*Abdomen Registry Mock Questions

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A localized process in the kidney that forms a wedge-shaped phlegmonous lesion in which no true abscess exists is a. renal carbuncle b. acute lobar nephronia c. xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis d. chronic atrophic pyelonephritis


A phlegmon of the pancreas represents a. an inflammatory process b. a malignant neoplasm c. a benign adenoma d. a functioning islet cell tumor


Acute intraperitoneal hemorrhage most often is caused by all of the following except a. lymphadenopathy b. blunt trauma c. ruptured ectopic pregnancy d. interventional procedures


Adenomyomatosis of the gallbladder is a. proliferation and thickening of the epithelial layer with glandlike outpouchings in the wall b. an inflammation of the gallbladder wall c. strongly associated with a positive Murphy's sign d. always accompanied by dilated ducts


All of the following details about thyroid carcinoma are true except a. has central sonolucent halo b. most common endocrine malignancy c. found in women older than 40 years of age d. rapid growth


Atherosclerosis involves accumulation of lipids in the a. intima only b. medial only c. intima and media d. adventitia only


Budd-Chiari syndrome may present sonographically as a. relative enlargement of the caudate lobe caused by hepatic vein thrombosis of the liver b. relative shrinkage of the caudate lobe caused by splenic vein thrombosis c. relative enlargement of the quadrate lobe caused by splenic vein thrombosis d. relative shrinkage of all lobes of the liver caused by IVC thrombosis


Cholangitis refers to a. inflammation of a bile duct b. inflammation of the gallbladder c. inflammation of a choledochal cyst d. inflammation of the bladder


Compared with the adult adrenal gland, the neonatal adrenal gland a. appears larger and increased in medullary echogenicity b. appears smaller and hypoechoic c. appears no different d. cannot be seen


Crohn's disease is an inflammatory bowel disease usually affecting the a. terminal ileum b. stomach c. pylorus d. esophagus


Fatty infiltration is often patchy or focal. A less affected region of the liver is called a. spared b. infiltrated c. hyperfused d. revascularized


Glycogen storage disease is associated with a. adenomas b. angiomyolipomas c. lipomas d. pancreatitis


In chronic viral hepatitis, hepatomegaly and inhomogeneous patchy or diffuse increased echogenicity are common and are related to the a. amount of fatty infiltration and fibrosis present b. amount of fibrosis present c. amount of portal hypertension present d. amount of vascular compression present


Loculations within ascites are most commonly the result of a. malignancy or inflammation b. benign conditions c. pedal edema d. pleural effusions


Morison's pouch is located in the a. subhepatic space b. subphrenic space c. paracolic gutter d. pararenal space


One sonographic method used to distinguish dilated bile ducts involves deomonstrating the a. double-barrel shotgun sign b. Mirizzi syndrome c. Courvoisier's sign d. stop sign


Portal vein obstruction may develop as an extension of a. hepatocellular carcinoma b. Budd-Chiari syndrome c. marked dilation of the interhepatic veins d. fatty liver infiltration


The PRIMARY hormones produced in the pancreas are a. glucagon and insulin b. collagen and fibrin c. lipase and cholase d. pancreatin and secretin


The aorta is named the "abdominal aorta" when it passes through the a. diaphragm b. Glisson's capsule c. spleen hiatus d. aortic arch


The pancreas is both an exocrine and an endocrine gland. The endocrine function is to produce a. insulin b. lipase c. amylase d. trypsin


The peritoneum is divided into the ___ layer, which lines the abdominal walls, and the ___ layer, which covers the organs a. parietal, visceral b. visceral, parietal c. serous, mucous d. outer, inner


The portal triad consists of a. portal vein, hepatic artery, bile duct b. left hepatic vein, middle hepatic vein, right hepatic vein c. common duct, cystic duct, pancreatic duct d. caudate lobe of liver, right lobe of liver, left lobe of liver


The portal veins can be distinguished from the hepatic veins by their a. thicker wall and echogenic rim surrounding them b. thin wall and echo-poor rim surrounding them c. close proximity to the periphery d. cluster-like appearance close to the hepatic periphery


The segments of the left lobe of the liver are a. medial and lateral b. anterior and posterior c. cephalad and caudad d. caudate and quadrate


The triphasic waveform seen in the hepatic veins reflects the contractility of the a. right atrium b. left atrium c. right ventricle d. left ventricle


