Abeka World History chapter 26

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Give the year the modern state of Israel was established.


In what year was the modern state of Israel established? Who were Israel's first president and prime minister?

1948; President Chaim Weizmann and Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion

In what year was the North Atlantic Treaty signed?


In what year was the Peoples Republic of China established?


In what year was the North Atlantic treaty signed? What organization did it form? What organization did Russia form to counter the North Atlantic Treaty?

1949; North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO); Warsaw Pact

What are the dates and results of the Korean War?

1950-1953. South Korea gained about 1,500 square miles of territory and a demilitarized zone was created between North and South Korea. Both South Korea and United States suffered many casualties.

Give the years for the Korean War. What American general was placed in command of all U.S. and UN forces in Korea?

1950-1953; General Douglas MacArthur

In what year was the Berlin Wall built?


In what year were the first American combat troops sent to Vietnam? What year were they withdrawn?

1965; 1973

In what year were U.S. combat troops sent to Vietnam? Who commanded them?

1965; General William C. Westmoreland

In what year was a cease-fire agreement signed? In what year did Saigon fall to the North Vietnamese? What name was given to Saigon?

1973; 1975; Ho Chi Minh City

What year did Saigon fall to North Vietnam?


Give the year the Soviet Union began to lose control of Eastern Europe.


In what year did the Communists begin to lose control of Eastern Europe? How did the breakup of Eastern Europe begin?

1989; with Poland's unchallenged Solidarity movement

Give the year that East and West Germany were officially reunited.


In what year did the Soviet Union cease to exist as a nation? What is the name for the group of former Soviet republics that banded together?

1991; Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)

What line divides North and South Korea?

38th Parallel

What conservative statesman led Italy to a slow recovery following WWII?

Alcide De Gasperi

What happened at the Bay of Pigs in 1961?

An American-trained force of some 1,600 exiled Cuban freedom fighters invaded Cuba; but they failed because President Kennedy cancelled the promised air support vital to the operation's success.

Name two Communists who were involved in the founding of the UN.

Andrei Gromyko and Alger Hiss

When and where was the UN charter drafted? Where was the first official meeting of the UN General Assembly held?

April 25, 1945, in San Francisco, California; London

Name the two countries involved in the Falklands War. What was the outcome of this war?

Argentina and Great Britain. The British regained control of the islands. The British victory was met by a huge outpouring of patriotism from the people of Great Britain.

What became a symbol of Soviet oppression in Eastern Europe? In what year was it built?

Berlin Wall; 1961

Who helped establish the Fifth french Republic? What were some of his achievements?

Charles de Gaulle; promoted a strong economy and industry, strengthened France's military, and cooperated closely with German chancellor Konrad Adenauer to expand the European Common Market

Who led the Chinese Nationalists? Who led the Chinese Communists? Which group did most of the fighting against the Japanese during WWII?

Chiang Kai-shek; Mao Tse-tung; Nationalists

Who was the "Father of the Hydrogen Bomb"? Who was his chief opponent in developing the hydrogen bomb?

Edward Teller; J. Robert Oppenheimer

Who led the revolution that toppled the government of Cuba and established a Communist dictatorship in 1959?

Fidel Castro

Name the American general who imposed an embargo on the Nationalists after visiting China in 1945.

General George C. Marshall

Name the first African nation south of the Sahara to gain independence.


What was the first African nation south of the Sahara to gain independence? Who became the dictator of this country?

Ghana; Kwame Nkrumah

Describe the dramatic changes in Communist policy under Gorbechev. Explain the meaning of Peristroika and Glasnost.

Gorbachev met with President Reagan to discuss a mutual limitation of nuclear arms, resulting in the Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty. In addition, he dramatically changed Communist policy by agreeing to reduce Soviet weapons strength, to free the enslaved nations of Eastern Europe, and to stop encouraging revolution and bloodshed throughout the world. Perestroika, a word meaning "restructuring," referred to the rebuiliding of Russia's economic and political system based on a democratic, free enterprise model. Glasnost, which means "open-ness," referred to the Communists' foreign policy that claimed that they wanted world peace and had no more plans of conquest.

Who was the leader of the Vietnamese Communists? What colonial nation did his forces defeat in Indochina?

Ho Chi Minh; the French

How did the Korean war change in November 1950? Briefly describe General MacArthur's plans for total victory in Korea. Who opposed his plans? Why? What was the outcome of the Korean War?

In 1950, 300,000 Communist Chinese soldiers invaded North Korea. General MacArthur advocated all-out measurers for victory, including bombing Communist China's military bases, supply lines, dams, and bridges along the Yalu River. He declared that the battle against world Communism would be won or lost in Asia. President Truman and American leaders in Washington opposed MacArthur's plans for final victory because they wanted a war of "containment" in Korea that would not develop into a full-scale conflict with Communism. A truce was declared in 1953. South Korea gained about 1,500 square miles of territory, and a demilitarized zone was created between North and South Korea.

