Abnormal Psychology test 1 Hobby

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Which correlation is MOST likely to be statistically significant?

-.80, based on a sample of 100 people

Which correlation coefficient is of the highest magnitude?


According to surveys, about what proportion of adults in the US receive psychological therapy in a typical year?

1 in 6

A person, with a mental age of 10 and a chronological age of 8 has an IQ of:


Johann Weyer, considered to be the founder of the modern study of psychopathology, was a physician in the:


The number of patients hospitalized in mental hospitals in the US today is MOST similar to the number hospitalized in:


Approximately how many mental disorders does the DSM-5 list?

400 mental disorders

Researchers have shown that in a typical year in the US, nearly 1 in ________ adults receive clinical treatment.


Approximately _______ percent of americans would NOT tell their employer if they were seeking mental health care treatment


A person receiving multicultural therapy could expect all of these effects EXCEPT:

A focus on healthy feelings and actions rather than on problems.

Which statement is the BEST example of the biopsychosocial perspective?

Abnormality results from the interaction of genetic, emotional, and cultural influences.

A researcher is considering whether to gather online data from Facebook users without informing the users that their data are being used. In terms of research ethics, which question is the MOST relevant?

Are Facebook postings considered "public behavior"?

A student says, "The problem with single-subject experiments is that there is no control group, so you don't know if the treatment is effective." The BEST reply is:

"If you use a reversal design, then participants serve as their own controls."

Which phrase would one be MOST likely to hear in a self help group?

"Try this. It worked for me."

As a general rule, if the sample is large, the difference between the groups is large, and the range of scores within a group is small, then:

The results are likely to be statistically significant

Which statement is the MOST appropriate conclusion about new drug studies, placebo studies, symptom-exacerbation studies, and medication-withdrawl studies?

The studies have led to calls for greater safeguards for patients.

When a subject is participating in the final testing phase of a drug study, which of all following his taking place?

The subject is helping to determine the drug's efficacy and side effects

Which was NOT a factor in the decline in the use of moral treatment and the rise in the use of custodial care in mental hospitals at the end of the twentieth century?

The total lack of success of moral treatment

Which statement about couple therapy is MOST accurate?

There is no one theoretical approach used in couple therapy

Which statement is the MOST accurate conclusion about the current state of abnormal psychology in the US?

There is no single definition of abnormality, no one theoretical understanding of the cause of mental illness, and no single best treatment.

There has been a recent increase in attention to and research in assessment. That said, use of effective assessment tools may be decreasing because:

They are expensive to administer and evaluate.

If you were to graph the relationship between the numbers of negative life events experienced in the last month and people's perceptions of stress, you would probably find a(n):

Upward-sloping line (to the right).

A clinical diagnostician is dissatisfied with tests that cannot specify the type of brain damage or brain impairment that clients have. the BEST suggestion for that diagnostician would be to use:

a battery of neuropsychological tests.

Which tool is designed to disclose a patients thoughts and assumptions?

a cognitive inventory

A student says, "Quick! I have to take a test in two minutes. I need help remembering what kind of correlation coefficient shows a weak relationship between two variables." Which will help a student?

a correlation coefficient close to zero (0)

"The heavier you are, the more food you are likely to eat." if true, this statement expresses:

a positive correlation

If a clinician wanted to know more detailed information about a person's functioning in a specific area, the clinician would use:

a response inventory

Which is NOT considered a research method?

a treatment plan for an individual

One of the assumptions of a functional analysis is that:

abnormal behaviors are learned

of the people who would qualify for a DSM diagnosis in their lifetime, surveys show what % would show comorbidity?

about 28%

If researchers using matched control subjects find that abused children are sadder than nonabused children, those researchers know that:

abuse is probably what is causes the difference in sadness between these groups.

