Ab Psych Final Exam

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100 percent

Identical twins have ________ of their genes in common.

delusions; hallucinations

In severe cases of depression, individuals experience ________ that refers to beliefs with no basis in reality and ________, which refers to seeing, hearing, or feeling things that are not real.

18 and 24

In the United States, young adults between __ have the highest rates of alcohol consumption and make up the largest proportion of problem drinkers of any age group.


In the context of the schedules of reinforcement in operant conditioning, if a behavior is ________ reinforced, it is more difficult to extinguish.

Anesthetic sports

In which of the following categories of sports are athletes most likely to have a feeding and eating disorder?


Individuals labeled as either a sociopath or a _______ share symptoms with the DSM-5 diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder.


Individuals with narcissistic personality disorders are characterized by:


Individuals with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder tend to be highly:

1 to 2

It is estimated that, within the United States, ________ percent of the population will develop schizophrenia at some time in their lives.


Jamal believes that he is being followed but shows no other psychotic symptoms. Other than his delusion, he does not act oddly or have difficulty functioning. He is most likely to be diagnosed with ________ disorder.


June is finding it difficult to recognize familiar objects, like tables and chairs, and people, like her close friends and family members. June is most likely experiencing ________.


Karen had a hiking accident that resulted in head trauma. She now has difficulty remembering new information. Karen's amnesia would be categorized as ________.

limited prosocial emotions

Lack of remorse or guilt for ones actions and lack of concern for performance at school or work as well as shallow emotions demonstrates:

frequent stressful events can make people believe their situation is uncontrollable.

Learned helplessness theory suggests that:

commonly used in the treatment of bipolar disorder

Lithium is:

heart disease

Low-grade hypertension, combined with increases int he levels of triglycerides and low-density lipoprotein, puts alcohol abusers mostly at increased risk for:

hypnosis will "create" memories through the power of suggestion.

Many courts deny the use of hypnosis in the case of dissociative amnesia because of the possibility that:

were no better than warehouses because of reduced funding and decline in quality of care.

Many public hospitals at the turn of the twentieth century:


Many studies have found a link between low levels of the neurotransmitter ________ and suicide.

It is similar

Margaret received an intelligence quotient (IQ) score of 100 on her intelligence test. How does her performance most likely compare with the average performance of other individuals in her age group?


Marijuana, weed, pot, grass, reefer, and Mary Jane are terms used to refer to:


Marsha has dementia. It is becoming increasingly difficulty for her to remember her past. Sometimes she forgets her children's names. Marsha's amnesia would be categorized as ________.


Most U.S. states consider a person to be under the influence of alcohol if his or her blood-alcohol level is ________ or above.

they find dressing in women's clothes arousing

Most men who engage in cross-dressing as a symptom of transvestic disorder report that:


Most people who were diagnosed with one DSM-IV-TR disorder also met the criteria for another disorder. This overlap among disorders is known as ________.

relational aggression

Nadia excludes a few girls from play, gossips about them, and gangs up with her friends to cyber bully them. These are examples of ________.


Nationwide, the number of children prescribed stimulant medications increased by ________ percent in the past two decades.

synapse; receptors

Neurotransmitters are released into the ________, the gap between synaptic terminals and adjacent neurons, and then bind to special ________, molecules on the membrane of adjacent neurons.

Caesarian section

Obesity is linked to increased risk for all of the following EXCEPT:


One of the first classification systems for psychological symptoms was developed by ________.


Oppositional defiant disorder has a high rate of comorbidity with ____.

are often excessively worried about almost all situations.

People diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD):

highly suggestible and hypnotizable

People who develop dissociative identity disorder tend to be:

have a low tolerance for frustration and often act impetuously.

People with antisocial personality disorder:

are prone to shame

People with avoidant personality disorder:

Chronic hyperactivity in the HPA axis

People with depression tend to show:


People with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) often get some relief from their symptoms when they take drugs that better regulate the neurotransmitter ________.


People with schizotypal personality disorder tend to show dysregulation of ________ in the brain.

involves an inability to metabolize phenylalanine, an amino acid.

Phenylketonuria (PKU):

the patients' health could be improved by restoring their dignity and tranquility.

Philippe Pinel, a leader in the moral treatment movement, ordered that the chains be removed from patients because he believed that:

use a dimensional approach to diagnosis rather than the previous systems, which attempts to identify discrete categories of disorders.

Recent research on comorbidity led to diagnostic systems that:


Ruth is afraid of being in large open spaces. She is especially worried that she will not be able to leave the area if she begins to panic. Ruth is most likely experiencing ________.

down syndrome

Sandy was born with a flat face, a small nose, protruding lips and tongue, and slanting eyes. These features were a result of chromosome 21 being present in triplicate. Sandy was most likely born with


Several studies suggest that dysregulation of the ________ system contributes to bipolar disorder.