The vessel that can be seen posterior to the IVC is the a. right renal artery b. splenic artery c. pancreaticoduodenal artery d. left renal vein


Thicker septations seen within a cyst are usually a. complicated cyst or neoplasm b. adenoma c. polycystic disease d. focal nodular hyperplasia


Which of the following does not describe the pancreas a. it lies within the peritoneal space b. it is retroperitoneal structure c. it is nonencapsulated d. it is a multilobulated gland


Which of the following is NOT true regarding multicystic dysplastic kidney a. the reniform contour of the kidney is maintained b. the cysts are of variable size and have a random distribution c. contralateral disease occurs in approximately one third of patients d. the normal central echo pattern of the renal pelvis is generally absent


Which of the following statements about the right crus of the diaphragm is true a. it is larger and longer than the left b. it attaches the psoas muscle to the diaphragm c. it is the frequent site of metastasis in lymphoma d. it is shorter than the left


Which of the following statements is(are) true regarding the sonographic appearance of the neonatal kidney? a. the medullary pyramids are larger in relation to the cortex than in adult life b. the kidneys are generally much more echogenic than the liver in the newborn and become increasingly less echogenic with age c. in the normal newborn, the kidneys are often echogenic compared with the liver and spleen d. the kidneys are generally smaller in relation to the other organs than they will appear in adult life


Which part of the pancreas is located in the curve of the duodenum a. head b. neck c. body d. tail


Which thin, teninous structure connects the two rectus abdominis muscles at the midline a. linea alba b. transversus abdominis c. internal oblique d. ligamentium teres


With aging, the pancreas becomes a. smaller and more echogenic b. larger and more echogenic c. smaller and less echogenic d. the same size but less echogenic


With regard to bile duct dimensions after a cholecystectomy, the size of the CHD or CBD may be a. somewhat larger b. somewhat smaller c. slow to return to normal for several months d. shortened


All of the following terms related to the past history of a patient except a. apnea b. jaundice c. weight loss d. fatigue

a. apnea

Central pain with shock may be seen in all of the following conditions except: a. cholelithiasis b. ectopic pregnancy c. internal hemorrhage d. dissecting aneurysm

a. cholelithiasis

Intraperitoneal fluid first accumulates in a. cul-de-sac or retrovesical fossa b. mesentery c. omental bursa d. pericolic ligaments

a. cul-de-sac or retrovesical fossa

The most common collaterals in portal hypertension are a. left gastric and paraumbilical veins b. retroperitoneal and short gastric veins c. splenorenal and omental veins d. splenoperitoneal and retroperitoneal veins

a. left gastric and paraumbilical veins

Peritoneal fluid that contains septations, low-level echoes, or debris suggests all of the following except a. portal vein thrombosis b. infection c. hemorrhage d. carcinomatosis

a. portal vein thrombosis

An abdominal trauma case may present with any of the following conditions except: a. rupture of the liver, gallbladder, or spleen b. rupture of the liver, spleen, or kidney c. rupture of the bladder d. rupture of the intestine

a. rupture of the liver, gallbladder, or spleen

A common problem that is viral in origin and affects some adolescent and middle-aged men is a. epididymal cyst b. epididymitis c. spermatocele d. testiculitis


A complication of pancreatitis is a. formation of islet cell tumor b. formation of pseudocyst c. formation of cystadenoma d. pancreatic carcinoma


A linear echodensity that connects the gallbladder to the main portal vein is the a. ligamentum teres b. main lobar fissure c. ligamentum venosum d. coronary ligament


A linear stripe of variable thickness and echogenicity running through the testis in a craniocaudal direction represents the a. Cowper's fascia b. mediastinum testis c. epithelial fascia d. dartos muscle


All of the following statements about thyroid cysts are true except a. cysts account for 20% of all cold thyroid nodules b. lesions are usually multiple c. the vast majority result from hemorrhage or degenerative changes in an adenoma d. incidence of carcinoma in cystic lesions less than 4 cm is less than 2%


All of the following structures form neighboring structures for the thyroid gland except a. superficial and deep fascia b. parotid muscle c. strap muscles d. sternocleidomastoid muscle


