Abnormal Final Exam Previous Test Questions

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Deficiencies in serotonin might lead the body to crave _____.


You are a special education teacher. Your newest student has a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder. In planning lessons for her, you keep in mind that

Change may be difficult for her, so you should keep the routine as familiar as possible until you know her better (and maybe after that)

Which of the following stages of the sexual response cycle does not have any sexual dysfunction diagnoses associated with it?


Operant conditioning theory states that learning:

is affected by the consequences of behavior.

___are words that mean something only to the person speaking them.


Cancer runs in Gerry's family. She just found a lump in her breast and is quite worried that it might be cancer. She called her doctor's office immediately and got an appointment the next day. The doctor told her that she absolutely did the right thing by coming in immediately. Although Gerry is able to set aside her worry when she's really engaged in a task or has other things to think about, she's going to be anxious until the results of her biopsy come back next week.

no disorder

A psychodynamic psychotherapist works under the assumption that people will get better by

uncovering the core conflict that they've been defending against

Bob joins Alcoholics Anonymous. His treatment program will be based on a(n)

Abstinence model

Barry makes a lot of careless mistakes. He is as disorganized at home as he is at work; in fact, he's had to have multiple copies of his car keys made because he keeps losing them. He needs to wear noise-cancelling headphones in his cubicle to keep from being distracted by the background noises in his office. Coworkers think he daydreams a lot.


Jennine is a college student who has trouble sitting still. She feels constantly restless, and has difficulty waiting in line or being stuck in traffic. She frequently interrupts others (although she feels badly about it when this is pointed out), and talks a lot more than anyone else around her.


Which of the following has been implicated in bipolar disorder?

Abnormality in the activation of the striatum of the basal ganglia

Personality disorders can:

Affect how people think about the world and themselves

Thea is significantly underweight and disturbed by her body image. She tends to use diuretics and laxatives to keep her weight low. She experiences a sense of lack of control over eating, but only when she eats large amounts of food at a time.

Anorexia nervosa - binge-eating/purging type

Which of the following statements is true of exhibitionistic disorder?

Arousal comes from observing the victim's surprise, fear, or disgust or from a fantasy that the victim is becoming sexually aroused.

Robin is a four-year-old. When he's around other kids, he's not interested in playing with them or talking to them. He doesn't gesture much and still says only a few words and then only when directly asked. He likes everything in his life to remain the same, and gets very upset if things are done in a different order - for example, he will start screaming if his mom tries to take off his shoes before she takes off his coat when they get home. His parents have noticed that he is especially upset at loud noises or even a loud volume on a video.

Autism Spectrum disorder

Which of the following are two personality disorders that are characterized by spending less time with other people?

Avoidant and schizoid

Which of the following is NOT found in the DSM?

Caffeine use disorder

Psychosocial therapies for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) combine:

Behavioral techniques and structured educational services.

Which of the following best illustrates a bizarre delusion?

Believing that aliens are inserting thoughts directly into your brain

In order to be diagnosed with ________, the person must feel marked distress about their symptoms.

Binge eating disorder

Minor disappointments feel like the end of the world to Brian. He describes people as wonderful and amazing, but as soon as they disappoint him they are the worst people who ever lived. He lashes out in anger at them when this happens; sometimes he even injures himself and makes suicidal-like gestures that he doesn't think will actually kill him. Despite his very turbulent relationships, he is desperate not to be abandoned by others, and so he seeks out people who are bad for him time and time again.

Borderline personality disorder

Trina went to see a sleep specialist because she's very sleepy during the day and has been for the past 18 months. A sleep test finds that she stops breathing for short periods for many times each night.

Breathing-related sleep disorder

Lisa is of normal weight but is over-concerned with her weight and figure. She often eats meals containing hundreds of calories and then feels guilty about her lack of control over eating. She subsequently uses laxatives to purge herself and get rid of the unwanted calories.

Bulimia nervosa

Which disorder has the age of onset (childhood or adolescence) specified?

Conduct disorder

Dina does not like to say or do anything for herself. Instead, she goes to great lengths to get the other people in her life to make decisions for her. She panics when she's by herself, and is willing to do almost anything to keep from being alone.

Dependent personality disorder

Stephanie is a second-grader who has extremely sloppy handwriting. No matter how hard she works at it every night (and she does), she still can't get the hang of making neat letters on a page. She has always been a clumsy child who has trouble with dropping things at home - she has broken many of her parents' dishes while trying to help clear the table. Now that clumsiness is affecting her schoolwork as well since the teacher cannot read her homework or tests.

