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Choledochal cyst

A 1 y/o patient presented with a palpable abdominal mass, jaundice, and fever. A cystic mass is noted in the area of the porta hepatis with sonography. What is the most likely diagnosis?


A 2 y/o male presents with a palpable abdominal mass with abdominal and back pain. A 10 cm heterogenous ill-defined mass with calcifications is identified in the RT abdomen. Mets were identified in the liver. What is the most likely diagnosis?

B. Hepatoblastoma

A 3 y/o patient presents with Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome , a palpable RT-sided abdominal mass, and elevated AFP. What is the most likely diagnosis? A. Wilms tumor B. Hepatoblastoma

Hashimoto thyroiditis

A 30 y/o female presented with puffy eyes, slight weight gain, increased cold sensitivity, elevated cholesterol, and decreased thyroxine levels. Her sonogram demonstrated a coarse textured thyroid gland with increased vascularity. What is the most likely diagnosis?

Inguinal hernia

A sonogram revealed a heterogeneous mass within the scrotum that demonstrates peristalsis. What pathology does this describe?

The cortex should be hypoechoic or isoechoic to the liver or spleen

When assessing the sonographic appearance of an adult kidney, what echogenicity comparisons are typically used?

Turn on color doppler

When urolithiasis is suspected with sonography but difficult to visualize, what can the sonographer do to better define it?

Bull's eye structure between the LT lobe of the liver and the proximal aorta in a sagittal plane

Where is the gastroesophageal junction demonstrated on a sonogram?

Tiny comet tail artifacts projecting from the GB wall into the GB lumen

What is the classic sonographic presentation of adenomyomatosis?

Tumors are generally located at the junction of the RT and LT hepatic ducts

Which of the following is most accurate when describing Klatskin tumors?


Which of the following presents as a tender, palpable retroareolar mass in a male patient?

D. Decreased Lipase

Which of the following would not be a typical clinical manifestation of acute pancreatitis? A. Elevated Amylase B. Nausea and vomiting C. Back Pain D. Decreased lipase


Which splenic pathology is often associated with Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome?

Acute testicular pain localized to the superior pole of the testis is the main clinical finding for the testicular torsion.

Which of the following is not consistent with testicular torsion?

The vibration of the sound waves will help to dislodge the foreign body

Which of the following is false with respect to how sonography can be used to demonstrate a foreign body?


Which of the following falsely describes an accessory spleen?

Hepatocellular adenoma

Which of the following is a benign mass found in the liver parenchyma found in patients taking oral contraceptives?

Suspected intussusception

Which of the following is an indication for completing a bowel sonogram?


Which of the following is associated with Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome?

Transient synovitis

A 6 y/o female patient presents with low-grade fever, mild leukocytosis, complains of RT hip pain, and a reluctance to walk. Sonography demonstrated a hypoechoic fluid collection in the RT hip joint that measured 7 mm in width. What is the most likely diagnosis?

Internal bleeding

A decreased hematocrit indicates which of the following?

Pilonidal cyst

A female hair stylist presented with pain, erythema, and edema in the gluteal cleft. Sonography revealed a complex subcutaneous mass with hyperemia and a hypoechoic tract to the skin surface. What pathology does this represent?

Retroperitoneal hematoma

A hemophiliac patient presents with low hematocrit and RT back pain. A complex mass is demonstrated in the muscle between the kidney and the spine. What is the most likely diagnosis?

Hepatoma with Budd-Chiari Syndrome

A male patient presents with a history of chronic hepatitis and Wilson disease. Sonography reveals a heterogeneous mass in the RT lobe that appears to invade the IVC and the hepatic veins appear to be narrowed. What is the most likely diagnosis?

Hepatic stenosis

A patient presents with elevated liver function tests and the sonogram reveals diffuse increase in echogenicity, hepatomegaly, and a poorly visualized diaphragm. Which of the following conditions is most likely?

Tuberous sclerosis

A patient presents with epilepsy and skin lesions. The sonogram demonstrated bilateral renal cysts and angiomyolipoma. What is the most likely diagnosis?

Aortic dissection

A patient presents with intense chest and abdominal pain radiating to the lower back. A mildly dilated area of the aorta is identified with demonstration of an intimal flap with color doppler. What is the most likely diagnosis?