Who was the first woman to head a government in the Western Hemisphere? What country did she head?

Isabel Perón; Argentina

Give the results of the Six-Day-War.

Israel won and occupied the Gaza Strip, the Sinai Peninsula, the West Bank, and the Golan Heights

Name the two leaders who signed the Camp David Accords. Why was this agreement significant?

Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin and Egyptian President Anwar el-Sadat. It was the first time in over 2,000 years that Jews and Arabs sat down together and negotiated a peace treaty.

What happened to the Berlin Wall in November 1989? In what year were East and West Germany officially reunited?

It was officially opened, and young Germans beat down sections of it. 1990

Name three people who passed atomic bomb secrets to the Russians.

Julius and Ethel Rosenberg and Klaus Fuchs

When did the Six-Day War take place? Who won and what were the results of this conflict?

June 1967; Israel. Israel occupied the Gaza Strip, the Sinai Peninsula, and the West Bank

Name the leaders of the Communist regime installed by the Soviets in North Korea. Who was elected president of the Republic of (South) Korea?

Kim Il Sung; Syngman Rhee

Who succeeded Nikita Kruschev as leader of the Soviet Union?

Leonid Brezhnev

What two men led India's independence movement? In what year did India become independent?

Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru; 1947

Who became Britain's first woman prime minister? Describe some of her policies.

Margaret Thatcher; lower taxes, deregulate business, cut government spending, and reduce welfare dependency

What plan provided massive economic assistance to rebuild Europe after WWII?

Marshall Plan

What Iranian leader was deposed in 1979? Name the Muslim leader who took his place. What action did the Iranians take against America in Tehran?

Mohammed Reza Shah Pahlavi (the Shah); Ayatolla Ruhollah Khomeini; captured the U.S. embassy in Tehran, teh Iranian capital, and took 63 Americans hostage

Where is the UN permanent Headquarters?

New York

What city became the UN's permanent headquarters?

New York City

Who replaced Stalin as the leader of the Soviet Union? How did he try to change the world's impression of his country?

Nikita Krushchev. He gave the false impression that Soviet Communism was "mellowing" and that it no longer aspired to rule the world, thus giving the free world false hope that the danger of Communism had decreased as Krushchev called for "peaceful coexistence."

Name the Eastern European nations dominated by the Soviet Union following WWII.

Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, and Czechoslovakia

What former Belgian colony became independent in 1960? Who led the pro-Communist forces there? Describe the upheaval that took place in that country. What was this country renamed in 1971?

Republic of the Congo (formerly the Belgian Congo); Patrice Lumumba. Civil war broke out among the various factions: and the Soviet Union, the Belgians, and the United Nations all sent troops to aid certain groups. Premier Lumumba was deposed and assassinated, terrorist slaughtered thousands of Congolese, and 2,000 Americans and Europeans were taken hostage in Stanleyville. Zaire

Name the Communist candidate who became President of Chile by popular vote in 1970. Who ended his Communist regime and assumed the office of president in his place?

Salvador Allende; Augusto Pinochet

What movement of Polish nationalists stood up to the Soviets in the 1980s? Who led this movement?

Solidarity; Les Walesa

What was the first man-made satelite? Who was the first man in space? In what year did Apollo 11 go to the moon?

Sputnik I; Yuri Gagarin; 1969

Where did the Chinese Nationalist troops flee with their families after the Communist takeover of the mainland? In what year was the people's republic of China established?

Taiwan; 1949

Identify the opposing sides during the "Cold War" and the group that stood in the middle.

The "free world" led by the United States opposed the "Communist bloc" dominated by the Soviet Union. Standing between the two antagonists was the "Third World," which included many of the emerging nations in Africa, Asia, and South America.

Name the three major organs that make up the UN and describe their functions.

The General Assembly is the only major UN organ in which all member states are represented; the Security Council is the organ primarily responsible for maintaining world peace; the Sdcretariat manages the day-to-day business of the UN.

What group overthrew the Somoza government in Nicaragua?

The Sandinistas

Why did the Communists promote nuclear disarmament campaigns? Briefly describe the results of Nuclear disarmament. How was "nuclear blackmail" a possibility?

The Soviet Union, recognizing the United States' overwhelming nuclear superiority, was fearful of confronting the free world directly. Although representatives of the United States, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union signed a limited nuclear test-ban treaty in Moscow in 1963, the Soviet Union did not abide by the terms of the treaty and went on unhindered with its program of nuclear testing. As the Soviets and Red Chinese continued to test new weapons, ane the Americans and British voluntarily abstained, the Soviets compiled so many more lethal weapons than the United States that the threat of Soviet "nuclear blackmail" became a real possibility.