Developmental coordination disorder

To ask someone about suicide, your question must include which of the following criteria?

Direct; currently suicidality

The Cluster A personality disorders are ones in which the person's behavior is

Dramatic or emotional

Tara is 8 and still wets the bed many nights. There's not any clear physiological explanation for this.


Most people who die by suicide

Exhibit some warning signs

Compared to people with most other personality disorders, a person with borderline personality disorders is more likely to

Experience their symptoms as distressing and seek help because of that distress

Current trends in treating neurodevelopmental disorders involve

Exploring benefits that having a neurodevelopmental condition can bring as well as its impairments

The DSM specifies that during a binge eating episode, the person must

Feel out of control of their eating

Mark is a speech and language pathologist. In reviewing his new client's chart, he sees that she has been recently diagnosed with illness anxiety disorder. How would this most likely affect his treatment plans?

He may need to be careful not to escalate fears that she has of having a serious or fatal disease

Jane is a recreational therapist. In her new patient's folder, she reads that he has been diagnosed with bipolar I disorder. What might she want to keep in mind while planning his treatment?

He might need to avoid recreational activies that change or reduce his nightly sleep

Which of the following is a treatment goal for dissociative identity disorder?

Helping the client work through the trauma to integrate all the alternative personalities into one coherent personality

People in high-stress jobs are at increased risk for coronary heart disease (CHD), particularly if their jobs are:

Highly demanding but provide them little control.

Which of the following is a Cluster B personality disorder?

Histrionic personality disorder

Which of the following has predicted suicide most consistently?


Raymond usually sleeps 12 hours a night but still wakes up feeling sleepy. He falls asleep during team meetings in his office and often while working at his desk. This has been going on for months now and is jeopardizing his career. A sleep test comes back with no real abnormalities.

Hypersomnolence disorder

Dr. May is comparing the rates of anxiety between countries. The mental disorder classification system best suited to her task is the


In dialectical behavior therapy, clients with borderline personality disorder may learn how to control their _____ behaviors by monitoring situations most likely to lead to such behaviors and learning alternative ways to handle those situations.


Francis is in treatment to try to save her marriage. Her spouse has asked her to get a handle on her problems with anger. At least two or three times per week, she will respond to a small incident with a great deal of rage, shouting and swearing at the other person, and, on a couple of occasions, breaking something nearby after she hits it. Afterwards, she definitely can see that her anger was out of proportion with the situation, but she can't seem to control it.

Intermittent explosive disorder

Inhaled eskatamine appears to treat depression very rapidly. Compared to standard antidepressants like Prozac,

It's more likely to be addictive and must be administered in a medical office.

Benjamin relaxes after a tough week by going to stores on the weekend and shoplifting small items. He doesn't need or even use what he steals; he just gets a thrill out of stealing things. He has no other symptoms.


Men with the _____ form of erectile disorder have never been able to sustain an erection for a desired period of time.


Marty is a retired dentist. Over the past couple of years, he's been able to do less and less. He's become quite forgetful - sometimes going days without remembering to brush his teeth or even eat - and his verbal ability has declined alarmingly to the point that he can't ask for help if he needs it. Test data confirm that these observations are due to reduced memory and language skills.

Major neurocognitive disorder

Individuals with a diagnosable personality disorder

May see nothing wrong with their behavior

Brian is a retired bus driver. Over the past couple of years, he's become a bit forgetful. When he's gone back to his old bus route, for example, he's not certain if there was a new stop put in by the old Waffle House or if it was there all along. He recently had to use GPS to get to a store on his former route. He used to be able to do very hard crossword puzzles with ease, now it takes him much longer to do easier puzzles, and friends say that he repeats himself sometimes. Test data confirm that these observations are due to reduced memory and language skills.

Mild neurocognitive disorder

A person's previous occupation or level of education is most relevant to diagnosing

Neurocognitive disorders

Natasha has a recurring dream of being chased by goblins into a cemetery, where she is somehow buried alive. The first time she had the dream, she figured she was under some stress. But now she has it nearly every night and it is bothering her a lot.

Nightmare disorder

Dave is more sexually aroused by the undergarments worn by his sexual partners than by the partners themselves. He's found willing partners who are OK with his desires and he's at peace with this thing about himself as well.