The so-called new wave of cognitive therapy differs from traditional cognitive therapy in that it emphasizes:

accepting problematic thoughts

If a new test for anxiety is normed on idividuals who are waiting to take introductory psychology final exams, the new test is surely lacking:

adequate standardization

The prevalence rate for a disorder will ________ the incidence rate.

always be the same or higher than

A person being treated by a shaman would MOST likely be undergoing:

an exorcism

Seligman's study in which he created learned helplessness in the lab is an example of a(n) _____________ study.


If a person's primary symptom were excessive worry, the psychotropic drug for that person would be an:

antianxiety medication

Drugs designed to decrease extremely confused and distorted thinking are termed:


Dave is confused and usually thinks that he is an ancient king. If his psychiatrist ordered medication, it would MOST likely be a(n):

antipsychotic drug

Determinists assume that abnormal behaviors:

are not accidental.

In the DSM-5, asperger's syndrome would now be classified under which new category?

autism spectrum disorder

To justify analogue experiments with animals, researchers must:

balance the suffering of the animals with the knowledge to be gained.

Huntington's disease, which has psychological as well as physical aspects, results from loss of cells in the:

basal ganglia

In single-subject experimental designs, the participant is observed and measured before the manipulation of an independent variable. This initial observation period is called the:

baseline period

If someone is isolated and lacks social support or intimacy in his or her life, that persons more likely ____________ than someone who has social support and intimacy.

become depressed when under stress

The DSM-5 task force and various work groups:

began their work in 2006.

"Abnormal behaviors-indeed, all behaviors- are acquired through learning." Which model of abnormality does this quote MOST closely represent?


"when is was young, I met a large dog. I wasn't afraid of the dog, but as I tried to pet it, the dog snarled and jumped at me. I have been afraid of dogs ever since." A therapist who assumes that this sentence describes a phobia acquired from classical conditioning MOST likely favors which model of abnormality?


A patient complains of a phobia. Two lines of questioning by the clinician concern the specific object of the phobia and what the person does when he or she confronts that object. This clinician's orientation is probably:


Which model is MOST likely to emphasize the importance of one's history of conditioning as the source of depression?


The model of abnormality that focuses on learning is the:

behavioral model

The model of abnormality that cites physical processes as being the key to behavior is the:

biological model

A researcher's expectations about a study can affect its outcome. The type of research design used specifically to address this problem is a(n):

blind design

The DSM-5 is the first edition of the DSM that requires clinicians to provide:

both categorical information and dimensional information

The correlational method and the experimental method are similar in that:

both have external validity

Behavior therapy:

can be tested in the lab.

When more than one research method produces similar results, researchers:

can have more confidence in the results.

Evidence in support of the psychodynamic model has come primarily from:

case studies

A psychologist does a study of an individual involving a history, tests, and interviews of associates, A clear picture is constructed of this individual so her behavior is better understood. This study is a(n):

case study

The clinical practitioner would be more likely than the clinical researcher to rely on which method of investigation?

case study with a single participant

Imagine that a longitudinal study found that children raised by people with schizophrenia are more likely to commit crimes later. This result tells that

children of people with schizophrenia are at higher risk for criminal behavior.

The view that religious views are defense mechanisms created by people to make life tolerable is MOST characteristic of:

classic Freudian psychotherapy

The existence of disorders such as koro, gusto, amok, and winding remind us that:

classifications applied in one culture may not be appropriate in another

Those MOST often in charge of treating abnormality in the Middle Ages in Europe were:


One who sees abnormality as a problem in living usually refers to those seeking help with problems in living as:


The process of evaluating a person's progress after being in treatment is called a:

clinical assessment

A person who works in a mental hospital analyzing various treatment protocols to see how multicultural factors impact success rate is MOST likely a:

clinical researcher

An athlete who is in fact well prepared nevertheless thinks just before a contest, "I can't do this! I need to be perfect, and I know I'm going to fail!" The theorist who would focus on the athlete's illogical thinking process as a key factor in his subsequent poor performance MOST likely would support which model of abnormality?