How did the Soviet government react to America's restored military strength and developing technology under the Reagan administration? What was the result of the economy while the Soviets were building weapons?

The Soviets were alarmed and began building more weapons. However, since the Communists were spending so much time and money building weapons, they could not provide basic food, shelter, and clothing for their own people. Social unrest increased as the economy worsened and open dissent against the established regime began to surface in the Soviet Union.

Explain the different aspects of the Helsinki accords.

The members of the free world promised the Communist bloc greater "economic cooperation" and "cultural exchanges" between the West and the East. The West also recognized the "permanence" of the post-World War II settlements that left the nations of Eastern Europe as captives and satellites of the Soviet Union.

What policy declared that the United States would aid any free nation to resist Commmunist aggression? What is another name for this policy?

Truman Doctrine; containment

How did the Vietnam war become a "no-win" conflict?

U.S. officials refused GEneral Westmoreland's request to invade Laos and Cambodia to disrupt Communist supply lines, increase the number of allowable bombing targets in North Vietnam, expand the naval mining of North Vietnamese ports, and launch an amphibious invasion of North Vietnam.

Who were the Communist guerrillas who terrorized South Vietnam? How did Laos and Cambodia become involved in Communist aggression?

Viet Cong. Laos became the scene of Communist aggression when the Vietminh-backed Pathet Lao staged a rebellion against the Laotian government and fought a civil war with government troops. Cambodia was dragged into the Vietnam War when the North Vietamese began using the country as a base for attacks upon South Vietnam.

Explain the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution.

When two U.S. destroyers were allegedly fired upon by North Vietnamese torpedo boats in the Gulf of Tonkin, the United States retaliated by sinking two of the North Vietnamese vessels and bombing bases in North Vietnam. After an alleged second attack, Congress passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, providing the legal justification for U.S. military involvement in the Vietnam conflict.

Name three conservative Prime Ministers in Britain during the 1950s and early 1960s. How did Socialism and spiritual coldness hurt Great Britain?

Winston Churchill, Anthony Eden, and Harold Macmillan. Britain's economy, morality, and ability to stand against Communism declined rapidly. Her newly independent foreign possessions also stagnated politically, economically, and culturally as they adopted forms of socialism and became vulnerable to Communism.

How many Chinese are estimated to have died under Mao's cruel regime?

about 40 million

what was the Reagan Doctrine? Explain how it was demonstrated in Grenada.

an offensive policy of preemptive strikes to stop Communism before it could enslave a nation. When President Reagan learned that Fidel Castro planned to use the island of Grenada in the West Indies as a military base to invade the mainland of South America, he sent American troops to quickly round up the Cuban military men and ship them back to Cuba.

Give two reasons the Middle East is an important region in the modern world.

because much of the world's known oil reserves are located there and because of the conflict between the Arabs and the Jews

Name two reasons why the Middle East is an important region in the modern world. What have been the two most important modern trends in the Middle East in the 20th Century?

because much of the world's known oil reserves are located there and because of the conflict between the Arabs and the Jews; the reawakening of Arab nationalism since the beginning of World War I and the emergence of the Jewish state of Israel

How has the UN aided the spread of Communism?

by permitting Communist aggression and expansion to go unchecked

What is another name for the policy announced in the Truman Doctrine?

containment policy

Explain the term détente. What effect did the normalization of U.S. relations with Communist China have on Taiwan?

conveys the idea of reducing tension or hostility between nations. In 1971, American opposition to Communist China's membership in the United Nations ended; and the United Nations voted to expel Nationalist China from the Security Council and the General Assembly and to admit agressive Communist China in its place. In 1978, the U.S. government recognized Communist China as the legal government of China.

What group did Mao Tse-tung set out to eliminate at the beginning of his regime?

independent middle-class Chinese farmers

Name some of the principles that conservatives of the 1970's and 1980's stood for.

individual liberty as opposed to collective security, free enterprise and sound money as opposed to Keynesian manipulation and bureaucratic regulation, local government and states' rights as opposed to the concentration of power at the federal level, and firmness and strength in the teeth of Communist aggression as opposed to retreat and compromise

What valuable mineral resource was discovered in Mexico in the late 1970s?


Name the three main organs that make up the UN.

the General Assembly, the Security Council, and the Secretariat

What was one of the Communists' most brutal "wars of liberation"? When did this occur?

the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan; 1979

Who supplied the Chinese Communists with arms and ammunition and gave them the rich province of Manchuria?

the Soviets

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