No disorder

Elsa is 13 and doesn't like her science teacher. At all. She repeatedly complains to her parents at home about the teacher, and makes fun of the teacher with her friends in the hall. But in class she goes along and although she's not a top student, she's making OK grades. Overall, she's putting up with teacher because she has to.

No disorder

Martina took a capsule prescribed by her psychiatrist to help her control her anxiety symptoms. After taking the first capsule, she feels much calmer and is able to function better.

No disorder

Monica is a member of a religious order that expects all members to refrain from sexual activity. She finds this part of her vows very easy as she has lacked sexual interest for many years now.

No disorder

Shanille is sexually aroused by being humiliated by her sexual partner. She's found willing partners who are OK with her desires and is at peace with this thing about herself as well.

No disorder

Jerome often wakes everyone in the house up at night with a panicked scream. Although he seems terrified for a bit, when he fully wakes up he doesn't remember anything except being asleep.

Non-rapid eye movement sleep arousal disorder

Keith can't stop himself from counting trivial things in his environment. He is often late for appointments because he has to count the number of stoplights he passes, and the number of stop signs (a separate count). If he misses one, he needs to go back and do it again. If he does not count stop signs and stoplights, he feels an overwhelming sense of doom. He admits that his fears of disaster if he doesn't count are illogical, but he still can't stop counting although he wishes that he could.


Cognitive theories suggest that people with _____ personality disorder harbor beliefs such as, "Flaws, defects, or mistakes are intolerable."


Catie has always been a difficult person to work with. She needs things done her way, and when they are not she finds moral fault with the person she's in conflict with. She's in conflict with most of her co workers much of the time as she believes that they are not doing things the right way. She is also like this in her personal life

Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder

Since Jim returned from combat two years ago, he's been having the same repetative memories about the IED explosion that killed his friend right in front of him. He feels very guilty over the death, as he was driving at the time. He does everything he can to avoid things that remind him of his time in combat, including changing the type of vehicle he drives (he used to drive a miltary‐style Jeep) and refusing to talk about it when asked. Despite his best efforts, the thoughts keep coming and sometimes he even feels as if he is back on that road where his friend was killed and it is happening all over again. He drives aggresssively during those times, as if he were trying to avoid invisible IEDs in the road. His family reports that he startles easily and is irritable most of the time.


Jeff feels very uncomfortable around other people. He is quite suspicious that others are out to get him. He frequently hears innocent remarks as containing some sort of concealed insult - for example, if a colleague says to him "If you could do that, that would be great!", he interprets this to mean that the colleague doubts he can, in fact, do the thing. Although his family has told him again and again that they love him, he believes that deep down inside they'd get rid of him in a minute if they could get away with it.

Paranoid personality disorder

Acting on a paraphilic urge, without distress or the requirement that the victim is unconsenting, is enough for the diagnosis of

Pedophilic disorder

Marco eats chalk, which is not sanctioned by his culture.


Clay persistently ejaculates with minimal sexual stimulation, before he wishes to ejaculate. This is bothering him and is causing him difficulties in relationships.

Premature (early) ejaculation

Katrina and her landlord can't get along. This is causing Katrina distress, and she's decided to go to see a mental health professional for advice about how to cope until her lease runs out. Based on this information, does Katrina have a mental disorder?

Probably not, but treatment might be helpful in coping with this environmental problem

Which of the following statements is true regarding treatment for antisocial personality disorder?

Psychotherapy tends to focus on controlling anger and impulsive behaviors, developing coping strategies, and increasing empathy.

The pathological trait associated with very high levels of the Big 5 trait of openness is:


Roland doesn't get much out of social interactions. He's got no friends, and, although he will occasionally see family when they drop by to visit him, he gets nothing emotionally from their visits. He much prefers to spend time alone.

Schizoid personality disorder

Hannah has been in and out of the hosptial for the past two years. She frequently hears voices and believes that the CIA is tracking her movements (they aren't). She has an emotionless look on her face most of the time, even when something that should provoke a strong emotional response happens. On the few occasions that she does show emotions, they are sometimes inappropriate for the sitaution. It is hard to understand her when she talks because she seems to make up her own words frequently.


Jason is sexually aroused by humiliating his sexual partner. He's found willing partners who are OK with his desires and has only ever engaged in humiliating them after getting clear consent. He finds his sexual preferences disturbing however.

