

which of the following is true regarding the musculature of turkeys?

**************question 63 exam 4

which of the following is true? (talking about different types of muscle fibers, fast/slow twitch)

optimal (medium) actin and myosin overlap will produce maximal contraction

which of the following is true? (talking about muscle contraction)

all of these (albumin (protein), ATP, C6H12O6)

which of the following is/are a/an organic compound?

none of these (fats, phospholipids, cholesterol, all of these)

which of the following is/are an example of a protein?

all of these (response to environmental changes, growth and metabolism, energy used to maintain order (counter entropy)

which of the following is/are characteristics of life?

all of these (lipids from lamellar bodies, sebum, tight junctions)

which of the following is/are responsible for minimizing water loss across the epidermis?


which of the following joints is found in the popliteal region


which of the following molecules is the molecule that is enzymatically converted to active vitamin D in the liver and kidneys?

nail matrix

which of the following nail structures is/are compromised of living cells?


which of the following pairs of cavities of the human body share a space (no structure separating them)?

all of the above (microtubules and tubules, microfilaments and actin, intermediate filaments and strength)

which of the following pairs of cytoskeleton components is/are correctly matched?

collagen fibers

which of the following prevents the skin from overstretching and gives its strength?

reciprocal innervation (pt. 2)

which of the following reflexes primarily involves the relaxation of antagonistic muscle(s) when stepping on a painful stimulus (goathead, tack etc.)?

all of these are true (stands for adenosine triphosphate, has more energy than ADP, its energy isused widely in the body)

which of the following regarding ATP is TRUE?

umbilical regon

which of the following regions of the abdominal region is inferior to the epigastric region

stratum basale, stratum spinous, stratum granulosum, stratum lucidum, and stratum corneum

which of the following represents the correct order of the layers of the epidermis from the deepest to the most superficial?

rips 1-10

which of the following ribs are attached in some manner anteriorly to the sternum?

all of these (inferior nasal conchae, ribs, vomer)

which the following is part of the axial skeleton?

all of these are true (they form prior to the fontanels (softs spots) of the skill fusing, they have choroid plexuses within their lumens, they are filled with fluid that aids in waste removal (glymphatics))

which of the following stamens is true regarding ventricles of the brain?

the trochlear nerve innervates the oblique muscles

which of the following statements about eye movement is TRUE?

all of these (it is divided into two distinct layers/regions, it contains blood vessels, is responsible for most of the skin's structural strength)

which of the following statements about the dermis is correct?

none of these are true (the adjoining bones each have their own, separate periosteum; the adjacent surfaces of each bone are flat and smooth; hyaline cartilage spans the gap from one bone to the adjacent bone)

which of the following statements about the suture joints of the skull is/are true?

all of these (they have little to no movement, they are formed by hyaline cartilage connecting adjacent bones, ribs are attached to sternum via this type of joint (although can becomes converted to synovial)

which of the following statements concerning synchondroses is/are TRUE?

the epidermis is nourished by blood vessels located in the dermis

which of the following statements concerning the epidermis is true?

subcutaneous tissue is primarily composed of dense connective tissue with collagen and elastin fibers

which of the following statements concerning the subcutaneous tissue is false?

in isotonic contractions, the amount of tension produced is constant during the contraction

which of the following statements concerning types of muscle contractions is true?

a cell placed in a hyposmotic solution will probably lyse

which of the following statements is TRUE? (about lysation and crenation)

all of these are true (the limbic system includes portions of the brainstem and cerebrum, and causes base emotions/drives; a function of the cerebellum is to provide a comparator function for muscle movements; each cerebral hemisphere has specific abilities (categorical vs intuitive etc.))

which of the following statements is TRUE? (talking about limbic system, function of cerebellum and cerebral hemispheres)

myosin filaments slide along/over actin filaments

which of the following statements is true?

neuroglia conduct phagocytosis in CNS

which of the following statements regarding neuroglia (glial cells) is TRUE?