An 8-year-old boy presents with a recent sore throat, hematuria and proteinuria, urinary red cell casts, and a slightly elevated BUN. His history is very suggestive of acute poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis. Which of the following is false a. the renal sonogram may demonstrate a diffuse increase in cortical echogenicity similar to that of the renal sinus b. acute glomerulomephritis is usually an incidental finding c. the kidneys may be enlarged in acute glomerulonephritis d. the disease may reverse or progress to end-stage renal disease


An amebic abscess of the liver most frequently is located a. superior to the liver b. in the right lobe of the liver c. in the caudate lobe of the liver d. inferior to the liver, posterior to the right kidney


An aneurysm that is connected to the vascular lumen by a neck that varies in size is a. fusiform b. saccular c. berry d. cylindroid


An echogenic linear echo located immediately anterior to the caudate lobe represents the a. main lobar fissure b. ligamentum venosum c. falciform ligament d. ligamentum teres


Arcuate arteries in the kidneys are branches of the a. segmental arteries b. interlobar arteries c. renal arteries d. papillary arteries


Ascites is defined as accumulation of fluid in the a. abdominal wall b. peritoneal cavity c. retroperitoneal cavity d. any abdominal cavity


Calcifications, pancreatic duct dilatation, and pseudocyst formation are most consistent with a. islet cell tumor b. acute and chronic pancreatitis c. cholelithiasis d. adenocarcinoma


Chronic pancreatitis most often is caused by a. cholelithiasis b. ETOH abuse c. trauma d. cholechocholithiasis


Common causes of a secondary hydrocele include all of the following except a. trauma b. undescended testes c. infection d. neoplasm


Distribution of blood to the liver, spleen, and stomach occurs via the a. portal vein b. celiac trunk vessels c. gastroduodenal artery d. superior mesenteric vein


Empyema of the gallbladder refers to a. gas in the gallbladder wall b. pus-filled gallbladder c. distention of the gallbladder with mucus and stones d. calcified gallbladder


One way to distinguish hepatic veins from portal veins is by a. size; the hepatic veins are much smaller than the portal veins b. tracing them to their points of origin c. noting the decrease in caliber as they approach the IVC d. visualizing the wall thickness of the vessels. knowing that hepatic veins have thicker walls


Optimal color flow and spectral Doppler sonography of the liver requires a. high-frequency scanning b. low-frequency scanning c. high PRF d. increased scan angle


Perforation of the gallbladder is strongly associated with a. gangrenous cholecystitis b. acute cholecystitis c. chronic cholecystitis d. biliary atresia


The gastroepiploic artery is a branch of the a. left gastric artery b. hepatic artery c. splenic artery d. pancreatic artery


The glomerulus is a. contained in the loop of Henle b. a network of capillaries encased in Bowman's capsule c. located in the renal papilla d. found in the renal pelvis


The most common cause of aortic aneurysm is a. infection b. atherosclerosis c. trauma d. congenital


The most common cause of hyperparathyroidism is a. thyroid adenoma b. parathyroid adenoma c. parathyroid cyst d. parathyroid hemorrhagic cyst


The most common malignant neoplasm of the breast in women is a. lymphoma b. adenocarcinoma c. mucinous carcinoma d. cystosarcoma phyllodes


The most common posthepatic transplant vascular complication is a. portal vein thrombosis b. hepatic artery thrombosis c. portal hypertension d. hepatic vein thrombosis


The most common solid benign tumor of the breast is a. cystosarcoma phyllodes b. fibroadenoma c. papilloma d. lipoma


The most common symptomatic liver tumor in children younger than 5 years is a. Wilm's tumor b. hepatoblastoma c. neuroblastoma d. nephroblastoma


The reflection of the liver above the diaphragm is due to a. reverberation b. mirror-image artifact c. reflection d. ring-down artifact


The segments of the right lobe of the liver are a. medial and lateral b. anterior and posterior c. cephalad and caudad d. caudad and quadrate


The spleen is a peritoneal structure lying between a. the right hemidiaphragm and the stomach b. the left hemidiaphragm and the stomach c. the hepatic flexure of the colon and the left kidney d. spleen is not peritoneal


The type of tumor that arises form the bile ducts to account for 10% of all primary liver cancers is a. cholangioma b. cholangiocarcinoma c. cholangiosarcoma d. cholangiolipoma


The usual sonographic appearance of acute pancreatitis is a. hyperechoic with generalized decrease in size b. hypoechoic with generalized enlargement c. isoechoic with generalized enlargement d. isoechoic with increase in size