Mirizzi Syndrome

A patient presents with jaundice, RUQ pain, an elevated serum bilirubin, and a fever. Sonogram demonstrates a common hepatic duct measuring 12 mm. What is the most likely diagnosis?

Cushing Syndrome

A patient presents with obesity, hirsutism, and a buffalo hump. Sonography identified a mass in the RT adrenal gland. What is the most likely diagnosis?

Barlow and Ortolani test

An infant patient presents with a history of a breech birth, asymmetric skinfolds on the legs, and a difference in length between both lower limbs. What tests should be conducted as an initial assessment of development dislocation of the hip?

Gastroduodenal artery, splenic artery, and superior mesenteric artery

Arterial blood supply to the pancreas is supplied by which of the following arteries?

Chronic cholecystitis presents with a WES sign but no Murphy's sign

How does chronic cholecystitis differ from acute cholecystitis?

Presence of an AAA with adjacent hematoma

How is an aortic rupture diagnosed?

Dilation of the calices and renal pelvis

How is pelvocaliectasis diagnosed with sonography?

LT breast, LOQ, midway from nipple deep to the pectoral muscle

If a breast mass is annotated as LT 4:00 1C, what does this tell you about its location?


If a patient's lab results indicate increased amylase, increased lipase, and increased bilirubin, which of the following organs is likely diseased?

Chronic cholecystitis

If the GB wall is demonstrated as symmetrically thickened, what is the most likely pathologic cause?

Internal jugular vein

In a transverse image of the RT lobe of the thyroid gland, what is the most lateral structure typically demonstrated?

Common hepatic artery makes up left wing, splenic artery makes up right wing, and celiac axis makes up body.

On a transverse sonogram of the mid abdominal aorta, what vessels make up the seagull sign?


Which of the following would be considered a benign and a common finding within the male fetal scrotum?

Enlarged Coronary vein

Which of the following would be the least likely sonographic finding of hepatitis?


Sonographic examination demonstrated multiple enlarged cervical lymph nodes. The patient indicated having had fever for over a week. What is the most likely cause for the lymphadenopathy?

Hepatization of the GB

Sonographic features of GB sludge include which of the following?

GB Carcinoma

The most common form of biliary tract cancer

Large hyperechoic mass adjacent to the superior pole of the kidney

What are the sonographic features of a pheochromocytoma?

Large, hypoechoic mass surrounding the abdominal aorta

What are the sonographic findings associated with retroperitoneal fibrosis?


What area of the adrenal gland produces epinephrine and norepinephrine?

Infantile hemangioendothelioma

What benign pediatric tumor presents clinically with hepatomegaly and skin hemangiomas?

Renal adenoma

What benign renal mass is described sonographically as a hypervascular, hyperechoic mass with internal producing acoustic shadowing?

Adrenal rests

What disorder of the scrotum presents with increased levels of adrenocorticotropic hormone in patients with a history of adrenal hyperplasia?

Identification of the calcified back wall of the GB

What feature allows the sonographer to distinguish porcelain GB from WES sign?

Enlargement of the IVC

What finding can RT-sided enlargement of the heart cause on an abdominal sonogram?


What flow pattern is expected in an endovascular aortic stent graft repair?

Gangrenous cholecystitis

What is a complication of acute cholecystitis if it is not treated?

Arteriovenous fistula

What is a complication of hepatic hematoma?

A fluid-filled mass arising from the tendon found most often on the dorsal aspect of the hand or wrist.

What is a ganglion cyst?


What is a possible complication of a thoracentesis?

Serous fluid collection in the peritoneum just inferior to the diaphragm.

What is exudate ascites in the subhepatic space?

A technique used to measure the relationship of the femoral head and acetabulum to determine if developmental hip dysplasia is present.

What is the Graf technique?

Overproduction of aldosterone by a functional adrenal tumor.

What is the cause of Conn Syndrome?

Encapsulation of digestive enzymes that leak out of the pancreas to form a cystic structure

What is the cause of a pancreatic pseudocyst?

Evaluate for graft patency and leakage at attachment sites

What is the main role of sonography post abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) repair?