A person says, "I'm not going to the counseling center, my friends will think I'm mentally ill!" This person's attitude is:

common: about one-third of people surveyed expressed in similar opinion

If you close your eyes and imagine biting into a big, sour lemon, you are likely to salivate. Salivating to this imagery is an example of a(n):

conditioned response

A previously neutral environmental even that becomes associated with the unconditioned stimulus is called a(n):

conditioned stimulus

Dr. Martin has just asked a potential client to talk about herself. As she responds, the doctor's next question is based on some interesting point the client made. There are few constraints on the conversation. Dr. Martin has just:

conducted an unstructured interview.

Hippocrates attempted to treat mental disorders by:

correcting underlying physical pathology

An adult frequently displays symptoms of depression at home but seldom does so at work. In this case, clinical observations of this person at home would lack:

cross-situational validity

The MOST legitimate criticism of intelligence tests concern their:

cultural fairness

The history, values, institutions, habits, skills, technology, and arts of a society make up that society's:


A person who is suicidal and can see no reason for living BEST fits which definition of abnormality?


Which is NOT a way that case studies are useful?

determining general laws of behavior

A research study on a group of children with autism will compare treatment delivered by parents at home to treatment delivered by teachers at school. If the study finds that the treatment delivered at school is more effective, which item is the BEST example of a confounding variable?

differences between the parents and the teachers.

George hears voices that others do not but is not distressed by them. This illustrates that:

distress does not have to be present for a person's behavior to be considered abnormal

A therapist believes so strongly in her approach that she finds improvement even when none exists. Which design would prevent this problem?


An individual has a 9-to-5 job. however, this person seldom gets up early enough to be at work on time and expresses great distress over this behavior. This individual's behavior would be considered abnormal because it is:


Studies show that errors in diagnosis MOST commonly involve information gathered:

early in the assessment process and in a hospital setting

The finding that in the US women have higher rates anxiety and depression than men is MOST likely due to ____________ research.


Studies that determine the incidence and prevalence of a disorder in a particular population are called:

epidemiological studies

The use of exorcism in early societies suggests a belief that abnormal behavior was caused by:

evil spirits

In an ABAB reversal design study, a researcher is measuring level of depression with and without the addition of an exercise program. What is the second "B" in the study?


A therapist who believes people often hide from their responsibilities, and therefore often feel alienated, depresses, and inauthentic-empty-would MOST likely be:


Which is NOT an example of diathesis-stress explanation of abnormality?

experiencing a severe psychological trauma.

A researcher wished to study the effect of a new drug on symptoms of depression. Research participants were randomly assigned to two groups. Participants in Group A received the drug whenever they reported depressive symptoms to the experimenter; participants in Group B received nothing when they reported depressive symptoms to the experimenter. After a month of this procedure, participants in Group A reported significantly fewer symptoms of depression *In this study, Group A was the*

experimental group

The ability to generalize results from a study of certain individuals to other individuals not studied is called:

external validity

If a study's findings generalize beyond the immediate study to other persons and situations, then the study has:

external validity.

A campus newspaper publishes an "Exam Anxiety" test, which newspaper staffers put together one evening before their publishing deadline. Despite its hasty construction, the test MOST likely has:

face validity

Because people who exhibit mania have very elevated moods, a new test for mania includes questions about how happy a person feels and how often he or she laughs. This test has:

face validity

To accomplish random assignment, one could assign participants to groups by:

flipping a coin to determine group assignment

In the early asylums, treatment for mental illness began with the intention to provide:

harsh treatment

Support for the use of evidence-based forms of psychotherapy:

has increased in recent years

Compared to projective tests, personality inventories:

have higher validity

A clinician has developed a new assessment tool. Clients write stories about their problems, and then two different judges independently evaluate the stories in terms of how logically they are written. For this assessment technique to be useful, there must be:

high interrater reliability

A client factor that helps result in positive treatment outcome is:

high motivation

A person taking a polygraph test is suspected of lying when measures of physiological variables such as heart rate and perspiration are:

higher for test than control questions.