The visceral peritoneum refers to the surface that is in contact with the a. abdominal wall b. organs c. skin d. retroperitoneum


Thick, viscid bile ("sludge") within the gallbladder indicates a. obstruction of the intrahepatic ducts b. an incidental finding sometime linked to gallbladder pathology c. the definite presence of calculi d. carcinoma of the gallbladder


This layer is a constant anatomic feature of the GI tract and serves as a useful landmark to identify a loop of bowel a. muscularis propria b. submucosal layer c. muscularis mucosa d. adventitial surface


Ultrasound is capable of demonstrating the ligaments and fissures of the liver because a. they are hyperechoic b. collagen and fat are present within and around these structures c. they contain heparin, an echogenic substance d. they are perpendicular to the beam


Which fact about undescended testes is false a. the testis originates in the retroperitoneum at the level of the fetal kidney b. all undescended testes are found in the inguinal canal c. there is a 40-50% association with testicular malignancy d. the incidence of infertility is increased


Which of the following is NOT a true statement about renal allograft rejection a. the allograft increases in size at a greater rate than that associated with compensatory hypertrophy b. shrinking and increased echogenicity of the renal medullary pyramids occur c. the size and echogenicity of the central renal sinus fat are diminished d. the allograft may lose its elliptical configuration and become more globular in shape


Which of the following is not considered a mediastinal structure a. heart b. lungs c. trachea d. thymus gland


Which of the following is the correct order of abdominal wall structures from the skin inward a. linea alba, rectus muscle, subcutateous fat b. subcutaneous fat, rectus sheath, rectus muscle, peritoneum c. peritoneum, linea alba, rectus sheath d. rectus muscle, peritoneum, linea alba


Which of the following is the most common site for pseudocyst formation a. iliac fossa b. lesser sac c. Morison's pouch d. pouch of Douglas


Which of the following is typically the largest structure located in the neck a. common carotid artery b. internal jugular artery c. internal carotid artery d. external jugular vein


Which of the following statements is false regarding varicocele a. varicoceles refer to dilated, serpiginous, and elongated veins of the pampiniform plexus b. they are more common on the right side c. primary varicoceles result from incompetent valves in the spermatic vein d. secondary varicoceles develop from compression of the spermatic vein


Which of the following would most likely cause anterior displacement of the superior mesenteric artery and vein a. pancreatic neoplasm b. para-aortic lymphadenopathy c. cholelithiasis d. small-bowel obstruction


Ultrasound excels over CT in its ability to image a. fascial planes and fat-containing structures b. ascites and intraperitoneal abscesses c. mesenteric infiltration d. omental seeding

b. ascites and intraperitoneal abscesses

If there is an interruption of the IVC, which vascular structure will take over its "job" a. SVC b. azygos c. lumbar d. iliac

b. azygos

Distribution of blood to the liver, spleen, and stomach occurs via the a. portal vein b. celiac trunk vessels c. gastroduodenal artery d. superior mesenteric vein

b. celiac trunk vessels

Alkaline phosphatase is markedly increased in patients with a. hepatocellular disease b. early obstruction c. hydatid disease d. polycystic disease

b. early obstruction

An acute abdomen in a pregnant patient may represent any of the following conditions except: a. degeneration of a fibroid b. hydatid disease c. ovarian torsion d. pelvic peritonitis

b. hydatid disease

As portal venous flow to the liver decreases, hepatic arterial flow a. decreases b. increases c. stabilizes d. remains the same

b. increases

Which of the following would be most useful to the sonographer trying to define the nature of a patient's pain? a. has the pain shifted b. located the pain with your hand c. is there any radiation of the pain is the pain related to food ingestion

b. located the pain with your hand

When venous obstruction occurs within the liver or in extrahepatic portal veins, which condition exists a. pulmonary hypertension b. portal hypertension c. superior mesenteric artery obstruction d. renal vein thrombosis

b. portal hypertension

When ascites is found unexpectedly, the abdomen must be surveyed to detect all of the following except a. malignancy b. renal hypertension c. portal hypertension d. hepatic or portal vein thrombosis

b. renal hypertension

The most specific laboratory value in detecting acute pancreatitis is a. serum amylase b. serum lipase c. BUN d. bilirubin

b. serum lipase

Clinical signs of hepatic vein obstruction are characterized by all of the following except a. hepatomegaly b. shrunken liver c. ascites d. pain