none of these (Na+/K+ exchange pumps contribute by moving both Na+ and K+ out of the cell, the extracellular positive charge largely being due to interstitial proteins, or depending on all of the Na+ and K+ channels being gated)

which of the following statements regarding the establishment of resting membrane potentials is TRUE?

all of these (the sarcomere shorts, the A band remains constant in length, and actin and myosin do not shorten during contraction)

which of the following statements regarding the sliding filament model is true?

all of these (cerebrum, temporal lobe, hippocampus)

which of the following strutters may be damaged if a person is unable to form new memories?

all ARE found... (melanocytes, squamous epithelial cells, keratinocytes)

which of the following types of cells is/are found in the epidermis?


which of the following types of secretion involves the shedding/loss of whole cells that then breakdown releasing their contents into the lumen of the duct?

al of these (cervical, lumbar, thoracic)

which of the following types of vertebrae have a vertebral foramen?

all of these (convection of the air that is cooler than the body across the skin's surface, evaporation of excess sweat, radiating infrared energy/light from the skin)

which of the following will help cool the body?

sphenoid bone

which of the following would be classified as an irregular bone?

vitamin D causes the kidney to excrete extra calcium

which of the followings statements concerning vitamin D is false?

ALL of these are true (ATP is converted to ADP and this "energizes" or "cocks" the myosin head, the connection of myosin head to an actin binding site results in the formation of the cross-bridge, ATP is needed to facilitate the release of myosin from actin)

which of the followings statements is true?

hair in the axillary region is terminal hair after puberty

which of the followings statements is true? (regarding types of hair)


which of the glands depicted are primarily responsible for cooling the body via evaporation?


which of the glands depicted is the source of lipid-rich (fatty acids) secretions that bacteria metabolize, producing body odor?


which one of the following bone cells would have the greatest number of lysosomes?

none of these (thalamus, pons, midbrain, corpus callosum)

which portion of the brainstem is continuous with the spinal cord?

all of these (anterior, ventral, abdominal)

which term best describes the surface/region of the "patient" visible in image?

a sudden, loud noise

which the following activities would stimulate the reticular formation?

erythema: reddish

which the following are of terms is correctly matched?


which the following cell connections is used to attach basale cells to the basement membrane?

all of these (it is a synovial joint, known as the glenohumeral joint, can do circumduction)

which the following is TRUE of the shoulder joint?

hip joint- cruciate ligaments

which the following is mismatched?

all of these (control skeletal muscles to maintain balance; help in the maintenance of muscle tone; control of posture locomotion, and fine motor coordination)

which the following is/are a function(s) of the cerebellum?

biceps femoris

which the following muscles would be considered an antagonist to the rectus femoris?

all of these (contains substantia nigra, neuromelanin occurs here, loss of neurons here is related to Parkinson's disease)

which the following statements about the midbrain is TRUE?

pons, medulla oblongata

which two portions the brain are involved in controlling respiration via autonomic reflexes?

smooth muscle

which type of muscle tissue has spindle-shaped or banana-shaped cells?

both cardiac and smooth muscle

which type of muscle tissue is mononucleated?

anaerobic respiration

which type of respiration occurs int eh cytoplasm as opposed to within the mitochondria?

aerobic respiration

which type of respiration produces the most ATP molecules per glucose molecule?

vitamin D

which vitamin begins its synthesis in the skin exposed to ultraviolet light?


which wrist bone makes part of the "bridge" for your carpal tunnel?

bundles of myelinated axons

white matter is composed of

none of these (the force of contraction generated by each motor unit, the force of contraction of individual muscle fibers, the amplitude of the stimulus, threshold)

whole skeletal muscles can respond in a graded (variable) fashion to stimuli by varying


would you expect to find the senses depicted here in the

you pull out the hair, and part of the follicle, but not the matrix

you pull a hair, why does it usually grow back?

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