Stimulants used to treat attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may work by increasing levels of _____ in the synapses of the brain.

prefrontal cortex

Studies have found that antisocial adults have abnormal levels of functioning in the:


Teddy gets sexual gratification from stealing his girlfriend's underwear and masturbating into them. Teddy is exhibiting ___.


The Halstead-Reitan Test and the Luria-Nebraska Test are ________ tests.


The ___ are a mixed group of substances, including lysergic acid diethyl amide (LSD) and peyote.


The ____ drugs such as Xanax, Librium, Valium, and serax provide short-term relief from anxiety symptoms but have side effects and addictiveness that prelude long-term use.

somatic system

The ________ disorders are a group of disorders in which people experience significant physical symptoms for which there is no apparent organic cause.

children and adolescents

The agitation some people experience while taking an SSRI may contribute to an increase in suicidal thoughts and behavior. This risk may be greatest for:


The compound 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine is also known as:


The deterioration of language as seen in a neurocognitive disorder is referred to as ________.

general paresis

The disease, ________, has been characterized as one of the single most important discoveries underpinning modern biological theories of abnormality.

Producing a variety of hormones and controlling the secretion of other endocrine glands.

The pituitary gland is responsible for:


The set of symptoms of a diagnosis that tend to occur together is called a(n) ___.

Performance anxiety

The statements, "What if I can't get an erection? I'll die of embarrassment!" and "I've got to have an orgasm,or he'll think I don't love him!" are both indicative of _____


The study of abnormal psychology is the study of people who suffer mental, emotional, and often physical pain. This is also referred to as ________.


The symptoms of Parkinson's disease result from the death of brain cells that produce the neurotransmitter _____.

the idea that a mother is both overprotective of and rejecting toward her child, and this relationship creates schizophrenia in the child.

The term "schizophrenogenic mother" refers to:


The thought processes that influence behavior and emotion are called ________.

fear of the marketplace

The translation of the Greek term "agoraphobia" means:

Cultural relativism

Theorists who argue that behaviors can only be abnormal relative to cultural norms, are proponents of:

try to help them clarify their gender identity and desire for treatment.

Therapists who work with people with gender dysphoria typically:


Twin studies have shown that ________ plays a role in avoidant personality disorder.

Tourette's syndrome.

Vashti displays multiple motor tics, like facial grimacing, jerking her arm, and neck stretching, and also a vocal tic (in her case, an objectionable word). Because she has both motor and vocal tics her doctor is most likely to diagnose her with:

dissociative amnesia with dissociative fugue

Verna has no idea how she ended up in her current surroundings. She feels comfortable and is not bothered by the fact that she cannot remember her past. Verna is most likely to be experiencing a(n) ________.

The intensity of exposure to the feared stimuli

What differentiates flooding from systematic desensitization?

Compiled results of several studies indicate a rate of 46 percent

What is the concordance rate for schizophrenia in monozygotic (MZ) twins?


When a client is unwilling to or cannot reveal certain material to the clinician, this problem is often referred to as ________.

High inter-rater

When different individuals score a test and come to similar conclusions after evaluating the same people, the test is said to have ____ reliability.

their personal identities

When retrograde amnesia is due to organic causes, people will typically remember:

lower than those of people without PTSD

When they are not exposed to trauma reminders, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) sufferers tend to have resting levels of cortisol that are:

Heterosexual males and young girls

Which form of pedophilic disorder is the most common?

People with GAD often feel tired due to chronic muscle tension and sleep loss.

Which of the following applies to generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)?

Self-induced vomiting

Which of the following behaviors is typically associated with bulimia nervosa?

Methadone blocks receptors for heroin.

Which of the following best explains why those who take heroin while on methadone do not experience heroin's intense psychological effects?

somatic symptom disorder and illness anxiety disorder

Which of the following disorders may appear similar in their presentation?


Which of the following hormones is often used as a measure of stress?

surgery on areas of the brain thought to control sexual behavior

Which of the following is NOT a biological intervention that has been used to treat pedophilic disorder?

conditional positive regard

Which of the following is NOT considered an essential component of client-centered therapy (CCT)?

Personalities and interests are not reinforced by the environments we choose.

Which of the following is NOT true about the interaction between genes and the environment?

Teaching patients ways of disputing their delusional beliefs or hallucinatory experiences

Which of the following is a cognitive strategy for treating clients with schizophrenia?