A feminist therapist would MOST likely focus on:

how prejudice and discrimination impact women.

"That's all right. You are doing your best, don't worry. I am here for you." A therapist who would say this is primarily part of the therapy process would MOST probably be following the ____________ tradition.


A therapist listens carefully to a client's words and then attempts to show accurate empathy and genuineness. The hope is that the client will self-examine with acceptance and honesty. MOST likely, the therapist is:


In the 1960's and 1970's, the social upheaval and soul searhcing in western society gave rise to which of the following approaches to therapy?

humanistic and existential

"When we try to establish how abnormality develops, we need to consider how individuals deal with the meaning of life and with the value they find in living." A psychologist from which background would agree MOST strongly with this statement?


The idea that children from single-parent families show more depression than those from two-parent families is a(n):


Friedrich Anton Mesmer became famous-or infamous-for his work with patients suffering from bodily problems with no physical basis. His patient's disorders are termed:


A mental health practitioner attempts to learn the behavior and emotional state of each client. This approach to abnormal psych is called:


There were 10 new cases of schizophrenia in a small town in the midwest this week. This observation refers to the ________ of schizophrenia in this small population.


In a scientific experiment, the variable manipulated or controlled by the experimenter is called the:

independent variable

Evidence that supports the effectiveness of psychodynamic therapies has come from:

individual case studies

Freud believed that the three central forces that shape the personality were the:

instinctual needs, rational thinking, and moral standards

A study includes 60 people suffering from an ordinary headache. Twenty received aspirin, 20 received a sugar pill that looked like aspirin, and 20 got nothing at all. in 65 percent of the aspirin group, the headache disappeared. In the other two groups the "cure" rates were 35 and 5 percent, respectively. Other than the drug condition, the participants were treated identically. This study:

is an experimental study

One who studies the history of the field of abnormal psychology MOST likely would compare our current understanding of abnormal behavior to a book that:

is in the process of being written

A strength of intelligence tests include their:

large standardization sample

According to Freud, another term for the symbolic meaning of dreams is:

latent content

With its emphasis on abstract human values and responsibility, the humanistic-existential model does all of the following EXCEPT:

lend itself easily to research

A college graduate is:

less likely than someone with a postgraduate degree to seek therapy

A researcher finds a strong positive correlation between ratings of life stress and symptoms of depression. Therefore, the researcher may be confident that:

life stress and depression are related.

Depression has been linked to which nearotransmitter abnormality?

low activity of seratonin

A recent study of informed consent forms showed that:

many research participants don't understand them.

Identifying which genes help cause various human disorders rests with the ability to:

map or sequence genes

Tarantism and Lycanthropy are examples of:

mass madness

The Ancient Greeks might find that a flash mob is MOST similar to:

mass madness

The basis for moral treatment of asylum patients was the belief that:

mental illness should be treated humanely and with respect

An interviewer who asks a clint questions such as, "where are you now?" "Why do you think you're here?" or even "Who are you?" is probably conducting a(n):

mental status exam

To study the general effectiveness of treatment, Smith and Glass and their colleagues performed a(n):

meta-analysis of many studies

Animals and humans learn without reinforcement. They learn just by watching. This form of learning is called:


Compared to the original DSM, which appeared in the 1950s, the DSM-5 has:

more than five times as many diagnostic categories

Once a study in abnormal psychology finds significant results, researchers:

must ask a number of questions about the details of the study.

Hippocrates' contribution to the development of understanding mental illness was the view that such conditions were the result of:

natural causes.