Sexual sadism disorder

Becky is a physical therapist. In reviewing her new patient's chart, she sees that he has recently been diagnosed with major depressive disorder. How would this most likely affect her treatment plans?

She may need to be particularly supportive as he might get easily discouraged

Lucy has just lost her job after failing a drug test at work. She regularly uses meth to get high (although as she's answering these questions she's not high). She sometimes drives while impaired, and her few attempts to stop taking meth have been unsuccessful. Now that she's unemployed, she finds life a little easier as she has more time to visit her dealer.

Substance use disorder

When people with narcolepsy waken, they may experience brief periods when they can't move or speak, referred to as:

Sleep paralysis

What's the best example of a transdiagnostic concern?

Sleep problems

All of the neurodevopmental disorders

Start well before adulthood

Nick is a three-year old. He's a pretty typical three-year-old in most ways, but he bangs his head against the wall, floor, or furniture when he's upset. Because of this, Nick's parents have gotten him a helmet to wear and are looking into behavioral interventions that will reduce his head-banging.

Stereotypic movement disorder

Which of the following is true of the role of environmental stressors in the development of schizophrenia?

Stressful circumstances may not cause someone to develop schizophrenia but they may trigger new episodes in people with the disorder

In order to be diagnosed with psychological factors affecting other medical conditions, the person needs to have

Subclinical levels of psychological symptoms that affect the course or treatment of another medical condition

Clea has been using cocaine daily for a while now. However, for the past 24 hours, she has been without any cocaine and as a result is experiencing strange behaviors and physiological responses

Substance withdrawal disorder

In _____ therapy for feeding and eating disorders, the therapist encourages the client to talk about problems related to their disorder—especially interpersonal problems—but in a highly nondirective manner.

Supportive-expressive psychodynamic

Which of the following seems to be true of false memory syndrome?

The person who creates the false memory in another person usually means well

Which of the following is true about neurofibrillary tangles?

The tangles are common in the brains of Alzheimer's patients but rare in people without neurocognitive disorders.

Which of the following statements is true regarding the cognitive factors involved in children with conduct disorder?

They consider a narrow range of responses to perceived provocation by others.

Which of the following is least likely to show a gradual decline?

Traumatic brain injury

According to the consilience model, mental disorders can best be described as

a dysfunction somewhere in the system that results in symptoms in the individual

Jamie is constantly saying, "I have no control over my emotions, and cannot help feeling certain feelings." This exemplifies _____.

a dysfunctional global assumption

Which of the following best illustrates a negative symptom?

a loss of voluntary behavior

On Lee's first visit to a psychologist's office, the psychologist asks him a series of questions about his personal and family history. These questions:

a part of a complete initial assessment

Toby was sexually assaulted 5 days ago. Since then, he's had trouble sleeping. He's been angry nearly everyone in his life, even people who are trying to help him, and does not want to talk about the experience at all. Despite this, he can't stop thinking about it and sometimes feels as if he is reliving that night.

acute stress disorder

Mark has stays home most of the time. If he does go out, he feels very afraid that he will be unable to escape should he start to become afraid. He will not go to places that are crowded or use public transportation at all.


Martha's psychotherapist has her purposefully put herself into situations where she feels uncomfortable. She needs to stay in those situations until she feels less uncomfortable, and to keep going back to the same situations until she feels OK about them. Martha's psychotherapist is most likely a(n) _______ therapist.

behavior therapist

In the treatment of somatic symptom disorder, _____ therapies attempt to determine and eliminate the reinforcements individuals receive for their symptoms, while increasing positive rewards for healthy behavior.


Researchers who favor a continuum model of psychopathology:

believe that people who have symptoms of a disorder but do not meet the criteria for diagnosis provide valuable insights into people who suffer from diagnosable disorders.

Jenny is currently in a depressed mood. She has had no suicidal thoughts, and has a few milder somatic symptoms. She was hospitalized about 10 years ago for a manic episode, but has otherwise not had any mental health problems until the last three years, when she started having the depressed mood.

bipolar I disorder

Sandro was extremely depressed last month. He'd lost interest in nearly everything and couldn't get out of bed. He lost a lot of weight, had trouble concentrating, and felt worthless and bad. Now, however, he feels great! Everything is more than wonderful. He's super peppy and has lots of ideas and tells everyone about them. He's started doing all sorts of activities, some of which involve risky financial investments but he's sure they'll pay off. Aside from an earlier sad episode years ago, he's had no notable mental health problems.