Which of the following is a positive symptom of schizophrenia?

constantly thinking about cleanliness and contamination

Which of the following is an example of an obsession?

Cognitive theories have had difficulty proving that maladaptive cognitions precede and cause disorders rather than being the symptoms or consequences of the disorders.

Which of the following is the greatest limitation of the cognitive theories?

Chronic physical or sexual abuse during childhood

Which of the following is the most common contributor to dissociative identity disorder?

persecutory delusions

Which of the following is the most common type of delusion?

The longer delirium continues, the more likely the person is to suffer permanent brain damage.

Which of the following is the primary reason that medical conditions causing delirium be treated immediately?

Only about 25 percent of them seek treatment.

Which of the following is true of people with alcohol use disorders in the United States?

Major depressive disorder is more severe and less chronic than persistent depressive disorder

Which of the following is true of the difference between persistent depressive disorder and major depressive disorder?

Its rapid, strong effects on the brain's reward centers

Which of the following makes cocaine more likely than most substances to lead to a stimulant use disorder?


Which of the following neurotransmitters has been linked to poor impulse control and aggression in people diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder?

parents who physically abuse their children

Which of the following parenting styles is likely to increase a child's vulnerability to conduct disorder?

She found the treatment of the mentally ill in America dehumanizing and set out on a quest to improve their condition by lobbying in different states to get laws passed.

Which of the following statements about Dorothea Dix is true?

Children with FAS have an average IQ of 68

Which of the following statements is true about fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)?

A biological, psychological, or social vulnerability combines with a biological, psychological, or social trigger, causing a disorder to manifest.

Which of the following statements is true about the diathesis-stress model of the development of disorders?

Arousal comes from observing the victim's surprise, fear, or disgust or from a fantasy that the victim is becoming sexually aroused.

Which of the following statements is true of exhibitionistic disorder?

People with anorexia nervosa highly value their thinness and can be resistant to therapists' attempts to change their behaviors or attitudes

Which of the following statements is true of psychotherapy for anorexia?

People with anorexia nervosa highly value their thinness and can be resistant to therapists' attempts to change their behaviors or attitudes.

Which of the following statements is true of psychotherapy for anorexia?

Among older adults, discomfort with one's own aging can contribute to sexual problems.

Which of the following statements is true of sexual activity among older adults?

Cognitive-behavioral therapies

Which of the following treatments is most effective in preventing relapse in clients with panic disorders?

Motivational interviewing

Which of the following was developed by William Miller to elicit and solidify clients' motivation and commitment to changing their substance use behaviors?

It is an anesthetic

Which of these is a major reason why ketamine users may injure themselves when they are intoxicated?


Which program covers approximately one-quarter of all mental health spending in the United States?


Which term refers to the accuracy of a test in assessing what it is supposed to measure?


____ are repetitive behaviors or mental acts that an individual feels he or she must perform.

Substance withdrawal

____ is a set of physiological and behavioral symptoms that result when people who have been using substances heavily for prolonged periods of time stop or greatly reduce their use.


_____ validity is the extent to which a test yields the same results as other, established measures of the same phenomena.

Internal consistency reliable

______ refers to the similarity in people's answers among different parts of the same test.


________ are atypical sexual preferences sometimes divided into those that involve the consent of others and those that involve non-consenting others.


________ are volatile substances that produce chemical vapors, which can be inhaled and which depress the central nervous system.

Emil Kraepelin

________ developed a scheme of classifying symptoms into discrete disorders that is the basis for our modern classification systems.

Substance-induced dementia

________ involves the loss of intellectual abilities, including memory, abstract thinking, judgment, and problem solving, and is often accompanied by personality changes such as increased paranoia.

Fetishistic disorder

________ involves the use of nonliving objects for sexual arousal or gratification.

Substance withdrawal

________ is a set of physiological and behavioral symptoms that result when people who have been using substances heavily for prolonged periods of time stop or greatly reduce their use.


________ is not designated as an eating disorder in DSM-5.


________ is/are a drug that blocks receptors for opiates and has been shown to be useful in reducing hyperactivity in some children with autism spectrum disorder.

a person's symptoms of delirium worsen at night.

"Sundowning" is a term used to indicate that:

playing outside

A bee stung Leah while she was playing in the yard a few weeks ago. She now becomes panicky each time she goes out to play. In this example, the conditioned stimulus is ________.

tardive dyskinesia

A common side effect of neuroleptics that consists of involuntary movements of the tongue, mouth, or jaw is ________.