The assessment instrument MOST likely to be used to detect subtle brain abnormalities is the:

neuropsychological test

A general understanding of the underlying nature, causes, and treatments of abnormal behavior is called:


Clinical researchers are usually concerned with a(n) __________ understanding of abnormality, which practitioners focus on a(n) __________ understanding.

nomothetic, idiographic

Students were given sensation-seeking test and then divided into two groups, depending on their scores. A researcher observed how many times students in each group got out of their seats in 2 hours. The dependent variable is:

number of times getting out of one's seat

The motivation to form relationships with others is a central theme of:

object relations theory

Which action would a clinician who is using naturalistic observation be MOST likely to take?

observe parent-child interactions in the family's home.

A clinician having knowledge that a person about to be interviewed has already been diagnosed as having an anxiety disorder could lead to:

observer bias

In the US today, one is MOST likely to find a severely ill mental patient:

on the street or in jail

When a young child yells and throws toys ("temper tantrum"), the parents give the child a good deal of attention. As time goes on, the temper tantrums become more and more common. A behavioral psychologist would say that the temper tantrum results from:

operant conditioning

According to Freud's psychodynamic theory, at birth the child is in the:

oral stage

The finding that syphilis causes general paresis is important because it supports the idea that:

organic factors can cause mental illness

Psychoanalysis, as freud developed it, was a form of what we would now call:

out patient therapy

When Jose did not get a job for which he applied, he was sure that everything was going wrong, that his life was completely off track. This thought is an example of:


The function of the double blind design is to guard against :

participant and experimenter expectancies

A significant change in the type of care offered now compared to the time Freud was practicing is that:

people are more likely to receive treatment for "problems in living"

The proper conclusion from research studies that show a relationship between devout religious people who see God as warm and caring and psychological health is that:

people who are more devout are also psychologically healthier.

Clients check off either "Applies" or "does not apply" to a series of 200 items dealing with what they do and what they do not think in a variety of situations. The kind of test they are taking MOST likely is a:

personality inventory

Systematic desensitization has been shown to be especially effective in the treatment of:


Use of projective tests have decreased in the past few decades because projective tests often have:

poor validity

Regarding the finding that there is are more seriously disturbed people among those who are poor, a multicultural theorist would focus on the way in which:

poverty is a stressor that contributes to dysfunction

If a clinician is using the ICD to make a diagnosis, MOST likely that clinician is:

practicing outside the United States.

If a person wants a career focused on detecting, assessing, and treating abnormal patterns of functioning, that person should look into becoming a clinical:


A new assessment tool does a good job of differentiating those who later will be depressed and those who will not be depressed, and it produces results similar to those of other tools measuring depression. Therefore, the new assessment took has good:

predictive reliability

Which pair of words BEST describes the current emphasis in mental health?

prevention and postive psychology

According to Thomas Szasz's view, the deviations that some call mental illness are really:

problems in living

A clinician has developed a test that requires test-takers to tell stories about a series of pictures of city sky lines. MOST likely, this new test is a:

projective test

Acquiring insight about unconscious psychological processes is a feature of:


Which sequence is correct in terms of prominence of mental health treatments in the US during the twentieth century and beyond?

psychoanalysis, biological, cognitive, sociocultural

Which model is MOST likely to use terms such as resistance and transference?


The model of abnormality that focuses on unconscious internal processes and conflicts in behavior is the:

psychodynamic model

teresa has been told that her course of therapy is likely to take a year or more because it involves the reshaping of her personality and that takes many sessions. Her therapy is MOST likely:

psychodynamic therapy

Bernheim and Liebault used hypnotic suggestion ro induce hysterical disorders in "normal" people, providing support for which perspective of abnormality?