bipolar II disorder

Which of the following pairs of disorders is it, in general, most important to distinguish between?

bipolar II disorder and major depressive disorder

Martin thinks his chin is ugly. He usually grows a beard to hide it, but lately that's not enough and he worries that the "lumpy, uneven, and gross" shape of his chin shows even though he has a full beard. He often uses the selfie mode on his camera to check his chin, which usually leaves him feeling ugly and even more unhappy.

body dysmorphic disorder

Yesterday, Ben started hearing voices in his head. He is convincned that they are from Galon, the Galactic Overloard who wants to bring peace to the Earth. He scared his parents when he froze in place for an hour and didn't seem to see or hear them. He hasn't taken any drugs or medication and nothing like this has ever happened to him before.

brief psychotic disorder

Individuals dealing with psychological problems related to being unemployed would mostly likely seek assistance to find a job from a _____.

clinical social worker

Stella has been sent for a psych counsult after she stopped being able to use her left arm. There's no biological reason for this, according to the multiple medical people she's seen before. During a stressful time in her marriage, she suddenly stopped being able to move her arm and hasn't been able to use it since. This is making it hard for her at work and in the rest of her life, but otherise it doesn't seem to bother her much.

conversion disorder

Which of the following is NOT part of the DSM 5 definition of a mental disorder?


In a procedure known as _____ , electrodes are surgically implanted in specific areas of the brain.

deep brain stimulation

In addition to providing psychotherapy, clinical social workers are likely to be responsible for

discharge planning

Joan is 4 years old, and has been in seven different foster homes, starting at 6 months old. She's a very friendly and affectionate child who loves everyone, so much so that her current foster parents are worried that she will run off with any random stranger she meets. She's not particularly affectionate with them, however, treating them the same way she treats all adults.

disinhibited social engagement disorder

Joline is sure that she saw the car accident that killed a pedestrian right in front of her, but she's not able to remember what happened even though she was uninjured in the incident. She's been asked by the police and the victim's relatives several times for her account, but she has no memory of what she saw. She feels a lot of guilt about this and has sought the help of a psychologist to see if she can remember anything from the accident 3 months ago.

dissociative amnesia without dissociative fugue

Which of the following psychological factors has NOT been implicated in bipolar disorder?

enmeshed families

Tad fakes having an ulcer and has even swallowed blood so that he can vomit it up. He has not used his "ulcer" to get anything other than trips to the hospital and a lot of medical tests.

factitious disorder imposed on self

Jessica worries a lot about nearly every area of her life. She is tense and nervous, and has had trouble sleeping. These worries are about both big things, like finding a job after she graduates, and small things, like if the rain tomorrow will mean a more unpleasant trip to campus. She finds the worry both distressing and very hard to control.

generalized anxiety disorder

Katy is convinced that she is seriously ill. If there's anything in the news media about a particular disease, she always wonders if she has it. Frequently, she can find some small sensation or experience that she's had and she can convince herself that it is a symptom of whatever disease she is concerned about. She usually sees her physician every couple of weeks to ask about her latest medical concern, but the physician assures her that she is not seriously ill.

illness anxiety disorder

In the consilience model, psychology is centered on what level of analysis?


Pia is a dentist. She knows from her new patient's medical history that he has been diagnosed with delusional disorder, with persucatory delusions. She should

keep small talk away from the contents of his delusion if at all possible

All of the following are good reasons to create a classification system for mental illnesses except

labeling of people

Symptoms of a major depressive episode must include depressed mood or

loss of interest in pleasant activities

Joanna has been very down for the past month. She is tearful, feels hopeless about her future, and has stopped eating anything more than the bare minimum she needs to get by. Consequently, she's lost a lot of weight. She's not able to sleep well, but always feels tired. Although she said she'd never actually go through with it, she's thought about ways she might kill herself. She's not had any mental health symptoms before this.

major depressive disorder

Reginald used to be pretty socially active. He'd go out with friends after work and played on recreational sports teams on the weekends. Now he just doesn't have the energy to do that any more, and thinks that if he did go he wouldn't have fun anyway. He's stopped doing other things he used to enjoy too, like reading for pleasure and singing. This started about three months ago. Since then, he's also gained a lot of weight and slept about 12 hours a day. He describes himself as "worthless now", and has trouble making up his mind. He has not had any other mental health symptoms before this.

major depressive disorder

Marco frequently fakes falling down in public places. He likes the attention that he gets, but what he really likes to do is to get a lawyer and sue the business that he's chosen to fall in.