b. shrunken liver

Clinical signs of urinary tract infections may include any or all of the following except a. fever b. tremors c. nausea d. flank pain

b. termors

A patient who presents with a clot in the main portal vein and hepatopetal flow in the collaterals most likely has a. hepatic vein thrombosis b. transformation of the portal vein c. renal vein thrombosis d. Budd-Chiari syndrome

b. transformation of the portal vein

A 42-year-old female presents with right upper quadrant pain and nausea that comes and goes. Her sonogram reveals a normal-sized gallbladder with a slightly thick wall and contains a small, echogenic focus that casts an acoustic shadow. This most likely represents a. cholecochal cyst b. cholangitis c. cholelithiasis with chronic cholecystitis d. choledocholithiasis with intermittent jaundice


A breast lesion that presents with well-defined borders, low-level echoes, and moderate through-transmission most likely represents a. infected cyst b. simple cyst c. fibroadenoma d. cystosarcoma phyllodes


A choledochal cyst is an abnormality of the a. sphincter of Oddi b. gallbladder c. common bile duct d. pancreatic duct


A congenital insertion of the CBD into the pancreatic duct causing a focal and abnormal dilation of the CBD is called a. sclerosing cholangitis b. Courvoisier's gallbladder c. cholecochal cyst d. biliary atresia


A cystic enlargement of a distal duct filled with milk is called a a. lactoadenoma b. lactoma c. galactocele d. lactiferoma


A form of infection seen in patients with obstruction secondary to long-standing calculi and chronic renal infection is a. acute lobar nephronia b. acute bacterial nephritis c. xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis d. chronic atrophic pyelonephritis


A high level of serum amylase may be a result of a. liver disease b. dilated intrahepatic ducts c. pancreatitis d. insulinoma


A high level of serum lipase would be most associated with a. liver disease b. dilated intrahepatic ducts c. pancreatitis d. insulinoma


A mucocele is the result of a. acute appendicitis b. phlegmon c. chronic obstruction of the appendix d. intramural hemorrhage


A patent umbilical vein may be found in the a. ligamentum venosum b. main lobar fissure c. ligamentum teres d. intersegmental fissure


A thickened gallbladder wall may be encountered in any of the following states except a. ascites b. acute cholecystitis c. hydrops d. cholangiocarcinoma


A tumor of the adrenal medulla the produces intermittent hypertension is a. neuroblastoma b. adenoma c. pheochromocytoma d. hyperplasia


An infection that has spread to the testicle is a. epididymitis b. hydrocele c. orchitis d. spermatocele


Collateral circulation between the IVC and the SVC is supplied by the a. thoracic veins b. subclavian veins c. azygos veins d. intercostal veins


Courvoisier's gallbladder is associated with a. cholesterolosis b. multiple cholesterol polyps c. pancreatic head mass d. chronic cholecystitis


Distribution of blood the proximal half of the colon and small intestine occurs via the a. splenic artery b. IMA c. SMA d. hepatic vein


Fat, Cooper's ligaments, connective tissue, blood vessels, nerves, and lymphatics are found a. in the retromammary region b. in the parenchyma c. in the subcutaneous layer d. in the subareolar area


Fatty liver is a nonspecific response to liver injury and may occur in dysnutritional states including any of the following except a. obesity b. hyperlipidemia c. dehydration d. diabetes mellitus


Flash artifact is associated with a. wraparound b. diaphragm interface c. color related to tissue motion d. decreased respiration


Focal calcifications seen in the spleen as small, bright, echogenic foci with or without shadow are often the result of a. metastasis b. primary neoplasm c. previous granulomatous infection d. hydatid disease


In a 50-year-old female, the intraluminal diameter of the normal distal common bile duct should not exceed a. 4mm b. 5mm c. 6mm d. 7mm


Landmarks the sonographer should use to image the appendix include all of the following except a. right colon b. cecum c. left colon d. psoas muscle


Lymphocele is a fluid collection caused by a. lymph duct obstruction secondary to inflammation b. agenesis of a lymphatic chain c. lymph-filled spaces secondary to surgery d. enlarged lymph nodes secondary to neoplasm


Mild to moderate splenomegaly most often is caused by all of the following except a. infection, portal hypertension, or AIDS b. metastatic disease c. trauma d. leukemia


Neoplastic invasion of the bowel may cause a target or ____ appearance a. sandwich sign b. comet tail c. pseudokidney d. mirror image