Randolph is the kind of person who breaks laws and rules with no feeling of guilt and is emotionally shallow. He would probably score high on the MMPI-2 scale called:

psychopathic deviate

A person who primarily prescribes medication but does not conduct psychotherapy is called a:


To study some gender differences, a researcher selected a group of 10 men and 10 women and treated all participants exactly the same. Each participant was given a test of psychological function. This study is an example of a(n):

quasi-experimental study

The movement that has tried to find the common factors and strategies that "good" therapists use is called:


A man has cheated on his wife and he feels very guilty, but soon he begins to make excuses, saying how his wife has nagged him for years. The defense mechanism that BEST explains his behavior is:


You blame your poor performance on a test that you didn't study for on all the other work you had to do. The defense mechanism that BEST explains your behavior is:


Which is NOT a procedure that DSM-5 developers relied on to improve reliability?

reducing substantially the number of different diagnostic categories

Dr. Ross and Dr. Carman agree that Suzette is suffering from post traumatic stress disorder. Their judgment is said to have:


Colin is asked to "free associate" about his mother's new husband, and he responds by changing the subject. A psychodynamic therapist would consider this an example of:


Internal validity reflects how well a study:

rules out the effects of all variables except those being studied.

The role of the unified personality is a central theme of:

self theory

Humanists would say that an individual who cares about others, is spontaneous, courageous, and independent is:


If you believe that you can master and perform needed behaviors whenever necessary, Bandura would say that you had a positive sense of:


After a client is told his or her DSM diagnosis, others may treat the client differently, and the client may act accordingly. Many theorists would attribute this to the development of:

self-fulfilling prophecies

Recently, a client diagnosed with schizophrenia has begun to exhibit more symptoms, often saying, "They tell me i'm crazy, so I must be crazy." MOST likely, this is an example of:

self-fulfilling prophecy

If a patient chose a dynamic focus for therapy, the patient would MOST likely be receiving:

short term psychodynamic therapy

The Rosenthal effect:

should be avoided by using a blind design

Multicultural theorists would explain the higher levels of mental illness among poor people as MOST likely due to:

social factors leading to stress

A(n): _________ inventory asks about how one would act with others in a variety of situations.

social skills

Which model of abnormality would focus on factors such as norms, family structure, and support systems, in particular?


The fact that some people in the advanced stages of AIDS experience neurological damage that results in psychological abnormality supports what the of perspective about abnormal psychological functioning?


An important factor to consider in using drugs for the treatment of abnormality would be that:

some people do not benefit from drug treatments

Which person would NOT be considered abnormal, despite the fact that the person's behavior is dysfunctional?

someone who goes on a hunger strike to protest social injustice

Which depressed person would be the LEAST likely to be diagnosed with a mental disorder, because of specific circumstances?

someone whose community was destroyed by a tornado.

Surveys have found that 43 percent of people today believe that mental illness is caused by:

something bring on themselves

"Why do we do natural experiments?" asks a student. "After all, each disaster that causes a natural experiment is unique." A good answer would be, "Using natural experiments, researchers have learned quite a lot about...:

stress disorders."

Which item is an analogy study?

studying the effects of stress on nonhumans

Case studies are useful for:

studying unusual behavior

Russ wants to be a participants. He knows that his professor is an environmentalist, so his answers on the survey reflect a pro-environment position. This is an example of:

subject bias

According to Freud's psychodynamic theory, the part of the personality that is the conscience is the;


Symptoms such as sadness, loss of appetite, and low energy cluster together to form a:


Studies show that most therapists are MOST likely to learn about the latest information on treatment of psychological disorders from:

talking with professional colleagues

Which "new diagnosis" would someone experiencing overwhelming concern about the security of travel on planes and subways MOST likely receive?

terrorism terror

Providing treatment as soon as it is needed so problems that are moderate or worse do not become long-term is called:

tertiary prevention

A patient looks at a series of black and white pictures, making up a dramatic story about each. The patient is taking:

the Thematic Apperception Test

Which would MOST appropriately be studied using a quasi-experimental design?

the effects of parents with schizophrenia on children's adjustment

Which would be LEAST appropriately studied using a natural experiment?

the effects of premarital abstinence on later sexual functioning

A psychologist studies memory techniques in adult volunteers and learns how to facilitate memory and then applies the results to a new class of students in a psychology course. This demonstrates faith in:

the external validity of the study.