Single-walled muscle thickness of 3 mm or greater and 17 mm or greater length

What is the measurement used to determine if pyloric stenosis is present?

Elevated resistive index

What is the most common acute vascular complication associated with pancreatic transplants?


What is the most common cancer found in a patient with cryptorchidism?


What is the most common scrotal mass?

Gross hematuria and passing blood clots

What symptoms are typically associated with transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder?

Adrenal Rests

Which of the following are often associated with congenital adrenal hyperplasia and Cushing syndrome?

Ring down

Which of the following artifacts can be helpful in identifying air in the biliary tree?

Sickle cell anemia

Which of the following best describes a chronic condition that results in fibrotic replacement atrophy of the spleen?

Multiple small echogenic masses with acoustic shadowing

Which of the following best describes a splenic granuloma?

Enlarged, hypoechoic mass with absence of echogenic hilum and irregular wall contour.

Which of the following best describes sonographic appearance of an abnormal lymph node?

Seminiferous tubules > straight tubule > efferent duct > epididymis > ductus deferens > seminal vesicle

Which of the following correctly identifies the path sperm take from origin to the seminal vesicles?

GB, renal cortex, pancreas

Which of the following correctly orders the normal organs from least echogenic to most echogenic?

Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis

Which of the following disorders presents clinically with the "olive sign"?

Watery/bloody diarrhea

Which of the following symptoms is a common feature of colitis?


Which patient population is the most likely to demonstrate an adrenal hemorrhage?

Central dot sign

Which sonographic sign is associated with Caroli Disease?

Multiple mobile echogenic masses that produce acoustic shadowing

A 45 y/o female patient with a history of chronic dieting with acute abdominal pain after fatty meals that radiates to her shoulders. Which of the following sonographic presentations do you expect to find?

Adenomatous goiter

A patient presents with palpable enlarged thyroid gland, dysphagia, and intermittent coughing. Sonogram demonstrated an enlarged heterogenous gland with multiple focal modules. What is the most likely diagnosis?

Lung consolidation

A patient presents with pulmonary edema. On sonography, an area of lung has the same echotexture as the liver but with areas of linear pattern echogenicities. What is the most likely diagnosis?


A patient presents with weight loss, jaundice, and epigastric pain. The sonogram demonstrates a hypoechoic mass in the pancreatic head and a dilated CBD. What is the most likely diagnosis?

Alcohol abuse

What is the most common cause of acute pancreatitis?

Graves Disease

What is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism?

Portal hypertension

What is the most common cause of splenomegaly?

Splenic torsion

What is the most common complication of a wandering spleen?

Simple renal cyst

What is the most common renal mass demonstrated on sonography?

Elevated lipase

What is the most significant lab result indicating acute pancreatitis?

Triphasic, high-resistant pattern with flow reversal in early diastole

What is the normal doppler waveform appearance of the distal aorta?

Hypoechoic tissue with linear echogenic strands

What is the normal sonographic appearance of a muscle?

Measure the segment on the extrahepatic side of the cystic duct with an inner-to-inner measurement

What is the proper method for measuring the CBD?

Pleural effusion

What is the term used to describe a fluid collection around the lung?


What is the term used to describe an enlarged spleen?

Tunica intima

What is the term used to describe the inner layer of the aorta wall?

Target shaped mass in the transverse plane and pseudokidney sign in long plane

What is the typical sonographic pattern demonstrating an intussusception?

10 mm

What is the upper limit of normal for a measurement of the CBD in an 80 y/o female who has had a cholecystectomy?

> 10 mm

What measurement describes an enlarged lymph node?

Seminiferous tubules

What part of the testicle produces sperm?


What pathology is diagnosed by the sonographic demonstration of worms in the bile ducts?

Superior mesenteric vein and splenic vein

What posterior landmark can the sonographer use to aid in delineation of the pancreas?

Diagnostic thoracentesis

What procedure is used to remove fluid from around the lung in order to determine if it has a malignant origin?


What term describes a lesion with cystic and solid components?

Graves disease

What thyroid disorder presents with bulging eyes, nervousness, weight loss, and hair loss?


in what part of the gastrointestinal tract is the vermiform appendix connected?

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