Riedel's lobe is a normal liver variant defined as a(n) a. elongated left lobe of the liver b. tonguelike extension of the caudate lobe of the liver c. tonguelike extension of the right lobe of the liver d. tonguelike extension of the quadrate lobe of the liver


Sonographic findings of acute cholecystitis include all of the following except a. positive Murphy's sign b. thickened gallbladder wall c. hydrops d. contracted gallbladder filled with stones


The abdominal organ transplant most commonly performed is a. pancreas b. liver c. kidney d. heart


The apices of the renal pyramids project into the minor calyces as the a. convoluted tubules b. renal columns of Bertin c. renal papillae d. glomerulus


The celiac axis gives rise to all of the following vessels except a. splenic artery b. hepatic artery c. superior mesenteric artery d. left gastric artery


The interlobar arteries of the kidneys can be found a. at the base of the medullary pyramids b. branching at right angles from the arcuate arteries c. coursing toward the cortex along the lateral borders of the pyramids d. along the capsule of the kidney


The left renal vein courses a. posterior to the IVC b. anterior to the IVC c. anterior to the AO d. anterior to the SMA


The most common benign hepatic neoplasm is a. adenoma b. hepatoma c. cavernous hemangioma d. angiomyolipoma


The most common feature of a thyroid adenoma is a. diffuse echogenicity b. hemorrhage c. peripheral sonolucent halo d. inhomogeneity


The most common type of aneurysm is a. saccular b. mycotic c. fusiform d. pseudoaneurysm


The most descriptive sonographic finding in thyroid carcinoma is a. well-defined borders b. lesion is more hyperechoic than normal thyroid tissue c. solid complex mass with heterogeneous echo pattern and irregular margins d. lymph nodes of normal size


The most echogenic organ or structure listed below is the a. liver b. spleen c. renal sinus d. pancreas


What is the smallest lobe of the liver a. right b. left c. caudate d. Riedel's


What vein passes anterior to the third part of the duodenum and posterior to the neck of the pancreas a. portal b. splenic c. superior mesenteric d. inferior mesenteric


When the gallbladder fundus is folder over on itself, it is called a. junctional fold b. Hartmann's pouch c. Phrygian cap d. morison's pouch


Which of the following does not unite to form the portal vein a. superior mesenteric vein b. inferior mesenteric vein c. hepatic vein d. splenic vein


Which of the following is NOT a true statement regarding adult polycystic disease a. it is a form of primary renal disease transmitted as an autosomal dominant trait b. patients typically present with a large kidney, which contains multiple cysts of varying sizes, loss of the reniform contour, and no definable central echo complex c. associated cysts are always found in the liver and pancreas d. clinically, patients present with deteriorating renal function


Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding the common bile duct a. it crosses the duodenum anteriorly before reaching the pancreas b. it extends from the neck of the gallbladder to the duodenum c. it is formed by the confluence of the cystic and common hepatic duct d. it courses posterior to the portal vein


Which structure is retroperitoneal? a. gallbladder b. spleen c. pancreas d. stomach


Distribution of the proximal half of the colon and small intestine occurs via the a. splenic artery b. IMA c. SMA d. hepatic vein

c. SMA

Which statement is false a. long-standing bland ascites may contain internal septations and may be loculated b. uninfected ascites usually has no mass effect and passively conforms to intraperitoneal compartments c. abscesses never displace adjacent bowel or organs d. abscesses usually have significant mass effect

c. abscesses never displace adjacent bowel or organs

Central upper abdominal pain most likely would be associated with which of the following diseases: a. Crohn's disease b. diverticulitis c. acute pancreatitis d. PID

c. acute pancreatitis

Serous fluid is a. echogenic b. inhomogeneous c. anechoic d. complex

c. anechoic

Patients who present with RUQ pain may have any of the following conditions except: a. gallbladder disease b. hepatitis c. ectopic pregnancy d. renal stones

c. ectopic pregnancy

When a pelvic examination is performed, all of the following questions regarding menstruation should be asked except: a. what was the date of the LMP b. was the LMP normal c. how long have you been pregnant d. do you have pain associated with your period

c. how long have you been pregnant

All of the following questions related to vomiting except: a. is it related to pain b. how often does it occur c. is it related to inspiration d. is it associated with nausea

c. is it related to inspiration

The location and distribution of intraperitoneal fluid are influenced by all of the following except a. patient position b. viscosity of the fluid c. respiration d. peritoneal adhesions

c. respiration

A fluid collection that tends to occur 2 to 6 weeks post transplantation and is associated with a chronic diminution in renal function rather than an acute decrease in urine output is the a. seroma b. abscess c. urinoma d. lymphocele