Imagine that you subscribe to the sociocultural of abnormality. Which would be a part of your paradigm?

the family-social perspective

Which is an aspect of the experimental approach?

the manipulation of a variable by the researcher

The incident of HIV+ results on campus tells you:

the number of new HIV+ cases measured in a time period

One hundred psychiatric patients were randomly assigned to one of two groups. One group received a new drug in pill form. The other group was given identical-looking placebo pills. A panel of psychiatrists, who did not know which pill each participant received, evaluated all participants for level of agitation. What is the control group?

the ones who got the placebo

The main concern with the various forms of cybertherapy that are currently being used is:

the quality of the treatment

The model or paradigm an investigator uses influences:

the questions and observations the investigator uses.

A correlational study of college employees shows a strong positive correlation between self-reported stress levels and days of work missed for illness, allowing the researcher to conclude that:

the researcher can make a fairly accurate prediction of days a person will miss for illness if the person's stress level is known.

Dr. Tim required half of a group of healthy volunteers to study a reading passage for 1 hour. The other half of the participants studied for 15 minutes. Dr. Tim then administered a test of participants' memory of details from the passage. What was the dependent variable?

the results of the memory test

The controversy regarding research with animals centers on:

the rights of animals versus their usefulness in understanding human problems.

In correlational research, external validity is established when:

the sample is representative of the larger population.

What is libido?

the sexual energy of the id

Which item is NOT associated with hypnotism?

the somatogenic perspective

A researcher ed an experiment to study the causes of aggression in children. Half the children ate a sugared cereal; the remaining half ate cornflakes. The researcher then recorded the number of aggressive acts displayed by the children in a one-hour play period after breakfast. In this experiment:

the type of cereal is the independent variable, and the number of aggressive responses is the dependent variable.

When a clinician using the Rorsch at focuses on the actual images that a person "sees," the clinician is emphasizing:


The MOST accurate summary of what has happened in the United States in the last 50 years to protect the rights of human research participants would be that:

there has been important progress, but concerns remain.

If the correlation between severity of depression and age is -.05, it means that:

there is no consistent relationship between age and severity of depression

Lady Gaga and other eccentrics are usually not considered to be experiencing a mental illness because:

they freely choose and enjoy their behavior

If you recognize your wroth as a person, Carl Rogers would say that you have developed:

unconditional self regard

A prisoner eligible for parole is required to take a polygraph test. Although the prisoner tells the truth in response to one question, the polygraph operator records the response as a lie. According to recent research, this kind of error is:

unusual, less than 10% of true statements are interpreted as lies

A clinical psychologist says, "How do I decide on the best treatment? Simple: I make sure to read the most recent studies in therapy and follow their advice." This clinical psychologist is:

unusual; most therapists base therapists base therapy decisions on something other than what they can read in research journals

A student who is quiet in class might be the life of the party on the weekend. Clinical observation of that student in class would lack:


The somatogenic treatment for mental illness that seems to have been MOST successful was the use of:

various medications

Many consider the MMPI-2 to be superior to the original MMPI because the MMPI-2:

was tested on a more diverse group of people.

"Ive just experienced overload," says the participant observer. "I simply can't:

write down all the important things I'm seeing."

The BEST way to select a random sample of 10 students from a class would be to:

write each student's name on a piece of paper, put the papers in a pile, close eyes, and pick 10 papers.

Barney;s mother is taking cookies out of the oven. Which statement would suggest most strongly that the id is firmly in control of Barney's behavior?

Barney grabs some of the cookies and runs

If a patient is being guided to challenge irrational thinking and to try out new interpretations, the patient is MOST likely being treated by a follower of:


Which procedure is NOT a form of neuroimaging?