A criterion for female orgasmic disorder is that a woman must have difficulty reaching orgasm in at least ________ percent of sexual encounters.

has little desire for sex, doesn't fantasize about sex, and may be unresponsive when a partner initiates sex

A diagnosis of male hypoactive sexual desire would be made when a male:

post-traumatic stress disorder

A disorder that has high comorbidity with DID is____.


A key communication issue autistic children experience is the tendency to repeat words they have heard, a condition known as _____


A lack of responsiveness to the outside world is referred to as ________ in patients with schizophrenia.


A loss of interest or pleasure in previously enjoyed activities is called ____.


A major class of anxiety-reducing drugs, ____, appears to reduce the symptoms of anxiety without interfering substantially with an individual's ability to function in daily life. Their most frequent use of these drugs is as sleeping pills.

electroencephalogram (EEG)

A(n) ________ measures electrical activity along the scalp produced by the firing of specific neurons in the brain, and it is often used to detect seizure activity.


A(n) ________ trait is a complex pattern of behavior, thought, and feeling that is stable across time and across many situations.


Abnormality in eating, drinking, and sexual behavior is most likely a result of the dysfunction of the:

abstain completely

According to the philosophy of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), the only way to control alcohol intake is to:


Albert Bandura argued that people's beliefs about their ability to execute the behaviors necessary to control important events, which he called ________ beliefs, are crucial in determining people's well-being.

hiatal hernias

All of the following are considered serious physical consequences of anorexia nervosa EXCEPT:

psychogenic; organic

Amnesia is categorized as either ___ or ___.

Broca's area

An area of the inferior frontal gyrus called ________ is involved in the ability to articulate and analyze words.

it does not rely on self-reports and self-interpretations of behaviors.

An important advantage of direct behavioral observation is that:

Substance abuse

Antisocial personality disorder tends to have high comorbidity with:


Approximately ________ percent of individuals diagnosed with childhood-onset conduct disorder engage in criminal behavior and drug abuse as teens.


Approximately, ________ percent of people with Parkinson's disease develop dementia.

hypersexual disorder

Authors of the DSM-5 proposed adding the diagnosis of ________, which is characterized by excessive preoccupation with sexual fantasies, urges, and activities and lasts at least six months, but the proposal was rejected.

To ensure that the person does not become dependent on the benzodiazepine

Benzodiazepines are used to reduce alcohol dependence. Why is the dosage of the specific benzodiazepine decreased each day while using it to treat a substance use disorder?

does not regularly engage in purging or excessive exercise.

Binge-eating disorder differs from bulimia nervosa in that the person with binge-eating disorder:


Borderline personality disorder is characterized by hypersensitivity to ________.

collective unconscious

Carl Jung referred to the wisdom accumulated by a society over hundreds of years of human existence that is stored in the memories of individuals as the ________.

often place great importance on routine and rituals.

Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD):


Clinicians from ________ perspectives value projective test as tools for assessing the underlying conflicts and concerns of individuals.


Cocaine prevents the reuptake of ___ into the transmitting neuron, causing it to accumulate in the synapse and maintaining the pleasurable feeling associated with cocaine use.


Cocaine prevents the reuptake of ________ into the transmitting neuron, causing it to accumulate in the synapse and maintaining the pleasurable feeling associated with cocaine use.

develop the belief that they are unique or exceptional as a defense against rejection.

Cognitive theorists have argued that some people with narcissistic personality disorder:

challenging the clients maladaptive interpretations of physical symptoms and teaching them techniques for appropriate interpretations

Cognitive therapies for somatic symptom disorder focus on:

someone to talk with who understands their feelings and problems.

Crisis intervention aims to reduce the risk of an imminent suicide attempt by providing suicidal persons:

"or an experience of possession"

DSM-5 has added the words ________ to the DID criterion A. This makes the criteria more applicable to diverse cultural groups and to identify a common presentation of DID in non-Western cultures as well as subgroups in Western cultures.


Deficiencies in serotonin might lead the body to crave ________.


Dennis is undergoing treatment to deal with his alcohol use disorder. Whenever he takes this drug, he can't even have one alcoholic drink because he starts to feel sick and dizzy and feels like vomiting. Which drug is he most likely using?

self-stimulatory behaviors

Dimitri tends to move his body in a repetitive manner such as waving his hands. These behaviors sometimes are referred to as ________.

they tend to have an electrolyte imbalance.

Doctors can recognize people with bulimia nervosa because of the fact that:

create a false memory

Elizabeth Loftus's "lost at the mall" studies showed how easy it is to ________.


Erectile disorder is sometimes referred to as____.

Munchhausen's syndrome

Factitious disorders are often referred to as:


Fluctuations in ________ levels might cause imbalances or dysfunction of the serotonin or GABA systems in females, leading to panic attacks.

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