All of the following describe the appearance of a gallbladder filled with stones except a. WES triad b. double-arc sign c. two parallel echogenic lines separated by a thin anechoic space with distal shadowing d. single echogenic line from the falciform ligament with posterior shadowing


Chronic pancreatitis is usually associated with all of the following sonographic patterns except a. hyperechoic, more echogenic than liver b. generalized decrease in size c. bright, discrete echoes from calcification, dilated pancreatic duct d. hypoechoic with diffuse swelling


Clinical signs of a thyroid goiter include a. lymph node enlargement b. rapidly enlarging mass c. fainting d. thyroid enlargement


Complications of appendicitis may include all of the following except a. gangrenous infection b. periappendiceal abscess c. appendicolith d. cholecystitis


Focal gallbladder tenderness is referred to as a. Mirizzi syndrome b. Courvoisier's sign c. Klatskin's sign d. positive Murphy's sign


If a mass is found in the head of the pancreas, special attention should be directed to which of the following areas a. the portal vein for portal hypertension b. the liver for fatty changes c. the spleen for splenomegaly d. the bile ducts for dilatation


In sonographic evaluation of patients with cirrhosis of the liver, all of the following should be considered except a. ratio of LLL to RLL b. nodularity of the liver surface c. attenuation of the ultrasound transmission d. increased size of the caudate lobe


In the liver, the right and left hepatic ducts will join to form the a. cystic duct b. common bile duct c. valves of Heister d. common hepatic duct


Jaundice is due to a buildup of ___ in the body a. glycogen b. urea c. heparin d. bilirubin


Metastatic lesions in the liver may appear sonographically as any of the following except a. anechoic with decreased transmission b. hyperechoic with decreased transmission c. hypoechoic d. anechoic with good transmission


Nonshadowing, nonmobile, echogenic foci attached to the gallbladder wall most likely represent a. calculi b. gravel c. sludge d. polyps


Portal vein gas is an important diagnosis in the infant associated with a. right renal cell carcinoma b. ascites c. abdominal tumor d. necrotizing enterocolitis


Sonographic patterns of testicular neoplasms include all of the following except a. focal and well-defined homogeneous hypoechoic region b. diffuse and ill-defined region of decreased echogenicity c. complex mass with internal anechoic and echogenic areas d. anechoic pattern with increased transmission


Sonographic visualization of the anterior wall of the appendix greater than ___ in an adult with RLQ pain is highly suggestive of acute appendicitis a. 1.6cm b. 16mm c. 6cm d. 6mm


Splenomegaly may be associated with diffuse splenic disease that includes all of the following except a. sickle cell b. hereditary spherocytosis c. polycythemia vera d. abscess


The blood supply to the gallbladder is accomplished by the a. gastroduodenal artery b. right gastric artery c. portal vein d. cystic artery


The common bile duct can be seen at the ___ aspect of the pancreatic head a. anterolateral b. superior c. anteromedial d. posteromedial


The epididymis is located a. anterior and inferior to the testis b. anterior and superior to the testis c. posterior and inferior to the testis d. posterior and lateral to the testis


The liver is supplied with blood via the a. inferior vena cava and hepatic veins b. splenic artery and splenic vein c. abdominal aorta and iliac artery d. hepatic artery and portal vein


The major renal calyces empty urine into the a. minor calyces and/or pyramids b. arteries c. papilla d. pelvis


The major renal calyces empty urine into the a. pyramids b. arteries c. papilla d. pelvis


The membrane that lines the abdominal cavity is the a. retoperitoneum b. omentum c. mesentery d. peritoneum


The most common cause for abdominal aneurysm is a. cystic medial necrosis b. syphilis c. atheroma d. arteriosclerosis


The most common liver metastases originate from all of the following except a. lung b. colon c. pancreas d. brain


The most common primary liver cancer in the United States is a. hemangioma b. hepatoblastoma c. liposarcoma d. hepatocellular carcinoma


The most important signs to look for in identifying a cystic lesion of the breast include all of the following except a. well-defined borders b. good through-transmission c. anechoic d. disruption of architecture