Ginny hikes in the mountains on a regular basis. Lately, she's avoided her favorite trail because last week a hiker was mauled to death by a mother bear on that same trail, and the bear has yet to be caught.

no disorder

Justine woke up in a terrible mood this morning. Nothing seems right and she feels quite sad and hopeless about the future. Nothing she usually does for fun has any appeal, and she's beyond tired even though she's gotten at least 10 hours of sleep. She's restless, although there's nowhere in particular she wants to go and she has no appetite. But yesterday (and the days and months before) were fine - in fact, she's never felt this way before.

no disorder

Mariem is 7 and moved to the United States from Tunisia three months ago. She speaks Arabic and French fluently, but has only recently started learning English. Her teacher at school is concerned because two months into the school year, Mariem is still not speaking at school although her written work is good. Mariem tells her mother (in Arabic) that she is not comfortable speaking English around other kids because she doesn't speak it very well yet. Aside from not speaking, her interactions with the other kids in her class are positive and she's frequently included in games at recess, although they do call her "Silent Mariem". Mariem thinks that name is pretty funny and wants her parents to use it too.

no disorder

Mary's in college. After she moved into the dorms, her parents took Mary's dog to the animal shelter where he was eventually euthanized. Mary loved her dog dearly and found out about this three days ago. Since then, she's been very angry with her parents and had trouble concentrating on schoolwork. She thinks about Buddy (the dog) often and starts to cry.

no disorder

Stella has a large collection of superhero fan merchandise, with one entire room of her large home devoted to displaying her collection. Her family thinks that this is a waste of space and that it's "stupid", but she loves her Marvel collection and wouldn't trade it for anything.

no disorder

"Schizophrenia is the official diagnosis for having a split personality."

no it is not

Melissa regularly thinks that she's harmed other people, sometimes in ways she can't even describe. These thoughts cause her a great deal of distress. Frequently, she feels better after she apologizes, but that feeling wears off quickly and so she needs to apologize again and again.

obsessive-convulsive disorder

Jenine worries that she is going crazy. For the past year or so, she's had spells where she feels like she is choking, her hands get numb, and her heart feels like it might burst out of her chest because it is beating so fast. During that time, she's sure that she is dying, but then she's fine. She's been to the ER multiple times, but each time she's told that she's physically healthy. She has about one of these spells a week.

panic disorder

Which of the following is the most common type of delusion?

persecutory delusion

Which disorders both require the same type of stressor for diagnosis?

reactive attachment disorder and disinhibited social engagement disorder

A cognitive psychotherapist works under the assumption that people will get better by

reframing or thinking about the situations in their lives in new ways

According to class, the best analogy for understanding the implications of being trained in different types of psychotherapy is that the different schools are like different


Projective tests:

rely on subjective interpretations by clinicians

Michael has always been odd. This oddness has intensified as he's , and for the past 5 years he's had multiple month-long episodes in which he laughts at nothing, avoids people, remains eerily still although he can be moved by others, and he seems to lose a lot


For the past three months, Aaron has been hearing voices. The voices are quite frightening, and Aaron has had a difficult time ignoring them. He's also had problems getting people to understand what he's saying, and people who have talked to him say that the doesn't make much sense. His personal hygene has declined dramatically, and he's not able to do much.

schizophreniform disorder

According to interpersonal theories of depression, some depressed people have a heightened need for approval and expressions of support from others but at the same time easily perceive rejection by others, a characteristic called rejection _____.


Stephen wants to attend his best friend's wedding in Cairo, Egypt next month, but the only way to get there is to fly and he is terrified to get on an airplane. Although he knows that it is a safe form of travel, he is worried that the plane will crash. He has flown only once, and the experience was so frightening that he drove home rather than take a return flight. Knowing that he can't drive home to the Upstate from Egypt, he declines the invitation.

specific phobia

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) sufferers are most likely to report _____ about having lived through a traumatic event.

survivor guilt

Someone diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder has

symptoms of both schizophrenia and symptoms of mania or a major depressive episode

According to the DSM 5 definition, mental disorders are seen in:

the individual's cognition, emotion regulation, or behavior

Symptoms of dysphoria are like those of a major depressive episode except that

they are milder

According to cognitive theory, which of the following statements is true about people diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)?

they believe that worrying can help them avoid bad events

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