DEXA scan

The American schoolteacher who lobbied state legislatures for laws to mandate humane treatment of people with mental disorders was:

Dorothea Dix

College students who drink so much that it interferes with their lives, health, and academic careers are often not diagnosed as engaging in abnormal behavior because:

Drinking is considered part go college culture

If a person has his brain waves recorded to measure electrical activity, he MOST likely had a(n):


Which would be MOST likely to use skillful frustration as a part of therapy?

Fritz Perls

One hundred psychiatric patients were randomly assigned to one of two groups. One group received a new drug in pill form. The other group was given identical-looking placebo pills. A panel of psychiatrists, who did not know which pill each participant received, evaluated all participants for level of agitation. What could be a potential confound in this study?

Having the drug group be inpatients and the placebo group be outpatients

Which statement is FALSE regarding the obstacles that clinical scientists face in studying psychological disorders?

Humans have unusually stable (unchanging) moods and behaviors.

Which of statement LEAST supports the somatogenic view of abnormal behavior?

Hypnotism has helped people give up smoking

Studies show that eccentrics are more likely than those with mental disorders to say:

I'm different and I like it

According to Freud, a woman's pleasure from nursing her baby is reflected in which part of the personality?


A case study of a patient includes a history, tests, and interviews with associates. A clear picture is constructed of this individual so her behavior is understood. This approach is:


Which statement is a reason to question the validity of clinical interviews?

Interviews may make mistakes in how they interpret the information they gather

One factor that contributed to the decline of moral therapy was:

It did not work for everyone.

How does an MRI make a picture of the brain?

It relies on the magnetic properties of the atoms in the calls scanned

Using projective tests for personality assessment is designed to:

Learn about unconscious conflicts in the client.

Which test is a personality inventory?


"What the #%*$!! is going on? The insurance company says I have to stop my anger management program now!" The client who says this is MOST likely voicing concern about a:

Managed care program

Which BEST reflects the impact of deinstitutionalization?

Not so well, many people with severe disturbances are in jail or on the streets

"Paragraph about a sugar pill" One important criticism of the preceding research is that it is?

Placebo effect

What is the distinction of Bethlehem Hospital, founded in London is 1547?

Popularly called "Bedlam," it came to represent deplorable conditions for patients.

If a university had a program designed to help students achieve their full potential, physically, educationally, and spiritually, that program would have elements MOST similar to:

Positive Psychology programs

which statement BEST reflects the current care for people with less severe disturbances?

Private insurance companies are likely to cover out patient treatment

After medical school, a psychiatrist receives three or four years of training in the treatment of abnormal functioning; this training is called a(n):


which statement is the BEST conclusion about the variety assessment techniques?

Respect for assessment is on the rise

According to family systems theory, families that show "disengagement" are characterized by:

Rigid boundaries between family members

Research shows that danger to self or others is found in:

SOME cases of abnormal functioning

Which statement is true about case studies and single-subject designs?

Single-subject designs have more internal validity.

If a clinician is particularly interested in a client's family background and community influences, MOST likely that clinicians orientation is:


Clinical interviews are the preferred assessment technique of many practitioners. One particular strength of the interview process is:

The chance to get a general sense of the client.

Which statement is MOST accurate?

The classification system Emil Kraepelin developed served as the model for the DSM.

The term used to refer to the comprehensive view of the causes and the maintenance of a person's abnormal behavior that a psychologist develops is:

The clinical picture

Efforts to help people develop personally meaningful activities and healthy relationships are a part of:

The clinical practice of positive psychology

Which statement is NOT a reason that demonology dominated views of abnormality in Europe in the Middle Ages?

The culture rejected religious beliefs

Critics of the evolutionary perspective of abnormal behavior cite all of the following EXCEPT:

The perspective is overly precise

Which statement is true about the participation of women in the mental health profession?

The profession with the highest percentage of women is counseling.

which results are MOST likely from an epidemiological study?

The rate of suicide is higher in Ireland than in the US.

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