The normal echographic pattern of the liver is a. diffusely inhomogeneous throughout b. patchy areas of increased echogenicity c. decreased areas of echogenicity diffusely situated d. homogeneous throughout without interruption of the echo pattern


The remnant of the fetal umbilical vein is the a. main lobar fissure b. ligamentum venosum c. falciform ligament d. ligamentum teres


The right adrenal gland is located a. anterior to the IVC, superior and medial to the upper pole of the right kidney, and posterior to the crus of the diaphragm b. posterior to the IVC, superior and lateral to the upper pole of the right kidney, and anterior to the crus of the diaphragm c. medial to the IVC, superior and medial to the upper pole of the right kidney, and posterior to the crus of the diaphragm d. posterior to the IVC, superior and medial to the upper pole of the right kidney, and anterior to the crus of the diaphragm


The superior vena cava is formed by the junction of the a. internal jugular veins b. external jugular veins c. subclavian veins d. branchiocephalic veins


The target-like structure anterior to the aorta and posterior to the left lobe of the liver represents the normal a. appendix b. pylorus c. antrum d. esophagogastric junction


The thyroid gland can be located at the level of the a. thyroid cartilage b. manubrium c. hyoid bone d. cricoid cartilage


This type of abscess should be suspected when a patient presents from a high-risk population (recent immigrant from endemic area, patients living in poor sanitary contitions, HIV-positive patients a. pyogenic b. echinococcal c. fungal microabscess d. amebic


What anatomic area would you examine to rule out a rectus sheath hematoma a. posterior abdominal wall b. anterior chest wall c. lateral wall d. anterior abdominal wall


When longitudinal scans of the liver are performed with a subcostal approach, the patient is asked to take in a deep breath. This technique displaces the liver a. anteriorly b. posteriorly c. superiorly d. inferiorly


Which muscle divides the neck into anterior and posterior triangles a. trapezius b. platysma c. longissimus dorsi d. sternocleidomastoid


Which of the following arteries is NOT one of the branches of the celiac axis a. hepatic artery b. splenic artery c. gastric artery d. cystic artery


Which of the following describes the Doppler criteria used to diagnose acute vascular rejection of a renal allograft a. in acute vascular rejection, diastolic flow in the renal, arcuate, and interlobar arteries rises significantly in relation to the systolic value b. in acute vascular rejection, the diastolic value in the renal artery decreases in relation to the systolic value in the interlobar and arcuate arteries c. in acute vascular rejection, the systolic-to-diastolic ratio decreases in the arcuate, interlobar, and renal arteries d. in acute vascular rejection, the diastolic flow decreases, reverses, or becomes absent in the renal, arcuate, and interlobar arteries, increasing the systolic-to-diastolic ratio


Which of the following disorders may not produce a complex sonographic pattern a. infected cyst b. hemorrhagic cyst c. hematoma d. congenital cyst


Which of the following is NOT a retroperitoneal structure a. pancreas b. kidney c. adrenal d. liver


Which of the following is NOT a sign of renal transplant rejection a. enlargement and decreased echogenicity of the pyramids b. hyperechoic cortex c. localized area of renal parenchyma presenting with an anechoic appearance d. hydronephrosis


Which of the following makes up the apex of the heart a. right atrium b. left atrium c. right ventricle d. left ventricle


Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding the spleen a. the stomach lies on the posterior border of the spleen b. the spleen in positioned posteriorly in the left upper quadrant c. the spleen is bordered posteriorly by the ribs and the left kidney d. the splenic artery is a branch of the portal trunk


Which of the following structures is seen in close relation to the anterolateral aspect of the head of the pancreas a. common bile duct b. pancreaticoduodenal artery c. right gastric vein d. gastroduodenal artery


Which of the following vessels course between the SMA and the aorta a. right renal vein b. right renal artery c. gastroduodenal artery d. left renal vein


The shunt that is performed via a transjugular approach is called a. PITS b. SIPS c. JITS d. TIPS


Common clinical findings in patients with renal disease include any of the following except a. urinary pain, frequency, retention b. hematuria c. flank pain d. pectoralis pain

d. flank pain

Useful clinical history and clinical symptoms the sonographer should be aware of in a patient who presents with acute abdominal pain include all of the following except: a. past history b. previous diagnostic examination and pertinent laboratory findings c. age and present condition d. weight

d. weight

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